# setwd("C:/Users/Shaobo/Dropbox/Research/With Dungang/Framework/Rcode")
## import data
# Frequency table (table 3)
table(nes96$PID, nes96$vote)
# data pre-processing
nes96clean<- nes.clean()
### Bivariate analysis of VOTE and PID ###
y1<- nes96clean$vote.num
y2<- nes96clean$PID
X<- as.matrix(nes96clean[c("income.num", "age", "edu.year")])
# marginal association (Kendall's tau)
tau<- cor(y1, y2, method = "kendall")
# standard error from bootstrap
tau.sd.boot<- sd(sapply(1:2000, function(b){
index<- sample(nrow(nes96), replace=T)
cor(y1[index], y2[index], method = "kendall")
# regression models
fit.vote<- glm(y1 ~ X, family = binomial(link ="probit"))
fit.PID<- polr(as.factor(y2)~ X, method="probit")
Pcor_test1 <- Pcor_SR2(models=list(fit.vote, fit.PID),
asso_type = c("PartialAsso"),
cor_method = c("kendall"), rep_num=10)
# partial association (Kendall's tau)
pcor.result<- Pcor_SR(y1, y2, X, model1 = fit.vote, model2 = fit.PID, link1="probit", link2="probit", n.avg=30, method="kendall")
pcor_tau<- pcor.result$phi
# standard error from bootstrap (this takes 10-20 minutes)
pcor_tau.sd.boot<- Pcor_SR_boot(y1, y2, X, B=2000, link1="probit", link2="probit", n.avg=30, method="kendall")
# visualization (Figure 7)
r_vote<- pcor.result$sr1[,1]
r_PID<- pcor.result$sr2[,1]
ind.clin= which(nes96$vote=="Clinton")
plot(r_PID[ind.clin], r_vote[ind.clin], xlab=expression(r[PID]),
ylab=expression(r[VOTE]), col="darkblue", ylim = c(-4,4),
xlim=c(-4, 4), pch=1, cex.lab=1.2)
points(r_PID[-ind.clin], r_vote[-ind.clin], col="red", pch=4)
abline(v=0, h=0, lty=c(2, 2))
abline(v=-1, lty=3)
abline(v=1, lty=3)
legend("topleft", legend = c("Clinton", "Dole"),
col=c("darkblue", "red"), pch = c(1, 4))
smoothingSpline.Q = smooth.spline(r_PID, r_vote, spar=1.3)
lines(smoothingSpline.Q, col=1, lwd=2, lty=2)
# histogram of projection (Figure 8)
proj.var1= cbind(r_PID, r_vote)%*%c(1, sqrt(3))/2
hist(proj.var1, breaks = 30, probability = T, xlab="", main = "")
lines(density(proj.var1), lwd=2, col=2, lty=2)
# Q-Q plot (Figure 9)
qqplot(rnorm(length(r_PID)), r_PID, xlim=c(-3.5,3.5), ylim=c(-3.5,3.5),
xlab = "Theoretical Quantiles",
ylab = expression(paste("Sample Quantiles (", r[PID], ")")))
abline(0, 1, lty=2, col=2)
qqplot(rnorm(length(r_vote)), r_vote, xlim=c(-3.5,3.5), ylim=c(-3.5,3.5),
xlab = "Theoretical Quantiles",
ylab = expression(paste("Sample Quantiles (", r[VOTE], ")")))
abline(0, 1, lty=2, col=2)
### multivariate analysis (5 variables) ###
y3<- nes96clean$selfLR
y4<- nes96clean$ClinLR
y5<- nes96clean$DoleLR
# marginal correlation
dta <- dplyr::select(nes96clean, vote.num, PID, selfLR, ClinLR, DoleLR,
income.num, age, edu.year) %>%
dplyr::mutate(vote.num=as.factor(vote.num), PID=as.factor(PID),
selfLR=as.factor(selfLR), ClinLR=as.factor(ClinLR), DoleLR=as.factor(DoleLR))
Mcor_tau<- cor(
dplyr::select(nes96clean, vote.num,
PID, selfLR, ClinLR, DoleLR),
method = "kendall")
# regression model
fit.selfLR<- polr(selfLR ~ income.num + age + edu.year,
data = dta, method="probit")
fit.ClinLR<- polr(ClinLR ~ income.num + age + edu.year,
data = dta, method="probit")
fit.DoleLR<- polr(ClinLR ~ income.num + age + edu.year,
