#' Get US Use table (intermediaete + final demand) of specified iolevel and year.
#' @param iolevel BEA sector level of detail, currently can only be "Summary",
#' theoretically can be "Detail", or "Sector" in future versions.
#' @param year A numeric value specifying the year of interest.
#' @return The US Use table (intermediaete + final demand) of specified iolevel and year.
getNationalUse <- function(iolevel, year) {
# Load pre-saved US Use table
Use <- loadDatafromUSEEIOR(paste(iolevel, "Use", year, "PRO_BeforeRedef", sep = "_"))*1E6
# Keep intermediaete and final demand
Use <- Use[getVectorOfCodes("Summary", "Commodity"),
c(getVectorOfCodes("Summary", "Industry"), getFinalDemandCodes("Summary"))]
#' Get industry-level Compensation for all states at a specific year.
#' @param year A numeric value between 2007 and 2017 specifying the year of interest.
#' @return A data frame contains state Compensation for all states at a specific year.
getStateEmpCompensation <- function(year) {
# Load pre-saved state Compensation 2007-2017
StateEmpCompensation <- loadStateIODataFile(paste0("State_Compensation_", year),
ver = model_ver)
StateEmpCompensation <- StateEmpCompensation[, c("GeoName", "LineCode", as.character(year))]
#' Get industry-level Tax for all states at a specific year.
#' @param year A numeric value between 2007 and 2017 specifying the year of interest.
#' @return A data frame contains state Tax for all states at a specific year.
getStateTax <- function(year) {
# Load pre-saved state Tax 2007-2017
StateTax <- loadStateIODataFile(paste0("State_Tax_", year),
ver = model_ver)
StateTax <- StateTax[, c("GeoName", "LineCode", as.character(year))]
#' Get industry-level Gross Operating Surplus (GOS) for all states at a specific year.
#' @param year A numeric value between 2007 and 2017 specifying the year of interest.
#' @return A data frame contains state GOS for all states at a specific year.
getStateGOS <- function(year) {
# Load pre-saved state GOS 2007-2017
StateGOS <- loadStateIODataFile(paste0("State_GOS_", year),
ver = model_ver)
StateGOS <- StateGOS[, c("GeoName", "LineCode", as.character(year))]
#' Get commodity-level Personal Consumption Expenditure (PCE) for all states at a specific year.
#' @param year A numeric value between 2007 and 2017 specifying the year of interest.
#' @return A data frame contains state PCE for all states at a specific year.
getStatePCE <- function(year) {
# Load pre-saved state PCE
StatePCE <- loadStateIODataFile(paste0("State_PCE_", year),
ver = model_ver)
StatePCE <- StatePCE[, c("GeoName", "LineCode", as.character(year))]
#' Calculate state-US Commodity Output ratios at BEA Summary level.
#' Apply row sum to state and US Make tables to get commodity output vectors and
#' then Commodity Output Ratio (COR).
#' @param year A numeric value between 2007 and 2017 specifying the year of interest.
#' @return A data frame contains state-US Commodity Output ratios at BEA Summary level.
calculateStateCommodityOutputRatio <- function(year) {
# Load state Make table
StateMake_ls <- loadStateIODataFile(paste0("State_Summary_Make_", year),
ver = model_ver)
states <- names(StateMake_ls)
# Load US Commodity output
US_Make <- getNationalMake("Summary", year)
# Calculate state Commodity output ratio
State_COR <- data.frame()
for (state in states) {
COR <- cbind.data.frame(names(colSums(US_Make)), state,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
rownames(COR) <- NULL
colnames(COR) <- c("BEA_2012_Summary_Code", "State", "Ratio")
State_COR <- rbind(State_COR, COR)
#' Estimate state Intermediate Consumption at BEA Summary level.
#' For each state and industry, calculate state_US_IndustryOutput_ratio,
#' then multiply US_Use_Intermediate by the ratio to get State_Use_Intermediate.
#' @param year A numeric value between 2007 and 2017 specifying the year of interest.
#' @return A list of data.frames containing state Intermediate Consumption.
estimateStateIntermediateConsumption <- function(year) {
# Define industries, commodities and # Define final demand columns
industries <- getVectorOfCodes("Summary", "Industry")
commodities <- getVectorOfCodes("Summary", "Commodity")
# Load state Make table
StateMake_ls <- loadStateIODataFile(paste0("State_Summary_Make_", year),
ver = model_ver)
# Load US Make and Use tables
US_Make <- getNationalMake("Summary", year)
US_Use <- getNationalUse("Summary", year)
logging::loginfo("Estimating state intermediate consumption...")
# For each state and industry, calculate state_US_IndustryOutput_ratio
# Multiply US_Use_Intermediate by state_US_IndustryOutput_ratio
State_Use_Intermediate_ls <- list()
for (state in names(StateMake_ls)) {
IOR <- rowSums(StateMake_ls[[state]])/rowSums(US_Make)
State_Use_Intermediate <- as.matrix(US_Use[commodities, industries]) %*% diag(IOR)
colnames(State_Use_Intermediate) <- colnames(US_Use[commodities, industries])
State_Use_Intermediate_ls[[state]] <- as.data.frame(State_Use_Intermediate)
#' Adjust EmpComp, Tax, and GOS to fill NA and make them consistent with GVA.
#' @param year A numeric value between 2007 and 2017 specifying the year of interest.
#' @param return A character string showing which attribute to return.
#' Can be "GVA", "EmpCompensation", "Tax", or "GOS".
