
Defines functions estimateStateFedGovExpenditure calculateStateFedGovExpenditureRatio calculateUSGovExpenditureWeightFactor calculateStateUSEmpCompensationRatio estimateStateSLGovExpenditure calculateStateSLGovExpenditureRatio estimateStateExport estimateStatePrivateInvestment estimateStateHouseholdDemand calculateStateUSPCERatio calculateStateTotalPCE assembleStateSummaryGrossValueAdded adjustGVAComponent estimateStateIntermediateConsumption calculateStateCommodityOutputRatio getStatePCE getStateGOS getStateTax getStateEmpCompensation getNationalUse

Documented in adjustGVAComponent assembleStateSummaryGrossValueAdded calculateStateCommodityOutputRatio calculateStateFedGovExpenditureRatio calculateStateSLGovExpenditureRatio calculateStateTotalPCE calculateStateUSEmpCompensationRatio calculateStateUSPCERatio calculateUSGovExpenditureWeightFactor estimateStateExport estimateStateFedGovExpenditure estimateStateHouseholdDemand estimateStateIntermediateConsumption estimateStatePrivateInvestment estimateStateSLGovExpenditure getNationalUse getStateEmpCompensation getStateGOS getStatePCE getStateTax

#' Get US Use table (intermediaete + final demand) of specified iolevel and year.
#' @param iolevel BEA sector level of detail, currently can only be "Summary",
#' theoretically can be "Detail", or "Sector" in future versions.
#' @param year A numeric value specifying the year of interest.
#' @return The US Use table (intermediaete + final demand) of specified iolevel and year.
getNationalUse <- function(iolevel, year) {
  # Load pre-saved US Use table
  Use <- loadDatafromUSEEIOR(paste(iolevel, "Use", year, "PRO_BeforeRedef", sep = "_"))*1E6
  # Keep intermediaete and final demand
  Use <- Use[getVectorOfCodes("Summary", "Commodity"),
             c(getVectorOfCodes("Summary", "Industry"), getFinalDemandCodes("Summary"))]

#' Get industry-level Compensation for all states at a specific year.
#' @param year A numeric value between 2007 and 2017 specifying the year of interest.
#' @return A data frame contains state Compensation for all states at a specific year.
getStateEmpCompensation <- function(year) {
  # Load pre-saved state Compensation 2007-2017
  StateEmpCompensation <- loadStateIODataFile(paste0("State_Compensation_", year),
                                              ver = model_ver)
  StateEmpCompensation <- StateEmpCompensation[, c("GeoName", "LineCode", as.character(year))]

#' Get industry-level Tax for all states at a specific year.
#' @param year A numeric value between 2007 and 2017 specifying the year of interest.
#' @return A data frame contains state Tax for all states at a specific year.
getStateTax <- function(year) {
  # Load pre-saved state Tax 2007-2017
  StateTax <- loadStateIODataFile(paste0("State_Tax_", year),
                                  ver = model_ver)
  StateTax <- StateTax[, c("GeoName", "LineCode", as.character(year))]

#' Get industry-level Gross Operating Surplus (GOS) for all states at a specific year.
#' @param year A numeric value between 2007 and 2017 specifying the year of interest.
#' @return A data frame contains state GOS for all states at a specific year.
getStateGOS <- function(year) {
  # Load pre-saved state GOS 2007-2017
  StateGOS <- loadStateIODataFile(paste0("State_GOS_", year),
                                  ver = model_ver)
  StateGOS <- StateGOS[, c("GeoName", "LineCode", as.character(year))]

#' Get commodity-level Personal Consumption Expenditure (PCE) for all states at a specific year.
#' @param year A numeric value between 2007 and 2017 specifying the year of interest.
#' @return A data frame contains state PCE for all states at a specific year.
getStatePCE <- function(year) {
  # Load pre-saved state PCE
  StatePCE <- loadStateIODataFile(paste0("State_PCE_", year),
                                  ver = model_ver)
  StatePCE <- StatePCE[, c("GeoName", "LineCode", as.character(year))]

#' Calculate state-US Commodity Output ratios at BEA Summary level.
#' Apply row sum to state and US Make tables to get commodity output vectors and
#' then Commodity Output Ratio (COR).
#' @param year A numeric value between 2007 and 2017 specifying the year of interest.
#' @return A data frame contains state-US Commodity Output ratios at BEA Summary level.
calculateStateCommodityOutputRatio <- function(year) {
  # Load state Make table
  StateMake_ls <- loadStateIODataFile(paste0("State_Summary_Make_", year),
                                      ver = model_ver)
  states <- names(StateMake_ls)
  # Load US Commodity output
  US_Make <- getNationalMake("Summary", year)
  # Calculate state Commodity output ratio
  State_COR <- data.frame()
  for (state in states) {
    COR <- cbind.data.frame(names(colSums(US_Make)), state,
                            stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    rownames(COR) <- NULL
    colnames(COR) <- c("BEA_2012_Summary_Code", "State", "Ratio")
    State_COR <- rbind(State_COR, COR)

#' Estimate state Intermediate Consumption at BEA Summary level.
#' For each state and industry, calculate state_US_IndustryOutput_ratio,
#' then multiply US_Use_Intermediate by the ratio to get State_Use_Intermediate.
#' @param year A numeric value between 2007 and 2017 specifying the year of interest.
#' @return A list of data.frames containing state Intermediate Consumption.
estimateStateIntermediateConsumption <- function(year) {
  # Define industries, commodities and # Define final demand columns
  industries <- getVectorOfCodes("Summary", "Industry")
  commodities <- getVectorOfCodes("Summary", "Commodity")
  # Load state Make table
  StateMake_ls <- loadStateIODataFile(paste0("State_Summary_Make_", year),
                                      ver = model_ver)
  # Load US Make and Use tables
  US_Make <- getNationalMake("Summary", year)
  US_Use <- getNationalUse("Summary", year)
  logging::loginfo("Estimating state intermediate consumption...")
  # For each state and industry, calculate state_US_IndustryOutput_ratio
  # Multiply US_Use_Intermediate by state_US_IndustryOutput_ratio 
  State_Use_Intermediate_ls <- list()
  for (state in names(StateMake_ls)) {
    IOR <- rowSums(StateMake_ls[[state]])/rowSums(US_Make)
    State_Use_Intermediate <- as.matrix(US_Use[commodities, industries]) %*% diag(IOR)
    colnames(State_Use_Intermediate) <- colnames(US_Use[commodities, industries])
    State_Use_Intermediate_ls[[state]] <- as.data.frame(State_Use_Intermediate)

