#' Automated Boosted Regression Tree modelling and mapping suite
#' Automates delta log normal boosted regression trees abundance prediction.
#' Loops through all permutations of parameters provided (learning
#' rate, tree complexity, bag fraction), chooses the best, then simplifies it.
#' Generates line, dot and bar plots, and outputs these and the predictions
#' and a report of all variables used, statistics for tests, variable
#' interactions, predictors used and dropped, etc. If selected, generates
#' predicted abundance maps, and Unrepresentativeness surfaces.
#' See www.GitHub.com/SimonDedman/gbm.auto for issues, feedback, and development
#' suggestions. See SimonDedman.com for links to walkthrough paper, and papers
#' and thesis published using this package.
#' @param grids Explanatory data to predict to. Import with (e.g.) read.csv and
#' specify object name. Defaults to NULL (won't predict to grids).
#' @param samples Explanatory and response variables to predict from. Keep col
#' names short (~17 characters max), no odd characters, spaces, starting
#' numerals or terminal periods. Spaces may be converted to periods in directory
#' names, underscores won't. Can be a subset of a large dataset.
#' @param expvar Vector of names or column numbers of explanatory variables in
#' 'samples': c(1,3,6) or c("Temp","Sal"). No default.
#' @param resvar Name or column number(s) of response variable in samples: 12,
#' c(1,4), "Rockfish". No default. Column name is ideally species name.
#' @param randomvar Add a random variable (uniform distribution, 0-1) to the expvars, to see whether
#' other expvars perform better or worse than random.
#' @param tc Permutations of tree complexity allowed, can be vector with
#' the largest sized number no larger than the number of explanatory variables
#' e.g. c(2,7), or a list of 2 single numbers or vectors, the first to be passed
#' to the binary BRT, the second to the Gaussian, e.g. tc = list(c(2,6), 2) or
#' list(6, c(2,6)).
#' @param lr Permutations of learning rate allowed. Can be a vector or a list of
#' 2 single numbers or vectors, the first to be passed to the binary BRT, the
#' second to the Gaussian, e.g. lr = list(c(0.01,0.02),0.0001) or
#' list(0.01,c(0.001, 0.0005)).
#' @param bf Permutations of bag fraction allowed, can be single number, vector
#' or list, per tc and lr. Defaults to 0.5.
#' @param offset Column number or quoted name in samples, containing offset values relating to the
#' samples. A numeric vector of length equal to the number of cases. Similar to weighting, see
#' https://towardsdatascience.com/offsetting-the-model-logic-to-implementation-7e333bc25798 .
#' @param n.trees From gbm.step, number of initial trees to fit. Can be
#' single or list but not vector i.e. list(fam1,fam2).
#' @param ZI Are data zero-inflated? TRUE FALSE "CHECK". Choose one. TRUE:
#' delta BRT, log-normalised Gaus, reverse log-norm and bias corrected. FALSE:
#' do Gaussian only, no log-normalisation. "CHECK": Tests data for you. Default is
#' "CHECK". TRUE and FALSE aren't in quotes, "CHECK" is.
#' @param fam1 Probability distribution family for 1st part of delta process,
#' defaults to "bernoulli". Choose one.
#' @param fam2 Probability distribution family for 2nd part of delta process,
#' defaults to "gaussian". Choose one.
#' @param simp Try simplifying best BRTs?
#' @param gridslat Column number for latitude in 'grids'.
#' @param gridslon Column number for longitude in 'grids'.
#' @param samplesGridsAreaScaleFactor Scale up or down factor so values in the predict-to pixels of
#' 'grids' match the spatial scale sampled by rows in 'samples'. Default 1 means no change.
#' @param multiplot Create matrix plot of all line files? Default true.
#' turn off if big n of exp vars causes an error due to margin size problems.
#' @param cols Barplot colour vector. Assignment in order of explanatory
#' variables. Default 1*white: white bars black borders. '1*' repeats.
#' @param linesfiles Save individual line plots' data as csv's? Default TRUE.
#' @param smooth Apply a smoother to the line plots? Default FALSE.
#' @param savedir Save outputs to a temporary directory (default) else change to
#' current directory e.g. "/home/me/folder". Do not use getwd() here.
#' @param savegbm Save gbm objects and make available in environment after
#' running? Open with load("Bin_Best_Model") Default TRUE.
#' @param loadgbm Relative or (very much preferably) absolute location of folder containing
#' Bin_Best_Model and Gaus_Best_Model. If set will skip BRT calculations and do
#' predicted maps and csvs. Avoids re-running BRT models again (the slow bit),
#' can run normally once with savegbm=T then multiple times with new grids &
#' loadgbm to predict to multiple grids e.g. different seasons, areas, etc.
#' Default NULL, character vector, "./" for working directory.
#' @param varint Calculate variable interactions? Default:TRUE, FALSE for error:
#' "contrasts can be applied only to factors with 2 or more levels".
#' @param map Save abundance map png files?
#' @param shape Enter the full path to downloaded map e.g. coastline shapefile, possibly from
#' gbm.basemap, typically Crop_Map.shp, including the .shp. Can also name an existing object in the
#' environment, read in with sf::st_read. Default NULL, in which case bounds calculated by gbm.mapsf
#' which then calls gbm.basemap to download and auto-generate the base map.
#' @param RSB Run Unrepresentativeness surface builder? Default TRUE.
#' @param BnW Repeat maps in black and white e.g. for print journals. Default
#' TRUE.
#' @param alerts Play sounds to mark progress steps. Default TRUE but running
#' multiple small BRTs in a row (e.g. gbm.loop) can cause RStudio to crash.
#' @param pngtype Filetype for png files, alternatively try "quartz" on Mac.
#' Choose one.
#' @param gaus Do family2 (typically Gaussian) runs as well as family1
#' (typically Bin)? Default TRUE.
#' @param MLEvaluate do machine learning evaluation metrics & plots? Default
#' TRUE.
#' @param brv Dummy param for package testing for CRAN, ignore.
#' @param grv Dummy param for package testing for CRAN, ignore.
#' @param Bin_Preds Dummy param for package testing for CRAN, ignore.
#' @param Gaus_Preds Dummy param for package testing for CRAN, ignore.
#' @param ... Optional arguments for gbm.step (dismo package) arguments n.trees and
#' max.trees, both of which can be added in list(1,2) format to pass to fam1 and
#' 2; for gbm.mapsf colourscale, heatcolours, colournumber, and others.
#' @return Line, dot and bar plots, a report of all variables used, statistics
#' for tests, variable interactions, predictors used and dropped, etc. If
#' selected, generates predicted abundance maps, and Unrepresentativeness surface. Biggest
#' Interactions in the report csv: see ?dismo::gbm.interactions .
#' @details Errors and their origins:
#' 1. install ERROR: dependencies ‘rgdal’, ‘rgeos’ are not available for package ‘gbm.auto’.
#' For Linux/*buntu systems, in terminal, type: 'sudo apt install libgeos-dev', 'sudo apt install
#' libproj-dev', 'sudo apt install libgdal-dev'.
#' 2. Error in FUN(X\[\[i\]\], ...) : only defined on a data frame with all numeric
#' variables. Check your variable types are correct, e.g. numerics haven't been imported
#' as factors because there's an errant first row of text information before the
#' data. Remove NA rows from the response variable if present: convert blank
#' cells to NA on import with read.csv(x, na.strings = "") then
#' samples2 <- samples\[-which(is.na(samples\[,resvar_column_number\])),\]
#' 3. At BF=0.5, if nrows <= 42, gbm.step will crash. Use gbm.bfcheck to determine optimal viable BF
#' size.
#' 4. Maps/plots don't work/output. If on a Mac, try changing pngtype to "quartz".
#' 5. Error in while (delta.deviance > tolerance.test & n.fitted <
#' max.trees): missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed. If running a zero-inflated delta model
#' (bernoulli/bin & gaussian/gaus), Data are expected to contain zeroes (lots of them in zero-
#' inflated cases), have you already filtered them out, i.e. are only testing the positive cases?
#' Or do you only have positive cases? If so only run (e.g.) Gaussian: set ZI to FALSE.
#' 6. Error in round(gbm.object$cv.statistics$deviance.mean, 4) : non-numeric argument to
#' mathematical function. LR or BF probably too low in earlier BRT (normally Gaus run with highest
#' TC).
#' 7. Error in if (n.trees > x$n.trees) argument is of length zero. LR or BF probably too low
#' in earlier BRT (normally Gaus run with highest TC).
#' 8. Error in gbm.fit(x, y, offset = offset, distribution = distribution, w = w): The dataset size
#' is too small or subsampling rate is too large: nTrain*bag.fraction <= n.minobsinnode. LR or BF
#' probably too low in earlier BRT (normally Gaus run with highest TC). It may be that you don't
#' have enough positive samples to run BRT modelling. Run gbm.bfcheck to check recommended minimum
#' BF size.
#' 9. Warning message: In cor(y_i, u_i) : the standard deviation is zero. LR or BF probably too low
#' in earlier BRT (normally Gaus run with highest TC). It may be that you don't have enough positive
#' samples to run BRT modelling. Run gbm.bfcheck to check recommended minimum BF size. Similarly:
#' glm.fit: fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred, and glm.fit: algorithm did not
#' converge. Similarly: Error in if (get(paste0("Gaus_BRT", ".tc", j, ".lr", k, ".bf",
#' l))$self.statistics$correlation\[\[1\]\]: argument is of length zero. See also: Error 15.
#' 10. Anomalous values can obfuscate clarity in line plots e.g. salinity range 32:35ppm but dataset
#' has errant 0 value: plot axis will be 0:35, and 99.99% of the data will be in the tiny bit at
#' the right. Clean your data beforehand.
#' 11. Error in plot.new() : figure margins too large: In RStudio, adjust plot pane (usually bottom
#' right) to increase its size. Still fails? Set multiplot=FALSE.
#' 12. Error in dev.print(file = paste0("./", names(samples\[i\]), "/pred_dev_bin.jpeg"): can only
#' print from a screen device. An earlier failed run (e.g. LR/BF too low) left a plotting device
#' open. Close it with: 'dev.off()'.
#' 13. RStudio crashed: set alerts=F and pause cloud sync programs if outputting to a synced folder.
#' 14. Error in grDevices::dev.copy(device = function (filename = "Rplot%03d.jpeg", could not open
#' file './resvar/pred_dev_bin.jpeg' (or similar). Your resvar column name contains an
#' illegal character e.g. /&'_. Fix with colnames(samples)\[n\] <- "BetterName".
#' 15. Error in gbm.fit: Poisson requires the response to be a positive integer. If running Poisson
#' distributions, ensure the response variables are positive integers, but if they are, try a
#' smaller LR.
#' 16. If lineplots of factorial variables include empty columns be sure to remove unused levels
#' with samples %<>% droplevels() before the gbm.auto run.
#' 17. Error in seq.default(from = min(x$var.levels\[\[i.var\[i\]\]\]), to =
#' max(x$var.levels\[\[i.var\[i\]\]\]):'from' must be a finite number. If you logged any expvars
#' with log() and they has zeroes in them, those zeroes became imaginary numbers. Use
#' log1p() instead.
#' 18. Error in loadNamespace...'dismo' 1.3-9 is being loaded, but >= 1.3.10 is required: first do
#' remotes::install_github("rspatial/dismo") then library(dismo).
#' 19. Error in if (scope >= 160) res <- "c" : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed. Check gridslat
#' and gridslon are indexing the correct columns in grids.
#' ALSO: check this section in the other functions run by gbm.auto e.g. gbm.mapsf, gbm.basemap. Use
#' traceback() to find the source of errors.
#' I strongly recommend that you download papers 1 to 5 (or just the doctoral thesis) on
#' <http://www.simondedman.com>, with emphasis on P4 (the guide) and P1 (statistical background).
#' Elith et al 2008 (<https://besjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1365-2656.2008.01390.x>) is also strongly
#' recommended.
#' Just because you CAN try every conceivable combination of tc, lr, bf, all, at once doesn't mean
#' you should. Try a range of lr in shrinking orders of magnitude from 0.1 to 0.000001, find the
#' best, THEN try tc c(2, n.expvars), find the best THEN bf c(0.5, 0.75, 0.9) and then in between if
#' either outperform 0.5.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # Not run. Note: grids file was heavily cropped for CRAN upload so output map
#' # predictions only cover patchy chunks of the Irish Sea, not the whole area.
#' # Full versions of these files:
#' # https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WHYpftP3roozVKwi_R_IpW7tlZIhZA7r
#' # /view?usp=sharing
#' library(gbm.auto)
#' data(grids)
#' data(samples)
#' # Set your working directory
#' gbm.auto(grids = grids, samples = samples, expvar = c(4:8, 10), resvar = 11,
#' tc = c(2,7), lr = c(0.005, 0.001), ZI = TRUE, savegbm = FALSE)}
#' @author Simon Dedman, \email{simondedman@@gmail.com}
#' @export
#' @import dismo
#' @importFrom beepr beep
#' @importFrom dplyr across mutate
#' @importFrom gbm plot.gbm
#' @importFrom grDevices dev.off dev.print graphics.off grey.colors jpeg png
#' @importFrom graphics axis barplot image legend lines mtext par text
#' @importFrom stats sd runif
#' @importFrom utils packageVersion read.csv write.csv
#' @importFrom stringi stri_split_fixed
gbm.auto <- function(
grids = NULL, # explanatory data to predict to. Import with (e.g.)
# read.csv and specify object name. Defaults to NULL (won't predict to grids)
samples, # explanatory and response variables to predict from.
# Keep col names short, no odd characters, starting numerals or terminal periods
# Spaces may be converted to periods in directory names, underscores won't.
# Can be a subset.
expvar, # list of column numbers of explanatory variables in
# 'samples', expected e.g. c(1,35,67,etc.). No default.
resvar, # column number(s) of response variable (e.g. CPUE) in
# samples, e.g. 12 or c(4,5,6). No default. Column name should be species name.
randomvar = FALSE, # Add a random variable (uniform distribution, 0-1) to the expvars, to see
# whether other expvars perform better or worse than random.
tc = c(2), # permutations of tree complexity allowed, can be a
# vector with the largest sized number no larger than the number of
# explanatory variables e.g. c(2,7), or a list of 2 single numbers or vectors,
# the first to be passed to the binary BRT, the second to the Gaussian, e.g.
# tc = list(c(2,6), 2) or list(6, c(2,6)).
lr = c(0.01, 0.005), # permutations of learning rate allowed. Can be a
# vector or a list of 2 single numbers or vectors, the first to be passed to
# the binary BRT, the second to the Gaussian, e.g.
# lr = list(c(0.01,0.02),0.0001) or list(0.01,c(0.001, 0.0005)).
bf = 0.5, # permutations of bag fraction allowed, can be single
# number, vector or list, per tc and lr.
offset = NULL, # column number or quoted name in samples, containing offset values
# relating to the samples. A numeric vector of length equal to the number of cases. Similar to
# weighting, see
# https://towardsdatascience.com/offsetting-the-model-logic-to-implementation-7e333bc25798
n.trees = 50, # from gbm.step, number of initial trees to fit. Can be
# single or list but not vector i.e. list(fam1, fam2).
ZI = "CHECK", # are data zero-inflated? "CHECK"/FALSE/TRUE.
# TRUE: delta BRT, log-normalised Gaus, reverse log-norm and bias corrected.
# FALSE: do Gaussian only, no log-normalisation.
# CHECK: Tests data for you. Default is TRUE.
fam1 = c("bernoulli", "binomial", "poisson", "laplace", "gaussian"),
# probability distribution family for 1st part of delta process, defaults to
# "bernoulli",
fam2 = c("gaussian", "bernoulli", "binomial", "poisson", "laplace"),
# probability distribution family for 2nd part of delta process, defaults to
# "gaussian",
simp = TRUE, # try simplifying best BRTs?
gridslat = 2, # column number for latitude in 'grids'
gridslon = 1, # column number for longitude in 'grids'
samplesGridsAreaScaleFactor = 1, # Scale up or down factor so values in the predict-to pixels of
# 'grids' match the spatial scale sampled by rows in 'samples'. Default 1 means no change.
multiplot = TRUE, # create matrix plot of all line files? Default true
# turn off if large number of expvars causes an error due to margin size problems.
cols = grey.colors(1,1,1), # bar-plot colour vector. Assignment in order of
# explanatory variables. Default 1*white: white bars black borders. '1*' repeats
linesfiles = TRUE, # save individual line plots' data as CSVs?
smooth = FALSE, # apply a smoother to the line plots? Default FALSE
savedir = tempdir(), # save outputs to a temporary directory (default) else
# change to current directory e.g. "/home/me/folder". Do not use getwd() here.
savegbm = TRUE, # save gbm objects and make available in environment after running? Open with load("Bin_Best_Model")
loadgbm = NULL, # relative or absolute location of folder containing
# Bin_Best_Model and Gaus_Best_Model. If set will skip BRT calculations and do
# predicted maps and CSVs. Default NULL, character vector, "./" for working directory
varint = TRUE, # calculate variable interactions? Default:TRUE, FALSE
# for error "contrasts can be applied only to factors with 2 or more levels"
map = TRUE, # save abundance map png files?
shape = NULL, # set coast shapefile, else bounds calculated by gbm.mapsf
# which then calls gbm.basemap to download and auto-generate the base map.
RSB = TRUE, # run Unrepresentativeness surface builder?
BnW = TRUE, # repeat maps in black and white e.g. for print journals
alerts = TRUE, # play sounds to mark progress steps. Running many small
# BRTs e.g. gbm.loop can cause RStudio to crash, if so set this to FALSE
pngtype = c("cairo-png", "quartz", "Xlib"), # file-type for png files,
# alternatively try "quartz" on Mac
gaus = TRUE, # do fam2 (typically Gaussian) runs as well as Bin? Default TRUE.