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @return A data frame contains adjusted EmpComp, Tax, GOS, and GVA.
adjustGVAComponent <- function(year, return) {
# 0. Load data
gva <- getStateGVA(year)
comp <- getStateEmpCompensation(year)
tax <- getStateTax(year)
gos <- getStateGOS(year)
# 1. Join into one table
# Note #1: NaN represents (L), meaning Less than $50,000.
# Note #2: NA represents (D), meaning Not shown to avoid disclosure of
# confidential information; estimates are included in higher-level totals.
# Normally, there should not be (D), i.e. NA, in GVA for states or US, so the
# nest step will focus on impute NaNs in GVA.
compareTable <- gva %>%
dplyr::left_join(., comp, by = c("GeoName", "LineCode")) %>%
dplyr::left_join(., tax, by = c("GeoName", "LineCode")) %>%
dplyr::left_join(., gos, by = c("GeoName", "LineCode"))
colnames(compareTable)[3:6] <- c("GVA", "EmpCompensation", "Tax", "GOS")
detail_gva_cols <- c("EmpCompensation", "Tax", "GOS")
# 2. Adjust NaN in GVA
# Because NaN represents (L), meaning Less than $50,000, NaN in GVA is assigned
# $25,000 by default, unless the sum of EmpCompensation, Tax, and Tax is greater
# than $25,000 while less than $50,000.
# To find all
if (any(is.nan(compareTable$GVA))) {
for (row in rownames(compareTable[is.nan(compareTable$GVA), ])) {
if (any(sapply(compareTable[row, detail_gva_cols], is.na))) {
# If there is NaN (nondislosed value) in detail GVA columns, impute GVA with
# the following assumption:
# 1. If sum of non-NA detail GVA values < $50,000, the upper limit of (L)),
# GVA = the larger number between the sum and $25,000 (mean of 0 and $50,000).
# 2. If the sum >= $50,000, GVA = the larger number between $49,999 and $25,000.
gva_sum <- sum(compareTable[row, detail_gva_cols],
na.rm = TRUE)
if (gva_sum < 50000) {
gva_possible_values <- c(25000, gva_sum)
} else {
gva_possible_values <- 49999
compareTable[row, "GVA"] <- max(gva_possible_values)
} else {
# If there is NOT NaN (nondislosed value) in detail GVA columns, impute GVA
# by summing GVA components
compareTable[row, "GVA"] <- sum(compareTable[row, detail_gva_cols])
# 3. Adjust NA (not disclosed value) in GVA components
# 3.1. Adjust NA in Tax (simple, add/subtract)
compareTable[is.na(compareTable$Tax), "Tax"] <- compareTable[is.na(compareTable$Tax), "GVA"] -
compareTable[is.na(compareTable$Tax), "EmpCompensation"] -
compareTable[is.na(compareTable$Tax), "GOS"]
# 3.2. Adjust NA (not disclosed value) in EmpComp and GOS
# 3.2.1. Calculate EmpComp-GVA ratio and GOS-GVA ratio for each LineCode
ratioTable <- compareTable %>%
stats::na.omit() %>%
dplyr::mutate(compRatio = EmpCompensation / GVA, gosRatio = GOS / GVA) %>%
stats::na.omit() %>%
dplyr::group_by(LineCode) %>%
dplyr::summarise(avgCompRatio = mean(compRatio), avgGOSRatio = mean(gosRatio))
# 3.2.2. impute EmpComp and GOS values
position <- union(which(is.na(compareTable$EmpCompensation) == TRUE),
which(is.na(compareTable$GOS) == TRUE))
for (i in position) {
if (compareTable$GVA[i] != 0) {
# EmpComp
ratio_comp <- ratioTable[ratioTable$LineCode == compareTable$LineCode[i],]$avgCompRatio
compareTable$EmpCompensation[i] <- compareTable$GVA[i] * ratio_comp
ratio_gos <- ratioTable[ratioTable$LineCode == compareTable$LineCode[i],]$avgGOSRatio
compareTable$GOS[i] <- compareTable$GVA[i] * ratio_gos
} else if (compareTable$GVA[i] == 0) {
if (compareTable$Tax[i] == 0) {
compareTable$EmpCompensation[i] <- 0
compareTable$GOS[i] <- 0
} else {
compareTable$EmpCompensation[i] <- 0
compareTable$GOS[i] <- 0 - compareTable$Tax[i]
# 3.2.3. check row sum and apply adjustment factor to estimated rows
compareTable <- compareTable %>%
dplyr::mutate(dif = GVA - EmpCompensation - Tax - GOS, errorRate = abs(dif) / GVA)
shrinkfactor <- 1.0 + compareTable$dif[position] / (compareTable$EmpCompensation[position] + compareTable$GOS[position])
shrinkfactor[is.nan(shrinkfactor)] <- 1.0
compareTable$EmpCompensation[position] <- compareTable$EmpCompensation[position]*shrinkfactor
compareTable$GOS[position] <- compareTable$GOS[position]*shrinkfactor
# Re-calculate errorRate
compareTable <- compareTable %>%
dplyr::mutate(dif = GVA - EmpCompensation - Tax - GOS, errorRate = abs(dif) / GVA)
# 4. Check if GVA = EmpCompensation + Tax + GOS, with tolerance of $10 million
check_condition <- abs(compareTable$dif) > 1E7
if (any(check_condition)) {
geoname <- compareTable[check_condition, "GeoName"]
linecode <- compareTable[check_condition, "LineCode"]
logging::logwarn(glue::glue("In {geoname} for {linecode}",
"GVA components do not add up to total GVA."))
stop("GVA components by line code do not add up to total GVA by line code.")
# 5. Output
switch_return <- switch(return, "GVA" = 1, "EmpCompensation" = 2, "Tax" = 3, "GOS" = 4)
output <- compareTable %>% dplyr::select(1, 2, switch_return + 2)
colnames(output)[3] <- as.character(year)
#' Assemble Summary-level gross value added sectors (V001, V002, V003)
#' for all states at a specific year. For each value added sector, the same set of
#' state/US GVA ratios is used to regionalize US VA to states.