#' Adjust EmpComp, Tax, and GOS to fill NA and make them consistent with GVA.
#' @param year A numeric value between 2007 and 2017 specifying the year of interest.
#' @param return A character string showing which attribute to return.
#' Can be "GVA", "EmpCompensation", "Tax", or "GOS".
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @return A data frame contains adjusted EmpComp, Tax, GOS, and GVA.
adjustGVAComponent <- function(year, return) {
  # 0. Load data
  gva <- getStateGVA(year)
  comp <- getStateEmpCompensation(year)
  tax <- getStateTax(year)
  gos <- getStateGOS(year)

  # 1. Join into one table
  # Note #1: NaN represents (L), meaning Less than $50,000.
  # Note #2: NA represents (D), meaning Not shown to avoid disclosure of
  # confidential information; estimates are included in higher-level totals.
  # Normally, there should not be (D), i.e. NA, in GVA for states or US, so the
  # nest step will focus on impute NaNs in GVA.
  compareTable <- gva %>% 
    dplyr::left_join(., comp, by = c("GeoName", "LineCode")) %>% 
    dplyr::left_join(., tax, by = c("GeoName", "LineCode")) %>%
    dplyr::left_join(., gos, by = c("GeoName", "LineCode")) 
  colnames(compareTable)[3:6] <- c("GVA", "EmpCompensation", "Tax", "GOS")
  detail_gva_cols <- c("EmpCompensation", "Tax", "GOS")
  # 2. Adjust NaN in GVA
  # Because NaN represents (L), meaning Less than $50,000, NaN in GVA is assigned
  # $25,000 by default, unless the sum of EmpCompensation, Tax, and Tax is greater
  # than $25,000 while less than $50,000.
  # To find all 
  if (any(is.nan(compareTable$GVA))) {
    for (row in rownames(compareTable[is.nan(compareTable$GVA), ])) {
      if (any(sapply(compareTable[row, detail_gva_cols], is.na))) {
        # If there is NaN (nondislosed value) in detail GVA columns, impute GVA with
        # the following assumption:
        # 1. If sum of non-NA detail GVA values < $50,000, the upper limit of (L)),
        # GVA = the larger number between the sum and $25,000 (mean of 0 and $50,000).
        # 2. If the sum >= $50,000, GVA = the larger number between $49,999 and $25,000.
        gva_sum <- sum(compareTable[row, detail_gva_cols],
                       na.rm = TRUE)
        if (gva_sum < 50000) {
          gva_possible_values <- c(25000, gva_sum)
        } else {
          gva_possible_values <- 49999
        compareTable[row, "GVA"] <- max(gva_possible_values)
      } else {
        # If there is NOT NaN (nondislosed value) in detail GVA columns, impute GVA
        # by summing GVA components
        compareTable[row, "GVA"] <- sum(compareTable[row, detail_gva_cols])
  # 3. Adjust NA (not disclosed value) in GVA components
  # 3.1. Adjust NA in Tax (simple, add/subtract)
  compareTable[is.na(compareTable$Tax), "Tax"] <- compareTable[is.na(compareTable$Tax), "GVA"] - 
    compareTable[is.na(compareTable$Tax), "EmpCompensation"] - 
    compareTable[is.na(compareTable$Tax), "GOS"]
  # 3.2. Adjust NA (not disclosed value) in EmpComp and GOS 
  # 3.2.1. Calculate EmpComp-GVA ratio and GOS-GVA ratio for each LineCode
  ratioTable <- compareTable %>%
    stats::na.omit() %>% 
    dplyr::mutate(compRatio = EmpCompensation / GVA, gosRatio = GOS / GVA) %>%
    stats::na.omit() %>%
    dplyr::group_by(LineCode) %>%
    dplyr::summarise(avgCompRatio = mean(compRatio), avgGOSRatio = mean(gosRatio))
  # 3.2.2. impute EmpComp and GOS values
  position <- union(which(is.na(compareTable$EmpCompensation) == TRUE),
                    which(is.na(compareTable$GOS) == TRUE))
  for (i in position) {
    if (compareTable$GVA[i] != 0) {
      # EmpComp
      ratio_comp <- ratioTable[ratioTable$LineCode == compareTable$LineCode[i],]$avgCompRatio
      compareTable$EmpCompensation[i] <- compareTable$GVA[i] * ratio_comp
      # GOS
      ratio_gos <- ratioTable[ratioTable$LineCode == compareTable$LineCode[i],]$avgGOSRatio
      compareTable$GOS[i] <- compareTable$GVA[i] * ratio_gos
    } else if (compareTable$GVA[i] == 0) {
      if (compareTable$Tax[i] == 0) {
        compareTable$EmpCompensation[i] <- 0
        compareTable$GOS[i] <- 0
      } else {
        compareTable$EmpCompensation[i] <- 0
        compareTable$GOS[i] <- 0 - compareTable$Tax[i]
  # 3.2.3. check row sum and apply adjustment factor to estimated rows 
  compareTable <- compareTable %>% 
    dplyr::mutate(dif = GVA - EmpCompensation - Tax - GOS, errorRate = abs(dif) / GVA)
  shrinkfactor <- 1.0 + compareTable$dif[position] / (compareTable$EmpCompensation[position] + compareTable$GOS[position])
  shrinkfactor[is.nan(shrinkfactor)] <- 1.0
  compareTable$EmpCompensation[position] <- compareTable$EmpCompensation[position]*shrinkfactor
  compareTable$GOS[position] <- compareTable$GOS[position]*shrinkfactor
  # Re-calculate errorRate
  compareTable <- compareTable %>% 
    dplyr::mutate(dif = GVA - EmpCompensation - Tax - GOS, errorRate = abs(dif) / GVA)
  # 4. Check if GVA = EmpCompensation + Tax + GOS, with tolerance of $10 million
  check_condition <- abs(compareTable$dif) > 1E7
  if (any(check_condition)) {
    geoname <- compareTable[check_condition, "GeoName"]
    linecode <- compareTable[check_condition, "LineCode"]
    logging::logwarn(glue::glue("In {geoname} for {linecode}",
                                "GVA components do not add up to total GVA."))
    stop("GVA components by line code do not add up to total GVA by line code.")
  # 5. Output
  switch_return <- switch(return, "GVA" = 1, "EmpCompensation" = 2, "Tax" = 3, "GOS" = 4)
  output <- compareTable %>% dplyr::select(1, 2, switch_return + 2)
  colnames(output)[3] <- as.character(year)

