## Methods for EnsDb classes
setMethod("show", "EnsDb", function(object) {
if (is.null(object@ensdb)) {
cat("Dash it! Got an empty thing!\n")
} else {
info <- dbGetQuery(object@ensdb, "select * from metadata")
cat("EnsDb for Ensembl:\n")
if (inherits(object@ensdb, "SQLiteConnection"))
cat(paste0("|Backend: SQLite\n"))
if (inherits(object@ensdb, "MySQLConnection"))
cat(paste0("|Backend: MySQL\n"))
for (i in 1:nrow(info)) {
cat(paste0("|", info[ i, "name" ], ": ",
info[ i, "value" ], "\n"))
## gene and transcript info.
cat(paste0("| No. of genes: ",
"select count(distinct gene_id) from gene")[1, 1],
cat(paste0("| No. of transcripts: ",
"select count(distinct tx_id) from tx")[1, 1],
if (hasProteinData(object))
cat("|Protein data available.\n")
flts <- .activeFilter(object)
if (is(flts, "AnnotationFilter") | is(flts, "AnnotationFilterList")) {
cat("|Active filter(s):\n")
## organism
setMethod("organism", "EnsDb", function(object){
Species <- .getMetaDataValue(object@ensdb, "Organism")
## reformat the e.g. homo_sapiens string into Homo sapiens
Species <- gsub(Species, pattern="_", replacement=" ", fixed=TRUE)
Species <- .organismName(Species)
## metadata
setMethod("metadata", "EnsDb", function(x, ...){
Res <- dbGetQuery(dbconn(x), "select * from metadata")
## Validation
validateEnsDb <- function(object){
## check if the database contains all required tables...
msg <- validMsg(NULL, NULL)
OK <- dbHasRequiredTables(object@ensdb)
if (is.character(OK))
msg <- validMsg(msg, OK)
OK <- dbHasValidTables(object@ensdb)
if (is.character(OK))
msg <- validMsg(msg, OK)
if (hasProteinData(object)) {
OK <- dbHasRequiredTables(
tables = .ensdb_protein_tables(dbSchemaVersion(dbconn(object))))
if (is.character(OK))
msg <- validMsg(msg, OK)
OK <- dbHasValidTables(
tables = .ensdb_protein_tables(dbSchemaVersion(dbconn(object))))
if (is.character(OK))
msg <- validMsg(msg, OK)
cdsTx <- dbGetQuery(dbconn(object),
"select tx_id, tx_cds_seq_start from tx");
if (is.character(cdsTx$tx_cds_seq_start)) {
cdsTx[, "tx_cds_seq_start"] <- as.numeric(cdsTx$tx_cds_seq_start)
cdsTx <- cdsTx[!is.na(cdsTx$tx_cds_seq_start), "tx_id"]
protTx <- dbGetQuery(dbconn(object),
"select distinct tx_id from protein")$tx_id
if (!all(cdsTx %in% protTx))
msg <- validMsg(msg, paste0("Not all transcripts with a CDS ",
"are assigned to a protein ID!"))
if (!all(protTx %in% cdsTx))
msg <- validMsg(msg, paste0("Not all proteins are assigned to ",
"a transcript with a CDS!"))
if (is.null(msg)) TRUE
else msg
setValidity("EnsDb", validateEnsDb)
setMethod("initialize", "EnsDb", function(.Object,...){
OK <- validateEnsDb(.Object)
callNextMethod(.Object, ...)
## dbconn
setMethod("dbconn", "EnsDb", function(x){
## ensemblVersion
## returns the ensembl version of the package.
setMethod("ensemblVersion", "EnsDb", function(x){
eVersion <- getMetadataValue(x, "ensembl_version")
## getMetadataValue
## returns the metadata value for the specified name/key
setMethod("getMetadataValue", "EnsDb", function(x, name){
stop("Argument name has to be specified!")
return(metadata(x)[metadata(x)$name==name, "value"])
## seqinfo
setMethod("seqinfo", "EnsDb", function(x){
Chrs <- dbGetQuery(dbconn(x), "select * from chromosome")
Chr.build <- .getMetaDataValue(dbconn(x), "genome_build")
Chrs$seq_name <- formatSeqnamesFromQuery(x, Chrs$seq_name)
SI <- Seqinfo(seqnames=Chrs$seq_name,
isCircular=Chrs$is_circular==1, genome=Chr.build)
## seqlevels
setMethod("seqlevels", "EnsDb", function(x){
Chrs <- dbGetQuery(dbconn(x), "select distinct seq_name from chromosome")
Chrs <- formatSeqnamesFromQuery(x, Chrs$seq_name)
## getGenomeFaFile
## queries the dna.toplevel.fa file from AnnotationHub matching the current
## Ensembl version
## Update: if we can't find a FaFile matching the Ensembl version we suggest ones
## that might match.
setMethod("getGenomeFaFile", "EnsDb", function(x, pattern="dna.toplevel.fa"){
ah <- AnnotationHub()
## Reduce the AnnotationHub to species, provider and genome version.
ah <- .reduceAH(ah, organism=organism(x), dataprovider="Ensembl",
if(length(ah) == 0)
stop("Can not find any ressources in AnnotationHub for organism: ",
organism(x), ", data provider: Ensembl and genome version: ",
unique(genome(x)), "!")
## Reduce to all Fasta files with toplevel or primary_assembly.
ah <- ah[ah$rdataclass == "FaFile", ]
if(length(ah) == 0)
stop("No FaFiles available in AnnotationHub for organism: ",
organism(x), ", data provider: Ensembl and genome version: ",
unique(genome(x)), "! You might also try to use the",
" 'getGenomeTwoBitFile' method instead.")
