
Defines functions simple_visNet prop_dom_grp simple_dom_grp network_visualization legend_node stat_summery most_freq color_map check_color_code read_color_code auto_set_colorcode

Documented in auto_set_colorcode check_color_code color_map legend_node network_visualization read_color_code simple_visNet stat_summery

auto_set_colorcode = function(groups, palette = "Set1") {
  #' Create color codes for groups.
  #' \code{auto_set_colorcode} returns a dataframe with group names and color
  #' codes.
  #' @param groups A vector giving the names of groups. Duplicate group names
  #'   will be disregarded.
  #' @param palette A string giving the name of palette provided in
  #'   \code{\link[RColorBrewer:brewer.pal]{RColorBrewer}}.
  #' @return A dataframe that contains color codes for samples from different
  #'   groups. The first column consists of names of the groups and the second
  #'   column contains the coresponding color codes.
  #' @examples
  #' auto_set_colorcode(c('a','b','c'))
  #' @export


  num_groups = length(unique(groups))
  if (num_groups < 10 & num_groups >=3) {
    color_code = data.frame(
      Abbrev = unique(groups),
      Hex.Colors = RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(num_groups, palette),
      stringsAsFactors = FALSE
  } else {
    color_code = data.frame(
      Abbrev = unique(groups),
      Hex.Colors = colorRampPalette(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(9, palette))(num_groups),
      stringsAsFactors = FALSE

read_color_code = function(file, header = FALSE, sep = "\t") {
  #' Read color codes from a given file
  #' \code{read_color_code} reads a file with given group names and color codes
  #' and returns a dataframe with group names and color codes that can be
  #' accepted by visualization functions.
  #' The given files should contain two columns. The first column should consist
  #' of the names of the labels, and the second column should contain standard
  #' Hex color codes.
  #' @inheritParams utils::read.table
  #' @return A dataframe that contains color codes for samples from different
  #'   groups. The first column consists of names of the groups and the second
  #'   column contains the coresponding color codes.
  #' @export
  #' @examples
  #' test1 <- data.frame(c('a','b','c'), c("#f97f6c", "#6dcff6", "#fdbc4b"))
  #' tf <- tempfile()
  #' write.table(test1, tf, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, sep = "\t")
  #' check_color_code(read_color_code(tf))
  #' unlink(tf)

  color_code = read.table(
    header = header,
    sep = sep,
    as.is = TRUE,
    comment.char = ""

  if (any(nchar(color_code[, 2]) != 7 |
          substr(color_code[, 2],
                 start = 1, stop = 1) != "#")) {
    stop("Invalid hex color code")

  colnames(color_code) = c("Abbrev", "Hex.Colors")
  color_code[, 2] = toupper(color_code[, 2])

#' Check the validation of a color code dataframe
#' \code{check_color_code} check the validation of a color code dataframe
#' A valid color code dataframe contains two columns: \code{Abbrev}
#' and \code{Hex.Colors}. The column \code{Abbrev} contains names of
#' groups that should match the names of groups in the data. The column
#' \code{Hex.Colors} contains self defined colors of groups where colors should
#' be defined as Hex color codes. A tool for picking up colors can be found
#' \href{https://htmlcolorcodes.com/}{here}.
#' @param color_code The color code dataframe
#' @export
#' @examples
#' temp = auto_set_colorcode(c('a','b','c'))
#' check_color_code(temp)
check_color_code = function(color_code) {
  if (!is.data.frame(color_code)) {
    warning("color_code should be data frame.")

  if (!(colnames(color_code)[1] == "Abbrev" &
        colnames(color_code)[2] == "Hex.Colors")) {
    warning("Invalid column names in color_code")

  if (!all(nchar(color_code[, 2]) == 7 &
           substr(color_code[, 2],
                  start = 1, stop = 1) == "#")) {
    stop("Invalid hex color code.")

    colnames(color_code)[1] == "Abbrev" &
      colnames(color_code)[2] == "Hex.Colors"
  ) &
      nchar(color_code[, 2]) == 7 &
        substr(color_code[, 2],
               start = 1, stop = 1) == "#"

