Defines functions fourTaxonTest calculateDandFd populationSlice calculateStats subsetSequence compDist

Documented in fourTaxonTest

#' A Reference Class for performing and storing results of four taxon tests for introgression.
#' @name FTTester
#' @field global Logical, whether a global statistic will be calculated for the four taxon tests.
#' @field results A list of reference objects defining the result of a given four taxon test.
FTTester <- setRefClass("FTTester",
                         fields = list(numBlocks = "integer",
                                       taxaCombos = "list",
                                       results = "list"),
                         methods = list(
                           initialize =
                               "Initialization method creates object with its default values."
                               numBlocks <<- 50000L
                               results <<- list()
                           manualTaxaCombos =
                             function(taxas, dna){
                               if(length(taxas) > 0){
                                 for(i in taxas){
                                   if(length(unique(i)) != 4){stop("Each taxon combination must provide 4 unique populations: a P1, a P2, a P3 and an A.")}
                                     inputCheck1 <- all(names(i) %in% c("P1", "P2", "P3", "A"))
                                     if(!inputCheck1){stop("The only names allowed for specifying taxa combos are 'P1', 'P2', 'P3', and 'A'")}
                                   } else {
                                     warning(paste0("No names were provided for the population combination: ", paste0(i, collapse=", "), ".\n",
                                     "Assuming that P1 is ", i[1], ", that P2 is ", i[2], ", that P3 is ", i[3], " and that A is ", i[4]))
                                     names(i) <- c("P1", "P2", "P3", "A")
                                   if(!all(i %in% dna$namesOfPopulations())){stop("You have listed a population name in a taxa combo which does not exist.")}
                                   taxaCombos <<- c(taxaCombos, list(i))
                           autoTaxaCombos =
                               if(dna$numberOfPopulations() < 4){
                                 stop("Less than 4 populations have been defined - can't form a quartet for an ABBA-BABA test.")
                               allCombs <- combn(dna$namesOfPopulations(), 4, simplify = FALSE)
                               allDists <- as.matrix(stringDist(dna$FullSequence, method = "hamming")) / dna$getFullLength()
                               generatedCombs <- lapply(allCombs, function(x){
                                 out <- list(P1 = NULL, P2 = NULL, P3 = NULL, A = NULL)
                                 otus <- x
                                 seqsInOtus <- dna$Populations[otus]
                                 otuPairs <- combn(otus, 2, simplify = FALSE)
                                 distances <- compDist(otuPairs, seqsInOtus, allDists)
                                 minOTUs <- distances[which(distances$dist == min(distances$dist)), c("OTU1", "OTU2")]
                                 out$P1 <- minOTUs[1,]$OTU1
                                 out$P2 <- minOTUs[1,]$OTU2
                                 remainingOtus <- otus[which(otus != out$P1 & otus != out$P2)]
                                 seqsInOtus2 <- dna$Populations[remainingOtus]
                                 P1P2otu <- paste0("(", out$P1, ", ", out$P2, ")")
                                 remainingOtus <- c(remainingOtus, P1P2otu)
                                 seqsInOtus2[[P1P2otu]] <- unlist(seqsInOtus[c(out$P1, out$P2)])
                                 remainingOtuPairs <- combn(remainingOtus, 2, simplify = FALSE)
                                 remainingOtuPairs <- remainingOtuPairs[unlist(lapply(remainingOtuPairs, function(x) P1P2otu %in% x))]
                                 distances_2 <- compDist(remainingOtuPairs, seqsInOtus2, allDists)
                                 minOTUs_2 <- distances_2[which(distances_2$dist == min(distances_2$dist)), c("OTU1", "OTU2")]
                                 out$P3 <- minOTUs_2[1, which(minOTUs_2[1,] != P1P2otu)]
                                 out$A <- otus[which(!(otus %in% unlist(out)))]
                                 checks <- c(
                                   # Check P1 & P2 are closer than P1 and P3.
                                   "d(P1,P2) < d(P1,P3)" = distances[which(apply(distances, 1, function(x){(out$P1 %in% x) & (out$P2 %in% x)})), 3] < 
                                     distances[which(apply(distances, 1, function(x) (out$P1 %in% x) & (out$P3 %in% x))), 3],
