#' Adapted code from ASCAT to load in SNP6 data for plotting
#' noRD
# ascat.loadData = function(Tumor_LogR_file, Tumor_BAF_file, Germline_LogR_file = NULL, Germline_BAF_file = NULL, chrs = c(1:22,"X","Y"), gender = NULL, sexchromosomes = c("X","Y")) {
# # read in SNP array data files
# print.noquote("Reading Tumor LogR data...")
# Tumor_LogR <- read.table(Tumor_LogR_file, header=T, row.names=1, comment.char="", sep = "\t", check.names=F)
# print.noquote("Reading Tumor BAF data...")
# Tumor_BAF <- read.table(Tumor_BAF_file, header=T, row.names=1, comment.char="", sep = "\t", check.names=F)
# #infinite values are a problem - change those
# Tumor_LogR[Tumor_LogR==-Inf]=NA
# Tumor_LogR[Tumor_LogR==Inf]=NA
# Germline_LogR = NULL
# Germline_BAF = NULL
# if(!is.null(Germline_LogR_file)) {
# print.noquote("Reading Germline LogR data...")
# Germline_LogR <- read.table(Germline_LogR_file, header=T, row.names=1, comment.char="", sep = "\t", check.names=F)
# print.noquote("Reading Germline BAF data...")
# Germline_BAF <- read.table(Germline_BAF_file, header=T, row.names=1, comment.char="", sep = "\t", check.names=F)
# #infinite values are a problem - change those
# Germline_LogR[Germline_LogR==-Inf]=NA
# Germline_LogR[Germline_LogR==Inf]=NA
# }
# # make SNPpos vector that contains genomic position for all SNPs and remove all data not on chromosome 1-22,X,Y (or whatever is given in the input value of chrs)
# print.noquote("Registering SNP locations...")
# SNPpos <- Tumor_LogR[,1:2]
# SNPpos = SNPpos[SNPpos[,1]%in%chrs,]
# # if some chromosomes have no data, just remove them
# chrs = intersect(chrs,unique(SNPpos[,1]))
# Tumor_LogR = Tumor_LogR[,c(-1,-2),drop=F]
# Tumor_BAF = Tumor_BAF[,c(-1,-2),drop=F]
# # make sure it is all converted to numerical values
# for (cc in 1:dim(Tumor_LogR)[2]) {
# Tumor_LogR[,cc]=as.numeric(as.vector(Tumor_LogR[,cc]))
# Tumor_BAF[,cc]=as.numeric(as.vector(Tumor_BAF[,cc]))
# }
# if(!is.null(Germline_LogR_file)) {
# Germline_LogR = Germline_LogR[,c(-1,-2),drop=F]
# Germline_BAF = Germline_BAF[,c(-1,-2),drop=F]
# for (cc in 1:dim(Germline_LogR)[2]) {
# Germline_LogR[,cc]=as.numeric(as.vector(Germline_LogR[,cc]))
# Germline_BAF[,cc]=as.numeric(as.vector(Germline_BAF[,cc]))
# }
# }
# # sort all data by genomic position
# last = 0;
# ch = list();
# SNPorder = vector(length=dim(SNPpos)[1])
# for (i in 1:length(chrs)) {
# chrke = SNPpos[SNPpos[,1]==chrs[i],]
# chrpos = chrke[,2]
# names(chrpos) = rownames(chrke)
# chrpos = sort(chrpos)
# ch[[i]] = (last+1):(last+length(chrpos))
# SNPorder[ch[[i]]] = names(chrpos)
# last = last+length(chrpos)
# }
# SNPpos = SNPpos[SNPorder,]
# Tumor_LogR=Tumor_LogR[SNPorder,,drop=F]
# Tumor_BAF=Tumor_BAF[SNPorder,,drop=F]
# if(!is.null(Germline_LogR_file)) {
# Germline_LogR = Germline_LogR[SNPorder,,drop=F]
# Germline_BAF = Germline_BAF[SNPorder,,drop=F]
# }
# # split the genome into distinct parts to be used for segmentation (e.g. chromosome arms, parts of genome between gaps in array design)
