
Defines functions plot.ge_cluster ge_cluster

Documented in ge_cluster plot.ge_cluster

#' Cluster genotypes or environments
#' @description
#' `r badge('stable')`
#' Performs clustering for genotypes or tester environments based on a dissimilarity matrix.

#' @param .data The dataset containing the columns related to Environments, Genotypes
#' and the response variable. It is also possible to use a two-way table with genotypes
#' in lines and environments in columns as input. In this case you must use `table = TRUE`.
#' @param env The name of the column that contains the levels of the environments. Defaults to `NULL`,
#' in case of the input data is a two-way table.
#' @param gen The name of the column that contains the levels of the genotypes. Defaults to `NULL`,
#' in case of the input data is a two-way table.
#' @param resp The response variable(s). Defaults to `NULL`, in case of the input data is a two-way table.
#' @param table Logical values indicating if the input data is a two-way table with genotypes
#' in the rows and environments in the columns. Defaults to `FALSE`.
#' @param distmethod The distance measure to be used. This must be one of
#' `'euclidean'`, `'maximum'`, `'manhattan'`, `'canberra'`,
#' `'binary'`, or `'minkowski'`.
#' @param clustmethod The agglomeration method to be used. This should be one
#' of `'ward.D'` (Default), `'ward.D2'`, `'single'`, `'complete'`,
#' `'average'` (= UPGMA), `'mcquitty'` (= WPGMA), `'median'` (=
#' WPGMC) or `'centroid'` (= UPGMC).
#' @param scale Should the data be scaled befor computing the distances? Set to
#' TRUE. Let \eqn{Y_{ij}} be the yield of Hybrid *i* in Location *j*,
#' \eqn{\bar Y_{.j}} be the mean yield, and \eqn{S_j} be the standard deviation of
#'  Location *j*. The standardized yield (Zij) is computed as (Ouyang et al. 1995):
#'  \eqn{Z_{ij} = (Y_{ij} - Y_{.j}) / S_j}.
#' @param cluster What should be clustered? Defaults to `cluster = "env"` (cluster environments).
#'  To cluster the genotypes use `cluster = "gen"`.
#' @param nclust The number of clust to be formed. Set to `NULL`.
#' @return
#' * **data** The data that was used to compute the distances.
#' * **cutpoint** The cutpoint of the dendrogram according to Mojena (1977).
#' * **distance** The matrix with the distances.
#' * **de** The distances in an object of class `dist`.
#' * **hc** The hierarchical clustering.
#' * **cophenetic** The cophenetic correlation coefficient between distance matrix
#' and cophenetic matrix
#' * **Sqt** The total sum of squares.
#' * **tab** A table with the clusters and similarity.
#' * **clusters** The sum of square and the mean of the clusters for each
#' genotype (if `cluster = "env"` or environment (if `cluster = "gen"`).
#' * **labclust The labels** of genotypes/environments within each cluster.
#' @md
#' @author Tiago Olivoto \email{tiagoolivoto@@gmail.com}
#' @references Mojena, R. 2015. Hierarchical grouping methods and stopping
#'   rules: an evaluation. Comput. J. 20:359-363. \doi{10.1093/comjnl/20.4.359}
#' @references Ouyang, Z., R.P. Mowers, A. Jensen, S. Wang, and S. Zheng. 1995.
#'  Cluster analysis for genotype x environment interaction with unbalanced data. Crop Sci. 35:1300-1305.
#'  \doi{10.2135/cropsci1995.0011183X003500050008x}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' library(metan)
#' d1 <- ge_cluster(data_ge, ENV, GEN, GY, nclust = 3)
#' plot(d1, nclust = 3)
#' }
ge_cluster <- function(.data, env = NULL, gen = NULL, resp = NULL,
                       table = FALSE, distmethod = "euclidean",
                       clustmethod = "ward.D", scale = TRUE, cluster =  "env", nclust = NULL) {
  if(!cluster %in% c("env", "gen")){
    stop("The argument 'cluster' must use either 'env' or 'gen'.")
  if(table == FALSE & missing(gen) & missing(env) & missing(resp)){