#' Assign color codes to samples
#' \code{color_map} assigns color codes to samples based on the given color code.
#' @param samples_group A vector of group names of samples
#' @param color_code A color code dataframe
#' @return A vector of color codes matching the group names
#' @export
#' @examples
#' temp_code = auto_set_colorcode(c('a','b','c'))
#' temp_groups = c('a','a','b','c')
#' color_map(temp_groups, temp_code)
color_map = function(samples_group, color_code) {
  # Accept a list of acronym and return the corresponding color codes
  samples_group = data.frame(id = 1:length(samples_group),
                             Abbrev = samples_group)
  res = merge(
    by = "Abbrev",
    all = FALSE,
    sort = FALSE


most_freq <- function(vec) {

  return(names(table(vec))[as.vector(table(vec)) == max(table(vec))][1])

#' Create statistics summary of nodes
#' \code{stat_summery} returns statistics summaries of nodes as well as a vector
#' of Javascript codes describing the summaries.
#' This function summarizes the nodes returned by
#' \code{\link[TDAmapper]{mapper}}. Basic statistics included in this function
#' are the number of samples \code{N}, the percentage of samples from different
#' groups \code{groups_per_node}, the groups dominate the nodes
#' \code{dominant_group}, the percentage of samples from the dominated group
#' \code{dominant_percent}. It also generates pie plots for nodes which are
#' saved in \code{/figures}.
#' If additional information is provided, the function can provide further
#' statistics including median time at diagnosis and median time to death.
#' The users can also define and add customized statistics to this function. The
#' customized statistics should be wraped into a vector of Javascript codes for
#' each of the nodes and passed to \code{add_analysis_js} following the same
#' order of nodes as in \code{obj_mapper}.
#' @param obj_mapper An object of class \code{TDAmapper}.
#' @param groups_ind A vector of group names each of the samples belongs to.
#' @param dat Optional. A dataframe contains additional information of samples.
#'   If \code{add_surv_analysis==TRUE}, \code{dat} must be provided with columns
#'   \code{age_at_diagnosis} and \code{days_to_death} describing the time at
#'   diagnosis and time to death at the time of observation.
#' @param folder The name of the folder to save the generated networks.
#' @param add_surv_analysis A logical object. \code{TRUE} if median time at diagnosis
#'   and median time to death should be included.
#' @param add_analysis_js A vector of Javascript codes summerizing customized
#'   statistics.
#' @param prop_dom Boolean. If True, using the group whose proportion increases
#'   the most as the dominant group. If False, using the group with the most samples
#'   as the dominant group.
#' @param color_code A color code dataframe.
#' @return A list includes the statistics and pie plots in folder
#'   \code{/figures}. Details of elements in the list can be found in Detail.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # See ?network_visualization
stat_summery <- function(obj_mapper,
                        dat = NULL,
                        folder = "",
                        add_surv_analysis = FALSE,
                        add_analysis_js = NULL,
                        prop_dom = FALSE
                        ) {
  # First get a dataframe where each column is a statistic. Then Turn them into
  # html.
  # Return: list of HTMLs
  # Also return: legend

  group_by_indi = groups_ind
  n_row = length(groups_ind)

  N = c()  # number of obs
  groups = c()  # Groups in the node dand Percentage of them, string
  dominant_group = c()
  stats_sum = c()
  percent = c()

  if (add_surv_analysis) {
    if (is.null(dat)) {
      stop("No data with survival information provided")

    if (!all(c("age_at_diagnosis", "days_to_death") %in% colnames(dat))) {
      stop("age_at_diagnosis or days_to_death not provided")

    median_diagnosis = NULL
    HR = NULL

    median_death = NULL

  if (prop_dom) {
    dominant_group <- prop_dom_grp(obj_mapper, groups_ind)

  k <- 0
  for (vtx in obj_mapper$points_in_vertex) {
    k <- k + 1
    temp_tb = sort(table(group_by_indi[vtx]), decreasing = T)
    temp_per = round(temp_tb / sum(temp_tb), 4) * 100
    temp_gp = names(temp_tb)
    groups = c(
        ": <b>",
        " (",
        collapse = "<br>"
    ) # Maybe display the first few