MLEvaluate = TRUE, # do machine learning evaluation metrics & plots? Default TRUE
brv = NULL, # addresses devtools::check's no visible binding for global variable https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/data.table/vignettes/datatable-importing.html#globals
grv = NULL, # addresses devtools::check's no visible binding for global variable https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/data.table/vignettes/datatable-importing.html#globals
Bin_Preds = NULL, # addresses devtools::check's no visible binding for global variable https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/data.table/vignettes/datatable-importing.html#globals
Gaus_Preds = NULL, # addresses devtools::check's no visible binding for global variable https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/data.table/vignettes/datatable-importing.html#globals
...) # Optional arguments for zero in breaks.grid in gbm.mapsf,
# legend in legend.grid in gbm.mapsf, mapmain in gbm.map
# (default = "Predicted CPUE (numbers per hour): ") and gbm.step (dismo package)
# arguments max.trees and others.
# Generalised Boosting Model / Boosted Regression Tree process chain automater.
# Simon Dedman, 2012-6 simondedman@gmail.com GitHub.com/SimonDedman/gbm.auto
# Function to automate the many steps required to use boosted regression trees
# to predict abundances in a delta process, i.e. binary (0/1) proportion
# prediction coupled with presence-only abundance prediction to give total
# prediction. Loops through all permutations of parameters provided (learning
# rate, tree complexity, bag fraction), chooses the best, then tries to simplify
# that. Generates line, dot and bar plots, and outputs these and the predictions
# and a report of all variables used, statistics for tests, variable
# interactions, predictors used and dropped, etc.. If selected, generates
# predicted abundance maps, and Unrepresentativeness surfaces.
# Underlying functions are from packages gbm and dismo, functions from Elith
# et al. 2008 (bundled as gbm.utils.R), mapplots, and my own functions gbm.mapsf,
# gbm.rsb, gbm.valuemap, gbm.cons, gbm.basemap
####1. Check packages, start loop####
oldpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE) # defensive block, thanks to Gregor Sayer
oldwd <- getwd()
oldoptions <- options()
on.exit(dev.off()) # close any open graphics devices to avoid issues later
on.exit(setwd(oldwd), add = TRUE)
on.exit(options(oldoptions), add = TRUE)
if (alerts) options(error = function() {
beep(9)# give warning noise if it fails
graphics.off()# kill all graphics devices
setwd(oldwd) # reinstate original working directory. Probably redundant given on.exit
} # close options subcurly
) # close options
# @import utils # put at top
# utils::globalVariables("where") # https://github.com/r-lib/tidyselect/issues/201#issuecomment-650547846
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/40251801/how-to-use-utilsglobalvariables
# presence of list columns, even if not used, will break the write.table within write.csv for abundance prediction saving
# if (any(as.data.frame(unlist(lapply(samples, class)))[,1] == "list")) {
# samples <- samples |> mutate(across(.cols = where(is.list), ~ sapply(.x, toString)))
# print("list columns converted to character columns in samples")
# }
# if (any(as.data.frame(unlist(lapply(grids, class)))[,1] == "list")) {
# grids <- grids |> mutate(across(.cols = where(is.list), ~ sapply(.x, toString)))
# print("list columns converted to character columns in grids")
# }
# ToDo: add to existing options(error) if present####
# options(error = function() {.rs.recordTraceback(TRUE, 5, .rs.enqueueError)})
# as.character(getOption("error")) # (function() {.rs.recordTraceback(TRUE, 5, .rs.enqueueError)})()
# class: call
# "function () \n{\n .rs.recordTraceback(TRUE, 5, .rs.enqueueError)\n}"
# "function () \n{\n beep(9)\n graphics.off()\n}"
# class(options("error")[[1]])
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66003747/r-replace-optionserror-with-existing-contents-if-present-plus-additional
fam1 <- match.arg(fam1) # populate object from function argument in proper way
fam2 <- match.arg(fam2)
pngtype <- match.arg(pngtype)
if (fam1 == "binomial") fam1 <- "bernoulli" # gbm::gbm doesn't like binomial even though it's the same
if (fam2 == "binomial") fam2 <- "bernoulli"
if (gaus) if (fam2 == fam1) stop("attempting to run delta model with both families the same. Expects fam1==bernoulli & gaus==TRUE & fam2==somethingElse, OR fam1==anything & gaus==FALSE")
# tibble's don't collapse into a vector, instead an X x 1 df, which breaks various functionality.
if ("tbl" %in% class(grids)) grids <- as.data.frame(grids)
if ("tbl" %in% class(samples)) samples <- as.data.frame(samples)
# create basemap using gbm.basemap & these bounds, else basemap will be called for every map
if (!is.null(grids)) if (map) { # create basemap grids not null, map requested, basemap not provided
if (is.null(shape)) {
if (!exists("gbm.basemap")) {stop("you need to install gbm.basemap to run this function")}
bounds = c(range(grids[,gridslon]),range(grids[,gridslat]))
#create standard bounds from data, and extra bounds for map aesthetic
# xmid <- mean(bounds[1:2])
# ymid <- mean(bounds[3:4])
# xextramax <- ((bounds[2] - xmid) * 1.6) + xmid
# xextramin <- xmid - ((xmid - bounds[1]) * 1.6)
# yextramax <- ((bounds[4] - ymid) * 1.6) + ymid
# yextramin <- ymid - ((ymid - bounds[3]) * 1.6)
# extrabounds <- c(xextramin, xextramax, yextramin, yextramax) # identical code to what's in basemap
shape <- gbm.basemap(bounds = bounds,
savedir = savedir,
extrabounds = TRUE)
} # close isnull shape
} # close isnull grids
if (randomvar) { # add random variable if requested
samples$randomvar <- runif(n = nrow(samples), min = 0, max = 1) # make it then add to expvar & thus expvarnames
if (is.numeric(expvar)) expvar <- c(expvar, which(colnames(samples) %in% "randomvar")) else expvar <- c(expvar, "randomvar")
expvarnames <- if (is.numeric(expvar)) names(samples[expvar]) else expvar # list of explanatory variable names
if (!length(cols) == 1 & !length(cols) == length(expvarnames)) stop("length of cols is neither the same as the length of expvars (plus randomvar if selected) nor 1")
if (length(cols) == 1) cols <- rep(cols, length(expvarnames)) # if cols is length 1, repeat it so it attaches properly next
expvarcols <- cbind(cols[1:length(expvarnames)],expvarnames) # assign explanatory variables to colours
if (!is.null(offset)) {
if (is.character(offset)) offset <- which(colnames(samples) %in% offset) # if offset is the column name, change to column number
colnames(samples)[offset] <- "offset" # then change name to "offset"
if (is.list(tc)) { # if lists entered for tc lr or bf, split them to bin and gaus
if (length(tc) > 2) {stop("Only 2 tc list items allowed: 1 per family")}
tcgaus <- tc[[2]]
tc <- tc[[1]]
} else {tcgaus <- tc} # else make the gaus object the same as the bin. close if else
if (is.list(lr)) {
if (length(lr) > 2) {stop("Only 2 lr list items allowed: 1 per family")}
lrgaus <- lr[[2]]
lr <- lr[[1]]
} else {lrgaus <- lr} # close if else lr
if (is.list(bf)) {
if (length(bf) > 2) {stop("Only 2 bf list items allowed: 1 per family")}
bfgaus <- bf[[2]]
bf <- bf[[1]]
} else {bfgaus <- bf} # close if else bf
if (is.list(n.trees)) { # if list entered n.trees, split to fam1 and fam2
if (length(n.trees) > 2) {stop("Only 2 n.trees list items allowed: 1 per family")}
ntf1 <- n.trees[[1]]
ntf2 <- n.trees[[2]]
} else {
ntf1 <- n.trees
ntf2 <- n.trees} # else make fam1 and fam2 the same. close if else n.trees
for (i in resvar) { # loop everything for each response variable (e.g. species)
dir.create(names(samples[i])) # create resvar-named directory for outputs
m = 0 # Gaus only loop counter to allow best gaus BRT choice
n = 0 # Print counter for all loops of BRT combos & best bin BRT choice
if (!is.null(grids)) if (!all(expvarnames %in% names(grids))) stop(print("Expvar column names in samples but missing from grids:"), print(expvarnames[which(!expvarnames %in% names(grids))]))
if (anyNA(samples[i])) stop("Response variable range contains NA values, please filter out these rows with: mysamples <- mysamples[-which(is.na(mysamples[resvar])),]")
if (all(samples[i] == 0)) stop("Response variable only contains zeroes")
####2. ZI check & log####
# if user has asked code to check for ZI, check it & set new ZI status
if (ZI == "CHECK") if (sum(samples[,i] == 0, na.rm = TRUE) / length(samples[,i]) >= 0.5) ZI = TRUE else ZI = FALSE
# ensure resvar has zeroes (expects mix of successful & unsuccessful samples for bernoulli/binary runs)
if (!ZI) if (min(samples[i]) > 0) print("No zeroes in response variable. If using a zero inflated model, Method expects unsuccessful, as well as successful, samples")
# create binary (0/1) response variable, for bernoulli BRTs
samples$brv <- ifelse(samples[i] > 0, 1, 0)
brvcol <- which(colnames(samples) == "brv") # brv column number for BRT
# create logged response variable, for Gaussian BRTs when data are zero-inflated (otherwise just use resvar directly)
logem <- log1p(samples[,i]) # logs resvar i.e. containing zeroes
dont <- samples[,i]
# log1p fam2 (gaussian response variable grv) resvar if bin only (fam1 bin, fam2 FALSE), OR if resvar is delta & ZI & NOT poisson (which can't be logged, must be positive integers)
if (fam1 == "bernoulli" & (!gaus | (gaus & ZI & (fam2 != "poisson")))) {samples$grv <- logem} else {samples$grv <- dont}
grvcol <- which(colnames(samples) == "grv") # grv column number for BRT
if (ZI) {
grv_yes <- subset(samples, grv > 0) # nonzero subset for gaussian/poisson BRTs if zero inflated
} else {
grv_yes <- samples # use the full dataset if not ZI
if (is.null(loadgbm)) { #if loadgbm is NULL i.e. you're running BRTs not
# predicting from existing models. Skip to L1404
####3. Begin Report####
if (fam1 == "bernoulli" & (!gaus | (gaus & ZI))) { # do fam1 runs if it's bin only (fam1 bin, gaus (ie fam2) false), or if it's delta & ZI
reportcolno = 3 + (length(tc)*length(lr)*length(bf)) + (length(tcgaus)*length(lrgaus)*length(bfgaus)) + 14
# if only 1 permutation, = 19
} else { # else zi
reportcolno = 3 + (length(tcgaus)*length(lrgaus)*length(bfgaus)) + 7
# if only 1 permutation = 11
} # close if else ZI
if (!gaus) reportcolno = 3 + (length(tc)*length(lr)*length(bf)) + 7
# if only 1 permutation = 11
# calculate number of columns for report:
# 3: expvar names, resvar name, ZI state
# 14: best bin brt, best gaus brt,
# Bin_BRT_simp predictors kept (ordered), Bin_BRT_simp predictors dropped,
# Gaus_BRT_simp predictors kept (ordered),Gaus_BRT_simp predictors dropped,
# Simplified Binary BRT stats, Simplified Gaussian BRT stats,
# Best Binary BRT variables, Relative Influence (Bin),
# Best Gaussian BRT variables, Relative Influence (Gaus),
# Biggest Interactions (Bin), Biggest Interactions (Gaus)
# + 5 elements for each loop: parameter combo n (tc lr & bf values),
# Bin BRT n stats, Bin BRT n name
# Gaus BRT n stats, Gaus BRT n name
Report <- data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow = (max(6,length(expvar))), ncol = (reportcolno)))
# build blank df, rows=biggest of 6 (max static row number of stats) or n of exp. vars
colnames(Report) <- c("Explanatory Variables","Response Variables","Zero Inflated?") # populate static colnames 1:3
# name bin columns if ZI
if (!gaus) {colnames(Report)[(reportcolno - 6):reportcolno] <- c("Best Binary BRT",
"Bin_BRT_simp predictors dropped",
"Bin_BRT_simp predictors kept",
"Simplified Binary BRT stats",
"Best Binary BRT variables",
"Relative Influence (Bin)",
"Biggest Interactions (Bin)")
} else {
# do fam1 runs if it's bin only (fam1 bin, gaus (ie fam2) false), or if it's delta & ZI
if (fam1 == "bernoulli" & (!gaus | (gaus & ZI))) {colnames(Report)[(reportcolno - 13):(reportcolno - 7)] <- c("Best Binary BRT",
"Bin_BRT_simp predictors dropped",
"Bin_BRT_simp predictors kept",
"Simplified Binary BRT stats",
"Best Binary BRT variables",
"Relative Influence (Bin)",
"Biggest Interactions (Bin)")}
colnames(Report)[(reportcolno - 6):reportcolno] <- c("Best Gaussian BRT",
"Gaus_BRT_simp predictors dropped",
"Gaus_BRT_simp predictors kept",
"Simplified Gaussian BRT stats",
"Best Gaussian BRT variables",
"Relative Influence (Gaus)",
"Biggest Interactions (Gaus)")} # close if else gaus
# populate the final 14 column names
Report[1:length(expvar),1] <- expvarnames # put expvar names in first column # names(samples[expvar])
Report[1,2] <- names(samples[i]) # put resvar in col 2
Report[1,3] <- ZI # ZI in col 3
Report[2,3] <- paste0(round(sum(samples[,i] == 0, na.rm = TRUE) / length(samples[,i]), 3) * 100, "% zeroes") # add zeroes % under ZI in col3
StatsObjectsList <- list()
Bin_Best_Score <- 0 # create blanks for best results to use in loops
Bin_Best_Model <- 0
Gaus_Best_Score <- 0
Gaus_Best_Model <- 0
# Begin bin loops
if (fam1 == "bernoulli" & (!gaus | (gaus & ZI))) { # do fam1 runs if it's bin only (fam1 bin, gaus (ie fam2) false), or if it's delta & ZI
for (j in tc) { # list permutations of tree complexity allowed
for (k in lr) { # list permutations of learning rate allowed
for (l in bf) { # list permutations of bag fraction allowed
n <- n + 1 # Add to print counter
####4. Binomial BRT####
print(paste0("Running ", fam1, " BRT, tc=",j,", lr=",k,", bf=",l))
gbm.step.sd(data = samples,
gbm.x = expvar,
gbm.y = brvcol,
family = fam1,
tree.complexity = j,
learning.rate = k,
bag.fraction = l,
n.trees = ntf1,
{if (!is.null(offset)) offset = grv_yes$offset},
if (is.null(get(paste0("Bin_BRT",".tc",j,".lr",k,".bf",l)))) { # test for BRT failure and skip this hyperparameter combo
Report[1, (3 + n)] <- "Run failed, try smaller lr or step size"
colnames(Report)[3 + n] <- paste0("Bin_BRT",".tc",j,".lr",k,".bf",l)
dev.print(file = paste0("./",names(samples[i]),"/pred_dev_", fam1, "_tc",j,"lr",k,"bf",l,".jpeg"), device = jpeg, width = 600)
# dev.print(file = paste0("./",names(samples[i]),"/pred_dev_bin.jpeg"), device = jpeg, width = 600)
print(paste0("Done Bin_BRT",".tc",j,".lr",k,".bf",l))
# assign("last.warning", NULL, envir = baseenv()) # dumps warnings so subsequent printing doesn't reprint the existing warning
####5. Select best bin model####
if (n == 1) { # if this is the first loop, best score & model name is this one by default
Bin_Best_Score <- get(paste0("Bin_BRT",".tc",j,".lr",k,".bf",l))$self.statistics$correlation[[1]]
Bin_Best_Model <- paste0("Bin_BRT",".tc",j,".lr",k,".bf",l)
# else if this models self.statistics$correlation > the best model, make this the new best model
} else if (get(paste0("Bin_BRT",".tc",j,".lr",k,".bf",l))$self.statistics$correlation[[1]] > Bin_Best_Score) {
Bin_Best_Score <- get(paste0("Bin_BRT",".tc",j,".lr",k,".bf",l))$self.statistics$correlation[[1]]
Bin_Best_Model <- paste0("Bin_BRT",".tc",j,".lr",k,".bf",l)
} # close if else n==1
####6. Add bin stats to report####
if (fam1 == "bernoulli" & (!gaus | (gaus & ZI))) {Report[1:8,(3 + n)] <- c(paste0("trees: ",round(get(paste0("Bin_BRT",".tc",j,".lr",k,".bf",l))$n.trees, 3)),
paste0("Training Data Correlation: ", round(get(paste0("Bin_BRT",".tc",j,".lr",k,".bf",l))$self.statistics$correlation[[1]], 3)),
paste0("CV Mean Deviance: ", round(get(paste0("Bin_BRT",".tc",j,".lr",k,".bf",l))$cv.statistics$deviance.mean, 3)),
paste0("CV Deviance SE: ", round(get(paste0("Bin_BRT",".tc",j,".lr",k,".bf",l))$cv.statistics$deviance.se, 3)),
paste0("CV D squared: ", round(get(paste0("Bin_BRT",".tc",j,".lr",k,".bf",l))$cv.statistics$d.squared, 3)),
paste0("CV Mean Correlation: ", round(get(paste0("Bin_BRT",".tc",j,".lr",k,".bf",l))$cv.statistics$correlation.mean, 3)),
paste0("CV Correlation SE: ", round(get(paste0("Bin_BRT",".tc",j,".lr",k,".bf",l))$cv.statistics$correlation.se, 3)),
paste0("CV RMSE: ", round(get(paste0("Bin_BRT",".tc",j,".lr",k,".bf",l))$cv.statistics$cv.rmse), 3))