#' Assemble Summary-level gross value added sectors (V001, V002, V003)
#' for all states at a specific year. For each value added sector, the same set of
#' state/US GVA ratios is used to regionalize US VA to states.
#' @param year A numeric value between 2007 and 2017 specifying the year of interest.
#' @return A data frame contains Summary-level gross value added (V001, V002, V003)
#' for all states at a specific year.
assembleStateSummaryGrossValueAdded <- function(year) {
  # Prepare US_Use, industries, and VA_rows
  US_Use <- loadDatafromUSEEIOR(paste("Summary_Use", year, "PRO_BeforeRedef", sep = "_"))*1E6
  industries <- getVectorOfCodes("Summary", "Industry")
  VA_rows <- getVectorOfCodes("Summary", "ValueAdded")
  # Calculate state/US VA ratio
  logging::loginfo("Estimating state value added...")
  state_US_VA_ratio <- calculateStateUSValueAddedRatio(year)
  va_ratio <- reshape2::dcast(state_US_VA_ratio, GeoName ~ BEA_2012_Summary_Code,
                              value.var = "Ratio")
  rownames(va_ratio) <- va_ratio$GeoName
  va_ratio$GeoName <- NULL
  va_ratio <- va_ratio[, industries]
  # Estimate state value added components using the same state/US total GVA ratio
  StateGVA <- data.frame()
  for (sector in c("EmpCompensation", "Tax", "GOS")) {
    # Modify row names
    code <- ifelse(sector == "EmpCompensation", "V001",
                   ifelse(sector == "Tax", "V002",
                          ifelse(sector == "GOS", "V003", NULL)))
    # Allocate US value added to states by values in df
    StateGVA_sector <- sweep(va_ratio, 2, as.numeric(US_Use[code, industries]), FUN = "*")
    rownames(StateGVA_sector) <- paste(rownames(StateGVA_sector), code, sep = ".")
    StateGVA <- rbind(StateGVA, StateGVA_sector)

#' Calculate state total PCE (personal consumption expenditures) at BEA Summary level.
#' @param year A numeric value between 2007 and 2017 specifying the year of interest.
#' @return A data frame contains ratios of statetotal PCE for all states at a specific year at BEA Summary level.
calculateStateTotalPCE <- function(year) {
  # Load state and US PCE
  PCE <- getStatePCE(year)
  # Extract state total PCE
  StateTotalPCE <- PCE[PCE$Line == 1 & PCE$GeoName != "United States", ]
  rownames(StateTotalPCE) <- StateTotalPCE$GeoName
  StateTotalPCE <- StateTotalPCE[, as.character(year), drop = FALSE]
  # Extract US total PCE
  USPCE <- sum(PCE[PCE$GeoName == "United States" & PCE$Line == 1,
  # Calculate PCE total in Overseas and append it to the state total table
  StateTotalPCE["Overseas", as.character(year)] <- USPCE - sum(StateTotalPCE[, as.character(year)])

#' Calculate state-US PCE (personal consumption expenditures) ratios at BEA Summary level.
#' @param year A numeric value between 2007 and 2017 specifying the year of interest.
#' @return A data frame contains ratios of state/US PCE for all states at a specific year at BEA Summary level.
calculateStateUSPCERatio <- function(year) {
  # Load state and US PCE
  PCE <- getStatePCE(year)
  # Extract State PCE
  StatePCE <- PCE[PCE$GeoName != "United States", ]
  # Generate sum of state PCE
  StatePCE_sum <- stats::aggregate(StatePCE[, as.character(year)], by = list(StatePCE$Line), sum)
  colnames(StatePCE_sum) <- c("LineCode", as.character(year))
  # Extract US PCE
  USPCE <- PCE[PCE$GeoName == "United States", c("LineCode", as.character(year))]
  # Merge sum of state PCE with US PCE to get PCE of Overseas region
  OverseasPCE <- merge(StatePCE_sum, USPCE, by = "LineCode")
  OverseasPCE[, as.character(year)] <- OverseasPCE[, paste0(year, ".y")] - OverseasPCE[, paste0(year, ".x")]
  OverseasPCE$GeoName <- "Overseas"
  # Append Overseas PCE to StatePCE
  StatePCE <- rbind(StatePCE, OverseasPCE[, colnames(StatePCE)])
  # Merge State and US PCE by LineCode
  StateUSPCE <- merge(StatePCE, USPCE, by = "LineCode")
  # Calculate the state-US PCE ratios by LineCode
  StateUSPCE$Ratio <- StateUSPCE[, paste0(year, ".x")]/StateUSPCE[, paste0(year, ".y")]
  # Map to BEA Summary
  filename <- "Crosswalk_StatePCEtoBEASummaryIO2012Schema.csv"
  StatePCEtoBEASummary <- readCSV(system.file("extdata", filename, package = "stateior"))
  StateUSPCE <- merge(StatePCEtoBEASummary[!StatePCEtoBEASummary$BEA_2012_Summary_Code == "", ],
                      StateUSPCE, by.x = "Line", by.y = "LineCode")
  # Adjust Ratio based on state PCE
  for (state in unique(StateUSPCE$GeoName)) {
    for (sector in unique(StateUSPCE$BEA_2012_Summary_Code)) {
      df <- StateUSPCE[StateUSPCE$GeoName  == state &
                         StateUSPCE$BEA_2012_Summary_Code == sector, ]
      adjustedratio <- weighted.mean(df$Ratio, df[, paste0(year, ".x")])
      StateUSPCE[StateUSPCE$GeoName == state &
                   StateUSPCE$BEA_2012_Summary_Code == sector, "Ratio"] <- adjustedratio
  # Replace NaN with zero
  StateUSPCE[is.na(StateUSPCE$Ratio), "Ratio"] <- 0
  StateUSPCE$State <- StateUSPCE$GeoName
  # Keep wanted columns
  StateUSPCE <- unique(StateUSPCE[order(StateUSPCE$State, StateUSPCE$BEA_2012_Summary_Code),
                                  c("BEA_2012_Summary_Code", "State", "Ratio")])