data = dta, method="probit")
# surrogate residual
Pcor_5v <- Pcor_SR2(
models=list(fit.vote, fit.PID, fit.selfLR, fit.ClinLR, fit.DoleLR),
asso_type = c("PartialAsso"),
cor_method = c("kendall"), rep_num=30)
# Pcor_5v$Mboot_phi
colnames(Pcor_5v$SRs) <- c("VOTE", "PID", "selfLR", "ClinLR", "DoleLR")
ggpairs.resid(resid_Mat = as.data.frame(Pcor_5v$SRs), colour="blue")
pcor.result <- Pcor_SR(
y4, y5, X,
model1 = fit.ClinLR, model2 = fit.DoleLR,
link1="probit", link2="probit", n.avg=30, method="kendall")
pcor_tau<- pcor.result$phi
# Old method to draw plot matrix ------------------------------------------
M<- 30
r_vote<- SR(y1, X, model=fit.vote, ndraw = M)
r_PID<- SR(y2, X, model=fit.PID, ndraw = M)
r_selfLR<- SR(y3, X, model=fit.selfLR, ndraw = M)
r_ClinLR<- SR(y4, X, model=fit.ClinLR, ndraw = M)
r_DoleLR<- SR(y5, X, model=fit.DoleLR, ndraw = M)
# association matrix
phi_tau5<- matrix(apply(sapply(1:M, function(j) cor(cbind(r_vote[,j], r_PID[,j], r_selfLR[,j], r_ClinLR[,j], r_DoleLR[,j]), method = "kendall")), 1, mean), 5, 5)
# bootstrap standard error (parallel computing)
B<- 2000; n<- nrow(nes96clean)
bootind<- sample(n, n*B, replace = T)
bootdat<- lapply(1:B, function(xx) nes96clean[bootind[((xx-1)*n):(xx*n)],])
ncore<- detectCores()-2
cl <- makeCluster(ncore)
Pcor.est<- foreach(i=1:B, .combine = "rbind", .export = c("polr"))%dopar%{
y1.b<- bootdat[[i]]$vote.num
y2.b<- bootdat[[i]]$PID
y3.b<- bootdat[[i]]$selfLR
y4.b<- bootdat[[i]]$ClinLR
y5.b<- bootdat[[i]]$DoleLR
x.b<- bootdat[[i]][c("income.num", "age", "edu.year")]
fit1<- glm(y1.b~ as.matrix(x.b), family = binomial(link ="probit"))
fit2<- polr(as.factor(y2.b)~ as.matrix(x.b), method="probit")
fit3<- polr(as.factor(y3.b)~ as.matrix(x.b), method="probit")
fit4<- polr(as.factor(y4.b)~ as.matrix(x.b), method="probit")
fit5<- polr(as.factor(y5.b)~ as.matrix(x.b), method="probit")
r1<- SR(y1.b, x.b, model=fit1, ndraw = M)
r2<- SR(y2.b, x.b, model=fit2, ndraw = M)
r3<- SR(y3.b, x.b, model=fit3, ndraw = M)
r4<- SR(y4.b, x.b, model=fit4, ndraw = M)
r5<- SR(y5.b, x.b, model=fit5, ndraw = M)
phi_all<- sapply(1:M, function(j) cor(cbind(r1[,j], r2[,j], r3[,j], r4[,j], r5[,j]), method = "kendall"))
apply(phi_all, 1, mean)
phi_sd<- matrix(apply(Pcor.est, 2, sd),5,5)
# pairwise scatter plot figure
pairs(data.frame(VOTE=r_vote[,1], PID=r_PID[,1], selfLR=r_selfLR[,1], ClinLR=r_ClinLR[,1], DoleLR=r_DoleLR[,1]),
panel=panel.smooth, span=0.8, lower.panel = NULL, pch='.')
## general association measure and 3-D plot for VOTE and PID
resi<- cbind(r_vote, r_PID)
empC= C.n(pobs(resi), resi)
empFG1= pobs(resi)[,1]*pobs(resi)[,2]
WolfCop= wolfCOP(para = data.frame(r_vote, r_PID), as.sample = TRUE)
## 3-D copula plot
v1=v2= seq(0, 1, length.out = 100)
aa= matrix(0, length(v1), length(v1))
for(i in 1:length(v1)){
for(j in 1:length(v1)){
aa[i,j]= C.n(t(as.matrix(c(v1[i], v2[j]))), resi)-v1[i]*v2[j]
plot_ly(x = v1, y = v2, z = 12*aa) %>% add_surface() %>%
layout(scene= list(xaxis= list(title= "u"), yaxis= list(title= "v"), zaxis= list(title= "12(C(u,v)-uv)")))
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