#' Download Federal Government Spending data by 6-digit NAICS code
#' By state and county from USASpending.gov.
#' @param year A numeric value specifying year of interest.
#' @return A list of Federal Government Spending data by 6-digit NAICS
#' by state and county from 2012 to 2017.
getFedGovSpending <- function(year) {
# Load PSC table
PSC <- utils::read.csv(system.file("extdata", "USASpending_PSC.csv",
package = "stateior"),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE, check.names = FALSE)
# Prepare PSC codes by category
psc_ls <- list(PSC[PSC$Purchase_Type == "Intermediate", "4_Digit_PSC"],
PSC[PSC$Final_Demand_Category == "Equipment", "4_Digit_PSC"],
PSC[PSC$Final_Demand_Category == "Intellectual_Property", "4_Digit_PSC"],
PSC[PSC$Final_Demand_Category == "Structures", "4_Digit_PSC"])
names(psc_ls) <- c("Intermediate", "Equipment", "IP", "Structure")
# Because the original data is by fiscal year (Oct-Sept) instead of calendar year,
# download data from three years (year - 1, year, year + 1). For example,
# need 2012 data, extend the range to 2011-2013 to retrieve complete records.
year_range <- (year - 1):(year + 1)
df_ls <- list()
df_ls[as.character(year_range)] <- data.frame()
# Get data_date for archived award data
# Assume it is the date last modified
# Use date available in database_download as a proxy
notes <- readLines("https://files.usaspending.gov/database_download")
date_last_modified <- stringr::str_match(notes[grep("USAspending Database", notes)],
"Database (.*?) zip")[2]
data_date <- gsub("-", "", date_last_modified)
# Use date_last_modified to determine whether data for input year is available
if (year + 1 <= gsub("\\-.*", "", date_last_modified)) {
for (year_N in year_range) {
# Create the placeholder file
FedGovExpzip <- paste0("inst/extdata/FY", year_N, "_All_Contracts_Full_",
data_date, ".zip")
if (!file.exists(FedGovExpzip)) {
year_N, "_All_Contracts_Full_", data_date, ".zip"),
FedGovExpzip, mode = "wb")
# Get the name of all files in the zip archive
fname <- unzip(FedGovExpzip, list = TRUE)[unzip(FedGovExpzip, list = TRUE)$Length > 0, ]$Name
# Unzip the file to the designated directory
unzip(FedGovExpzip, files = fname, exdir = "inst/extdata/USAspending", overwrite = TRUE)
# Load data
df <- data.frame()
for (i in 1:length(fname)) {
# Specify desired columns
columns <- c("award_id_piid", "action_date", "awarding_agency_name",
"award_type_code", "naics_code", "product_or_service_code")
# Define filename
filename <- paste0("inst/extdata/USAspending/", fname[i])
# Load data
df_slice <- as.data.frame(data.table::fread(filename,
select = columns,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
# Subset data
df_slice <- unique(df_slice[df_slice$primary_place_of_performance_country_code == "USA" &
df_slice$award_type_code %in% c("A", "B", "C", "D") &
df_slice$primary_place_of_performance_state_code %in% c(state.abb, "DC") &
!is.na(df_slice$federal_action_obligation) &
!is.na(df_slice$naics_code) &
df_slice$federal_action_obligation >= 0, ])
# Assign calendar Year column
df_slice$Year <- as.integer(substr(df_slice$action_date, 1, 4))
df <- rbind(df, df_slice)
# Paste df in df_ls
df_ls[[as.character(year_N)]] <- rbind(df_ls[[as.character(year_N)]],
df[df$Year == year_N, ])
df_ls[[as.character(year_N - 1)]] <- rbind(df_ls[[as.character(year_N - 1)]],
df[df$Year == (year_N - 1), ])
# Subset data
# Load df for the year
df_year <- df_ls[[as.character(year)]]
# Subset df_year by category and type (Defense and NonDefense)
for (category in names(psc_ls)) {
# Extract records for Defense and Non-Defense (based on awarding agency and PSC code)
for (type in c("Defense", "NonDefense")) {
if (type == "Defense") {
df_type <- df_year[df_year$product_or_service_code %in% psc_ls[[category]] &
df_year$awarding_agency_name == "DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE (DOD)" |
df_year$product_or_service_code %in% PSC[grep("DEFENSE", PSC$PSC_Code), "4_Digit_PSC"], ]
} else {
df_type <- df_year[df_year$product_or_service_code %in% psc_ls[[category]] &
df_year$awarding_agency_name != "DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE (DOD)", ]
# Aggregate
df <- stats::aggregate(df_type$federal_action_obligation,
by = list(df_type$Year, df_type$naics_code,
colnames(df) <- c("Year", "NAICS", "State", "County", "Amount")
# Write data to .rds
data_name <- paste("FedGovExp", category, type, year,
utils::packageDescription("stateior", fields = "Version"),
sep = "_")
saveRDS(object = df,
file = paste0(file.path("data", data_name), ".rds"))
# Write metadata to JSON
useeior:::writeMetadatatoJSON(package = "stateior",
name = data_name,
year = year,
source = "USA spending",
url = "https://www.usaspending.gov/download_center/award_data_archive",
date_last_modified = date_last_modified,
date_accessed = as.character(Sys.Date()))
} else {
logging::logwarn(paste(year, "Federal Government spending data is not avaliable",
"from USAspending. Nothing is returned."))
# Download, save and document federal government spending data by state
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