#' Estimate state household demand at BEA Summary level.
#' @param year A numeric value between 2007 and 2017 specifying the year of interest.
#' @return A data frame contains state household demand for all states at a specific year at BEA Summary level.
estimateStateHouseholdDemand <- function(year) {
  # Load US Summary Use table
  US_Summary_Use <- getNationalUse("Summary", year)
  # Extract US Household Demand
  US_HouseholdDemand <- US_Summary_Use[getVectorOfCodes("Summary", "Commodity"),
                                       getVectorOfCodes("Summary", "HouseholdDemand"), drop = FALSE]
  # Generate State_PCE_ratio
  PCE_ratio <- calculateStateUSPCERatio(year)
  # Calculate State_HouseholdDemand
  State_HouseholdDemand <- data.frame()
  for (state in unique(PCE_ratio$State)) {
    # Merge PCE_ratio with US_HouseholdDemand to keep all commodities
    HouseholdDemand <- merge(US_HouseholdDemand, PCE_ratio[PCE_ratio$State == state, ],
                             by.x = 0, by.y = "BEA_2012_Summary_Code", all.x = TRUE)
    # Calculate state HouseholdDemand
    HouseholdDemand$F010 <- HouseholdDemand$F010*HouseholdDemand$Ratio
    # Replace NA with zero
    HouseholdDemand[is.na(HouseholdDemand$F010), "F010"] <- 0
    # Assign rownames
    rownames(HouseholdDemand) <- HouseholdDemand$Row.names
    # Re-order table
    HouseholdDemand <- HouseholdDemand[rownames(US_HouseholdDemand), ]
    # Add state name to rownames
    rownames(HouseholdDemand) <- paste(state, rownames(HouseholdDemand), sep = ".")
    State_HouseholdDemand <- rbind.data.frame(State_HouseholdDemand, HouseholdDemand[, "F010", drop = FALSE])

#' Estimate state private investment at BEA Summary level.
#' Apply state PCE ratio to F02R.
#' Apply state Gross Output ratio to F02S, F02E, F02N, and F030.
#' @param year A numeric value between 2007 and 2017 specifying the year of interest.
#' @return A data frame contains state household demand for all states at a specific year at BEA Summary level.
estimateStatePrivateInvestment <- function(year) {
  US_Summary_Use <- getNationalUse("Summary", year)
  US_PrivateInvestment <- US_Summary_Use[getVectorOfCodes("Summary", "Commodity"),
                                         c(getVectorOfCodes("Summary", "InvestmentDemand"),
                                           getVectorOfCodes("Summary", "ChangeInventories")), drop = FALSE]
  # Separate US_PrivateInvestment into Residential (F02R) and NonResidential (F02S, F02E, F02N, and F030)
  US_ResidentialInvestment <- US_PrivateInvestment[getVectorOfCodes("Summary", "Commodity"), "F02R", drop = FALSE]
  US_NonResidentialInvestment <- US_PrivateInvestment[getVectorOfCodes("Summary", "Commodity"),
                                                      colnames(US_PrivateInvestment) != "F02R"]
  # Apply state PCE ratio to F02R.
  # Generate state PCE ratio
  PCE_ratio <- calculateStateUSPCERatio(year)
  # Apply state Commodity Output ratio to F02S, F02E, F02N, and F030
  # Generate state Commodity Output ratio
  CommOutput_ratio <- calculateStateCommodityOutputRatio(year)
  # Calculate state Private Investment (Residential and NonResidential)
  State_ResidentialInvestment <- data.frame()
  State_NonResidentialInvestment <- data.frame()
  for (state in unique(PCE_ratio$State)) {
    # Residential
    ResidentialInvestment <- merge(US_ResidentialInvestment, PCE_ratio[PCE_ratio$State == state, ],
                                   by.x = 0, by.y = "BEA_2012_Summary_Code", all.x = TRUE)
    rownames(ResidentialInvestment) <- ResidentialInvestment$Row.names
    ResidentialInvestment$F02R <- ResidentialInvestment$F02R * ResidentialInvestment$Ratio
    ResidentialInvestment <- ResidentialInvestment[rownames(US_ResidentialInvestment), "F02R", drop = FALSE]
    ResidentialInvestment[is.na(ResidentialInvestment)] <- 0
    rownames(ResidentialInvestment) <- paste(state, rownames(ResidentialInvestment), sep = ".")
    State_ResidentialInvestment <- rbind.data.frame(State_ResidentialInvestment, ResidentialInvestment)
    # NonResidential
    NonResidentialInvestment <- merge(US_NonResidentialInvestment,
                                      CommOutput_ratio[CommOutput_ratio$State == state, ],
                                      by.x = 0, by.y = "BEA_2012_Summary_Code")
    columns <- colnames(US_NonResidentialInvestment)
    NonResidentialInvestment[, columns] <- NonResidentialInvestment[, columns] * NonResidentialInvestment$Ratio
    rownames(NonResidentialInvestment) <- NonResidentialInvestment$Row.names
    NonResidentialInvestment <- NonResidentialInvestment[rownames(US_ResidentialInvestment), ]
    rownames(NonResidentialInvestment) <- paste(state, rownames(NonResidentialInvestment), sep = ".")
    State_NonResidentialInvestment <- rbind.data.frame(State_NonResidentialInvestment,
                                                       NonResidentialInvestment[, columns])
  # Assemble State Residential and NonResidential Private Investment
  State_PrivateInvestment <- cbind(State_ResidentialInvestment, State_NonResidentialInvestment)
  State_PrivateInvestment <- State_PrivateInvestment[, colnames(US_PrivateInvestment)]

