
#' @title Theoretical GC content
#' @description This object contains the theoretical GC content for each
#' provided species, for both the genome and transcriptome, where available.
#' @details The object is defined with the S4 class `TheoreticalGC`.
#' Species for which information is available can be found using
#' the command `gcAvail(gcTheoretical)` and selecting the appropriate type.
#' Metadata is accessible using `mData(gcTheoretical)`.
#' All GC content was calculated using code from
#' https://github.com/mikelove/fastqcTheoreticalGC using BSgenome packages.
#' This provides a default set of GC content data for common organisms
#' generated using 100bp reads/fragments and 1e6 reads.
#' @seealso gcAvail
#' @examples
#' ## Check which genomes are included
#' gcAvail(gcTheoretical, "Genome")
#' ## Check which transcriptomes are included
#' gcAvail(gcTheoretical, "Transcriptome")
UofABioinformaticsHub/fastqcReports documentation built on July 23, 2024, 3:26 p.m.