#'Kendall' tau
#'Computes Kendall's tau for left-censored data and the Akritas and others (1995)
#'Theil-Sen slope estimator.
#'@param x any data that can be converted to a left-censored data object.
#'@param y any data that can be converted to a left-censored data object.
#'@param na.rm remove missing values before performing the test?
#'@return an object of class "htest" having these components:
#'\item{statistic}{ the value of the taub statistic.}
#'\item{p.value}{ the attained p-value for the test.}
#'\item{data.name}{ a character string describing the name of the data
#'used in the test.}
#'\item{method}{ a description of the method.}
#'\item{alternative}{ a description alternate hypotheses, always "two-sided."}
#'\item{null.value}{ the value of taub for the null hypothesis.}
#'\item{estimate}{ the ATS slope, and medians of \code{x} and \code{y}.}
#'\item{coef}{ the coefficients of the monotic fit line. See \bold{Note}.}
#'\item{slope.se}{ an estimate of the standard error of the slope.}
#'@references Akritas, M.G., Murphy, S.A., and LaValley, M.P., 1995,
#'The Theil-Sen estimator with doubly-censored data and applications to
#'astronomy: Journal of the American Statistical Association, v. 90, p.
#'Helsel, D.R. 2005, Nondetects and data analysis: New York, Wiley, 266 p.
#'@note The intercept is computed as slope * -median.x + median.y. The coef
#'vector is designed to graphically represent the relation between x and y.
#'It is not intended for prediction proposes.
#'@keywords htest censored
#'# Simple no censoring
#'tmp.X <- rnorm(25)
#'tmp.Y <- tmp.X/2 + rnorm(25)
#'cor.test(tmp.X, tmp.Y, method="k", exact=FALSE, continuity=TRUE)
#'kendallATS.test(tmp.X, tmp.Y)
#'# Some censoring
#'kendallATS.test(as.lcens(tmp.X, -1), as.lcens(tmp.Y, -1))
#'@useDynLib smwrQW ktau
kendallATS.test <- function(x, y, na.rm=TRUE) {
## Coding History:
## 2005Jun30 DLLorenz original code modifed from Dennis Helsel Minitab
## 2005Jul14 DLLorenz date fix
## 2006Apr11 DLLorenz Modifed to print slope and medians
## 2006Jun05 DLLorenz Modifed bounds on slope estimates
## 2006Jun26 DLLorenz Bug fix on modified bounds
## 2006Jul21 DLLorenz Bug fix to Ktau
## 2008Nov21 DLLorenz Name change--appended .test
## 2009Jan02 DLLorenz Modified order of medians on output
## 2010Feb17 DLLorenz Modified return value
## 2013Feb21 DLLorenz Conversion to R
## Basic data checks.
data.name <- paste(deparse(substitute(x)), "and",deparse(substitute(y)))
x <- as.lcens(x)
y <- as.lcens(y)
## Remove NAs if desired.
if(na.rm) {
OKs <- !is.na(y) & !is.na(x)
y <- y[OKs,]
x <- x[OKs,]
if(any(is.na(x) | is.na(y)))
stop("Missing values not allowed unless na.rm=TRUE")
n <- length(x)
if(n < 3)
stop("y and x should effectively be longer than 2.")
## Median ovalues.
median.y <-median(y)
median.x <- median(x)
xx <- x@.Data[, 1L]
cx <- x@censor.codes
yy <- y@.Data[, 1L]
cy <- y@censor.codes
delx <- min(diff(sort(unique(xx)))) / 1000.
dely <- min(diff(sort(unique(yy)))) / 1000.
dupx <- xx - delx * cx
diffx <- outer(dupx, dupx, "-")
diffcx <- outer(cx, cx, "-")
xplus <- outer(cx, -cx, "-")
dupy <- yy - dely * cy
diffy <- outer(dupy, dupy, "-")
diffcy <- outer(cy, cy, "-")
yplus <- outer(cy, -cy, "-")
signyx <- sign(diffy * diffx)
tt <- (sum(1-abs(sign(diffx)))-n)/2 # no. of pairwise ties in x
uu <- (sum(1-abs(sign(diffy)))-n)/2 # no. of pairwise ties in y
cix <- sign(diffcx)*sign(diffx)
cix <- ifelse(cix <= 0, 0, 1)
tt <- tt + sum(cix) / 2
signyx <- signyx * (1 - cix)
ciy <- sign(diffcy)*sign(diffy)
ciy <- ifelse(ciy <= 0, 0, 1)
uu <- uu + sum(ciy) / 2
signyx <- signyx * (1 - ciy)
xplus <- ifelse(xplus <= 1, 0, 1)
yplus <- ifelse(yplus <= 1, 0, 1)
diffx <- abs(sign(diffx))
diffy <- abs(sign(diffy))
tplus <- xplus*diffx
uplus <- yplus*diffy
tt <- tt + sum(tplus) / 2
uu <- uu + sum(uplus) / 2
itot <- sum(signyx * (1- xplus) * (1 - yplus))
kenS <- itot/2 # Kendall's S for original data
tau <- (itot)/(n*(n-1)) # Kendall's tau-a for original data
J <- n * (n - 1) / 2
taub <- kenS/(sqrt(J - tt) * sqrt(J - uu))
