
Defines functions plink_allele_flip plink_merge plink_merge_beds write_scan_dataset_id write_common_snps .format_gds_for_BED2GDS .gds_read_index bed_to_gds build_gwastools txt_snps_to_df txt_scans_to_df actg_to_numeric actg_tsv_to_gdata snprelate_gds_to_bed gds_to_bed

gds_to_bed <- function(gds) {
  name = gsub('.gds', '', gds)

  # replace snp probe ids by ones from gdata 
  gdata <- load_gds_as_genotype_data(gds)
  bim <- paste0(name, '.bim')
  df_snps <- utils::read.table(bim, sep = '\t')
  df_snps[[2]] <- gdata_snps_annots(gdata)$probe_id 
  utils::write.table(df_snps, bim, sep = '\t',
    row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE)


# get plink files with gds
snprelate_gds_to_bed <- function(name) {
  gdsobj <- paste0(name, '.gds') %>% SNPRelate::snpgdsOpen(FALSE)
  if (any(grepl('snp[.]allele', utils::capture.output(print(gdsobj))))) {
    delete.gdsn(index.gdsn(gdsobj, 'snp.allele'))
  suppressWarnings(SNPRelate::snpgdsGDS2BED(gdsobj, name, verbose = FALSE))

actg_tsv_to_gdata <- function(geno_path, scans_path,
  scans_col_map = 'scan_id', snps_path,
  snps_col_map = c('probe_id', 'chromosome', 'position'),
  na_encoding = '--') {

  require_defaults <- function(param, param_name, fun) {
    required_snps_col <- as.character(formals(fun)[[param_name]])[-1]
    missing <- required_snps_col[!(required_snps_col %in% param)]
    if (!length(missing)) {
      paste0('Missing fields in ', param_name, ': ',
        paste0(missing, collapse = ', '))
  require_defaults(snps_col_map, 'snps_col_map', actg_tsv_to_gdata)
  require_defaults(scans_col_map, 'scans_col_map', actg_tsv_to_gdata)

# read all, convert snps and scans
  snps <- txt_snps_to_df(snps_path, snps_col_map)
  scans <- txt_scans_to_df(scans_path, scans_col_map)

  sep <- '\t'
  cols <- strsplit(readLines(geno_path, 1), sep)[[1]]
# can not pass by df for memory
  large_memory <- FALSE
  geno <- if (large_memory) {
# fread is bugged (since 1.9: it can not parse header with (first) empty var)
      cols[1] <- 'V1'
      geno <- data.table::fread(geno_path, data.table = FALSE)
      names(geno) <- cols
      rownames(geno) <- geno[[1]]
    } else {
      geno <- scan(geno_path, 'character', sep = '\t', quiet = TRUE)
      geno <- matrix(geno, ncol = length(cols), byrow = TRUE)
      dimnames(geno) <- list(geno[, 1], geno[1, ])
      geno[-1, -1]

# order genotype following SNPs and scans
  geno <- geno[match(snps$probe_id, rownames(geno)), ]
  scan_order_idxs <- match(scans$scan_id, colnames(geno))
  scans <- scans[!is.na(scan_order_idxs), ]
  scans <- cbind(scanID = seq_along(scans[[1]]), scans)
  geno <- geno[, stats::na.omit(scan_order_idxs)]

# convert genotype and write
  geno <- t(apply(geno, 1, actg_to_numeric, na_encoding))
  stopifnot(all(geno <= 2, na.rm = TRUE))

  build_gwastools(geno, scans, snps)

# Converts a character actg matrix to a numeric 0,1,2 matrix
actg_to_numeric <- function(snp, na_encoding = NA) {
  f_snp <- factor(snp, exclude = na_encoding, nmax = 3)
  i_snp <- as.integer(f_snp) - 1L
  if (nlevels(f_snp) == 2) {
    lvls <- levels(f_snp)
    dble_homo <- !grepl(substr(lvls[1], 1, 1), lvls[2])
    if (dble_homo) i_snp <- i_snp * 2L


# read and convert to factors
txt_scans_to_df <- function(path, col_map) {
  data <- as.data.frame(data.table::fread(path, sep = '\t'))
  data <- data[!is.na(col_map)]
  names(data) <- stats::na.omit(col_map)
  id_idx <- match('scan_id', names(data))
  data[-id_idx] <- lapply(data[-id_idx], factor)


