
### R code from vignette source 'factorial.Rnw'

### code chunk number 1: setup


### code chunk number 2: process_matrices
# remove 0 count genes and genes classified as "dubious"
RS.filtered <- rnaseqMatrix[!(rowSums(rnaseqMatrix) == 0 |
                                            rownames(rnaseqMatrix) %in% dubious), ]

sharedGenes <- intersect(rownames(microarrayMatrix), rownames(RS.filtered))
RS.filtered <- RS.filtered[sharedGenes, ]
MA.filtered <- microarrayMatrix[sharedGenes, ] <- microarrayRedMatrix[sharedGenes, ] <- microarrayGreenMatrix[sharedGenes, ]

### code chunk number 3: normalize

#RS.pooled <- RS.subsets[["Full"]]
#R.pooled <- pool_matrix(microarrayRedMatrix, experimentDesign, TRUE, average=TRUE)
#G.pooled <- pool_matrix(microarrayGreenMatrix, experimentDesign, TRUE, average=TRUE)
#RG <- new("RGList", list(R=R.pooled, G=G.pooled))
# TODO: what is difference?
RG <- new("RGList", list(,
matrices <- list(RS=RS.filtered, MA=RG)

subdesign.m = with(experimentDesign, cbind(Full=1,
                                           model.matrix(~ 0 + preparation),
                                           model.matrix(~ 0 + lane),
                                           model.matrix(~ 0 + preparation:lane))) == 1

# construct one row for each subset
subsets <- data.frame(sub = colnames(subdesign.m), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
subsets$bool <- lapply(subsets$sub, function(n) subdesign.m[, n])

subsets <- data.frame(technology=c("MA", "RS"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE) %>%
    group_by(technology) %>% do(subsets)
# wish there were a non-lapply way to do this, not smart enough:
subsets$matrix <- lapply(1:nrow(subsets), function(i)
    matrices[[subsets$technology[i]]][, subsets$bool[[i]]])
subsets$pooled <- lapply(1:nrow(subsets), function(i)
    pool_matrix(matrices[[subsets$technology[i]]], experimentDesign,

subsets <- data.frame(normalize.method=c("scale"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE) %>%
    group_by(normalize.method) %>% do(subsets)
subsets$normalized <- lapply(1:nrow(subsets), function(i)
    factorial::normalize(subsets$pooled[[i]], subsets$normalize.method[i]))

### code chunk number 4: lmFit_ebayes
################################################### <- data.frame(condition = c("E", "E", "G", "G"))
mm <- model.matrix(~ condition,
subsets$fit <- lapply(subsets$normalized, function(n) lmFit(n, mm))
subsets$eb <- lapply(subsets$fit, eBayes)

### code chunk number 5: tidied_DE
# add intensity
raws = list(RS=RS.filtered,
subsets$intensities <- lapply(1:nrow(subsets), function(i)
    rowMeans(raws[[subsets$technology[i]]][, subsets$bool[[i]]]))

tidied <- subsets %>% group_by(technology, sub, normalize.method) %>%
    do(cbind(tidy(.$eb[[1]]) %>% filter(term != "(Intercept)"), intensityraw = .$intensities[[1]])) %>%

# add intensity and significance rank
tidied <- tidied %>% dplyr::mutate(intensity = rank(intensityraw) / n(),
                                   significance = rank(p.value) / n())

### code chunk number 6: tidy_significant
tidied <- tidied %>% mutate(q.value=qvalue(p.value)$qvalues)
summarized.sig <- tidied %>% summarize(significant=sum(q.value < .05), pi0=qvalue(p.value)$pi0)

### code chunk number 7: merged
# merging the tidyr way: gather, unite, spread
merged <- tidied %>% gather(metric, value, -technology, -gene, -normalize.method, -sub) %>%
    unite(techmet, technology, metric, sep=".") %>%
    spread(techmet, value) %>% na.omit()

# add in column for "minimum intensity rank"
merged <- merged %>% mutate(intensity = pmin(MA.intensity, RS.intensity))

### code chunk number 8: fulldata
# separate out the full data and combine with pathway genes

fulldata <- merged %>% filter(sub == "Full") %>%
    merge(pathway, by.x="gene", by.y="ORF", all=TRUE) %>%
    dplyr::select(-sub) %>%
    arrange(Process) %>% tbl_df()