#' @param year A numeric value between 2007 and 2017 specifying the year of interest.
#' @return A data frame contains Summary-level gross value added (V001, V002, V003)
#' for all states at a specific year.
assembleStateSummaryGrossValueAdded <- function(year) {
# Prepare US_Use, industries, and VA_rows
US_Use <- loadDatafromUSEEIOR(paste("Summary_Use", year, "PRO_BeforeRedef", sep = "_"))*1E6
industries <- getVectorOfCodes("Summary", "Industry")
VA_rows <- getVectorOfCodes("Summary", "ValueAdded")
# Calculate state/US VA ratio
logging::loginfo("Estimating state value added...")
state_US_VA_ratio <- calculateStateUSValueAddedRatio(year)
va_ratio <- reshape2::dcast(state_US_VA_ratio, GeoName ~ BEA_2012_Summary_Code,
value.var = "Ratio")
rownames(va_ratio) <- va_ratio$GeoName
va_ratio$GeoName <- NULL
va_ratio <- va_ratio[, industries]
# Estimate state value added components using the same state/US total GVA ratio
StateGVA <- data.frame()
for (sector in c("EmpCompensation", "Tax", "GOS")) {
# Modify row names
code <- ifelse(sector == "EmpCompensation", "V001",
ifelse(sector == "Tax", "V002",
ifelse(sector == "GOS", "V003", NULL)))
# Allocate US value added to states by values in df
StateGVA_sector <- sweep(va_ratio, 2, as.numeric(US_Use[code, industries]), FUN = "*")
rownames(StateGVA_sector) <- paste(rownames(StateGVA_sector), code, sep = ".")
StateGVA <- rbind(StateGVA, StateGVA_sector)
#' Calculate state total PCE (personal consumption expenditures) at BEA Summary level.
#' @param year A numeric value between 2007 and 2017 specifying the year of interest.
#' @return A data frame contains ratios of statetotal PCE for all states at a specific year at BEA Summary level.
calculateStateTotalPCE <- function(year) {
# Load state and US PCE
PCE <- getStatePCE(year)
# Extract state total PCE
StateTotalPCE <- PCE[PCE$Line == 1 & PCE$GeoName != "United States", ]
rownames(StateTotalPCE) <- StateTotalPCE$GeoName
StateTotalPCE <- StateTotalPCE[, as.character(year), drop = FALSE]
# Extract US total PCE
USPCE <- sum(PCE[PCE$GeoName == "United States" & PCE$Line == 1,
# Calculate PCE total in Overseas and append it to the state total table
StateTotalPCE["Overseas", as.character(year)] <- USPCE - sum(StateTotalPCE[, as.character(year)])
#' Calculate state-US PCE (personal consumption expenditures) ratios at BEA Summary level.
#' @param year A numeric value between 2007 and 2017 specifying the year of interest.
#' @return A data frame contains ratios of state/US PCE for all states at a specific year at BEA Summary level.
calculateStateUSPCERatio <- function(year) {
# Load state and US PCE
PCE <- getStatePCE(year)
# Extract State PCE
StatePCE <- PCE[PCE$GeoName != "United States", ]
# Generate sum of state PCE
StatePCE_sum <- stats::aggregate(StatePCE[, as.character(year)], by = list(StatePCE$Line), sum)
colnames(StatePCE_sum) <- c("LineCode", as.character(year))
# Extract US PCE
USPCE <- PCE[PCE$GeoName == "United States", c("LineCode", as.character(year))]
# Merge sum of state PCE with US PCE to get PCE of Overseas region
OverseasPCE <- merge(StatePCE_sum, USPCE, by = "LineCode")
OverseasPCE[, as.character(year)] <- OverseasPCE[, paste0(year, ".y")] - OverseasPCE[, paste0(year, ".x")]
OverseasPCE$GeoName <- "Overseas"
# Append Overseas PCE to StatePCE
StatePCE <- rbind(StatePCE, OverseasPCE[, colnames(StatePCE)])
# Merge State and US PCE by LineCode
StateUSPCE <- merge(StatePCE, USPCE, by = "LineCode")
# Calculate the state-US PCE ratios by LineCode
StateUSPCE$Ratio <- StateUSPCE[, paste0(year, ".x")]/StateUSPCE[, paste0(year, ".y")]
# Map to BEA Summary
filename <- "Crosswalk_StatePCEtoBEASummaryIO2012Schema.csv"
StatePCEtoBEASummary <- readCSV(system.file("extdata", filename, package = "stateior"))
StateUSPCE <- merge(StatePCEtoBEASummary[!StatePCEtoBEASummary$BEA_2012_Summary_Code == "", ],
StateUSPCE, by.x = "Line", by.y = "LineCode")
# Adjust Ratio based on state PCE
for (state in unique(StateUSPCE$GeoName)) {
for (sector in unique(StateUSPCE$BEA_2012_Summary_Code)) {
df <- StateUSPCE[StateUSPCE$GeoName == state &
StateUSPCE$BEA_2012_Summary_Code == sector, ]
adjustedratio <- weighted.mean(df$Ratio, df[, paste0(year, ".x")])
StateUSPCE[StateUSPCE$GeoName == state &
StateUSPCE$BEA_2012_Summary_Code == sector, "Ratio"] <- adjustedratio
# Replace NaN with zero
StateUSPCE[is.na(StateUSPCE$Ratio), "Ratio"] <- 0
StateUSPCE$State <- StateUSPCE$GeoName
# Keep wanted columns
StateUSPCE <- unique(StateUSPCE[order(StateUSPCE$State, StateUSPCE$BEA_2012_Summary_Code),
c("BEA_2012_Summary_Code", "State", "Ratio")])
#' Estimate state household demand at BEA Summary level.