    STA:::savepdf(paste0("pie_", k), folder)
        labels = NA,
        col = color_map(temp_gp,
                        color_code = color_code))

    if (!prop_dom) {
      dominant_group = c(dominant_group, temp_gp[1])
      percent <- c(percent, temp_per[1])
    } else {
      percent <- c(percent,
        round(temp_tb[dominant_group[k]] / sum(temp_tb), 4) * 100)

    N = c(N, paste0(
      "N : <b>",
      " (",
      round(length(vtx) / n_row, 4) * 100,

    if (!is.null(dat) & add_surv_analysis) {
      med_diag_temp = median(dat[vtx, "age_at_diagnosis"],
                             na.rm = T)
      median_diagnosis = c(median_diagnosis, med_diag_temp)

      median_death = c(median_death,
                       median(as.numeric(dat[vtx, "days_to_death"]),
                              na.rm = T))
      # hr_temp_data = dat[vtx, c("vital_status",
      #                           "days_to_death",
      #                           "days_to_last_followup")]
      # hr_temp_data$Status = 0
      # hr_temp_data$Status[hr_temp_data$vital_status == "Dead"] = 1
      # hr_temp_data$Time = hr_temp_data$days_to_last_followup
      # hr_temp_data$Time[hr_temp_data$vital_status == "Dead"] =
      #   hr_temp_data$days_to_death[hr_temp_data$vital_status == "Dead"]
      # hr_temp_data$Time = as.numeric(hr_temp_data$Time)
      # surv_temp = survdiff(Surv(Time, Status)~1, data = hr_temp_data)

  #stats_sum = paste0("N: ", N, "<br>Acronym:<br>", groups, "<br>")

  if (add_surv_analysis) {
    stats_sum = list(
      N = N,
      groups_per_node = groups,
      dominant_group = dominant_group,
      dominant_percent = percent,
      median_diagnosis = median_diagnosis,
      median_death = median_death

    add_analysis_js = paste0(
      'Median diagnosis age: <b>',
      round(stats_sum$median_diagnosis, 1),
      'Median death (days): <b>',
      round(stats_sum$median_death, 1),
  } else {
    stats_sum = list(
      N = N,
      groups_per_node = groups,
      dominant_group = dominant_group,
      dominant_percent = percent

  java_description = paste0(
    '<div style=\"text-align:center;\">',
    'Majority: <b>',
    ' (',
    # Mean : <b>1</b><br>
    # Variance : <b>0</b>',
    '<hr class = \"rPartvisNetwork\">
    <img style="height: 140px; width: 140px; object-fit: contain" src="',
    paste0("figures/pie_", 1:obj_mapper$num_vertices, ".png"),
    '" /><br>
    <div class =\"showOnMe2\">
    <div style=\"text-align:center;\">
    <U style=\"color:blue;\" class = \"classActivePointer\">Details</U>
    <div class=\"showMeRpartTTp2\" style=\"display:none;\">
    stats_sum$groups_per_node ,
    <script type=\"text/javascript\">
    $(document).ready(function(){\n$(\".showOnMe2\").click(function(){\n$(\".showMeRpartTTp2\").toggle();\n$.sparkline_display_visible();\n});\n  });

  stats_sum$java_desp = java_description

#' Add legends to the generated graph
#' @param stats_sum Results from stat_summery
#' @param color_code Color code dataframe
#' @return Dataframe of legends for the generated graph
legend_node = function(stats_sum = NULL, color_code) {
  #  stats_sum: results from stat_summery
  # group_list = unique(stats_sum$dominant_group)

  legend_res = data.frame(
    label = color_code$Abbrev,
    color = color_code$Hex.Colors,
    # color_map(group_list),
    shape = 'dot',
    size = 22,
    font.size = 16