                                   # Check P1 & P2 are closer than P1 and A.
                                   "d(P1,P2) < d(P1,PA)" = distances[which(apply(distances, 1, function(x) (out$P1 %in% x) & (out$P2 %in% x))), 3] < 
                                     distances[which(apply(distances, 1, function(x) (out$P1 %in% x) & (out$A %in% x))), 3],
                                   # Check P1 & P2 are closer than P2 and P3.
                                   "d(P1,P2) < d(P2,P3)" = distances[which(apply(distances, 1, function(x){(out$P1 %in% x) & (out$P2 %in% x)})), 3] < 
                                     distances[which(apply(distances, 1, function(x) (out$P2 %in% x) & (out$P3 %in% x))), 3],
                                   # Check P1 & P2 are closer than P2 and A.
                                   "d(P1,P2) < d(P2,A)" = distances[which(apply(distances, 1, function(x) (out$P1 %in% x) & (out$P2 %in% x))), 3] < 
                                     distances[which(apply(distances, 1, function(x) (out$P2 %in% x) & (out$A %in% x))), 3]
                                   warning(paste0(paste0("Automatically allocating P1, P2, P3 and A designations for population quartet ", paste0(otus, collapse=", "),":\n"),
                                                  paste0("Sanity check: ", names(checks)[which(!checks)], " failed.", collapse = "\n")))
                               manualTaxaCombos(generatedCombs, dna)
                           hasTaxaCombos =
                               return(length(taxaCombos) > 0)
                           setNumBlocks =
                               if(!is.integer(value) || length(value != 1)){stop("Provide only one, integer value.")}
                               numBlocks <<- value
                           setSettings =
                               settings <- list(...)
                               parameters <- names(settings)
                               for(i in 1:length(settings)){
                                 if(parameters[i] == "numBlocks"){
                                 if(parameters[i] == "taxaCombos"){
                           generateFTTs =
                               message("Initializing new FTtest data.")
                               results <<- lapply(taxaCombos, function(x) FTTrecord$new(x[["P1"]], x[["P2"]], x[["P3"]], x[["A"]], HCDir))
                           getAllNames = 
                               return(lapply(results, function(x) x$getPops()))
                           printAllNames =
                               quadNames <- lapply(getAllNames(), function(x){
                                 paste0("P1: ", x["P1"], ", P2: ", x["P2"], ", P3: ", x["P3"], ", P4: ", x["A"])
                           getFTTs =
                               "Returns a list of references to FTTrecords objects according to user selection."
                                 selections <- list(selections)
                               selections <- unique(selections)
                               if(!is.null(selections) && length(selections) > 0){
                                 ind <- numeric()
                                 if(length(results) != 0){
                                   if("ALL" %in% selections){
                                     ind <- 1:length(results)
                                   } else {
                                     if("NOT.TESTED" %in% selections){
                                       ind <- c(ind, which(unlist(lapply(results, function(x) x$noTestPerformed()))))
                                       selections <- selections[which(selections != "NOT.TESTED")]
                                     if("TESTED" %in% selections){
                                       ind <- c(ind, which(unlist(lapply(results, function(x) !x$noTestPerformed()))))
                                       selections <- selections[which(selections != "TESTED")]
                                     if("SIGNIFICANT" %in% selections){
                                       ind <- c(ind, which(unlist(lapply(results, function(x) x$globallySignificant()))))
                                       selections <- selections[which(selections != "SIGNIFICANT")]
                                     if("PART.SIGNIFICANT" %in% selections){
                                       ind <- c(ind, which(unlist(lapply(results, function(x) x$globallySignificant()))))
                                       selections <- selections[which(selections != "PART.SIGNIFICANT")]
                                     if(any(unlist(lapply(selections, length)) != 4)){stop("Selections must provide a vector of 4 sequence names.")}
                                     if(any(unlist(lapply(selections, function(x) !is.character(x))))){stop("Selections must be of class character.")}
                                     allNames <- do.call(rbind, getAllNames())
                                     ind <- c(ind, unlist(lapply(selections, function(x){
                                       which(allNames[,1] %in% x & allNames[,2] %in% x & allNames[,3] %in% x & allNames[,4] %in% x)
                                 ind <- unique(ind)
                               } else {
                                 stop("No selection of FTT was provided.")