# print.noquote("Splitting genome in distinct chunks...")
# chr = split_genome(SNPpos)
# if (is.null(gender)) {
# gender = rep("XX",dim(Tumor_LogR)[2])
# }
# return(list(Tumor_LogR = Tumor_LogR, Tumor_BAF = Tumor_BAF,
# Tumor_LogR_segmented = NULL, Tumor_BAF_segmented = NULL,
# Germline_LogR = Germline_LogR, Germline_BAF = Germline_BAF,
# SNPpos = SNPpos, ch = ch, chr = chr, chrs = chrs,
# samples = colnames(Tumor_LogR), gender = gender,
# sexchromosomes = sexchromosomes,
# failedarrays = NULL))
# }
#' Parse the reference info file
#' @param snp6_reference_info_file A SNP6 reference info master file
#' @noRd
parseSNP6refFile = function(snp6_reference_info_file) {
return(read.table(snp6_reference_info_file, header=T, stringsAsFactors=F))
#' Transform cel files into BAF and LogR
#' This function takes a cel file from a tumour and a matched normal and
#' extracts the BAF and LogR, which is saved into a single file. The \code{gc.correct}
#' function can read that file and transforms it into separate BAF and LogR files that
#' both Battenberg and ASCAT can use.
#' @param normal_cel_file String that points to the cel file containing the matched normal data
#' @param tumour_cel_file String that points to the cel file containing the tumour data
#' @param output_file String where the BAF and LogR should be written
#' @param snp6_reference_info_file String to the SNP6 reference info file that comes with Battenberg SNP6
#' @param apt.probeset.genotype.exe Path to the apt.probeset.genotype executable (Default $PATH)
#' @param apt.probeset.summarize.exe Path to the apt.probeset.summarize executable (Default $PATH)
#' @param norm.geno.clust.exe Path to the normalize_affy_geno_cluster.pl script (Default $PATH)
#' @author sd11
#' @export
cel2baf.logr = function(normal_cel_file, tumour_cel_file, output_file, snp6_reference_info_file, apt.probeset.genotype.exe="apt-probeset-genotype", apt.probeset.summarize.exe="apt-probeset-summarize", norm.geno.clust.exe="normalize_affy_geno_cluster.pl") {
# Unpack pointers to reference files required during this step
ref.files = parseSNP6refFile(snp6_reference_info_file)
GW_SNP6 = ref.files[ref.files$variable == "GW_SNP6",]$reference_file
SNP6_BIRDSEED_MODELS = ref.files[ref.files$variable == "SNP6_BIRDSEED_MODELS",]$reference_file
SNP6_SPECIALSNPS = ref.files[ref.files$variable == "SNP6_SPECIALSNPS",]$reference_file
QUANT_NORM_TARGET = ref.files[ref.files$variable == "QUANT_NORM_TARGET",]$reference_file
LOCFILE = ref.files[ref.files$variable == "LOCFILE",]$reference_file
UNM_NORMALS = ref.files[ref.files$variable == "UNM_NORMALS",]$reference_file
# Unpack the normal cel file
cmd = paste(apt.probeset.genotype.exe, "-c", GW_SNP6, "-a birdseed", "--read-models-birdseed", SNP6_BIRDSEED_MODELS, "--special-snps", SNP6_SPECIALSNPS, "--cels", normal_cel_file)
system(cmd, wait=T)
# Unpack the tumour cel file
cmd = paste(apt.probeset.summarize.exe, "--cdf-file", GW_SNP6, "--analysis quant-norm.sketch=50000,pm-only,med-polish,expr.genotype=true", "--target-sketch", QUANT_NORM_TARGET, normal_cel_file, tumour_cel_file)
system(cmd, wait=T)
# Construct the LogR and BAF and push that to
cmd = paste(norm.geno.clust.exe, UNM_NORMALS, "quant-norm.pm-only.med-polish.expr.summary.txt", "-locfile", LOCFILE, "-out", output_file)
system(cmd, wait=T)
#' Correct the LogR estimates for GC content
#' This function performs GC correction of the LogR
#' data. Sometimes a wave pattern is observed there
#' that correlates with GC content. Internally it uses
#' the ASCAT gc correction function.