# bin BRT name
colnames(Report)[3 + n] <- paste0("Bin_BRT",".tc",j,".lr",k,".bf",l)
# Add Bin stats objects to StatsObjectsList
StatsObjectsList[[length(StatsObjectsList) + 1]] <- get(paste0("Bin_BRT",".tc",j,".lr",k,".bf",l))$self.statistics # send to new position after last item
names(StatsObjectsList)[[length(StatsObjectsList)]] <- paste0("Bin_BRT",".tc",j,".lr",k,".bf",l, "__self.statistics") # name it. new length now includes self.statistics
StatsObjectsList[[length(StatsObjectsList) + 1]] <- get(paste0("Bin_BRT",".tc",j,".lr",k,".bf",l))$cv.statistics
names(StatsObjectsList)[[length(StatsObjectsList)]] <- paste0("Bin_BRT",".tc",j,".lr",k,".bf",l, "__cv.statistics")
} # close ZI if
if (alerts) beep(2) # progress printer, right aligned
if (gaus) {
print(paste0("XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Completed BRT ",n," of ", (length(tc)*length(lr)*length(bf)) + (length(tcgaus)*length(lrgaus)*length(bfgaus)), " XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"))
} else { # close if else gaus
print(paste0("XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Completed BRT ",n," of ", (length(tc)*length(lr)*length(bf)), " XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"))
} # else if gaus
} # close bf l
} # close lr k
} # close tc j
} # close ZI option, making all bin BRT objects & continuing through model selection
# Begin Gaus loops
if (gaus) for (j in tcgaus) { # list permutations of tree complexity allowed
for (k in lrgaus) { # list permutations of learning rate allowed
for (l in bfgaus) { # list permutations of bag fraction allowed
n <- n + 1 # Add to print/loop counter for every bin or gaus BRT loop
m <- m + 1 # Add to loop counter for Gaus best model selection
####7. Gaussian BRT####
print(paste0("Running ", fam2, " BRT, tc=",j,", lr=",k,", bf=",l))
write.csv(x = grv_yes[,grvcol], file = paste0("./",names(samples[i]),"/grv.csv"), row.names = FALSE)
gbm.step.sd(data = grv_yes,
gbm.x = expvar,
gbm.y = grvcol,
family = fam2,
tree.complexity = j,
learning.rate = k,
bag.fraction = l,
n.trees = ntf2,
{if (!is.null(offset)) offset = grv_yes$offset},
if (is.null(get(paste0("Gaus_BRT",".tc",j,".lr",k,".bf",l)))) {
Report[1, (3 + n)] <- "Run failed, try smaller lr or step size"
colnames(Report)[3 + n] <- paste0("Gaus_BRT",".tc",j,".lr",k,".bf",l)
# dev.print(file = paste0("./",names(samples[i]),"/pred_dev_gaus.jpeg"), device = jpeg, width = 600)
dev.print(file = paste0("./",names(samples[i]),"/pred_dev_", fam2, "_tc",j,"lr",k,"bf",l,".jpeg"), device = jpeg, width = 600)
print(paste0("Done Gaus_BRT",".tc",j,".lr",k,".bf",l))
print("Note: previous warnings may be reprinted")
####8. Select best Gaus model####
if (m == 1)
{Gaus_Best_Score <- get(paste0("Gaus_BRT",".tc",j,".lr",k,".bf",l))$self.statistics$correlation[[1]]
Gaus_Best_Model <- paste0("Gaus_BRT",".tc",j,".lr",k,".bf",l)
} else if (get(paste0("Gaus_BRT",".tc",j,".lr",k,".bf",l))$self.statistics$correlation[[1]] > Gaus_Best_Score)
{Gaus_Best_Score <- get(paste0("Gaus_BRT",".tc",j,".lr",k,".bf",l))$self.statistics$correlation[[1]]
Gaus_Best_Model <- paste0("Gaus_BRT",".tc",j,".lr",k,".bf",l)} # close if else m==1
if (alerts) beep(2) # progress printer, right aligned for visibility
if (fam1 == "bernoulli" & (!gaus | (gaus & ZI))) {print(paste0("XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Completed BRT ",n," of ", (length(tc)*length(lr)*length(bf)) + (length(tcgaus)*length(lrgaus)*length(bfgaus))," XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"))
} else {print(paste0("XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Completed BRT ",n," of ", (length(tcgaus)*length(lrgaus)*length(bfgaus))," XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"))}
####9. Add gaus stats to report####
Report[1:8,(3 + n)] <- c(paste0("trees: ", round(get(paste0("Gaus_BRT",".tc",j,".lr",k,".bf",l))$n.trees, 3)),
paste0("Training Data Correlation: ", round(get(paste0("Gaus_BRT",".tc",j,".lr",k,".bf",l))$self.statistics$correlation[[1]], 3)),
paste0("CV Mean Deviance: ", round(get(paste0("Gaus_BRT",".tc",j,".lr",k,".bf",l))$cv.statistics$deviance.mean, 3)),
paste0("CV Deviance SE: ", round(get(paste0("Gaus_BRT",".tc",j,".lr",k,".bf",l))$cv.statistics$deviance.se, 3)),
paste0("CV D squared: ", round(get(paste0("Gaus_BRT",".tc",j,".lr",k,".bf",l))$cv.statistics$d.squared, 3)),
paste0("CV Mean Correlation: ", round(get(paste0("Gaus_BRT",".tc",j,".lr",k,".bf",l))$cv.statistics$correlation.mean, 3)),
paste0("CV Correlation SE: ", round(get(paste0("Gaus_BRT",".tc",j,".lr",k,".bf",l))$cv.statistics$correlation.se, 3)),
paste0("CV RMSE: ", round(get(paste0("Gaus_BRT",".tc",j,".lr",k,".bf",l))$cv.statistics$cv.rmse, 3)))
# Gaus BRT name
colnames(Report)[3 + n] <- paste0("Gaus_BRT",".tc",j,".lr",k,".bf",l)
# Add Gaus stats objects to StatsObjectsList
StatsObjectsList[[length(StatsObjectsList) + 1]] <- get(paste0("Gaus_BRT",".tc",j,".lr",k,".bf",l))$self.statistics # send to new position after last item
names(StatsObjectsList)[[length(StatsObjectsList)]] <- paste0("Gaus_BRT",".tc",j,".lr",k,".bf",l, "_self.statistics") # name it. new length now includes self.statistics
StatsObjectsList[[length(StatsObjectsList) + 1]] <- get(paste0("Gaus_BRT",".tc",j,".lr",k,".bf",l))$cv.statistics
names(StatsObjectsList)[[length(StatsObjectsList)]] <- paste0("Gaus_BRT",".tc",j,".lr",k,".bf",l, "_cv.statistics")
} # close bfgaus
} # close lrgaus
} # close for j in tcgaus, making all Gaus BRT objects & continuing through model selection
####10. Test simplification benefit, do so if better####
# copy Bin/Gaus_Best_Model to Name in case not created by Simp
Bin_Best_Name <- Bin_Best_Model # both are 0 if not run
if (gaus) Gaus_Best_Name <- Gaus_Best_Model
# if simp TRUE & ZI=TRUE, run simplification test on best bin model
if (simp) {
# do fam1 runs if it's bin only (fam1 bin, gaus (ie fam2) false), or if it's delta & ZI
if (fam1 == "bernoulli" & (!gaus | (gaus & ZI)) & exists("Bin_Best_Model")) {
Bin_Best_Simp_Check <- gbm.simplify(get(Bin_Best_Model))
dev.print(file = paste0("./",names(samples[i]),"/simp_drops_", fam1, "_tc",j,"lr",k,"bf",l,".jpeg"), device = jpeg, width = 600)
# if best number of variables to remove isn't 0 (i.e. it's worth simplifying),
# re-run best model (Bin_Best_Model, using gbm.call to get its values) with
# just-calculated best number of variables to remove, removed. gbm.x asks which
# number of drops has the minimum mean (lowest point on the line) & that calls
# up the list of predictor variables with those removed, from $pred.list
if (min(Bin_Best_Simp_Check$deviance.summary$mean) < 0) {
gbm.step.sd(data = samples,
# gbm.x = Bin_Best_Simp_Check$pred.list[[which.min(Bin_Best_Simp_Check$deviance.summary$mean)]],
gbm.x = as.character(Bin_Best_Simp_Check$final.drops$preds[((dim(subset(Bin_Best_Simp_Check$final.drops,order > 0))[1]) + 1):length(Bin_Best_Simp_Check$final.drops$preds)]),
gbm.y = get(Bin_Best_Model)$gbm.call$gbm.y,
tree.complexity = get(Bin_Best_Model)$gbm.call$tree.complexity,
learning.rate = get(Bin_Best_Model)$gbm.call$learning.rate,
family = get(Bin_Best_Model)$gbm.call$family,
bag.fraction = get(Bin_Best_Model)$gbm.call$bag.fraction,
{if (!is.null(offset)) offset = grv_yes$offset},
dev.print(file = paste0("./",names(samples[i]),"/pred_dev_", fam1, "_tc",j,"lr",k,"bf",l,"_simp.jpeg"), device = jpeg, width = 600)
# Add Bin simp stats objects to StatsObjectsList
StatsObjectsList[[length(StatsObjectsList) + 1]] <- Bin_Best_Simp$self.statistics # send to new position after last item
names(StatsObjectsList)[[length(StatsObjectsList)]] <- paste0(Bin_Best_Model, "_Simp__self.statistics") # name it. new length now includes self.statistics
StatsObjectsList[[length(StatsObjectsList) + 1]] <- Bin_Best_Simp$cv.statistics
names(StatsObjectsList)[[length(StatsObjectsList)]] <- paste0(Bin_Best_Model, "_Simp__cv.statistics")
} # close if min bin best simp
if (alerts) beep(2) # progress printer, right aligned for visibility
} # close if ZI
# Same for Gaus
if (gaus & exists("Gaus_Best_Model")) {
Gaus_Best_Simp_Check <- gbm.simplify(get(Gaus_Best_Model))
dev.print(file = paste0("./",names(samples[i]),"/simp_drops_", fam2, "_tc",j,"lr",k,"bf",l,".jpeg"), device = jpeg, width = 600)
if (min(Gaus_Best_Simp_Check$deviance.summary$mean) < 0) {
gbm.step.sd(data = grv_yes,
# gbm.x = Gaus_Best_Simp_Check$pred.list[[which.min(Gaus_Best_Simp_Check$deviance.summary$mean)]],
# does the above line return ALL vars or just the simp predictors kept?####
# returns a subsample, but not the same as the one below. In bonnie example, top/original line is:
# 9 19 28 38
# below line is:
# "Latitude" "WTMP"
# code from report Gaus_BRT_simp predictors kept column, can potentially drop in place:
gbm.x = as.character(Gaus_Best_Simp_Check$final.drops$preds[((dim(subset(Gaus_Best_Simp_Check$final.drops,order > 0))[1]) + 1):length(Gaus_Best_Simp_Check$final.drops$preds)]),
# if this works do the same for bin
gbm.y = get(Gaus_Best_Model)$gbm.call$gbm.y,
tree.complexity = get(Gaus_Best_Model)$gbm.call$tree.complexity,
learning.rate = get(Gaus_Best_Model)$gbm.call$learning.rate,
family = get(Gaus_Best_Model)$gbm.call$family,
bag.fraction = get(Gaus_Best_Model)$gbm.call$bag.fraction,
{if (!is.null(offset)) offset = grv_yes$offset},
dev.print(file = paste0("./",names(samples[i]),"/pred_dev_", fam2, "_tc",j,"lr",k,"bf",l,"_simp.jpeg"), device = jpeg, width = 600)
# Add Gaus simp stats objects to StatsObjectsList
StatsObjectsList[[length(StatsObjectsList) + 1]] <- Gaus_Best_Simp$self.statistics # send to new position after last item
names(StatsObjectsList)[[length(StatsObjectsList)]] <- paste0(Gaus_Best_Model, "_Simp__self.statistics") # name it. new length now includes self.statistics
StatsObjectsList[[length(StatsObjectsList) + 1]] <- Gaus_Best_Simp$cv.statistics
names(StatsObjectsList)[[length(StatsObjectsList)]] <- paste0(Gaus_Best_Model, "_Simp__cv.statistics")
} # close if min gaus best simp
if (alerts) beep(2)
} # close gaus if
## Select final best models
if (fam1 == "bernoulli" & (!gaus | (gaus & ZI)) & exists("Bin_Best_Model")) { # do fam1 runs if it's bin only (fam1 bin, gaus (ie fam2) false), or if it's delta & ZI. If Bin_Best has a simplified model:
if (min(Bin_Best_Simp_Check$deviance.summary$mean) < 0) {
# & if the simplified model has better correlation than Bin_Best itself
if (Bin_Best_Simp$self.statistics$correlation > Bin_Best_Score[1]) {
# then replace Bin_Best score/model values with those from the simplified model
Bin_Best_Score <- Bin_Best_Simp$self.statistics$correlation
Bin_Best_Name <- paste0(Bin_Best_Model, "_Simp")
Bin_Best_Model <- "Bin_Best_Simp" # assign simp to best
} # close if bin best simp
} # close if min bin best simp
} # close ZI
# Same for Gaus:
if (gaus & exists("Gaus_Best_Model")) {
if (min(Gaus_Best_Simp_Check$deviance.summary$mean) < 0) {
if (Gaus_Best_Simp$self.statistics$correlation > Gaus_Best_Score[1]) {
Gaus_Best_Score <- Gaus_Best_Simp$self.statistics$correlation
Gaus_Best_Name <- paste0(Gaus_Best_Model, "_Simp")
Gaus_Best_Model <- "Gaus_Best_Simp"
} # close if gaus best
} # close if min gaus best
} # close if gaus
} # close if simp
if (alerts) beep(2) # progress printer, right aligned for visibility
####11. Line plots####
# All plots on one image for Bin & Gaus
if (multiplot) { # don't do if multiplot=FALSE
# do fam1 runs if it's bin only (fam1 bin, gaus (ie fam2) false), or if it's delta & ZI
if (fam1 == "bernoulli" & (!gaus | (gaus & ZI)) & exists("Bin_Best_Model")) { # do fam1 runs if it's bin only (fam1 bin, gaus (ie fam2) false), or if it's delta & ZI
op <- par(oma = c(5,7,1,1)) # younes
par(mar = rep(2, 4)) # for Younes' Error in plot.new() : figure margins too large
png(filename = paste0("./",names(samples[i]),"/Bin_Best_line.png"),
width = 4*480, height = 4*480, units = "px", pointsize = 4*12, bg = "white", res = NA, family = "", type = pngtype)
n.plots = length(get(Bin_Best_Model)$contributions$var),
write.title = F, y.label = "Marginal Effect",
plot.layout = c(ceiling(sqrt(length(get(Bin_Best_Model)$contributions$var))),
- floor(sqrt(length(get(Bin_Best_Model)$contributions$var))) < 0.5,
floor(sqrt(length(get(Bin_Best_Model)$contributions$var))) + 1)))
} # close if (fam1 == "bernoulli"
if (gaus & exists("Gaus_Best_Model")) {
png(filename = paste0("./",names(samples[i]),"/Gaus_Best_line.png"),
width = 4*480, height = 4*480, units = "px", pointsize = 4*12, bg = "white", res = NA, family = "", type = pngtype)
n.plots = length(get(Gaus_Best_Model)$contributions$var),
write.title = F, y.label = "Marginal Effect",
plot.layout = c(ceiling(sqrt(length(get(Gaus_Best_Model)$contributions$var))),
- floor(sqrt(length(get(Gaus_Best_Model)$contributions$var))) < 0.5,
floor(sqrt(length(get(Gaus_Best_Model)$contributions$var))) + 1)))
dev.off() #close plot device
} # close gaus if
} # close multiplot if
# All plots individually, named by explanatory variable, bin & gaus
# do fam1 runs if it's bin only (fam1 bin, gaus (ie fam2) false), or if it's delta & ZI
if (fam1 == "bernoulli" & (!gaus | (gaus & ZI)) & exists("Bin_Best_Model")) {
for (o in 1:length(get(Bin_Best_Model)$contributions$var)) {
png(filename = paste0("./",names(samples[i]),"/Bin_Best_line_",as.character(get(Bin_Best_Model)$gbm.call$predictor.names[o]),".png"),
width = 4*480, height = 4*480, units = "px", pointsize = 80, bg = "white", res = NA, family = "", type = pngtype)
par(mar = c(2.3,5,0.3,0.6), fig = c(0,1,0,1), las = 1, lwd = 8, bty = "n", mgp = c(1.25,0.5,0), xpd = NA)
variable.no = o, # order of variable.no =! order of get(Bin_Best_Model)$contributions$var
n.plots = 1,
common.scale = FALSE, #added to try to get cvs values to match pngs
smooth = smooth,
rug = TRUE,
write.title = FALSE,
y.label = "",
x.label = NULL,
show.contrib = TRUE,
plot.layout = c(1, 1)) # ... for cex.axis, cex.lab etc
# abline(h = 0, lty = 2) # https://github.com/SimonDedman/gbm.auto/issues/7 & https://github.com/rspatial/dismo/issues/41
mtext("Marginal Effect", side = 2, line = 4.05, las = 0)
# gbm.plot calls plot.gbm ~L47 but then centres to have 0 mean @L53
# Asked Robert Hijmans to add a param to omit this: https://github.com/rspatial/dismo/issues/22
# create lines data to export to file. Need to recreate transformations from gbm.plot
# Next 6 lines from GNG answer https://stats.stackexchange.com/a/144871/43360 which uses gbm.plot code
# s <- match(get(Bin_Best_Model)$contributions$var[o], # original
# get(Bin_Best_Model)$gbm.call$predictor.names)
# create dataframe
# plotgrid <- plot.gbm(get(Bin_Best_Model), s, return.grid = TRUE)
plotgrid <- plot.gbm(get(Bin_Best_Model), o, return.grid = TRUE) # CHANGED
# This section centres the values around 0,
# Inverts their position relative to 0 (top becomes bottom),
# Exponentiates them (midrange values push towards extremes)
# Then rescales from 0:1 to +/- values by subtracting the mean from each value
# 2021-10-18 per https://github.com/SimonDedman/gbm.auto/issues/45
# Why I built this code? Copied from https://stats.stackexchange.com/a/144871/43360
# I don't think I need it nor is it helpful. Comment out.
# # replace Y values in place with average-centred values
# plotgrid[,2] <- plotgrid[,2] - mean(plotgrid[,2])
# #Put Y values on a log scale
# plotgrid[,2] <- 1 / (1 + exp(-plotgrid[,2]))
# #Center the response to have zero mean over the data distribution
# plotgrid[,2] <- scale(plotgrid[,2], center = TRUE, scale = FALSE)
# 2023-02-24 this is useful for making ggplots like the plot.gbm
# https://github.com/SimonDedman/gbm.auto/issues/81
plotgrid$ycentred <- plotgrid$y - mean(plotgrid$y)
#If factor variable
if (is.factor(plotgrid[,1])) {
plotgrid[,1] <- factor(plotgrid[,1], levels = levels(get(Bin_Best_Model)$gbm.call$dataframe[,get(Bin_Best_Model)$gbm.call$gbm.x[o]])) # CHANGED