#' Estimate state export at BEA Summary level.
#' @param year A numeric value between 2007 and 2017 specifying the year of interest.
#' @return A data frame contains state export for all states at a specific year at BEA Summary level.
estimateStateExport <- function(year) {
  # Define BEA_col
  BEA_col <- "BEA_2012_Summary_Code"
  # Load US Summary Use table
  US_Summary_Use <- getNationalUse("Summary", year)
  # Extract US Export
  US_Export <- US_Summary_Use[getVectorOfCodes("Summary", "Commodity"),
                              getVectorOfCodes("Summary", "Export"), drop = FALSE]
  # Generate state Commodity Output ratio
  CommOutput_ratio <- calculateStateCommodityOutputRatio(year)
  # Generate State_export_ratio
  State_export_ratio <- calculateCensusForeignCommodityFlowRatios(year, "export", 2012, "Summary")
  # Add SoITradeRatio of Overseas as zero
  Overseas_export_ratio <- cbind.data.frame(unique(State_export_ratio[, BEA_col]),
                                            "Overseas", "SoITradeRatio")
  colnames(Overseas_export_ratio) <- colnames(State_export_ratio)
  Overseas_export_ratio$SoITradeRatio <- 0
  State_export_ratio <- rbind.data.frame(State_export_ratio, Overseas_export_ratio)
  # For commodities that are not covered by Census data, use Commodity Output ratio instead
  State_export_ratio <- merge(State_export_ratio, CommOutput_ratio,
                              by = c(BEA_col, "State"), all.y = TRUE)
  # Replace NA in SoITradeRatio with Ratio
  ratio_replacement <- State_export_ratio[is.na(State_export_ratio$SoITradeRatio), "Ratio"]
  State_export_ratio[is.na(State_export_ratio$SoITradeRatio), "SoITradeRatio"] <- ratio_replacement
  # Adjust SoITradeRatio of oil and gas products
  ratio_oilgas <- State_export_ratio[State_export_ratio[, BEA_col] == 211, "Ratio"]
  State_export_ratio[State_export_ratio[, BEA_col] == 211, "SoITradeRatio"] <- ratio_oilgas
  # Calculate state export
  State_Export <- merge(US_Export, State_export_ratio, by.x = 0, by.y = BEA_col)
  State_Export$F040 <- State_Export$F040 * State_Export$SoITradeRatio
  rownames(State_Export) <- paste(State_Export$State, State_Export$Row.names, sep = ".")
  State_Export <- State_Export[, "F040", drop = FALSE]
  # Adjust state international exports to avoid state exports > state commodity output
  StateMake_ls <- loadStateIODataFile(paste0("State_Summary_Make_", year),
                                      ver = model_ver)
  State_CommOutput <- as.data.frame(unlist(lapply(names(StateMake_ls),
                                                  function(x) colSums(StateMake_ls[[x]]))))
  rownames(State_CommOutput) <- paste(rep(names(StateMake_ls), each = ncol(StateMake_ls[[1]])),
                                      sep = ".")
  colnames(State_CommOutput) <- "Output"
  State_CommOutput <- State_CommOutput[rownames(State_Export), , drop = FALSE]
  # Prepare vectors of commodities and states that will be examined and adjusted
  commodities <- setdiff(unique(gsub(".*\\.", "", rownames(State_CommOutput))),
                         c("Other", "Used"))
  states <- setdiff(unique(gsub("\\..*", "", rownames(State_CommOutput))), "Overseas")
  states_comms <- paste(states, rep(commodities, length(states)), sep = ".")
  # Prepare a static copy of State_Export 
  State_Export_original <- State_Export
  # Determine original condition:
  # Compare state commodity output against the sum of state export and following FD sectors
  # whose state values are derived using COR (or ratios similar to COR, e.g. gross output ratios)
  # F02S - Nonresidential private fixed investment in structures
  # F02N - Nonresidential private fixed investment in intellectual property products
  # F030 - Change in private inventories
  StatePI <- estimateStatePrivateInvestment(year)
  StatePI_sum <- rowSums(StatePI[, c("F02S", "F02N", "F030")])
  original_condition <- State_Export[states_comms, ] + StatePI_sum[states_comms] > State_CommOutput[states_comms, ]
  # For each problematic commodity, apply the adjustment
  for (comm in unique(gsub(".*\\.", "", states_comms[original_condition]))) {
    # Set i and states_comm
    i <- 1
    states_comm <- paste(states, comm, sep = ".")
    # Enter the while loop as long as there are state exports + state PI > commodity output
    max_itr <- 1E3
    while (any(State_Export[states_comm, ] + StatePI_sum[states_comm] > State_CommOutput[states_comm, ])) {
      # Determine new condition for each iteration in while loop
      new_condition <- State_Export[states_comm, ] + StatePI_sum[states_comm] > State_CommOutput[states_comm, ]
      # Set state and trouble_rows
      state <- unique(gsub("\\..*", "", states_comm[new_condition]))
      trouble_rows <- paste(state, comm, sep = ".")
      # Calculate total residual
      comm_output_ratio <- CommOutput_ratio[CommOutput_ratio[, BEA_col] == comm &
                                              CommOutput_ratio$State %in% state, "Ratio"]
      residual <- sum(State_Export[trouble_rows, ] - US_Export[comm, ]*comm_output_ratio)
      # Determine allocate_to_rows
      allocate_to_rows <- paste(setdiff(states, state), comm, sep = ".")
      # Use original export amount as weight
      weight <- State_Export_original[allocate_to_rows, ]
      # Allocate residual to all other states 
      residual_df <- as.data.frame(residual*(weight/sum(weight)),
                                   row.names = allocate_to_rows)
      # Adjust State_Export
      State_Export[allocate_to_rows, ] <- State_Export[allocate_to_rows, ] + residual_df
      State_Export[trouble_rows, ] <- US_Export[comm, ]*comm_output_ratio
      i <- i + 1
      if (i >= max_itr) {
        stop("Allocation of export residuals exceeds maximum iteration.")

