
Defines functions tiledb_sparse tiledb_dense .fill_schema_info_list tiledb_array_get_non_empty_domain_from_name tiledb_array_get_non_empty_domain_from_index array_vacuum array_consolidate .convertToArray .convertToMatrix .map2integer64 .array_open .array_schema_load tiledb_array

Documented in array_consolidate array_vacuum tiledb_array tiledb_array_get_non_empty_domain_from_index tiledb_array_get_non_empty_domain_from_name tiledb_dense tiledb_sparse

#  MIT License
#  Copyright (c) 2017-2024 TileDB Inc.
#  Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
#  of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
#  in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
#  to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
#  copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
#  furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
#  The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
#  copies or substantial portions of the Software.

#' An S4 class for a TileDB Array
#' This class replaces the earlier (and now removed) \code{tiledb_dense}
#' and \code{tiledb_sparse} and provides equivalent functionality
#' based on a refactored implementation utilising newer TileDB features.
#' @slot ctx A TileDB context object
#' @slot uri A character despription with the array URI
#' @slot is.sparse A logical value whether the array is sparse or not
#' @slot attrs A character vector to select particular column \sQuote{attributes};
#' default is an empty character vector implying \sQuote{all} columns, the special
#' value \code{NA_character_} has the opposite effect and selects \sQuote{none}.
#' @slot extended A logical value, defaults to \code{TRUE}, indicating whether index
#' columns are returned as well.
#' @slot selected_ranges An optional list with matrices where each matrix i
#' describes the (min,max) pair of ranges for dimension i
#' @slot selected_points An optional list with vectors where each vector i
#' describes the selected points for dimension i
#' @slot query_layout An optional character value
#' @slot datetimes_as_int64 A logical value
#' @slot encryption_key A character value
#' @slot query_condition A Query Condition object
#' @slot timestamp_start A POSIXct datetime variable for the inclusive interval start
#' @slot timestamp_end A POSIXct datetime variable for the inclusive interval start
#' @slot return_as A character value with the desired \code{tiledb_array} conversion,
#' permitted values are \sQuote{asis} (default, returning a list of columns),
#' \sQuote{array}, \sQuote{matrix},\sQuote{data.frame}, \sQuote{data.table}
#' \sQuote{tibble}, \sQuote{arrow_table} or \sQuote{arrow} (where the last two are synomyms);
#' note that \sQuote{data.table}, \sQuote{tibble} and \sQuote{arrow} require the respective
#' packages to installed.
#' @slot query_statistics A logical value, defaults to \sQuote{FALSE}; if \sQuote{TRUE} the
#' query statistics are returned (as a JSON string) via the attribute
#' \sQuote{query_statistics} of the return object.
#' @slot sil An optional and internal list object with schema information, used for
#' parsing queries.
#' @slot dumpbuffers An optional character variable with a directory name (relative to
#' \code{/dev/shm}) for writing out results buffers (for internal use / testing)
#' @slot buffers An optional list with full pathnames of shared memory buffers to read data from
#' @slot strings_as_factors An optional logical to convert character columns to factor type
#' @slot keep_open An optional logical to not close after read or write
#' @slot ptr External pointer to the underlying implementation
#' @exportClass tiledb_array
         slots = list(ctx = "tiledb_ctx",
                      uri = "character",
                      is.sparse = "logical",
                      attrs = "character",
                      extended = "logical",
                      selected_ranges = "list",
                      selected_points = "list",
                      query_layout = "character",
                      datetimes_as_int64 = "logical",
                      encryption_key = "character",
                      query_condition = "tiledb_query_condition",
                      timestamp_start = "POSIXct",
                      timestamp_end = "POSIXct",
                      return_as = "character",
                      query_statistics = "logical",
                      strings_as_factors = "logical",
                      keep_open = "logical",
                      sil = "list",
                      dumpbuffers = "character",
                      buffers = "list",
                      ptr = "externalptr"))

#' Constructs a tiledb_array object backed by a persisted tiledb array uri
#' tiledb_array returns a new object. This class is experimental.
#' @param uri uri path to the tiledb dense array
#' @param query_type optionally loads the array in "READ" or "WRITE" only modes.
#' @param is.sparse optional logical switch, defaults to "NA" letting array determine it
#' @param attrs optional character vector to select attributes, default is
#' empty implying all are selected, the special value \code{NA_character_}
#' has the opposite effect and implies no attributes are returned.
#' @param extended optional logical switch selecting wide \sQuote{data.frame}
#' format, defaults to \code{TRUE}
#' @param selected_ranges optional A list with matrices where each matrix i
#' describes the (min,max) pair of ranges selected for dimension i
#' @param selected_points optional A list with vectors where each vector i
#' describes the points selected in dimension i
#' @param query_layout optional A value for the TileDB query layout, defaults to
#' an empty character variable indicating no special layout is set
#' @param datetimes_as_int64 optional A logical value selecting date and datetime value
#' representation as \sQuote{raw} \code{integer64} and not as \code{Date},
#' \code{POSIXct} or \code{nanotime} objects.
#' @param encryption_key optional A character value with an AES-256 encryption key
#' in case the array was written with encryption.
#' @param query_condition optional \code{tiledb_query_condition} object, by default uninitialized
#' without a condition; this functionality requires TileDB 2.3.0 or later
#' @param timestamp_start optional A POSIXct Datetime value determining the inclusive time point
#' at which the array is to be openened. No fragments written earlier will be considered.
#' @param timestamp_end optional A POSIXct Datetime value determining the inclusive time point
#' until which the array is to be openened. No fragments written earlier later be considered.
#' @param return_as optional A character value with the desired \code{tiledb_array} conversion,
#' permitted values are \sQuote{asis} (default, returning a list of columns), \sQuote{array},
#' \sQuote{matrix},\sQuote{data.frame}, \sQuote{data.table}, \sQuote{tibble}, \sQuote{arrow_table},
#' or \sQuote{arrow} (as an alias for \sQuote{arrow_table}; here \sQuote{data.table},
#' \sQuote{tibble} and \sQuote{arrow} require the respective packages to be installed.
#' The existing \code{as.*} arguments take precedent over this.
#' @param query_statistics optional A logical value, defaults to \sQuote{FALSE}; if \sQuote{TRUE} the
#' query statistics are returned (as a JSON string) via the attribute
#' \sQuote{query_statistics} of the return object.
#' @param strings_as_factors An optional logical to convert character columns to factor type; defaults
#' to the value of \code{getOption("stringsAsFactors", FALSE)}.
#' @param keep_open An optional logical to not close after read or write
#' @param sil optional A list, by default empty to store schema information when query objects are
#' parsed.
#' @param dumpbuffers An optional character variable with a directory name (relative to
#' \code{/dev/shm}) for writing out results buffers (for internal use / testing)
#' @param buffers An optional list with full pathnames of shared memory buffers to read data from
#' @param ctx optional tiledb_ctx
#' @param as.data.frame An optional deprecated alternative to \code{return_as="data.frame"} which has
#' been deprecated and removed, but is still used in one BioConductor package; this argument will be removed
#' once the updated package has been released.
#' @return tiledb_array object
#' @importFrom spdl set_level
#' @export
tiledb_array <- function(uri,
                         query_type = c("READ", "WRITE"),
                         is.sparse = NA,
                         attrs = character(),
                         extended = TRUE,
                         selected_ranges = list(),
                         selected_points = list(),
                         query_layout = character(),
                         datetimes_as_int64 = FALSE,
                         encryption_key = character(),
                         query_condition = new("tiledb_query_condition"),
                         timestamp_start = as.POSIXct(double(), origin="1970-01-01"),
                         timestamp_end = as.POSIXct(double(), origin="1970-01-01"),
                         return_as = get_return_as_preference(),
                         query_statistics = FALSE,
                         strings_as_factors = getOption("stringsAsFactors", FALSE),
                         keep_open = FALSE,
                         sil = list(),
                         dumpbuffers = character(),
                         buffers = list(),
                         ctx = tiledb_get_context(),
                         as.data.frame = FALSE) {
  stopifnot("Argument 'ctx' must be a tiledb_ctx object" = is(ctx, "tiledb_ctx"),
            "Argument 'uri' must be a string scalar" = !missing(uri) && is.scalar(uri, "character"),
            "Argument 'matrix' (for 'return_as') cannot be selected for sparse arrays" =
                !(isTRUE(is.sparse) && return_as == "matrix"))
  query_type <- match.arg(query_type)
  spdl::debug("[tiledb_array] query is {}", query_type)
  if (length(encryption_key) > 0) {
    stopifnot("if used, argument aes_key must be character" = is.character(encryption_key))
    array_xptr <- libtiledb_array_open_with_key(ctx@ptr, uri, query_type, encryption_key)
  } else {
    array_xptr <- libtiledb_array_open(ctx@ptr, uri, query_type)

  if (as.data.frame) {
      ## accommodating TileDBArray prior to BioConductor 3.20
      .Deprecated(old="as.data.frame", new=r"(return_as="data.frame")")
      return_as <- "data.frame"

  if (length(timestamp_start) > 0) {
      libtiledb_array_set_open_timestamp_start(array_xptr, timestamp_start)
  if (length(timestamp_end) > 0) {
      libtiledb_array_set_open_timestamp_end(array_xptr, timestamp_end)

  schema_xptr <- libtiledb_array_get_schema(array_xptr)
  is_sparse_status <- libtiledb_array_schema_sparse(schema_xptr)
  if (!is.na(is.sparse) && is.sparse != is_sparse_status) {
    if (is_sparse_status) {
      stop("dense array selected but sparse array found", call. = FALSE)
    } else {
      stop("sparse array selected but dense array found", call. = FALSE)
  is.sparse <- is_sparse_status
  if (!keep_open) array_xptr <- libtiledb_array_close(array_xptr)
      ctx = ctx,
      uri = uri,
      is.sparse = is.sparse,
      attrs = attrs,
      extended = extended,
      selected_ranges = selected_ranges,
      selected_points = selected_points,
      query_layout = query_layout,
      datetimes_as_int64 = datetimes_as_int64,
      encryption_key = encryption_key,
      query_condition = query_condition,
      timestamp_start = timestamp_start,
      timestamp_end = timestamp_end,
      return_as = return_as,
      query_statistics = query_statistics,
      strings_as_factors = strings_as_factors,
      keep_open = keep_open,
      sil = sil,
      dumpbuffers = dumpbuffers,
      buffers = buffers,
      ptr = array_xptr)

#' Return a schema from a tiledb_array object
#' @param object tiledb array object
#' @param ... Extra parameter for function signature, currently unused
#' @return The scheme for the object
setMethod("schema", "tiledb_array", function(object, ...) {
  ctx <- object@ctx
  uri <- object@uri
  enckey <- object@encryption_key
  if (length(enckey) > 0) {
    schema_xptr <- libtiledb_array_schema_load_with_key(ctx@ptr, uri, enckey)
  }  else {
    schema_xptr <- libtiledb_array_schema_load(ctx@ptr, uri)
  return(tiledb_array_schema.from_ptr(schema_xptr, object@ptr))

## unexported helper function to deal with ... args / enckey in next method
.array_schema_load <- function(ctxptr, uri, enckey=character()) {
  if (length(enckey) > 0) {
    schema_xptr <- libtiledb_array_schema_load_with_key(ctxptr, uri, enckey)
  }  else {
    schema_xptr <- libtiledb_array_schema_load(ctxptr, uri)
.array_open <- function(ctxptr, uri, enckey=character()) {
    if (length(enckey) > 0) {
        arr_xptr <- libtiledb_array_open_with_key(ctxptr, uri, "READ", enckey)
    } else {
        arr_xptr <- libtiledb_array_open(ctxptr, uri, "READ")

