#' Hierarchical cluster diagram
#' @param data A matrix file or an object.
#' @param method Clustering method :"ward.D", "single", "complete", "average", "mcquitty", "median", "centroid", "ward.D2"
#' @param thresholdZ.k Threshold for defining outliers. First compute the overall
#' corelation of one sample to other samples. Then do Z-score transfer for all
#' correlation values. The samples with corelation values less than given value
#' would be treated as outliers.
#' Default -2.5 meaning -2.5 std.
#' @param ...
#' @return A data frame.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' x = runif(10)
#' y = runif(10)
#' data=cbind(x, y)
#' rownames(data) = paste("exam", 1:10)
#' sp_hclust(data)
sp_hclust <- function (data,
method = "average",
thresholdZ.k = -2.5,
saveplot = NULL,
debug = FALSE,
...) {
if (debug) {
argg <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
if (class(data) == "character") {
datExpr <- sp_readTable(data, row.names = NULL)
} else {
datExpr <- data
A = WGCNA::adjacency(t(datExpr), type = "distance")
# this calculates the whole network connectivity
k = as.numeric(apply(A, 2, sum)) - 1
# standardized connectivity
Z.k = scale(k)
# Designate samples as outlying if their Z.k value is below the threshold
# thresholdZ.k = -5 # often -2.5
if (thresholdZ.k > 0) {
cat("\tThe program will transfer positive thresholdZ.k to their negative values.\n")
thresholdZ.k = -1 * thresholdZ.k
cat("\tThreshold for detecting outlier samples are",
# the color vector indicates outlyingness (red)
outlierColor = ifelse(Z.k < thresholdZ.k, "red", "black")
# calculate the cluster tree using flahsClust or hclust
sampleTree = hclust(as.dist(1 - A), method = method)
if (!sp.is.null(saveplot)) {
base_plot_save(saveplot, ...)
groupLabels = names(outlierColor),
colors = outlierColor,
main = "Sample dendrogram"
if (!sp.is.null(saveplot)) {
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