# needed at all? if it's a factor won't it already have levels?
} # close if is factor
if (linesfiles) {
# write out csv
write.csv(plotgrid, row.names = FALSE, na = "",
file = paste0("./", names(samples[i]), "/Bin_Best_line_",
as.character(get(Bin_Best_Model)$gbm.call$predictor.names[o]), # CHANGED
# as.character(get(Bin_Best_Model)$contributions$var[o]),
} #close linesfiles
if (is.factor(plotgrid[,1])) {
# overwrite plot with gbm.factorplot output
gbm.factorplot(x = plotgrid,
# factorplotlevels = NULL,
# ggplot2guideaxisangle = 0,
# ggplot2labsx = "",
# ggplot2labsy = "Marginal Effect",
# ggplot2axistext = 1.5,
# ggplot2axistitle = 2,
# ggplot2legendtext = 1,
# ggplot2legendtitle = 1.5,
# ggplot2legendtitlealign = 0, # otherwise effect type title centre aligned for some reason
# ggplot2plotbackgroundfill = "white", # white background
# ggplot2plotbackgroundcolour = "grey50",
# ggplot2striptextx = 2,
# ggplot2panelbordercolour = "black",
# ggplot2panelborderfill = NA,
# ggplot2panelborderlinewidth = 1,
# ggplot2legendspacingx = unit(0, "cm"), # compress spacing between legend items, this is min
# ggplot2legendbackground = ggplot2::element_blank(),
# ggplot2panelbackgroundfill = "white",
# ggplot2panelbackgroundcolour = "grey50",
# ggplot2panelgridcolour = "grey90",
# ggplot2legendkey = ggplot2::element_blank(),
ggsavefilename = paste0("Bin_Best_line_", as.character(get(Bin_Best_Model)$gbm.call$predictor.names[o]), "_gg.png"),
# ggsaveplot = last_plot(),
# ggsavedevice = "png",
ggsavepath = paste0("./", names(samples[i]), "/"),
# ggsavescale = 2,
ggsavewidth = 4*480,
ggsaveheight = 4*480,
ggsaveunits = "px",
# ggsavedpi = 300,
# ggsavelimitsize = TRUE
) # close gbm.factorplot
} # close if is factor
} # close for o
} # close if fam1 bernoulli / ZI option
if (gaus & exists("Gaus_Best_Model")) {
for (p in 1:length(get(Gaus_Best_Model)$contributions$var)) {
png(filename = paste0("./",names(samples[i]),"/Gaus_Best_line_",as.character(get(Gaus_Best_Model)$gbm.call$predictor.names[p]),".png"),
width = 4*480, height = 4*480, units = "px", pointsize = 80, bg = "white", res = NA, family = "", type = pngtype)
par(mar = c(2.3,5,0.3,0.6), fig = c(0,1,0,1), las = 1, lwd = 8, bty = "n", mgp = c(1.25,0.5,0), xpd = NA)
variable.no = p,
n.plots = 1,
common.scale = FALSE, #added to try to get cvs values to match pngs
smooth = smooth,
rug = TRUE,
write.title = FALSE,
y.label = "",
x.label = NULL,
show.contrib = TRUE,
plot.layout = c(1, 1))
# abline(h = 0, lty = 2) # https://github.com/SimonDedman/gbm.auto/issues/7 & https://github.com/rspatial/dismo/issues/41
mtext("Marginal Effect", side = 2, line = 4.05, las = 0)
# u <- match(get(Gaus_Best_Model)$contributions$var[p],
# get(Gaus_Best_Model)$gbm.call$predictor.names)
plotgrid <- plot.gbm(get(Gaus_Best_Model), p, return.grid = TRUE)
# plotgrid[,2] <- plotgrid[,2] - mean(plotgrid[,2])
# plotgrid[,2] <- 1 / (1 + exp(-plotgrid[,2]))
# plotgrid[,2] <- scale(plotgrid[,2], scale = FALSE)
plotgrid$ycentred <- plotgrid$y - mean(plotgrid$y)
if (is.factor(plotgrid[,1])) {
plotgrid[,1] <- factor(plotgrid[,1], levels = levels(get(Gaus_Best_Model)$gbm.call$dataframe[,get(Gaus_Best_Model)$gbm.call$gbm.x[p]]))
} # close if is factor plotgrid
if (linesfiles) {
write.csv(plotgrid, row.names = FALSE, na = "",
file = paste0("./", names(samples[i]), "/Gaus_Best_line_",
} #close linesfiles
if (is.factor(plotgrid[,1])) {
gbm.factorplot(x = plotgrid,
ggsavefilename = paste0("Gaus_Best_line_", as.character(get(Gaus_Best_Model)$gbm.call$predictor.names[p]), "_gg.png"),
ggsavepath = paste0("./", names(samples[i]), "/"),
ggsavewidth = 4*480,
ggsaveheight = 4*480,
ggsaveunits = "px",
...) # close gbm.factorplot
} # close if is factor plotgrid
} # close for p
} # close if gaus
if (alerts) beep(2) # progress printer, right aligned for visibility
####12. Dot plots####
# do fam1 runs if it's bin only (fam1 bin, gaus (ie fam2) false), or if it's delta & ZI
if (fam1 == "bernoulli" & (!gaus | (gaus & ZI)) & exists("Bin_Best_Model")) { # do fam1 runs if it's bin only (fam1 bin, gaus (ie fam2) false), or if it's delta & ZI
png(filename = paste0("./",names(samples[i]),"/Bin_Best_dot.png"),
width = 4*480, height = 4*480, units = "px", pointsize = 4*12, bg = "white", res = NA, family = "", type = pngtype)
dev.off()} # close ZI
if (gaus & exists("Gaus_Best_Model")) {png(filename = paste0("./",names(samples[i]),"/Gaus_Best_dot.png"),
width = 4*480, height = 4*480, units = "px", pointsize = 4*12, bg = "white", res = NA, family = "", type = pngtype)
dev.off()} # close if gaus
if (alerts) beep(2) # progress printer, right aligned for visibility
####13. 3D plot TODO####
# gbm.perspec(Bin_Best,3,2, z.range=c(0,31), theta=340, phi=35,smooth="none",border="#00000025",col="#ff003310",shade = 0.95, ltheta = 80, lphi = 50)
# gbm.perspec(Gaus_Best,3,2, z.range=c(0,31), theta=340, phi=35,smooth="none",border="#00000025",col="#ff003310",shade = 0.95, ltheta = 80, lphi = 50)
####14. Bar plots of variable influence####
# do fam1 runs if it's bin only (fam1 bin, gaus (ie fam2) false), or if it's delta & ZI
if (fam1 == "bernoulli" & (!gaus | (gaus & ZI)) & exists("Bin_Best_Model")) { # create tables
Bin_Bars <- summary(get(Bin_Best_Model),
cBars = length(get(Bin_Best_Model)$var.names),
n.trees = get(Bin_Best_Model)$n.trees,
plotit = FALSE, order = TRUE, normalize = TRUE, las = 1, main = NULL)
write.csv(Bin_Bars, file = paste0("./", names(samples[i]), "/Binary BRT Variable contributions.csv"), row.names = FALSE)} # close ZI
if (gaus & exists("Gaus_Best_Model")) {Gaus_Bars <- summary(get(Gaus_Best_Model),
cBars = length(get(Gaus_Best_Model)$var.names),
n.trees = get(Gaus_Best_Model)$n.trees,
plotit = FALSE, order = TRUE, normalize = TRUE, las = 1, main = NULL)
write.csv(Gaus_Bars, file = paste0("./", names(samples[i]), "/Gaussian BRT Variable contributions.csv"), row.names = FALSE)} # close if gaus
if (alerts) beep(2)# progress printer, right aligned for visibility
# do fam1 runs if it's bin only (fam1 bin, gaus (ie fam2) false), or if it's delta & ZI
if (fam1 == "bernoulli" & (!gaus | (gaus & ZI)) & exists("Bin_Best_Model")) { # produce graphics
pointlineseqbin <- seq(0, length(Bin_Bars[,2]) - 1, 1)
png(filename = paste0("./",names(samples[i]),"/Bin_Bars.png"),
width = 4*480, height = 4*480, units = "px", pointsize = 4*12, bg = "white", res = NA, family = "",
type = pngtype)
par(mar = c(2.5,0.3,0,0.5), fig = c(0,1,0,1), cex.lab = 0.5, mgp = c(1.5,0.5,0), cex = 1.3, lwd = 6)
barplot(rev(Bin_Bars[,2]), cex.lab = 1.2, las = 1, # axis labs horizontal
horiz = TRUE, # make horizontal
xlab = "Relative Influence %", col = NA, border = NA, # no border, lwd redundant
xlim = c(0, 2.5 + ceiling(max(Bin_Bars[,2]))),
ylim = c(0, length(Bin_Bars[,2])), # figure height as a proportion of nBars
beside = T) # juxtaposed not stacked
#points(rev(Bin_Bars[,2]), pointlineseqbin, pch = 20, cex = 1.75, col = "black") #black dots at line ends
revseq <- rev(pointlineseqbin)
for (q in 1:length(Bin_Bars[,2])) {
lines(c(0, Bin_Bars[q,2]), c(revseq[q], revseq[q]), col = "black", lwd = 8)}
text(0.1, pointlineseqbin + (length(Bin_Bars[,2])/55), labels = rev(Bin_Bars[,1]), adj = 0, cex = 0.8)
axis(side = 1, lwd = 6, outer = TRUE, xpd = NA)
dev.off()} # close ZI
if (gaus & exists("Gaus_Best_Model")) {
pointlineseqgaus <- seq(0, length(Gaus_Bars[,2]) - 1, 1)
png(filename = paste0("./",names(samples[i]),"/Gaus_Bars.png"),
width = 4*480, height = 4*480, units = "px", pointsize = 4*12, bg = "white", res = NA, family = "",
type = pngtype)
par(mar = c(2.5,0.3,0,0.5), fig = c(0,1,0,1), cex.lab = 0.5, mgp = c(1.5,0.5,0), cex = 1.3, lwd = 6)
barplot(rev(Gaus_Bars[,2]), cex.lab = 1.2, las = 1, # axis labs horizontal
horiz = TRUE, # make horizontal
xlab = "Relative Influence %", col = NA, border = NA, # no border, lwd redundant
xlim = c(0, 2.5 + ceiling(max(Gaus_Bars[,2]))),
ylim = c(0, length(Gaus_Bars[,2])), # figure height as a proportion of nBars
beside = T) # juxtaposed not stacked
#points(rev(Gaus_Bars[,2]), pointlineseqgaus, pch = 20, cex = 1.75, col = "black")
revseq <- rev(pointlineseqgaus)
for (r in 1:length(Gaus_Bars[,2])) {
lines(c(0, Gaus_Bars[r,2]), c(revseq[r], revseq[r]), col = "black", lwd = 8)
} # close for r
text(0.1, pointlineseqgaus + (length(Gaus_Bars[,2])/55), labels = rev(Gaus_Bars[,1]), adj = 0, cex = 0.8)
axis(side = 1, lwd = 6, outer = TRUE, xpd = NA)
dev.off() #close PNG
} # close if gaus
# col = rev(expvarcols[match(Bin_Bars[,1],expvarcols[,2]),1]), #in case I want to colour the bars/points later
# elements of barplot lines+points code adapted from Jane Elith code donated to Agustín De Wysiecki & then shared with SD
if (alerts) beep(2) # progress printer, right aligned for visibility
####15. Variable interactions####
if (varint) {
if (fam1 == "bernoulli" & (!gaus | (gaus & ZI)) & exists("Bin_Best_Model")) find.int_Bin <- gbm.interactions(get(Bin_Best_Model))
if (gaus & exists("Gaus_Best_Model")) find.int_Gaus <- gbm.interactions(get(Gaus_Best_Model))
if (alerts) beep(2) # progress printer, right aligned for visibility
} # close varint if
####16. Save model objects####
if (savegbm) { # Save model objects if switched on
if (fam1 == "bernoulli" & (!gaus | (gaus & ZI)) & exists("Bin_Best_Model")) {
Bin_Best_Model_Object <- get(Bin_Best_Model)
# Bin_Best_Model <<- Bin_Best_Model_Object # this causes Bin_Best_Model to BE the model not the name of the original
} # close if ZI
if (gaus & exists("Gaus_Best_Model")) {
Gaus_Best_Model_Object <- get(Gaus_Best_Model)
# Gaus_Best_Model <<- Gaus_Best_Model_Object
save(Gaus_Best_Model_Object, file = paste0("./",names(samples[i]),"/Gaus_Best_Model"))
} # close if gaus
if (fam1 == "bernoulli" & (!gaus | (gaus & ZI)) & exists("Bin_Best_Model")) {
save(Bin_Best_Model_Object, file = paste0("./",names(samples[i]),"/Bin_Best_Model")) #only save bin if ZI=TRUE
} # close if ZI
if (alerts) beep(2) # progress printer, right aligned for visibility
} # close if savegbm
####17. Finalise & Write Report####
if (fam1 == "bernoulli" & (!gaus | (gaus & ZI)) & exists("Bin_Best_Model")) { # only do bin bits if ZI; move 7 cols left if no gaus run
# Combine sections ZI yes, gaus ifelse was L812,873,879####
if (gaus & exists("Gaus_Best_Model")) {
Report[1:15,(reportcolno - 13)] <- c(paste0("Model combo: ", Bin_Best_Name),
paste0("trees: ", get(Bin_Best_Model)$n.trees),
paste0("Training Data Correlation: ", round(Bin_Best_Score, 3)),
paste0("Training data AUC score: ", round(get(Bin_Best_Model)$self.statistics$discrimination, 3)),
paste0("CV AUC score: ", round(get(Bin_Best_Model)$cv.statistics$discrimination.mean, 3)),
paste0("CV AUC se: ", round(get(Bin_Best_Model)$cv.statistics$discrimination.se, 3)),
paste0("Overfitting (Training data AUC - CV AUC): ", round(get(Bin_Best_Model)$self.statistics$discrimination - get(Bin_Best_Model)$cv.statistics$discrimination.mean, 3)),
paste0("CV Mean Deviance: ", round(get(Bin_Best_Model)$cv.statistics$deviance.mean, 3)),
paste0("CV Deviance SE: ", round(get(Bin_Best_Model)$cv.statistics$deviance.se, 3)),
paste0("CV D squared: ", round(get(Bin_Best_Model)$cv.statistics$d.squared, 3)),
paste0("CV Mean Correlation: ", round(get(Bin_Best_Model)$cv.statistics$correlation.mean, 3)),
paste0("CV Correlation SE: ", round(get(Bin_Best_Model)$cv.statistics$correlation.se, 3)),
paste0("CV RMSE: ", round(get(Bin_Best_Model)$cv.statistics$cv.rmse, 3)),
paste0("Deviance% explained relative to null, training: ", round(((get(Bin_Best_Model)$self.statistics$mean.null - get(Bin_Best_Model)$self.statistics$mean.resid) / get(Bin_Best_Model)$self.statistics$mean.null)*100, 2)),
paste0("Deviance% explained relative to null, CV: ", round(((get(Bin_Best_Model)$self.statistics$mean.null - get(Bin_Best_Model)$cv.statistics$deviance.mean) / get(Bin_Best_Model)$self.statistics$mean.null)*100, 2)))
} else {
Report[1:15,(reportcolno - 6)] <- c(paste0("Model combo: ", Bin_Best_Name),
paste0("trees: ", get(Bin_Best_Model)$n.trees),
paste0("Training Data Correlation: ", round(Bin_Best_Score, 3)),
paste0("Training data AUC score: ", round(get(Bin_Best_Model)$self.statistics$discrimination, 3)),
paste0("CV AUC score: ", round(get(Bin_Best_Model)$cv.statistics$discrimination.mean, 3)),
paste0("CV AUC se: ", round(get(Bin_Best_Model)$cv.statistics$discrimination.se, 3)),
paste0("Overfitting (Training data AUC - CV AUC): ", round(get(Bin_Best_Model)$self.statistics$discrimination - get(Bin_Best_Model)$cv.statistics$discrimination.mean, 3)),
paste0("CV Mean Deviance: ", round(get(Bin_Best_Model)$cv.statistics$deviance.mean, 3)),
paste0("CV Deviance SE: ", round(get(Bin_Best_Model)$cv.statistics$deviance.se, 3)),
paste0("CV D squared: ", round(get(Bin_Best_Model)$cv.statistics$d.squared, 3)),
paste0("CV Mean Correlation: ", round(get(Bin_Best_Model)$cv.statistics$correlation.mean, 3)),
paste0("CV Correlation SE: ", round(get(Bin_Best_Model)$cv.statistics$correlation.se, 3)),
paste0("CV RMSE: ", round(get(Bin_Best_Model)$cv.statistics$cv.rmse, 3)),
paste0("Deviance% explained relative to null, training: ", round(((get(Bin_Best_Model)$self.statistics$mean.null - get(Bin_Best_Model)$self.statistics$mean.resid) / get(Bin_Best_Model)$self.statistics$mean.null)*100, 2)),
paste0("Deviance% explained relative to null, CV: ", round(((get(Bin_Best_Model)$self.statistics$mean.null - get(Bin_Best_Model)$cv.statistics$deviance.mean) / get(Bin_Best_Model)$self.statistics$mean.null)*100, 2)))
} # close if else gaus bin report
if (simp) { # bin & gaus simp stats (or no simp notes)
if (gaus & exists("Gaus_Best_Model")) {
Report[1:dim(subset(Bin_Best_Simp_Check$final.drops, order > 0))[1], (reportcolno - 12)] <- as.character(subset(Bin_Best_Simp_Check$final.drops, order > 0)$preds)
# listing simp predictors kept: rows 1 to 'howevermany are left in simp' i.e. above 0
# [1] is the first item of the dim list of rows & columns, i.e. rows
Report[1:(length(Bin_Best_Simp_Check$final.drops$preds) - dim(subset(Bin_Best_Simp_Check$final.drops, order > 0))[1]),(reportcolno - 11)] <-
as.character(Bin_Best_Simp_Check$final.drops$preds[((dim(subset(Bin_Best_Simp_Check$final.drops,order > 0))[1]) + 1):length(Bin_Best_Simp_Check$final.drops$preds)])