#' Return a schema from a URI character value
#' @param object A character variable with a URI
#' @param ... Extra parameters such as \sQuote{enckey}, the encryption key
#' @return The scheme for the object
setMethod("schema", "character", function(object, ...) {
    ctx <- tiledb_get_context()
    schema_xptr <- .array_schema_load(ctx@ptr, object, ...)
    array_xptr <- .array_open(ctx@ptr, object, ...)
    return(tiledb_array_schema.from_ptr(schema_xptr, array_xptr))

#' Prints a tiledb_array object
#' @param object A tiledb array object
#' @export
setMethod("show", signature = "tiledb_array",
          definition = function (object) {
     ,"  uri                = '", object@uri, "'\n"
     ,"  schema_version     = ", tiledb_array_schema_version(schema(object)), "\n"
     ,"  is.sparse          = ", if (object@is.sparse) "TRUE" else "FALSE", "\n"
     ,"  attrs              = ", if (length(object@attrs) == 0) "(none)"
                            else paste(object@attrs, collapse=","), "\n"
     ,"  selected_ranges    = ", if (length(object@selected_ranges) > 0) sprintf("(%d non-null sets)", sum(sapply(object@selected_ranges, function(x) !is.null(x))))
                            else "(none)", "\n"
     ,"  selected_points    = ", if (length(object@selected_points) > 0) sprintf("(%d non-null points)", sum(sapply(object@selected_points, function(x) !is.null(x))))
                            else "(none)", "\n"
     ,"  extended           = ", if (object@extended) "TRUE" else "FALSE" ,"\n"
     ,"  query_layout       = ", if (length(object@query_layout) == 0) "(none)" else object@query_layout, "\n"
     ,"  datetimes_as_int64 = ", if (object@datetimes_as_int64) "TRUE" else "FALSE", "\n"
     ,"  encryption_key     = ", if (length(object@encryption_key) == 0) "(none)" else "(set)", "\n"
     ,"  query_condition    = ", if (isTRUE(object@query_condition@init)) "(set)" else "(none)", "\n"
     ,"  timestamp_start    = ", if (length(object@timestamp_start) == 0) "(none)" else format(object@timestamp_start), "\n"
     ,"  timestamp_end      = ", if (length(object@timestamp_end) == 0) "(none)" else format(object@timestamp_end), "\n"
     ,"  return_as          = '", object@return_as, "'\n"
     ,"  query_statistics   = ", if (object@query_statistics) "TRUE" else "FALSE", "\n"
     ,"  strings_as_factors = ", if (object@strings_as_factors) "TRUE" else "FALSE", "\n"
     ,"  keep_open          = ", if (object@keep_open) "TRUE" else "FALSE", "\n"

setValidity("tiledb_array", function(object) {
  msg <- NULL
  valid <- TRUE

  if (!is(object@ctx, "tiledb_ctx")) {
    valid <- FALSE
    msg <- c(msg, "The 'ctx' slot does not contain a ctx object.")

  if (!is.character(object@uri)) {
    valid <- FALSE
    msg <- c(msg, "The 'uri' slot does not contain a character value.")

  if (!is.logical(object@is.sparse)) {
    valid <- FALSE
    msg <- c(msg, "The 'is.sparse' slot does not contain a logical value.")

  if (!is.character(object@attrs)) {
    valid <- FALSE
    msg <- c(msg, "The 'attrs' slot does not contain a character vector.")

  if (!is.logical(object@extended)) {
    valid <- FALSE
    msg <- c(msg, "The 'extended' slot does not contain a logical value.")

  if (!is.list(object@selected_ranges)) {
    valid <- FALSE
    msg <- c(msg, "The 'selected_ranges' slot does not contain a list.")
  } else {
    for (i in (seq_len(length(object@selected_ranges)))) {
      if (!is.null(object@selected_ranges[[i]])) {
        if (length(dim(object@selected_ranges[[i]])) != 2) {
          valid <- FALSE
          msg <- c(msg, sprintf("Element '%d' of 'selected_ranges' is not 2-d.", i))
        if (ncol(object@selected_ranges[[i]]) != 2) {
          valid <- FALSE
          msg <- c(msg, sprintf("Element '%d' of 'selected_ranges' is not two column.", i))

  if (!is.list(object@selected_points)) {
    valid <- FALSE
    msg <- c(msg, "The 'selected_points' slot does not contain a list.")
  } else {
    for (i in (seq_len(length(object@selected_points)))) {
      if (!is.null(object@selected_points[[i]])) {
        if (!is.vector(object@selected_points[[i]]) && !inherits(object@selected_points[[i]], "integer64")) {
          valid <- FALSE
          msg <- c(msg, sprintf("Element '%d' of 'selected_ranges' is not a vector.", i))

  if (!is.character(object@query_layout)) {
    valid <- FALSE
    msg <- c(msg, "The 'query_layout' slot does not contain a character value.")

  if (!is.logical(object@datetimes_as_int64)) {
    valid <- FALSE
    msg <- c(msg, "The 'datetimes_as_int64' slot does not contain a logical value.")

  if (!is.character(object@encryption_key)) {
    valid <- FALSE
    msg <- c(msg, "The 'encryption_key' slot does not contain a character vector.")

  if (!is(object@query_condition, "tiledb_query_condition")) {
    valid <- FALSE
    msg <- c(msg, "The 'query_condition' slot does not contain a query condition object.")

  if (!inherits(object@timestamp_start, "POSIXct")) {
    valid <- FALSE
    msg <- c(msg, "The 'timestamp_start' slot does not contain a POSIXct value.")

  if (!inherits(object@timestamp_end, "POSIXct")) {
    valid <- FALSE
    msg <- c(msg, "The 'timestamp_end' slot does not contain a POSIXct value.")

  if (!is(object@ptr, "externalptr")) {
    valid <- FALSE
    msg <- c(msg, "The 'ptr' slot does not contain an external pointer.")

  if (!(object@return_as %in% c("asis", "array", "matrix", "data.frame",
                                "data.table", "tibble", "arrow_table", "arrow"))) {
    valid <- FALSE
    msg <- c(msg, paste("The 'return_as' slot must contain one of 'asis', 'array', 'matrix',",
                        "'data.frame', 'data.table', 'tibble', 'arrow_table' or 'arrow'."))

  if (!is.logical(object@query_statistics)) {
    valid <- FALSE
    msg <- c(msg, "The 'query_statistics' slot does not contain a logical value.")

  if (!is.logical(object@strings_as_factors)) {
    valid <- FALSE
    msg <- c(msg, "The 'strings_as_factors' slot does not contain a logical value.")

  if (!is.logical(object@keep_open)) {
    valid <- FALSE
    msg <- c(msg, "The 'keep_open' slot does not contain a logical value.")

  if (valid) TRUE else msg


## Internal helper function to map DATETIME_* data to the internal representation (where
## we mostly follow NumPy). An example is DATETIME_YEAR where the current year (2021) is
## encoded as the offset relative to the _year_ of the epoch, i.e. 51.  When an R user submits
## a date type as a min or max value for a range, if would likely be as.Date("2021-01-01")
## which, being an R date, has an internal representation of _days_ since the epoch, i.e.
## as.numeric(as.Date("2021-01-01")) yields 18628.
## We also convert the value to integer64 because that is the internal storage format
.map2integer64 <- function(val, dtype) {
    ## in case it is not a (datetime or (u)int64) type), or already an int64, return unchanged
    if ((!grepl("^DATETIME_", dtype) && !grepl("INT64$", dtype)) || inherits(val, "integer64"))

    val <- switch(dtype,
                  "DATETIME_YEAR" = as.numeric(strftime(val, "%Y")) - 1970,
                  "DATETIME_MONTH" = 12*(as.numeric(strftime(val, "%Y")) - 1970) + as.numeric(strftime(val, "%m")) - 1,
                  "DATETIME_WEEK" = as.numeric(val)/7,
                  "DATETIME_DAY" = as.numeric(val),
                  "DATETIME_HR" = as.numeric(val)/3600,
                  "DATETIME_MIN" = as.numeric(val)/60,
                  "DATETIME_SEC" = as.numeric(val),
                  "DATETIME_MS" = as.numeric(val) * 1e3,
                  "DATETIME_US" = as.numeric(val) * 1e6,
                  "DATETIME_NS" = as.numeric(val),
                  "DATETIME_PS" = as.numeric(val) * 1e3,
                  "DATETIME_FS" = as.numeric(val) * 1e6,
                  "DATETIME_AS" = as.numeric(val) * 1e9,
                  "UINT64"      = val,
                  "INT64"       = val)

#' Returns a TileDB array, allowing for specific subset ranges.
#' Heterogenous domains are supported, including timestamps and characters.
#' This function may still still change; the current implementation should be
#' considered as an initial draft.
#' @param x tiledb_array object
#' @param i optional row index expression which can be a list in which case minimum and maximum
#' of each list element determine a range; multiple list elements can be used to supply multiple
#' ranges.
#' @param j optional column index expression which can be a list in which case minimum and maximum
#' of each list element determine a range; multiple list elements can be used to supply multiple
#' ranges.
#' @param ... Extra parameters for method signature, currently unused.
#' @param drop Optional logical switch to drop dimensions, default FALSE, currently unused.
#' @return The resulting elements in the selected format
#' @import nanotime
#' @importFrom nanoarrow as_nanoarrow_array
#' @aliases [,tiledb_array
#' @aliases [,tiledb_array-method
#' @aliases [,tiledb_array,ANY,tiledb_array-method
#' @aliases [,tiledb_array,ANY,ANY,tiledb_array-method
setMethod("[", "tiledb_array",
          function(x, i, j, ..., drop = FALSE) {
  ## add defaults
  if (missing(i)) i <- NULL
  if (missing(j)) j <- NULL
  k <- NULL
  #verbose <- getOption("verbose", FALSE)

  spdl::trace("[tiledb_array] '[' accessor started")

  ## deal with possible n-dim indexing
  ndlist <- nd_index_from_syscall(sys.call(), parent.frame())
  if (length(ndlist) >= 0) {
    if (length(ndlist) >= 1 && !is.null(ndlist[[1]])) i <- ndlist[[1]]
    if (length(ndlist) >= 2 && !is.null(ndlist[[2]])) j <- ndlist[[2]]
    if (length(ndlist) >= 3 && !is.null(ndlist[[3]])) k <- ndlist[[3]]
    if (length(ndlist) >= 4) message("Indices beyond the third dimension not supported in [i,j,k] form. Use selected_ranges() or selected_points().")

