
Defines functions .check_input_scMerge2h .check_input_scMerge2 create_pseudoBulk create_pseudoBulk_divide create_pseudoBulk_pool_divide aggregate.Matrix construct_pseudoBulk group_wtihin_batch createChunk pseudoRUVIII feature_selection

#' @importFrom scran getTopHVGs modelGeneVar

feature_selection <- function(exprsMat, batch, top_n = 2000, use_bpparam = SerialParam()) {
  combined.dec <- scran::modelGeneVar(exprsMat, block = batch, BPPARAM = use_bpparam)
  chosen.hvgs <- scran::getTopHVGs(combined.dec, n = top_n)

#' @import BiocParallel
#' @importFrom BiocSingular runSVD
#' @importFrom DelayedArray DelayedArray t sweep colMeans 

pseudoRUVIII <- function(Y, Y_pseudo, M, ctl, k = NULL, eta = NULL, 
                         include.intercept = TRUE, inputcheck = TRUE, 
                         fullalpha = NULL, return.info = FALSE, 
                         subset = NULL,
                         BPPARAM = BiocParallel::SerialParam(), 
                         BSPARAM = BiocSingular::ExactParam(),
                         normalised = TRUE,
                         verbose = TRUE,
                         byChunk = TRUE,
                         chunkSize = 50000) {
  m = nrow(Y)
  n = ncol(Y)
  if (is.data.frame(Y_pseudo)) {
    Y = data.matrix(Y_pseudo)
  m_pseudo = nrow(Y_pseudo)
  n_pseudo = ncol(Y_pseudo)
  M = replicate.matrix(M)
  ctl = tological(ctl, n)
  if (inputcheck) {
    # if (m > n) 
    #   warning("m is greater than n!  This is not a problem itself,
    #           but may indicate that you need to transpose your data matrix.  
    #           Please ensure that rows correspond to observations (e.g. microarrays) 
    #           and columns correspond to features (e.g. genes).")
    if (sum(is.na(Y)) > 0) 
      warning("Y contains missing values.  This is not supported.")
    if (sum(Y == Inf, na.rm = TRUE) + sum(Y == -Inf, na.rm = TRUE) > 0) 
      warning("Y contains infinities.  This is not supported.")
  Y_pseudo = RUV1(Y_pseudo, eta, ctl, include.intercept = include.intercept)
  if (inherits(BSPARAM, "ExactParam")) {
    svd_k <- k
    svd_k <- min(m_pseudo - ncol(M), sum(ctl), svd_k, na.rm = TRUE)
  } else {
    svd_k <- min(m_pseudo - ncol(M), sum(ctl), na.rm = TRUE)
  ## m represent the number of samples/observations ncol(M)
  ## represent the number of replicates If the replicate matrix
  ## is such that we have more replicates than samples, then
  ## RUV3 is not appropriate, thus, we return the Original input
  ## matrix
  if (ncol(M) >= m_pseudo | k == 0) {
    newY <- Y_pseudo
    fullalpha <- NULL
  if (is.null(fullalpha)) {
    ## The main RUVIII process Applies the residual operator of a
    ## matrix M to a matrix Y Y0 has the same dimensions as Y,
    ## i.e. m rows (observations) and n columns (genes).
    Y0 <- my_residop(Y_pseudo, M)
    svdObj <- BiocSingular::runSVD(x = Y0, k = svd_k, BPPARAM = BPPARAM, BSPARAM = BSPARAM)
    fullalpha <- DelayedArray::t(svdObj$u[, seq_len(svd_k), drop = FALSE]) %*% Y_pseudo
  }  ## End is.null(fullalpha)
  alpha <- fullalpha[seq_len(min(k, nrow(fullalpha))), , drop = FALSE]
  alpha <- DelayedArray::DelayedArray(alpha)
  # newY <-  Y - W %*% alpha
  if (normalised) {
    ac <- alpha[, ctl, drop = FALSE]
    adjusted_means <- colMeans(Y)
    Y <- DelayedArray::DelayedArray(Y)
    if (nrow(Y) >= 1.5 * chunkSize & byChunk) {
      chunkList <- createChunk(nrow(Y), chunkSize = chunkSize)
      if (verbose) {
        print("Adjusting matrix by chunk")
      newY <- BiocParallel::bplapply(chunkList, function(cl) {
        idx_range <- cl[1]:cl[2]
        Y_stand <- DelayedArray::sweep(Y[idx_range, ], 2, adjusted_means, "-")
        W <- Y_stand[, ctl] %*% DelayedArray::t(ac) %*% solve(ac %*% DelayedArray::t(ac))
        W <- DelayedArray::DelayedArray(W)
        if (!is.null(subset)) {
          newY_tmp <- Y[idx_range, subset] - DelayedArray::DelayedArray(W %*% alpha[, subset])
        } else {
          newY_tmp <- Y[idx_range, ] - DelayedArray::DelayedArray(W %*% alpha)
      newY <- do.call(rbind, newY)
    } else {
      Y_stand <- DelayedArray::sweep(Y, 2, adjusted_means, "-")
      W <- Y_stand[, ctl] %*% DelayedArray::t(ac) %*% solve(ac %*% DelayedArray::t(ac))
      W <- DelayedArray::DelayedArray(W)
      if (!is.null(subset)) {
        newY <- Y[, subset] - DelayedArray::DelayedArray(W %*% alpha[, subset])
      } else {
        newY <- Y - DelayedArray::DelayedArray(W %*% alpha)
    if (!return.info) {
    } else {
      return(list(newY = newY, M = M, fullalpha = fullalpha))
  } else {
    return(list(M = M, fullalpha = fullalpha))