## Reduce to dna.toplevel or dna.primary_assembly.
idx <- c(grep(ah$title, pattern="dna.toplevel"),
grep(ah$title, pattern="dna.primary_assembly"))
if(length(idx) == 0)
stop("No genome assembly fasta file available for organism: ",
organism(x), ", data provider: Ensembl and genome version: ",
unique(genome(x)), "!")
ah <- ah[idx, ]
## Get the Ensembl version from the source url.
ensVers <- .ensVersionFromSourceUrl(ah$sourceurl)
if(any(ensVers == ensemblVersion(x))){
## Got it.
itIs <- which(ensVers == ensemblVersion(x))
## Get the "closest" one.
diffs <- abs(ensVers - as.numeric(ensemblVersion(x)))
itIs <- which(diffs == min(diffs))[1]
message("Returning the Fasta file for Ensembl version ", ensVers[itIs],
" since no file for Ensembl version ", ensemblVersion(x),
" is available.")
## Getting the ressource.
Dna <- ah[[names(ah)[itIs]]]
## generate an index if none is available
Dna <- FaFile(path(Dna))
## Just restricting the Annotation Hub to entries matching the species and the
## genome; not yet the Ensembl version.
.reduceAH <- function(ah, organism=NULL, dataprovider="Ensembl",
ah <- ah[ah$dataprovider == dataprovider, ]
ah <- ah[ah$species == organism, ]
ah <- ah[ah$genome == genome, ]
.ensVersionFromSourceUrl <- function(url){
url <- strsplit(url, split="/", fixed=TRUE)
ensVers <- unlist(lapply(url, function(z){
idx <- grep(z, pattern="^release")
if(length(idx) == 0)
return(as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(z[idx], split="-"))[2]))
## getGenomeTwoBitFile
## Search and retrieve a genomic DNA resource through a TwoBitFile
## from AnnotationHub.
setMethod("getGenomeTwoBitFile", "EnsDb", function(x){
ah <- AnnotationHub()
## Reduce the AnnotationHub to species, provider and genome version.
ah <- .reduceAH(ah, organism=organism(x), dataprovider="Ensembl",
if(length(ah) == 0)
stop("Can not find any ressources in AnnotationHub for organism: ",
organism(x), ", data provider: Ensembl and genome version: ",
unique(genome(x)), "!")
## Reduce to all Fasta files with toplevel or primary_assembly.
ah <- ah[ah$rdataclass == "TwoBitFile", ]
if(length(ah) == 0)
stop("No TwoBitFile available in AnnotationHub for organism: ",
organism(x), ", data provider: Ensembl and genome version: ",
unique(genome(x)), "!")
## Reduce to dna.toplevel or dna.primary_assembly.
idx <- c(grep(ah$title, pattern="dna.toplevel"),
grep(ah$title, pattern="dna.primary_assembly"))
if(length(idx) == 0)
stop("No genome assembly fasta file available for organism: ",
organism(x), ", data provider: Ensembl and genome version: ",
unique(genome(x)), "!")
ah <- ah[idx, ]
## Get the Ensembl version from the source url.
ensVers <- .ensVersionFromSourceUrl(ah$sourceurl)
if(any(ensVers == ensemblVersion(x))){
## Got it.
itIs <- which(ensVers == ensemblVersion(x))
## Get the "closest" one.
diffs <- abs(ensVers - as.numeric(ensemblVersion(x)))
itIs <- which(diffs == min(diffs))[1]
message("Returning the TwoBit file for Ensembl version ", ensVers[itIs],
" since no file for Ensembl version ", ensemblVersion(x),
" is available.")
## Getting the ressource.
Dna <- ah[[names(ah)[itIs]]]
## listTables
setMethod("listTables", "EnsDb", function(x, ...){
tables <- dbListTables(dbconn(x))
## read the columns for these tables.
Tables <- vector(length=length(tables), "list")
for(i in 1:length(Tables)){
Tables[[ i ]] <- colnames(dbGetQuery(dbconn(x),
paste0("select * from ",
tables[ i ],
" limit 1")))
names(Tables) <- tables
x@tables <- Tables
Tab <- x@tables
Tab <- Tab[tablesByDegree(x, tab=names(Tab))]
## Manually add tx_name as a "virtual" column; getWhat will insert the tx_id into that.
Tab$tx <- unique(c(Tab$tx, "tx_name"))
## Manually add the symbol as a "virtual" column.
Tab$gene <- unique(c(Tab$gene, "symbol"))
## listColumns
setMethod("listColumns", "EnsDb", function(x,
skip.keys=TRUE, ...){
tables <- dbListTables(dbconn(x))
## read the columns for these tables.
Tables <- vector(length=length(tables), "list")
for(i in 1:length(Tables)){
Tables[[ i ]] <- colnames(dbGetQuery(dbconn(x),
paste0("select * from ",
tables[ i ],
" limit 1")))
names(Tables) <- tables
x@tables <- Tables
Tab <- x@tables
## Manually add tx_name as a "virtual" column; getWhat will insert
## the tx_id into that.
Tab$tx <- unique(c(Tab$tx, "tx_name"))
## Manually add the symbol as a "virtual" column.
Tab$gene <- unique(c(Tab$gene, "symbol"))
columns <- unlist(Tab[names(Tab) %in% table], use.names = FALSE)
columns <- unlist(Tab, use.names=FALSE)
## remove everything that has a _pk or _fk...
idx <- grep(columns, pattern="_fk$")
if(length(idx) > 0)
columns <- columns[ -idx ]
idx <- grep(columns, pattern="_pk$")
if(length(idx) > 0)
columns <- columns[ -idx ]
## listGenebiotypes
setMethod("listGenebiotypes", "EnsDb", function(x, ...){
return(dbGetQuery(dbconn(x), "select distinct gene_biotype from gene")[,1])
## listTxbiotypes
setMethod("listTxbiotypes", "EnsDb", function(x, ...){
return(dbGetQuery(dbconn(x), "select distinct tx_biotype from tx")[,1])
## cleanColumns
## checks columns and removes all that are not present in database tables
## the method checks internally whether the columns are in the full form,
## i.e. gene.gene_id (<table name>.<column name>)
setMethod("cleanColumns", "EnsDb", function(x, columns, ...){
stop("No columns submitted!")