                           runFTTests =
                             function(selections, dna, numBlocks, blocksLen){
                               fttsToTest <- getFTTs(selections)
                               for(ftt in fttsToTest){
                                 fourTaxonTest(dna, ftt, numBlocks, blocksLen)
                           getResults =
                             function(selections, neat, global){
                               fttsToCollect <- getFTTs(selections)
                               collectedTables <- lapply(fttsToCollect, function(ftt) ftt$getTable(global, neat))
                               return(do.call(rbind, collectedTables))

compDist <- function(popPairs, seqInPop, distMat){
  distances <- lapply(popPairs, function(y){
    grid <- expand.grid(seqInPop[y])
    ds <- apply(grid, 1, function(z){distMat[z[1], z[2]]})
    return(sum(ds) / nrow(grid))
  out <- data.frame(do.call(rbind, popPairs))
  colnames(out) <- c("OTU1", "OTU2")
  out$OTU1 <- as.character(out$OTU1)
  out$OTU2 <- as.character(out$OTU2)
  out$dist <- unlist(distances)

subsetSequence <- function(dna, indexes){
  subSeqs <- DNAStringSet(character(length = length(dna)))
  for(i in 1:length(dna)){
    subSeqs[[i]] <- dna[[i]][indexes]
  names(subSeqs) <- names(dna) 

calculateStats <- function(counts.all, biSites.all, slice1, slice2, slice3, slice4){
  # Allocate space for Cabba and Cbaba.
  ABBA <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = length(biSites.all))
  BABA <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = length(biSites.all))
  # Allocate space for maxABBA_D.
  maxABBA_23 <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = length(biSites.all))
  maxBABA_23 <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = length(biSites.all))
  maxABBA_13 <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = length(biSites.all))
  maxBABA_13 <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = length(biSites.all))
  for(i in seq_along(biSites.all)){
    i.bi.counts <- counts.all[, biSites.all[i]]
    alleles <- names(which(i.bi.counts > 0))
    anc <- names(which(slice4$countsBi[, i] != 0))
    if(length(anc) != 1){
      anc <- names(which(i.bi.counts == max(i.bi.counts)))[1]
    derived <- alleles[which(alleles != anc)]
    P1df <- slice1$countsBi[derived, i] / sum(slice1$countsBi[, i])
    P2df <- slice2$countsBi[derived, i] / sum(slice2$countsBi[, i])
    P3df <- slice3$countsBi[derived, i] / sum(slice3$countsBi[, i])
    P4df <- slice4$countsBi[derived, i] / sum(slice4$countsBi[, i])
    ABBA[i] <- (1 - P1df) * P2df * P3df * (1 - P4df)
    BABA[i] <- P1df * (1 - P2df) * P3df * (1 - P4df)
    if(!is.na(P3df) & !is.na(P2df) & P3df >= P2df){
      maxABBA_23[i] <- (1 - P1df) * P3df * P3df * (1 - P4df)
      maxBABA_23[i] <- P1df * (1 - P3df) * P3df * (1 - P4df)
    } else {
      maxABBA_23[i] <- (1 - P1df) * P2df * P2df * (1 - P4df)
      maxBABA_23[i] <- P1df * (1 - P2df) * P2df * (1 - P4df)
    if(!is.na(P3df) & !is.na(P1df) & P3df >= P1df){
      maxABBA_13[i] <- (1 - P3df) * P2df * P3df * (1 - P4df)
      maxBABA_13[i] <- P3df * (1 - P2df) * P3df * (1 - P4df)
    } else {
      maxABBA_13[i] <- (1 - P1df) * P2df * P1df * (1 - P4df)
      maxBABA_13[i] <- P1df * (1 - P2df) * P1df * (1 - P4df)
  numABBA <- length(which(ABBA > BABA))
  numBABA <- length(which(ABBA < BABA))
  if(numABBA < numBABA){
    binomialP <- pbinom(numABBA, (numABBA + numBABA), .5, lower.tail = TRUE)
  } else {
    binomialP <- pbinom(numBABA, (numABBA + numBABA), .5, lower.tail = TRUE)
  out <- data.frame(numABBA = numABBA, numBABA = numBABA, numBinomialP = binomialP,
                    ABBA = sum(ABBA), BABA = sum(BABA), maxABBA_23 = sum(maxABBA_23),
                    maxBABA_23 = sum(maxBABA_23), maxABBA_13 = sum(maxABBA_13),
                    maxBABA_13 = sum(maxBABA_13))

populationSlice <- function(popSeqs, biSites){
  counts <- consensusMatrix(popSeqs)
  if(any(biSites > 0)){
    alleles <- colSums(counts != 0)
  } else {
    alleles <- 0
  S <- sum(alleles > 1)
  return(list(counts = counts, countsBi = counts[, biSites], alleles = alleles, S = S))