# This function is to create chunk for matrix adjustement
createChunk <- function(n, chunkSize = 1000) {
  starts <- seq(1, n, chunkSize)
  ends <- starts + chunkSize -1
  ends[length(ends)] <- n
  if (length(ends) > 1) {
    if (ends[length(ends)] - ends[length(ends) - 1] < chunkSize/2) {
      starts <- starts[1:(length(starts) - 1)]
      ends <- ends[1:(length(ends) - 1)]
      ends[length(ends)] <- n
  chunkList <- mapply(c, starts, ends, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)

#' @importFrom scran buildSNNGraph
#' @importFrom igraph cluster_louvain
#' @importFrom BiocParallel bplapply
#' @importFrom batchelor cosineNorm

group_wtihin_batch <- function(exprsMat = NULL,
                               cellTypes = NULL,
                               pseudobulk_batch_list = NULL,
                               pseudobulk_batch = NULL,
                               pseudobulk_sample_list = NULL,
                               pseudobulk_sample = NULL,
                               chosen.hvg = rownames(exprsMat),
                               k_celltype = 10,
                               use_bnparam = BiocNeighbors::AnnoyParam(),
                               use_bpparam = BiocParallel::SerialParam(),
                               seed = 1,
                               verbose = TRUE) {
  if (is.null(cellTypes)) {
    if (verbose) {
      print("Cluster within batch")
    clust <- BiocParallel::bplapply(pseudobulk_batch_list, function(x) {
      g <- scran::buildSNNGraph(exprsMat[chosen.hvg, pseudobulk_batch == x], 
                                k = k_celltype, 
                                BNPARAM = use_bnparam)
      res <- igraph::cluster_louvain(g)$membership
      names(res) <- colnames(exprsMat)[pseudobulk_batch == x]
    }, BPPARAM = use_bpparam)
    clust <- unlist(clust)
    clust <- clust[colnames(exprsMat)]
    clust <- split(clust, pseudobulk_sample)
    clust <- lapply(clust, function(x) {
  } else {
    if (verbose) {
      print("Use existing cell type info within batch")
    clust <- BiocParallel::bplapply(pseudobulk_sample_list, function(x) {
      res <- as.numeric(factor(cellTypes[pseudobulk_sample == x]))
      names(res) <- colnames(exprsMat)[pseudobulk_sample == x]
    }, BPPARAM = use_bpparam)