## vote of the majority
full.name <- length(grep(columns, pattern=".", fixed=TRUE)) >
floor(length(columns) / 2)
if (full.name) {
full.columns <- unlist(prefixColumns(x,
clean = FALSE),
bm <- columns %in% full.columns
removed <- columns[ !bm ]
} else {
dbtabs <- names(listTables(x))
dbtabs <- dbtabs[dbtabs != "metadata"]
bm <- columns %in% unlist(listTables(x)[dbtabs])
removed <- columns[!bm]
if(length(removed) > 0){
if (length(removed) == 1)
warning("Column ", paste(sQuote(removed), collapse=", "),
" is not present in the database and has been removed")
warning("Columns ", paste(sQuote(removed), collapse=", "),
" are not present in the database and have been removed")
## tablesForColumns
## returns the tables for the specified columns.
setMethod("tablesForColumns", "EnsDb", function(x, columns, ...){
stop("No columns submitted!")
bm <- unlist(lapply(listTables(x), function(z){
return(any(z %in% columns))
Tables <- names(bm)[ bm ]
Tables <- Tables[ !(Tables %in% c("metadata")) ]
## tablesByDegree
## returns the table names ordered by degree, i.e. edges to other tables
setMethod("tablesByDegree", "EnsDb", function(x,
Table.order <- c(gene = 1, tx = 2, tx2exon = 3, exon = 4, chromosome = 5,
protein = 6, uniprot = 7, protein_domain = 8,
entrezgene = 9,
metadata = 99)
Tab <- tab[ order(Table.order[ tab ]) ]
## hasProteinData
## Simply check if the database has required tables protein, uniprot
## and protein_domain.
#' @title Determine whether protein data is available in the database
#' @aliases hasProteinData
#' @description Determines whether the \code{\linkS4class{EnsDb}}
#' provides protein annotation data.
#' @param x The \code{\linkS4class{EnsDb}} object.
#' @return A logical of length one, \code{TRUE} if protein annotations are
#' available and \code{FALSE} otherwise.
#' @author Johannes Rainer
#' @seealso \code{\link{listTables}}
#' @examples
#' library(EnsDb.Hsapiens.v75)
#' ## Does this database/package have protein annotations?
#' hasProteinData(EnsDb.Hsapiens.v75)
setMethod("hasProteinData", "EnsDb", function(x) {
tabs <- listTables(x)
return(all(c("protein", "uniprot", "protein_domain") %in%
## genes
## get genes from the database.
setMethod("genes", "EnsDb", function(x,
columns = c(listColumns(x, "gene"),
filter = AnnotationFilterList(),
order.by = "",
order.type = "asc",
return.type = "GRanges"){
return.type <- match.arg(return.type, c("data.frame", "GRanges", "DataFrame"))
columns <- cleanColumns(x, unique(c(columns, "gene_id")))
## if return.type is GRanges we require columns: seq_name, gene_seq_start
## and gene_seq_end and seq_strand
columns <- unique(c(columns, c("gene_seq_start", "gene_seq_end",
"seq_name", "seq_strand")))
filter <- .processFilterParam(filter, x)
filter <- setFeatureInGRangesFilter(filter, "gene")
## Eventually add columns for the filters:
columns <- addFilterColumns(columns, filter, x)
retColumns <- columns
## If we don't have an order.by define one.
if(all(order.by == "")){
order.by <- NULL
if (any(columns == "seq_name"))
order.by <- c(order.by, "seq_name")
if( any(columns == "gene_seq_start"))
order.by <- c(order.by, "gene_seq_start")
order.by <- ""
Res <- getWhat(x, columns=columns, filter=filter,
order.by=order.by, order.type=order.type,
startWith = "gene", join = "suggested")
## issue #48: collapse entrezid column if dbschema 2.0 is used.
if (as.numeric(dbSchemaVersion(x)) > 1 & any(columns == "entrezid"))
Res <- .collapseEntrezidInTable(Res, by = "gene_id")
if (return.type=="data.frame" | return.type=="DataFrame") {
notThere <- !(retColumns %in% colnames(Res))
warning("Columns ",
paste0("'", retColumns[notThere], "'", collapse=", "),
" not found in the database!")
retColumns <- retColumns[!notThere]
Res <- Res[, retColumns, drop = FALSE]
Res <- DataFrame(Res)
if (return.type=="GRanges") {
metacols <- columns[ !(columns %in% c("seq_name",
"gene_seq_end")) ]
SI <- seqinfo(x)
SI <- SI[as.character(unique(Res$seq_name))]
GR <- GRanges(seqnames=Rle(Res$seq_name),
ranges=IRanges(start=Res$gene_seq_start, end=Res$gene_seq_end),
Res[ , metacols, drop=FALSE ]
names(GR) <- Res$gene_id
## transcripts:
## get transcripts from the database.
setMethod("transcripts", "EnsDb", function(x, columns = listColumns(x, "tx"),
filter = AnnotationFilterList(),
order.by = "", order.type = "asc",
return.type = "GRanges"){
return.type <- match.arg(return.type, c("data.frame", "GRanges", "DataFrame"))
columns <- cleanColumns(x, unique(c(columns, "tx_id")))
## if return.type is GRanges we require columns: seq_name, gene_seq_start
## and gene_seq_end and seq_strand
columns <- unique(c(columns, c("tx_seq_start",
filter <- .processFilterParam(filter, x)
filter <- setFeatureInGRangesFilter(filter, "tx")
## Eventually add columns for the filters:
columns <- addFilterColumns(columns, filter, x)
retColumns <- columns
## If we don't have an order.by define one.
if(all(order.by == "")){
order.by <- NULL
if(any(columns == "seq_name"))
order.by <- c(order.by, "seq_name")
if(any(columns == "tx_seq_start"))
order.by <- c(order.by, "tx_seq_start")
order.by <- ""
Res <- getWhat(x, columns=columns, filter = filter,
order.by=order.by, order.type=order.type,
startWith = "tx", join = "suggested")
## issue #48: collapse entrezid column if dbschema 2.0 is used.
if (as.numeric(dbSchemaVersion(x)) > 1 & any(columns == "entrezid"))
Res <- .collapseEntrezidInTable(Res, by = "tx_id")
if(return.type=="data.frame" | return.type=="DataFrame"){
notThere <- !(retColumns %in% colnames(Res))
warning("Columns ", paste0("'", retColumns[notThere], "'",
collapse=", "),
" not found in the database!")