#' @param samplename Name of the sample to be used to name columns
#' @param infile.logr.baf String that points to the raw combined BAF and LogR file that is the result of \code{cel2baf.logr}
#' @param outfile.tumor.LogR The filename of the file where the tumour LogR will be written
#' @param outfile.tumor.BAF The filename of the file where the tumour BAF will be written
#' @param outfile.normal.LogR The filename of the file where the normal LogR will be written
#' @param outfile.normal.BAF The filename of the file where the normal BAF will be written
#' @param outfile.probeBAF The filename of the file where the probe ids and their BAF will be saved
#' @param snp6_reference_info_file String to the SNP6 reference info file that comes with Battenberg SNP6
#' @param chr_names A vector of chromosome names that are to be used
#' @param birdseed_report_file Name of the birdseed output file. This is a temp output file of one of the internally called functions of which the name cannot be defined. Don't change this parameter. (Default birdseed.report.txt)
#' @author sd11
#' @export
gc.correct = function(samplename, infile.logr.baf, outfile.tumor.LogR, outfile.tumor.BAF, outfile.normal.LogR, outfile.normal.BAF, outfile.probeBAF, snp6_reference_info_file, chr_names, birdseed_report_file="birdseed.report.txt") {
# Read in needed reference files
ref.files = parseSNP6refFile(snp6_reference_info_file)
SNP_POS_REF = ref.files[ref.files$variable == "SNP_POS",]$reference_file
GC_SNP6 = ref.files[ref.files$variable == "GC_SNP6",]$reference_file
lrrbaf = read.table(infile.logr.baf, header=T, sep="\t", row.names=1, stringsAsFactors=F)
SNPpos = read.table(SNP_POS_REF, header=T, sep="\t", row.names=1, stringsAsFactors=F)
Tumor_LogR = lrrbaf[rownames(SNPpos), 5, drop=F]
colnames(Tumor_LogR) = samplename
Tumor_BAF = lrrbaf[rownames(SNPpos), 6, drop=F]
colnames(Tumor_BAF) = samplename
Normal_LogR = lrrbaf[rownames(SNPpos), 3, drop=F]
colnames(Normal_LogR) = samplename
Normal_BAF = lrrbaf[rownames(SNPpos), 4, drop=F]
colnames(Normal_BAF) = samplename
#replace 2's by NA
# Tumor_LogR: correct difference between copy number only probes and other probes
CNprobes = substring(rownames(SNPpos),1,2)=="CN"
Tumor_LogR[CNprobes,1] = Tumor_LogR[CNprobes,1]-mean(Tumor_LogR[CNprobes,1],na.rm=T)
Tumor_LogR[!CNprobes,1] = Tumor_LogR[!CNprobes,1]-mean(Tumor_LogR[!CNprobes,1],na.rm=T)
Normal_LogR[CNprobes,1] = Normal_LogR[CNprobes,1]-mean(Normal_LogR[CNprobes,1],na.rm=T)
Normal_LogR[!CNprobes,1] = Normal_LogR[!CNprobes,1]-mean(Normal_LogR[!CNprobes,1],na.rm=T)
# limit the number of digits:
Tumor_LogR = round(Tumor_LogR,4)
Normal_LogR = round(Normal_LogR,4)
write.table(cbind(SNPpos,Tumor_BAF), paste(outfile.tumor.BAF, "_noGCcorr.txt", sep=""), sep="\t", row.names=T, quote=F)
write.table(cbind(SNPpos,Normal_BAF), paste(outfile.normal.BAF, "_noGCcorr.txt", sep=""), sep="\t", row.names=T, quote=F)