#' @importFrom methods as

construct_pseudoBulk <- function(exprsMat = NULL,
                                 exprsMat_counts = NULL,
                                 pseudobulk_sample = NULL,
                                 pseudobulk_sample_list = NULL,
                                 clust = NULL,
                                 cosineNorm = NULL,
                                 pseudoBulk_fn = "create_pseudoBulk",
                                 k_pseudoBulk = 30, 
                                 use_bpparam = BiocParallel::SerialParam(),
                                 verbose = TRUE) {
  aggExprs <- list()
  for(i in seq_along(pseudobulk_sample_list)){
    if (pseudoBulk_fn == "create_pseudoBulk_divide") {
      res <- create_pseudoBulk_divide(exprsMat_counts[, pseudobulk_sample == pseudobulk_sample_list[i]],
                                      k_fold = k_pseudoBulk,
                                      use_bpparam = use_bpparam)
    if (pseudoBulk_fn == "create_pseudoBulk_pool_divide") {
      res <- create_pseudoBulk_pool_divide(exprsMat_counts[, pseudobulk_sample == pseudobulk_sample_list[i]],
                                           k_fold = k_pseudoBulk,
                                           use_bpparam = use_bpparam)
    if (pseudoBulk_fn == "create_pseudoBulk") {
      res <- create_pseudoBulk(exprsMat[, pseudobulk_sample == pseudobulk_sample_list[i]],
                               k_fold = k_pseudoBulk,
                               use_bpparam = use_bpparam)
    rownames(res) <- paste(i, rownames(res), sep = "_")
    aggExprs[[i]] <-res
  bulkExprs <- t(do.call(rbind, aggExprs))
  if (as.character(substitute(pseudoBulk_fn)) %in% c("create_pseudoBulk_pool_divide",
                                                     "create_pseudoBulk_divide") & cosineNorm) {
    bulkExprs <- batchelor::cosineNorm(bulkExprs, BPPARAM = use_bpparam)
  rownames(bulkExprs) <- rownames(exprsMat)
  bulkExprs[is.infinite(bulkExprs)] <- 0
  bulkExprs <- methods::as(bulkExprs, "CsparseMatrix")
  pseudo_batch <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(colnames(bulkExprs), "_"), "[[", 1))
  if (verbose) {
    cat("Dimension of pseudo-bulk expression: ")
  pseudo_batch <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(colnames(bulkExprs), "_"), "[[", 1))
  bulk_clustering_res <- lapply(aggExprs, function(x) {
    res <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(rownames(x), "_"), "[[", 2))
    res <- as.numeric(res)
    names(res) <- rownames(x)
  bulk_clustering_distProp <- lapply(bulk_clustering_res, function(x) {
    res <- rep(1, length(x))
    names(res) <- names(x)
  return(list(bulkExprs = bulkExprs,
              pseudo_batch = pseudo_batch,
              bulk_clustering_res = bulk_clustering_res,
              bulk_clustering_distProp = bulk_clustering_distProp))

#' @importFrom ruv replicate.matrix
#' @importFrom methods as is

aggregate.Matrix <- function(x, groupings=NULL) {
  if (!methods::is(x,'Matrix')) {
    x <- methods::as(as.matrix(x), "CsparseMatrix")
  groupings2 <- paste("A", groupings, sep = "")
  if (length(unique(groupings2)) > 1) {
    mapping <- methods::as(ruv::replicate.matrix(groupings2), "CsparseMatrix")
    colnames(mapping) <- substring(colnames(mapping), 2)
    mapping <- mapping[, levels(factor(groupings))]
  } else {
    mapping <- methods::as(matrix(rep(1, length(groupings2)), ncol = 1), "CsparseMatrix")
    colnames(mapping) <- unique(groupings)
  result <- t(mapping) %*% x

#' @importFrom scater normalizeCounts
#' @importFrom BiocParallel bplapply

create_pseudoBulk_pool_divide <- function(exprsMat_counts, 
                                          k_fold = 30,
                                          use_bpparam = BiocParallel::SerialParam()) {
  cell_info <- as.character(cell_info)
  exprsMat_pseudo <- BiocParallel::bplapply(split(seq_len(ncol(exprsMat_counts)), cell_info), function(x) {
    if (length(x) > k_fold) {
      # pool
      total_counts <- colSums(exprsMat_counts[, x])
      bins <- cut(rank(total_counts), k_fold)
      res <- aggregate.Matrix(t(exprsMat_counts[, x, drop = FALSE]), 
      bins_tab <- table(bins)
      cellTypes_n_mat <- matrix(rep(bins_tab[rownames(res)], 
                                    ncol(t(exprsMat_counts[, x]))), 
                                nrow = nrow(res), byrow = FALSE)
      res <- lapply(seq_len(nrow(res)), function(k) {
        stats::rbinom(ncol(res), round(res[k, ]), 
                      1/cellTypes_n_mat[k, ])
      res <- do.call(cbind, res)
      res <- scater::normalizeCounts((res))
      colnames(res) <- seq_len(ncol(res))
    } else {
      res <- exprsMat_counts[, x, drop = FALSE]
      res <- scater::normalizeCounts((res), log = TRUE)
      colnames(res) <- seq_len(ncol(res))
  }, BPPARAM = use_bpparam)
  exprsMat_pseudo <- lapply(1:length(exprsMat_pseudo), function(i) {
    colnames(exprsMat_pseudo[[i]]) <- paste(i, colnames(exprsMat_pseudo[[i]]), sep = "_")
  exprsMat_pseudo <- do.call(cbind, exprsMat_pseudo)