  ctx <- x@ctx
  uri <- x@uri
  sel <- x@attrs
  sch <- tiledb::schema(x)
  dom <- tiledb::domain(sch)
  layout <- x@query_layout
  asint64 <- x@datetimes_as_int64
  enckey <- x@encryption_key
  tstamp <- x@timestamp_end

  sparse <- libtiledb_array_schema_sparse(sch@ptr)

  if (x@return_as == "arrow_table")
    x@return_as <- "arrow" # normalize

  if (x@return_as %in% c("data.table", "tibble", "arrow"))
    if (!requireNamespace(x@return_as, quietly=TRUE))
      stop("The 'return_as' argument value '", x@return_as, "' requires the package '",
           x@return_as, "' to be installed.", call. = FALSE)

  use_arrow <- x@return_as == "arrow"
  if (use_arrow) {
     suppressMessages(do.call(rawToChar(as.raw(c(0x72, 0x65, 0x71, 0x75, 0x69, 0x72, 0x65))), list("nanoarrow")))

  dims <- tiledb::dimensions(dom)
  ndims <- length(dims)
  dimnames <- sapply(dims, function(d) libtiledb_dim_get_name(d@ptr))
  dimtypes <- sapply(dims, function(d) libtiledb_dim_get_datatype(d@ptr))
  dimvarnum <- sapply(dims, function(d) libtiledb_dim_get_cell_val_num(d@ptr))
  dimnullable <- sapply(dims, function(d) FALSE)
  dimdictionary <- sapply(dims, function(d) FALSE)

  attrs <- tiledb::attrs(schema(x))
  attrnames <- unname(sapply(attrs, function(a) libtiledb_attribute_get_name(a@ptr)))
  attrtypes <- unname(sapply(attrs, function(a) libtiledb_attribute_get_type(a@ptr)))
  attrvarnum <- unname(sapply(attrs, function(a) libtiledb_attribute_get_cell_val_num(a@ptr)))
  attrnullable <- unname(sapply(attrs, function(a) libtiledb_attribute_get_nullable(a@ptr)))
  attrdictionary <- unname(sapply(attrs, function(a) libtiledb_attribute_has_enumeration(ctx@ptr, a@ptr)))

  if (length(sel)==1 && is.na(sel[1])) {            # special case of NA selecting no attrs
    attrnames <- character()
    attrtypes <- character()
    attrvarnum <- integer()
    attrnullable <- logical()
    attrdictionary <- logical()

  if (length(sel) != 0 && !any(is.na(sel))) {
    ind <- match(sel, attrnames)
    if (length(ind) == 0) {
      stop("Only non-existing columns selected.", call.=FALSE)
    attrnames <- attrnames[ind]
    attrtypes <- attrtypes[ind]
    attrvarnum <- attrvarnum[ind]
    attrnullable <- attrnullable[ind]
    attrdictionary <- attrdictionary[ind]

  if (x@extended) {                     # if true return dimensions and attributes
      allnames <- c(dimnames, attrnames)
      alltypes <- c(dimtypes, attrtypes)
      allvarnum <- c(dimvarnum, attrvarnum)
      allnullable <- c(dimnullable, attrnullable)
      alldictionary <- c(dimdictionary, attrdictionary)
  } else {                              # otherwise only return attributes
      allnames <- attrnames
      alltypes <- attrtypes
      allvarnum <- attrvarnum
      allnullable <- attrnullable
      alldictionary <- attrdictionary

  ## A preference can be set in a local per-user configuration file; if no value
  ## is set a fallback from the TileDB config object is used.
  memory_budget <- get_allocation_size_preference()
  spdl::debug("['['] memory budget is {}", memory_budget)

  if (length(enckey) > 0) {
    arrptr <- libtiledb_array_open_with_key(ctx@ptr, uri, "READ", enckey)
  } else {
    arrptr <- libtiledb_array_open(ctx@ptr, uri, "READ")
  if (length(x@timestamp_start) > 0) {
      spdl::debug("['['] set open_timestamp_start to {}", x@timestamp_start)
      arrptr <- libtiledb_array_set_open_timestamp_start(arrptr, x@timestamp_start)
  if (length(x@timestamp_end) > 0) {
      spdl::debug("['['] set open_timestamp_end to {}", x@timestamp_end)
      arrptr <- libtiledb_array_set_open_timestamp_end(arrptr, x@timestamp_end)
  if (length(x@timestamp_start) > 0 || length(x@timestamp_end) > 0) {
      arrptr <- libtiledb_array_reopen(arrptr)

  ## dictionaries are schema-level objects to fetch them now where we expect to have some
  dictionaries <- vector(mode="list", length=length(allnames))
  names(dictionaries) <- allnames
  ordered_dict <- dictionaries
  for (ii in seq_along(dictionaries)) {
      if (isTRUE(alldictionary[ii])) {
          attr <- attrs[[allnames[ii]]]
          tpstr <- tiledb_attribute_get_enumeration_type_ptr(attr, arrptr)
          if (tpstr %in% c("ASCII", "UTF8")) {
              dictionaries[[ii]] <- tiledb_attribute_get_enumeration_ptr(attr, arrptr)
          } else if (tpstr %in% c("FLOAT32", "FLOAT64", "BOOL",
                                  "UINT8", "UINT16", "UINT32", "UINT64",
                                  "INT8", "INT16", "INT32", "INT64")) {
              dictionaries[[ii]] <- tiledb_attribute_get_enumeration_vector_ptr(attr, arrptr)
          } else {
              stop("Unsupported enumeration vector payload of type '%s'", tpstr, call. = FALSE)
          ordered_dict[[ii]] <- tiledb_attribute_is_ordered_enumeration_ptr(attr, arrptr)
          attr(dictionaries[[ii]], "ordered") <- ordered_dict[[ii]]

  ## helper function to sweep over names and types of domain
  getDomain <- function(nm, tp) {
    if (tp %in% c("ASCII", "CHAR", "UTF8")) {
      libtiledb_array_get_non_empty_domain_var_from_name(arrptr, nm)
    } else {
      libtiledb_array_get_non_empty_domain_from_name(arrptr, nm, tp)
  nonemptydom <- mapply(getDomain, dimnames, dimtypes, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)

  ## open query
  qryptr <- libtiledb_query(ctx@ptr, arrptr, "READ")
  qryptr <- libtiledb_query_set_layout(qryptr, if (isTRUE(nzchar(layout))) layout
                                               else { if (sparse) "UNORDERED" else "COL_MAJOR" })

  ## ranges seem to interfere with the byte/element adjustment below so set up toggle
  rangeunset <- TRUE

  ## ensure selected_ranges, if submitted, is of correct length
  if (length(x@selected_ranges) != 0 &&
      length(x@selected_ranges) != length(dimnames) &&
      is.null(names(x@selected_ranges))) {
      stop(paste0("If ranges are selected by index alone (and not named), ",
                  "one is required for each dimension."), call. = FALSE)

  ## ensure selected_points, if submitted, is of correct length
  if (length(x@selected_points) != 0 &&
      length(x@selected_points) != length(dimnames) &&
      is.null(names(x@selected_points))) {
      stop(paste0("If points are selected by index alone (and not named), ",
                  "one is required for each dimension."), call. = FALSE)

  ## expand a shorter-but-named selected_ranges list
  if (   (length(x@selected_ranges) < length(dimnames))
      && (!is.null(names(x@selected_ranges)))          ) {
      fulllist <- vector(mode="list", length=length(dimnames))
      ind <- match(names(x@selected_ranges), dimnames)
      if (any(is.na(ind))) stop("Name for selected ranges does not match dimension names.")
      for (ii in seq_len(length(ind))) {
          fulllist[[ ind[ii] ]] <- x@selected_ranges[[ii]]
      x@selected_ranges <- fulllist

  ## expand a shorter-but-named selected_points list
  if (   (length(x@selected_points) < length(dimnames))
      && (!is.null(names(x@selected_points)))          ) {
      fulllist <- vector(mode="list", length=length(dimnames))
      ind <- match(names(x@selected_points), dimnames)
      if (any(is.na(ind))) stop("Name for selected points does not match dimension names.")
      for (ii in seq_len(length(ind))) {
          fulllist[[ ind[ii] ]] <- x@selected_points[[ii]]
      x@selected_points <- fulllist

  ## selected_ranges may be in different order than dimnames, so reorder if need be
  if ((length(x@selected_ranges) == length(dimnames))
      && (!is.null(names(x@selected_ranges)))
      && (!identical(names(x@selected_ranges), dimnames))) {
      x@selected_ranges <- x@selected_ranges[dimnames]

  ## selected_points may be in different order than dimnames, so reorder if need be
  if ((length(x@selected_points) == length(dimnames))
      && (!is.null(names(x@selected_points)))
      && (!identical(names(x@selected_points), dimnames))) {
      x@selected_points <- x@selected_points[dimnames]

  ## if selected_ranges is still an empty list, make it an explicit one
  if (length(x@selected_ranges) == 0) {
      x@selected_ranges <- vector(mode="list", length=length(dimnames))

  ## if selected_points is still an empty list, make it an explicit one
  if (length(x@selected_points) == 0) {
      x@selected_points <- vector(mode="list", length=length(dimnames))

  if (!is.null(i)) {
      if (!is.null(x@selected_ranges[[1]])) {
          stop("Cannot set both 'i' and first element of 'selected_ranges'.", call. = FALSE)
      x@selected_ranges[[1]] <- i

  if (!is.null(j)) {
      if (ndims == 1) {
          stop("Setting dimension 'j' requires at least two dimensions.", call. = FALSE)
      if (!is.null(x@selected_ranges[[2]])) {
          stop("Cannot set both 'j' and second element of 'selected_ranges'.", call. = FALSE)
      x@selected_ranges[[2]] <- j

  if (!is.null(k)) {
      if (ndims <= 2) {
          stop("Setting dimension 'k' requires at least three dimensions.", call. = FALSE)
      if (!is.null(x@selected_ranges[[3]])) {
          stop("Cannot set both 'k' and second element of 'selected_ranges'.", call. = FALSE)
      x@selected_ranges[[3]] <- k
  ## (i,j,k) are now done and transferred to x@selected_ranges

  ## pointer to subarray needed for iterated setting of points from selected_ranges
  ## and selected_points across all possible dimensions
  have_made_selection <- FALSE
  sbrptr <- libtiledb_subarray(qryptr)

  ## if ranges selected, use those
  for (k in seq_len(length(x@selected_ranges))) {
      if (is.null(x@selected_ranges[[k]]) && is.null(x@selected_points[[k]])) {
          vec <- .map2integer64(nonemptydom[[k]], dimtypes[k])
          if (vec[1] != 0 || vec[2] != 0) { # corner case of A[] on empty array
              sbrptr <- libtiledb_subarray_add_range_with_type(sbrptr, k-1, dimtypes[k], vec[1], vec[2])
              spdl::debug("[tiledb_array] Adding non-zero dim {}:{} on {} with ({},{})", k, i, dimtypes[k], vec[1], vec[2])
              rangeunset <- FALSE
              have_made_selection <- TRUE
      } else if (is.null(nrow(x@selected_ranges[[k]])) && is.null(x@selected_points[[k]])) {
          vec <- x@selected_ranges[[k]]
          vec <- .map2integer64(vec, dimtypes[k])
          sbrptr <- libtiledb_subarray_add_range_with_type(sbrptr, k-1, dimtypes[k], min(vec), max(vec))
          spdl::debug("[tiledb_array] Adding non-zero dim {}:{} on {} with ({},{})", k, i, dimtypes[k], vec[1], vec[2])
          rangeunset <- FALSE
          have_made_selection <- TRUE
      } else if (is.null(x@selected_points[[k]])) {
          m <- x@selected_ranges[[k]]
          for (i in seq_len(nrow(m))) {
              vec <- .map2integer64(c(m[i,1], m[i,2]), dimtypes[k])
              sbrptr <- libtiledb_subarray_add_range_with_type(sbrptr, k-1, dimtypes[k], vec[1], vec[2])
              spdl::debug("[tiledb_array] Adding non-zero dim {}:{} on {} with ({},{})", k, i, dimtypes[k], vec[1], vec[2])
          rangeunset <- FALSE
          have_made_selection <- TRUE

