#' Not exported
#' Computes the statistics for a left-censored data boxplot.
#'@param x list of the lcens data
#'@param Box the Box parameters
#'@param yaxis.log is it?
#'@return Info to actually plot the boxplot.
boxPlotCensStats <- function(x, Box, yaxis.log) {
## 2012Apr20 DLLorenz Created function to compute quartiles, not hinges
## (copied from uncensored version)
## 2012Sep18 DLLorenz Added fill option
## 2013Jan11 DLLorenz Roxygenized ans censortype to censorstyle
## 2014Jan27 DLLorenz Added censor level to exaplanation
type <- match.arg(Box$type, c("tukey", "truncated", "simple", "extended"))
ctype <- match.arg(Box$censorstyle, c("censored", "estimated"))
cval <- Box$censorbox
## The text to use for the explanation:
explain <- list(tukey=list(z=list(stats=matrix(c(-1.2, 0.1,.8, 1.5, 3.6),
n=54, names="",
out=-2.4, farout=-3.7,
group=c(1, 1), censored=-4.9, estimated=-Inf),
labels=list(expression(bold("Number of values")),
list(expression(bold("Largest value within 1.5 times")),
expression(bold(" interquartile range above")),
expression(bold(" 75th percentile"))),
"75th percentile",
"50th percentile\n (median)",
"25th percentile",
list(expression(bold("Smallest value within 1.5 times")),
expression(bold(" interquartile range below")),
expression(bold(" 25th percentile"))),
list(expression(paste(bold("Outside value"), symbol("\276"),
"Value is > 1.5 and", sep='')),
" < 3 times the interquartile range",
" beyond either end of box"),
list(expression(paste(bold("Far-out value"),symbol("\276"),
"Value ", is >= 3, " times", sep='')),
" the interquartile range beyond", " either end of box"),
expression(bold(" Censoring level"))),
values=c(4.5, 3.6, 1.5, .7, 0.1, -1.2, -2.4, -3.7, -4.9),
truncated=list(z=list(stats=matrix(c(-3.0, -1.2 ,0, 1.5, 3.5),
n=54, names="", censored=-4.5, estimated=-Inf),
labels=list(expression(bold("Number of values")),
as.expression(substitute(bold(x), list(x=paste(Box$truncated[2L], "th percentile", sep='')))),
expression(bold("75th percentile")),
list(expression(bold("50th percentile")),expression(bold(" (median)"))),
expression(bold("25th percentile")),
as.expression(substitute(bold(x), list(x=paste(Box$truncated[1L], "th percentile", sep='')))),
expression(bold(" Censoring level"))),
values=c(4.2, 3.5, 1.5, 0, -1.2, -3.0, -4.5)),
simple=list(z=list(stats=matrix(c(-3.0, -1.2 ,0, 1.5, 3.5),
n=54, names="", censored=-4.5, estimated=-Inf),
labels=list(expression(bold("Number of values")),
expression(bold("Maximum value")),
expression(bold("75th percentile")),
list(expression(bold("50th percentile")),expression(bold(" (median)"))),
expression(bold("25th percentile")),
expression(bold("Minimum value")),
expression(bold(" Censoring level"))),
values=c(4.2, 3.5, 1.5, 0, -1.2, -3.0, -4.5)),
extended=list(z=list(stats=matrix(c(-3., -1.5, 0, 1.5, 3.),
n=54, names="", censored=-4.5, estimated=-Inf,
out=c(-3.5, 4.0), group=c(1,1)),
labels=list(expression(bold("Number of values")),
list(expression(bold("Individual value above the")),
as.expression(substitute(bold(x), list(x=paste(" ",
Box$truncated[2L], "th percentile", sep=''))))),
as.expression(substitute(bold(x), list(x=paste(Box$truncated[2L], "th percentile", sep='')))),
expression(bold("75th percentile")),
expression(bold("50th percentile\n (median)")),
expression(bold("25th percentile")),
as.expression(substitute(bold(x), list(x=paste(Box$truncated[1L], "th percentile", sep='')))),
list(expression(bold("Individual value below the")),
as.expression(substitute(bold(x), list(x=paste(" ",
Box$truncated[1L], "th percentile", sep=''))))),
expression(bold(" Censoring level"))),
values=c(4.5, 4.0, 3, 1.5, 0, -1.5, -3., -3.5, -4.5)))
## Note copied from boxPlotStats in USGSgraphs
bxp.stats <- function(x, range=1.5) {
stats <- quantile(x, type=2, names=FALSE)
if(range > 0) {
iqr <- diff(stats[c(2L, 4L)])
loout <- x < stats[2L] - iqr*range
stats[1L] <- min(x[!loout])
hiout <- x > stats[4L] + iqr*range
stats[5L] <- max(x[!hiout])
else {
loout <- hiout <- rep(FALSE, length(x))
stats <- as.matrix(stats)
return(list(stats=stats, out=x[loout | hiout], n=length(x)))
## Create the rest of the explanation
explan <- setExplan(list(name="boxplot", what="none", type="solid",
width="standard", symbol="circle", filled=TRUE,
size=0.09, color="black"))
if(ctype == "estimated") {
# Create dummy function to return empty vector if length is 0
bpFillIn <- function(x, method) {
if(length(x)) {
return(fillIn(x, method=method))
x <- lapply(x, bpFillIn, method="log ROS")
x <- lapply(x, bpFillIn, method="ROS")
## Process the data min and max needed for renderBoxPlot
minx <- min(unlist(x), na.rm=TRUE)
maxx <- max(unlist(x), na.rm=TRUE)
## Convert to common log if yaxis.log
if(yaxis.log) {
if(minx <= 0)