# listing simp predictors dropped.
if (min(Bin_Best_Simp_Check$deviance.summary$mean) < 0) {
Report[1:14,(reportcolno - 10)] <- c(paste0("trees: ", Bin_Best_Simp$n.trees),
paste0("Training Data Correlation: ", round(Bin_Best_Simp$self.statistics$correlation[[1]], 3)),
paste0("Training data AUC score: ", round(Bin_Best_Simp$self.statistics$discrimination, 3)),
paste0("CV AUC score: ", round(Bin_Best_Simp$cv.statistics$discrimination.mean, 3)),
paste0("CV AUC se: ", round(Bin_Best_Simp$cv.statistics$discrimination.se, 3)),
paste0("Overfitting (Training data AUC - CV AUC): ", round(Bin_Best_Simp$self.statistics$discrimination - Bin_Best_Simp$cv.statistics$discrimination.mean, 3)),
paste0("CV Mean Deviance: ", round(Bin_Best_Simp$cv.statistics$deviance.mean, 3)),
paste0("CV Deviance SE: ", round(Bin_Best_Simp$cv.statistics$deviance.se, 3)),
paste0("CV D squared: ", round(Bin_Best_Simp$cv.statistics$d.squared, 3)),
paste0("CV Mean Correlation: ", round(Bin_Best_Simp$cv.statistics$correlation.mean, 3)),
paste0("CV Correlation SE: ", round(Bin_Best_Simp$cv.statistics$correlation.se, 3)),
paste0("CV RMSE: ", round(Bin_Best_Simp$cv.statistics$cv.rmse, 3)),
paste0("Deviance% explained relative to null, training: ", round(((Bin_Best_Simp$self.statistics$mean.null - Bin_Best_Simp$self.statistics$mean.resid) / Bin_Best_Simp$self.statistics$mean.null)*100, 2)),
paste0("Deviance% explained relative to null, CV: ", round(((Bin_Best_Simp$self.statistics$mean.null - Bin_Best_Simp$cv.statistics$deviance.mean) / Bin_Best_Simp$self.statistics$mean.null)*100, 2)))
} else { # if min
Report[1,(reportcolno - 10)] <- paste0("No simplification benefit")
} # close if min else
} else { # bin predictors etc
Report[1:dim(subset(Bin_Best_Simp_Check$final.drops, order > 0))[1], (reportcolno - 5)] <- as.character(subset(Bin_Best_Simp_Check$final.drops, order > 0)$preds)
Report[1:(length(Bin_Best_Simp_Check$final.drops$preds) - dim(subset(Bin_Best_Simp_Check$final.drops, order > 0))[1]),(reportcolno - 4)] <-
as.character(Bin_Best_Simp_Check$final.drops$preds[((dim(subset(Bin_Best_Simp_Check$final.drops,order > 0))[1]) + 1):length(Bin_Best_Simp_Check$final.drops$preds)])
if (min(Bin_Best_Simp_Check$deviance.summary$mean) < 0) {
Report[1:14,(reportcolno - 3)] <- c(paste0("trees: ", Bin_Best_Simp$n.trees),
paste0("Training Data Correlation: ", round(Bin_Best_Simp$self.statistics$correlation[[1]], 3)),
paste0("Training data AUC score: ", round(Bin_Best_Simp$self.statistics$discrimination, 3)),
paste0("CV AUC score: ", round(Bin_Best_Simp$cv.statistics$discrimination.mean, 3)),
paste0("CV AUC se: ", round(Bin_Best_Simp$cv.statistics$discrimination.se, 3)),
paste0("Overfitting (Training data AUC - CV AUC): ", round(Bin_Best_Simp$self.statistics$discrimination - Bin_Best_Simp$cv.statistics$discrimination.mean, 3)),
paste0("CV Mean Deviance: ", round(Bin_Best_Simp$cv.statistics$deviance.mean, 3)),
paste0("CV Deviance SE: ", round(Bin_Best_Simp$cv.statistics$deviance.se, 3)),
paste0("CV D squared: ", round(Bin_Best_Simp$cv.statistics$d.squared, 3)),
paste0("CV Mean Correlation: ", round(Bin_Best_Simp$cv.statistics$correlation.mean, 3)),
paste0("CV Correlation SE: ", round(Bin_Best_Simp$cv.statistics$correlation.se, 3)),
paste0("CV RMSE: ", round(Bin_Best_Simp$cv.statistics$cv.rmse, 3)),
paste0("Deviance% explained relative to null, training: ", round(((Bin_Best_Simp$self.statistics$mean.null - Bin_Best_Simp$self.statistics$mean.resid) / Bin_Best_Simp$self.statistics$mean.null)*100, 2)),
paste0("Deviance% explained relative to null, CV: ", round(((Bin_Best_Simp$self.statistics$mean.null - Bin_Best_Simp$cv.statistics$deviance.mean) / Bin_Best_Simp$self.statistics$mean.null)*100, 2)))
} else { # if min bin best simp
Report[1,(reportcolno - 3)] <- paste0("No simplification benefit")
} # close if min bin best simp else
} # close bin half of bin/gaus option. Next line is 2nd half of simp option i.e. not simplified
} else if (gaus) { # if not simp but is gaus
Report[1,(reportcolno - 12):(reportcolno - 10)] <- c(paste0("simp turned off"),
paste0("simp turned off"),
paste0("simp turned off"))
} else {# not gaus not simp: report cols are changed so needs adjustment
Report[1,(reportcolno - 5):(reportcolno - 3)] <- c(paste0("simp turned off"),
paste0("simp turned off"),
paste0("simp turned off"))
} # close 2nd half of simp else, i.e. nosimp bin. Closes bin & gaus simp stats (or no simp notes)
if (gaus & exists("Gaus_Best_Model")) { # if zi & gaus again, second section
Report[1:(length(Bin_Bars[,1])),(reportcolno - 9)] <- as.character(Bin_Bars$var)
} else { # if zi & bin only
Report[1:(length(Bin_Bars[,1])),(reportcolno - 2)] <- as.character(Bin_Bars$var)
} # close ifelse best bin variables rel inf names ordered
if (gaus & exists("Gaus_Best_Model")) { # if ZI & gaus again
Report[1:(length(Bin_Bars[,2])),(reportcolno - 8)] <- as.character(round(Bin_Bars$rel.inf), 2)
} else { # zi & not gaus
Report[1:(length(Bin_Bars[,2])),(reportcolno - 1)] <- as.character(round(Bin_Bars$rel.inf), 2)
} # close ifelse best bin variables rel inf scores
if (varint) { # only do final variable interaction lines if varint=TRUE
if (gaus & exists("Gaus_Best_Model")) { # varint gaus
# Report[1:2,(reportcolno - 7)] <- c(paste0(find.int_Bin$rank.list$var1.names[1]," and ",find.int_Bin$rank.list$var2.names[1],". Size: ",find.int_Bin$rank.list$int.size[1]),
# paste0(find.int_Bin$rank.list$var1.names[2]," and ",find.int_Bin$rank.list$var2.names[2],". Size: ",find.int_Bin$rank.list$int.size[2]))
# 2020-12-17 update, see below
for (v in 1:min(length(which(find.int_Bin$rank.list$int.size > 0)),
nrow(Report))) {
Report[v, (reportcolno - 7)] <- paste0(find.int_Bin$rank.list$var1.names[v]," and ",find.int_Bin$rank.list$var2.names[v],". Size: ",find.int_Bin$rank.list$int.size[v])
} else { # varint yes gaus no
# Report[1:2,(reportcolno)] <- c(paste0(find.int_Bin$rank.list$var1.names[1]," and ",find.int_Bin$rank.list$var2.names[1],". Size: ",find.int_Bin$rank.list$int.size[1]),
# paste0(find.int_Bin$rank.list$var1.names[2]," and ",find.int_Bin$rank.list$var2.names[2],". Size: ",find.int_Bin$rank.list$int.size[2]))
# 2020-12-17 update, see below
for (u in 1:min(length(which(find.int_Bin$rank.list$int.size > 0)),
nrow(Report))) {
Report[u, (reportcolno)] <- paste0(find.int_Bin$rank.list$var1.names[u]," and ",find.int_Bin$rank.list$var2.names[u],". Size: ",find.int_Bin$rank.list$int.size[u])
} # close varint yes gaus no
} else { # varint no
if (gaus & exists("Gaus_Best_Model")) { # varint no gaus yes
Report[1,(reportcolno - 7)] <- paste0("varint turned off")
} else { # varint no gaus no
Report[1,(reportcolno)] <- paste0("varint turned off")
} # close not varint not gaus
} # close not varint
} # close ZI way further up start of report section (L810)
if (gaus & exists("Gaus_Best_Model")) {
Report[1:11 ,(reportcolno - 6)] <- c(paste0("Model combo: ", Gaus_Best_Name),
paste0("trees: ", get(Gaus_Best_Model)$n.trees), # new, might not work
paste0("Training Data Correlation: ", round(Gaus_Best_Score, 3)),
paste0("CV Mean Deviance: ", round(get(Gaus_Best_Model)$cv.statistics$deviance.mean, 3)), # new, might not work
paste0("CV Deviance SE: ", round(get(Gaus_Best_Model)$cv.statistics$deviance.se, 3)), # new, might not work
paste0("CV D squared: ", round(get(Gaus_Best_Model)$cv.statistics$d.squared, 3)), # new, might not work
paste0("CV Mean Correlation: ", round(get(Gaus_Best_Model)$cv.statistics$correlation.mean, 3)), # new, might not work
paste0("CV Correlation SE: ", round(get(Gaus_Best_Model)$cv.statistics$correlation.se, 3)), # new, might not work
paste0("CV RMSE: ", round(get(Gaus_Best_Model)$cv.statistics$cv.rmse, 3)), # new, might not work
paste0("Deviance% explained relative to null, training: ", round(((get(Gaus_Best_Model)$self.statistics$mean.null - get(Gaus_Best_Model)$self.statistics$mean.resid) / get(Gaus_Best_Model)$self.statistics$mean.null)*100, 2)), # new, might not work
paste0("Deviance% explained relative to null, CV: ", round(((get(Gaus_Best_Model)$self.statistics$mean.null - get(Gaus_Best_Model)$cv.statistics$deviance.mean) / get(Gaus_Best_Model)$self.statistics$mean.null)*100, 2))) # new, might not work
if (simp) {
Report[1:dim(subset(Gaus_Best_Simp_Check$final.drops,order > 0))[1], (reportcolno - 5)] <- as.character(subset(Gaus_Best_Simp_Check$final.drops ,order > 0)$preds)
Report[1:(length(Gaus_Best_Simp_Check$final.drops$preds) - dim(subset(Gaus_Best_Simp_Check$final.drops, order > 0))[1]), (reportcolno - 4)] <-
as.character(Gaus_Best_Simp_Check$final.drops$preds[((dim(subset(Gaus_Best_Simp_Check$final.drops,order > 0))[1]) + 1):length(Gaus_Best_Simp_Check$final.drops$preds)])
if (min(Gaus_Best_Simp_Check$deviance.summary$mean) < 0) {
Report[1:10, (reportcolno - 3)] <- c(paste0("trees: ", Gaus_Best_Simp$n.trees),
paste0("Training Data Correlation: ", round(Gaus_Best_Simp$self.statistics$correlation[[1]], 3)),
paste0("CV Mean Deviance: ", round(Gaus_Best_Simp$cv.statistics$deviance.mean, 3)),
paste0("CV Deviance SE: ", round(Gaus_Best_Simp$cv.statistics$deviance.se, 3)),
paste0("CV D squared: ", round(Gaus_Best_Simp$cv.statistics$d.squared, 3)),
paste0("CV Mean Correlation: ", round(Gaus_Best_Simp$cv.statistics$correlation.mean, 3)),
paste0("CV Correlation SE: ", round(Gaus_Best_Simp$cv.statistics$correlation.se, 3)),
paste0("CV RMSE: ", round(Gaus_Best_Simp$cv.statistics$cv.rmse, 3)),
paste0("Deviance% explained relative to null, training: ", round(((Gaus_Best_Simp$self.statistics$mean.null - Gaus_Best_Simp$self.statistics$mean.resid) / Gaus_Best_Simp$self.statistics$mean.null)*100, 2)), # new, might not work
paste0("Deviance% explained relative to null, CV: ", round(((Gaus_Best_Simp$self.statistics$mean.null - Gaus_Best_Simp$cv.statistics$deviance.mean) / Gaus_Best_Simp$self.statistics$mean.null)*100, 2)))
} else { # else if min gaus best simp, stats where simp benefit true, open note where no simp benefit
Report[1,(reportcolno - 3)] <- paste0("No simplification benefit")
} # close if else simp benefit check
} else { # close gaus yes simp yes, do gaus yes simp no
Report[1,(reportcolno - 5):(reportcolno - 3)] <- c(paste0("simp turned off"),
paste0("simp turned off"),
paste0("simp turned off"))
} # close simp, still in gaus yes
Report[1:(length(Gaus_Bars[,1])),(reportcolno - 2)] <- as.character(Gaus_Bars$var)
Report[1:(length(Gaus_Bars[,2])),(reportcolno - 1)] <- as.character(round(Gaus_Bars$rel.inf), 2)
if (varint) { # gaus yes varint yes
# 2020.12.17 instead of top 2 interactions, do all of them that are > 0 size (unless there are more than the report nrow)
for (t in 1:min(length(which(find.int_Gaus$rank.list$int.size > 0)),
nrow(Report))) {
Report[t, (reportcolno)] <- paste0(find.int_Gaus$rank.list$var1.names[t]," and ",find.int_Gaus$rank.list$var2.names[t],". Size: ",find.int_Gaus$rank.list$int.size[t])
# Report[1:2,(reportcolno)] <- c(paste0(find.int_Gaus$rank.list$var1.names[1]," and ",find.int_Gaus$rank.list$var2.names[1],". Size: ",find.int_Gaus$rank.list$int.size[1]),
# paste0(find.int_Gaus$rank.list$var1.names[2]," and ",find.int_Gaus$rank.list$var2.names[2],". Size: ",find.int_Gaus$rank.list$int.size[2]))
} else { # gaus yes varint no
Report[1,(reportcolno)] <- paste0("varint turned off")
} # close varint yes no, still in gaus yes
} # close gaus if
Report[, "Metadata"] <- as.character(NA)
Report$Metadata[1:4] <- c(
paste0("gbm.auto v", packageVersion("gbm.auto")),
paste0("dismo v", packageVersion("dismo")),
paste0("fam1 n ", length(samples[, i])),
ifelse(gaus, paste0("fam2 n ", length(grv_yes[, i])), as.character(NA))
# ) was a closed bracket here, I think errantly
write.csv(Report, row.names = FALSE, na = "", file = paste0("./", names(samples[i]), "/Report.csv"))
if (alerts) beep(2) # progress printer, right aligned for visibility
# 18. Finalise & Write Self & CV Stats csv ####
StatsObjectsDf <- data.frame(StatsNames = names(unlist(StatsObjectsList)),
Value = round(unlist(StatsObjectsList), 3),
row.names = NULL)
StatsObjectsNames <- as.data.frame(stri_split_fixed(str = StatsObjectsDf$StatsNames,
pattern = "__",
n = 2,
simplify = TRUE))
colnames(StatsObjectsNames) <- c("Model", "Test_Statistic")
Self_CV_Statistics <- data.frame(StatsObjectsNames, Value = StatsObjectsDf[,"Value"])
write.csv(x = Self_CV_Statistics, row.names = FALSE, na = "",
file = paste0("./", names(samples[i]), "/Self_CV_Statistics.csv"))
rm(list = c("StatsObjectsList", "StatsObjectsDf", "StatsObjectsNames", "Self_CV_Statistics"))
#19. Machine learning evaluation metrics####
if (MLEvaluate) { # if user wants ML evaluation
# if (any(fam1 == "bernoulli", fam2 == "bernoulli")) {
# whichbin <- which(c(fam1 == "bernoulli", fam2 == "bernoulli"))
# if (whichbin == 1) getmodel <- "Bin_Best_Model" else getmodel <- "Gaus_Best_Model"
# } # close if any fam 1
if (fam1 == "bernoulli" & (!gaus | (gaus & ZI)) & exists("Bin_Best_Model")) { # only do if bin exists, previously was: exists("Bin_Best_Model")
preds <- predict.gbm(get(Bin_Best_Model),
samples, # predict back to samples, not out of bag, for performance evaluation
n.trees = get(Bin_Best_Model)$gbm.call$best.trees,
type = "response")
#If type="response" then gbm converts back to the same scale as the outcome.
# Currently the only effect this will have is returning probabilities for
# bernoulli and expected counts for poisson. For the other distributions
# "response" and "link" return the same. gbm:::predict.gbm
# calc.deviance = remaining deviance
pct.dev.remain.samples <- calc.deviance(obs = samples[, get(Bin_Best_Model)$gbm.call$gbm.y],
pred = preds,
family = "bernoulli") # change fam if using
pct.dev.remain.samples <- (1 - pct.dev.remain.samples) * 100 # convert to % deviance explained
AUC.samples <- roc(obsdat = samples[, get(Bin_Best_Model)$gbm.call$gbm.y],
preddat = preds)
# One of "binomial", "bernoulli", "poisson", "laplace", or "gaussian"
samples <- cbind(samples, preds)
pres <- samples[samples[, brvcol] == 1, "preds"] # check brvcol indexed properly, ditto last col is preds
abs <- samples[samples[, brvcol] == 0, "preds"]
e <- evaluate(p = pres,
a = abs)
# saveRDS(e, file = paste0("./",names(samples[i]),"/e.rds")) # saveout for diagnostics, bug since fixed
# Fielding, A. H. & J.F. Bell, 1997. A review of methods for the assessment of prediction errors in conservation presence/absence models. Environmental Conservation 24: 38-49
# Liu, C., M. White & G. Newell, 2011. Measuring and comparing the accuracy of species distribution models with presence-absence data. Ecography 34: 232-243.
MLEvalLength <- 32
# Improve ML STATS descriptions####
MLEval <- data.frame(Statistic = rep(NA, MLEvalLength),
Description = rep(NA, MLEvalLength),
Value = rep(NA, MLEvalLength))
MLEval[1,] <- c("Presence",
"n of presence data used",
MLEval[2,] <- c("Absence",
"n of absence data used",
MLEval[3,] <- c("AUC",
"Area under the receiver operator (ROC) curve",
round(e@auc, 3))
if (length(e@pauc) == 0) e@pauc <- 0 # pauc may be missing, numeric(0), if so replace with 0
MLEval[4,] <- c("pAUC",
"p-value for the AUC (for the Wilcoxon test W statistic)",
MLEval[5,] <- c("Cor",
"Correlation coefficient",
MLEval[6,] <- c("cor",
"p-value for correlation coefficient",
# Steph Brodie's TSS which produces the same result as Allouche
# -1 just makes the output range is 0:1 instead of 1:2 I think.
# If so this means Sensitivity is e@TPR[which.max(e@TPR + e@TNR)], which doesn't include
# (e@TPR + e@FNR) but it's a vector of 1s so is redundant. Same for Specificity
MLEval[7,] <- c("TSS",
"True Skill Statistic",
round(max(e@TPR + e@TNR - 1),3))
# sensitivity: TP/(TP+FN)
MLEval[8,] <- c("Sensitivity",
round(e@TPR[which.max(e@TPR + e@TNR)],3))
# specificity: TN/(FP+TN)
Specificity <- round(e@TNR[which.max(e@TPR + e@TNR)],3)
MLEval[9,] <- c("Specificity",
# Accuracy: TP+TN / TP+TN+FP+FN true false positive negative.
# TP+TN is just TSS + 1, TP+TN+FP+FN #Sums to 2, redundant
MLEval[10,] <- c("Accuracy",
round((e@TPR[which.max(e@TPR + e@TNR)] + e@TNR[which.max(e@TPR + e@TNR)]) / 2, 3))
# Precision: TP/TP+FP. Ignores true negatives. “X% of the predictions are right”
Precision <- e@TPR[which.max(e@TPR + e@TNR)] / (e@TPR[which.max(e@TPR + e@TNR)] + e@FPR[which.max(e@TPR + e@TNR)])
MLEval[11,] <- c("Precision",
"X% of the predictions are right",
# Recall: TP/TP+FN: “Y% of actually existing things are captured”.
Recall <- e@TPR[which.max(e@TPR + e@TNR)] / (e@TPR[which.max(e@TPR + e@TNR)] + e@FNR[which.max(e@TPR + e@TNR)])
MLEval[12,] <- c("Recall",
"Y% of actually existing things are captured",
# https://www.corvil.com/kb/what-is-a-false-positive-rate
# Allouche et al 2006:
# overall accuracy: (TP+TN)/n
# this seems like a weird metric since the numerator is 0:2 or 1:2 and the divisor could be tiny or huge
MLEval[13,] <- c("OverallAccuracy",
"Overall Accuracy",
round((e@TPR[which.max(e@TPR + e@TNR)] + e@TNR[which.max(e@TPR + e@TNR)])/nrow(samples),3))
# Balanced Accuracy, (Recall + Specificity) / 2
MLEval[14,] <- c("BalancedAccuracy",
"Balanced Accuracy",
round((Recall + Specificity) / 2,3))