retColumns <- retColumns[!notThere]
Res <- Res[, retColumns, drop = FALSE]
Res <- DataFrame(Res)
notThere <- !(columns %in% colnames(Res))
warning(paste0("Columns ", paste(columns[notThere], collapse=", "),
" not present in the result data.frame!"))
columns <- columns[!notThere]
metacols <- columns[ !(columns %in% c("seq_name",
"tx_seq_end")) ]
SI <- seqinfo(x)
SI <- SI[as.character(unique(Res$seq_name))]
GR <- GRanges(seqnames=Rle(Res$seq_name),
ranges=IRanges(start=Res$tx_seq_start, end=Res$tx_seq_end),
Res[ , metacols, drop=FALSE ]
names(GR) <- Res$tx_id
## promoters:
setMethod("promoters", "EnsDb",
function(x, upstream=2000, downstream=200, ...)
gr <- transcripts(x, ...)
## exons
## get exons from the database.
setMethod("exons", "EnsDb", function(x, columns = listColumns(x, "exon"),
filter = AnnotationFilterList(),
order.by = "", order.type = "asc",
return.type = "GRanges"){
return.type <- match.arg(return.type, c("data.frame", "GRanges", "DataFrame"))
if(!any(columns %in% c(listColumns(x, "exon"), "exon_idx"))){
## have to have at least one column from the gene table...
columns <- c(columns, "exon_id")
columns <- cleanColumns(x, unique(c(columns, "exon_id")))
## if return.type is GRanges we require columns: seq_name, gene_seq_start
## and gene_seq_end and seq_strand
columns <- unique(c(columns, c("exon_seq_start",
filter <- .processFilterParam(filter, x)
filter <- setFeatureInGRangesFilter(filter, "exon")
## Eventually add columns for the filters:
columns <- addFilterColumns(columns, filter, x)
retColumns <- columns
## If we don't have an order.by define one.
if (order.by == "") {
order.by <- NULL
if (any(columns == "seq_name"))
order.by <- c(order.by, "seq_name")
if (any(columns == "exon_seq_start"))
order.by <- c(order.by, "exon_seq_start")
order.by <- ""
Res <- getWhat(x, columns=columns, filter=filter,
order.by=order.by, order.type=order.type,
startWith = "exon", join = "suggested")
## issue #48: collapse entrezid column if dbschema 2.0 is used.
if (as.numeric(dbSchemaVersion(x)) > 1 & any(columns == "entrezid"))
Res <- .collapseEntrezidInTable(Res, by = "exon_id")
if(return.type=="data.frame" | return.type=="DataFrame"){
notThere <- !(retColumns %in% colnames(Res))
warning("Columns ", paste0("'", retColumns[notThere], "'",
collapse=", "),
" not found in the database!")
retColumns <- retColumns[!notThere]
Res <- Res[, retColumns, drop = FALSE]
Res <- DataFrame(Res)
notThere <- !(columns %in% colnames(Res))
warning(paste0("Columns ", paste(columns[notThere], collapse=", "),
" not present in the result data.frame!"))
columns <- columns[!notThere]
metacols <- columns[ !(columns %in% c("seq_name",
"exon_seq_end")) ]
SI <- seqinfo(x)
SI <- SI[as.character(unique(Res$seq_name))]
GR <- GRanges(seqnames=Rle(Res$seq_name),
ranges=IRanges(start=Res$exon_seq_start, end=Res$exon_seq_end),
Res[ , metacols, drop=FALSE ]
names(GR) <- Res$exon_id
## exonsBy
## should return a GRangesList
setMethod("exonsBy", "EnsDb", function(x, by = c("tx", "gene"),
columns = listColumns(x, "exon"),
filter = AnnotationFilterList(),
use.names = FALSE) {
by <- match.arg(by, c("tx", "gene"))
bySuff <- "_id"
if (use.names) {
if (by == "tx") {
use.names <- FALSE
warning("Argument use.names ignored as no transcript names are available.")
} else {
columns <- unique(c(columns, "gene_name"))
bySuff <- "_name"
filter <- .processFilterParam(filter, x)
## We're applying eventual GRangesFilter to either gene or tx.
filter <- setFeatureInGRangesFilter(filter, by)
## Eventually add columns for the filters:
columns <- cleanColumns(x, unique(c(columns, "exon_id")))
columns <- addFilterColumns(columns, filter, x)
## Quick fix; rename any exon_rank to exon_idx.
columns[columns == "exon_rank"] <- "exon_idx"
## The minimum columns we need, in addition to "columns"
min.columns <- c(paste0(by, "_id"), "seq_name","exon_seq_start",
"exon_seq_end", "exon_id", "seq_strand")
by.id.full <- unlist(prefixColumns(x, columns = paste0(by, "_id"),
clean = FALSE),
use.names = FALSE)
if (by == "gene") {
## tx columns have to be removed, since the same exon can be part of
## more than one tx
txcolumns <- c(listColumns(x, "tx"), "exon_idx")
txcolumns <- txcolumns[txcolumns != "gene_id"]
torem <- columns %in% txcolumns
if (any(torem))
warning("Columns ",
paste(columns[ torem ], collapse = ","),
" have been removed as they are not allowed if exons",
" are fetched by gene.")