#' @param year A numeric value between 2007 and 2017 specifying the year of interest.
#' @return A data frame contains state household demand for all states at a specific year at BEA Summary level.
estimateStateHouseholdDemand <- function(year) {
# Load US Summary Use table
US_Summary_Use <- getNationalUse("Summary", year)
# Extract US Household Demand
US_HouseholdDemand <- US_Summary_Use[getVectorOfCodes("Summary", "Commodity"),
getVectorOfCodes("Summary", "HouseholdDemand"), drop = FALSE]
# Generate State_PCE_ratio
PCE_ratio <- calculateStateUSPCERatio(year)
# Calculate State_HouseholdDemand
State_HouseholdDemand <- data.frame()
for (state in unique(PCE_ratio$State)) {
# Merge PCE_ratio with US_HouseholdDemand to keep all commodities
HouseholdDemand <- merge(US_HouseholdDemand, PCE_ratio[PCE_ratio$State == state, ],
by.x = 0, by.y = "BEA_2012_Summary_Code", all.x = TRUE)
# Calculate state HouseholdDemand
HouseholdDemand$F010 <- HouseholdDemand$F010*HouseholdDemand$Ratio
# Replace NA with zero
HouseholdDemand[is.na(HouseholdDemand$F010), "F010"] <- 0
# Assign rownames
rownames(HouseholdDemand) <- HouseholdDemand$Row.names
# Re-order table
HouseholdDemand <- HouseholdDemand[rownames(US_HouseholdDemand), ]
# Add state name to rownames
rownames(HouseholdDemand) <- paste(state, rownames(HouseholdDemand), sep = ".")
State_HouseholdDemand <- rbind.data.frame(State_HouseholdDemand, HouseholdDemand[, "F010", drop = FALSE])
#' Estimate state private investment at BEA Summary level.
#' Apply state PCE ratio to F02R.
#' Apply state Gross Output ratio to F02S, F02E, F02N, and F030.
#' @param year A numeric value between 2007 and 2017 specifying the year of interest.
#' @return A data frame contains state household demand for all states at a specific year at BEA Summary level.
estimateStatePrivateInvestment <- function(year) {
US_Summary_Use <- getNationalUse("Summary", year)
US_PrivateInvestment <- US_Summary_Use[getVectorOfCodes("Summary", "Commodity"),
c(getVectorOfCodes("Summary", "InvestmentDemand"),
getVectorOfCodes("Summary", "ChangeInventories")), drop = FALSE]
# Separate US_PrivateInvestment into Residential (F02R) and NonResidential (F02S, F02E, F02N, and F030)
US_ResidentialInvestment <- US_PrivateInvestment[getVectorOfCodes("Summary", "Commodity"), "F02R", drop = FALSE]
US_NonResidentialInvestment <- US_PrivateInvestment[getVectorOfCodes("Summary", "Commodity"),
colnames(US_PrivateInvestment) != "F02R"]
# Apply state PCE ratio to F02R.
# Generate state PCE ratio
PCE_ratio <- calculateStateUSPCERatio(year)
# Apply state Commodity Output ratio to F02S, F02E, F02N, and F030
# Generate state Commodity Output ratio
CommOutput_ratio <- calculateStateCommodityOutputRatio(year)
# Calculate state Private Investment (Residential and NonResidential)
State_ResidentialInvestment <- data.frame()
State_NonResidentialInvestment <- data.frame()
for (state in unique(PCE_ratio$State)) {
# Residential
ResidentialInvestment <- merge(US_ResidentialInvestment, PCE_ratio[PCE_ratio$State == state, ],
by.x = 0, by.y = "BEA_2012_Summary_Code", all.x = TRUE)
rownames(ResidentialInvestment) <- ResidentialInvestment$Row.names
ResidentialInvestment$F02R <- ResidentialInvestment$F02R * ResidentialInvestment$Ratio
ResidentialInvestment <- ResidentialInvestment[rownames(US_ResidentialInvestment), "F02R", drop = FALSE]
ResidentialInvestment[is.na(ResidentialInvestment)] <- 0
rownames(ResidentialInvestment) <- paste(state, rownames(ResidentialInvestment), sep = ".")
State_ResidentialInvestment <- rbind.data.frame(State_ResidentialInvestment, ResidentialInvestment)
# NonResidential
NonResidentialInvestment <- merge(US_NonResidentialInvestment,
CommOutput_ratio[CommOutput_ratio$State == state, ],
by.x = 0, by.y = "BEA_2012_Summary_Code")
columns <- colnames(US_NonResidentialInvestment)
NonResidentialInvestment[, columns] <- NonResidentialInvestment[, columns] * NonResidentialInvestment$Ratio
rownames(NonResidentialInvestment) <- NonResidentialInvestment$Row.names
NonResidentialInvestment <- NonResidentialInvestment[rownames(US_ResidentialInvestment), ]
rownames(NonResidentialInvestment) <- paste(state, rownames(NonResidentialInvestment), sep = ".")
State_NonResidentialInvestment <- rbind.data.frame(State_NonResidentialInvestment,
NonResidentialInvestment[, columns])
# Assemble State Residential and NonResidential Private Investment
State_PrivateInvestment <- cbind(State_ResidentialInvestment, State_NonResidentialInvestment)
State_PrivateInvestment <- State_PrivateInvestment[, colnames(US_PrivateInvestment)]
#' Estimate state export at BEA Summary level.
#' @param year A numeric value between 2007 and 2017 specifying the year of interest.