# Number of samples. Useful to include in the list
MLEval[15,] <- c("nSamples",
"Number of samples",
# Balance: precision vs recall curve. Workhorses.
# PxR/P+R = F score (P+R = harmonic mean).
# F1 score: P & R are equally rated. This is the most common one. F1 score importance depends on the project.
MLEval[16,] <- c("F1score",
"P & R equally rated, score importance depends on project",
round(2 * ((Precision * Recall) / (Precision + Recall)),3))
# F2 score: weighted average of Precision & Recall
MLEval[17,] <- c("F2score",
"weighted average of P & R",
round(5 * ((Precision * Recall) / (4 * Precision + Recall)),3))
# Threshold which produces the best combo of TPR & TNR
# t: vector of thresholds used to compute confusion matrices
MLEval[18,] <- c("Threshold",
"Threshold which produced best combo of TPR & TNR",
round(e@t[which.max(e@TPR + e@TNR)],3))
# e@prevalence: Prevalence
MLEval[19,] <- c("Prevalence",
round(e@prevalence[which.max(e@TPR + e@TNR)],3))
# e@ODP: Overall diagnostic power
MLEval[20,] <- c("ODP",
"Overall diagnostic power",
round(e@ODP[which.max(e@TPR + e@TNR)],3))
# e@CCR: Correct classification rate
MLEval[21,] <- c("CCR",
"Correct classification rate",
round(e@CCR[which.max(e@TPR + e@TNR)],3))
# e@TPR: True positive rate
MLEval[22,] <- c("TPR",
"True positive rate",
round(e@TPR[which.max(e@TPR + e@TNR)],3))
# e@TNR: True negative rate
MLEval[23,] <- c("TNR",
"True negative rate",
round(e@TNR[which.max(e@TPR + e@TNR)],3))
# e@FPR: False positive rate
MLEval[24,] <- c("FPR",
"False positive rate",
round(e@FPR[which.max(e@TPR + e@TNR)],3))
# e@FNR: False negative rate
MLEval[25,] <- c("FNR",
"False negative rate",
round(e@FNR[which.max(e@TPR + e@TNR)],3))
# e@PPP: Positive predictive power
MLEval[26,] <- c("PPP",
"Positive predictive power",
round(e@PPP[which.max(e@TPR + e@TNR)],3))
# e@NPP: Negative predictive power
MLEval[27,] <- c("NPP",
"Negative predictive power",
round(e@NPP[which.max(e@TPR + e@TNR)],3))
# e@MCR: Misclassification rate
MLEval[28,] <- c("MCR",
"Misclassification rate",
round(e@MCR[which.max(e@TPR + e@TNR)],3))
# e@OR: Odds-ratio
MLEval[29,] <- c("OR",
round(e@OR[which.max(e@TPR + e@TNR)],3))
# e@kappa: Cohen's kappa
MLEval[30,] <- c("kappa",
"Cohen's kappa",
round(e@kappa[which.max(e@TPR + e@TNR)],3))
# (1 - pct.dev.remain.samples) * 100; pct.dev.remain.samples from calc.deviance from dismo
MLEval[31,] <- c("pct.dev.remain.samples",
"% deviance explained, samples data only, calc.deviance frunction in gbm.auto, Leathwick & Elith",
MLEval[32,] <- c("AUC.samples",
"AUC for samples data, roc function in gbm.auto, by J.Elith",
# MLEval$Value <- round(MLEval$Value, digits = 5)
write.csv(MLEval, row.names = FALSE, na = "", file = paste0("./", names(samples[i]), "/MLEvalMetricsBin.csv"))
# 2023-03-12
# bug where plot(e,s) wanted type=double because ModeEvaluation wasn't an exported method from dismo:
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/75669228/r-plot-error-in-as-doublex-cannot-coerce-type-s4-to-vector-of-type-doubl
# Raised in bug: https://github.com/rspatial/dismo/issues/37
# Fixed in commit: https://github.com/rspatial/dismo/commit/e4cc66f2abaec80a46d40f0afc6f7b06f16c7228
# Included dismo github 1.3-10 into DESCRIPTION via:
# use_dev_package(package = "dismo",type = "Imports",remote = "rspatial")
# adds Remotes section. Manually changed dismo version.
# Per https://r-pkgs.org/dependencies-in-practice.html#depending-on-the-development-version-of-a-package
# After document(): Warning message: In loadNamespace(i, c(lib.loc, .libPaths()), versionCheck = vI[[i]]):
# namespace ‘dismo’ 1.3-9 is already loaded, but >= 1.3.10 is required
# Note I need to change to the next CRAN dismo submission before I can submit to CRAN again.
evalmetrics <- c("ROC", "kappa", "prevalence", "TPR", "TNR", "FPR", "FNR", "CCR", "PPP", "NPP", "MCR", "OR")
for (s in evalmetrics) {
png(filename = paste0("./",names(samples[i]),"/Bin_Eval_", s, ".png"))
plot(e, s)
} # close for (s in evalmetrics)
} # close if(fam1 == "bernoulli" & (!gaus | (gaus & ZI)))
# # can do calc.deviance for gaus also, ditto poisson
# #ToFix GAUS ML STATS####
# #Gaus metrics won't work as is
# #Also code this better to reduce duplication & allow for bin & gaus runs
# if (gaus & exists("Gaus_Best_Model")) { #
# preds <- predict.gbm(get(Gaus_Best_Model),
# samples,
# n.trees = get(Gaus_Best_Model)$gbm.call$best.trees,
# type = "response")
# #If type="response" then gbm converts back to the same scale as the outcome.
# # Currently the only effect this will have is returning probabilities for
# # bernoulli and expected counts for poisson. For the other distributions
# # "response" and "link" return the same. gbm:::predict.gbm
# # dev reported later but not used otherwise
# dev <- calc.deviance(obs = samples[, get(Gaus_Best_Model)$gbm.call$gbm.y],
# pred = preds,
# family = "Gaussian") # change fam if using
# # One of "binomial", "bernoulli", "poisson", "laplace", or "gaussian"
# samples <- cbind(samples, preds)
# pres <- samples[samples[, brvcol] == 1, "preds"] # check brvcol indexed properly, ditto last col is preds
# abs <- samples[samples[, brvcol] == 0, "preds"]
# # means abs = numeric(0) & evaluate() fails.
# e <- evaluate(p = pres,
# a = abs)
# # Fielding, A. H. & J.F. Bell, 1997. A review of methods for the assessment of prediction errors in conservation presence/absence models. Environmental Conservation 24: 38-49
# # Liu, C., M. White & G. Newell, 2011. Measuring and comparing the accuracy of species distribution models with presence-absence data. Ecography 34: 232-243.
# MLEvalLength <- 31
# # Improve descriptions####
# MLEval <- data.frame(Statistic = rep(NA, MLEvalLength),
# Description = rep(NA, MLEvalLength),
# Value = rep(NA, MLEvalLength))
# MLEval[1,] <- c("Presence",
# "n of presence data used",
# e@np)
# MLEval[2,] <- c("Absence",
# "n of absence data used",
# e@na)
# MLEval[3,] <- c("AUC",
# "Area under the receiver operator (ROC) curve",
# e@auc)
# if (length(e@pauc) == 0) e@pauc <- 0 # pauc may be missing, numeric(0), if so replace with 0
# MLEval[4,] <- c("pAUC",
# "p-value for the AUC (for the Wilcoxon test W statistic)",
# e@pauc)
# MLEval[5,] <- c("Cor",
# "Correlation coefficient",
# e@cor[[1]])
# MLEval[6,] <- c("cor",
# "p-value for correlation coefficient",
# e@pcor)
# # Steph Brodie's TSS which produces the same result as Allouche
# # -1 just makes the output range is 0:1 instead of 1:2 I think.
# # If so this means Sensitivity is e@TPR[which.max(e@TPR + e@TNR)], which doesn't include
# # (e@TPR + e@FNR) but it's a vector of 1s so is redundant. Same for Specificity
# MLEval[7,] <- c("TSS",
# "True Skill Statistic",
# max(e@TPR + e@TNR - 1))
# # sensitivity: TP/(TP+FN)
# MLEval[8,] <- c("Sensitivity",
# "Sensitivity",
# e@TPR[which.max(e@TPR + e@TNR)])
# # specificity: TN/(FP+TN)
# Specificity <- e@TNR[which.max(e@TPR + e@TNR)]
# MLEval[9,] <- c("Specificity",
# "Specificity",
# Specificity)
# # Accuracy: TP+TN / TP+TN+FP+FN true false positive negative.
# # TP+TN is just TSS + 1, TP+TN+FP+FN #Sums to 2, redundant
# MLEval[10,] <- c("Accuracy",
# "Accuracy",
# (e@TPR[which.max(e@TPR + e@TNR)] + e@TNR[which.max(e@TPR + e@TNR)]) / 2)
# # Precision: TP/TP+FP. Ignores true negatives. “X% of the predictions are right”
# Precision <- e@TPR[which.max(e@TPR + e@TNR)] / (e@TPR[which.max(e@TPR + e@TNR)] + e@FPR[which.max(e@TPR + e@TNR)])
# MLEval[11,] <- c("Precision",
# "X% of the predictions are right",
# Precision)
# # Recall: TP/TP+FN: “Y% of actually existing things are captured”.
# Recall <- e@TPR[which.max(e@TPR + e@TNR)] / (e@TPR[which.max(e@TPR + e@TNR)] + e@FNR[which.max(e@TPR + e@TNR)])
# MLEval[12,] <- c("Recall",
# "Y% of actually existing things are captured",
# Recall)
# # https://www.corvil.com/kb/what-is-a-false-positive-rate
# # Allouche et al 2006:
# # overall accuracy: (TP+TN)/n
# # this seems like a weird metric since the numerator is 0:2 or 1:2 and the divisor could be tiny or huge
# MLEval[13,] <- c("OverallAccuracy",
# "Overall Accuracy",
# (e@TPR[which.max(e@TPR + e@TNR)] + e@TNR[which.max(e@TPR + e@TNR)])/nrow(samples))
# # Balanced Accuracy, (Recall + Specificity) / 2
# MLEval[14,] <- c("BalancedAccuracy",
# "Balanced Accuracy",
# (Recall + Specificity) / 2)
# # Number of samples. Useful to include in the list
# MLEval[15,] <- c("nSamples",
# "Number of samples",
# nrow(samples))
# # Balance: precision vs recall curve. Workhorses.
# # PxR/P+R = F score (P+R = harmonic mean).
# # F1 score: P & R are equally rated. This is the most common one. F1 score importance depends on the project.
# MLEval[16,] <- c("F1score",
# "P & R equally rated, score importance depends on project",
# 2 * ((Precision * Recall) / (Precision + Recall)))
# # F2 score: weighted average of Precision & Recall
# MLEval[17,] <- c("F2score",
# "weighted average of P & R",
# 5 * ((Precision * Recall) / (4 * Precision + Recall)))
# # Threshold which produces the best combo of TPR & TNR
# # t: vector of thresholds used to compute confusion matrices
# MLEval[18,] <- c("Threshold",
# "Threshold which produced best combo of TPR & TNR",
# e@t[which.max(e@TPR + e@TNR)])
# # e@prevalence: Prevalence
# MLEval[19,] <- c("Prevalence",
# "Prevalence",
# e@prevalence[which.max(e@TPR + e@TNR)])
# # e@ODP: Overall diagnostic power
# MLEval[20,] <- c("ODP",
# "Overall diagnostic power",
# e@ODP[which.max(e@TPR + e@TNR)])
# # e@CCR: Correct classification rate
# MLEval[21,] <- c("CCR",
# "Correct classification rate",
# e@CCR[which.max(e@TPR + e@TNR)])
# # e@TPR: True positive rate
# MLEval[22,] <- c("TPR",
# "True positive rate",
# e@TPR[which.max(e@TPR + e@TNR)])
# # e@TNR: True negative rate
# MLEval[23,] <- c("TNR",
# "True negative rate",
# e@TNR[which.max(e@TPR + e@TNR)])
# # e@FPR: False positive rate
# MLEval[24,] <- c("FPR",
# "False positive rate",
# e@FPR[which.max(e@TPR + e@TNR)])
# # e@FNR: False negative rate
# MLEval[25,] <- c("FNR",
# "False negative rate",
# e@FNR[which.max(e@TPR + e@TNR)])
# # e@PPP: Positive predictive power
# MLEval[26,] <- c("PPP",
# "Positive predictive power",
# e@PPP[which.max(e@TPR + e@TNR)])
# # e@NPP: Negative predictive power
# MLEval[27,] <- c("NPP",
# "Negative predictive power",
# e@NPP[which.max(e@TPR + e@TNR)])
# # e@MCR: Misclassification rate
# MLEval[28,] <- c("MCR",
# "Misclassification rate",
# e@MCR[which.max(e@TPR + e@TNR)])
# # e@OR: Odds-ratio
# MLEval[29,] <- c("OR",
# "Odds-ratio",
# e@OR[which.max(e@TPR + e@TNR)])
# # e@kappa: Cohen's kappa
# MLEval[30,] <- c("kappa",
# "Cohen's kappa",
# e@kappa[which.max(e@TPR + e@TNR)])
# # dev from calc.deviance from dismo
# MLEval[31,] <- c("dev",
# "deviance from 2 vecs, obs & pred vals",
# dev)
# # MLEval$Value <- round(MLEval$Value, digits = 5)
# write.csv(MLEval, row.names = FALSE, na = "", file = paste0("./", names(samples[i]), "/MLEvalMetricsGaus.csv"))
# evalmetrics <- c("ROC", "kappa", "prevalence", "TPR", "TNR", "FPR", "FNR", "CCR", "PPP", "NPP", "MCR", "OR")
# for (s in evalmetrics) {
# png(filename = paste0("./",names(samples[i]),"/Gaus_Eval_", s, ".png"))
# plot(e, s)
# dev.off()
# } # close for (s in evalmetrics)
# } # close if (gaus)
if (alerts) beep(2) # progress printer, right aligned for visibility
} # close if MLEvaluate
} # close loadgbm isnull
#avoid sections 19-25 if not predicting to grids
if (!is.null(grids)) {
# Load model objects if loadgbm set
if (!is.null(loadgbm)) {
if (fam1 == "bernoulli" & (!gaus | (gaus & ZI))) { # do fam1 runs if it's bin only (fam1 bin, gaus (ie fam2) false), or if it's delta & ZI
# & exists("Bin_Best_Model") # not sure why this was in the above line; if using loadgbm then Bin_)Best_model necessarily won't exist in the environment.
if (length(list.files(path = loadgbm, pattern = "Bin_Best_Model")) != 1) stop("Bin_Best_Model not found at loadgbm path")
load(paste0(loadgbm, "Bin_Best_Model"))
Bin_Best_Model <- "Bin_Best_Model_Object"
} # close ZI if
if (gaus) {
# & exists("Gaus_Best_Model")
if (length(list.files(path = loadgbm, pattern = "Gaus_Best_Model")) != 1) stop("Gaus_Best_Model not found at loadgbm path")
print(paste0(loadgbm, "Gaus_Best_Model"))
load(paste0(loadgbm, "Gaus_Best_Model"))
Gaus_Best_Model <- "Gaus_Best_Model_Object"
} # close gaus if
dir.create(names(samples[i])) # create resvar-named directory for outputs
} # close if isnull loadgbm
####20. Binomial predictions####
if (fam1 == "bernoulli" & (!gaus | (gaus & ZI))) { # do fam1 runs if it's bin only (fam1 bin, gaus (ie fam2) false), or if it's delta & ZI
# & exists("Bin_Best_Model")
grids$Bin_Preds <- predict.gbm(object = get(Bin_Best_Model),
newdata = grids,
n.trees = get(Bin_Best_Model)$gbm.call$best.trees,
type = "response")
if (alerts) beep(2) # progress printer, right aligned for visibility
} # close if ZI
####21. Gaussian predictions####
if (gaus) {
# & exists("Gaus_Best_Model")
Gaus_Preds <- predict.gbm(object = get(Gaus_Best_Model),
newdata = grids,
n.trees = get(Gaus_Best_Model)$gbm.call$best.trees,
type = "response")
if (alerts) beep(2) # progress printer, right aligned for visibility
if (fam1 == "bernoulli" & (!gaus | (gaus & ZI))) {
# & exists("Bin_Best_Model")
grids$Gaus_Preds <- Gaus_Preds
####22. Backtransform logged Gaus to unlogged####
if (fam2 == "poisson") {
grids$Gaus_Preds_Unlog <- Gaus_Preds
} else {
grids$Gaus_Preds_Unlog <- expm1(Gaus_Preds + 1/2 * sd(get(Gaus_Best_Model)$residuals, na.rm = FALSE) ^ 2)
# exp for log, expm1 for log1p, L395
####23. BIN*positive abundance = final abundance####
grids$PredAbund <- grids$Gaus_Preds_Unlog * grids$Bin_Preds
} else { # close gaus yes zi yes run gaus yes zi no
grids$PredAbund <- Gaus_Preds #if ZI=TRUE, unlog gaus & multiply by bin. Else just use gaus preds.
} # close ifelse zi
} else { # if not gaus
grids$PredAbund <- grids$Bin_Preds # if only doing Bin, preds are just bin preds
} # close ifelse gaus
# scale up/down predictions so values in grids pixels relate to the same area sampled in samples
grids$PredAbund <- grids$PredAbund * samplesGridsAreaScaleFactor
predabund <- which(colnames(grids) == "PredAbund") # predicted abundance column number for writecsv
if (alerts) beep(2) # progress printer, right aligned for visibility
####24. Final saves####
# CSV of Predicted values at each site inc predictor variables' values.
write.csv(grids, row.names = FALSE, file = paste0("./", names(samples[i]), "/Abundance_Preds_All.csv"))
# CSV of Predicted values at each site without predictor variables' values.
# coerce character gridslat/lon into numeric since predabund is given as numeric & you can't mix
if (is.character(gridslat)) gridslat <- which(colnames(samples) == gridslat)
if (is.character(gridslon)) gridslon <- which(colnames(samples) == gridslon)
write.csv(grids[c(gridslat,gridslon,predabund)], row.names = FALSE, file = paste0("./", names(samples[i]), "/Abundance_Preds_only.csv"))
if (alerts) beep(2) # progress printer, right aligned for visibility
####25. Unrepresentativeness surface builder####
# builds doesn't plot surface. If built, plotted by map maker.
if (RSB) {
rsbdf_bin <- gbm.rsb(samples, grids, expvarnames, gridslat, gridslon)
pos_samples <- subset(samples, brv > 0)
if (gaus & exists("Gaus_Best_Model")) {
rsbdf_gaus <- gbm.rsb(pos_samples, grids, expvarnames, gridslat, gridslon)
rsbdf_both <- data.frame(rsbdf_bin, "Unrep_Gaus" = rsbdf_gaus[,"Unrepresentativeness"], "Unrep_Both" = (rsbdf_bin[,"Unrepresentativeness"] + rsbdf_gaus[,"Unrepresentativeness"]))
write.csv(rsbdf_both, row.names = FALSE, file = paste0("./", names(samples[i]), "/RSB.csv"))
} else { # not gaus
write.csv(rsbdf_bin, row.names = FALSE, file = paste0("./", names(samples[i]), "/RSB.csv")) # if not gaus
} # close if else gaus
} # close if RSB
####26. Map maker####
if (map) { # generate output image & set parameters
# png(filename = paste0("./",names(samples[i]),"/PredAbundMap_",names(samples[i]),".png"),
# width = 4*1920, height = 4*1920, units = "px", pointsize = 4*48, bg = "white", res = NA, family = "", type = pngtype)
# par(mar = c(3.2,3,1.3,0), las = 1, mgp = c(2.1,0.5,0), xpd = FALSE)
# # run gbm.map function with generated parameters
# gbm.map(x = grids[,gridslon],
# y = grids[,gridslat],
# z = grids[,predabund],
# species = names(samples[i]),
# shape = shape, #either autogenerated or set by user so never blank
# ...) # allows gbm.auto's optional terms to be passed to subfunctions:
# # byx, byy, mapmain, heatcol, mapback, landcol, lejback, legendloc, grdfun, zero, quantile, heatcolours, colournumber
# dev.off()
gbm.mapsf(predabund = grids[c(gridslat, gridslon, predabund)],
# predabundlon = 2, # Longitude column number.
# predabundlat = 1, # Latitude column number.
# predabundpreds = 3, # Predicted abundance column number.
# myLocation = NULL, # location for extents, format c(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax).
# trim = TRUE, # remove NA & 0 values and crop to remaining date extents? Default TRUE.
# scale100 = FALSE, # scale Predicted Abundance to 100? Default FALSE.
# gmapsAPI = NULL, # enter your Google maps API here, quoted character string
# mapsource = "google", # Source for ggmap::get_map; uses Stamen as fallback if no Google Maps API present. Options: "google", "stamen", "gbm.basemap".
# googlemap = TRUE, # If pulling basemap from Google maps, this sets expansion factors since
# # Google Maps tiling zoom setup doesn't align to myLocation extents.
# maptype = "satellite",
# darkenproportion = 0, # amount to darken the basemap, 0-1.
# mapzoom = 9, # google: 3 (continent) - 21 (building). stamen: 0-18
shape = shape, # If mapsource is "gbm.basemap", enter the full path to gbm.basemaps downloaded map, typically Crop_Map.shp, including the .shp.
