
Defines functions publish publish.character publish.list publish.page updateThumbnails publish.section publish.resource publish.json publish.tabular publish.img publish.ico publish.googlefont publish.js publish.css publish.svg publish.footer publish.social publish.header publish.landing publish.webpack publish.template publish.thumbnail convb checkThumbCompliance as.publisher as.resource

Documented in as.publisher as.resource checkThumbCompliance convb publish publish.character publish.css publish.footer publish.googlefont publish.header publish.ico publish.img publish.js publish.json publish.landing publish.list publish.page publish.resource publish.section publish.social publish.svg publish.tabular publish.template publish.thumbnail publish.webpack updateThumbnails

#' Peform the publish step to ready the viz for hosting
#' Determine the type and dispatch to that method to produce
#' files to serve up as the final viz
#' @param viz vizlab object or identifier
#' @export
publish <- function(viz) UseMethod("publish")

#' publish a given id
#' @rdname publish
#' @export
publish.character <- function(viz) {
  viz <- as.viz(viz)
  viz <- as.publisher(viz)

#' publish a list representing a viz
#' @rdname publish
#' @export
publish.list <- function(viz) {
  viz <- as.viz(viz)
  viz <- as.publisher(viz)

#' publish a page
#' @rdname publish
#' @export
publish.page <- function(viz) {
  required <- c("template", "context")
  checkRequired(viz, required)

  template <- template(viz[['template']])

  # gather a list of dependencies and IDs, publishing each dependency on the way
  dependencies <- gatherDependencyList(c(viz[['depends']], template[['depends']]))

  # also manually put resources into context
  context <- replaceOrAppend(template[['context']], viz[['context']])
  context[['info']] <- replaceOrAppend(getBlocks("info", keep.block=F)[[1]], context[['info']])
  context[['info']] <- updateThumbnails(context[['info']], context[['thumbnails']])
  # flatten dependencies before lookups
  dependencies <- c(dependencies, recursive = TRUE)

  # replace ids in context with expanded dependencies
  context <- buildContext(context, dependencies)

  file <- export(viz)
  render(template, context, file)

#' Get thumbnail info for sematics
#' @param context list, should be just info section
#' @param thumbnails list, taken from full context
updateThumbnails <- function(context, thumbnails){
  thumb_names <- names(thumbnails)
  if("twitter" %in% thumb_names){
    twitter_thumb <- publish(thumbnails[["twitter"]])
    context[["thumbnail-twitter"]][["url"]] <- twitter_thumb[["url"]]
    context[["thumbnail-twitter"]][["alttext"]] <- twitter_thumb[["alttext"]]
  if("facebook" %in% thumb_names){
    face_thumb <- publish(thumbnails[["facebook"]])
    context[["thumbnail-facebook"]][["url"]] <- face_thumb[["url"]]
    context[["thumbnail-facebook"]][["height"]] <- face_thumb[["height"]]
    context[["thumbnail-facebook"]][["width"]] <- face_thumb[["width"]]
    context[["thumbnail-facebook"]][["type"]] <- face_thumb[["mimetype"]]
  if("main" %in% thumb_names){
    main_thumb <- publish(thumbnails[["main"]])
    context[["thumbnail"]][["url"]] <- main_thumb[["url"]]
    context[["thumbnail"]][["height"]] <- main_thumb[["height"]]
    context[["thumbnail"]][["width"]] <- main_thumb[["width"]]
    context[["thumbnail"]][["alttext"]] <- main_thumb[["alttext"]]
                         main_thumb[["size"]], "main")

  if("landing" %in% thumb_names){
    landing_thumb <- publish(thumbnails[["landing"]])

                         landing_thumb[["size"]], "landing")

#' publish a section
#' @details Sections are published individually but are returned invisibly
#' as text to be used directly.
#' @importFrom whisker whisker.render
#' @rdname publish
#' @export
publish.section <- function(viz) {
  required <- c("template")
  checkRequired(viz, required)

  template <- template(viz[['template']])

  # TODO Watch out for cyclic depends
  dependencies <- gatherDependencyList(c(viz[['depends']], template[['depends']]))

  context <- replaceOrAppend(template[['context']], viz[['context']])
  context[['info']] <- replaceOrAppend(getBlocks("info", keep.block=F)[[1]], context[['info']])