  ## if points selected, use those (and fewer special cases as A[i,j,k] not folded into points)
  for (k in seq_len(length(x@selected_points))) {
      if (!is.null(x@selected_points[[k]])) {
          m <- x@selected_points[[k]]
          for (i in seq_along(m)) {
              vec <- .map2integer64(c(m[i], m[i]), dimtypes[k])
              sbrptr <- libtiledb_subarray_add_range_with_type(sbrptr, k-1, dimtypes[k], vec[1], vec[2])
              spdl::debug("[tiledb_array] Adding point on non-zero dim {}:{} on {} with ({},{})", k, i, dimtypes[k], vec[1], vec[2])
          rangeunset <- FALSE
          have_made_selection <- TRUE

  if (have_made_selection)
      libtiledb_query_set_subarray_object(qryptr, sbrptr)

  buflist <- vector(mode="list", length=length(allnames))

  if (length(x@buffers) != 0) {         # if we were given buffers (as in the case of TileDB Cloud ops)
      nm <- names(x@buffers)
      if (!isTRUE(all.equal(nm,allnames)))
          stop("Expected ", paste(allnames, collapse=","), " got ", paste(nm, collapse=","), call. = FALSE)
      for (i in seq_along(allnames)) {
          n <- allnames[i]
          path <- x@buffers[[n]]
          if (!file.exists(path)) stop("No buffer for ", n, call. = FALSE)
          if (is.na(allvarnum[i])) {
              buflist[[i]] <- vlcbuf_from_shmem(path, alltypes[i])
          } else {
              buflist[[i]] <- querybuf_from_shmem(path, alltypes[i])

      ## get results (shmem variant)
      getResultShmem <- function(buf, name, varnum) { #, resrv, qryptr) {
          if (is.na(varnum)) {
              vec <- length_from_vlcbuf(buf)
              libtiledb_query_get_buffer_var_char(buf, vec[1], vec[2])[,1]
          } else {
              col <- libtiledb_query_get_buffer_ptr(buf, asint64)
              if (!is.null(dictionaries[[name]])) { 	# if there is a dictionary
                  dct <- dictionaries[[name]]           # access it from utility
                  ord <- ordered_dict[[name]]
                  ## the following expands out to a char vector first; we can do better
                  ##   col <- factor(dct[col+1], levels=dct)
                  ## so we do it "by hand"
                  col <- col + 1L # adjust for zero-index C/C++ layer
                  attr(col, "levels") <- dct
                  attr(col, "class")  <- if (ord) c("ordered", "factor") else "factor"
      reslist <- mapply(getResultShmem, buflist, allnames, allvarnum, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
      ind <- which(allvarnum != 1 & !is.na(allvarnum))
      for (k in ind) {
          ncells <- allvarnum[k]
          v <- reslist[[k]]
          ## we split a vector v into 'list-columns' which element containing
          ## ncells value (and we get ncells from the Array schema)
          ## see https://stackoverflow.com/a/9547594/143305 for I()
          ## and https://stackoverflow.com/a/3321659/143305 for split()
          reslist[[k]] <- I(unname(split(v, ceiling(seq_along(v)/ncells))))
      res <- data.frame(reslist)
      colnames(res) <- allnames

  } else {                         # -- start 'big else' of standard query build

      ## retrieve est_result_size
      getEstimatedSize <- function(name, varnum, nullable, qryptr, datatype) {
          if (is.na(varnum) && !nullable) {
              res <- libtiledb_query_get_est_result_size_var(qryptr, name)[1]
              spdl::debug("[getEstimatedSize] column '{}' (is.na(varnum) and !nullable) {}", name, res)
          } else if (is.na(varnum) && nullable) {
              res <- libtiledb_query_get_est_result_size_var_nullable(qryptr, name)[1]
              spdl::debug("[getEstimatedSize] column '{}' (is.na(varnum) and nullable) {}", name, res)
          } else if (!is.na(varnum) && !nullable) {
              res <- libtiledb_query_get_est_result_size(qryptr, name)
              spdl::debug("[getEstimatedSize] column '{}' (!is.na(varnum) and !nullable) {}", name, res)
          } else if (!is.na(varnum) && nullable) {
              res <- libtiledb_query_get_est_result_size_nullable(qryptr, name)[1]
              spdl::debug("[getEstimatedSize] column '{}' (!is.na(varnum) and nullable) {}", name, res)
          if (rangeunset) {
              sz <- tiledb_datatype_string_to_sizeof(datatype)
              res <- res / sz
              spdl::debug("[getEstimatedSize] column '{}' rangeunset and res scaled to {}", name, res)
      ressizes <- mapply(getEstimatedSize, allnames, allvarnum, allnullable, alltypes,
                         MoreArgs=list(qryptr=qryptr), SIMPLIFY=TRUE)
      ## ensure > 0 for correct handling of zero-length outputs, ensure respecting memory budget
      spdl::debug("['['] result of size estimates is {}", paste(ressizes, collapse=","))
      resrv <- max(1, min(memory_budget/8, ressizes[ressizes > 0]))
      spdl::debug("['['] overall estimate {} rows", resrv)

      ## allocate and set buffers
      if (!use_arrow) {
          getBuffer <- function(name, type, varnum, nullable, resrv, qryptr, arrptr) {
              if (is.na(varnum)) {
                  if (type %in% c("CHAR", "ASCII", "UTF8")) {
                      spdl::debug("[getBuffer] '{}' allocating 'char' {} rows given budget of {}", name, resrv, memory_budget)
                      buf <- libtiledb_query_buffer_var_char_alloc_direct(resrv, memory_budget, nullable)
                      buf <- libtiledb_query_buffer_var_char_legacy_validity_mode(ctx@ptr, buf)
                      qryptr <- libtiledb_query_set_buffer_var_char(qryptr, name, buf)
                  } else {
                      message("Non-char var.num columns are not currently supported.")
              } else {
                  spdl::debug("[getBuffer] '{}' allocating non-char {} rows given budget of {}", name, resrv, memory_budget)
                  buf <- libtiledb_query_buffer_alloc_ptr(type, resrv, nullable, varnum)
                  qryptr <- libtiledb_query_set_buffer_ptr(qryptr, name, buf)
          buflist <- mapply(getBuffer, allnames, alltypes, allvarnum, allnullable,
                            MoreArgs=list(resrv=resrv, qryptr=qryptr, arrptr=arrptr),
          spdl::debug("['['] buffers allocated in list")

      ## if we have a query condition, apply it
      if (isTRUE(x@query_condition@init)) {
          qryptr <- libtiledb_query_set_condition(qryptr, x@query_condition@ptr)

      overallresults <- list()
      counter <- 1L
      finished <- FALSE
      while (!finished) {

          if (use_arrow) {
              abptr <- libtiledb_allocate_column_buffers(ctx@ptr, qryptr, uri, allnames, memory_budget)
              spdl::debug("['['] buffers allocated and set")

          ## fire off query
          spdl::debug("['['] query submission: {} array_open {}", counter,
                      if (libtiledb_array_is_open(arrptr)) "true" else "false")
          qryptr <- libtiledb_query_submit(qryptr)

          ## check status
          status <- libtiledb_query_status(qryptr)
          #if (status != "COMPLETE") warning("Query returned '", status, "'.", call. = FALSE)
          if (status != "COMPLETE") spdl::debug("['['] query returned '{}'.", status)

          if (use_arrow) {
              ## rl <- libtiledb_to_arrow(abptr, qryptr, dictionaries)
              ## at <- .as_arrow_table(rl)
              na <- libtiledb_to_arrow(abptr, qryptr, dictionaries)
              at <- arrow::as_arrow_table(na)

              ## special case from schema evolution could have added twice so correcting
              for (n in colnames(at)) {
                  v <- at[[n]]$as_vector()
                  lvls <- levels(v)
                  if (inherits(v, "factor")) {
                      vec <- as.integer(v)
                      vec[vec == - .Machine$integer.max] <- NA_integer_
                      if (min(vec, na.rm=TRUE) == 2 && max(vec, na.rm=TRUE) == length(lvls) + 1) {
                          vec <- vec - 1L
                          attr(vec, "levels") <- attr(v, "levels")
                          class(vec) <- class(v)
                          at[[n]] <- vec

              ## if dictionaries are to be injected at the R level, this does it
              #for (n in names(dictionaries)) {
              #    if (!is.null(dictionaries[[n]])) {
              #        at[[n]] <- arrow::DictionaryArray$create(at[[n]]$as_vector(), dictionaries[[n]])
              #    }
              overallresults[[counter]] <- at
              spdl::debug("['['] received arrow table {}", counter)

          ## close array
          if (status == "COMPLETE") {
              if (!x@keep_open) libtiledb_array_close(arrptr)
              .pkgenv[["query_status"]] <- status
              finished <- TRUE

          if (!use_arrow) {
              ## retrieve actual result size (from fixed size element columns)
              getResultSize <- function(name, varnum, qryptr) {
                  val <- if (is.na(varnum))                  # symbols come up with higher count
                             libtiledb_query_result_buffer_elements(qryptr, name, 0)
                             libtiledb_query_result_buffer_elements(qryptr, name)
                  spdl::debug("[getResultSize] name {} varnum {} has {}", name, varnum, val)
              estsz <- mapply(getResultSize, allnames, allvarnum, MoreArgs=list(qryptr=qryptr), SIMPLIFY=TRUE)
              spdl::debug("['['] estimated result sizes {}", paste(estsz, collapse=","))
              if (any(!is.na(estsz))) {
                  resrv <- max(estsz, na.rm=TRUE)
              } else {
                  resrv <- resrv/8              # character case where bytesize of offset vector was used
              spdl::debug("['['] expected size {}", resrv)
              ## Permit one pass to allow zero-row schema read
              if (resrv == 0 && counter > 1L) {
                  finished <- TRUE
                  if (status != "COMPLETE") warning("Query returned '", status, "'.", call. = FALSE)
                  .pkgenv[["query_status"]] <- status
              ## get results
              getResult <- function(buf, name, varnum, estsz, qryptr) {
                  has_dumpbuffers <- length(x@dumpbuffers) > 0
                  ## message("For ", name, " seeing ", estsz, " and ", varnum)
                  spdl::debug("[getResult] name {} estsz {} varnum {}", name, estsz, varnum)
                  if (is.na(varnum)) {
                      spdl::debug("[getResult] varnum before libtiledb_query_result_buffer_elements_vec");
                      vec <- libtiledb_query_result_buffer_elements_vec(qryptr, name)
                      if (has_dumpbuffers) {
                          vlcbuf_to_shmem(x@dumpbuffers, name, buf, vec)
                      spdl::debug("[getResult] varnum before libtiledb_query_get_buffer_var_char");
                      libtiledb_query_get_buffer_var_char(buf, vec[1], vec[2])[,1][seq_len(estsz)]
                  } else {
                      if (has_dumpbuffers) {
                          vecbuf_to_shmem(x@dumpbuffers, name, buf, estsz, varnum)
                      libtiledb_query_get_buffer_ptr(buf, asint64)[seq_len(estsz)]
                      spdl::debug("[getResult] calling libtiledb_query_get_buffer_ptr")
                      col <- libtiledb_query_get_buffer_ptr(buf, asint64)[seq_len(estsz)]
                      if (!is.null(dictionaries[[name]])) { 	# if there is a dictionary
                          dct <- dictionaries[[name]]           # access it from utility
                          ord <- ordered_dict[[name]]

                          col <- col + 1L # adjust for zero-index C/C++ layer

                          if (inherits(col, "integer64")) # can happen when Python writes
                              col <- as.integer(col)

                          ## special case from schema evolution could have added twice so correct
                          if (length(col) > 0 && min(col, na.rm=TRUE) == 2 && max(col, na.rm=TRUE) == length(dct) + 1)
                              col <- col - 1L

