

# stop("DEBUG")
# library(testthat)
# library(dispRity)
# source("../reduce.space.R")
# source("../reduce.space_fun.R")

## Test
test_that("reduce.space works", {

    ## Sanitizing

    space <- dispRity::space.maker(300, 2, distribution = rnorm)

    ## Sanitizing
    error <- capture_error(reduce.space(c(1,2), type = "random", remove = 0.3, parameters = list("bw" = bw.nrd0), tuning = list("max" = 100)))
    expect_equal(error[[1]], "space must be of class matrix or data.frame.")
    error <- capture_error(reduce.space(space, type = "RANDOM", remove = 0.3, parameters = list("bw" = bw.nrd0), tuning = list("max" = 100)))
    expect_equal(error[[1]], "Reduction type must be one of the following: random, size, position, evenness, density.")
    error <- capture_error(reduce.space(space, type = "random", remove = -20, parameters = list("bw" = bw.nrd0), tuning = list("max" = 100)))
    expect_equal(error[[1]], "remove must be a probability or a percentage.")
    error <- capture_error(reduce.space(space, type = "random", remove = 0.3, parameters = bw.nrd0, tuning = list("max" = 100)))
    expect_equal(error[[1]], "parameters must be a named list of parameters.")
    error <- capture_error(reduce.space(space, type = "random", remove = 0.3, parameters = list(bw.nrd0), tuning = list("max" = 100)))
    expect_equal(error[[1]], "list(bw.nrd0) must be a named list of parameters.")
    error <- capture_error(reduce.space(space, type = "random", remove = 0.3, parameters = list("bw" = bw.nrd0), tuning = c("max" = 100)))
    expect_equal(error[[1]], "tuning must be a named list of tuning parameters.")
    error <- capture_error(reduce.space(space, type = "random", remove = 0.3, parameters = list("bw" = bw.nrd0), tuning = list(100)))
    expect_equal(error[[1]], "list(100) must be a named list of tuning parameters.")

    ## Random removal, super easy
    error <- capture_error(test <- reduce.space(space, type = "random", remove = 101))
    expect_equal(error[[1]], "remove must be a probability or a percentage.")
    test <- reduce.space(space, type = "random", remove = 30)
    expect_is(test, "logical")
    expect_equal(length(test), 300)
    expect_equal(length(which(test)), 90)

    ## Limit removal
    iter <- capture_output(test1 <- reduce.space(space, type = "size", remove = 0.5, verbose = TRUE))
    expect_is(test1, "logical")
    expect_equal(length(test1), 300)
    expect_equal(length(which(test1)), 149)
    expect_equal(iter, "Run parameter optimisation:............Done.")

    test2 <- reduce.space(space, type = "size", parameters = list("radius" = 1.206866))
    expect_is(test2, "logical")
    expect_equal(length(test2), 300)
    expect_equal(length(which(test2)), 149)

    expect_equal(test1, test2)

    test3 <- reduce.space(space, type = "size", remove = 0.5, return.optim = TRUE)
    expect_equal(round(test3[[2]], 6), round(1.206866, 6))
    expect_equal(length(which(test3[[1]])), 149)
    expect_equal(test1, test3$remove)

    ## Displacement removal
    iter <- capture_output(test1 <- reduce.space(space, type = "position", remove = 0.5, verbose = TRUE, tuning = list("tol" = 0.1)))
    expect_is(test1, "logical")
    expect_equal(length(test1), 300)
    expect_equal(length(which(test1)), 149)
    expect_equal(iter, "Run parameter optimisation:.........Done.")

    test2 <- reduce.space(space, type = "position", parameters = list("radius" = 4.383297))
    expect_is(test2, "logical")
    expect_equal(length(test2), 300)
    expect_equal(length(which(test2)), 149)

    expect_equal(test1, test2)

    test3 <- reduce.space(space, type = "position", remove = 0.5, return.optim = TRUE, tuning = list("tol" = 0))
    expect_equal(round(test3[[2]], 6), 4.389156)
    expect_equal(length(which(test3[[1]])), 150)

    ## Density removal
    iter <- capture_output(test1 <- reduce.space(space, type = "density", remove = 0.5, verbose = TRUE, return.optim = FALSE))
    expect_is(test1, "logical")
    expect_equal(length(test1), 300)
    expect_equal(length(which(test1)), 149)
    expect_equal(iter, "Run parameter optimisation:.................Done.")

    test2 <- reduce.space(space, type = "density", parameters = list("diameter" = 0.1008472))
    expect_is(test2, "logical")
    expect_equal(length(test2), 300)
    expect_equal(length(which(test2)), 149)

    expect_equal(test1, test2)

    test3 <- reduce.space(space, type = "density", remove = 0.5, return.optim = TRUE)
    expect_equal(test3[[2]], 0.1008472)
    expect_equal(length(which(test3[[1]])), 149)

    expect_equal(test1, test3$remove)