#' @return A data frame contains state export for all states at a specific year at BEA Summary level.
estimateStateExport <- function(year) {
# Define BEA_col
BEA_col <- "BEA_2012_Summary_Code"
# Load US Summary Use table
US_Summary_Use <- getNationalUse("Summary", year)
# Extract US Export
US_Export <- US_Summary_Use[getVectorOfCodes("Summary", "Commodity"),
getVectorOfCodes("Summary", "Export"), drop = FALSE]
# Generate state Commodity Output ratio
CommOutput_ratio <- calculateStateCommodityOutputRatio(year)
# Generate State_export_ratio
State_export_ratio <- calculateCensusForeignCommodityFlowRatios(year, "export", 2012, "Summary")
# Add SoITradeRatio of Overseas as zero
Overseas_export_ratio <- cbind.data.frame(unique(State_export_ratio[, BEA_col]),
"Overseas", "SoITradeRatio")
colnames(Overseas_export_ratio) <- colnames(State_export_ratio)
Overseas_export_ratio$SoITradeRatio <- 0
State_export_ratio <- rbind.data.frame(State_export_ratio, Overseas_export_ratio)
# For commodities that are not covered by Census data, use Commodity Output ratio instead
State_export_ratio <- merge(State_export_ratio, CommOutput_ratio,
by = c(BEA_col, "State"), all.y = TRUE)
# Replace NA in SoITradeRatio with Ratio
ratio_replacement <- State_export_ratio[is.na(State_export_ratio$SoITradeRatio), "Ratio"]
State_export_ratio[is.na(State_export_ratio$SoITradeRatio), "SoITradeRatio"] <- ratio_replacement
# Adjust SoITradeRatio of oil and gas products
ratio_oilgas <- State_export_ratio[State_export_ratio[, BEA_col] == 211, "Ratio"]
State_export_ratio[State_export_ratio[, BEA_col] == 211, "SoITradeRatio"] <- ratio_oilgas
# Calculate state export
State_Export <- merge(US_Export, State_export_ratio, by.x = 0, by.y = BEA_col)
State_Export$F040 <- State_Export$F040 * State_Export$SoITradeRatio
rownames(State_Export) <- paste(State_Export$State, State_Export$Row.names, sep = ".")
State_Export <- State_Export[, "F040", drop = FALSE]
# Adjust state international exports to avoid state exports > state commodity output
StateMake_ls <- loadStateIODataFile(paste0("State_Summary_Make_", year),
ver = model_ver)
State_CommOutput <- as.data.frame(unlist(lapply(names(StateMake_ls),
function(x) colSums(StateMake_ls[[x]]))))
rownames(State_CommOutput) <- paste(rep(names(StateMake_ls), each = ncol(StateMake_ls[[1]])),
sep = ".")
colnames(State_CommOutput) <- "Output"
State_CommOutput <- State_CommOutput[rownames(State_Export), , drop = FALSE]
# Prepare vectors of commodities and states that will be examined and adjusted
commodities <- setdiff(unique(gsub(".*\\.", "", rownames(State_CommOutput))),
c("Other", "Used"))
states <- setdiff(unique(gsub("\\..*", "", rownames(State_CommOutput))), "Overseas")
states_comms <- paste(states, rep(commodities, length(states)), sep = ".")
# Prepare a static copy of State_Export
State_Export_original <- State_Export
# Determine original condition:
# Compare state commodity output against the sum of state export and following FD sectors
# whose state values are derived using COR (or ratios similar to COR, e.g. gross output ratios)
# F02S - Nonresidential private fixed investment in structures
# F02N - Nonresidential private fixed investment in intellectual property products
# F030 - Change in private inventories
StatePI <- estimateStatePrivateInvestment(year)
StatePI_sum <- rowSums(StatePI[, c("F02S", "F02N", "F030")])
original_condition <- State_Export[states_comms, ] + StatePI_sum[states_comms] > State_CommOutput[states_comms, ]
# For each problematic commodity, apply the adjustment
for (comm in unique(gsub(".*\\.", "", states_comms[original_condition]))) {
# Set i and states_comm
i <- 1
states_comm <- paste(states, comm, sep = ".")
# Enter the while loop as long as there are state exports + state PI > commodity output
max_itr <- 1E3
while (any(State_Export[states_comm, ] + StatePI_sum[states_comm] > State_CommOutput[states_comm, ])) {
# Determine new condition for each iteration in while loop
new_condition <- State_Export[states_comm, ] + StatePI_sum[states_comm] > State_CommOutput[states_comm, ]
# Set state and trouble_rows
state <- unique(gsub("\\..*", "", states_comm[new_condition]))
trouble_rows <- paste(state, comm, sep = ".")
# Calculate total residual
comm_output_ratio <- CommOutput_ratio[CommOutput_ratio[, BEA_col] == comm &
CommOutput_ratio$State %in% state, "Ratio"]
residual <- sum(State_Export[trouble_rows, ] - US_Export[comm, ]*comm_output_ratio)
# Determine allocate_to_rows
allocate_to_rows <- paste(setdiff(states, state), comm, sep = ".")
# Use original export amount as weight
weight <- State_Export_original[allocate_to_rows, ]
# Allocate residual to all other states
residual_df <- as.data.frame(residual*(weight/sum(weight)),
row.names = allocate_to_rows)
# Adjust State_Export
State_Export[allocate_to_rows, ] <- State_Export[allocate_to_rows, ] + residual_df
State_Export[trouble_rows, ] <- US_Export[comm, ]*comm_output_ratio
i <- i + 1
if (i >= max_itr) {
stop("Allocation of export residuals exceeds maximum iteration.")
#' Calculate state S&L government expenditure ratio at BEA Summary level.
#' @param year A numeric value between 2007 and 2017 specifying the year of interest.