                          if (inherits(dct, "character")) {
                              attr(col, "levels") <- dct
                              attr(col, "class")  <- if (ord) c("ordered", "factor") else "factor"
                          } else {
                              col <- dct[col]
              spdl::debug("['['] getting results")
              reslist <- mapply(getResult, buflist, allnames, allvarnum, estsz,
                                MoreArgs=list(qryptr=qryptr), SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
              spdl::debug("['['] got results")
              ## convert list into data.frame (possibly dealing with list columns) and subset
              vnum <- 1   # default value of variable number of elements per cell
              if (is.list(allvarnum)) allvarnum <- unlist(allvarnum)
              if (length(allvarnum) > 0 && any(!is.na(allvarnum))) vnum <- max(allvarnum, na.rm=TRUE)
              if (is.finite(vnum) && (vnum > 1)) {
                  ## turn to list col if a varnum != 1 (and not NA) seen
                  ind <- which(allvarnum != 1 & !is.na(allvarnum))
                  for (k in ind) {
                      ncells <- allvarnum[k]
                      v <- reslist[[k]]
                      ## we split a vector v into 'list-columns' which element containing
                      ## ncells value (and we get ncells from the Array schema)
                      ## see https://stackoverflow.com/a/9547594/143305 for I()
                      ## and https://stackoverflow.com/a/3321659/143305 for split()
                      reslist[[k]] <- I(unname(split(v, ceiling(seq_along(v)/ncells))))
              ## the list columns are now all of equal lenthth as R needs and we can form a data.frame
              res <- data.frame(reslist)[,,drop=FALSE]
              colnames(res) <- allnames
              overallresults[[counter]] <- res
          spdl::debug("['['] completed {}", counter)
          counter <- counter + 1L

      if (!use_arrow && requireNamespace("data.table", quietly=TRUE)) { 		# use very efficient rbindlist if available
          res <- as.data.frame(data.table::rbindlist(overallresults))
      } else {
          res <- do.call(rbind, overallresults)
      spdl::debug("['['] returning 'res'")
  }                                     # end of 'big else' for query build, submission and read

  if (!use_arrow) {
      ## convert to factor if that was asked
      if (x@strings_as_factors) {
          for (n in colnames(res))
              if (is.character(res[[n]]))
                  res[[n]] <- as.factor(res[[n]])

      ## reduce output if extended is false, or attrs given
      if (!x@extended) {
          if (length(sel) > 0) {
              res <- res[, if (sparse) allnames else attrnames, drop=FALSE]
          k <- match("__tiledb_rows", colnames(res))
          if (is.finite(k)) {
              res <- res[, -k, drop=FALSE]

  spdl::debug("['['] before preparing final data form")
  if (x@return_as == "asis") {
      spdl::debug("['['] return asis")
      res <- as.list(res)
  } else if (x@return_as == "array") {       	# if a conversion preference has been given, use it
      res <- .convertToArray(dimnames, attrnames, res)
  } else if (x@return_as == "matrix") {
      res <- .convertToMatrix(res)
  } else if (x@return_as == "data.frame") {
      res <- as.data.frame(res)         		# should already be one per above
  } else if (x@return_as == "data.table" && requireNamespace("data.table", quietly=TRUE)) {
      res <- data.table::data.table(res)
  } else if (x@return_as == "tibble" && requireNamespace("tibble", quietly=TRUE)) {
      res <- tibble::as_tibble(res)
  } else if (use_arrow) {
      ## possible list already collapsed above

  spdl::debug("['['] getting query status")
  attr(res, "query_status") <- .pkgenv[["query_status"]]
  if (x@query_statistics)
      attr(res, "query_statistics") <- libtiledb_query_stats(qryptr)

  spdl::debug("['['] returning result")

## helper functions
.convertToMatrix <- function(res) {
    ## special case of row and colnames and one attribute
    if (typeof(res[,1]) == "character" && typeof(res[,2]) == "character" && ncol(res) == 3) {
        dimnames <- list(unique(res[,1]), unique(res[,2]))
        res <- matrix(res[,3], length(dimnames[[1]]), length(dimnames[[2]]),
                      dimnames=dimnames, byrow=TRUE)
    k <- match("__tiledb_rows", colnames(res))
    if (is.finite(k)) {
       res <- res[, -k]
    if (ncol(res) < 3) {
      stop("Seeing as.matrix argument with insufficient result set")
    ## special case of integer64
    if (inherits(res[,1], "integer64")) {
        res[,1] <- as.integer(res[,1])
        if (min(res[,1]) == 0) res[,1] <- res[,1] + 1
    if (ncol(res) >= 3 && inherits(res[,2], "integer64")) {
        res[,2] <- as.integer(res[,2])
        if (min(res[,2]) == 0) res[,2] <- res[,2] + 1
    if (!identical(unique(res[,1]), seq(1, length(unique(res[,1]))))) {
        cur <- unique(res[,1])
        for (l in seq_len(length(cur))) res[ which(res[,1] == cur[l]), 1 ] <- l
    if (!identical(unique(res[,2]), seq(1, length(unique(res[,2]))))) {
        cur <- unique(res[,2])
        for (l in seq_len(length(cur))) res[ which(res[,2] == cur[l]), 2 ] <- l
    if (ncol(res) == 3) {
      mat <- matrix(, nrow=max(res[,1]), ncol=max(res[,2]))
      mat[ cbind( res[,1], res[,2] ) ] <- res[,3]
      res <- mat
    } else {                            # case of ncol > 3
      k <- ncol(res) - 2
      lst <- vector(mode = "list", length = k)
      for (i in seq_len(k)) {
         mat <- matrix(, nrow=max(res[,1]), ncol=max(res[,2]))
         mat[ cbind( res[,1], res[,2] ) ] <- res[, 2 + i]
         lst[[i]] <- mat
      names(lst) <- tail(colnames(res), k)
      res <- lst

.convertToArray <- function(dimnames,attrnames,res) {
    dims <- sapply(dimnames, function(n) length(unique(res[,n])), USE.NAMES=FALSE)
    if (prod(dims) != nrow(res)) {
        message("Total array dimensions from unique elements does not match rows, returning data.frame unchanged.")
    lst <- lapply(attrnames, function(n) array(res[,n], dim=dims))
    names(lst) <- attrnames

#' Sets a tiledb array value or value range
#' This function assigns a right-hand side object, typically a data.frame or
#' something that can be coerced to a data.frame, to a tiledb array.
#' For sparse matrices, row and column indices can either be supplied
#' as part of the left-hand side object, or as part of the data.frame
#' provided approrpiate column names.
#' This function may still still change; the current implementation should be
#' considered as an initial draft.
#' @param x sparse or dense TileDB array object
#' @param i parameter row index
#' @param j parameter column index
#' @param ... Extra parameter for method signature, currently unused.
#' @param value The value being assigned
#' @return The modified object
#' @examples
#' \dontshow{ctx <- tiledb_ctx(limitTileDBCores())}
#' \dontrun{
#' uri <- "quickstart_sparse"      ## as created by the other example
#' arr <- tiledb_array(uri)        ## open array
#' df <- arr[]                     ## read current content
#' ## First approach: matching data.frame with appriate row and column
#' newdf <- data.frame(rows=c(1,2,2), cols=c(1,3,4), a=df$a+100)
#' ## Second approach: supply indices explicitly
#' arr[c(1,2), c(1,3)] <- c(42,43) ## two values
#' arr[2, 4] <- 88                 ## or just one
#' }
#' @aliases [<-,tiledb_array
#' @aliases [<-,tiledb_array-method
#' @aliases [<-,tiledb_array,ANY,tiledb_array-method
#' @aliases [<-,tiledb_array,ANY,ANY,tiledb_array-method
setMethod("[<-", "tiledb_array",
          function(x, i, j, ..., value) {
  if (!is.data.frame(value) && !(is.list(value) && length(value) > 1)) {
    value <- as.data.frame(value)
    if (nrow(value) == 0) {
      message("Cannot assign zero row objects to TileDB Array.")
  if (is.null(names(value))) stop("No column names supplied", call. = FALSE)

  ## add defaults
  if (missing(i)) i <- NULL
  if (missing(j)) j <- NULL
  spdl::debug("[tiledb_array] '[<-' accessor started")

  ctx <- x@ctx
  uri <- x@uri
  sel <- x@attrs
  sch <- tiledb::schema(x)
  dom <- tiledb::domain(sch)
  layout <- x@query_layout
  asint64 <- x@datetimes_as_int64
  enckey <- x@encryption_key
  tstamp <- x@timestamp_end

  sparse <- libtiledb_array_schema_sparse(sch@ptr)

  dims <- tiledb::dimensions(dom)
  ndims <- length(dims)
  dimnames <- sapply(dims, function(d) libtiledb_dim_get_name(d@ptr))
  dimtypes <- sapply(dims, function(d) libtiledb_dim_get_datatype(d@ptr))
  dimvarnum <- sapply(dims, function(d) libtiledb_dim_get_cell_val_num(d@ptr))
  dimnullable <- sapply(dims, function(d) FALSE)
  dimdictionary <- sapply(dims, function(d) FALSE)

  attrs <- tiledb::attrs(schema(x))
  attrnames <- unname(sapply(attrs, function(a) libtiledb_attribute_get_name(a@ptr)))
  attrtypes <- unname(sapply(attrs, function(a) libtiledb_attribute_get_type(a@ptr)))
  attrvarnum <- unname(sapply(attrs, function(a) libtiledb_attribute_get_cell_val_num(a@ptr)))
  attrnullable <- unname(sapply(attrs, function(a) libtiledb_attribute_get_nullable(a@ptr)))
  attrdictionary <- unname(sapply(attrs, function(a) libtiledb_attribute_has_enumeration(ctx@ptr, a@ptr)))

  if (length(attrnames) > 0) {
      allnames <- c(dimnames, attrnames)
      alltypes <- c(dimtypes, attrtypes)
      allvarnum <- c(dimvarnum, attrvarnum)
      allnullable <- c(dimnullable, attrnullable)
      alldictionary <- c(dimdictionary, attrdictionary)
  } else {
      allnames <- dimnames
      alltypes <- dimtypes
      allvarnum <- dimvarnum
      allnullable <- dimnullable
      alldictionary <- dimdictionary

  ## check we have complete columns (as we cannot write subset of attributes)
  missing_names <- setdiff(attrnames, names(value))
  if (sparse
      && length(missing_names) > 0
      && names(value)[1] != "value") { # special case of unnamed vector 'value' becoming one-col df
      stop("Columns '", paste(missing_names, collapse=", "), "' are missing. Please add them", call. = FALSE)

  ## we will recognize two standard cases
  ##  1) arr[]    <- value    where value contains two columns with the dimnames
  ##  2) arr[i,j] <- value    where value contains just the attribute names
  ## There is more to do here but it is a start

  ## Case 1
  if (length(colnames(value)) == length(allnames)) {
      ## same length is good
      if (length(intersect(colnames(value), allnames)) == length(allnames)) {
          ## all good, proceed
          #message("Yay all columns found")
          value <- value[, allnames, drop=FALSE]    # reordering helps with append case
      } else {
          stop("Assigned data.frame does not contain all required attribute and dimension columns.")