#' Generate graphs from results of Mapper
#' \code{network_visualization} generates an interactive graph from the provided
#' Mapper object.
#' \code{network_visualization} generates an interactive graph based on the
#' provided Mapper object with Javascript tools from \code{visNetwork}. It
#' accepts statistics summary from the \code{\link{stat_summery}} function and
#' display them as tooltips. The tooltips can also be customized by the users by
#' passing Javascript codes with additional summerise of nodes to the argument
#' \code{add_analysis_js}.
#' Nodes are colored with the colors associated with the dominated groups within
#' each of the nodes. The colors of groups can either be defined by users or by
#' function \code{\link{auto_set_colorcode}}. Self defined color codes should
#' follow the format introduced in \code{\link{check_color_code}}, and we
#' recommend reading color code files with \code{\link{read_color_code}}.
#' The width of edges is propotional to the percentage of overlapping between
#' connected nodes.
#' @param obj_mapper An object of class \code{TDAmapper}.
#' @param groups_ind A vector of group names each of the samples belongs to.
#' @param folder The name of the folder to save the generated networks.
#' @param dat,add_surv_analysis,add_analysis_js Arguments passed to
#'   \code{\link{stat_summery}} for customizing statistics summary of nodes.
#' @param palette A string giving the name of palette provided in
#'   \code{\link[RColorBrewer:brewer.pal]{RColorBrewer}} to automatically assign
#'   colors to nodes.
#' @param legend_ncol Number of columns of legends.
#' @param prop_dom Boolean. If True, using the group whose proportion increases
#'   the most as the dominant group. If False, using the group with the most samples
#'   as the dominant group.
#' @param color_code The dataframe of color codes for groups of samples. If not
#'   provided, the function will automatically assign colors to different
#'   groups.
#' @param color_mix Boolean. If to display the color of nodes as a mixer of the
#'   colors of samples within the nodes, where colors of samples are determined
#'   by their associated groups
#' @return An HTML file and a set of pie plots will be saved under the location
#'   given in \code{folder}. The HTML file contains the interactive graph
#'   generated based on the Mapper object, and the pie plots are for the
#'   summerise of nodes.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' tp_data = chicken_generator(1)
#' ff = filter_coordinate(tp_data[,-1], 2)
#' tp_data_mapper = mapper.sta(dat = tp_data[,2:4],
#'                                filter_values = ff,
#'                                num_intervals = 10,
#'                                percent_overlap = 70)
#' network_visualization(tp_data_mapper, groups_ind = tp_data$Group, dat = tp_data[,2:4],
#'                       folder = "Exp_network")
#' # Add additional analysis to nodes
#' add_analysis_js = paste0('Node Index:<b>',
#'                            1:length(tp_data_mapper$points_in_vertex),
#'                            '</b><br>')
#' network_visualization(tp_data_mapper, groups_ind = tp_data$Group, dat = tp_data[,2:4],
#'                       folder = "Exp_network", add_analysis_js = add_analysis_js)
#' @references Feng, T., Davila, J.I., Liu, Y., Lin, S., Huang, S. and Wang, C.,
#' 2019. Semi-supervised Topological Analysis for Elucidating Hidden Structures
#' in High-Dimensional Transcriptome Datasets. _IEEE/ACM transactions on
#' computational biology and bioinformatics._
network_visualization = function(obj_mapper,
                                 dat = NULL,
                                 folder = "",
                                 add_surv_analysis = FALSE,
                                 add_analysis_js = NULL,
                                 palette = "Set1",
                                 legend_ncol = 2,
                                 prop_dom = FALSE,
                                 color_code = NULL,
                                 color_mix = FALSE) {
  #  obj_mapper: the mapper object from TDAMapper
  #  groups_ind: the vector of group each individual sample belongs to


  if (class(obj_mapper) != "TDAmapper") {
    stop("Invalid obj_mapper.")

  if (is.null(color_code)) {
    color_code = auto_set_colorcode(groups = groups_ind,
                                    palette = palette)
  } else if (!check_color_code(color_code)) {
    stop("Invalid color code.")