#' @return A data frame contains state S&L government expenditure ratio for all states at a specific year at BEA Summary level.
calculateStateSLGovExpenditureRatio <- function(year) {
# Load state and local government expenditure
GovExp <- loadStateIODataFile(paste0("Census_StateLocalGovExpenditure_", year),
ver = model_ver)
GovExp_statetotal <- rowSums(GovExp[, c(state.name, "District of Columbia")])
GovExp[, "Overseas"] <- GovExp[, "United States Total"] - GovExp_statetotal
# Map to BEA Summary sectors
filename <- "Crosswalk_StateLocalGovExptoBEASummaryIO2012Schema.csv"
mapping <- readCSV(system.file("extdata", filename, package = "stateior"))
GovExpBEA <- merge(mapping, GovExp, by = c("Line", "Description"))
# Calculate ratios
states <- c(state.name, "District of Columbia", "Overseas")
GovExpBEA[, states] <- GovExpBEA[, states]/GovExpBEA[, "United States Total"]
# Drop unwanted columns
GovExpBEA <- GovExpBEA[, c("FinalDemand", "BEA_2012_Summary_Code", states)]
# Transform table
# From wide to long
GovExpBEA <- reshape2::melt(GovExpBEA, id.vars = c("FinalDemand",
# From long to wide
GovExpBEA <- reshape2::dcast(GovExpBEA, BEA_2012_Summary_Code + variable ~ FinalDemand,
value.var = "value")
# Replace NA with 0
GovExpBEA[is.na(GovExpBEA)] <- 0
# Rename column
colnames(GovExpBEA)[2] <- "State"
#' Estimate state S&L government expenditure at BEA Summary level.
#' @param year A numeric value between 2007 and 2017 specifying the year of interest.
#' @return A data frame contains state S&L government expenditure for all states
#' at a specific year at BEA Summary level.
estimateStateSLGovExpenditure <- function(year) {
# Load US Summary Use table
US_Summary_Use <- getNationalUse("Summary", year)
# Extract US S&L Gov Expenditure
SLGovDemandCodes <- c("F10C", "F10E", "F10N", "F10S")
US_SLGovExp <- US_Summary_Use[getVectorOfCodes("Summary", "Commodity"),
SLGovDemandCodes, drop = FALSE]
# Generate SLGovExp_ratio
SLGovExp_ratio <- calculateStateSLGovExpenditureRatio(year)
# Calculate State_SLGovExp
State_SLGovExp <- data.frame()
for (state in unique(SLGovExp_ratio$State)) {
# Merge US_SLGovExp and SLGovExp_ratio
State_SLGovExp_state <- merge(SLGovExp_ratio[SLGovExp_ratio$State == state, ],
US_SLGovExp, by.x = "BEA_2012_Summary_Code",
by.y = 0, all.y = TRUE)
# Modify State column
State_SLGovExp_state$State <- state
# Repalce NA with 0
State_SLGovExp_state[is.na(State_SLGovExp_state)] <- 0
x_value <- State_SLGovExp_state[, paste0(SLGovDemandCodes, ".x")]
y_value <- State_SLGovExp_state[, paste0(SLGovDemandCodes, ".y")]
State_SLGovExp_state[, SLGovDemandCodes] <- x_value * y_value
# Modify rownames
rownames(State_SLGovExp_state) <- State_SLGovExp_state$BEA_2012_Summary_Code
State_SLGovExp_state <- State_SLGovExp_state[rownames(US_SLGovExp), ]
rownames(State_SLGovExp_state) <- paste(state, rownames(State_SLGovExp_state),
sep = ".")
State_SLGovExp <- rbind.data.frame(State_SLGovExp,
State_SLGovExp_state[, SLGovDemandCodes])
#' Calculate state-US employee compensation ratios at BEA Summary level.
#' @param year A numeric value between 2007 and 2017 specifying the year of interest.
#' @return A data frame contains state-US employment compensation ratios
#' for all states at a specific year at BEA Summary level.
calculateStateUSEmpCompensationRatio <- function(year) {
# Define BEA_col
BEA_col <- "BEA_2012_Summary_Code"
# Generate state Employee Compensation table
StateEmpComp <- allocateStateTabletoBEASummary("EmpCompensation", year, "Employment")
# Separate into state Employee Compensation
StateEmpComp <- StateEmpComp[StateEmpComp$GeoName != "United States *", ]
# Map US Employee Compensation to BEA
USEmpComp <- getStateEmpCompensation(year)
USEmpComp <- USEmpComp[USEmpComp$GeoName == "United States *", ]
GVAtoBEAmapping <- loadBEAStateDatatoBEASummaryMapping("GVA")
allocation_sectors <- GVAtoBEAmapping[duplicated(GVAtoBEAmapping$LineCode) |
duplicated(GVAtoBEAmapping$LineCode, fromLast = TRUE), ]
USEmpComp <- merge(USEmpComp, GVAtoBEAmapping, by = "LineCode")
USEmpComp <- merge(USEmpComp,useeior::Summary_GrossOutput_IO[, as.character(year), drop = FALSE],
by.x = BEA_col, by.y = 0)
USEmpComp[, as.character(year)] <- USEmpComp[, paste0(year, ".x")]
for (linecode in unique(allocation_sectors$LineCode)) {
value_vector <- USEmpComp[USEmpComp$LineCode == linecode, paste0(year, ".x")]
weight_vector <- USEmpComp[USEmpComp$LineCode == linecode, paste0(year, ".y")]
ratio <- value_vector*(weight_vector/sum(weight_vector))
USEmpComp[USEmpComp$LineCode == linecode, as.character(year)] <- ratio
USEmpComp <- USEmpComp[, c(BEA_col, as.character(year))]