# read into ASCAT and make GC corrected input:
write.table(cbind(SNPpos,Tumor_LogR), paste(outfile.tumor.LogR, "_noGCcorr.txt", sep=""), sep="\t", row.names=T, quote=F)
write.table(cbind(SNPpos,Normal_LogR), paste(outfile.normal.LogR, "_noGCcorr.txt", sep=""), sep="\t", row.names=T, quote=F)
# ======================================= above previous prepareGCcorrect, below runGCcorrect ==============================================
# TODO: This must be a dapted to not hardcode the chromosome names
gender <- read.table(birdseed_report_file, sep="\t", skip=66, header=T)
sex <- as.vector(gender[,"computed_gender"])
sex[sex == "female"] <- "XX"
sex[sex == "male"] <- "XY"
sex[sex == "unknown"] <- NA
ascat.bc <- ASCAT::ascat.loadData(paste(outfile.tumor.LogR, "_noGCcorr.txt", sep=""), paste(outfile.tumor.BAF, "_noGCcorr.txt", sep=""),paste(outfile.normal.LogR, "_noGCcorr.txt", sep=""), paste(outfile.normal.BAF, "_noGCcorr.txt", sep=""), chrs=chr_names, gender=sex)
ascat.bc <- ASCAT::ascat.GCcorrect(ascat.bc, GC_SNP6)
# Make sure the right column names are added here, because these are expected by fitcopynumber
colnames(ascat.bc$SNPpos) = c("Chromosome", "Position")
# Determine SNPs with BAF between 0.3-0.7 from normal => these are supposed to be heterozygous
is.het = (ascat.bc$Germline_BAF >= 0.3 & ascat.bc$Germline_BAF <= 0.7)
dat = cbind(ascat.bc$SNPpos, round(ascat.bc$Germline_LogR, 4))
dat = dat[which(is.het),]
colnames(dat) = c("Chromosome", "Position", samplename)
write.table(dat, file=outfile.normal.LogR, row.names=F, quote=F, sep="\t")
select = !is.na(ascat.bc$Germline_BAF)
dat = cbind(ascat.bc$SNPpos, round(ascat.bc$Germline_BAF, 4))
colnames(dat) = c("Chromosome", "Position", samplename)
write.table(dat[which(select),], file=outfile.normal.BAF, row.names=F, quote=F, sep="\t")
# Save the probe ids plus their BAF for only the germline heterozygous mutations
select = !is.na(ascat.bc$Tumor_BAF)
dat = cbind(row.names(ascat.bc$SNPpos), ascat.bc$Tumor_BAF)
dat = dat[which(select & is.het),]
write.table(dat, file=outfile.probeBAF, row.names=F, quote=F, col.names=F, sep="\t")
# Save tumour BAF and LogR directly. Include homozygous SNPs here.
dat = cbind(ascat.bc$SNPpos, round(ascat.bc$Tumor_BAF, 4))
dat = dat[which(select),]
colnames(dat) = c("Chromosome", "Position", samplename)
write.table(dat, file=outfile.tumor.BAF, row.names=F, quote=F, sep="\t")
select = !is.na(ascat.bc$Tumor_LogR)
dat = cbind(ascat.bc$SNPpos, round(ascat.bc$Tumor_LogR, 4))
dat = dat[which(select),]
colnames(dat) = c("Chromosome", "Position", samplename)
write.table(dat, file=outfile.tumor.LogR, row.names=F, quote=F, sep="\t")
#' Prepares data for impute
#' The raw BAF and LogR data have been dumped into separate files. Now the data
#' needs to be prepared to go into Impute2, which is essentially morphing it into
#' the correct format. This function does that per chromosome and can therefore
#' be run in parallel for each chromosome.