  # flatten dependencies before lookups
  dependencies <- c(dependencies, recursive = TRUE)

  context <- buildContext(context, dependencies)

  viz[['output']] <- render(template, context)
  if (!is.null(viz[['analytics']])) {
    viz <- analytics(viz)
  if (!is.null(viz[['embed']]) && isTRUE(viz[['embed']])) {
    file <- export(viz)

    embedTmpl <- template("embed")
    context[['embed']] <- viz[['output']]
    context[['resources']] <- lapply(context[['resources']], gsub, pattern = '(href="|src=")(css|js|images)',
                                     replacement = '\\1../\\2')
    render(embedTmpl, data = context, file = file)


#' Publish a resource: determine whether a file should be exported (i.e., copied
#' to target/something/), copy the file, and update the viz item with the
#' relative path
#' @details This copies static resources to the target directory, and attaches
#'   the relative path to the file if a file was copied in.
#'   The job of minification or css precompiling could also be added here, but
#'   currently this is not handled.
#'   Also, templating the resources that make sense would be useful
#' @rdname publish
#' @export
publish.resource <- function(viz) {
  # figure out resource type and hand to resource handler
  destFile <- export(viz)
  if (!is.null(destFile)) {
    dir.create(dirname(destFile), recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)
    srcFile <- viz[['location']]
    file.copy(srcFile, destFile, overwrite = TRUE)
    viz[['relpath']] <- relativePath(destFile)
  } else {
    viz[['relpath']] <- NA

#' JSON data publishing (json, geojson)
#' @rdname publish
#' @export
publish.json <- function(viz) {
  required <- c("relpath", "mimetype")
  viz <- NextMethod()
  checkRequired(viz, required)
  # data should be read using AJAX or similar, with d3/jquery calls that
  # reference the data file and may be nested in a function chain or buried
  # within a multi-file queue. Because the code can vary widely by application,
  # we may often choose to hand-code the relative path, but this function
  # returns that string in case it can be templated in sometimes.
  html <- NULL
  if (!is.na(viz[['relpath']])) {
    html <- viz[['relpath']]

#' Tabular data publishing (csv, tsv, etc.)
#' @rdname publish
#' @export
publish.tabular <- function(viz) {
  required <- c("relpath", "mimetype")
  viz <- NextMethod()
  checkRequired(viz, required)
  # data should be read using AJAX or similar, with d3/jquery calls that
  # reference the data file and may be nested in a function chain or buried
  # within a multi-file queue. Because the code can vary widely by application,
  # we may often choose to hand-code the relative path, but this function
  # returns that string in case it can be templated in sometimes.
  html <- NULL
  if (!is.na(viz[['relpath']])) {
    html <- viz[['relpath']]

#' Image publishing
#' @rdname publish
#' @export
publish.img <- function(viz) {
  required <- c("alttext", "relpath", "title")
  viz <- NextMethod()
  checkRequired(viz, required)

  html <- NULL
  if (!is.na(viz[['relpath']])) {
    alt.text <- viz[['alttext']]
    relative.path <- viz[['relpath']]
    title.text <- viz[['title']]
    img.datasrc <- ifelse(is.null(viz[['data-src']]), "",
                         paste0(" data-src=\"",
                                paste0(viz[['data-src']], collapse=" "),
    img.class <- ifelse(is.null(viz[['class']]), "",
                        paste0(" class=\"",
                          paste0(viz[['class']], collapse=" "),
    html <- sprintf('<img src="%s?_c=%s" alt="%s" title="%s"%s%s />', relative.path, uniqueness(),
                    alt.text, title.text, img.datasrc, img.class)

#' Favicon resource
#' @rdname publish
#' @export
publish.ico <- function(viz) {
  required <- c("relpath")
  viz <- NextMethod()
  checkRequired(viz, required)

  html <- NULL
  if (!is.na(viz[['relpath']])) {
    relative.path <- viz[['relpath']]
    html <- sprintf('<link rel="icon" type="image/ico" href="%s?_c=%s"/>',
                    relative.path, uniqueness())