calculateDandFd <- function(aln, pops){
  # State counts at each site.
  counts.all <- consensusMatrix(aln)
  # Calculate the number of alleles at each site in the alignment.
  num.alleles.all <- colSums(counts.all != 0)
  # Find which sites are bi-allelic.
  bi.all <- which(num.alleles.all == 2)
  # Find which ones are variable.
  var.sites.all <- which(num.alleles.all > 1)
  # Make a version of the sequence alignment which only includes variable sites.
  aln.var <- subsetSequence(aln, var.sites.all)
  # Get the number of alleles at those variable sites.
  alleles.var <- num.alleles.all[var.sites.all]
  s.all <- length(alleles.var)
  # Find which of the variable sites are bi-allelic.
  bi.var <- which(alleles.var == 2)
  # Population slices - refer to function's description.
  p1Slice <- populationSlice(aln.var[pops[[1]]], bi.var)
  p2Slice <- populationSlice(aln.var[pops[[2]]], bi.var)
  p3Slice <- populationSlice(aln.var[pops[[3]]], bi.var)
  p4Slice <- populationSlice(aln.var[pops[[4]]], bi.var)
  return(data.frame(S = s.all, P1_S = p1Slice$S, P2_S = p2Slice$S,
             P3_S = p3Slice$S, P4_S = p4Slice$S,
             calculateStats(counts.all, bi.all,
                            p1Slice, p2Slice, p3Slice, p4Slice)))

#' @title fourTaxonTest
#' @name fourTaxonTest
#' @description Computes the Four Taxon Test for a given set of P1, P2, P3, and P4.
#' Patterson's D is calculated, as is Fd from the paper Martin et al. (2014).
#' Fd is calculated for the scenario of complete introgression between P1 and P3,
#' and also for the scenario of complete introgression between P2 and P3.
#' The jack-knife implementation and computation of Z scores is based on that used in the software package
fourTaxonTest <- function(dna, fttRecord, numBlocks, lengthOfBlocks){
  # The jack-knife implementation and computation of Z score has been based on that
  # used in the software ANGSD.
  message(paste(fttRecord$P1, fttRecord$P2, fttRecord$P3, fttRecord$A, collapse = ", "))
  if(!is.numeric(numBlocks) && !is.numeric(lengthOfBlocks)){
    stop("Invalid input - no number of blocks or size of blocks provided.")
  if(is.numeric(numBlocks) && is.numeric(lengthOfBlocks)){
    stop("Provide the number of blocks to divide sequence alignment into, OR the proposed size of the blocks, not both.")
