
Defines functions mm_filter_valid_days

Documented in mm_filter_valid_days

#' Remove entries in data
#' Filter out any data rows that don't pass the specified tests for completeness
#' and regularity
#' @param data data.frame of instantaneous observations, to be filtered to only
#'   those points on days that pass the specified tests in mm_is_valid_day
#' @param data_daily data.frame of daily estimates/statistics, to be filtered in
#'   accordance with the filtering of data
#' @inheritParams mm_model_by_ply
#' @return list of data and data_daily with same structure as inputs but with
#'   invalid days removed, plus a third data.frame of dates that were removed
#' @import dplyr
#' @examples
#' dat <- data_metab(res='30', num_days='10', flaws='missing middle')
#' datfilt <- mm_filter_valid_days(dat)
#' datfilt$removed
#' c(nrow(dat), nrow(datfilt$data))
#' @export
mm_filter_valid_days <- function(
  data, data_daily=NULL, # redefine from metab
  day_start=4, day_end=27.99, day_tests=c('full_day', 'even_timesteps', 'complete_data', 'pos_discharge'), required_timestep=NA, # inheritParams mm_model_by_ply
) {

  # function to filter the instantaneous data using validity, record dates that
  # are removed and the reasons for removal in a parent variable named removed
  filter_fun <- function(data_ply, ply_date, ply_validity, ...) {
    if(isTRUE(ply_validity)) { # day is valid
    } else {
      removed <<- c(removed, list(data.frame(date=ply_date, errors=paste0(ply_validity, collapse="; "), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)))

  # run the filtering function over all days, recording days that were removed
  removed <- list()
  data_filtered <- mm_model_by_ply(
    model_fun=filter_fun, data=data, data_daily=data_daily,
    day_start=day_start, day_end=day_end, day_tests=day_tests, required_timestep=required_timestep)
  # removed has now been populated by <<- calls within filter_fun
  removed <- if(length(removed) > 0) bind_rows(removed) else tibble::tibble(date=as.Date(NA), errors='')[c(),]

  # filter the daily data to match & return
  if(!is.null(data_daily)) {
    daily_unmatched <- as.Date(setdiff(
      c(unique(format(data$solar.time, "%Y-%m-%d")), as.character(removed$date))))
    daily_removed <- data.frame(
      errors=rep("date in data_daily but not data", length(daily_unmatched)),
    removed <- bind_rows(removed, daily_removed) %>%
    rownames(removed) <- NULL
    data_daily_filtered <- data_daily[data_daily$date %in% unique(data_filtered$date),]
  } else {
    data_daily_filtered <- NULL

  # return
  list(data=data_filtered, data_daily=data_daily_filtered, removed=removed)
USGS-R/streamMetabolizer documentation built on Aug. 15, 2023, 7:50 a.m.