#' Add a font to the page
#' @rdname publish
#' @importFrom utils URLencode
#' @export
publish.googlefont <- function(viz) {
  required <- c("family", "weight")
  checkRequired(viz, required)

  families <- paste(URLencode(viz[["family"]]), collapse = "|")
  weights <- paste(viz[["weight"]], collapse = ",")
  googlefont <- "//fonts.googleapis.com/css"
  html <- sprintf('<link href="%s?family=%s:%s" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">',
                  googlefont, families, weights)

#' javascript publishing
#' TODO allow for cdn js
#' @rdname publish
#' @export
publish.js <- function(viz) {
  required <- c("relpath", "mimetype")
  viz <- NextMethod()
  checkRequired(viz, required)

  output <- NULL
  if (!is.na(viz[['relpath']])) {
    output <- sprintf('<script src="%s?_c=%s" type="text/javascript"></script>',
                      viz[['relpath']], uniqueness())

#' css publishing
#' @rdname publish
#' @export
publish.css <- function(viz) {
  required <- c("relpath", "mimetype")
  viz <- NextMethod()
  checkRequired(viz, required)

  output <- NULL
  if (!is.na(viz[['relpath']])) {
    output <- sprintf('<link href="%s?_c=%s" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />',
                      viz[['relpath']], uniqueness())

#' svg publishing, may return NULL
#' from here on out will use svg-inject to get svg to dom
#' also, svg will support landscape or portrait for mobile support
#' @rdname publish
#' @export
publish.svg <- function(viz) {
  required <- c("relpath", "title", "alttext")
  viz <- NextMethod()
  checkRequired(viz, required)

  orientation = c()
  if (!is.null(viz[['orientation']]) && viz[['orientation']] == "landscape") {
    orientation <- "vizlab-landscape"
  } else if (!is.null(viz[['orientation']]) && viz[['orientation']] == "portrait"){
    orientation <- "vizlab-portrait"
  } else { # default or both
    orientation <- "vizlab-landscape vizlab-portrait"

  if (!is.null(viz[['inline']])) {
    warning("inline option is deprecated, all SVGs now use svg-inject")
  output <- NULL
  if (!is.na(viz[['relpath']])) {
    output <- sprintf('<img class="%s" src="%s" title="%s" alt="%s" />',
                      orientation, viz[['relpath']], viz[['title']], viz[['alttext']])

#' Footer publishing
#' @importFrom utils download.file
#' @rdname publish
#' @export
publish.footer <- function(viz) {
  #should also check blogs?  Or one or the other?
  checkRequired(viz, required = "vizzies")

  template <- template(viz[['template']])
  dependencies <- gatherDependencyList(c(viz[['depends']], template[['depends']]))

  context <- replaceOrAppend(template[['context']], viz[['context']])

  # flatten dependencies before lookups
  dependencies <- c(dependencies, recursive = TRUE)

  context <- buildContext(context, dependencies)

  #add info from viz.yaml to context to inject into template
  vizzies <- viz$vizzies
  for(v in 1:length(vizzies)){
    info <- getVizInfo(repo=vizzies[[v]]$repo, org=vizzies[[v]]$org, dev=FALSE)
    if (is.null(vizzies[[v]]$name)){ # don't replace it if it is already set
      vizzies[[v]]$name <- info$context$name

      vizzies[[v]]$url <- info$context$path

      vizzies[[v]]$thumbLoc <- info$context$thumbnail

  context[['blogsInFooter']] <- viz[["blogsInFooter"]]
  context[['blogs']] <- viz[["blogs"]]
  context[['vizzies']] <- vizzies
  context[['github-url']] <- viz[["github-url"]]

  viz[['output']] <- render(template, data = context)
  if (!is.null(viz[['analytics']])) {
    viz <- analytics(viz)

#' Social icons
#' @importFrom utils download.file
#' @rdname publish
#' @export
publish.social <- function(viz) {

  template <- template(viz[['template']])
  context <- replaceOrAppend(template[['context']], viz[['context']])
  if("depends" %in% names(viz)){
    if("social-links" %in% viz[["depends"]]){
      links <- readDepends(viz)[["social-links"]]
      if(any(c("facebook","facebookLink") %in% names(links))){
        names(links)[names(links) == "facebookLink"] <- "facebook"
        context[["facebookLink"]] <- links[["facebook"]]
      if(any(c("twitter","twitterLink") %in% names(links))){
        names(links)[names(links) == "twitterLink"] <- "twitter"
        context[["twitterLink"]] <- links[["twitter"]]
      if(any(c("github","githubLink") %in% names(links))){
        names(links)[names(links) == "githubLink"] <- "github"
        context[["githubLink"]] <- links[["github"]]
      if(any(c("embed","embedLink") %in% names(links))){
        names(links)[names(links) == "embedLink"] <- "embed"
        context[["embedLink"]] <- links[["embed"]]