#' Calculate state S&L government expenditure ratio at BEA Summary level.
#' @param year A numeric value between 2007 and 2017 specifying the year of interest.
#' @return A data frame contains state S&L government expenditure ratio for all states at a specific year at BEA Summary level.
calculateStateSLGovExpenditureRatio <- function(year) {
  # Load state and local government expenditure
  GovExp <- loadStateIODataFile(paste0("Census_StateLocalGovExpenditure_", year),
                                ver = model_ver)
  GovExp_statetotal <- rowSums(GovExp[, c(state.name, "District of Columbia")])
  GovExp[, "Overseas"] <- GovExp[, "United States Total"] - GovExp_statetotal
  # Map to BEA Summary sectors
  filename <- "Crosswalk_StateLocalGovExptoBEASummaryIO2012Schema.csv"
  mapping <- readCSV(system.file("extdata", filename, package = "stateior"))
  GovExpBEA <- merge(mapping, GovExp, by = c("Line", "Description"))
  # Calculate ratios
  states <- c(state.name, "District of Columbia", "Overseas")
  GovExpBEA[, states] <- GovExpBEA[, states]/GovExpBEA[, "United States Total"]
  # Drop unwanted columns
  GovExpBEA <- GovExpBEA[, c("FinalDemand", "BEA_2012_Summary_Code", states)]
  # Transform table
  # From wide to long
  GovExpBEA <- reshape2::melt(GovExpBEA, id.vars = c("FinalDemand",
  # From long to wide
  GovExpBEA <- reshape2::dcast(GovExpBEA, BEA_2012_Summary_Code + variable ~ FinalDemand,
                               value.var = "value")
  # Replace NA with 0
  GovExpBEA[is.na(GovExpBEA)] <- 0
  # Rename column
  colnames(GovExpBEA)[2] <- "State"

#' Estimate state S&L government expenditure at BEA Summary level.
#' @param year A numeric value between 2007 and 2017 specifying the year of interest.
#' @return A data frame contains state S&L government expenditure for all states
#' at a specific year at BEA Summary level.
estimateStateSLGovExpenditure <- function(year) {
  # Load US Summary Use table
  US_Summary_Use <- getNationalUse("Summary", year)
  # Extract US S&L Gov Expenditure
  SLGovDemandCodes <- c("F10C", "F10E", "F10N", "F10S")
  US_SLGovExp <- US_Summary_Use[getVectorOfCodes("Summary", "Commodity"),
                                SLGovDemandCodes, drop = FALSE]
  # Generate SLGovExp_ratio
  SLGovExp_ratio <- calculateStateSLGovExpenditureRatio(year)
  # Calculate State_SLGovExp
  State_SLGovExp <- data.frame()
  for (state in unique(SLGovExp_ratio$State)) {
    # Merge US_SLGovExp and SLGovExp_ratio
    State_SLGovExp_state <- merge(SLGovExp_ratio[SLGovExp_ratio$State == state, ],
                                  US_SLGovExp, by.x = "BEA_2012_Summary_Code",
                                  by.y = 0, all.y = TRUE)
    # Modify State column
    State_SLGovExp_state$State <- state
    # Repalce NA with 0
    State_SLGovExp_state[is.na(State_SLGovExp_state)] <- 0
    x_value <- State_SLGovExp_state[, paste0(SLGovDemandCodes, ".x")]
    y_value <- State_SLGovExp_state[, paste0(SLGovDemandCodes, ".y")]
    State_SLGovExp_state[, SLGovDemandCodes] <- x_value * y_value
    # Modify rownames
    rownames(State_SLGovExp_state) <- State_SLGovExp_state$BEA_2012_Summary_Code
    State_SLGovExp_state <- State_SLGovExp_state[rownames(US_SLGovExp), ]
    rownames(State_SLGovExp_state) <- paste(state, rownames(State_SLGovExp_state),
                                            sep = ".")
    State_SLGovExp <- rbind.data.frame(State_SLGovExp,
                                       State_SLGovExp_state[, SLGovDemandCodes])

