
Defines functions ref_dist_samplewise ref_dist_nodewise filter_evaluate print.Pareto_frontier pareto_opt spread_measure print.shannon_index mapper_shannon_index

Documented in filter_evaluate mapper_shannon_index pareto_opt print.Pareto_frontier ref_dist_nodewise ref_dist_samplewise spread_measure

#' Shannon index for Mapper
#' \code{mapper_shannon_index} computes Shannon indices for nodes of a given
#' graph from Mapper.
#' how it is computed
#' @param obj_mapper An object of class \code{TDAmapper}.
#' @param group_ind A vector of group names each of the samples belongs to.
#' @return A list object with two objects. The first object is the weighted
#'   average Shannon index for the whole graph. The second object is the matrix
#'   of Shannon indices for each of the nodes in the graph, where the first
#'   column is the vector of indices and the second column is the vector of node
#'   sizes.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' tp_data <- chicken_generator(1)
#' tp_data_mapper <- mapper.sta(dat = tp_data[,2:4],
#'                                filter_values = tp_data$Y,
#'                                num_intervals = 10,
#'                                percent_overlap = 70)
#' tp_shannon <- mapper_shannon_index(tp_data_mapper, tp_data$Group)
#' tp_shannon
mapper_shannon_index <- function(obj_mapper, group_ind) {

  if (class(obj_mapper) != "TDAmapper") {
    stop("Invalid obj_mapper.")


  shannon_indices <- NULL
  for (i in obj_mapper$points_in_vertex) {
    gp <- group_ind[i]
    entropy_temp <- entropy.empirical(table(gp), unit = "log2")
    shannon_indices <- rbind(shannon_indices, c(entropy_temp, length(i)))

  colnames(shannon_indices) <- c("Index", "Weight")

  res <- list(avg_index = sum(shannon_indices[, 1] * shannon_indices[,
                                                                     2])/sum(shannon_indices[, 2]), index_per_node = shannon_indices)
  class(res) <- "shannon_index"

#' @export
print.shannon_index <- function(x, ...) {
  cat("The weighted average of shannon indices is", signif(x$avg_index,
                                                           4), "\n")

#' Spread measure function
#' \code{spread_measure} measures how data points from the same groups
#' concentrate in the network.
#' How it is computed
#' @inheritParams mapper_shannon_index
#' @return A scalar which is the spread measure of the graph.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' tp_data <- chicken_generator(1)
#' tp_data_mapper <- mapper.sta(dat = tp_data[,2:4],
#'                                filter_values = tp_data$Y,
#'                                num_intervals = 10,
#'                                percent_overlap = 70)
#' tp_spread <- spread_measure(tp_data_mapper, tp_data$Group)
#' tp_spread
spread_measure <- function(obj_mapper, group_ind) {

  if (class(obj_mapper) != "TDAmapper") {
    stop("Invalid obj_mapper.")


  obj_mapper <- null_remover(obj_mapper)

  ad_igraph <- graph_from_adjacency_matrix(as.matrix(obj_mapper$adjacency),
                                           mode = "undirected")
  comp_mapper <- components(graph = ad_igraph)

  groups_vertices <- data.frame(matrix(0, nrow = length(unique(group_ind))))
  colnames(groups_vertices) <- "group_ind"
  groups_vertices[, 1] <- unique(group_ind)

  for (i in 1:length(obj_mapper$points_in_vertex)) {
    temp_ind <- obj_mapper$points_in_vertex[[i]]
    temp_tb <- as.data.frame(table(group_ind[temp_ind]))
    colnames(temp_tb) <- c("group_ind", i)
    groups_vertices <- merge(groups_vertices, temp_tb, by = "group_ind",
                             all = TRUE)

  groups_vertices[is.na(groups_vertices)] <- 0

  rownames(groups_vertices) <- groups_vertices[, 1]
  groups_vertices <- groups_vertices[, -1]

  mean_dist <- c()
  main_network <- comp_mapper$membership == which.max(comp_mapper$csize)
  for (i in 1:nrow(groups_vertices)) {
    dist_shortest <- distances(graph = ad_igraph, v = which(groups_vertices[i,
                                                                            ] > 0 & main_network), to = which(groups_vertices[i, ] > 0 &

    v_temp <- as.matrix(groups_vertices[i, groups_vertices[i, ] > 0 &
                                          main_network, drop = F])
    dist_shortest <- sum(diag(v_temp[1, ]) %*% dist_shortest %*% diag(v_temp[1,
                                                                             ]))/sum(t(v_temp) %*% (v_temp))
    mean_dist <- c(mean_dist, dist_shortest)

  weight <- table(group_ind)[rownames(groups_vertices)]

  # Remove the classes not exist in the main graph
  mean_dist[is.na(mean_dist)] <- 0
  weight[is.na(mean_dist)] <- 0

  return(sum(weight * mean_dist)/sum(weight))