    ## Evenness removal
    test <- reduce.space(space, type = "evenness", remove = 0.7)
    expect_is(test, "logical")
    expect_equal(length(test), 300)
    expect_equal(length(which(test)), 210)

    ## Evenness with exageration
    test2 <- reduce.space(space, type = "evenness", remove = 0.5, parameters = list(power = 2))
    expect_equal(length(test2), 300)
    expect_equal(length(which(test2)), 150)

    ## Evenness test visual
    # visualise.evenness <- function(space, remove, ...) {

    #     selected <- reduce.space(space, type = "evenness", remove = remove, ...)

    #     nf <- layout(matrix(c(2,0,1,3),2,2,byrow = TRUE), c(2.5,1.5), c(1.5,2.5), TRUE)

    #     ## Plotting the points
    #     par(mar = c(3,3,1,1))
    #     plot(space[!selected,], pch = 19, col = "blue")
    #     points(space[selected,], pch = 19, col = "orange")

    #     ## Plotting the distributions
    #     all_range <- range(c(space))
    #     band_width <- bw.nrd0(c(space))
    #     bin_breaks <- seq(from = min(c(space)), to = max(c(space) + band_width), by = band_width) 
    #     x_hist_all <- hist(space[,1], breaks = bin_breaks, plot = FALSE)
    #     y_hist_all <- hist(space[,2], breaks = bin_breaks, plot = FALSE)
    #     x_hist_sel <- hist(space[selected,1], breaks = bin_breaks, plot = FALSE)
    #     x_hist_rem <- hist(space[!selected,1], breaks = bin_breaks, plot = FALSE)
    #     y_hist_sel <- hist(space[selected,2], breaks = bin_breaks, plot = FALSE)
    #     y_hist_rem <- hist(space[!selected,2], breaks = bin_breaks, plot = FALSE)

    #     top <- max(c(x_hist_all$counts, y_hist_all$counts))

    #     par(mar = c(0,3,1,1))
    #     barplot(x_hist_all$counts, axes = FALSE, ylim = c(0, top), space = 0, col = "grey")
    #     barplot(x_hist_sel$counts, axes = FALSE, ylim = c(0, top), space = 0, col = "orange", add = TRUE)
    #     barplot(x_hist_rem$counts, axes = FALSE, ylim = c(0, top), space = 0, col = "blue", add = TRUE, density = 75)

    #     par(mar = c(0,3,1,1))
    #     barplot(y_hist_all$counts, axes = FALSE, xlim = c(0, top), space = 0, col = "grey", horiz = TRUE)
    #     barplot(y_hist_sel$counts, axes = FALSE, xlim = c(0, top), space = 0, col = "orange", add = TRUE, horiz = TRUE)
    #     barplot(y_hist_rem$counts, axes = FALSE, xlim = c(0, top), space = 0, col = "blue", add = TRUE, horiz = TRUE, density = 75)
    # }

    # ## Both distributions are around 50% of the total distribution (in grey)
    # visualise.evenness(space, remove = 0.5)
    # ## We've flattened the curve for the orange distribution!
    # visualise.evenness(space, remove = 0.8)
    # ## same for the blue one
    # visualise.evenness(space, remove = 0.2)
    # ## With exageration
    # visualise.evenness(space, remove = 0.5, parameters = list(power = 2))


test_that("reduce.space position in 8D?", {
    ## Harder removal
    space <- matrix(rnorm(200*8), ncol = 8)
    rownames(space) <- 1:200
    remove <- 0.4
    ## Testing the removal
    test <- reduce.space(space, type = "position", remove = remove[1])
    expect_equal(sum(test), 80)

    # simulated_data <- treats::treats(
    #         bd.params = list(speciation = 1),
    #         stop.rule = list(max.living = 200),
    #         traits    = treats::make.traits(process = treats::BM.process, n = 8))
    # space <- simulated_data$data[rownames(simulated_data$data) %in% simulated_data$tree$tip.label, ]

    ## Multiple removals
    removes <- c(0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8)
    test <- list()
    test[[1]] <- reduce.space(space, type = "position", remove = removes[[1]])
    test[[2]] <- reduce.space(space, type = "position", remove = removes[[2]])
    test[[3]] <- reduce.space(space, type = "position", remove = removes[[3]])
    test[[4]] <- reduce.space(space, type = "position", remove = removes[[4]])
    expect_equal(unlist(lapply(test, sum)), c(40, 80, 119, 161))

TGuillerme/dispRity documentation built on Dec. 21, 2024, 4:05 a.m.