  dnaLen <- dna$getFullLength()
  if(is.numeric(lengthOfBlocks) && !is.numeric(numBlocks)){
    fttRecord$numBlocks <- as.integer(floor(dnaLen / lengthOfBlocks))
  } else {
    fttRecord$numBlocks <- numBlocks
  fttRecord$blockLength <- as.integer(floor(dnaLen / fttRecord$numBlocks))
  blockStart <- seq(from = 1, to = dnaLen, by = fttRecord$blockLength)
  blockEnd <- seq(from = fttRecord$blockLength, to = dnaLen, by = fttRecord$blockLength)
  if(length(blockStart) > length(blockEnd)){
    blockStart <- blockStart[1:length(blockStart) - abs(length(blockStart) - length(blockEnd))]
  # Calculation of ABBA and BABA from segments of the alignment:
  results <- data.frame(BlockStart = blockStart, BlockEnd = blockEnd)
  blocks <- apply(results, 1, function(x){subsetSequence(dna$FullSequence, x[1]:x[2])})
  blocksStats <- do.call(rbind, lapply(blocks, function(x){
    calculateDandFd(x, dna$Populations[c(fttRecord$P1, fttRecord$P2, fttRecord$P3, fttRecord$A)])}))
  # Calculation of stats for each jackknife segment:
  # Calculation of Observed S and S for complete introgression scenarios between P1:P3, and P2:P3.
  blocksStats$S_1234 <- blocksStats$ABBA - blocksStats$BABA
  blocksStats$S_1DD4 <- blocksStats$maxABBA_23 - blocksStats$maxBABA_23
  blocksStats$S_D2D4 <- blocksStats$maxABBA_13 - blocksStats$maxBABA_13
  # Calculation of the observed pattersons D value per segment.
  blocksStats$abbaBabaSum <- blocksStats$ABBA + blocksStats$BABA
  blocksStats$D <- blocksStats$S_1234 / blocksStats$abbaBabaSum
  # Calculation of the Fd values for the two complete introgression scenarios per segment.
  blocksStats$Fd_1DD4 <- blocksStats$S_1234 / blocksStats$S_1DD4
  blocksStats$Fd_D2D4 <- blocksStats$S_1234 / blocksStats$S_D2D4
  blocksStats$Fd_1DD4_D0 <- as.numeric(blocksStats$Fd_1DD4)
  blocksStats$Fd_1DD4_D0[c(which(is.na(blocksStats$D)), which(blocksStats$D < 0))] <- NA
  blocksStats$Fd_D2D4_D0 <- as.numeric(blocksStats$Fd_D2D4)
  blocksStats$Fd_D2D4_D0[c(which(is.na(blocksStats$D)), which(blocksStats$D > 0))] <- NA
  # Jack-knifing based on ANGSD implementation.
  # Number of blocks.
  nBlocks <- nrow(blocksStats)
  # Calculates D. 
  statCalc <- function(x){sum(x[, 1])/sum(x[, 2])}
  # Global Estimates.
  globalEstimate_D <- statCalc(blocksStats[, c("S_1234", "abbaBabaSum")])
  globalEstimate_Fd_1DD4 <- statCalc(blocksStats[, c("S_1234", "S_1DD4")])
  globalEstimate_Fd_D2D4 <- statCalc(blocksStats[, c("S_1234", "S_D2D4")])
  # Pseudoestimates:
  # Allocate space for the results.
  blocksStats$pseudoD <- blocksStats$pseudoFd_1DD4 <- blocksStats$pseudoFd_D2D4 <- rep(0, nBlocks)
  # blockFraction shows the proportion of all ABBA and BABA sites which are located in a given jack-knife block.
  # It quantifies the influence the block has over the global result.
  blocksStats$blockFraction <- blocksStats$abbaBabaSum / sum(blocksStats$abbaBabaSum)
  # Loop over and count up the pseudoestimates of D and Fd:
  for(i in 1:nBlocks){
    blocksStats$pseudoD[i] <- statCalc(blocksStats[-i, c("S_1234", "abbaBabaSum")])
    blocksStats$pseudoFd_1DD4[i] <- statCalc(blocksStats[-i, c("S_1234", "S_1DD4")])
    blocksStats$pseudoFd_D2D4[i] <- statCalc(blocksStats[-i, c("S_1234", "S_D2D4")])