#' @param infile.germlineBAF Germline BAF file generated by \code{cel2baf.logr}
#' @param infile.tumourBAF Tumour BAF file generated by \code{cel2baf.logr}
#' @param outFileStart Prefix of the filenames where the Impute2 input will be written. These will be extended with the chromosome
#' @param chrom Char with the chromosome for which an Impute2 file is produced
#' @param chr_names A vector of chromosome names that can be considered. This vector can just contain the chromosome for which the Impute2 file is produced, but can contain all chromosomes.
#' @param problemLociFile A string that points to a file with problematic loci that should be removed from the data
#' @param snp6_reference_info_file String to the SNP6 reference info file that comes with Battenberg SNP6
#' @param imputeinfofile String to the impute 1000 genomes reference info file that comes with Battenberg
#' @param is.male Boolean that is True if the donor is male, False when female
#' @param heterozygousFilter BAF cutoff for calling homozygous SNPs
#' @author dw9 jd
#' @export
generate.impute.input.snp6 = function(infile.germlineBAF, infile.tumourBAF, outFileStart, chrom, chr_names, problemLociFile, snp6_reference_info_file, imputeinfofile, is.male, heterozygousFilter="none") {
# Obtain pointer to SNP6 specific reference file
ref.files = parseSNP6refFile(snp6_reference_info_file)
ANNO_FILE = ref.files[ref.files$variable == "ANNO_FILE",]$reference_file
# Read in the 1000 genomes reference file paths for the specified chrom
impute.info = parse.imputeinfofile(imputeinfofile, is.male, chrom=chrom)
# Read in the known SNP locations from the 1000 genomes reference files
known_SNPs = read.table(impute.info$impute_legend[1], sep=" ", header=T)
for(r in 2:nrow(impute.info)){
known_SNPs = rbind(known_SNPs, read.table(impute.info$impute_legend[r], sep=" ", header=T))
chr_name = chrom
# filter out bad SNPs (streaks in BAF)
if((problemLociFile !="NA") & (!is.na(problemLociFile)))
known_SNPs = known_SNPs[is.na(badIndices),]
print(paste("badIndices lengths=",length(badIndices),",",sum(is.na(badIndices)),sep=""))
print(paste("first column=",names(knownSNP6data)[1],sep=""))
print(paste("first known datum=",knownSNP6data[1,1],sep=""))
# adjust for strand
knownSNP6data$Allele.A[knownSNP6data$Strand=="-" & knownSNP6data$Allele.A=="A"]="X"
knownSNP6data$Allele.A[knownSNP6data$Strand=="-" & knownSNP6data$Allele.A=="C"]="Y"
knownSNP6data$Allele.A[knownSNP6data$Strand=="-" & knownSNP6data$Allele.A=="G"]="Z"
knownSNP6data$Allele.A[knownSNP6data$Strand=="-" & knownSNP6data$Allele.A=="T"]="A"
knownSNP6data$Allele.A[knownSNP6data$Strand=="-" & knownSNP6data$Allele.A=="X"]="T"
knownSNP6data$Allele.A[knownSNP6data$Strand=="-" & knownSNP6data$Allele.A=="Y"]="G"
knownSNP6data$Allele.A[knownSNP6data$Strand=="-" & knownSNP6data$Allele.A=="Z"]="C"
knownSNP6data$Allele.B[knownSNP6data$Strand=="-" & knownSNP6data$Allele.B=="A"]="X"
knownSNP6data$Allele.B[knownSNP6data$Strand=="-" & knownSNP6data$Allele.B=="C"]="Y"
knownSNP6data$Allele.B[knownSNP6data$Strand=="-" & knownSNP6data$Allele.B=="G"]="Z"
knownSNP6data$Allele.B[knownSNP6data$Strand=="-" & knownSNP6data$Allele.B=="T"]="A"
knownSNP6data$Allele.B[knownSNP6data$Strand=="-" & knownSNP6data$Allele.B=="X"]="T"
knownSNP6data$Allele.B[knownSNP6data$Strand=="-" & knownSNP6data$Allele.B=="Y"]="G"