  dir.create(file.path(folder), showWarnings = FALSE)

  # Remove nodes without samples
  obj_mapper = STA:::null_remover(obj_mapper)

  MapperNodes <- STA:::mapperVertices(obj_mapper, 1)
  MapperLinks <- STA:::mapperEdges(obj_mapper)

  members = c()
  for (i in obj_mapper$points_in_vertex) {
    members = c(members, paste0(i, collapse = ", "))

  stats_sum = stat_summery(
    dat = dat,
    folder = folder,
    add_surv_analysis = add_surv_analysis,
    add_analysis_js = add_analysis_js,
    prop_dom = prop_dom,
    color_code = color_code

  if (!color_mix) {
    nodes <-
        id = 1:nrow(MapperNodes),
        #label = MapperNodes$Nodename,
        value = MapperNodes$Nodesize,
        group = stats_sum$dominant_group,
        color = color_map(stats_sum$dominant_group,
                          color_code = color_code),
        title = stats_sum$java_desp
  } else if (color_mix) {
    sample_color <- color_map(groups_ind, color_code = color_code)

    avg_color <- c()
    for (i in obj_mapper$points_in_vertex) {
      avg_color <- c(avg_color, color_mixer(sample_color[i], na.rm = TRUE))

    nodes <-
        id = 1:nrow(MapperNodes),
        #label = MapperNodes$Nodename,
        value = MapperNodes$Nodesize,
        group = stats_sum$dominant_group,
        color = avg_color,
        title = stats_sum$java_desp
  } else {
    stop("Invalid color_mix. Should be Boolean.")

  edges <- data.frame(from = MapperLinks$Linksource + 1,
                      to = MapperLinks$Linktarget + 1,
                      width = MapperLinks$Linkvalue/max(MapperLinks$Linkvalue) * 20)

  visNetwork(nodes, edges, width = "100%", height = "700px") %>%
      tooltipDelay = 500,
      selectConnectedEdges = FALSE,
      tooltipStyle = 'position: fixed;visibility:hidden;padding: 5px;
      white-space: normal;width: 150px;
      font-family: cursive;font-size:12px;font-color:purple;background-color: #E6E6E6;
      border-radius: 15px;'
    ) %>%
      selectedBy = "group",
      highlightNearest = list(
        enabled = TRUE,
        degree = 2,
        hover = T
    ) %>%
      addNodes = legend_node(color_code = color_code),
      useGroups = FALSE,
      enabled = TRUE,
      width = 0.1,
      ncol = legend_ncol,
      position = "left"
    )  %>% sparkline::spk_add_deps() %>%
    visSave(file = "network.html", background = "white")
  save_logic = file.rename(from = "network.html", to = file.path(folder, "network.html"))

  if (save_logic) {
      "The generated HTML file can be found in:\n",
      file.path(folder, "network.html"),
  } else {
    warning("Cannot save file in the target folder,
            please check the working directory.")

simple_dom_grp <- function(obj_mapper, groups_ind) {
  dom_grp <- c()
    for (i in obj_mapper$points_in_vertex) {
      dom_grp <-
        c(dom_grp, names(sort(table(groups_ind[i]), decreasing = T))[1])

prop_dom_grp <- function(obj_mapper, groups_ind) {

  population_prop_df <- data.frame(table(groups_ind), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  colnames(population_prop_df)[1] <- 'Var1'

  dom_group_list <- c()

  i <- 0
  for(tmp_sample_list in obj_mapper$points_in_vertex) {
    i <- i + 1

    node_freq_df <- data.frame(table(groups_ind[tmp_sample_list]),
      stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

    compare_df <- merge(node_freq_df, population_prop_df,
      by = 'Var1', all = FALSE)
    compare_df$Var1 <- as.character(compare_df$Var1)
    if(nrow(compare_df) == 1) {
      dom_group <- compare_df[1,1]
    } else {
      n_points <- colSums(compare_df[,2:3])

      prop_df <- t(t(compare_df[,2:3])/n_points)
      diff_prop_df <- prop_df[,1] - prop_df[,2]
      dom_group <- compare_df[which(diff_prop_df == max(diff_prop_df)), 'Var1'][1]

    dom_group_list <- c(dom_group_list, dom_group)