  # Calculate the inverse of the block fraction - this is how much the pseudo values should be multiplied by
  # to correct for their influence given the amount of two-state sites the jack-knife block accounts for.
  blocksStats$invBlockFraction <- 1 - blocksStats$blockFraction
  # Calculate scaled pseudo values.
  blocksStats$scaledPseudoD <- blocksStats$invBlockFraction * blocksStats$pseudoD
  blocksStats$scaledPseudoFd_1DD4 <- blocksStats$invBlockFraction * blocksStats$pseudoFd_1DD4
  blocksStats$scaledPseudoFd_D2D4 <- blocksStats$invBlockFraction * blocksStats$pseudoFd_D2D4
  # Sum up the scaled Pseudo values.
  scaledPseudo_D_Sum <- sum(blocksStats$scaledPseudoD)
  scaledPseudo_Fd_1DD4_Sum <- sum(blocksStats$scaledPseudoFd_1DD4)
  scaledPseudo_Fd_D2D4_Sum <- sum(blocksStats$scaledPseudoFd_D2D4)
  # Calculate the product of the global estimates and the number of blocks.
  prodGlobN_D <- nBlocks * globalEstimate_D
  prodGlobN_Fd_1DD4 <- nBlocks * globalEstimate_Fd_1DD4
  prodGlobN_Fd_D2D4 <- nBlocks * globalEstimate_Fd_D2D4
  fracReciprocal <- 1 / blocksStats$blockFraction - 1
  # Set the observed global estimate s of D, and Fd in the results object. 
  fttRecord$Observed_D <- globalEstimate_D
  fttRecord$Observed_Fd_1DD4 <- globalEstimate_Fd_1DD4
  fttRecord$Observed_Fd_D2D4 <- globalEstimate_Fd_D2D4
  # Work out the jackknife corrected estimates of D and Fds.
  fttRecord$D_jEstimate <- prodGlobN_D - scaledPseudo_D_Sum
  fttRecord$Fd_1DD4_jEstimate <- prodGlobN_Fd_1DD4 - scaledPseudo_Fd_1DD4_Sum
  fttRecord$Fd_D2D4_jEstimate <- prodGlobN_Fd_D2D4 - scaledPseudo_Fd_D2D4_Sum
  fttRecord$D_jVariance <- 1/nBlocks * 
    sum(1 / fracReciprocal * (((1 / blocksStats$blockFraction) * globalEstimate_D) - 
                                 (fracReciprocal * blocksStats$pseudoD) - (nBlocks * globalEstimate_D) + scaledPseudo_D_Sum)^2)
  fttRecord$Fd_1DD4_jVariance <- 1/nBlocks * 
    sum(1 / fracReciprocal * (((1 / blocksStats$blockFraction) * globalEstimate_Fd_1DD4) - 
                                (fracReciprocal * blocksStats$pseudoFd_1DD4) - (nBlocks * globalEstimate_Fd_1DD4) + scaledPseudo_Fd_1DD4_Sum)^2)
  fttRecord$Fd_D2D4_jVariance <- 1/nBlocks * 
    sum(1 / fracReciprocal * (((1 / blocksStats$blockFraction) * globalEstimate_Fd_D2D4) - 
                                (fracReciprocal * blocksStats$pseudoFd_D2D4) - (nBlocks * globalEstimate_Fd_D2D4) + scaledPseudo_Fd_D2D4_Sum)^2)
  fttRecord$D_jSD <- sqrt(fttRecord$D_jVariance)
  fttRecord$Fd_1DD4_jSD <- sqrt(fttRecord$D_jVariance)
  fttRecord$Fd_D2D4_jSD <- sqrt(fttRecord$D_jVariance)
  fttRecord$D_jZ <- fttRecord$D_jEstimate / fttRecord$D_jSD
  fttRecord$Fd_1DD4_jZ <- fttRecord$Fd_1DD4_jEstimate / fttRecord$Fd_1DD4_jSD
  fttRecord$Fd_D2D4_jZ <- fttRecord$Fd_D2D4_jEstimate / fttRecord$Fd_D2D4_jSD
  fttRecord$table <- cbind(results, blocksStats)
  fttRecord$globalX2 <- -2 * sum(log(fttRecord$table$numBinomialP))
  fttRecord$X2_P <- pchisq(fttRecord$globalX2,
                              df = 2 * length(fttRecord$table$numBinomialP), 
                              lower.tail = FALSE)
  fttRecord$ABBA <- sum(blocksStats$ABBA)
  fttRecord$BABA <- sum(blocksStats$BABA)
  fttRecord$ABBAcount <- sum(blocksStats$numABBA)
  fttRecord$BABAcount <- sum(blocksStats$numBABA)
  if(fttRecord$Observed_Fd_1DD4 < 0 || is.na(fttRecord$Observed_Fd_1DD4)){fttRecord$Observed_Fd_1DD4 <- 0}
  if(fttRecord$Observed_Fd_D2D4 < 0 || is.na(fttRecord$Observed_Fd_D2D4)){fttRecord$Observed_Fd_D2D4 <- 0}
  if(fttRecord$Fd_1DD4_jEstimate < 0 || is.na(fttRecord$Fd_1DD4_jEstimate)){fttRecord$Fd_1DD4_jEstimate <- 0}
  if(fttRecord$Fd_D2D4_jEstimate < 0 || is.na(fttRecord$Fd_D2D4_jEstimate)){fttRecord$Fd_D2D4_jEstimate <- 0}

#' A Reference Class for storing and manipulating the results and data from a four taxon test.