#' @importFrom scater normalizeCounts
#' @importFrom BiocParallel bplapply
#' @importFrom cvTools cvFolds

create_pseudoBulk_divide <- function(exprsMat_counts, 
                                     k_fold = 30, 
                                     use_bpparam = BiocParallel::SerialParam()) {
  exprsMat_pseudo <- BiocParallel::bplapply(split(seq_len(ncol(exprsMat_counts)), cell_info), function(x) 
    if (length(x) > k_fold) {
      cv <- cvTools::cvFolds(length(x), K = k_fold)
      bins <- cv$which[cv$subsets]
      res <- aggregate.Matrix(t(exprsMat_counts[, x, drop = FALSE]), 
      bins_tab <- table(bins)
      cellTypes_n_mat <- matrix(rep(bins_tab, 
                                    ncol(t(exprsMat_counts[, x]))), 
                                nrow = length(bins_tab), byrow = FALSE)
      res <- lapply(seq_len(nrow(res)), function(k) stats::rbinom(ncol(res),  round(res[k, ]), 
                                                                  1/cellTypes_n_mat[k, ]))
      res <- do.call(cbind, res)
      res <- scater::normalizeCounts((res))
      colnames(res) <- as.numeric(factor(names(bins_tab)))
    } else {
      res <- exprsMat_counts[, x, drop = FALSE]
      colnames(res) <- seq_len(ncol(res))
  }, BPPARAM = use_bpparam)
  exprsMat_pseudo <- lapply(1:length(exprsMat_pseudo), function(i) {
    colnames(exprsMat_pseudo[[i]]) <- paste(i, colnames(exprsMat_pseudo[[i]]), sep = "_")
  exprsMat_pseudo <- do.call(cbind, exprsMat_pseudo)

#' @importFrom scater normalizeCounts
#' @importFrom BiocParallel bplapply
#' @importFrom cvTools cvFolds

create_pseudoBulk <- function(exprsMat, cell_info, k_fold = 30, use_bpparam = BiocParallel::SerialParam()) {
  k_fold <- min(ncol(exprsMat), k_fold)
  cv <- cvTools::cvFolds(ncol(exprsMat), K = k_fold)
  exprsMat_pseudo <- BiocParallel::bplapply(seq_len(k_fold), function(i) {
    subset_idx <- cv$subsets[cv$which == i]
    cellType_tab <- table(droplevels(factor(cell_info[subset_idx])))
    cellTypes_n_mat <- matrix(rep(cellType_tab, 
                              nrow = length(cellType_tab), byrow = FALSE)
    rownames(cellTypes_n_mat) <- names(cellType_tab)
    res <- aggregate.Matrix(t(exprsMat[, subset_idx]), 
    cellTypes_n_mat <- cellTypes_n_mat[rownames(res), ]
    res <- res/cellTypes_n_mat
    rownames(res) <- paste(rownames(res), i, sep = "_")
  }, BPPARAM = use_bpparam)
  exprsMat_pseudo <- do.call(rbind, exprsMat_pseudo)

.check_input_scMerge2 <- function(exprsMat, batch, 
                                  cellTypes, condition, 
                                  ctl, chosen.hvg, return_subset_genes,
  #### Checking input exprsMat
  if (is.null(exprsMat)) {
    stop("The 'exprsMat' argument is NULL.")
  #### Checking if the cell names are non-unique
  cell_names <- colnames(exprsMat)
  if (length(cell_names) != length(unique(cell_names)) | is.null(cell_names)) {
    stop("Column names of the input exprsMat object must not contain duplicates nor NULL")
  #### Check batch input
  if (is.null(batch)) {
    stop("The 'batch' argument is NULL.")
  if (any(is.na(batch))) {
    stop("NA's found the batch column, please remove")
  if (ncol(exprsMat) != length(batch)) {
    stop("The length of batch is not equal to the number of column in exprsMat.")
  #### Check cell types input
  if (!is.null(cellTypes)) {
    if (any(is.na(cellTypes))) {
      stop("NA's found the cellTypes column, please remove")
    if (ncol(exprsMat) != length(cellTypes)) {
      stop("The length of cellTypes is not equal to the number of column in exprsMat.")
  #### Check condition input
  if (!is.null(condition)) {
    if (any(is.na(condition))) {
      stop("NA's found the condition column, please remove.")
    if (ncol(exprsMat) != length(condition)) {
      stop("The length of condition is not equal to the number of column in exprsMat.")
  #### check ctl, chosen.hvg and return_subset_genes
  if (sum(ctl %in% rownames(exprsMat)) == 0) {
    stop("There is no ctl genes found in the rownames of exprsMat.")
  if (!is.null(chosen.hvg)) {
    if (sum(chosen.hvg %in% rownames(exprsMat)) == 0) {
      stop("There is no chosen.hvg genes found in the rownames of exprsMat.")
  if (!is.null(return_subset_genes)) {
    if (sum(return_subset_genes %in% rownames(exprsMat)) == 0) {
      stop("There is no return_subset_genes genes found in the rownames of exprsMat.")
  #### Check cell types input
  if (!is.null(exprsMat_counts)) {
    if (ncol(exprsMat_counts) != ncol(exprsMat)) {
      stop("The number of column in exprsMat_counts is not equal to the number of column in exprsMat")