columns <- columns[!torem]
} else {
min.columns <- unique(c(min.columns, "exon_idx"))
columns <- c(columns, "exon_idx")
## define the minimal columns that we need...
ret_cols <- unique(columns) ## before adding the "min.columns"
columns <- unique(c(columns, min.columns))
## get the seqinfo:
SI <- seqinfo(x)
## Resolve ordering problems.
orderR <- orderResultsInR(x)
if (orderR) {
order.by <- ""
} else {
if (by == "gene") {
order.by <- paste0("gene.gene_id, ",
"case when seq_strand = 1 then exon_seq_start",
" when seq_strand = -1 then (exon_seq_end * -1)",
" end")
} else {
## Funny thing is the query takes longer if I use tx2exon.tx_id!
order.by <- "tx.tx_id, tx2exon.exon_idx"
Res <- getWhat(x, columns = columns, filter = filter,
order.by = order.by, skip.order.check = TRUE,
startWith = by, join = "suggested")
## issue #48: collapse entrezid column if dbschema 2.0 is used.
if (as.numeric(dbSchemaVersion(x)) > 1 & any(columns == "entrezid"))
Res <- .collapseEntrezidInTable(Res, by = "exon_id")
## Now, order in R, if not already done in SQL.
if (orderR) {
if (by == "gene") {
startend <- (Res$seq_strand == 1) * Res$exon_seq_start +
(Res$seq_strand == -1) * (Res$exon_seq_end * -1)
Res <- Res[order(Res$gene_id, startend,
method = "radix"), ]
} else {
Res <- Res[order(Res$tx_id, Res$exon_idx,
method = "radix"), ]
SI <- SI[as.character(unique(Res$seq_name))]
## replace exon_idx with exon_rank
colnames(Res)[colnames(Res) == "exon_idx"] <- "exon_rank"
columns[columns == "exon_idx"] <- "exon_rank"
ret_cols[ret_cols == "exon_idx"] <- "exon_rank"
notThere <- !(ret_cols %in% colnames(Res))
if (any(notThere))
warning("Columns ", paste0("'", ret_cols[notThere], "'",
collapse = ", "),
" not found in the database!")
ret_cols <- ret_cols[!notThere]
columns.metadata <- ret_cols[!(ret_cols %in% c("seq_name", "seq_strand",
columns.metadata <- match(columns.metadata, colnames(Res))
GR <- GRanges(seqnames = Rle(Res$seq_name),
strand = Rle(Res$seq_strand),
ranges = IRanges(start = Res$exon_seq_start,
end = Res$exon_seq_end),
seqinfo = SI,
Res[, columns.metadata, drop=FALSE]
return(split(GR, Res[, paste0(by, bySuff)]))
## transcriptsBy
setMethod("transcriptsBy", "EnsDb", function(x, by = c("gene", "exon"),
columns = listColumns(x, "tx"),
filter = AnnotationFilterList()) {
if (any(by == "cds"))
stop("fetching transcripts by cds is not (yet) implemented.")
by <- match.arg(by, c("gene", "exon"))
byId <- paste0(by, "_id")
min.columns <- c(paste0(by, "_id"), "seq_name", "tx_seq_start",
"tx_seq_end", "tx_id", "seq_strand")
## can not have exon columns!
ex_cols <- c(listColumns(x, "exon"), "exon_idx")
ex_cols <- ex_cols[ex_cols != "tx_id"]
torem <- columns %in% ex_cols
if (any(torem))
warning("Columns ",
paste(columns[ torem ], collapse=","),
" have been removed as they are not allowed if",
" transcripts are fetched.")
columns <- columns[!torem]
## Process filters
filter <- .processFilterParam(filter, x)
## GRanges filter should be based on either gene or exon coors.
filter <- setFeatureInGRangesFilter(filter, by)
## Eventually add columns for the filters:
columns <- addFilterColumns(columns, filter, x)
ret_cols <- unique(columns)
## define the minimal columns that we need...
columns <- cleanColumns(x, unique(c(columns, min.columns)))
## get the seqinfo:
SI <- seqinfo(x)
byIdFull <- unlist(prefixColumns(x, columns = byId, clean = FALSE),
use.names = FALSE)
orderR <- orderResultsInR(x)
if (orderR) {
order.by <- ""
} else {
order.by <- paste0(byIdFull ,
", case when seq_strand = 1 then tx_seq_start",
" when seq_strand = -1 then (tx_seq_end * -1) end")
Res <- getWhat(x, columns=columns, filter=filter,
order.by=order.by, skip.order.check=TRUE,
startWith = by, join = "suggested")
## issue #48: collapse entrezid column if dbschema 2.0 is used.
if (as.numeric(dbSchemaVersion(x)) > 1 & any(columns == "entrezid"))
Res <- .collapseEntrezidInTable(Res, by = "tx_id")
if (orderR) {
startEnd <- (Res$seq_strand == 1) * Res$tx_seq_start +
(Res$seq_strand == -1) * (Res$tx_seq_end * -1)
Res <- Res[order(Res[, byId], startEnd, method = "radix"), ]
SI <- SI[as.character(unique(Res$seq_name))]
## Replace exon_idx with exon_rank
colnames(Res) <- gsub(colnames(Res), pattern = "exon_idx",
replacement = "exon_rank", fixed = TRUE)
ret_cols[ret_cols == "exon_idx"] <- "exon_rank"
notThere <- !(ret_cols %in% colnames(Res))
warning("Columns ", paste0("'", ret_cols[notThere], "'", collapse=", "),
" not found in the database!")