#' Find the pareto frontier
#' \code{pareto_opt} finds the pareto frontier of filter functions based on
#' Shannon indices and spread measures with function \code{\link[rPref]{psel}}
#' from R package `rPref`.
#' @param res_filter The data.frame of Shannon indices and spread measures under
#'   different filter functions. The first column must be names of filter
#'   functions, and the second and third columns should be the shannon indices
#'   and spread measures.
#' @param ... Additional arguments for \code{\link[rPref]{psel}}.
#' @return A data.frame of the names of filter functions in the pareto frontier,
#'   as well as their Shannon indices and spread measures.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' filter_names <- c('Coordinate','Eccen','LInf','Ref','DTM','Gaussian','PCA')
#' res_filter <- data.frame(Filter = filter_names,
#'                         weighted_shannon = c(1.389, 1.421, 1.453, 1.158, 1.345, 1.399, 1.349),
#'                         spread_measure = c(2.767, 4.101, 2.607, 4.001, 4.119, 3.957, 2.034))
#' res <- pareto_opt(res_filter)
#' res
#' # Illustration of Pareto frontier
#' library(ggplot2)
#' res <- pareto_opt(res_filter, top = nrow(res_filter))
#' res$.level[res$.level>1] <- 'Others'
#' res$.level[res$.level==1] <- 'Frontier'
#' class(res) <- 'data.frame'
#' gp <- ggplot(res, aes(x = weighted_shannon, y = spread_measure,
#'                       color = factor(.level),
#'                       label = Filter)) +
#'   geom_point(size = 3) +
#'   geom_step(aes(group = .level), data = res[res$.level=='Frontier',],
#'             direction = 'vh', size = 2) +
#'   geom_label(aes(fill = factor(.level)), colour = 'white', fontface = 'bold') +
#'   labs(fill='') + labs(color='') + xlab('Shannon index') +
#'   ylab('Spread measure')
#' gp
#' # The red line(s) is the Pareto frontier, and all the points on the top right
#' # side of these line(s) are not potentially optimal.
pareto_opt <- function(res_filter, ...) {
  # First column must be the names of filters

  if (ncol(res_filter) != 3) {
    stop("There should be 3 columns: name of filters, shannon indices and spread measures.")

  classes <- sapply(res_filter, class)

  if (sum(classes == "numeric") < 2) {
    stop("Both shannon indices and spread measures should be numeric.")

  c_name <- colnames(res_filter)
  pref <- low_(as.expression(c_name[2])) * low_(as.expression(c_name[3]))
  res <- psel(res_filter, pref, ...)

  class(res) <- "Pareto_frontier"

#' Print Pareto frontier
#' @param res The Pareto_frontier object
#' @return Summary of the Pareto_frontier object
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{pareto_opt}}
print.Pareto_frontier <- function(res,...) {
  cat("Filter functions in the Pareto frontier:\n\t", paste(res$Filter[res$.level==1],
                                                            collapse = ", "), "\n")
  cat("\nEvaluation results of filter functions in the Pareto frontier:\n")
  class(res) <- "data.frame"

#' Evaluate filter functions
#' \code{filter_evaluate} evaluates filter function with provided filter
#' vectors.
#' @param ... Filter objects. The classes of the objects should be \code{filter}
#'   and include an attribute \code{filter} which is the name of the
#'   corresponding filter function.
#' @inheritParams mapper.sta
#' @param arg_mapper A list for additional arguments for
#'   \code{\link{mapper.sta}}.
#' @param group_ind A vector of group names each of the samples belongs to.
#' @return A data.frame of Shannon indices and spread measures under given
#'   filter functions. The first column contents names of filter functions, and
#'   the second and third columns are the shannon indices and spread measures,
#'   respectively.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' tp_data <- chicken_generator(1)
#' tp_dist <- dist(tp_data[,-1])
#' a <- filter_eccen(dist = tp_dist, p = 2)
#' b <- filter_coordinate(tp_data[,-1], 2)
#' c <- filter_gaussian(dist=tp_dist, sigma=1)
#' filter_evaluate(a,b,c,
#'                 dat = tp_data, group_ind = tp_data$Group,
#'                 num_intervals = 10, percent_overlap = 70)
#' # Add additional arguments (NOT RUN)
#' if(FALSE) {
#'   filter_evaluate(a,b,c,
#'                   dat = tp_data, group_ind = tp_data$Group,
#'                   num_intervals = 10, percent_overlap = 70,
#'                   arg_mapper = list(n_class = 1))
#' }
filter_evaluate <- function(..., dat, group_ind, num_intervals, percent_overlap,
                            arg_mapper = list()) {

  filter_list <- list(...)
  res <- NULL

  arg_mapper$dat <- dat
  arg_mapper$group_ind <- group_ind
  arg_mapper$num_intervals <- num_intervals
  arg_mapper$percent_overlap <- percent_overlap

  for (ff in filter_list) {
    if (class(ff) != "filter") {
      stop("filter_evaluate can only accept 'filter' object.")