#' Calculate state-US employee compensation ratios at BEA Summary level.
#' @param year A numeric value between 2007 and 2017 specifying the year of interest.
#' @return A data frame contains state-US employment compensation ratios
#' for all states at a specific year at BEA Summary level.
calculateStateUSEmpCompensationRatio <- function(year) {
  # Define BEA_col
  BEA_col <- "BEA_2012_Summary_Code"
  # Generate state Employee Compensation table
  StateEmpComp <- allocateStateTabletoBEASummary("EmpCompensation", year, "Employment")
  # Separate into state Employee Compensation
  StateEmpComp <- StateEmpComp[StateEmpComp$GeoName != "United States *", ]
  # Map US Employee Compensation to BEA
  USEmpComp <- getStateEmpCompensation(year)
  USEmpComp <- USEmpComp[USEmpComp$GeoName == "United States *", ]
  GVAtoBEAmapping <- loadBEAStateDatatoBEASummaryMapping("GVA")
  allocation_sectors <- GVAtoBEAmapping[duplicated(GVAtoBEAmapping$LineCode) |
                                          duplicated(GVAtoBEAmapping$LineCode, fromLast = TRUE), ]
  USEmpComp <- merge(USEmpComp, GVAtoBEAmapping, by = "LineCode")
  USEmpComp <- merge(USEmpComp,useeior::Summary_GrossOutput_IO[, as.character(year), drop = FALSE],
                     by.x = BEA_col, by.y = 0)
  USEmpComp[, as.character(year)] <- USEmpComp[, paste0(year, ".x")]
  for (linecode in unique(allocation_sectors$LineCode)) {
    value_vector <- USEmpComp[USEmpComp$LineCode == linecode, paste0(year, ".x")]
    weight_vector <- USEmpComp[USEmpComp$LineCode == linecode, paste0(year, ".y")]
    ratio <- value_vector*(weight_vector/sum(weight_vector))
    USEmpComp[USEmpComp$LineCode == linecode, as.character(year)] <- ratio
  USEmpComp <- USEmpComp[, c(BEA_col, as.character(year))]
  # Generate sum of state Employee Compensation
  StateEmpComp_sum <- stats::aggregate(StateEmpComp[, as.character(year)],
                                       by = list(StateEmpComp[, BEA_col]),
                                       sum, na.rm = TRUE)
  colnames(StateEmpComp_sum) <- c(BEA_col, "StateEmpComp_sum")
  # Merge sum of state Employee Compensation with US employee Compensation
  # to get employee Compensation of Overseas region
  OverseasEmpComp <- merge(StateEmpComp_sum, USEmpComp, by = BEA_col, all.x = TRUE)
  OverseasEmpComp[is.na(OverseasEmpComp)] <- 0
  OverseasEmpComp[, paste0(year, ".x")] <- OverseasEmpComp[, as.character(year)] - OverseasEmpComp$StateEmpComp_sum
  OverseasEmpComp[, paste0(year, ".y")] <- OverseasEmpComp[, as.character(year)]
  OverseasEmpComp$GeoName <- "Overseas"
  # Merge state GVA and US Employee Compensation tables
  StateUSEmpComp <- merge(StateEmpComp, USEmpComp, by = BEA_col)
  # Append Overseas EmpComp to StateUSEmpComp
  StateUSEmpComp <- rbind(StateUSEmpComp, OverseasEmpComp[, colnames(StateUSEmpComp)])
  # Calculate the state-US Employee Compensation ratios
  StateUSEmpComp$Ratio <- StateUSEmpComp[, paste0(year, ".x")]/StateUSEmpComp[, paste0(year, ".y")]
  StateUSEmpComp$State <- StateUSEmpComp$GeoName
  StateUSEmpComp <- StateUSEmpComp[order(StateUSEmpComp$GeoName, StateUSEmpComp[, BEA_col]),
                                   c(BEA_col, "State", "Ratio")]
  StateUSEmpComp[is.na(StateUSEmpComp)] <- 0
  rownames(StateUSEmpComp) <- NULL

#' Calculate weighting factor of each expenditure component over US total gov expenditure.
#' @param year A numeric value between 2007 and 2019 specifying the year of interest.
#' @param defense A logical value indicating if the expenditure is spent on defense or not.
#' @return A data frame contains weighting factor of each expenditure component over US total gov expenditure.
calculateUSGovExpenditureWeightFactor <- function(year, defense) {
  # Load data
  GovConsumption <- loadStateIODataFile(paste0("GovConsumption_", year),
                                        ver = model_ver)
  GovInvestment <- loadStateIODataFile(paste0("GovInvestment_", year),
                                       ver = model_ver)
  # Keep rows by line code
  if (defense) {
    GovConsumption <- GovConsumption[GovConsumption$Line %in% c(26, 28), ]
    GovInvestment <- GovInvestment[GovInvestment$Line %in% c(20:21, 23:24), ]
  } else {
    GovConsumption <- GovConsumption[GovConsumption$Line %in% c(37, 39), ]
    GovInvestment <- GovInvestment[GovInvestment$Line %in% c(28:29, 31:32), ]
  # Calculate weight factors and stack dfs together
  consumption_df <- GovConsumption[, as.character(year), drop = FALSE]
  investment_df <- GovInvestment[, as.character(year), drop = FALSE]
  WeightFactor <- rbind(cbind(GovConsumption[, c("Line", "Description")],
                        cbind(GovInvestment[, c("Line", "Description")],
  # Modify Description
  WeightFactor$Description <- gsub("\\\\.*", "", WeightFactor$Description)