    stop("Invalid input. If the input data is a two-way table then you must set the argument 'table' to TRUE.")
  if (!distmethod %in% c("euclidean", "maximum", "manhattan",
                         "canberra", "binary", "minkowski")) {
    stop("The argument 'distmethod' is incorrect. It should be one of the 'euclidean', 'maximum', 'manhattan', 'canberra', 'binary', or 'minkowski'.")
  if (!clustmethod %in% c("complete", "ward.D", "ward.D2",
                          "single", "average", "mcquitty", "median", "centroid")) {
    stop("The argument 'distmethod' is incorrect. It should be one of the 'ward.D', 'ward.D2', 'single', 'average', 'mcquitty', 'median' or 'centroid'.")
  if (table == FALSE) {
    data <- as.matrix(make_mat(.data, {{gen}}, {{env}}, {{resp}}))
  if (table == TRUE) {
    if(any(sapply(.data, is.numeric) == FALSE)){
      stop("All columns must be numeric. Please check and fix.")
    data <- as.matrix(.data)
  if(scale == TRUE){
    data = sweep(sweep(data, 2, colMeans(data), FUN = "-"), 2, apply(data, 2, sd), FUN = "/")
  if(cluster == "env"){
    data = t(data)
  de <- dist(data, method = distmethod, diag = T, upper = T)
  mat <- as.matrix(de)
  hc <- hclust(de, method = clustmethod)
  d2 <- cophenetic(hc)
  cof <- cor(d2, de)
  k <- 1.25
  pcorte <- mean(hc$height) + k * sd(hc$height)
  if (!missing(nclust)) {
    groups <- cutree(hc, k = nclust)
    Mgroups <- cbind(data, groups)
    distance <- hc$height[(length(hc$height) - nclust):length(hc$height)]
    Sim <- (1 - distance/max(de))
    Passos <- 1:length(Sim)
    Simgroups <- length(Sim):1
    similarity <- Sim * 100
    Tab <- cbind(Passos, Simgroups, round(similarity,
                                          3), round(distance, 2))
    colnames(Tab) <- c("Steps", "Groups", "Similarity",
    TabResgroups <- NULL
    MGr <- cbind(data, groups)
    for (i in 1:nclust) {
      NewGroups <- subset(MGr, groups == i)
      GrupCalc <- NewGroups[, 1:(ncol(NewGroups) - 1)]
      Qtd.Elementos <- nrow(NewGroups)
      if (Qtd.Elementos == 1){
        Media <- GrupCalc
        SqG <- 0
        } else {
          Media <- apply(GrupCalc, 2, mean)
          SqG <- sum(sweep(GrupCalc, 2, Media)^2)
      TabResgroups <- rbind(TabResgroups, c(i, Qtd.Elementos, SqG, Media))
    if(cluster == "env"){
    colnames(TabResgroups) <- c("Cluster", "Number of Environments",
                                "Sum_sq", paste(colnames(TabResgroups[, 4:(ncol(TabResgroups))])))
    } else{
      colnames(TabResgroups) <- c("Cluster", "Number of Genotypes",
                                  "Sum_sq", paste(colnames(TabResgroups[, 4:(ncol(TabResgroups))])))
  } else {
    TabResgroups <- NULL
    Tab <- NULL
  Sqt <- sum(sweep(data, 2, apply(data, 2, mean))^2)
  labels = groups %>%
    as.data.frame() %>%
    rownames_to_column("Code") %>%
    rename(Cluster = ".") %>%

  return(structure(list(data = data, cutpoint = pcorte,
                        distance = mat, de = de, hc = hc,
                        cophenetic = cof, Sqt = Sqt, tab = as.data.frame(Tab),
                        clusters = as.data.frame(TabResgroups), labclust = labels),
                   class = "ge_cluster"))

#' Plot an object of class ge_cluster
#' Plot an object of class ge_cluster
#' @param x An object of class `ge_cluster`
#' @param nclust The number of clusters to show.
#' @param xlab The label of the x axis.
#' @param ... Other arguments passed from the function `plot.hclust`.
#' @method plot ge_cluster
#' @export
#' @author Tiago Olivoto \email{tiagoolivoto@@gmail.com}
plot.ge_cluster <- function(x, nclust = NULL, xlab = "", ...){
  plot(x$hc, hang = -1, xlab = xlab, sub = "", ...)
    rect.hclust(x$hc, k = nclust, border = "red")
TiagoOlivoto/WAASB documentation built on April 30, 2024, 6:15 p.m.