stop("All data must be greater than 0 for log scale")
x <- lapply(x, log10)
## Range = 0 suppresses identification of outliers for simple and truncated
if(type == "tukey") { # Must be forced to estimated, so this will work
resbox <- lapply(x, bxp.stats)
resbox <- lapply(x, bxp.stats, range=0)
## Modify resbox to add needed info, taken from uncensored boxplot stats
for(i in names(resbox)) {
target <- resbox[[i]] # make it easy to modify
target$group <- target$conf <- NULL
target$farout <- numeric(0)
target$censored <- -Inf
target$names <- i
target$data <- x[[i]]
clevs <- attr(target$data, "censorlevels")
target$estimated <- quantile(clevs, probs=0.9,
target$estimated <- cval
if(yaxis.log && target$estimated >= 0) { # protect against already negative values
target$estimated <- log10(target$estimated)
# capture error for no censored values
if(is.na(target$estimated)) {
target$estimated <- -Inf
## Verify that estimated values less than the RL are not > RL
if(clevs[1L] > -Inf) {
target$critical <- max(target$data[seq(along=clevs)])
} else {
target$critical <- -Inf
if(type == "truncated" && target$n > Box$nobox) { # compute 10/90
probs <- Box$truncated/100
tobind <- quantile(target$data, probs=probs, type=2, na.rm=TRUE)
target$stats[1L,1L] <- tobind[1L]
target$stats[5L,1L] <- tobind[2L]
else if(type == "extended" && target$n > Box$nobox) { # compute 10/90
probs <- Box$truncated/100
tobind <- quantile(target$data, probs=probs, type=2, na.rm=TRUE)
target$stats[1L,1L] <- tobind[1L]
target$stats[5L,1L] <- tobind[2L]
target$out <- x[[i]][x[[i]] < tobind[1L] | x[[i]] > tobind[2L]]
else if(type == "tukey" && target$n > Box$nobox) { # any far outs?
farfence <- 3 * (target$stats[4L,1L] - target$stats[2L,1L])
farout <- (target$out > target$stats[4L,1L] + farfence) |
(target$out < target$stats[2L,1L] - farfence)
if(any(farout)) { # put into the correct spot
target$farout <- target$out[farout]
target$out <- target$out[!farout]
if(target$n <= Box$nobox) { # suppress box, plot points
target$out <- target$data[!is.na(target$data)]
target$stats[seq(5L), 1L] <- target$stats[3L,1L]
## Replace the original
resbox[[i]] <- target
} # End of estimated processing
else {
## Process the data min and max needed for renderBoxPlot
# set warn to -1 to suppress warning on no nonmissing values
warn <- options("warn")
minx <- min(sapply(x, function(xarg) min(xarg@.Data[, 1L], na.rm=TRUE)), na.rm=TRUE)
maxx <- max(sapply(x, function(xarg) max(xarg@.Data[, 1L], na.rm=TRUE)), na.rm=TRUE)
## Convert to common log if yaxis.log
if(yaxis.log) {
if(minx <= 0)
stop("All data must be greater than 0 for log scale")
x <- lapply(x, log10)
## Manually create resbox
resbox <- list()
for(i in names(x)) {
target <- list() # make it easy to modify
target$farout <- numeric(0)
target$estimated <- -Inf
target$censored <- cval
target$names <- i
target$data <- x[[i]]
target$n <- sum(!is.na(target$data))
if(type == "truncated" && target$n > Box$nobox) { # compute 10/90
probs <- c(Box$truncated[1L], 25, 50, 75, Box$truncated[2L])/100
tobind <- quantile(target$data, probs=probs, type=2, na.rm=TRUE,
target$stats <- as.matrix(tobind)
if(is.na(target$censored)) {
sel <- which(target$data@censor.codes)
if(length(sel) > 0)
target$censored <- quantile(target$data@.Data[sel, 1L],
probs=0.9, type=2, na.rm=TRUE)
target$censored <- -Inf
target$out <- numeric(0)
else if(type == "extended" && target$n > Box$nobox) { # compute 10/90
probs <- c(Box$truncated[1L], 25, 50, 75, Box$truncated[2L])/100
tobind <- quantile(target$data, probs=probs, type=2, na.rm=TRUE,
target$stats <- as.matrix(tobind)
if(is.na(target$censored)) {
sel <- which(target$data@censor.codes == 1)
if(length(sel) > 0)
target$censored <- quantile(target$data@.Data[sel, 1L],
probs=0.9, type=2, na.rm=TRUE)
target$censored <- -Inf
xtemp <- target$data@.Data[, 1L]
sel <- which((xtemp < tobind[1L] | zapsmall(xtemp) > zapsmall(tobind[5L])) & xtemp > target$censored)
target$out <- xtemp[sel]
else { # type must be simple
probs <- c(0, .25, .50, .75, 1.0)
tobind <- quantile(target$data, probs=probs, type=2, na.rm=TRUE,
target$stats <- as.matrix(tobind)
if(is.na(target$censored)) {
sel <- which(target$data@censor.codes)
if(length(sel) > 0)
target$censored <- quantile(target$data@.Data[sel, 1L],
probs=0.9, type=2, na.rm=TRUE)
target$censored <- -Inf
target$out <- numeric(0L)
if(target$n <= Box$nobox) { # suppress box, plot points
target$out <- target$data@.Data[!is.na(target$data), 1L]
target$stats <- matrix(median(target$out), nrow=5)
## Fill in resbox
resbox[[i]] <- target
} # End of censored processing
## End of data processing
resbox$data.range <- c(minx, maxx)
z <- explain[[type]]
z$fill <- Box$fill
return(list(boxes=resbox, explan=explan, z=z))
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