knownSNP6data$Allele.B[knownSNP6data$Strand=="-" & knownSNP6data$Allele.B=="Z"]="C"
#remove duplicates (variants on both strands)
knownSNP6data = knownSNP6data[!duplicated(knownSNP6data$Physical.Position),]
#make sure all bases are repesented as factors, in the correct order
knownSNP6data$Allele.A = factor(knownSNP6data$Allele.A,levels=c("A","C","G","T"))
knownSNP6data$Allele.B = factor(knownSNP6data$Allele.B,levels=c("A","C","G","T"))
# Read in the BAFs and see which 1000 genomes SNPs are covered
germline_snp_data = read.table(infile.germlineBAF,sep="\t",header=T, stringsAsFactors=F) #[,3,drop=F]
germline_snp_data = germline_snp_data[germline_snp_data[,1]==chr_name,]
tumour_snp_data = read.table(infile.tumourBAF,sep="\t",header=T, stringsAsFactors=F) #[,3,drop=F]
tumour_snp_data = tumour_snp_data[tumour_snp_data[,1]==chr_name,]
# snp_matches = match(rownames(germline_snp_data), rownames(tumour_snp_data))
snp_matches = match(germline_snp_data[,2], tumour_snp_data[,2])
snp_data = na.omit(cbind(nBAF = germline_snp_data[,3], tBAF = tumour_snp_data[snp_matches,3]))
print(paste("first datum=",rownames(snp_data[1,]),sep=""))
#indices = match(rownames(snp_data),knownSNP6data$Probe.Set.ID)
indices = match(germline_snp_data[,2], knownSNP6data$Physical.Position)
print("Did not find any positional matches of the provided data to the reference")
# indices = match(rownames(snp_data),knownSNP6data$dbSNP.RS.ID)
q(save="no", status=1)
print(paste("found SNPs=",sum(!is.na(indices)),sep=""))
matched.info = cbind(knownSNP6data[indices[!is.na(indices)],c("Physical.Position","Allele.A","Allele.B")],snp_data[!is.na(indices),1:2])
print(paste("first row of matched.info=",paste(matched.info[1,],sep=","),sep=""))
print(paste("first Allele.A=",matched.info$Allele.A[1],sep=""))
print(paste("first Allele.B=",matched.info$Allele.B[1],sep=""))
print(paste("class 1a =",class(known_SNPs[,2]),sep=""))
print(paste("class 2a =",class(as.numeric(known_SNPs[,2])),sep=""))
indices2 = match(matched.info[,1],known_SNPs[,2])
combined.info = na.omit(cbind(matched.info[!is.na(indices2),],known_SNPs[indices2[!is.na(indices2)],1:4]))
print(paste("first row of combined.info=",paste(combined.info[1,],sep=","),sep=""))
lev2 = levels(combined.info[,2])
lev3 = levels(combined.info[,3])
lev8 = levels(combined.info[,8])
lev9 = levels(combined.info[,9])
combined.info1 = combined.info[(combined.info[,2]==combined.info[,8] & combined.info[,3]==combined.info[,9]),]
#alleles are reversed
combined.info2 = cbind(combined.info[(combined.info[,2]==combined.info[,9] & combined.info[,3]==combined.info[,8]),1:3],1.0-combined.info[(combined.info[,2]==combined.info[,9] & combined.info[,3]==combined.info[,8]),4:5],combined.info[(combined.info[,2]==combined.info[,9] & combined.info[,3]==combined.info[,8]),6:9])
names(combined.info2) = names(combined.info1)
all.info = rbind(combined.info1,combined.info2)
print(paste("norows all.info=",nrow(all.info),sep=""))
all.info = all.info[order(as.numeric(all.info[,1])),]
is.het = (all.info[,4] >= 0.3 & all.info[,4] <= 0.7)
write.csv(all.info[is.het,-4], file=paste(outFileStart,chrom,"_withAlleleFreq.csv",sep=""), quote=F, row.names=F)
out.data = data.frame()
if (heterozygousFilter!="none") {