    tp_filter <- attributes(ff)$filter
    class(ff) <- "numeric"

    arg_mapper$filter_values <- ff
    tp_mapper <- do.call(mapper.sta, arg_mapper)

    tp_shannon <- mapper_shannon_index(obj_mapper = tp_mapper, group_ind = group_ind)
    tp_spread <- spread_measure(obj_mapper = tp_mapper, group_ind = group_ind)

    res <- rbind(res, c(tp_filter, tp_shannon$avg_index, tp_spread))

  colnames(res) <- c("Filter", "weighted_shannon", "spread_index")
  res <- as.data.frame(res, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  res[, 2:3] <- lapply(res[, 2:3], as.numeric)

#' Nodewise topological distance to a node
#' This function calculates the nodewise topological distances to a selected
#' node based on the generated network.
#' @param obj_mapper An object of class \code{TDAmapper}.
#' @param node_idx The index of the selected node.
#' @return A vector of distance to the selected node. Distance of outlier nodes
#'   will be set to \code{NA}.
#' @export
#' @examples
ref_dist_nodewise <- function(obj_mapper, node_idx) {

  ad_igraph <- graph_from_adjacency_matrix(as.matrix(obj_mapper$adjacency),
                                           mode = "undirected")

  # Find the main network
  comp_mapper <- components(graph = ad_igraph)
  main_network <- comp_mapper$membership == which.max(comp_mapper$csize)
  points_in_vertex_main <- obj_mapper$points_in_vertex[main_network]

  main_network_idx <-which(main_network)

  dist_graph = distances(graph = ad_igraph,
                         v = which(main_network),
                         to = which(main_network))
  rownames(dist_graph) <- main_network_idx

  dist_ref <- rep(NA, length(obj_mapper$points_in_vertex))
  dist_ref[main_network_idx] <- dist_graph[as.character(node_idx),]


#' Average samplewise topological distance to a group of nodes
#' This function calculated the average topological distance of samples to a
#' geoup of samples.
#' @param obj_mapper An object of class \code{TDAmapper}.
#' @param groups_ind A vector of group names each of the samples belongs to.
#' @param ref A string object specifying the name of the reference group.
#' @return A vector of the average distance to the selected group of samples.
#'   Distance of samples in the outlier nodes will be set to \code{NA}. Length
#'   of the vector will be the number of samples.
#' @export
#' @examples
ref_dist_samplewise <- function(obj_mapper, groups_ind, ref) {

  ad_igraph <- graph_from_adjacency_matrix(as.matrix(obj_mapper$adjacency),
                                           mode = "undirected")
  vertex_point_matrix <- Matrix(0,
                                nrow = length(obj_mapper$points_in_vertex),
                                ncol = length(groups_ind),
                                sparse = TRUE)
  for (i in 1:length(obj_mapper$points_in_vertex)) {
    vertex_point_matrix[i, obj_mapper$points_in_vertex[[i]]] <- 1

  comp_mapper <- components(graph = ad_igraph)
  main_network <- comp_mapper$membership == which.max(comp_mapper$csize)

  ## select samples in the main network
  point_idx <- which(colSums(vertex_point_matrix[main_network,]) != 0)

  ref_points <- which(group_ind == ref)
  sample_point_idx <- point_idx

  combn_ref_other_points <- expand.grid(sample_point_idx, ref_points)
  combn_ref_other_points <- combn_ref_other_points[order(combn_ref_other_points[,1],

  mean_dist <- c()
  num_combination <- nrow(combn_ref_other_points)
  for(comb_idx in 1:num_combination) {
    dist_shortest <- distances(graph = ad_igraph,
                               v = which(vertex_point_matrix[,combn_ref_other_points[comb_idx,1]] > 0),
                               to = which(vertex_point_matrix[,combn_ref_other_points[comb_idx,2]] > 0))
    mean_dist <- c(mean_dist, mean(dist_shortest[is.finite(dist_shortest)]))

    if(comb_idx %% 100 == 0) {
      cat(round(comb_idx/num_combination*100, 1), "% \r", sep = "")

  ### For each sample, calculate the average distance
  avg_sample_dist <- c()

  for(sample in unique(combn_ref_other_points[,1])) {
    idx <- which(combn_ref_other_points[,1] == sample)
    avg_sample_dist <- c(avg_sample_dist, mean(mean_dist[idx]))

TianshuFeng/SemiMapper documentation built on Sept. 16, 2022, 10:26 p.m.