  ## Case 2
  if (sparse && length(colnames(value)) == length(attrnames)) { # FIXME: need to check for array or matrix arg?
    if (is.null(i)) stop("For arrays a row index has to be supplied.")
    if (is.null(j)) stop("For arrays a column index has to be supplied.")
    #if (length(i) != nrow(value)) stop("Row index must have same number of observations as data")
    if (length(j) == 1) j <- rep(j, nrow(value))
    ##if (length(colnames(value)) == 1 && colnames(value) == "value") colnames(value) <- attrnames
    colnames(value) <- attrnames
    newvalue <- data.frame(i, j)
    colnames(newvalue) <- dimnames
    value <- cbind(newvalue, value)

  ## Case 3: dense, length attributes == 1, i and j NULL
  ##         e.g. the quickstart_dense example where the RHS may be a matrix or data.frame
  ##         also need to guard against data.frame object which already have 'rows' and 'cols'
  if (isFALSE(sparse) &&
      ##is.null(i) && is.null(j) &&
      length(attrnames) == 1) {
    d <- dim(value)
    if ((d[2] > 1) &&
        (inherits(value, "data.frame") || inherits(value, "matrix")) &&
        !any(grepl("rows", colnames(value))) &&
        !any(grepl("cols", colnames(value)))    ) {
      ## turn the 2-d RHS in 1-d and align the names for the test that follows
      ## in effect, we just rewrite the query for the user
      value <- data.frame(x=as.matrix(value)[seq(1, d[1]*d[2])])
      colnames(value) <- attrnames
      allnames <- attrnames
      alltypes <- attrtypes
      allnullable <- attrnullable
      alldictionary <- attrdictionary

  ## Case 4: dense, list on RHS e.g. the ex_1.R example
  } else if (isFALSE(sparse) &&
             ##is.null(i) && is.null(j) &&
             length(value) == length(attrnames)) {
    if (!inherits(value, "data.frame")) {
      nl <- length(value)
      for (k in seq_len(nl)) {
        d <- dim(value[[k]])
        value[[k]] <- as.matrix(value[[k]])[seq(1, prod(d))]
    names(value) <- attrnames
    allnames <- attrnames
    alltypes <- attrtypes
    allnullable <- attrnullable
    alldictionary <- attrdictionary

  nc <- if (is.list(value)) length(value) else ncol(value)
  nm <- if (is.list(value)) names(value) else colnames(value)

  if (isTRUE(all.equal(sort(allnames),sort(nm)))) {

    if (libtiledb_array_is_open_for_writing(x@ptr)) { 			# if open for writing
      arrptr <- x@ptr                                           #   use array
    } else {                                                    # else open appropriately
      if (length(enckey) > 0) {
        if (length(tstamp) > 0) {
          arrptr <- libtiledb_array_open_at_with_key(ctx@ptr, uri, "WRITE", enckey, tstamp)
        } else {
          arrptr <- libtiledb_array_open_with_key(ctx@ptr, uri, "WRITE", enckey)
      } else {
        if (length(tstamp) > 0) {
          spdl::debug("['[<-'] openning for WRITE at {}", tstamp)
          arrptr <- libtiledb_array_open_at(ctx@ptr, uri, "WRITE", tstamp)
        } else {
          spdl::debug("['[<-'] openning for WRITE")
          arrptr <- libtiledb_array_open(ctx@ptr, uri, "WRITE")


    qryptr <- libtiledb_query(ctx@ptr, arrptr, "WRITE")
    qryptr <- libtiledb_query_set_layout(qryptr,
                                         if (isTRUE(nchar(layout) > 0)) layout
                                         else { if (sparse) "UNORDERED" else "COL_MAJOR" })

    buflist <- vector(mode="list", length=nc)
    legacy_validity <- libtiledb_query_buffer_var_char_get_legacy_validity_value(ctx@ptr)

    for (colnam in allnames) {
      ## when an index column is use this may be unordered to remap to position in 'nm' names
      k <- match(colnam, nm)

      if (alldictionary[k]) {
          spdl::trace("[tiledb_array] '[<-' column {} ({}) is factor", colnam, k)
          new_levels <- levels(value[[k]])

          attr <- attrs[[allnames[k]]]
          tpstr <- tiledb_attribute_get_enumeration_type_ptr(attr, arrptr)
          if (tpstr %in% c("ASCII", "UTF8")) {
              dictionary <- tiledb_attribute_get_enumeration_ptr(attr, arrptr)
          } else if (tpstr %in% c("FLOAT32", "FLOAT64", "BOOL", "UINT8", "UINT16", "UINT32", "UINT64",
                                  "INT8", "INT16", "INT32", "INT64")) {
              dictionary <- tiledb_attribute_get_enumeration_vector_ptr(attr, arrptr)
          } else {
              stop("Unsupported enumeration vector payload of type '", tpstr, "'.", call. = FALSE)
          added_enums <- setdiff(new_levels, dictionary)
          if (length(added_enums) > 0) {
              maxval <- tiledb_datatype_max_value(alltypes[k]) + 1 # R vectors are 1-indexed
              spdl::debug("[tiledb_array] '[<-' Adding levels '{}' at '{}' {} ({} + {} ? {})",
                          paste(added_enums, collapse=","), allnames[k], alltypes[k], length(dictionary), length(added_enums), maxval);
              if (length(dictionary) + length(added_enums) > maxval) {
                  stop(sprintf("For column '%s' cannot add %d factor levels to existing %d for type '%s' with maximum value %d",
                               colnam, length(added_enums), length(dictionary), alltypes[k], maxval), call. = FALSE)
              levels <- unique(c(dictionary, new_levels))
              is_ordered <- tiledb_attribute_is_ordered_enumeration_ptr(attr, arrptr)
              value[[k]] <- factor(value[[k]], levels = levels, ordered = is_ordered)
              spdl::trace("[tiledb_array] '[<-' releveled column {} {}", k, is_ordered)
              ase <- tiledb_array_schema_evolution()
              if (!tiledb_array_is_open(x))
                  arr <- tiledb_array_open(x)
                  arr <- x
              ase <- tiledb_array_schema_evolution_extend_enumeration(ase, arr, allnames[k], added_enums)
              tiledb::tiledb_array_schema_evolution_array_evolve(ase, uri)
              value[[k]] <- factor(value[[k]], levels = unique(c(dictionary, added_enums)), ordered=is.ordered(value[[k]]))

      if (alltypes[k] %in% c("CHAR", "ASCII", "UTF8")) { # variable length
        txtvec <- as.character(value[[k]])
        spdl::debug("[tiledb_array] '[<-' alloc char buffer {} '{}': {}", k, colnam, alltypes[k])
        buflist[[k]] <- libtiledb_query_buffer_var_char_create(txtvec, allnullable[k], legacy_validity)
        qryptr <- libtiledb_query_set_buffer_var_char(qryptr, colnam, buflist[[k]])
      } else {
        col <- value[[k]]
        if (is.list(col)) {
            col <- unname(do.call(c, col))
        if (is.factor(col)) {
            col <- as.integer(col) - 1L 		# zero based in C++ so offsetting
        nr <- NROW(col)
        spdl::debug("[tiledb_array] '[<-' alloc buf {} '{}': {}, rows: {} null: {} asint64: {}", k, colnam, alltypes[k], nr, allnullable[k], asint64)
        buflist[[k]] <- libtiledb_query_buffer_alloc_ptr(alltypes[k], nr, allnullable[k], allvarnum[k])
        buflist[[k]] <- libtiledb_query_buffer_assign_ptr(buflist[[k]], alltypes[k], col, asint64)
        qryptr <- libtiledb_query_set_buffer_ptr(qryptr, colnam, buflist[[k]])

    ## case of dense array with subarray writes needs to set the subarray
    if (!sparse && !is.null(i) && !is.null(j) && length(allnames) == 1) {
      if (!is.vector(i) || !is.vector(j)) message("'i' and 'j' should be simple vectors.")
      subarr <- as.integer(c(range(i), range(j)))
      qryptr <- libtiledb_query_set_subarray(qryptr, subarr)

    qryptr <- libtiledb_query_submit(qryptr)
    if (!x@keep_open) libtiledb_array_close(arrptr)


## -- as.data.frame accessor (generic in DenseArray.R)

#' Retrieve data.frame return toggle
#' A \code{tiledb_array} object can be returned as an array (or list of arrays),
#' or, if select, as a \code{data.frame}. This methods returns the selection value.
#' @param object A \code{tiledb_array} object
#' @return A logical value indicating whether \code{data.frame} return is selected
#' @export
          signature = "tiledb_array",
          function(object) object@as.data.frame)

## -- as.data.frame setter (generic in DenseArray.R)

#' Set data.frame return toggle
#' A \code{tiledb_array} object can be returned as an array (or list of arrays),
#' or, if select, as a \code{data.frame}. This methods sets the selection value.
#' @param x A \code{tiledb_array} object
#' @param value A logical value with the selection
#' @return The modified \code{tiledb_array} array object
#' @export
                 signature = "tiledb_array",
                 function(x, value) {
  x@as.data.frame <- value

## -- attrs (generic in Attributes.R and DenseArray.R)

#' Retrieve attributes from \code{tiledb_array} object
#' By default, all attributes will be selected. But if a subset of attribute
#' names is assigned to the internal slot \code{attrs}, then only those attributes
#' will be queried.  This methods accesses the slot.
#' @param object A \code{tiledb_array} object
#' @return An empty character vector if no attributes have been selected or else
#' a vector with attributes; \code{NA} means no attributes will be returned.
#' @importFrom methods validObject
#' @export
          signature = "tiledb_array",
          function(object) object@attrs)

#' Selects attributes for the given TileDB array
#' @param x A \code{tiledb_array} object
#' @param value A character vector with attributes; the value \code{NA_character_}
#' signals no attributes should be returned; default is an empty character vector
#' implying all columns are returned.
#' @return The modified \code{tiledb_array} object
#' @export
                 signature = "tiledb_array",
                 function(x, value) {
  nm <- names(attrs(schema(x)))
  value_is_na <- length(value) == 1 && is.na(value)  # no attribute query
  if (length(nm) == 0 || value_is_na) {              # none set so far
    x@attrs <- value
  } else {
    pm <- pmatch(value, nm)
    if (any(is.na(pm))) {
      stop("Multiple partial matches ambiguous: ",
           paste(value[which(is.na(pm))], collapse=","), call.=FALSE)
    x@attrs <- nm[pm]

## -- extended accessor

#' @rdname extended-tiledb_array-method
#' @export
setGeneric("extended", function(object) standardGeneric("extended"))

#' @rdname extended-set-tiledb_array-method
#' @export
setGeneric("extended<-", function(x, value) standardGeneric("extended<-"))

#' Retrieve data.frame extended returns columns toggle
#' A \code{tiledb_array} object can be returned as \code{data.frame}. This methods
#' returns the selection value for \sQuote{extended} format including row (and column,
#' if present) indices.
#' @param object A \code{tiledb_array} object
#' @return A logical value indicating whether an \code{extended} return is selected
#' @export
          signature = "tiledb_array",
          function(object) object@extended)

## -- extended setter (generic in DenseArray.R)

#' Set data.frame extended return columns toggle
#' A \code{tiledb_array} object can be returned as \code{data.frame}. This methods
#' set the selection value for \sQuote{extended} format including row (and column,
#' if present) indices.
#' @param x A \code{tiledb_array} object
#' @param value A logical value with the selection
#' @return The modified \code{tiledb_array} array object
#' @export
                 signature = "tiledb_array",
                 function(x, value) {
  x@extended <- value

## -- selected_ranges accessor

#' @rdname selected_ranges-tiledb_array-method
#' @export
setGeneric("selected_ranges", function(object) standardGeneric("selected_ranges"))

#' @rdname selected_ranges-set-tiledb_array-method
#' @export
setGeneric("selected_ranges<-", function(x, value) standardGeneric("selected_ranges<-"))