# expandfactor = 0, # extents expansion factor for basemap. default was 1.6
# colourscale = "viridis", # Scale fill colour scheme to use, default "viridis", other option is "gradient".
# colorscale = NULL, # Scale fill colour scheme to use, default NULL, populating this will overwrite colourscale.
# heatcolours = c("white", "yellow", "orange","red", "brown4"), # Vector of colours if gradient selected for colourscale, defaults to heatmap theme.
# colournumber = 8, # Number of colours to spread heatcolours over, if gradient selected for colourscale. Default 8.
studyspecies = names(samples[i]),
# plottitle = paste0("Predicted abundance of ", studyspecies),
# plotsubtitle = "CPUE", # data %>% distinct(ID) %>% nrow() # 13
# legendtitle = "CPUE",
# plotcaption = paste0("gbm.auto::gbm.map, ", lubridate::today()),
# axisxlabel = "Longitude",
# axisylabel = "Latitude",
legendposition = c(0.05, 0.18),
# fontsize = 12,
# fontfamily = "Times New Roman",
# filesavename = paste0(lubridate::today(), "_", studyspecies, "_", legendtitle, ".png"),
savedir = paste0("./",names(samples[i]), "/"),
# receiverlats = NULL, # vector of latitudes for receivers to be plotted
# receiverlons = NULL, # vector of longitudes for receivers to be plotted
# receivernames = NULL, # vector of names for receivers to be plotted
# receiverrange = NULL, # single (will be recycled), or vector of detection ranges in metres for receivers to be plotted
# recpointscol = "black", # Colour of receiver centrepoint outlines.
# recpointsfill = "white", # Colour of receiver centrepoint fills.
# recpointsalpha = 0.5, # Alpha value of receiver centrepoint fills, 0 (invisible) to 1 (fully visible).
# recpointssize = 1, # Size of receiver points.
# recpointsshape = 21, # Shape of receiver points, default 21, circle with outline and fill.
# recbufcol = "grey75", # Colour of the receiver buffer circle outlines.
# recbuffill = "grey", # Colour of the receiver buffer circle fills.
# recbufalpha = 0.5, # Alpha value of receiver buffer fills, 0 (invisible) to 1 (fully visible).
# reclabcol = "black", # Receiver label text colour.
# reclabfill = NA, # Receiver label fill colour, NA for no fill.
# reclabnudgex = 0, # Receiver label offset nudge in X dimension.
# reclabnudgey = -200, # Receiver label offset nudge in Y dimension.
# reclabpad = 0, # Receiver label padding in lines.
# reclabrad = 0.15, # Receiver label radius in lines.
# reclabbord = 0 # Receiver label border in mm.
# gbm.auto param existing shapefile format, google choice, API, stamen etc passthrough
if (alerts) beep(2) # progress printer, right aligned for visibility
if (BnW) { # if BnW=TRUE, run again in black & white for journal submission
# png(filename = paste0("./",names(samples[i]),"/PredAbundMap_BnW_",names(samples[i]),".png"),
# width = 4*1920, height = 4*1920, units = "px", pointsize = 4*48, bg = "white", res = NA, family = "", type = pngtype)
# par(mar = c(3.2,3,1.3,0), las = 1, mgp = c(2.1,0.5,0), xpd = FALSE)
# gbm.map(x = grids[,gridslon],
# y = grids[,gridslat],
# z = grids[,predabund],
# species = names(samples[i]),
# shape = shape, #either autogenerated or set by user so never blank
# landcol = grey.colors(1, start = 0.8, end = 0.8), #light grey. 0=black 1=white
# mapback = "white",
# heatcolours = grey.colors(8, start = 1, end = 0),
# savedir = savedir, # passes to gbm.map's ... which passes to gbm.basemap
# ...) # allows gbm.auto's optional terms to be passed to subfunctions:
# # byx, byy, mapmain, heatcol, mapback, landcol, lejback, legendloc, grdfun, zero, quantile, heatcolours, colournumber
# dev.off()
# BUG: stamen autozoom####
# Error in if (zoom == "auto" && location_type == "bbox") { : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
gbm.mapsf(predabund = grids[c(gridslat, gridslon, predabund)],
# predabundlon = 2, # Longitude column number.
# predabundlat = 1, # Latitude column number.
# predabundpreds = 3, # Predicted abundance column number.
# myLocation = NULL, # location for extents, format c(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax).
# trim = TRUE, # remove NA & 0 values and crop to remaining date extents? Default TRUE.
# scale100 = FALSE, # scale Predicted Abundance to 100? Default FALSE.
# gmapsAPI = NULL, # enter your Google maps API here, quoted character string
mapsource = "stamen", # Source for ggmap::get_map; uses Stamen as fallback if no Google Maps API present. Options: "google", "stamen", "gbm.basemap".
googlemap = FALSE, # If pulling basemap from Google maps, this sets expansion factors since
# # Google Maps tiling zoom setup doesn't align to myLocation extents.
maptype = "toner-lite",
# darkenproportion = 0, # amount to darken the basemap, 0-1.
# mapzoom = 9, # google: 3 (continent) - 21 (building). stamen: 0-18
shape = shape, # If mapsource is "gbm.basemap", enter the full path to gbm.basemaps downloaded map, typically Crop_Map.shp, including the .shp.
# expandfactor = 0, # extents expansion factor for basemap. default was 1.6
colourscale = "gradient", # Scale fill colour scheme to use, default "viridis", other option is "gradient".
# colorscale = NULL, # Scale fill colour scheme to use, default NULL, populating this will overwrite colourscale.
heatcolours = c("white", "grey80", "grey60","grey40", "grey20", "black"), # Vector of colours if gradient selected for colourscale, defaults to heatmap theme.
# colournumber = 8, # Number of colours to spread heatcolours over, if gradient selected for colourscale. Default 8.
studyspecies = names(samples[i]),
# plottitle = paste0("Predicted abundance of ", studyspecies),
# plotsubtitle = "CPUE", # data %>% distinct(ID) %>% nrow() # 13
# legendtitle = "CPUE",
# plotcaption = paste0("gbm.auto::gbm.map, ", lubridate::today()),
# axisxlabel = "Longitude",
# axisylabel = "Latitude",
legendposition = c(0.05, 0.18),
# fontsize = 12,
# fontfamily = "Times New Roman",
filesavename = paste0(lubridate::today(), "_", names(samples[i]), "_CPUE_BnW.png"),
savedir = paste0("./",names(samples[i]), "/")
# receiverlats = NULL, # vector of latitudes for receivers to be plotted
# receiverlons = NULL, # vector of longitudes for receivers to be plotted
# receivernames = NULL, # vector of names for receivers to be plotted
# receiverrange = NULL, # single (will be recycled), or vector of detection ranges in metres for receivers to be plotted
# recpointscol = "black", # Colour of receiver centrepoint outlines.
# recpointsfill = "white", # Colour of receiver centrepoint fills.
# recpointsalpha = 0.5, # Alpha value of receiver centrepoint fills, 0 (invisible) to 1 (fully visible).
# recpointssize = 1, # Size of receiver points.
# recpointsshape = 21, # Shape of receiver points, default 21, circle with outline and fill.
# recbufcol = "grey75", # Colour of the receiver buffer circle outlines.
# recbuffill = "grey", # Colour of the receiver buffer circle fills.
# recbufalpha = 0.5, # Alpha value of receiver buffer fills, 0 (invisible) to 1 (fully visible).
# reclabcol = "black", # Receiver label text colour.
# reclabfill = NA, # Receiver label fill colour, NA for no fill.
# reclabnudgex = 0, # Receiver label offset nudge in X dimension.
# reclabnudgey = -200, # Receiver label offset nudge in Y dimension.
# reclabpad = 0, # Receiver label padding in lines.
# reclabrad = 0.15, # Receiver label radius in lines.
# reclabbord = 0 # Receiver label border in mm.
if (alerts) beep(2) # progress printer, right aligned for visibility
} # close & save plotting device & close BnW optional
if (RSB) { # if RSB called, plot that surface separately
linear01seq <- seq(from = 0, to = 1, length.out = 9) #linear sequence from 0:1, 9 bins
exp01seq <- expm1(4*linear01seq)/expm1(4) # exponentiate to change shape then scale back to 1
if (fam1 == "bernoulli" & (!gaus | (gaus & ZI))) {
# & exists("Bin_Best_Model")
# png(filename = paste0("./",names(samples[i]),"/RSB_Map_Bin_",names(samples[i]),".png"),
# width = 4*1920, height = 4*1920, units = "px", pointsize = 4*48, bg = "white", res = NA, family = "", type = pngtype)
# par(mar = c(3.2,3,1.3,0), las = 1, mgp = c(2.1,0.5,0), xpd = FALSE)
# gbm.map(x = grids[,gridslon],
# y = grids[,gridslat],
# z = rsbdf_bin[,"Unrepresentativeness"],
# mapmain = "Unrepresentativeness: ",
# species = names(samples[i]),
# legendtitle = "UnRep 0-1",
# shape = shape, #either autogenerated or set by user so never blank
# # breaks = expm1(breaks.grid(log(2000), ncol = 8, zero = TRUE))/2000) #old failing breaks
# breaks = exp01seq)
# dev.off() #high value log breaks mean first ~5 values cluster near 0 for high
# # res there, but high values captures in the last few bins.
gbm.mapsf(predabund = data.frame(Latitude = grids[, gridslat],
Longitude = grids[, gridslon],
Unrepresentativeness = rsbdf_bin[,"Unrepresentativeness"]),
# predabundlon = 2, # Longitude column number.
# predabundlat = 1, # Latitude column number.
# predabundpreds = 3, # Predicted abundance column number.
# myLocation = NULL, # location for extents, format c(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax).
# trim = TRUE, # remove NA & 0 values and crop to remaining date extents? Default TRUE.
# scale100 = FALSE, # scale Predicted Abundance to 100? Default FALSE.
# gmapsAPI = NULL, # enter your Google maps API here, quoted character string
# mapsource = "google", # Source for ggmap::get_map; uses Stamen as fallback if no Google Maps API present. Options: "google", "stamen", "gbm.basemap".
# googlemap = TRUE, # If pulling basemap from Google maps, this sets expansion factors since
# # Google Maps tiling zoom setup doesn't align to myLocation extents.
# maptype = "satellite",
# darkenproportion = 0, # amount to darken the basemap, 0-1.
# mapzoom = 9, # google: 3 (continent) - 21 (building). stamen: 0-18
shape = shape, # If mapsource is "gbm.basemap", enter the full path to gbm.basemaps downloaded map, typically Crop_Map.shp, including the .shp.
# expandfactor = 0, # extents expansion factor for basemap. default was 1.6
colourscale = "gradient", # Scale fill colour scheme to use, default "viridis", other option is "gradient".
# colorscale = NULL, # Scale fill colour scheme to use, default NULL, populating this will overwrite colourscale.
heatcolours = c("white", "yellow", "orange","red", "brown4"), # Vector of colours if gradient selected for colourscale, defaults to heatmap theme.
colournumber = 8, # Number of colours to spread heatcolours over, if gradient selected for colourscale. Default 8.
studyspecies = names(samples[i]),
plottitle = paste0("Unrepresentativeness of samples data for ", names(samples[i])),
plotsubtitle = "Unrepresentativeness", # data %>% distinct(ID) %>% nrow() # 13
legendtitle = "UnRep 0-1",
# plotcaption = paste0("gbm.auto::gbm.map, ", lubridate::today()),
# axisxlabel = "Longitude",
# axisylabel = "Latitude",
legendposition = c(0.05, 0.18),
# fontsize = 12,
# fontfamily = "Times New Roman",
filesavename = paste0(lubridate::today(), "_", names(samples[i]), "_RSB_Map_Bin.png"),
savedir = paste0("./",names(samples[i]), "/")
# receiverlats = NULL, # vector of latitudes for receivers to be plotted
# receiverlons = NULL, # vector of longitudes for receivers to be plotted
# receivernames = NULL, # vector of names for receivers to be plotted
# receiverrange = NULL, # single (will be recycled), or vector of detection ranges in metres for receivers to be plotted
# recpointscol = "black", # Colour of receiver centrepoint outlines.
# recpointsfill = "white", # Colour of receiver centrepoint fills.
# recpointsalpha = 0.5, # Alpha value of receiver centrepoint fills, 0 (invisible) to 1 (fully visible).
# recpointssize = 1, # Size of receiver points.
# recpointsshape = 21, # Shape of receiver points, default 21, circle with outline and fill.
# recbufcol = "grey75", # Colour of the receiver buffer circle outlines.
# recbuffill = "grey", # Colour of the receiver buffer circle fills.
# recbufalpha = 0.5, # Alpha value of receiver buffer fills, 0 (invisible) to 1 (fully visible).
# reclabcol = "black", # Receiver label text colour.
# reclabfill = NA, # Receiver label fill colour, NA for no fill.
# reclabnudgex = 0, # Receiver label offset nudge in X dimension.
# reclabnudgey = -200, # Receiver label offset nudge in Y dimension.
# reclabpad = 0, # Receiver label padding in lines.
# reclabrad = 0.15, # Receiver label radius in lines.
# reclabbord = 0 # Receiver label border in mm.
if (alerts) beep(2) # progress printer, right aligned for visibility
} # close if zi bin
if (gaus) {
# & exists("Gaus_Best_Model")
# png(filename = paste0("./",names(samples[i]),"/RSB_Map_Gaus_",names(samples[i]),".png"),
# width = 4*1920, height = 4*1920, units = "px", pointsize = 4*48, bg = "white", res = NA, family = "", type = pngtype)
# par(mar = c(3.2,3,1.3,0), las = 1, mgp = c(2.1,0.5,0), xpd = FALSE)
# gbm.map(x = grids[,gridslon],
# y = grids[,gridslat],
# z = rsbdf_gaus[,"Unrepresentativeness"],
# mapmain = "Unrepresentativeness: ",
# species = names(samples[i]),
# legendtitle = "UnRep 0-1",
# shape = shape, #either autogenerated or set by user so never blank
# breaks = exp01seq)
# dev.off()
gbm.mapsf(predabund = data.frame(Latitude = grids[, gridslat],
Longitude = grids[, gridslon],
Unrepresentativeness = rsbdf_gaus[,"Unrepresentativeness"]),
# predabundlon = 2, # Longitude column number.
# predabundlat = 1, # Latitude column number.
# predabundpreds = 3, # Predicted abundance column number.
# myLocation = NULL, # location for extents, format c(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax).
# trim = TRUE, # remove NA & 0 values and crop to remaining date extents? Default TRUE.
# scale100 = FALSE, # scale Predicted Abundance to 100? Default FALSE.
# gmapsAPI = NULL, # enter your Google maps API here, quoted character string
# mapsource = "google", # Source for ggmap::get_map; uses Stamen as fallback if no Google Maps API present. Options: "google", "stamen", "gbm.basemap".
# googlemap = TRUE, # If pulling basemap from Google maps, this sets expansion factors since
# # Google Maps tiling zoom setup doesn't align to myLocation extents.
# maptype = "satellite",
# darkenproportion = 0, # amount to darken the basemap, 0-1.
# mapzoom = 9, # google: 3 (continent) - 21 (building). stamen: 0-18
shape = shape, # If mapsource is "gbm.basemap", enter the full path to gbm.basemaps downloaded map, typically Crop_Map.shp, including the .shp.
# expandfactor = 0, # extents expansion factor for basemap. default was 1.6
# colourscale = "viridis", # Scale fill colour scheme to use, default "viridis", other option is "gradient".
# colorscale = NULL, # Scale fill colour scheme to use, default NULL, populating this will overwrite colourscale.
# heatcolours = c("white", "yellow", "orange","red", "brown4"), # Vector of colours if gradient selected for colourscale, defaults to heatmap theme.
# colournumber = 8, # Number of colours to spread heatcolours over, if gradient selected for colourscale. Default 8.
studyspecies = names(samples[i]),
plottitle = paste0("Unrepresentativeness of samples data for ", names(samples[i])),
plotsubtitle = "Unrepresentativeness", # data %>% distinct(ID) %>% nrow() # 13
legendtitle = "UnRep 0-1",
# plotcaption = paste0("gbm.auto::gbm.map, ", lubridate::today()),
# axisxlabel = "Longitude",
# axisylabel = "Latitude",
legendposition = c(0.05, 0.18),
# fontsize = 12,
# fontfamily = "Times New Roman",
filesavename = paste0(lubridate::today(), "_", names(samples[i]), "_RSB_Map_Gaus.png"),
savedir = paste0("./",names(samples[i]), "/"),
# receiverlats = NULL, # vector of latitudes for receivers to be plotted
# receiverlons = NULL, # vector of longitudes for receivers to be plotted
# receivernames = NULL, # vector of names for receivers to be plotted
# receiverrange = NULL, # single (will be recycled), or vector of detection ranges in metres for receivers to be plotted
# recpointscol = "black", # Colour of receiver centrepoint outlines.
# recpointsfill = "white", # Colour of receiver centrepoint fills.
# recpointsalpha = 0.5, # Alpha value of receiver centrepoint fills, 0 (invisible) to 1 (fully visible).
# recpointssize = 1, # Size of receiver points.
# recpointsshape = 21, # Shape of receiver points, default 21, circle with outline and fill.
# recbufcol = "grey75", # Colour of the receiver buffer circle outlines.
# recbuffill = "grey", # Colour of the receiver buffer circle fills.
# recbufalpha = 0.5, # Alpha value of receiver buffer fills, 0 (invisible) to 1 (fully visible).
# reclabcol = "black", # Receiver label text colour.
# reclabfill = NA, # Receiver label fill colour, NA for no fill.
# reclabnudgex = 0, # Receiver label offset nudge in X dimension.
# reclabnudgey = -200, # Receiver label offset nudge in Y dimension.
# reclabpad = 0, # Receiver label padding in lines.
# reclabrad = 0.15, # Receiver label radius in lines.
# reclabbord = 0 # Receiver label border in mm.
if (alerts) beep(2) # progress printer, right aligned for visibility
} # close gaus map
if (ZI & gaus) {
# & exists("Gaus_Best_Model")
# png(filename = paste0("./",names(samples[i]),"/RSB_Map_Both_",names(samples[i]),".png"),
# width = 4*1920, height = 4*1920, units = "px", pointsize = 4*48, bg = "white", res = NA, family = "", type = pngtype)
# par(mar = c(3.2,3,1.3,0), las = 1, mgp = c(2.1,0.5,0), xpd = FALSE)
# gbm.map(x = grids[,gridslon],
# y = grids[,gridslat],
# z = rsbdf_bin[,"Unrepresentativeness"] + rsbdf_gaus[,"Unrepresentativeness"],
# mapmain = "Unrepresentativeness: ",
# species = names(samples[i]),
# legendtitle = "UnRep 0-2",
# shape = shape, #either autogenerated or set by user so never blank
# breaks = exp01seq)
# dev.off()
gbm.mapsf(predabund = data.frame(Latitude = grids[, gridslat],
Longitude = grids[, gridslon],
Unrepresentativeness = rsbdf_bin[,"Unrepresentativeness"] + rsbdf_gaus[,"Unrepresentativeness"]),
# predabundlon = 2, # Longitude column number.
# predabundlat = 1, # Latitude column number.
# predabundpreds = 3, # Predicted abundance column number.
# myLocation = NULL, # location for extents, format c(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax).
# trim = TRUE, # remove NA & 0 values and crop to remaining date extents? Default TRUE.
# scale100 = FALSE, # scale Predicted Abundance to 100? Default FALSE.
# gmapsAPI = NULL, # enter your Google maps API here, quoted character string
# mapsource = "google", # Source for ggmap::get_map; uses Stamen as fallback if no Google Maps API present. Options: "google", "stamen", "gbm.basemap".