#' @name FTTrecord
#' @field P1 Character The population which forms the P1 taxon in the four taxon test.
#' @field P2 Character The population which forms the P2 taxon in the four taxon test.
#' @field P3 Character The population which forms the P3 taxon in the four taxon test.
#' @field A Character The population which forms the ancestral/outgroup taxon in the 
#' four taxon test.
#' @field numBlocks integer The number of blocks the DNA sequence alignment was split 
#' into in order to perform the test.
#' @field blockLength integer The number of base pairs to each block the DNA sequence 
#' alignment was split into to perform the test.
#' @field ABBA numeric The global sum of ABBA sites. 
#' Given by \eqn{(1 - Pr_1) * Pr_2 * Pr_3 * (1 - Pr_4)}. 
#' Where \eqn{Pr_i} is the frequency of the derived allele in the i'th population.
#' @field ABBA numeric The global sum of BABA sites. 
#' Given by \eqn{Pr_1 * (1 - Pr_2) * Pr_3 * (1 - Pr_4)}.
#' Where \eqn{Pr_i} is the frequency of the derived allele in the i'th population.
#' @field ABBAcount integer The number of sites for which ABBA was greater than BABA.
#' @field BABAcount integer The number of sites for which BABA was greater than ABBA.
#' @field globalX2 numeric A chi squared value computed during the four taxon test. 
#' Used to assess whether ABBAcount and BABAcount are significantly different,
#' based on the binomial distribution.
#' @field X2_P numeric A p-value computer by the Fisher combined probability
#' test based on globalX2. Indicates whether ABBAcount and BABAcount differ significantly.
#' @field D_jEstimate numeric Patterson's D estimate based on jackknifeing the blocks of data.
#' @field Fd_1DD4_jEstimate numeric A jackknifed estimate of Fd for complete introgression 
#' between populations 2 and 3.
#' @field Fd_D2D4_jEstimate numeric A jackknifed estimate of Fd for complete introgression 
#' between populations 1 and 3.
#' @field D_jVariance numeric Variance of Pattersons D estimates from jackknife.
#' @field Fd_1DD4_jVariance numeric Variance of Fd estimates from jackknife.
#' Where Fd is for total introgression between Populations 2 and 3.
#' @field Fd_D2D4_jVariance numeric Variance of Fd estimates from jackknife.
#' Where Fd is for total introgression between Populations 1 and 3.
#' @field D_jSD numeric Standard deviation of Patterson's D estimates from jackknife.
#' @field Fd_1DD4_jSD numeric Standard deviation of Fd estimates from jackknife.
#' Where Fd is for total introgression between Populations 2 and 3.
#' @field Fd_D2D4_jSD numeric Standard deviation of Fd estimates from jackknife.
#' Where Fd is for total introgression between Populations 1 and 3.
#' @field D_jZ numeric The Z score of Patterson's D, computed from the jackknife data.