# Generate sum of state Employee Compensation
StateEmpComp_sum <- stats::aggregate(StateEmpComp[, as.character(year)],
by = list(StateEmpComp[, BEA_col]),
sum, na.rm = TRUE)
colnames(StateEmpComp_sum) <- c(BEA_col, "StateEmpComp_sum")
# Merge sum of state Employee Compensation with US employee Compensation
# to get employee Compensation of Overseas region
OverseasEmpComp <- merge(StateEmpComp_sum, USEmpComp, by = BEA_col, all.x = TRUE)
OverseasEmpComp[is.na(OverseasEmpComp)] <- 0
OverseasEmpComp[, paste0(year, ".x")] <- OverseasEmpComp[, as.character(year)] - OverseasEmpComp$StateEmpComp_sum
OverseasEmpComp[, paste0(year, ".y")] <- OverseasEmpComp[, as.character(year)]
OverseasEmpComp$GeoName <- "Overseas"
# Merge state GVA and US Employee Compensation tables
StateUSEmpComp <- merge(StateEmpComp, USEmpComp, by = BEA_col)
# Append Overseas EmpComp to StateUSEmpComp
StateUSEmpComp <- rbind(StateUSEmpComp, OverseasEmpComp[, colnames(StateUSEmpComp)])
# Calculate the state-US Employee Compensation ratios
StateUSEmpComp$Ratio <- StateUSEmpComp[, paste0(year, ".x")]/StateUSEmpComp[, paste0(year, ".y")]
StateUSEmpComp$State <- StateUSEmpComp$GeoName
StateUSEmpComp <- StateUSEmpComp[order(StateUSEmpComp$GeoName, StateUSEmpComp[, BEA_col]),
c(BEA_col, "State", "Ratio")]
StateUSEmpComp[is.na(StateUSEmpComp)] <- 0
rownames(StateUSEmpComp) <- NULL
#' Calculate weighting factor of each expenditure component over US total gov expenditure.
#' @param year A numeric value between 2007 and 2019 specifying the year of interest.
#' @param defense A logical value indicating if the expenditure is spent on defense or not.
#' @return A data frame contains weighting factor of each expenditure component over US total gov expenditure.
calculateUSGovExpenditureWeightFactor <- function(year, defense) {
# Load data
GovConsumption <- loadStateIODataFile(paste0("GovConsumption_", year),
ver = model_ver)
GovInvestment <- loadStateIODataFile(paste0("GovInvestment_", year),
ver = model_ver)
# Keep rows by line code
if (defense) {
GovConsumption <- GovConsumption[GovConsumption$Line %in% c(26, 28), ]
GovInvestment <- GovInvestment[GovInvestment$Line %in% c(20:21, 23:24), ]
} else {
GovConsumption <- GovConsumption[GovConsumption$Line %in% c(37, 39), ]
GovInvestment <- GovInvestment[GovInvestment$Line %in% c(28:29, 31:32), ]
# Calculate weight factors and stack dfs together
consumption_df <- GovConsumption[, as.character(year), drop = FALSE]
investment_df <- GovInvestment[, as.character(year), drop = FALSE]
WeightFactor <- rbind(cbind(GovConsumption[, c("Line", "Description")],
cbind(GovInvestment[, c("Line", "Description")],
# Modify Description
WeightFactor$Description <- gsub("\\\\.*", "", WeightFactor$Description)
#' Calculate state fed government expenditure ratio at BEA Summary level.
#' @param year A numeric value between 2008 and 2019 specifying the year of interest.
#' @return A data frame contains state fed government expenditure ratio
#' for all states at a specific year at BEA Summary level.
calculateStateFedGovExpenditureRatio <- function(year) {
# Load state and local government expenditure
GovExpRatio <- data.frame()
types <- paste(c("Intermediate", "Structure", "Equipment", "IP"),
rep(c("Defense", "NonDefense"), each = 4), sep = "_")
mapping <- unique(useeior::MasterCrosswalk2012[, c("BEA_2012_Summary_Code",
for (type in types) {
GovExp <- loadStateIODataFile(paste("FedGovExp", type, year, sep = "_"))
# Change State to full state name
for (state in unique(GovExp$State)) {
GovExp[GovExp$State == state, "State"] <- ifelse(state == "DC",
"District of Columbia",
state.name[which(state.abb == state)])
# Map to BEA Summary sectors
GovExpBEA <- merge(mapping, GovExp, by.x = "NAICS_2012_Code", by.y = "NAICS")
# Aggregate by BEA
GovExpBEA <- stats::aggregate(Amount ~ BEA_2012_Summary_Code + Year + State,
GovExpBEA, sum)
# Transform table from long to wide
GovExpBEA <- reshape2::dcast(GovExpBEA, BEA_2012_Summary_Code ~ State,
value.var = "Amount")
GovExpBEA[is.na(GovExpBEA)] <- 0
# Calculate ratios
GovExpBEA[rowSums(GovExpBEA[, -1]) == 0, 2:ncol(GovExpBEA)] <- 1
GovExpBEA[, -1] <- GovExpBEA[, -1]/rowSums(GovExpBEA[, -1])
# Add missing states
GovExpBEA[, c(setdiff(state.name, colnames(GovExpBEA[, -1])), "Overseas")] <- 0
# Transform table from wide to long
GovExpBEA <- reshape2::melt(GovExpBEA, id.vars = "BEA_2012_Summary_Code",
variable.name = "State", value.name = "Ratio")
# Add Type column
GovExpBEA$Type <- type
GovExpRatio <- rbind(GovExpRatio, GovExpBEA)
# Transform table from long to wide
GovExpRatio <- reshape2::dcast(GovExpRatio, BEA_2012_Summary_Code + State ~ Type,
value.var = "Ratio")