# googlemap = TRUE, # If pulling basemap from Google maps, this sets expansion factors since
# # Google Maps tiling zoom setup doesn't align to myLocation extents.
# maptype = "satellite",
# darkenproportion = 0, # amount to darken the basemap, 0-1.
# mapzoom = 9, # google: 3 (continent) - 21 (building). stamen: 0-18
shape = shape, # If mapsource is "gbm.basemap", enter the full path to gbm.basemaps downloaded map, typically Crop_Map.shp, including the .shp.
# expandfactor = 0, # extents expansion factor for basemap. default was 1.6
# colourscale = "viridis", # Scale fill colour scheme to use, default "viridis", other option is "gradient".
# colorscale = NULL, # Scale fill colour scheme to use, default NULL, populating this will overwrite colourscale.
# heatcolours = c("white", "yellow", "orange","red", "brown4"), # Vector of colours if gradient selected for colourscale, defaults to heatmap theme.
# colournumber = 8, # Number of colours to spread heatcolours over, if gradient selected for colourscale. Default 8.
studyspecies = names(samples[i]),
plottitle = paste0("Unrepresentativeness of samples data for ", names(samples[i])),
plotsubtitle = "Unrepresentativeness", # data %>% distinct(ID) %>% nrow() # 13
legendtitle = "UnRep 0-2",
# plotcaption = paste0("gbm.auto::gbm.map, ", lubridate::today()),
# axisxlabel = "Longitude",
# axisylabel = "Latitude",
legendposition = c(0.05, 0.18),
# fontsize = 12,
# fontfamily = "Times New Roman",
filesavename = paste0(lubridate::today(), "_", names(samples[i]), "_RSB_Map_Combo.png"),
savedir = paste0("./",names(samples[i]), "/"),
# receiverlats = NULL, # vector of latitudes for receivers to be plotted
# receiverlons = NULL, # vector of longitudes for receivers to be plotted
# receivernames = NULL, # vector of names for receivers to be plotted
# receiverrange = NULL, # single (will be recycled), or vector of detection ranges in metres for receivers to be plotted
# recpointscol = "black", # Colour of receiver centrepoint outlines.
# recpointsfill = "white", # Colour of receiver centrepoint fills.
# recpointsalpha = 0.5, # Alpha value of receiver centrepoint fills, 0 (invisible) to 1 (fully visible).
# recpointssize = 1, # Size of receiver points.
# recpointsshape = 21, # Shape of receiver points, default 21, circle with outline and fill.
# recbufcol = "grey75", # Colour of the receiver buffer circle outlines.
# recbuffill = "grey", # Colour of the receiver buffer circle fills.
# recbufalpha = 0.5, # Alpha value of receiver buffer fills, 0 (invisible) to 1 (fully visible).
# reclabcol = "black", # Receiver label text colour.
# reclabfill = NA, # Receiver label fill colour, NA for no fill.
# reclabnudgex = 0, # Receiver label offset nudge in X dimension.
# reclabnudgey = -200, # Receiver label offset nudge in Y dimension.
# reclabpad = 0, # Receiver label padding in lines.
# reclabrad = 0.15, # Receiver label radius in lines.
# reclabbord = 0 # Receiver label border in mm.
if (alerts) beep(2) # progress printer, right aligned for visibility
} # close both map
if (BnW) { # if BnW=TRUE, do again for b&w
if (fam1 == "bernoulli" & (!gaus | (gaus & ZI))) {
# & exists("Bin_Best_Model")
# png(filename = paste0("./",names(samples[i]),"/RSB_Map_BnW_Bin_",names(samples[i]),".png"),
# width = 4*1920, height = 4*1920, units = "px", pointsize = 4*48, bg = "white", res = NA, family = "", type = pngtype)
# par(mar = c(3.2,3,1.3,0), las = 1, mgp = c(2.1,0.5,0), xpd = FALSE)
# gbm.map(x = grids[,gridslon],
# y = grids[,gridslat],
# z = rsbdf_bin[,"Unrepresentativeness"],
# mapmain = "Unrepresentativeness: ",
# mapback = "white",
# species = names(samples[i]),
# heatcolours = grey.colors(8, start = 1, end = 0), #default 8 greys
# ####BUG:setting heatcolours & colournumber overrides this####
# landcol = grey.colors(1, start = 0.8, end = 0.8), #light grey. 0=black 1=white
# legendtitle = "UnRep 0-1",
# shape = shape, #either autogenerated or set by user so never blank
# breaks = exp01seq)
# dev.off()
gbm.mapsf(predabund = data.frame(Latitude = grids[, gridslat],
Longitude = grids[, gridslon],
Unrepresentativeness = rsbdf_bin[,"Unrepresentativeness"]),
# predabundlon = 2, # Longitude column number.
# predabundlat = 1, # Latitude column number.
# predabundpreds = 3, # Predicted abundance column number.
# myLocation = NULL, # location for extents, format c(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax).
# trim = TRUE, # remove NA & 0 values and crop to remaining date extents? Default TRUE.
# scale100 = FALSE, # scale Predicted Abundance to 100? Default FALSE.
# gmapsAPI = NULL, # enter your Google maps API here, quoted character string
mapsource = "stamen", # Source for ggmap::get_map; uses Stamen as fallback if no Google Maps API present. Options: "google", "stamen", "gbm.basemap".
googlemap = FALSE, # If pulling basemap from Google maps, this sets expansion factors since
# # Google Maps tiling zoom setup doesn't align to myLocation extents.
maptype = "toner-lite",
# darkenproportion = 0, # amount to darken the basemap, 0-1.
# mapzoom = 9, # google: 3 (continent) - 21 (building). stamen: 0-18
shape = shape, # If mapsource is "gbm.basemap", enter the full path to gbm.basemaps downloaded map, typically Crop_Map.shp, including the .shp.
# expandfactor = 0, # extents expansion factor for basemap. default was 1.6
colourscale = "gradient", # Scale fill colour scheme to use, default "viridis", other option is "gradient".
# colorscale = NULL, # Scale fill colour scheme to use, default NULL, populating this will overwrite colourscale.
heatcolours = c("white", "grey80", "grey60","grey40", "grey20", "black"), # Vector of colours if gradient selected for colourscale, defaults to heatmap theme.
# colournumber = 8, # Number of colours to spread heatcolours over, if gradient selected for colourscale. Default 8.
studyspecies = names(samples[i]),
plottitle = paste0("Unrepresentativeness of samples data for ", names(samples[i])),
plotsubtitle = "Unrepresentativeness", # data %>% distinct(ID) %>% nrow() # 13
legendtitle = "UnRep 0-1",
# plotcaption = paste0("gbm.auto::gbm.map, ", lubridate::today()),
# axisxlabel = "Longitude",
# axisylabel = "Latitude",
legendposition = c(0.05, 0.18),
# fontsize = 12,
# fontfamily = "Times New Roman",
filesavename = paste0(lubridate::today(), "_", names(samples[i]), "_RSB_Map_Bin_BnW.png"),
savedir = paste0("./",names(samples[i]), "/")
# receiverlats = NULL, # vector of latitudes for receivers to be plotted
# receiverlons = NULL, # vector of longitudes for receivers to be plotted
# receivernames = NULL, # vector of names for receivers to be plotted
# receiverrange = NULL, # single (will be recycled), or vector of detection ranges in metres for receivers to be plotted
# recpointscol = "black", # Colour of receiver centrepoint outlines.
# recpointsfill = "white", # Colour of receiver centrepoint fills.
# recpointsalpha = 0.5, # Alpha value of receiver centrepoint fills, 0 (invisible) to 1 (fully visible).
# recpointssize = 1, # Size of receiver points.
# recpointsshape = 21, # Shape of receiver points, default 21, circle with outline and fill.
# recbufcol = "grey75", # Colour of the receiver buffer circle outlines.
# recbuffill = "grey", # Colour of the receiver buffer circle fills.
# recbufalpha = 0.5, # Alpha value of receiver buffer fills, 0 (invisible) to 1 (fully visible).
# reclabcol = "black", # Receiver label text colour.
# reclabfill = NA, # Receiver label fill colour, NA for no fill.
# reclabnudgex = 0, # Receiver label offset nudge in X dimension.
# reclabnudgey = -200, # Receiver label offset nudge in Y dimension.
# reclabpad = 0, # Receiver label padding in lines.
# reclabrad = 0.15, # Receiver label radius in lines.
# reclabbord = 0 # Receiver label border in mm.
if (alerts) beep(2) # progress printer, right aligned for visibility
} # close bin RSB
if (gaus) {
# & exists("Gaus_Best_Model")
# png(filename = paste0("./",names(samples[i]),"/RSB_Map_BnW_Gaus_",names(samples[i]),".png"),
# width = 4*1920, height = 4*1920, units = "px", pointsize = 4*48, bg = "white", res = NA, family = "", type = pngtype)
# par(mar = c(3.2,3,1.3,0), las = 1, mgp = c(2.1,0.5,0), xpd = FALSE)
# gbm.map(x = grids[,gridslon],
# y = grids[,gridslat],
# z = rsbdf_gaus[,"Unrepresentativeness"],
# mapmain = "Unrepresentativeness: ",
# mapback = "white",
# species = names(samples[i]),
# heatcolours = grey.colors(8, start = 1, end = 0),
# landcol = grey.colors(1, start = 0.8, end = 0.8),
# legendtitle = "UnRep 0-1",
# shape = shape, #either autogenerated or set by user so never blank
# breaks = exp01seq)
# dev.off()
gbm.mapsf(predabund = data.frame(Latitude = grids[, gridslat],
Longitude = grids[, gridslon],
Unrepresentativeness = rsbdf_gaus[,"Unrepresentativeness"]),
# predabundlon = 2, # Longitude column number.
# predabundlat = 1, # Latitude column number.
# predabundpreds = 3, # Predicted abundance column number.
# myLocation = NULL, # location for extents, format c(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax).
# trim = TRUE, # remove NA & 0 values and crop to remaining date extents? Default TRUE.
# scale100 = FALSE, # scale Predicted Abundance to 100? Default FALSE.
# gmapsAPI = NULL, # enter your Google maps API here, quoted character string
mapsource = "stamen", # Source for ggmap::get_map; uses Stamen as fallback if no Google Maps API present. Options: "google", "stamen", "gbm.basemap".
googlemap = FALSE, # If pulling basemap from Google maps, this sets expansion factors since
# # Google Maps tiling zoom setup doesn't align to myLocation extents.
maptype = "toner-lite",
# darkenproportion = 0, # amount to darken the basemap, 0-1.
# mapzoom = 9, # google: 3 (continent) - 21 (building). stamen: 0-18
shape = shape, # If mapsource is "gbm.basemap", enter the full path to gbm.basemaps downloaded map, typically Crop_Map.shp, including the .shp.
# expandfactor = 0, # extents expansion factor for basemap. default was 1.6
colourscale = "gradient", # Scale fill colour scheme to use, default "viridis", other option is "gradient".
# colorscale = NULL, # Scale fill colour scheme to use, default NULL, populating this will overwrite colourscale.
heatcolours = c("white", "grey80", "grey60","grey40", "grey20", "black"), # Vector of colours if gradient selected for colourscale, defaults to heatmap theme.
# colournumber = 8, # Number of colours to spread heatcolours over, if gradient selected for colourscale. Default 8.
studyspecies = names(samples[i]),
plottitle = paste0("Unrepresentativeness of samples data for ", names(samples[i])),
plotsubtitle = "Unrepresentativeness", # data %>% distinct(ID) %>% nrow() # 13
legendtitle = "UnRep 0-1",
# plotcaption = paste0("gbm.auto::gbm.map, ", lubridate::today()),
# axisxlabel = "Longitude",
# axisylabel = "Latitude",
legendposition = c(0.05, 0.18),
# fontsize = 12,
# fontfamily = "Times New Roman",
filesavename = paste0(lubridate::today(), "_", names(samples[i]), "_RSB_Map_Gaus_BnW.png"),
savedir = paste0("./",names(samples[i]), "/")
# receiverlats = NULL, # vector of latitudes for receivers to be plotted
# receiverlons = NULL, # vector of longitudes for receivers to be plotted
# receivernames = NULL, # vector of names for receivers to be plotted
# receiverrange = NULL, # single (will be recycled), or vector of detection ranges in metres for receivers to be plotted
# recpointscol = "black", # Colour of receiver centrepoint outlines.
# recpointsfill = "white", # Colour of receiver centrepoint fills.
# recpointsalpha = 0.5, # Alpha value of receiver centrepoint fills, 0 (invisible) to 1 (fully visible).
# recpointssize = 1, # Size of receiver points.
# recpointsshape = 21, # Shape of receiver points, default 21, circle with outline and fill.
# recbufcol = "grey75", # Colour of the receiver buffer circle outlines.
# recbuffill = "grey", # Colour of the receiver buffer circle fills.
# recbufalpha = 0.5, # Alpha value of receiver buffer fills, 0 (invisible) to 1 (fully visible).
# reclabcol = "black", # Receiver label text colour.
# reclabfill = NA, # Receiver label fill colour, NA for no fill.
# reclabnudgex = 0, # Receiver label offset nudge in X dimension.
# reclabnudgey = -200, # Receiver label offset nudge in Y dimension.
# reclabpad = 0, # Receiver label padding in lines.
# reclabrad = 0.15, # Receiver label radius in lines.
# reclabbord = 0 # Receiver label border in mm.
if (alerts) beep(2) # progress printer, right aligned for visibility
} # close gaus RSB
if (ZI & gaus) {
# & exists("Gaus_Best_Model")
# png(filename = paste0("./",names(samples[i]),"/RSB_Map_BnW_Both_",names(samples[i]),".png"),
# width = 4*1920, height = 4*1920, units = "px", pointsize = 4*48, bg = "white", res = NA, family = "", type = pngtype)
# par(mar = c(3.2,3,1.3,0), las = 1, mgp = c(2.1,0.5,0), xpd = FALSE)
# gbm.map(x = grids[,gridslon],
# y = grids[,gridslat],
# z = rsbdf_bin[,"Unrepresentativeness"] + rsbdf_gaus[,"Unrepresentativeness"],
# mapmain = "Unrepresentativeness: ",
# mapback = "white",
# species = names(samples[i]),
# heatcolours = grey.colors(8, start = 1, end = 0),
# landcol = grey.colors(1, start = 0.8, end = 0.8),
# legendtitle = "UnRep 0-2",
# shape = shape, #either autogenerated or set by user so never blank
# breaks = exp01seq)
# dev.off()
gbm.mapsf(predabund = data.frame(Latitude = grids[, gridslat],
Longitude = grids[, gridslon],
Unrepresentativeness = rsbdf_bin[,"Unrepresentativeness"] + rsbdf_gaus[,"Unrepresentativeness"]),
# predabundlon = 2, # Longitude column number.
# predabundlat = 1, # Latitude column number.
# predabundpreds = 3, # Predicted abundance column number.
# myLocation = NULL, # location for extents, format c(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax).
# trim = TRUE, # remove NA & 0 values and crop to remaining date extents? Default TRUE.
# scale100 = FALSE, # scale Predicted Abundance to 100? Default FALSE.
# gmapsAPI = NULL, # enter your Google maps API here, quoted character string
mapsource = "stamen", # Source for ggmap::get_map; uses Stamen as fallback if no Google Maps API present. Options: "google", "stamen", "gbm.basemap".
googlemap = FALSE, # If pulling basemap from Google maps, this sets expansion factors since
# # Google Maps tiling zoom setup doesn't align to myLocation extents.
maptype = "toner-lite",
# darkenproportion = 0, # amount to darken the basemap, 0-1.
# mapzoom = 9, # google: 3 (continent) - 21 (building). stamen: 0-18
shape = shape, # If mapsource is "gbm.basemap", enter the full path to gbm.basemaps downloaded map, typically Crop_Map.shp, including the .shp.
# expandfactor = 0, # extents expansion factor for basemap. default was 1.6
colourscale = "gradient", # Scale fill colour scheme to use, default "viridis", other option is "gradient".
# colorscale = NULL, # Scale fill colour scheme to use, default NULL, populating this will overwrite colourscale.
heatcolours = c("white", "grey80", "grey60","grey40", "grey20", "black"), # Vector of colours if gradient selected for colourscale, defaults to heatmap theme.
# colournumber = 8, # Number of colours to spread heatcolours over, if gradient selected for colourscale. Default 8.
studyspecies = names(samples[i]),
plottitle = paste0("Unrepresentativeness of samples data for ", names(samples[i])),
plotsubtitle = "Unrepresentativeness", # data %>% distinct(ID) %>% nrow() # 13
legendtitle = "UnRep 0-1",
# plotcaption = paste0("gbm.auto::gbm.map, ", lubridate::today()),
# axisxlabel = "Longitude",
# axisylabel = "Latitude",
legendposition = c(0.05, 0.18),
# fontsize = 12,
# fontfamily = "Times New Roman",
filesavename = paste0(lubridate::today(), "_", names(samples[i]), "_RSB_Map_Combo_BnW.png"),
savedir = paste0("./",names(samples[i]), "/")
# receiverlats = NULL, # vector of latitudes for receivers to be plotted
# receiverlons = NULL, # vector of longitudes for receivers to be plotted
# receivernames = NULL, # vector of names for receivers to be plotted
# receiverrange = NULL, # single (will be recycled), or vector of detection ranges in metres for receivers to be plotted
# recpointscol = "black", # Colour of receiver centrepoint outlines.
# recpointsfill = "white", # Colour of receiver centrepoint fills.
# recpointsalpha = 0.5, # Alpha value of receiver centrepoint fills, 0 (invisible) to 1 (fully visible).
# recpointssize = 1, # Size of receiver points.
# recpointsshape = 21, # Shape of receiver points, default 21, circle with outline and fill.
# recbufcol = "grey75", # Colour of the receiver buffer circle outlines.
# recbuffill = "grey", # Colour of the receiver buffer circle fills.
# recbufalpha = 0.5, # Alpha value of receiver buffer fills, 0 (invisible) to 1 (fully visible).
# reclabcol = "black", # Receiver label text colour.
# reclabfill = NA, # Receiver label fill colour, NA for no fill.
# reclabnudgex = 0, # Receiver label offset nudge in X dimension.
# reclabnudgey = -200, # Receiver label offset nudge in Y dimension.
# reclabpad = 0, # Receiver label padding in lines.
# reclabrad = 0.15, # Receiver label radius in lines.
# reclabbord = 0 # Receiver label border in mm.
if (alerts) beep(2) # progress printer, right aligned for visibility
} # close gaus (&combo) B&W RSB
} # close BnW RSBs
} # close RSB mapper
} # close Map Maker
} #close !isnull grids option from above section 19
} # close for i in resvar response variable loop
gc() # Force R to release memory it is no longer using
options(error = NULL) # reset error options to default
if (alerts) beep(8) # final user notification, then close the function
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.