.check_input_scMerge2h <- function(exprsMat, 
                                   cellTypes, condition, 
                                   ctl, chosen.hvg, return_subset_genes,
  #### Checking input exprsMat
  if (is.null(exprsMat)) {
    stop("The 'exprsMat' argument is NULL.")
  colsum_exprs <- DelayedMatrixStats::colSums2(exprsMat)
  rowsum_exprs <- DelayedMatrixStats::rowSums2(exprsMat)
  if(any(colsum_exprs == 0)){
    stop("There are ", sum(colsum_exprs == 0), 
         " cells that are all zeroes in the data, please remove them before running scMerge2h.")
  #### Checking if the cell names are non-unique
  cell_names <- colnames(exprsMat)
  if (length(cell_names) != length(unique(cell_names)) | is.null(cell_names)) {
    stop("Column names of the input exprsMat object must not contain duplicates nor NULL")
  # Check h_idx_list and batch_list class
  if (any(!is(h_idx_list, "list"), !is(batch_list, "list"))) {
    stop("`h_idx_list` and `batch_list` should be a list.")
  if (!all(length(h_idx_list) == length(batch_list))) {
    stop("`h_idx_list` and `batch_list` should have the same length.")
  if (!all(unlist(lapply(h_idx_list, length)) == unlist(lapply(batch_list, length)))) {
    stop("Each element in `h_idx_list` and `batch_list` should have the same length.")
  for (i in length(batch_list)) {
    if (!all(unlist(lapply(h_idx_list[[i]], length)) == unlist(lapply(batch_list[[i]], length)))) {
      stop(paste("For level", i, ", each element in `h_idx_list` and `batch_list` do not have the same length."))
    if (!all(unlist(lapply(batch_list[[i]], function(x) length(unique(x)))) > 1)) {
      stop(paste("For level", i, ", there is element that with only one batch"))
  if (is.null(batch_list)) {
    stop("The 'batch_list' argument is NULL.")
  #### Check cell types input
  if (!is.null(cellTypes)) {
    if (any(is.na(cellTypes))) {
      stop("NA's found the cellTypes column, please remove")
    if (ncol(exprsMat) != length(cellTypes)) {
      stop("The length of cellTypes is not equal to the number of column in exprsMat.")
  #### Check condition input
  if (!is.null(condition)) {
    if (any(is.na(condition))) {
      stop("NA's found the condition column, please remove.")
    if (ncol(exprsMat) != length(condition)) {
      stop("The length of condition is not equal to the number of column in exprsMat.")
  #### check ctl, chosen.hvg and return_subset_genes
  if (sum(ctl %in% rownames(exprsMat)) == 0) {
    stop("There is no ctl genes found in the rownames of exprsMat.")
  if (!is.null(chosen.hvg)) {
    if (sum(chosen.hvg %in% rownames(exprsMat)) == 0) {
      stop("There is no chosen.hvg genes found in the rownames of exprsMat.")
  if (!is.null(return_subset_genes)) {
    if (sum(return_subset_genes %in% rownames(exprsMat)) == 0) {
      stop("There is no return_subset_genes genes found in the rownames of exprsMat.")
  #### Check cell types input
  if (!is.null(exprsMat_counts)) {
    if (ncol(exprsMat_counts) != ncol(exprsMat)) {
      stop("The number of column in exprsMat_counts is not equal to the number of column in exprsMat")
SydneyBioX/scMerge documentation built on April 14, 2024, 3:22 a.m.