# Replace NA with 0
GovExpRatio[is.na(GovExpRatio)] <- 0
# For each BEA sector, if each state's expenditure ratio by type == 0,
# replace each state' ratio with 1/51 (50 states + DC), while keeping Overseas 0,
# so when national total !=0 it can still be allocate to states.
for (bea in unique(GovExpRatio$BEA_2012_Summary_Code)) {
for (type in types) {
if (all(GovExpRatio[GovExpRatio$BEA_2012_Summary_Code == bea, type] == 0)) {
GovExpRatio[GovExpRatio$BEA_2012_Summary_Code == bea &
GovExpRatio$State != "Overseas", type] <- 1/51
# Rename columns
colnames(GovExpRatio)[c(3:4, 7:10)] <- c("F06E", "F07E", "F06N", "F07N", "F06S", "F07S")
# Calculate ratios for Consumption expenditures (F06C and F07C)
# A_C <- X_E * W_E + X_IC * W_IC
# where X_E is EmpCompensationRatio, X_IC is Fed Gov Intermediate Consumption ratio
# W_E is GovExpWeightFactor of employment, W_IC is GovExpWeightFactor of IC
# Generate state-US employment compensation ratios (X_E)
EmpCompensationRatio <- calculateStateUSEmpCompensationRatio(year)
# Merge with GovExpRatio
GovExpRatio <- merge(GovExpRatio, EmpCompensationRatio,
by = c("BEA_2012_Summary_Code", "State"), all.x = TRUE)
# Generate GovExpWeightFactor (W_E and W_IC)
WeightFactor_D <- calculateUSGovExpenditureWeightFactor(year, defense = TRUE)
WeightFactor_ND <- calculateUSGovExpenditureWeightFactor(year, defense = FALSE)
# Calculate Defense ratios
W_E_D <- WeightFactor_D[WeightFactor_D$Line == 26, as.character(year)]
W_IC_D <- WeightFactor_D[WeightFactor_D$Line == 28, as.character(year)]
GovExpRatio[, "F06C"] <- GovExpRatio$Ratio * W_E_D + GovExpRatio$Intermediate_Defense * W_IC_D
# Calculate Non-Defense ratios
W_E_ND <- WeightFactor_ND[WeightFactor_ND$Line == 37, as.character(year)]
W_IC_ND <- WeightFactor_ND[WeightFactor_ND$Line == 39, as.character(year)]
GovExpRatio[, "F07C"] <- GovExpRatio$Ratio * W_E_ND + GovExpRatio$Intermediate_Defense * W_IC_ND
# Drop unwanted columns
GovExpRatio <- GovExpRatio[, c("BEA_2012_Summary_Code", "State", "F06C", "F06E",
"F06N", "F06S", "F07C", "F07E", "F07N", "F07S")]
#' Estimate state fed government expenditure at BEA Summary level.
#' @param year A numeric value between 2007 and 2017 specifying the year of interest.
#' @return A data frame contains state fed government expenditure for all states
#' at a specific year at BEA Summary level.
estimateStateFedGovExpenditure <- function(year) {
# Load FedGovExp data
# Load US Summary Use table
US_Summary_Use <- getNationalUse("Summary", year)
# Extract US S&L Gov Expenditure
FedGovDemandCodes <- c("F06C", "F06E", "F06N", "F06S", "F07C", "F07E", "F07N", "F07S")
US_FedGovExp <- US_Summary_Use[getVectorOfCodes("Summary", "Commodity"),
FedGovDemandCodes, drop = FALSE]
# Generate FedGovExp_ratio
FedGovExp_ratio <- calculateStateFedGovExpenditureRatio(year)
# Generate state Commodity Output ratio
CommOutput_ratio <- calculateStateCommodityOutputRatio(year)
# Determine commodities that not in FedGovExp_ratio
commodities <- unique(setdiff(CommOutput_ratio$BEA_2012_Summary_Code,
# Add CommOutput_ratio of commodities to FedGovExp_ratio
tmp <- CommOutput_ratio[CommOutput_ratio$BEA_2012_Summary_Code %in% commodities, ]
tmp[, FedGovDemandCodes] <- tmp$Ratio
FedGovExp_ratio <- rbind(FedGovExp_ratio, tmp[, colnames(FedGovExp_ratio)])
# Calculate State_FedGovExp
State_FedGovExp <- data.frame()
for (state in unique(FedGovExp_ratio$State)) {
# Merge US_FedGovExp and FedGovExp_ratio
State_FedGovExp_state <- merge(FedGovExp_ratio[FedGovExp_ratio$State == state, ],
US_FedGovExp, by.x = "BEA_2012_Summary_Code",
by.y = 0, all.y = TRUE)
# Modify State column
State_FedGovExp_state$State <- state
# Replace NA with 0
State_FedGovExp_state[is.na(State_FedGovExp_state)] <- 0
# Multiply national final demand by state-US ratio
ratio <- State_FedGovExp_state[, paste0(FedGovDemandCodes, ".x")]
US_value <- State_FedGovExp_state[, paste0(FedGovDemandCodes, ".y")]
State_FedGovExp_state[, FedGovDemandCodes] <- ratio * US_value
# Modify rownames
rownames(State_FedGovExp_state) <- State_FedGovExp_state$BEA_2012_Summary_Code
State_FedGovExp_state <- State_FedGovExp_state[rownames(US_FedGovExp), ]
rownames(State_FedGovExp_state) <- paste(state, rownames(State_FedGovExp_state), sep = ".")
State_FedGovExp <- rbind.data.frame(State_FedGovExp, State_FedGovExp_state[, FedGovDemandCodes])
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