ret_cols <- ret_cols[!notThere]
columns.metadata <- ret_cols[!(ret_cols %in% c("seq_name", "seq_strand",
columns.metadata <- match(columns.metadata, colnames(Res))
GR <- GRanges(seqnames=Rle(Res$seq_name),
ranges=IRanges(start=Res$tx_seq_start, end=Res$tx_seq_end),
Res[ , columns.metadata, drop=FALSE ]
return(split(GR, Res[ , byId]))
## lengthOf
## for GRangesList...
setMethod("lengthOf", "GRangesList", function(x, ...){
## return(unlist(lapply(width(reduce(x)), sum)))
## return the length of genes or transcripts
setMethod("lengthOf", "EnsDb", function(x, of="gene",
of <- match.arg(of, c("gene", "tx"))
## get the exons by gene or transcript from the database...
GRL <- exonsBy(x, by=of, filter=filter)
## transcriptLengths
## For TxDb: calls just the function (not method!) from the GenomicFeatures
## package.
## For EnsDb: calls the .transcriptLengths function.
## setMethod("transcriptLengths", "TxDb", function(x, with.cds_len=FALSE, with.utr5_len=FALSE,
## with.utr3_len=FALSE){
## return(GenomicFeatures::transcriptLengths(x, with.cds_len=with.cds_len,
## with.utr5_len=with.utr5_len,
## with.utr3_len=with.utr3_len))
## })
## setMethod("transcriptLengths", "EnsDb", function(x, with.cds_len=FALSE, with.utr5_len=FALSE,
## with.utr3_len=FALSE, filter=list()){
## return(.transcriptLengths(x, with.cds_len=with.cds_len, with.utr5_len=with.utr3_len,
## with.utr3_len=with.utr3_len, filter=filter))
## })
## implement the method from the GenomicFeatures package
.transcriptLengths <- function(x, with.cds_len=FALSE, with.utr5_len=FALSE,
filter = AnnotationFilterList()){
## First we're going to fetch the exonsBy.
## Or use getWhat???
## Dash, have to make two queries!
filter <- .processFilterParam(filter, x)
allTxs <- transcripts(x, filter=filter)
exns <- exonsBy(x, filter=filter)
## Match ordering
exns <- exns[match(allTxs$tx_id, names(exns))]
## Calculate length of transcripts.
txLengths <- sum(width(reduce(exns)))
## Calculate no. of exons.
## build result data frame:
Res <- data.frame(tx_id=allTxs$tx_id, gene_id=allTxs$gene_id,
nexon=lengths(exns), tx_len=txLengths,
if(!any(c(with.cds_len, with.utr5_len, with.utr3_len))){
## Return what we've got thus far.
Res <- cbind(Res, cds_len=rep(NA, nrow(Res)))
Res <- cbind(Res, utr5_len=rep(NA, nrow(Res)))
Res <- cbind(Res, utr3_len=rep(NA, nrow(Res)))
## Otherwise do the remaining stuff...
txs <- allTxs[!is.na(allTxs$tx_cds_seq_start)]
if(length(txs) > 0){
cExns <- exns[txs$tx_id]
cReg <- GRanges(seqnames=seqnames(txs),
cReg <- split(cReg, f=cReg$tx_id)
## Match order.
cReg <- cReg[match(txs$tx_id, names(cReg))]
cdsExns <- intersect(cReg, cExns)
## cExns: all exons of coding transcripts (includes untranslated
## and translated region)
## cReg: just the start-end position of the coding region of the tx.
## cdsExns: the coding part of all exons of the tx.
## Calculate CDS length
cdsLengths <- sum(width(reduce(cdsExns)))
Res[names(cdsLengths), "cds_len"] <- cdsLengths
if(with.utr3_len | with.utr5_len){
## ! UTR is the difference between the exons and the cds-exons
## Note: order of parameters is important!
utrReg <- setdiff(cExns, cdsExns)
leftOfCds <- utrReg[end(utrReg) < start(cReg)]
rightOfCds <- utrReg[start(utrReg) > end(cReg)]
## Calculate lengths.
leftOfLengths <- sum(width(reduce(leftOfCds)))
rightOfLengths <- sum(width(reduce(rightOfCds)))
minusTx <- which(as.character(strand(txs)) == "-" )
## Ordering of txs and all other stuff matches.
tmp <- rightOfLengths
tmp[minusTx] <- leftOfLengths[minusTx]
Res[names(tmp), "utr3_len"] <- tmp
tmp <- leftOfLengths
tmp[minusTx] <- rightOfLengths[minusTx]
Res[names(tmp), "utr5_len"] <- tmp
## cdsBy
## Return coding region ranges by tx or by gene.
setMethod("cdsBy", "EnsDb", function(x, by = c("tx", "gene"),
columns = NULL,
filter = AnnotationFilterList(),
use.names = FALSE){
by <- match.arg(by, c("tx", "gene"))
filter <- .processFilterParam(filter, x)
filter <- setFeatureInGRangesFilter(filter, by)
columns <- cleanColumns(x, columns)
## Eventually add columns for the filters:
columns <- addFilterColumns(columns, filter, x)
## Add a filter ensuring that only coding transcripts are queried.
filter <- AnnotationFilterList(OnlyCodingTxFilter() ,filter)
bySuff <- "_id"
if (by == "tx") {
## adding exon_id, exon_idx to the columns.
columns <- unique(c(columns, "exon_id", "exon_idx"))
if (use.names)
warning("Not considering use.names as no transcript names are",
" available.")