      viz[['depends']] <- viz[['depends']][viz[['depends']] != "social-links"]
      template[["depends"]] <- template[["depends"]][names(template[["depends"]]) != "social-links"]
  dependencies <- gatherDependencyList(c(viz[['depends']], template[['depends']]))
  # flatten dependencies before lookups
  dependencies <- c(dependencies, recursive = TRUE)
  context <- buildContext(context, dependencies)
  context[["mainEmbed"]] <- "embedLink" %in% names(context)
  viz[['output']] <- render(template, data = context)
  if (!is.null(viz[['analytics']])) {
    viz <- analytics(viz)

#' Header publishing
#' @rdname publish
#' @export
publish.header <- function(viz) {

#' publish landing page
#' @rdname publish
#' @export
publish.landing <- function(viz){
  repos <- setdiff(getRepoNames(viz[['org']]), c('vizlab', 'D3Learners', 'viz-scratch')) # we know some aren't vizzies
  viz_info <- lapply(setNames(nm=repos), function(repo) {
    tryCatch(getVizInfo(repo, org=viz[['org']], viz[['dev']]),
             error=function(e) message(paste0("in getVizInfo(", repo, "): ", e$message), appendLF=TRUE)
             # warning=function(w) if(grepl("\\. is not a real", w$message)) return() else warning(w)
  # rm null
  viz_info <- viz_info[!sapply(viz_info, is.null)]
  # sort reverse chronological
  viz_info <- viz_info[order(sapply(viz_info, '[[', 'publish-date'), decreasing=TRUE)]

  pageviz <- viz
  names(pageviz$depends) <- pageviz$depends
  pageviz$depends <- as.list(pageviz$depends)
  pageviz$depends <- append(pageviz$depends, viz_info)
  pageviz$context <- list(sections = c("owiNav", "header", names(viz_info)), #names of section ids
                          resources = c("lib-vizlab-favicon", "landingCSS", "owiCSS", "jquery", "appJS"),
                          header = "usgsHeader",
                          footer = "usgsFooter", 
                          info = list(`analytics-id` = "UA-78530187-11"))
  pageviz$publisher <- "page"
  pageviz <- as.viz(pageviz)
  pageviz <- as.publisher(pageviz) #maybe/maybe not


#' publish webpack
#' @rdname publish
#' @export
publish.webpack <- function(viz) {
  checkRequired(viz, "relpath")
  # webpacked js file is already saved to `target/js/`
  # just need to get a script tag
  html <- sprintf('<script src="%s?_c=%s" type="text/javascript"></script>',
                  viz[["relpath"]], uniqueness())

#' publish template
#' @rdname publish
#' @export
publish.template <- function(viz) {
  # nothing for now

#' check dimensions and size, publish thumbnail
#' @rdname publish
#' @export
publish.thumbnail <- function(viz){
  required <- c("relpath", "title", "alttext")
  viz <- NextMethod()
  checkRequired(viz, required)
  stopifnot(tools::file_ext(viz[['location']]) == "png")
  im <- tryCatch({
    return(png::readPNG(system.file("testviz/images/landing-thumb.png", package = "vizlab")))
  width <- dim(im)[2]
  height <- dim(im)[1]
  file_size  <- tryCatch({
    return(file.info(system.file("testviz/images/landing-thumb.png", package = "vizlab")))
  for(thumbType in unique(viz[['thumbType']])){
    dims <- checkThumbCompliance(width, height, file_size$size, thumbType)

  viz[['url']] <- pastePaths(getVizURL(), viz[['relpath']])
  viz[['width']] <- width
  viz[['height']] <- height
  viz[['size']] <- file_size$size