# read, convert to integers, and order
txt_snps_to_df <- function(path, col_map) {
  data <- as.data.frame(data.table::fread(path, sep = '\t'))
  data <- data[!is.na(col_map)]
  names(data) <- stats::na.omit(col_map)
  data$chromosome <- as.integer(factor(data$chromosome,
      c(1:22, 'X', 'XY', 'Y', 'M'), nmax = 26, exclude = NULL))
  data$position <- as.integer(data$position)
  data <- data[order(data$chromosome, data$position), ]

  cbind(snpID = seq_along(data[[1]]), data, alleleA = NA, alleleB = NA)

build_gwastools <- function(geno, scans, snps) {
  stopifnot(inherits(geno, 'matrix'))

  rownames(scans) <- NULL
  rownames(snps) <- NULL

  if (!('snpID' %in% names(snps))) snps$snpID <- seq_len(nrow(snps))
  if (!('scanID' %in% names(scans))) scans$scanID <- seq_len(nrow(scans))
  geno <- MatrixGenotypeReader(geno, snps$snpID, snps$chromosome, snps$position,
  snps <- SnpAnnotationDataFrame(snps)
  scans <- ScanAnnotationDataFrame(scans)

  GenotypeData(geno, snps, scans)

bed_to_gds <- function(paths, gds) {
    append(paths[c(1, 3, 2)], list(gds, verbose = FALSE)))

.gds_read_index <- function(field, gds) read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gds, field))

# Format GDS sample annotations to comply with plink format
# which is expected from the function SNPRelate::snpgdsBED2GDS
# set sample.annot first two fields as sex and phenotype
.format_gds_for_BED2GDS <- function(gdspath, sample_annot, sex, phenotype) {
  arg_check <- function(value, spec) check_arg(spec, value)
  sapply(c(gdspath, sex, phenotype), arg_check, '!C1')
  gds <- snp_gds_open(gdspath, FALSE)

  plink_cols <- paste(sample_annot, c(sex, phenotype), sep ='/')
  l_plink_info <- lapply(plink_cols, .gds_read_index, gds)
  df_plink_info <- as.data.frame(l_plink_info)
  names(df_plink_info) <- c('sex', 'phenotype')

  delete.gdsn(index.gdsn(gds, sample_annot), TRUE)
  add.gdsn(gds, 'sample.annot', df_plink_info)

# get common SNPs
write_common_snps = function(l_paths) {
  snp_files <- sapply(l_paths, function(paths) grep('[.]bim$', paths))
  snps <- utils::read.table(l_paths[[1]][snp_files[1]])[[2]]
  for (index in seq_along(l_paths)[-1]) {
    snps_match <- utils::read.table(l_paths[[index]][snp_files[index]])[[2]]
    snps <- intersect(snps, snps_match)
  write(as.character(snps), 'common_snps')

# add dataset id to observation names
write_scan_dataset_id = function(paths) {
  scan_meta <- utils::read.table(paths[3])
  id <- gsub('.*/|[.].*', '', paths[3])
  scan_meta[[2]] <- paste0(id, '_', scan_meta[[2]])
  utils::write.table(scan_meta, paths[3],
    quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)

# write filenames and merge
plink_merge_beds <- function(l_paths, dir, outpath) {
  path <- gsub('[.][a-z]+$', '', l_paths[[1]][1])
  paths <- sapply(l_paths[-1], paste, collapse = ' ')
  writeLines(paste(paths, collapse = '\n'), 'file_list')
  outpath <- file.path(dir, outpath)
  cmd_merge <- paste('--noweb --bfile', path,
    '--extract common_snps --merge-list file_list --make-bed --allow-no-sex',
    '--out', outpath, '> /dev/null')
  system2('plink', cmd_merge)
  c(path, cmd_merge)

plink_merge <- function(l_paths, dir, outpath) {
  lapply(l_paths, write_scan_dataset_id)
  plink_merge_beds(l_paths, dir, outpath) %>%
    { plink_allele_flip(outpath, .[1], .[2]) }
  paste0(outpath, '.', c('bed', 'bim', 'fam'))

plink_allele_flip = function(outpath, path, cmd_merge) {
  # allele flip if needed
  logfile <- readLines(paste0(outpath, '.log'))
  error_regexp <- 'Error: [0-9]+ variants with 3[+] alleles present'
  if (any(grepl(error_regexp, logfile))) {
    cmd_flip <- paste0('--noweb --bfile ', path, ' --flip ', outpath,
      '-merge.missnp --make-bed --out ', path, ' > /dev/null')
    system2('plink', cmd_flip)
    system2('plink', cmd_merge)
ThomasChln/snpclust documentation built on June 11, 2020, 4:27 p.m.