## Test
test_that("test.metric works", {
## Data load
space <- space.maker(100, 2, runif)
## Sanitizing test
# (data, metric, ..., shifts, shift.options, model, replicates = 3, steps = 10, dimensions, verbose = FALSE)
expect_error(test.metric("space", metric = c(prod, ranges), replicates = 1, steps = 10, dimensions = 2, verbose = FALSE))
expect_error(test.metric(space, metric = "c(prod, ranges)", replicates = 1, steps = 10, dimensions = 2, verbose = FALSE))
expect_error(test.metric(space, metric = c(prod, ranges), replicates = "1", steps = 10, dimensions = 2, verbose = FALSE, shifts = c("random", "evenness")))
expect_error(test.metric(space, metric = c(prod, ranges), replicates = 1, steps = list(10), dimensions = 2, verbose = FALSE, shifts = c("random", "evenness")))
expect_error(test.metric(space, metric = c(prod, ranges), replicates = 1, steps = 10, dimensions = 2, verbose = "FALSE", shifts = c("random", "evenness")))
error <- capture_error(test.metric(space, metric = c(prod, ranges), shifts = c("random", "evenness"), shift.options = 8))
expect_equal(error[[1]], "shift.options must be of class list.")
error <- capture_error(test.metric(space, metric = c(prod, ranges), shifts = c("random", "evenness"),replicates = 10, model = 8))
expect_equal(error[[1]], "model must be of class function.")
error <- capture_error(test.metric(space, metric = c(prod, ranges), shifts = c("random", "evenness"),replicates = 10, model = mean))
expect_equal(error[[1]], "model function argument can only take \"data\" as an argument.")
## A simple test with only 1 replicate for two shifts (random and size):
test <- test.metric(space, metric = c(prod, ranges), replicates = 1, shifts = c("random", "size"), shift.options = list(tunning = c(max = 1000000)))
expect_is(test, c("dispRity", "test.metric"))
expect_equal(names(test), c("call", "results", "models", "saved_steps"))
expect_equal(names(test$results), c("random", "size.increase", "size.hollowness"))
expect_is(test$results[[1]], "data.frame")
## Print works
print_out <- capture.output(test)
c("Metric testing:" ,
"The following metric was tested: c(prod, ranges)." ,
"The test was run on the random, size shifts for 1 replicate.",
"Use summary(x) or plot(x) for more details.")) #,
# "Use summary(item) or plot(item) for more details." ,
# "Use summary(value) or plot(value) for more details." ))
## Verbose works
test <- test.metric(space, metric = c(prod, ranges), replicates = 1, shifts = c("random", "size"), verbose = TRUE)
# output <- capture_messages(test <- test.metric(space, metric = c(prod, ranges), replicates = 1, shifts = c("random", "size"), verbose = TRUE))
# expect_equal(output, c("Running the space reductions:", ".", ".", ".", ".", ".", ".", ".", ".", ".", ".", ".", ".", ".", ".", ".", ".", ".", ".", ".", ".", ".", ".", "Done.\n" , "Calculating disparity:", ".", ".", ".", "Done.\n"))
## Summarising basic works
expect_equal(dim(summary(test)), c(3, 10))
expect_is(summary(test), "matrix")
expect_equal(rownames(summary(test)), c("random", "size.increase", "size.hollowness"))
expect_equal(colnames(summary(test)), paste0(seq(from = 10, to = 100, by = 10), "%"))
## Plot works
expect_null(plot(test, col = "pink"))
expect_null(plot(test, specific.args = list(legend = FALSE)))
expect_warning(expect_null(plot(test, specific.args = list(legend = list("bottomright")))))
# More complex example
test <- test.metric(space, metric = c(sum, variances), steps = 5,
shifts = c("random", "size", "density", "position"), verbose = FALSE)
expect_is(test, c("dispRity", "test.metric"))
expect_equal(names(test), c("call", "results", "models", "saved_steps"))
expect_equal(names(test$results), c("random", "size.increase", "size.hollowness", "density.higher", "density.lower", "position.top", "position.bottom"))
expect_is(test$results[[1]], "data.frame")
expect_is(test$models[[1]], "lm")
## Print works
print_out <- capture.output(test)
c("Metric testing:",
"The following metric was tested: c(sum, variances).",
"The test was run on the random, size, density, position shifts for 3 replicates using the following model:",
"lm(disparity ~ reduction, data = data)",
"Use summary(x) or plot(x) for more details."))#,
# "Use summary(item) or plot(item) for more details." ,
# "Use summary(value) or plot(value) for more details."))
## Summarising basic works
expect_equal(dim(summary(test)), c(7, 8))
expect_is(summary(test), "matrix")
expect_equal(rownames(summary(test)), names(test$results))
expect_equal(colnames(summary(test)), c("10%", "32.5%", "55%", "77.5%", "100%", "slope", "p_value", "R^2(adj)"))
## Plot works
expect_null(plot(test, specific.args = list(legend = list(list(pch = 2), list(pch = 19)))))
## Applying the test directly on a disparity object
test <- test.metric(disparity, shifts = "evenness", verbose = FALSE)
expect_is(test, c("dispRity", "test.metric"))
expect_equal(names(test), c("call", "results", "models", "saved_steps"))
expect_equal(names(test$results), c("evenness.flattened", "evenness.compacted"))
expect_is(test$results[[1]], "data.frame")
expect_is(test$models[[1]], "lm")
## Print works
print_out <- capture.output(test)
c("Metric testing:",
"The following metric was tested: c(median, centroids).",
"The test was run on the evenness shift for 3 replicates using the following model:",
"lm(disparity ~ reduction, data = data)",
"Use summary(x) or plot(x) for more details."))#,
# "Use summary(item) or plot(item) for more details." ,
# "Use summary(value) or plot(value) for more details."))
## Summarising basic works
expect_equal(dim(summary(test)), c(2, 13))
expect_is(summary(test), "matrix")
expect_equal(rownames(summary(test)), names(test$results))
expect_equal(colnames(summary(test)), c(paste0(seq(from = 10, to = 100, by = 10), "%"), "slope", "p_value", "R^2(adj)"))
## Plot works
## Saving the results for visualisation
space <- space.maker(300, 2, runif)
## Re-running the test on two shifts with data saving for visualisation
test <- test.metric(space, metric = c(sum, variances), shifts = c("random", "size"), save.steps = TRUE)
expect_is(test$saved_steps[[1]], "dispRity")
## Visualising the tests results and display the shifts visualisation
error <- capture_error(plot(test, specific.args = list(visualise.steps = c(1, 11, 12))))
expect_equal(error[[1]], "Impossible to display the steps 11, 12 because the test only contains 10 steps.")
test <- test.metric(space, metric = c(sum, variances), shifts = c("density", "size"), save.steps = TRUE)
## Visualising the tests results with several specific options
specific.args = list(visualise.steps = c(1,4,5))))
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