} else {
columns <- unique(c("gene_id", columns))
if( use.names) {
bySuff <- "_name"
columns <- c(columns, "gene_name")
byId <- paste0(by, bySuff)
## Query the data
fetchCols <- unique(c(byId, columns, "tx_cds_seq_start", "tx_cds_seq_end",
"seq_name", "seq_strand", "exon_idx", "exon_id",
"exon_seq_start", "exon_seq_end"))
## Ordering of the results:
## Force ordering in R by default here to fix issue #11
##orderR <- orderResultsInR(x)
orderR <- TRUE
if (orderR) {
order.by <- ""
} else {
if (by == "tx") {
## Here we want to sort the exons by exon_idx
order.by <- "tx.tx_id, tx2exon.exon_idx"
} else {
## Here we want to sort the transcripts by tx start.
order.by <- paste0("gene.gene_id, case when seq_strand = 1 then",
" tx_cds_seq_start when seq_strand = -1 then",
"(tx_cds_seq_end * -1) end")
Res <- getWhat(x, columns = fetchCols,
filter = filter,
order.by = order.by,
skip.order.check = TRUE,
startWith = by, join = "suggested")
## issue #48: collapse entrezid column if dbschema 2.0 is used.
if (as.numeric(dbSchemaVersion(x)) > 1 & any(columns == "entrezid"))
Res <- .collapseEntrezidInTable(Res, by = "exon_id")
## Remove rows with NA in tx_cds_seq_start; that's the case for "old"
## databases.
nas <- is.na(Res$tx_cds_seq_start)
if (any(nas))
Res <- Res[!nas, ]
## Remove exons that are not within the cds.
Res <- Res[Res$exon_seq_end >= Res$tx_cds_seq_start &
Res$exon_seq_start <= Res$tx_cds_seq_end,
, drop = FALSE]
if (orderR) {
## And finally ordering them.
if (by == "tx") {
Res <- Res[order(Res$tx_id, Res$exon_idx, method = "radix"), ]
} else {
startend <- (Res$seq_strand == 1) * Res$tx_cds_seq_start +
(Res$seq_strand == -1) * (Res$tx_cds_seq_end * -1)
Res <- Res[order(Res$gene_id, startend, method = "radix"), ]
warning("No cds found!")
cdsStarts <- pmax.int(Res$exon_seq_start, Res$tx_cds_seq_start)
cdsEnds <- pmin.int(Res$exon_seq_end, Res$tx_cds_seq_end)
## get the seqinfo:
SI <- seqinfo(x)
SI <- SI[as.character(unique(Res$seq_name))]
## Rename columns exon_idx to exon_rank, if present
if(any(colnames(Res) == "exon_idx")){
colnames(Res)[colnames(Res) == "exon_idx"] <- "exon_rank"
columns[columns == "exon_idx"] <- "exon_rank"
## Building the result.
if(length(columns) > 0){
notThere <- !(columns %in% colnames(Res))
warning(paste0("Columns ", paste(columns[notThere], collapse=", "),
" not present in the result data.frame!"))
columns <- columns[!notThere]
GR <- GRanges(seqnames=Rle(Res$seq_name),
ranges=IRanges(start=cdsStarts, end=cdsEnds),
Res[, columns, drop=FALSE])
GR <- GRanges(seqnames=Rle(Res$seq_name),
ranges=IRanges(start=cdsStarts, end=cdsEnds),
GR <- split(GR, Res[, paste0(by, bySuff)])
## For "by gene" we reduce the redundant ranges;
## that way we loose however all additional columns!
if(by == "gene")
GR <- reduce(GR)
## getUTRsByTranscript
getUTRsByTranscript <- function(x, what, columns = NULL,
filter = AnnotationFilterList()) {
filter <- .processFilterParam(filter, x)
columns <- cleanColumns(x, columns)
filter <- setFeatureInGRangesFilter(filter, "tx")
## Eventually add columns for the filters:
columns <- addFilterColumns(columns, filter, x)
columns <- unique(c(columns, "exon_id", "exon_idx"))
## Add the filter for coding tx only.
filter <- AnnotationFilterList(OnlyCodingTxFilter(), filter)
## what do we need: tx_cds_seq_start, tx_cds_seq_end and exon_idx
fetchCols <- unique(c("tx_id", columns, "tx_cds_seq_start",
"tx_cds_seq_end", "seq_name", "seq_strand",
"exon_seq_start", "exon_seq_end"))
order.by <- "tx.tx_id"
## get the seqinfo:
SI <- seqinfo(x)
## Note: doing that with a single query and some coordinate juggling
## is faster than calling exonsBy and GRangesList setdiff etc.
Res <- getWhat(x, columns=fetchCols,
startWith = "tx", join = "suggested")
## issue #48: collapse entrezid column if dbschema 2.0 is used.
if (as.numeric(dbSchemaVersion(x)) > 1 & any(columns == "entrezid"))
Res <- .collapseEntrezidInTable(Res, by = "exon_id")
nas <- is.na(Res$tx_cds_seq_start)
if (any(nas))
Res <- Res[!nas, ]
## Remove exons that are within the cds.
Res <- Res[Res$exon_seq_start < Res$tx_cds_seq_start |
Res$exon_seq_end > Res$tx_cds_seq_end, , drop=FALSE]
if (nrow(Res) == 0) {
warning(paste0("No ", what, "UTR found!"))
## Rename columns exon_idx to exon_rank, if present
if (any(colnames(Res) == "exon_idx")) {
colnames(Res) <- sub(colnames(Res), pattern = "exon_idx",
replacement = "exon_rank", fixed = TRUE)
columns[columns == "exon_idx"] <- "exon_rank"
if (what == "five") {
## All those on the forward strand for which the exon start is smaller
## than the cds start and those on the reverse strand with an exon end
## larger than the cds end.
Res <- Res[(Res$seq_strand > 0 & Res$exon_seq_start < Res$tx_cds_seq_start)
| (Res$seq_strand < 0 & Res$exon_seq_end > Res$tx_cds_seq_end),
, drop=FALSE]
} else {
## Other way round.
Res <- Res[(Res$seq_strand > 0 & Res$exon_seq_end > Res$tx_cds_seq_end) |
(Res$seq_strand < 0 & Res$exon_seq_start < Res$tx_cds_seq_start),
, drop=FALSE]
if (nrow(Res) == 0) {
warning(paste0("No ", what, "UTR found!"))