#' Retrieve selected_ranges values for the array
#' A \code{tiledb_array} object can have a range selection for each dimension
#' attribute. This methods returns the selection value for \sQuote{selected_ranges}
#' and returns a list (with one element per dimension) of two-column matrices where
#' each row describes one pair of minimum and maximum values. Alternatively, the list
#' can be named with the names providing the match to the corresponding dimension.
#' @param object A \code{tiledb_array} object
#' @return A list which can contain a matrix for each dimension
#' @export
setMethod("selected_ranges", signature = "tiledb_array",
          function(object) object@selected_ranges)

#' Set selected_ranges return values for the array
#' A \code{tiledb_array} object can have a range selection for each dimension
#' attribute. This methods sets the selection value for \sQuote{selected_ranges}
#' which is a list (with one element per dimension) of two-column matrices where
#' each row describes one pair of minimum and maximum values. Alternatively, the list
#' can be named with the names providing the match to the corresponding dimension.
#' @param x A \code{tiledb_array} object
#' @param value A list of two-column matrices where each list element \sQuote{i}
#' corresponds to the dimension attribute \sQuote{i}. The matrices can contain rows
#' where each row contains the minimum and maximum value of a range.
#' @return The modified \code{tiledb_array} array object
#' @export
setReplaceMethod("selected_ranges", signature = "tiledb_array",
                 function(x, value) {
  x@selected_ranges <- value

## -- selected_points accessor

#' @rdname selected_points-tiledb_array-method
#' @export
setGeneric("selected_points", function(object) standardGeneric("selected_points"))

#' @rdname selected_points-set-tiledb_array-method
#' @export
setGeneric("selected_points<-", function(x, value) standardGeneric("selected_points<-"))

#' Retrieve selected_points values for the array
#' A \code{tiledb_array} object can have a range selection for each dimension
#' attribute. This methods returns the selection value for \sQuote{selected_points}
#' and returns a list (with one element per dimension) of vectors where
#' each row describes one selected points. Alternatively, the list
#' can be named with the names providing the match to the corresponding dimension.
#' @param object A \code{tiledb_array} object
#' @return A list which can contain a vector for each dimension
#' @export
setMethod("selected_points", signature = "tiledb_array",
          function(object) object@selected_points)

#' Set selected_points return values for the array
#' A \code{tiledb_array} object can have a range selection for each dimension
#' attribute. This methods sets the selection value for \sQuote{selected_points}
#' which is a list (with one element per dimension) of two-column matrices where
#' each row describes one pair of minimum and maximum values. Alternatively, the list
#' can be named with the names providing the match to the corresponding dimension.
#' @param x A \code{tiledb_array} object
#' @param value A list of vectors where each list element \sQuote{i}
#' corresponds to the dimension attribute \sQuote{i}.
#' @return The modified \code{tiledb_array} array object
#' @export
setReplaceMethod("selected_points", signature = "tiledb_array",
                 function(x, value) {
  x@selected_points <- value

## -- query_layout accessor

#' @rdname query_layout-tiledb_array-method
#' @export
setGeneric("query_layout", function(object) standardGeneric("query_layout"))

#' @rdname query_layout-set-tiledb_array-method
#' @export
setGeneric("query_layout<-", function(x, value) standardGeneric("query_layout<-"))

#' Retrieve query_layout values for the array
#' A \code{tiledb_array} object can have a corresponding query with a given layout
#' given layout. This methods returns the selection value for \sQuote{query_layout}
#' as a character value.
#' @param object A \code{tiledb_array} object
#' @return A character value describing the query layout
#' @export
setMethod("query_layout", signature = "tiledb_array", function(object) object@query_layout)

#' Set query_layout return values for the array
#' A \code{tiledb_array} object can have an associated query with a specific layout.
#' This methods sets the selection value for \sQuote{query_layout} from a character
#' value.
#' @param x A \code{tiledb_array} object
#' @param value A character variable for the query layout. Permitted values are
#' \dQuote{ROW_MAJOR}, \dQuote{COL_MAJOR}, \dQuote{GLOBAL_ORDER}, or \dQuote{UNORDERD}.
#' @return The modified \code{tiledb_array} array object
#' @export
setReplaceMethod("query_layout", signature = "tiledb_array", function(x, value) {
  x@query_layout <- value

## -- datetimes_as_int64 accessor

#' @rdname datetimes_as_int64-tiledb_array-method
#' @export
setGeneric("datetimes_as_int64", function(object) standardGeneric("datetimes_as_int64"))

#' @rdname datetimes_as_int64-set-tiledb_array-method
#' @export
setGeneric("datetimes_as_int64<-", function(x, value) standardGeneric("datetimes_as_int64<-"))

#' Retrieve datetimes_as_int64 toggle
#' A \code{tiledb_array} object may contain date and datetime objects. While their internal
#' representation is generally shielded from the user, it can useful to access them as the
#' \sQuote{native} format which is an \code{integer64}. This function retrieves the current
#' value of the selection variable, which has a default of \code{FALSE}.
#' @param object A \code{tiledb_array} object
#' @return A logical value indicating whether \code{datetimes_as_int64} is selected
#' @export
          signature = "tiledb_array",
          function(object) object@datetimes_as_int64)

## -- datetimes_as_int64 setter (generic in DenseArray.R)

#' Set datetimes_as_int64 toggle
#' A \code{tiledb_array} object may contain date and datetime objects. While their internal
#' representation is generally shielded from the user, it can useful to access them as the
#' \sQuote{native} format which is an \code{integer64}. This function set the current
#' value of the selection variable, which has a default of \code{FALSE}.
#' @param x A \code{tiledb_array} object
#' @param value A logical value with the selection
#' @return The modified \code{tiledb_array} array object
#' @export
                 signature = "tiledb_array",
                 function(x, value) {
  x@datetimes_as_int64 <- value

## -- consolitate wrapper

#' Consolidate fragments of a TileDB Array
#' This function invokes a consolidation operation. Parameters affecting the operation
#' can be set via an optional configuration object. Start and end timestamps can also be
#' set directly.
#' @param uri A character value with the URI of a TileDB Array
#' @param start_time An optional timestamp value, if missing config default is used
#' @param end_time An optional timestamp value, if missing config default is used
#' @param cfg An optional TileDB Configuration object
#' @param ctx An option TileDB Context object
#' @return NULL is returned invisibly
#' @export
array_consolidate <- function(uri, cfg = NULL,
                              start_time, end_time,
                              ctx = tiledb_get_context()) {
    stopifnot(`Argument 'uri' must be character` = is.character(uri))
    if (is.null(cfg)) {
        cfg <- config(ctx)

    if (!missing(start_time)) {
        stopifnot(`Argument 'start_time' must be datetime object` = inherits(start_time, "POSIXt"))
        start_time_int64 <- bit64::as.integer64(as.numeric(start_time) * 1000)
        cfg["sm.consolidation.timestamp_start"] = as.character(start_time_int64)

    if (!missing(end_time)) {
        stopifnot(`Argument 'end_time' must be datetime object`  = inherits(end_time, "POSIXt"))
        end_time_int64 <- bit64::as.integer64(as.numeric(end_time) * 1000)
        cfg["sm.consolidation.timestamp_end"] = as.character(end_time_int64)

    ctx <- tiledb_ctx(cfg)

    libtiledb_array_consolidate(ctx = ctx@ptr, uri = uri, cfgptr = cfg@ptr)

#' After consolidation, remove consolidated fragments of a TileDB Array
#' This function can remove fragments following a consolidation step. Note that vacuuming
#' should \emph{not} be run if one intends to use the TileDB \emph{time-traveling} feature
#' of opening arrays at particular timestamps.
#' Parameters affecting the operation can be set via an optional configuration object.
#' Start and end timestamps can also be set directly.
#' @param uri A character value with the URI of a TileDB Array
#' @param start_time An optional timestamp value, if missing config default is used
#' @param end_time An optional timestamp value, if missing config default is used
#' @param cfg An optional TileDB Configuration object
#' @param ctx An option TileDB Context object
#' @return NULL is returned invisibly
#' @export
array_vacuum <- function(uri, cfg = NULL,
                         start_time, end_time,
                         ctx = tiledb_get_context()) {

    stopifnot(`Argument 'uri' must be character` = is.character(uri))
    if (is.null(cfg)) {
        cfg <- config(ctx)

    if (!missing(start_time)) {
        stopifnot(`Argument 'start_time' must be datetime object` = inherits(start_time, "POSIXt"))
        start_time_int64 <- bit64::as.integer64(as.numeric(start_time) * 1000)
        cfg["sm.consolidation.timestamp_start"] = as.character(start_time_int64)

    if (!missing(end_time)) {
        stopifnot(`Argument 'end_time' must be datetime object` = inherits(end_time, "POSIXt"))
        end_time_int64 <- bit64::as.integer64(as.numeric(end_time) * 1000)
        cfg["sm.consolidation.timestamp_end"] = as.character(end_time_int64)

    ctx <- tiledb_ctx(cfg)

    libtiledb_array_vacuum(ctx = ctx@ptr, uri = uri, cfgptr = cfg@ptr)

#' Get the non-empty domain from a TileDB Array by index
#' This functions works for both fixed- and variable-sized dimensions and switches
#' internally.
#' @param arr A TileDB Array
#' @param idx An integer index between one the number of dimensions
#' @return A two-element object is returned describing the domain of selected
#' dimension; it will either be a numeric vector in case of a fixed-size
#' fixed-sized dimensions, or a characer vector for a variable-sized one.
#' @export
tiledb_array_get_non_empty_domain_from_index <- function(arr, idx) {
  stopifnot(`Argument 'arr' must be a tiledb_array` = is(arr, "tiledb_array"),
            `Argument 'idx' must be numeric and positive` = is.numeric(idx) && idx > 0,
            `Argument 'arr' must be open` = libtiledb_array_is_open(arr@ptr))
  sch <- schema(arr)
  dom <- domain(sch)
  dims <- dimensions(dom)
  dimtypes <- sapply(dims, function(d) libtiledb_dim_get_datatype(d@ptr))
  dimvarnum <- sapply(dims, function(d) libtiledb_dim_get_cell_val_num(d@ptr))

  if (is.na(dimvarnum[idx]))
    libtiledb_array_get_non_empty_domain_var_from_index(arr@ptr, idx-1)
    libtiledb_array_get_non_empty_domain_from_index(arr@ptr, idx-1, dimtypes[idx])


#' Get the non-empty domain from a TileDB Array by name
#' This functions works for both fixed- and variable-sized dimensions and switches
#' internally.
#' @param arr A TileDB Array
#' @param name An character variable with a dimension name
#' @return A two-element object is returned describing the domain of selected
#' dimension; it will either be a numeric vector in case of a fixed-size
#' fixed-sized dimensions, or a characer vector for a variable-sized one.
#' @export
tiledb_array_get_non_empty_domain_from_name <- function(arr, name) {
    stopifnot(`Argument 'arr' must be a tiledb_array` = is(arr, "tiledb_array"),
              `Argument 'name' must be character` = is.character(name),
              `Argument 'arr' must be open` = libtiledb_array_is_open(arr@ptr))

    sch <- schema(arr)
    dom <- domain(sch)
    dims <- dimensions(dom)
    dimnames <- sapply(dims, function(d) libtiledb_dim_get_name(d@ptr))

    idx <- match(name, dimnames)
    if (is.na(idx)) stop("Argument '", name, "' not among domain names for array.", call.=FALSE)

    tiledb_array_get_non_empty_domain_from_index(arr, idx)

## -- matrix return accessors

#' @rdname return.matrix-tiledb_array-method
#' @param ... Currently unused
#' @export
setGeneric("return.matrix", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("return.matrix"))