# process Process column to include number of elements in each
fulldata$Process <- add_counts(factor(ifelse($Process),
                                             "All Other Genes",

### code chunk number 9: comparefig

# hardcode scale: items are alphabetical
color_scale <- scale_color_manual(values=c("black", "blue", "lightblue", "yellow", "green"))

comparefig <- ggplot(fulldata, aes(RS.estimate, MA.estimate, color = Process, alpha = intensity)) +
    geom_point() + geom_abline(col="red") +
    xlab("RNA-Seq Log2(G/E)") + ylab("Microarray Log2(G/E)") + color_scale

### code chunk number 10: R2s
# calculating R2s also happens in a tidy framework, but only for normalization
# methods and technologies (not subsets as happen for DE)

normalize.methods <- c("scale", "quantile", "cyclicloess", "TMM", "RLE")

geneR2s <- expand.grid(technology = c("RS", "MA"),
                       normalize.method = normalize.methods,
                       stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
geneR2s <- geneR2s %>% group_by(technology, normalize.method) %>%
    do(matrix = normalize(matrices[[.$technology[[1]]]],

geneR2s <- geneR2s[!sapply(geneR2s$matrix, is.null), ]

geneR2s <- geneR2s %>% group_by(technology, normalize.method) %>%
    do(construct_R2s(as.matrix(.$matrix[[1]]), rowMeans(raws[[.$technology[1]]])))

### code chunk number 11: process_R2s
geneR2s <- geneR2s %>% group_by(technology, normalize.method, Level) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(Quantile = rank(Intensity) / n()) %>%
    filter(!, !is.infinite(value))
geneR2s_scale <- geneR2s %>% group_by() %>% filter(normalize.method == "scale")

### code chunk number 12: R2_figure
g <- ggplot(geneR2s_scale, aes(Quantile, value, color=Level, lty=technology)) +
    geom_smooth(method="loess", se=FALSE) +
    xlab("Quantile of microarray intensity or RNA-Seq read depth") +
    ylab("Smoothed % of variation explained")

### code chunk number 13: R2_normalization_figure
gnorm <- ggplot(geneR2s, aes(Quantile, value, color=Level, lty=normalize.method)) +
    geom_smooth(method="loess", se=FALSE) +
    facet_wrap(~ technology) +
    xlab("Quantile of microarray intensity or RNA-Seq read depth") +
    ylab("Smoothed % of variation explained")

### code chunk number 14: tidied_1lane_1prep
tidied.1lane.1prep <- tidied %>% filter(!grepl(":", sub) & sub != "Full") %>%
    separate(sub, c("level", "replicate"), -2) %>%
    mutate(replicate = ifelse(replicate %in% c("1", "A"), "rep1", "rep2"))

# lane to lane and prep to prep comparisons
tidied.coefs <- tidied.1lane.1prep %>%
    dplyr::select(technology, level, gene, replicate, estimate) %>%
    spread(replicate, estimate) %>%
    mutate(absdiff = abs(rep2 - rep1))

# use the intensity from the full data
fullintensity <- tidied %>% filter(sub == "Full") %>% group_by() %>%
    dplyr::select(gene, technology, intensity)
tidied.coefs <- tidied.coefs %>% inner_join(fullintensity)

### code chunk number 15: rollcor

window.size <- 500

tidied.coefs <- tidied.coefs %>% arrange(technology, level, intensity) %>%
    group_by(technology, level) %>%
    mutate(correlation=runCor(rep1, rep2, n=250))

tidied.coefs %>% filter(level == "lane") %>%
    ggplot(aes(intensity, correlation, color=technology)) + geom_line()

### code chunk number 16: smear
MA_smear <- ggplot(fulldata, aes(MA.intensityraw, MA.estimate, color = Process)) + geom_point() + scale_x_log10()
RS_smear <- ggplot(fulldata, aes(MA.intensityraw, MA.estimate, color = Process)) + geom_point() + scale_x_log10()


### code chunk number 17: absdiff_fig
absdiff.fig <- ggplot(tidied.coefs, aes(intensity, absdiff, color=technology)) +
    geom_smooth(method="loess") + facet_wrap(~ level)

### code chunk number 18: GSEAMA

mm <- GOMembershipMatrix(org.Sc.sgdGO, min.size = 5, max.size = 250)