#' Calculate state fed government expenditure ratio at BEA Summary level.
#' @param year A numeric value between 2008 and 2019 specifying the year of interest.
#' @return A data frame contains state fed government expenditure ratio
#' for all states at a specific year at BEA Summary level.
calculateStateFedGovExpenditureRatio <- function(year) {
  # Load state and local government expenditure
  GovExpRatio <- data.frame()
  types <- paste(c("Intermediate", "Structure", "Equipment", "IP"),
                 rep(c("Defense", "NonDefense"), each = 4), sep = "_")
  mapping <- unique(useeior::MasterCrosswalk2012[, c("BEA_2012_Summary_Code",
  for (type in types) {
    GovExp <- loadStateIODataFile(paste("FedGovExp", type, year, sep = "_"))
    # Change State to full state name
    for (state in unique(GovExp$State)) {
      GovExp[GovExp$State == state, "State"] <- ifelse(state == "DC",
                                                       "District of Columbia",
                                                       state.name[which(state.abb == state)])
    # Map to BEA Summary sectors
    GovExpBEA <- merge(mapping, GovExp, by.x = "NAICS_2012_Code", by.y = "NAICS")
    # Aggregate by BEA
    GovExpBEA <- stats::aggregate(Amount ~ BEA_2012_Summary_Code + Year + State,
                                  GovExpBEA, sum)
    # Transform table from long to wide
    GovExpBEA <- reshape2::dcast(GovExpBEA, BEA_2012_Summary_Code ~ State,
                                 value.var = "Amount")
    GovExpBEA[is.na(GovExpBEA)] <- 0
    # Calculate ratios
    GovExpBEA[rowSums(GovExpBEA[, -1]) == 0, 2:ncol(GovExpBEA)] <- 1
    GovExpBEA[, -1] <- GovExpBEA[, -1]/rowSums(GovExpBEA[, -1])
    # Add missing states
    GovExpBEA[, c(setdiff(state.name, colnames(GovExpBEA[, -1])), "Overseas")] <- 0
    # Transform table from wide to long
    GovExpBEA <- reshape2::melt(GovExpBEA, id.vars = "BEA_2012_Summary_Code",
                                variable.name = "State", value.name = "Ratio")
    # Add Type column
    GovExpBEA$Type <- type
    GovExpRatio <- rbind(GovExpRatio, GovExpBEA)
  # Transform table from long to wide
  GovExpRatio <- reshape2::dcast(GovExpRatio, BEA_2012_Summary_Code + State ~ Type,
                                 value.var = "Ratio")
  # Replace NA with 0
  GovExpRatio[is.na(GovExpRatio)] <- 0
  # For each BEA sector, if each state's expenditure ratio by type == 0,
  # replace each state' ratio with 1/51 (50 states + DC), while keeping Overseas 0,
  # so when national total !=0 it can still be allocate to states.
  for (bea in unique(GovExpRatio$BEA_2012_Summary_Code)) {
    for (type in types) {
      if (all(GovExpRatio[GovExpRatio$BEA_2012_Summary_Code == bea, type] == 0)) {
        GovExpRatio[GovExpRatio$BEA_2012_Summary_Code == bea & 
                      GovExpRatio$State != "Overseas", type] <- 1/51
  # Rename columns
  colnames(GovExpRatio)[c(3:4, 7:10)] <- c("F06E", "F07E", "F06N", "F07N", "F06S", "F07S")
  # Calculate ratios for Consumption expenditures (F06C and F07C)
  # A_C <- X_E * W_E + X_IC * W_IC
  # where X_E is EmpCompensationRatio, X_IC is Fed Gov Intermediate Consumption ratio
  # W_E is GovExpWeightFactor of employment, W_IC is GovExpWeightFactor of IC
  # Generate state-US employment compensation ratios (X_E)
  EmpCompensationRatio <- calculateStateUSEmpCompensationRatio(year)
  # Merge with GovExpRatio
  GovExpRatio <- merge(GovExpRatio, EmpCompensationRatio,
                       by = c("BEA_2012_Summary_Code", "State"), all.x = TRUE)
  # Generate GovExpWeightFactor (W_E and W_IC)
  WeightFactor_D <- calculateUSGovExpenditureWeightFactor(year, defense = TRUE)
  WeightFactor_ND <- calculateUSGovExpenditureWeightFactor(year, defense = FALSE)
  # Calculate Defense ratios
  W_E_D <- WeightFactor_D[WeightFactor_D$Line == 26, as.character(year)]
  W_IC_D <- WeightFactor_D[WeightFactor_D$Line == 28, as.character(year)]
  GovExpRatio[, "F06C"] <- GovExpRatio$Ratio * W_E_D + GovExpRatio$Intermediate_Defense * W_IC_D
  # Calculate Non-Defense ratios
  W_E_ND <- WeightFactor_ND[WeightFactor_ND$Line == 37, as.character(year)]
  W_IC_ND <- WeightFactor_ND[WeightFactor_ND$Line == 39, as.character(year)]
  GovExpRatio[, "F07C"] <- GovExpRatio$Ratio * W_E_ND + GovExpRatio$Intermediate_Defense * W_IC_ND
  # Drop unwanted columns
  GovExpRatio <- GovExpRatio[, c("BEA_2012_Summary_Code", "State", "F06C", "F06E",
                                 "F06N", "F06S", "F07C", "F07E", "F07N", "F07S")]

#' Estimate state fed government expenditure at BEA Summary level.
#' @param year A numeric value between 2007 and 2017 specifying the year of interest.
#' @return A data frame contains state fed government expenditure for all states
#' at a specific year at BEA Summary level.
estimateStateFedGovExpenditure <- function(year) {
  # Load FedGovExp data
  # Load US Summary Use table
  US_Summary_Use <- getNationalUse("Summary", year)
  # Extract US S&L Gov Expenditure
  FedGovDemandCodes <- c("F06C", "F06E", "F06N", "F06S", "F07C", "F07E", "F07N", "F07S")
  US_FedGovExp <- US_Summary_Use[getVectorOfCodes("Summary", "Commodity"),
                                 FedGovDemandCodes, drop = FALSE]
  # Generate FedGovExp_ratio
  FedGovExp_ratio <- calculateStateFedGovExpenditureRatio(year)
  # Generate state Commodity Output ratio
  CommOutput_ratio <- calculateStateCommodityOutputRatio(year)
  # Determine commodities that not in FedGovExp_ratio
  commodities <- unique(setdiff(CommOutput_ratio$BEA_2012_Summary_Code,
  # Add CommOutput_ratio of commodities to FedGovExp_ratio
  tmp <- CommOutput_ratio[CommOutput_ratio$BEA_2012_Summary_Code %in% commodities, ]
  tmp[, FedGovDemandCodes] <- tmp$Ratio
  FedGovExp_ratio <- rbind(FedGovExp_ratio, tmp[, colnames(FedGovExp_ratio)])
  # Calculate State_FedGovExp
  State_FedGovExp <- data.frame()
  for (state in unique(FedGovExp_ratio$State)) {
    # Merge US_FedGovExp and FedGovExp_ratio
    State_FedGovExp_state <- merge(FedGovExp_ratio[FedGovExp_ratio$State == state, ],
                                   US_FedGovExp, by.x = "BEA_2012_Summary_Code",
                                   by.y = 0, all.y = TRUE)
    # Modify State column
    State_FedGovExp_state$State <- state
    # Replace NA with 0
    State_FedGovExp_state[is.na(State_FedGovExp_state)] <- 0
    # Multiply national final demand by state-US ratio
    ratio <- State_FedGovExp_state[, paste0(FedGovDemandCodes, ".x")]
    US_value <- State_FedGovExp_state[, paste0(FedGovDemandCodes, ".y")]
    State_FedGovExp_state[, FedGovDemandCodes] <- ratio * US_value
    # Modify rownames
    rownames(State_FedGovExp_state) <- State_FedGovExp_state$BEA_2012_Summary_Code
    State_FedGovExp_state <- State_FedGovExp_state[rownames(US_FedGovExp), ]
    rownames(State_FedGovExp_state) <- paste(state, rownames(State_FedGovExp_state), sep = ".")
    State_FedGovExp <- rbind.data.frame(State_FedGovExp, State_FedGovExp_state[, FedGovDemandCodes])
USEPA/stateio documentation built on Feb. 12, 2024, 6:41 a.m.