#' Simple graphs generation
#' \code{simple_visNet} generates graphs from the provided Mapper object without
#' tooltips.
#' \code{simple_visNet} generates graphs from the provided Mapper object without
#' tooltips. The colors of nodes can be more flexibly defined than in
#' \code{\link{network_visualization}} which is suitable for simulation and
#' tests. The width of edges is propotional to the percentage of overlapping
#' between connected nodes.
#' Users can assign colors to nodes with three different approaches.
#' * If \code{color_filter=TRUE}, the colors of nodes are determined by the
#' average filter values of samples, and \code{color_fun} will map numeric
#' values to hex color codes.
#' * If \code{color_filter=FALSE} and \code{color_code=NULL}, and
#' \code{groups_ind} is provided, the colors of nodes are determined by the
#' dominated group of samples according to \code{groups_ind}, and colors are
#' automatically generated by \code{color_fun}.
#' * If \code{color_filter=FALSE} and \code{color_code!=NULL}, the colors of
#' nodes are determined by the dominated group of samples, and colors are from
#' \code{color_code}.
#' Note than the color method should be specified by the users by providing the
#' function with necessary arguments.
#' @md
#' @inheritParams network_visualization
#' @param filter A vector of filter values from filter functions
#' @param color_fun The color function that transforms numbers to hex codes.
#' @param network_name File name of the html network file.
#' @param color_filter  A logical object. \code{TRUE} if colors of nodes are to
#'   be determined by the average filter values of samples.
#' @param groups_ind A vector of group names each of the samples belongs to.
#' @param color_code A color code dataframe.
#' @param color_mix Boolean. If to display the color of nodes as a mixer of the
#'   colors of samples within the nodes, where colors of samples are determined
#'   by their associated groups
#' @param prop_dom Boolean. If True, using the group whose proportion increases
#'   the most as the dominant group. If False, using the group with the most samples
#'   as the dominant group.
#' @param save_network Boolean. If save the network file. Used for the SHiny app
#' @return An HTML file saved under the location given in \code{folder}. The
#'   HTML file contains the interactive graph generated based on the Mapper
#'   object.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' tp_data = chicken_generator(1)
#' tp_data_mapper = mapper.sta(dat = tp_data[,2:4],
#'                                filter_values = tp_data$Y,
#'                                num_intervals = 10,
#'                                percent_overlap = 70)
#' simple_visNet(tp_data_mapper, filter = tp_data$Y)
simple_visNet <-
           filter = NULL,
           folder = getwd(),
           color_fun = color_map_Spectral,
           network_name = "network.html",
           color_filter = TRUE,
           groups_ind = NULL,
           color_code = NULL,
           color_mix = FALSE,
           prop_dom = FALSE,
           save_network = TRUE,
           png_output = FALSE,
           layout_igraph = layout_with_fr) {

    # Remove nodes without samples
    obj_mapper = STA:::null_remover(obj_mapper)

    MapperNodes <- STA:::mapperVertices(obj_mapper, 1)
    MapperLinks <- STA:::mapperEdges(obj_mapper)

    if (color_filter) {
      if (is.null(color_fun)) {
        stop("color_fun not provided")

      if (is.null(filter)) {
        warning("filter not provided, repalced by 1.")
        filter <- rep(1, max(unlist(obj_mapper$points_in_vertex)))

      dir.create(file.path(folder), showWarnings = FALSE)

      avg_filter <- c()
      for (i in obj_mapper$points_in_vertex) {
        avg_filter <- c(avg_filter, mean(filter[i], na.rm = TRUE))