#' Retrieve matrix return toggle
#' A \code{tiledb_array} object can be returned as an array (or list of arrays),
#' or, if select, as a \code{data.frame} or as a \code{matrix}. This methods returns
#' the selection value for the \code{matrix} selection.
#' @param object A \code{tiledb_array} object
#' @return A logical value indicating whether \code{matrix} return is selected
#' @export
          signature = "tiledb_array",
          function(object) object@as.matrix)

#' @rdname return.matrix-set-tiledb_array-method
#' @export
setGeneric("return.matrix<-", function(x, value) standardGeneric("return.matrix<-"))

#' Set matrix return toggle
#' A \code{tiledb_array} object can be returned as an array (or list of arrays),
#' or, if select, as a \code{data.frame} or a \code{matrix}. This methods sets the
#' selection value for a \code{matrix}.
#' @param x A \code{tiledb_array} object
#' @param value A logical value with the selection
#' @return The modified \code{tiledb_array} array object
#' @export
                 signature = "tiledb_array",
                 function(x, value) {
  x@as.matrix <- value

## -- query_condition accessors

#' @rdname query_condition-tiledb_array-method
#' @export
setGeneric("query_condition", function(object) standardGeneric("query_condition"))

#' @rdname query_condition-set-tiledb_array-method
#' @export
setGeneric("query_condition<-", function(x, value) standardGeneric("query_condition<-"))

#' Retrieve query_condition value for the array
#' A \code{tiledb_array} object can have a corresponding query condition object.
#' This methods returns it.
#' @param object A \code{tiledb_array} object
#' @return A \code{tiledb_query_condition} object
#' @export
setMethod("query_condition", signature = "tiledb_array", function(object) object@query_condition)

#' Set query_condition object for the array
#' A \code{tiledb_array} object can have an associated query condition object to set
#' conditions on the read queries. This methods sets the \sQuote{query_condition} object.
#' @param x A \code{tiledb_array} object
#' @param value A \code{tiledb_query_conditon_object}
#' @return The modified \code{tiledb_array} array object
#' @export
setReplaceMethod("query_condition", signature = "tiledb_array", function(x, value) {
  stopifnot(`need query_condition object` = is(value, "tiledb_query_condition"))
  x@query_condition <- value

## -- array return accessors

#' @rdname return.array-tiledb_array-method
#' @param ... Currently unused
#' @export
setGeneric("return.array", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("return.array"))

#' Retrieve array return toggle
#' A \code{tiledb_array} object can be returned as an array (or list of arrays),
#' or, if select, as a \code{data.frame} or as a \code{matrix}. This methods returns
#' the selection value for the \code{array} selection.
#' @param object A \code{tiledb_array} object
#' @return A logical value indicating whether \code{array} return is selected
#' @export
          signature = "tiledb_array",
          function(object) object@as.array)

#' @rdname return.array-set-tiledb_array-method
#' @export
setGeneric("return.array<-", function(x, value) standardGeneric("return.array<-"))

#' Set array return toggle
#' A \code{tiledb_array} object can be returned as an array (or list of arrays),
#' or, if select, as a \code{data.frame} or a \code{matrix}. This methods sets the
#' selection value for a \code{array}.
#' @param x A \code{tiledb_array} object
#' @param value A logical value with the selection
#' @return The modified \code{tiledb_array} array object
#' @export
                 signature = "tiledb_array",
                 function(x, value) {
  x@as.array <- value

## -- return_as conversion preference

#' @rdname return_as-tiledb_array-method
#' @param ... Currently unused
#' @export
setGeneric("return_as", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("return_as"))

#' Retrieve return_as conversion preference
#' A \code{tiledb_array} object can be returned as a \sQuote{list} (default), \sQuote{array},
#' \sQuote{matrix}, \sQuote{data.frame}, \sQuote{data.table} or \sQuote{tibble}. This method
#' permits to select a preference for the returned object. The default value of \sQuote{asis}
#' means that no conversion is performed.
#' @param object A \code{tiledb_array} object
#' @return A character value indicating the preferred conversion where the value is
#' one of \sQuote{asis} (the default), \sQuote{array}, \sQuote{matrix},\sQuote{data.frame},
#' \sQuote{data.table}, or \sQuote{tibble}.
#' @export
          signature = "tiledb_array",
          function(object) object@return_as)

#' @rdname return_as-set-tiledb_array-method
#' @export
setGeneric("return_as<-", function(x, value) standardGeneric("return_as<-"))

#' Retrieve return_as conversion preference
#' A \code{tiledb_array} object can be returned as a \sQuote{list} (default), \sQuote{array},
#' \sQuote{matrix}, \sQuote{data.frame}, \sQuote{data.table} or \sQuote{tibble}. This method
#' This methods permits to set a preference of returning a \code{list}, \code{array},
#' \code{matrix}, \code{data.frame}, a \code{data.table}, or a \code{tibble}. The default
#' value of \dQuote{asis} means that no conversion is performed and a \code{list} is returned.
#' @param x A \code{tiledb_array} object
#' @param value A character value with the selection
#' @return The modified \code{tiledb_array} array object
#' @export
                 signature = "tiledb_array",
                 function(x, value) {
  x@return_as <- value

## -- query_statistics return toggle

#' @rdname query_statistics-tiledb_array-method
#' @param ... Currently unused
#' @export
setGeneric("query_statistics", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("query_statistics"))

#' Retrieve query_statistics toggle
#' A \code{tiledb_array} object can, if requested, return query statistics as a JSON
#' string in an attribute \sQuote{query_statistics} attached to the return object. The
#' default value of the logical switch is \sQuote{FALSE}. This method returns the current
#' value.
#' @param object A \code{tiledb_array} object
#' @return A logical value indicating whether query statistics are returned.
#' @export
          signature = "tiledb_array",
          function(object) object@query_statistics)

#' @rdname query_statistics-set-tiledb_array-method
#' @export
setGeneric("query_statistics<-", function(x, value) standardGeneric("query_statistics<-"))

#' Set query_statistics toggle
#' A \code{tiledb_array} object can, if requested, return query statistics as a JSON
#' string in an attribute \sQuote{query_statistics} attached to the return object. The
#' default value of the logical switch is \sQuote{FALSE}. This method sets the value.
#' @param x A \code{tiledb_array} object
#' @param value A logical value with the selection
#' @return The modified \code{tiledb_array} array object
#' @export
                 signature = "tiledb_array",
                 function(x, value) {
  x@query_statistics <- value

## -- strings_as_factors getter/setter

#' @rdname strings_as_factors-tiledb_array-method
#' @export
setGeneric("strings_as_factors", function(object) standardGeneric("strings_as_factors"))

#' @rdname strings_as_factors-set-tiledb_array-method
#' @export
setGeneric("strings_as_factors<-", function(x, value) standardGeneric("strings_as_factors<-"))

#' Retrieve strings_as_factors conversion toggle
#' A \code{tiledb_array} object containing character column can have those converted to
#' factors variables. This methods returns the selection value for \sQuote{strings_as_factors}.
#' @param object A \code{tiledb_array} object
#' @return A logical value indicating whether an \code{strings_as_factors} return is selected
#' @export
          signature = "tiledb_array",
          function(object) object@strings_as_factors)

#' Set strings_as_factors return toggle
#' A \code{tiledb_array} object containing character column can have those converted to
#' factors variables. This methods sets the selection value for \sQuote{strings_as_factors}.
#' @param x A \code{tiledb_array} object
#' @param value A logical value with the selection
#' @return The modified \code{tiledb_array} array object
#' @export
                 signature = "tiledb_array",
                 function(x, value) {
  x@strings_as_factors <- value

## piped query support

#' @rdname generics
#' @export
setGeneric("tdb_filter", function(x, ...) standardGeneric("tdb_filter"))

#' Filter from array for query via logical conditions
#' @param x A tiledb_array object as first argument, permitting piping
#' @param ... One or more expressions that are parsed as query_condition objects
#' @param strict A boolean toogle to, if set, errors if a non-existing attribute is selected
#' or filtered on, defaults to 'TRUE'; if 'FALSE' a warning is shown by execution proceeds.
#' @return The tiledb_array object, permitting piping
#' @export
setMethod("tdb_filter", signature("tiledb_array"), function(x, ..., strict=TRUE) {
    qc <- parse_query_condition(..., ta=x, debug=FALSE, strict=strict)
    if (is.null(qc))
    if (isTRUE(x@query_condition@init)) {  # if prior qc exists, combine by AND
        x@query_condition <- tiledb_query_condition_combine(x@query_condition, qc, "AND")
    } else {                                     # else just assign
        x@query_condition <- qc

#' @rdname generics
#' @export
setGeneric("tdb_select", function(x, ...) standardGeneric("tdb_select"))

#' Select attributes from array for query
#' @param x A tiledb_array object as first argument, permitting piping
#' @param ... One or more attributes of the query
#' @return The tiledb_array object, permitting piping
#' @export
setMethod("tdb_select", signature("tiledb_array"), function(x, ...) {
    if (length(x@sil) == 0) x@sil <- .fill_schema_info_list(x@uri)
    ## helper with a nod to data.table and its name_dots
    names_from_dots <- function(...) {
        dot_sub <- as.list(substitute(list(...)))[-1L]
        vnames <- character(length(dot_sub))
        notnamed <- vnames == ""
        syms <- sapply(dot_sub, is.symbol)  # save the deparse() in most cases of plain symbol
        for (i in which(notnamed)) {
            tmp <- if (syms[i]) as.character(dot_sub[[i]]) else deparse(dot_sub[[i]])[1L]
            if (tmp == make.names(tmp)) vnames[i] <- tmp

    vec <- names_from_dots(...)
    ind <- match(vec, x@sil$names)     		# match against schema names
    ind <- ind[x@sil$status[ind] == 2L]  	# allow only attributes (where status == 2)
    newvec <- na.omit(x@sil$names[ ind ])  	# and create subset (filtering NA for wrong entry)
    x@attrs <- newvec

#' @rdname generics
#' @export
setGeneric("tdb_collect", function(x, ...) standardGeneric("tdb_collect"))

#' Collect the query results to finalize piped expression
#' @param x A tiledb_array object as first argument, permitting piping
#' @param ... Ignored
#' @return The object returning from a tiledb_array query (the type of which can be
#' set via the return preference mechanism, see the help for \code{"["} accessor)
#' @export
setMethod("tdb_collect", signature("tiledb_array"), function(x, ...) {

# unexported helper
.fill_schema_info_list <- function(ta) {
    sch <- schema(ta)

## Entry points for tiledb_dense and tiledb_sparse

#' @rdname tiledb_array
#' @param ... Used as a pass-through for \code{tiledb_dense}
#' and \code{tiledb_sparse} aliasing
#' @export
tiledb_dense <- function(...) {
    if (isFALSE("tiledb_dense_called" %in% names(.pkgenv))) {
        message("The 'tiledb_dense' function has been removed following a long deprecation. ",
                "This call will be forwarded to 'tiledb_array(..., is.sparse=FALSE)'.")
        .pkgenv[["tiledb_dense_called"]] <- TRUE 	# ensure we nag only once per session
    tiledb_array(..., is.sparse = FALSE)

#' @rdname tiledb_array
#' @export
tiledb_sparse <- function(...) {
    if (isFALSE("tiledb_sparse_called" %in% names(.pkgenv))) {
        message("The 'tiledb_sparse' function has been removed following a long deprecation. ",
                "This call will be forwarded to 'tiledb_array(..., is.sparse=TRUE)'.")
        .pkgenv[["tiledb_sparse_called"]] <- TRUE 	# ensure we nag only once per session
    tiledb_array(..., is.sparse = TRUE)
TileDB-Inc/TileDB-R documentation built on Oct. 2, 2024, 8:14 a.m.