
Defines functions allelify chunk_up rmd_alignments rmd_plot_cts_per_locus rmd_kable_idents kable_idents rmd_kable_genotypes kable_genotypes k_row_spec k_group_rows

# These functions create markdown/html text for various things in report.R, for
# inclusion in the report document.

# Markdown ----------------------------------------------------------------

# k: existing kable-generated table
# grouping: logical vector with TRUE for rows to start groups with,
# optionally named
k_group_rows <- function(k, grouping) {
  idx <- which(grouping)
  labels <- names(grouping)[idx]
  if (is.null(labels))
    labels <- seq_along(idx)
  for (i in seq_along(idx)) {
    start_row <- idx[i]
    end_row <- idx[i + 1] - 1
    if (is.na(end_row))
      end_row <- length(grouping)
    k <- kableExtra::group_rows(k, labels[i], start_row, end_row)

k_row_spec <- function(k, idx_rows, ...) {
  for (idx in idx_rows) {
    k <- kableExtra::row_spec(k, idx, ...)

# convenience function for post-processing report_genotypes() output
kable_genotypes <- function(data, group_samples = cfg("report_group_samples")) {
  bootstrap_options <- c("striped", "hover", "condensed")
  # Group rows by sample.  Assumes they're ordered already.
  if (group_samples) {
    grouping <- as.logical(c(1, diff(as.integer(factor(data$Sample)))))
    names(grouping) <- paste("Sample", data$Sample)
    data$Sample <- NULL
  k <- knitr::kable(data, row.names = FALSE, format = "html")
  k <- kableExtra::kable_styling(k,
                                 bootstrap_options = bootstrap_options,
                                 full_width = FALSE)
  if (group_samples)
    k <- k_group_rows(k, grouping)

# Write markdown tables to standard output for report_genotypes()
rmd_kable_genotypes <- function(
    results, closest = NULL,
    locus_chunks = cfg("report_locus_chunks"),
    group_samples = cfg("report_group_samples")) {

  tbl <- report_genotypes(results = results, closest = closest)
  if (! is_blank(locus_chunks)) {
      data = tbl,
      locus_chunks = locus_chunks,
      kable_func = kable_genotypes,
      group_samples = group_samples)
  } else {
    cat(kable_genotypes(tbl, group_samples = group_samples))

# convenience function for post-processing report_idents() output
kable_idents <- function(tbl, closest) {
  # Remove columns that will be represented in other ways (sample/remplicate in
  # row groupings)
  idx_remove <- match(c("Sample", "Replicate"), colnames(tbl))
  idx_remove <- idx_remove[!is.na(idx_remove)]
  tbl <- tbl[, -idx_remove]

  # Create basic table
  bootstrap_options <- c("hover", "condensed")
  k <- knitr::kable(tbl, row.names = FALSE, format = "html")
  k <- kableExtra::kable_styling(k,
                                 bootstrap_options = bootstrap_options,
                                 full_width = FALSE)

  # Group rows by sample
  obs_select <- tbl$Distance == ""
  names(obs_select) <- paste("Sample", rownames(tbl))
  k <- k_group_rows(k, obs_select)

  # Bold rows containing a single identification per sample
  # (find the original samples, and then go one farther)
  ids <- names(closest[sapply(closest, function(x) length(x) == 1)])
  idx_rows <- match(ids, rownames(tbl)) + 1
  k <- k_row_spec(k, idx_rows, bold = TRUE)


# Write markdown tables to standard output for report_idents()
rmd_kable_idents <- function(results, na_replicates, locus_chunks = NULL) {
  tbl_combo <- report_idents(results,
                             closest = results$closest_matches,
                             na_replicates = na_replicates)
  if (! is_blank(locus_chunks)) {
    chunk_up(data = tbl_combo,
             locus_chunks = locus_chunks,
             kable_func = kable_idents,
             closest = results$closest_matches)
  } else {
    cat(kable_idents(tbl_combo, results$closest_matches))

# Make chunked heatmaps for the counts-per-locus table.  This does not assume
# that we have evenly-distributed numbers of samples across loci, so it will try
# to group samples into reasonably-sized sets across loci where necessary.
# max_rows: maximum number of rows in a given chunked heatmap
rmd_plot_cts_per_locus <- function(
    results, max_rows = 30, heading_prefix = "###", ...) {
  # Count samples per locus, for breaking big heatmaps into smaller chunks but
  # not splitting loci
  tbl_loci <- table(results$summary$Locus)
  tbl_loci <- tbl_loci[match(results$locus_attrs$Locus,
  tbl_loci <- tbl_loci[!is.na(tbl_loci)]
  # Break loci into chunks to keep heatmap sizes reasonable
  loci_chunked <- split(names(tbl_loci),
                        floor(cumsum(tbl_loci) / max_rows))

  # Draw each heatmap across chunks of loci.  Written to assume there will be
  # multiple but this should work fine even if there's only one.  (Note that
  # this is all across rows, not columns like in chunk_up().)
  for (loci in loci_chunked) {
    idx <- results$summary$Locus %in% loci
    idx_row <- rownames(results$summary)[idx]
    heading <- if (length(loci) > 1) {
      paste("Samples for Loci", loci[1], "-", loci[length(loci)])
    } else {
      paste("Samples for Locus", loci[1])
    if (length(loci_chunked) > 1)
      cat(paste0("\n\n", heading_prefix, " ", heading, "\n\n"))
    plot_cts_per_locus(results$cts_per_locus, idx_row, ...)

# Insert image links to pre-rendered alignment images.
rmd_alignments <- function(results, heading_prefix = "###") {
  invisible(lapply(names(results$alignments), function(loc) {
    cat(paste0("\n\n", heading_prefix, " Locus ", loc, "\n\n"))
    if (is.null(results$alignments[[loc]])) {
      cat(paste0("No sequences to align for Locus ", loc, "."))
    fp <- file.path(
      paste0(loc, ".png"))
    cat(paste0("![](", fp, ")"))

# Util --------------------------------------------------------------------

chunk_up <- function(
    data, locus_chunks, kable_func, heading_prefix = "###", ...) {
  locus_cols_all <- allelify(locus_chunks)
  for (chunk_name in names(locus_chunks)) {
    # Remove locus columns not present in the current chunk.  It's organized
    # this way to leave the non-locus columns alone.
    # TODO support name ordering given by locus_chunks[[chunk_name]]
    locus_cols <- allelify(locus_chunks[[chunk_name]])
    # If these loci don't apply at all for the data, just skip to the next chunk
    # of loci.
    if (! any(colnames(data) %in% locus_cols)) {
    # Determine which loci don't apply for this chunk and remove those columns.
    locus_cols_extra <- locus_cols_all[-match(locus_cols, locus_cols_all)]
    idx_extra <- match(locus_cols_extra, colnames(data))
    idx_extra <- idx_extra[!is.na(idx_extra)]
    tbl_chunk <- if (length(idx_extra) > 0) {
      data[, -idx_extra]
    } else {
    # Write the table including a heading for the loci
    cat(paste0("\n\n", heading_prefix, " ", "Loci: ", chunk_name, "\n\n"))
    cat(kable_func(tbl_chunk, ...))

allelify <- function(loci) {
  paste(rep(unlist(loci), each = 2), c(1, 2), sep = "_")
ShawHahnLab/microsat documentation built on Aug. 25, 2023, 11:16 p.m.