varS <- n*(n-1)*(2*n+5)/18 # var without tie correction
## adjust varS for ties
## taken from tiesboth.mac by Ed Gilroy
## and modified for censored data by Dennis Helsel.
## extracted from ckend.mac
## variance adjusted for ties between censored observations
intg <- 1:n
dupx <- xx - delx * cx # offset censored values by a small amount
dupy <- yy - dely * cy
dorder <- order(dupx)
dxx <- dupx[dorder]
dcx <- cx[dorder]
dorder <- order(dupy)
dyy <- dupy[dorder]
dcy <- cy[dorder]
tmpx <- dxx - intg * (1 - dcx) * delx
tmpy <- dyy - intg * (1 - dcy) * dely
rxlng <- rle(rank(tmpx))$lengths
nrxlng <- table(rxlng)
rxlng <- as.integer(names(nrxlng))
x1 <- nrxlng * rxlng * (rxlng - 1) * (2 * rxlng + 5)
x2 <- nrxlng * rxlng * (rxlng - 1) * (rxlng - 2)
x3 <- nrxlng * rxlng * (rxlng - 1)
rylng <- rle(rank(tmpy))$lengths
nrylng <- table(rylng)
rylng <- as.integer(names(nrylng))
y1 <- nrylng * rylng * (rylng - 1) * (2 * rylng + 5)
y2 <- nrylng * rylng * (rylng - 1) * (rylng - 2)
y3 <- nrylng * rylng * (rylng - 1)
delc <- (sum(x1) + sum(y1)) / 18 -
sum(x2) * sum(y2) / (9 * n * (n - 1) * (n - 2)) -
sum(x3) * sum(y3) / ( 2 * n * (n - 1))
## Correction for C-C pairs double counted as UC-C pairs
## made to deluc
x4 <- nrxlng * (rxlng - 1)
y4 <- nrylng * (rylng - 1)
## Variance adjusted for ties in censored and uncensored obs.
tmpx <- intg * dcx - 1
tmpx <- ifelse(tmpx < 0, 0, tmpx)
nrxlng <- sum(tmpx)
rxlng <- 2
x1 <- nrxlng * rxlng * (rxlng - 1) * (2 * rxlng + 5)
x2 <- nrxlng * rxlng * (rxlng - 1) * (rxlng - 2)
x3 <- nrxlng * rxlng * (rxlng - 1)
tmpy <- intg * dcy - 1
tmpy <- ifelse(tmpy < 0, 0, tmpy)
nrylng <- sum(tmpy)
rylng <- 2
y1 <- nrylng * rylng * (rylng - 1) * (2 * rylng + 5)
y2 <- nrylng * rylng * (rylng - 1) * (rylng - 2)
y3 <- nrylng * rylng * (rylng - 1)
deluc <- (sum(x1) + sum(y1)) / 18 -
sum(x2) * sum(y2) / (9 * n * (n - 1) * (n - 2)) -
sum(x3) * sum(y3) / ( 2 * n * (n - 1)) - (sum(x4) + sum(y4))
## Variance adjustment for ties between uncensored obs.
dxx <- dxx - intg * dcx * delx
dyy <- dyy - intg * dcy * dely
rxlng <- rle(rank(dxx))$lengths
nrxlng <- table(rxlng)
rxlng <- as.integer(names(nrxlng))
x1 <- nrxlng * rxlng * (rxlng - 1) * (2 * rxlng + 5)
x2 <- nrxlng * rxlng * (rxlng - 1) * (rxlng - 2)
x3 <- nrxlng * rxlng * (rxlng - 1)
rylng <- rle(rank(dyy))$lengths
nrylng <- table(rylng)
rylng <- as.integer(names(nrylng))
y1 <- nrylng * rylng * (rylng - 1) * (2 * rylng + 5)
y2 <- nrylng * rylng * (rylng - 1) * (rylng - 2)
y3 <- nrylng * rylng * (rylng - 1)
delu <- (sum(x1) + sum(y1)) / 18 -
sum(x2) * sum(y2) / (9 * n * (n - 1) * (n - 2)) -
sum(x3) * sum(y3) / ( 2 * n * (n - 1))
varS <- varS - delc - deluc - delu
p.val <- 2 * (1 - pnorm((abs(kenS - sign(kenS)))/sqrt(varS)))
## Prepare for ATS slope estimate
flipx <- max(xx) - xx + 1
cx <- 1 - cx
flipy <- max(yy) - yy + 1
cy <- 1 - cy
slopes <- unlist(lapply(seq(along=xx), function(i, y, x)
((y[i] - y[1L:i]) / (x[i] - x[1L:i])),
yy * cy, xx * cx)) ## substitute zeros for censored values
bounds <- range(slopes[is.finite(slopes)])
iter <- 1000L
result <- .Fortran("ktau",
x = as.double(flipx), y = as.double(flipy),
icx = as.integer(cx), icy = as.integer(cy),
num = as.integer(n), slope = double(1L),
lbound = as.double(bounds[1L]),
ubound = as.double(bounds[2L]),
dev = double(1L), iter = iter)
sen.slope <- result$slope
if(result$iter >= iter)
warning("Slope estimation did not converge")
## A line representing the trend of the data then is given by
## y(t) = sen.slope*(t-med.time)+med.data
## This line has the slope of the trend and passes through
## the point (t=med.time, y=med.data)
## Compute the coefficients for the line
coef <- c(sen.slope*(-median.x)+median.y, sen.slope) ## intercept and slope
## Return the statistics.
names(taub) <- "taub"
zero <- 0
names(zero) <- "slope"
est <- c(sen.slope, median.x, median.y)
names(est) <- c("slope", "median.x", "median.y")
method <- "Kendall's tau with the ATS slope estimator"
z <- list(method = method, statistic = taub, p.value = p.val,
estimate = est, alternative="two.sided", null.value=zero,
coef=coef, slope.se = result$dev, data.name=data.name)
oldClass(z) <- "htest"
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