#' @field Fd_1DD4_jZ numeric The Z score of Fd, computed from the jackknife data.
#' Where Fd is calculated for complete introgression between populations 2 and 3.
#' @field Fd_D2D4_jZ numeric The Z score of Fd, computed from the jackknife data.
#' Where Fd is calculated for complete introgression between populations 1 and 3.
#' @field tableFile character A character string indicating the temporary file
#' used to store the dataframe accessed with the table field.
#' @field table function An accessor function used to access a table of results stored
#' in a temporary file on disk. The location of this file is indicated by the tableFile
#' field.
FTTrecord <- setRefClass("FTTrecord",
                         fields = list(
                           P1 = "character",
                           P2 = "character",
                           P3 = "character",
                           A = "character",
                           numBlocks = "integer",
                           blockLength = "integer",
                           ABBA = "numeric",
                           BABA = "numeric",
                           ABBAcount = "numeric",
                           BABAcount = "numeric",
                           globalX2 = "numeric",
                           X2_P = "numeric",
                           Observed_D = "numeric",
                           Observed_Fd_1DD4 = "numeric",
                           Observed_Fd_D2D4 = "numeric",
                           D_jEstimate = "numeric",
                           Fd_1DD4_jEstimate = "numeric",
                           Fd_D2D4_jEstimate = "numeric",
                           D_jVariance = "numeric",
                           Fd_1DD4_jVariance = "numeric",
                           Fd_D2D4_jVariance = "numeric",
                           D_jSD = "numeric",
                           Fd_1DD4_jSD = "numeric",
                           Fd_D2D4_jSD = "numeric",
                           D_jZ = "numeric",
                           Fd_1DD4_jZ = "numeric",
                           Fd_D2D4_jZ = "numeric",
                           tableFile = "character",
                           table = function(value){
                             } else {
                               write.table(value, file = tableFile)
                         methods = list(
                           initialize =
                             function(p1, p2, p3, a, HCDir){
                               "Initialize the result object."
                               P1 <<- p1
                               P2 <<- p2
                               P3 <<- p3
                               A <<- a
                               tableFile <<- tempfile(pattern = "FTTtable", tmpdir = HCDir)
                           noTestPerformed =
                               "Returns true if a test has not been performed yet."
                           globallySignificant =
                               "Returns true if the test is significant according to the binomial."
                               return((!noTestPerformed()) && (X2_P < 0.05))
                           blankTable =
                               "Method clears the table."
                               table <<- data.frame(BlockStart = NA, BlockEnd = NA,
                                                    ABBA = NA, BABA = NA, maxABBA_D = NA,
                                                    maxBABA_D = NA, D = NA, Fd = NA)
                           getPops =
                               "Gets the population names from the result."
                               return(c(P1 = P1, P2 = P2, P3 = P3, A = A))
                           getTable =
                             function(includeGlobal, neat){
                               "Gets the results table for the blocks used to analyze the data."
                               if(neat && includeGlobal){
                                 out <- cbind(P1, P2, P3, A, table, numBlocks, blockLength,
                                       ABBA, BABA, X2_P, D_jEstimate, Fd_1DD4_jEstimate,
                                       Fd_D2D4_jEstimate, D_jSD, Fd_1DD4_jSD, Fd_D2D4_jSD,
                                       D_jZ, Fd_1DD4_jZ, Fd_D2D4_jZ)
                               } else {
                                   out <- cbind(P1, P2, P3, A, table, numBlocks, blockLength,
                                                ABBA, BABA, ABBAcount, BABAcount, 
                                                globalX2, X2_P, 
                                                D_jEstimate, Fd_1DD4_jEstimate,
                                                Fd_D2D4_jEstimate, D_jVariance,
                                                Fd_1DD4_jVariance, Fd_D2D4_jVariance,
                                                D_jSD, Fd_1DD4_jSD, Fd_D2D4_jSD,
                                                D_jZ, Fd_1DD4_jZ, Fd_D2D4_jZ)
                                 } else {
                                   out <- cbind(P1, P2, P3, A, table)
Ward9250/HybridCheck documentation built on Jan. 30, 2022, 11:01 a.m.