      # Standardize to (0, 1)
      avg_filter <- (avg_filter - min(avg_filter))/(max(avg_filter) - min(avg_filter))

      nodes <-
          id = 1:nrow(MapperNodes),
          value = MapperNodes$Nodesize,
          color = color_fun(avg_filter)
    } else if (is.null(color_code)) {
      if (is.null(color_fun)) {
        stop("Either color_code or color_fun not provided")

      if (is.null(groups_ind)) {
        stop("Samples' groups_ind not provided")

      # Use dominant group
      if (!color_mix) {
          dom_grp <- simple_dom_grp(obj_mapper, groups_ind)
        } else {
          dom_grp <- prop_dom_grp(obj_mapper, groups_ind)

        dom_grp <- as.numeric(as.factor(dom_grp)) - 1

        if(max(dom_grp) == 0) {
          dom_grp <- dom_grp + 1

        nodes <-
            id = 1:nrow(MapperNodes),
            value = MapperNodes$Nodesize,
            color = color_fun(dom_grp / max(dom_grp))

      } else if (color_mix) {

        sample_color <- as.numeric(as.factor(groups_ind)) - 1

        if(max(sample_color) == 0) {
          sample_color <- sample_color + 1

        sample_color <- color_fun(sample_color/max(sample_color))

        avg_color <- c()
        for (i in obj_mapper$points_in_vertex) {
          avg_color <- c(avg_color, color_mixer(sample_color[i], na.rm = TRUE))

        nodes <-
            id = 1:nrow(MapperNodes),
            value = MapperNodes$Nodesize,
            color = avg_color


    } else if (check_color_code(color_code)) {

      if (is.null(groups_ind)) {
        stop("Samples' groups_ind not provided")

      # Use provided color code

      if(!color_mix) {
          dom_grp <- simple_dom_grp(obj_mapper, groups_ind)
        } else {
          dom_grp <- prop_dom_grp(obj_mapper, groups_ind)
        nodes <-
            id = 1:nrow(MapperNodes),
            value = MapperNodes$Nodesize,
            group = dom_grp,
            color = color_map(dom_grp, color_code = color_code)
      } else if (color_mix) {

        sample_color <- color_map(groups_ind, color_code = color_code)

        avg_color <- c()
        dom_grp <- c()
        for (i in obj_mapper$points_in_vertex) {
          avg_color <- c(avg_color, color_mixer(sample_color[i], na.rm = TRUE))
          dom_grp <-
            c(dom_grp, names(sort(table(groups_ind[i]), decreasing = T))[1])

        nodes <-
            id = 1:nrow(MapperNodes),
            value = MapperNodes$Nodesize,
            group = dom_grp,
            color = avg_color

      } else {
        stop("Invalid color_mix. Should be Boolean.")

    } else {
      stop("Invalid color code")

    edges <-
      data.frame(from = MapperLinks$Linksource + 1,
                 to = MapperLinks$Linktarget + 1,
                 width = MapperLinks$Linkvalue/max(MapperLinks$Linkvalue) * 20)

      net_file <- visNetwork(nodes, edges, width = "100%", height = "700px") %>%
        visInteraction(tooltipDelay = 500,
                       selectConnectedEdges = FALSE) %>%
        visOptions(highlightNearest = list(
          enabled = TRUE,
          degree = 2,
          hover = T) )

      if(save_network) {

        net_file %>% visSave(file = network_name, background = "white")
        save_logic = file.rename(from = network_name, to = file.path(folder, network_name))

        if (save_logic) {
          cat("The generated HTML file can be found in:\n",
              file.path(folder, network_name),
        } else {
          warning("Cannot save file in the target folder,
              please check the working directory.")
      } else {
    } else { # If we want to output a static png file
      igraph_obj <-igraph::graph_from_adjacency_matrix(adjmatrix = as.matrix(obj_mapper$adjacency),
                                                       mode = "undirected")

           layout = layout_igraph,
           vertex.size = log(nodes$value/2 + 1)*4,
           vertex.color = as.character(nodes$color),
           vertex.label = 1:length(nodes$color),
           label.cex = 0.7)
TianshuFeng/SemiMapper documentation built on Sept. 16, 2022, 10:26 p.m.