### code chunk number 19: factorial.Rnw:290-323
merged.metrics <- fulldata %>%
    dplyr::select(gene, MA.p.value, RS.p.value, MA.estimate, RS.estimate) %>%
    gather(techmet, value, -gene) %>%
    separate(techmet, c("technology", "ignore", "metric"), c(2, 3)) %>%

test_association <- function(metric, genes) {
    # if it's p-values, use an alternative hypothesis of "less"
	alternative <- ifelse(all(metric >= 0 & metric <= 1), "less", "two.sided")
	# using "less" may have strange side effects- looking into it
	# alternative = "two.sided"
	TestAssociation(mm, genes, metric, method="wilcoxon", alternative=alternative)

GO_tab = toTable(org.Sc.sgdGO)

gseama_objs <- merged.metrics %>% group_by(technology, metric) %>%
    do(gseama = test_association(.$value, .$gene))

wilcox_sets <- gseama_objs %>% group_by(technology, metric) %>%
    do(.$gseama[[1]]@colData) %>%
    mutate(Ontology = GO_tab$Ontology[match(ID, GO_tab$go_id)])

wilcox_genes <- gseama_objs %>% group_by(technology, metric) %>%

# get top sets using each method (is grouped by tech + metric)
top_sets <- wilcox_sets %>% filter(rank(pvalue) <= 15) %>%
    arrange(technology, metric, pvalue)

# arrange p-values for each column
set_pvalues <- wilcox_sets %>% unite(techmet, technology:metric, sep=".") %>%
    spread(techmet, pvalue)

### code chunk number 20: g_legend

g_legend <- function(a.gplot) {
  tmp <- ggplot_gtable(ggplot_build(a.gplot))
    leg <- which(sapply(tmp$grobs, function(x) x$name) == "guide-box")
	legend <- tmp$grobs[[leg]]

### code chunk number 21: violin

# I wish I could keep the data to plot combined and tidy.
# However, that loses the ordering, so I have to construct separately

rot <- theme(axis.text.x=element_text(color="black", angle = 90, vjust = 0.5, size=6))

plotSets = function(sets) {
    # this function is mostly a hack, kept from original manuscript
    microarray.dat = CompareY(gseama_objs$gseama[[1]], sets)$data
    microarray.dat$Technology = "Microarray"
    RNA.Seq.dat = CompareY(gseama_objs$gseama[[3]], sets)$data
    RNA.Seq.dat$Technology = "RNA-Seq"

    # fix set names to wrap
    #microarray.dat$Set = sapply(microarray.dat$Set, function(s) paste(strwrap(s, width=20), collapse="\n"))
    #RNA.Seq.dat$Set = sapply(RNA.Seq.dat$Set, function(s) paste(strwrap(s, width=20), collapse="\n"))

    # get rid of extreme cases in Overall from low depths, which distract
    microarray.dat = microarray.dat[abs(microarray.dat$y) < 4 | microarray.dat$Set != "Overall", ]
    RNA.Seq.dat = RNA.Seq.dat[abs(RNA.Seq.dat$y) < 4 | RNA.Seq.dat$Set != "Overall", ]

    (ggplot(microarray.dat, aes(Term, y, fill=Technology)) +
            geom_sided_violin(aes(side=0)) +
            geom_sided_violin(aes(side=1), data=RNA.Seq.dat) +
            rot + coord_flip())

num_genes = 12
ordered_sets = set_pvalues %>% arrange(pmax(MA.estimate, RS.estimate))

top_IDs <- function(ontology) head((ordered_sets %>% filter(Ontology == ontology))$ID, num_genes)

BP.p = plotSets(top_IDs("BP"))
CC.p = plotSets(top_IDs("CC"))
MF.p = plotSets(top_IDs("MF"))

### code chunk number 22: BP_violin
print(BP.p + theme(legend.position="top", axis.text.y=element_text(size=14, face="bold")) + coord_flip() + ylim(-2, 2))

### code chunk number 23: GSEAL_plot_CC
print(CC.p + theme(legend.position="top", axis.text.y=element_text(size=14, face="bold")) + coord_flip() + ylim(-2, 2))

### code chunk number 24: GSEAL_plot_MF
print(MF.p + theme(legend.position="top", axis.text.y=element_text(size=14, face="bold")) + coord_flip() + ylim(-2, 2))
StoreyLab/factorial-MA-RS documentation built on May 9, 2019, 3:10 p.m.