# Set the minimum level to use for calling homozygous SNPs
minBaf = min(heterozygousFilter, 1.0-heterozygousFilter)
maxBaf = max(heterozygousFilter, 1.0-heterozygousFilter)
is.hom.ref = (all.info[,4] <= minBaf)
is.hom.alt = (all.info[,4] >= maxBaf)
# Obtain genotypes that impute2 is able to understand
genotypes = array(0,c(nrow(all.info),3))
genotypes[is.hom.ref,1] = 1
genotypes[is.het,2] = 1
genotypes[is.hom.alt,3] = 1
is.genotyped = (is.het | is.hom.ref | is.hom.alt)
snp.names = paste("snp",1:sum(is.genotyped),sep="")
out.data = cbind(snp.names,all.info[is.genotyped,6:9], genotypes[is.genotyped,])
} else {
snp.names = paste("snp",1:sum(is.het),sep="")
out.data = cbind(snp.names,all.info[is.het,6:9], matrix(data=c(0,1,0), nrow=sum(is.het), ncol=3, byrow=T))
if (chrom=='chrX') {
sample.g.file = paste(outFileStart,"sample_g.txt",sep="")
sample_g_data = data.frame(ID_1=c(0,"INDIVI1"),ID_2=c(0,"INDIVI1"),missing=c(0,0),sex=c("D",2))
write.table(sample_g_data, file=sample.g.file, row.names=F, col.names=T, quote=F)
#' Infer the gender using the birdseed report file
#' @param birdseed_report_file The birdseed report file
#' @export
infer_gender_birdseed = function(birdseed_report_file) {
z = read.table(birdseed_report_file, header=T)
#' Prepare SNP6 data for haplotype construction
#' This function performs part of the Battenberg SNP6 pipeline: Extract BAF and logR from the CEL files
#' and performing GC content correction.
#' @param tumour_cel_file Full path to a CEL file containing the tumour raw data
#' @param normal_cel_file Full path to a CEL file containing the normal raw data
#' @param tumourname Identifier to be used for tumour output files
#' @param chrom_names A vector containing the names of chromosomes to be included
#' @param snp6_reference_info_file Full path to the SNP6 reference info file
#' @param apt.probeset.genotype.exe Full path to the apt.probeset.genotype executable (Default: expected in $PATH)
#' @param apt.probeset.summarize.exe Full path to the apt.probeset.summarize executable (Default: expected in $PATH)
#' @param norm.geno.clust.exe Full path to the norm.geno.clust.exe executable (Default: expected in $PATH)
#' @param birdseed_report_file Name of the birdseed output file. This is a temp output file of one of the internally called functions of which the name cannot be defined. Don't change this parameter. (Default: birdseed.report.txt)
#' @author sd11
#' @export
prepare_snp6 = function(tumour_cel_file, normal_cel_file, tumourname, chrom_names,
snp6_reference_info_file, apt.probeset.genotype.exe="apt-probeset-genotype",
apt.probeset.summarize.exe="apt-probeset-summarize", norm.geno.clust.exe="normalize_affy_geno_cluster.pl",
birdseed_report_file="birdseed.report.txt") {
# Extract the LogR and BAF from both tumour and normal cel files.
output_file=paste(tumourname, "_lrr_baf.txt", sep=""),
infile.logr.baf=paste(tumourname, "_lrr_baf.txt", sep=""),
outfile.tumor.LogR=paste(tumourname, "_mutantLogR.tab", sep=""),
outfile.tumor.BAF=paste(tumourname, "_mutantBAF.tab", sep=""),
outfile.normal.LogR=paste(tumourname, "_germlineLogR.tab", sep=""),
outfile.normal.BAF=paste(tumourname, "_germlineBAF.tab", sep=""),
outfile.probeBAF=paste(tumourname, "_probeBAF.txt", sep=""),
Add the following code to your website.
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