#' Took code from here:
#' https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10910688/converting-kilobytes-megabytes-etc-to-bytes-in-r
#' @param x character representing Xbytes to convert to bytes 
convb <- function(x){
  ptn <- "(\\d*(.\\d+)*)(.*)"
  num  <- as.numeric(sub(ptn, "\\1", x))
  unit <- sub(ptn, "\\3", x)             
  unit[unit==""] <- "1" 
  unit <- gsub(" ","", unit)
  unit <- toupper(unit)
  mult <- c("1"=1, "KB"=1024, "M"=1024^2, "G"=1024^3)
  num * unname(mult[unit])

#' helper to check thumbnail compliance
#' @importFrom png readPNG
#' @importFrom tools file_ext
#' @param width numeric pixal width of image
#' @param height numeric pixal height of image
#' @param size numeric file size in bytes
#' @param thumbType char Type of thumbnail, could be "facebook", "twitter", "landing", "main"

checkThumbCompliance <- function(width, height, size, thumbType){
  stopifnot(all(thumbType %in% c("facebook","twitter","main","landing")))
  minHeight <- NA
  minWidth <- NA
  maxSize <- NA
  maxHeight <- NA
  maxWidth <- NA
  exactHeight <- NA
  exactWidth <- NA
  if(thumbType == "facebook") {
    # On 10/26/2017:
    # Use images that are at least 1200 x 630 pixels for the best 
    #display on high resolution devices. At the minimum, you should
    #use images that are 600 x 315 pixels to display link page posts
    #with larger images. Images can be up to 8MB in size.
    maxSize <- convb("8M")
    minHeight <- 630
    minWidth <- 1200
  } else if(thumbType == "twitter") {
    # On 10/26/2017:
    #A URL to a unique image representing the content of the page. 
    #You should not use a generic image such as your website logo, 
    #author photo, or other image that spans multiple pages. Images 
    #for this Card support an aspect ratio of 2:1 with minimum 
    #dimensions of 300x157 or maximum of 4096x4096 pixels. 
    #Images must be less than 5MB in size. JPG, PNG, WEBP and GIF 
    #formats are supported. Only the first frame of an animated GIF 
    #will be used. SVG is not supported.
    # https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/tweets/optimize-with-cards/overview/summary-card-with-large-image
    maxSize <- convb("5M")
    maxHeight <- 4096
    maxWidth <- 4096
    minHeight <- 157
    minWidth <- 300
  } else if (thumbType == 'landing') { #landing
    maxSize <- 1048576
    exactHeight <- 400
    exactWidth <- 400
  } # didn't specify "main"....want to leave that flexible
  if(isTRUE(size > maxSize)){
    stop(paste("Thumbnail is too big"))
  if(isTRUE(width > maxWidth || height > maxHeight)){
    stop(paste("Thumbnail is too big"))
  if(isTRUE(width < minWidth || height < minHeight)){
    stop(paste("Thumbnail is too small"))
  if(!is.na(exactWidth) & !is.na(exactHeight)){
    if(!isTRUE(width == exactWidth && height == exactHeight)){
      stop(paste("Thumbnail is too small"))
  return(c(width = width, height = height, size=size))

#' coerce to a publisher
#' @param viz object describing publisher
#' @export
as.publisher <- function(viz) {
  # default to a resource
  publisher <- ifelse(exists("publisher", viz), viz[['publisher']], "resource")
  class(viz) <- c("publisher", class(viz))
  if (publisher %in% c("resource", "thumbnail")) {
    viz <- as.resource(viz)
  } else if (publisher == "template") {
    viz <- as.template(viz)
  } else {
    class(viz) <- c(publisher, class(viz))

#' coerce to resource
#' @param viz vizlab object
#' @importFrom utils packageName
#' @export
as.resource <- function(viz) {
  required <- c("mimetype", "location")
  checkRequired(viz, required)

  mimetype <- viz[['mimetype']]
  resource <- lookupMimetype(mimetype)

  if (!file.exists(viz[['location']])) {
    internal <- system.file(viz[['location']], package = packageName())
    if (file.exists(internal)) {
      viz[['location']] <- internal
  if(length(resource) == 0){
    warning(mimetype, " is unknown and will be treated as data: ", viz[['id']])
    resource <- "data"
  if ("publisher" %in% names(viz) && viz[['publisher']] == "thumbnail") {
    class(viz) <- c("thumbnail","resource", class(viz))
  } else {
    class(viz) <- c(resource, "resource",class(viz))

USGS-VIZLAB/vizlab documentation built on July 10, 2019, 12:08 a.m.