## Increase the cds end by 1 and decrease the start by 1, thus,
## avoiding that the UTR overlaps the cds
Res$tx_cds_seq_end <- Res$tx_cds_seq_end + 1L
Res$tx_cds_seq_start <- Res$tx_cds_seq_start - 1L
utrStarts <- rep(0, nrow(Res))
utrEnds <- utrStarts
## Distinguish between stuff which is left of and right of the CDS:
## Left of the CDS: can be either 5' for + strand or 3' for - strand.
bm <- which(Res$exon_seq_start <= Res$tx_cds_seq_start)
if (length(bm) > 0) {
if (what == "five") {
## 5' and left of CDS means we're having 5' CDSs
bm <- bm[Res$seq_strand[bm] > 0]
if(length(bm) > 0){
utrStarts[bm] <- Res$exon_seq_start[bm]
utrEnds[bm] <- pmin.int(Res$exon_seq_end[bm],
} else {
bm <- bm[Res$seq_strand[bm] < 0]
if (length(bm) > 0) {
utrStarts[bm] <- Res$exon_seq_start[bm]
utrEnds[bm] <- pmin.int(Res$exon_seq_end[bm],
## Right of the CDS: can be either 5' for - strand of 3' for + strand.
bm <- which(Res$exon_seq_end >= Res$tx_cds_seq_end)
if (length(bm) > 0) {
if (what == "five") {
## Right of CDS is 5' for - strand.
bm <- bm[Res$seq_strand[bm] < 0]
if (length(bm) > 0) {
utrStarts[bm] <- pmax.int(Res$exon_seq_start[bm],
utrEnds[bm] <- Res$exon_seq_end[bm]
} else {
## Right of CDS is 3' for + strand
bm <- bm[Res$seq_strand[bm] > 0]
if (length(bm) > 0) {
utrStarts[bm] <- pmax.int(Res$exon_seq_start[bm],
utrEnds[bm] <- Res$exon_seq_end[bm]
notThere <- !(columns %in% colnames(Res))
if (any(notThere))
warning(paste0("Columns ", paste(columns[notThere], collapse=", "),
" not present in the result data.frame!"))
columns <- columns[!notThere]
SI <- SI[as.character(unique(Res$seq_name))]
GR <- GRanges(seqnames = Rle(Res$seq_name),
strand = Rle(Res$seq_strand),
ranges = IRanges(start=utrStarts, end=utrEnds),
seqinfo = SI,
Res[, columns, drop = FALSE])
GR <- split(GR, Res[, "tx_id"])
## threeUTRsByTranscript
setMethod("threeUTRsByTranscript", "EnsDb",
function(x, columns = NULL, filter = AnnotationFilterList()) {
filter <- .processFilterParam(filter, x)
getUTRsByTranscript(x = x, what = "three", columns = columns,
filter = filter)
## fiveUTRsByTranscript
setMethod("fiveUTRsByTranscript", "EnsDb",
function(x, columns = NULL, filter = AnnotationFilterList()) {
filter <- .processFilterParam(filter, x)
getUTRsByTranscript(x = x, what = "five", columns = columns,
filter = filter)
## toSAF... function to transform a GRangesList into a data.frame
## corresponding to the SAF format.
## assuming the names of the GRangesList to be the GeneID and the
## element (GRanges) the start/end coordinates
## of an exon, transcript or the gene itself.
.toSaf <- function(x){
DF <- as.data.frame(x)
colnames(DF)[ colnames(DF)=="group_name" ] <- "GeneID"
colnames(DF)[ colnames(DF)=="seqnames" ] <- "Chr"
colnames(DF)[ colnames(DF)=="start" ] <- "Start"
colnames(DF)[ colnames(DF)=="end" ] <- "End"
colnames(DF)[ colnames(DF)=="strand" ] <- "Strand"
return(DF[ , c("GeneID", "Chr", "Start", "End", "Strand")])
## for GRangesList...
setMethod("toSAF", "GRangesList", function(x, ...){
## buildQuery
setMethod("buildQuery", "EnsDb",
function(x, columns=c("gene_id", "gene_biotype", "gene_name"),
filter = AnnotationFilterList(), order.by="",
## getWhat
## Method that wraps the internal .getWhat function to retrieve data from the
## database. In addition, if present, we're renaming chromosome names depending
## on the ucscChromosomeNames option.
## Additional parameters:
## o startWith: the name of the database table from which the join should start
## or NULL for the default behaviour (i.e. genes-> tx etc).
## o join: the type of join that should be used; one of "join",
## "left outer join" or "suggested".
setMethod("getWhat", "EnsDb",
function(x, columns = c("gene_id", "gene_biotype", "gene_name"),
filter = AnnotationFilterList(), order.by = "",
order.type = "asc", group.by = NULL,
skip.order.check = FALSE, startWith = NULL,
join = "suggested") {
Res <- .getWhat(x = x,
columns = columns,
filter = filter,
order.by = order.by,
order.type = order.type,
group.by = group.by,
skip.order.check = skip.order.check,
startWith = startWith,
join = join)
## Eventually renaming seqnames according to the specified style.
if(any(colnames(Res) == "seq_name"))
Res$seq_name <- formatSeqnamesFromQuery(x, Res$seq_name)
## disjointExons
## that's similar to the code from the GenomicFeatures package.
setMethod("disjointExons", "EnsDb",
function(x, aggregateGenes = FALSE, includeTranscripts = TRUE,
filter = AnnotationFilterList(), ...){
filter <- .processFilterParam(filter, x)
exonsByGene <- exonsBy(x, by = "gene", filter = filter)
exonicParts <- disjoin(unlist(exonsByGene, use.names = FALSE))
if (aggregateGenes) {
foGG <- findOverlaps(exonsByGene, exonsByGene)
aggregateNames <- GenomicFeatures:::.listNames(names(exonsByGene),
foEG <- findOverlaps(exonicParts, exonsByGene, select="first")
gene_id <- aggregateNames[foEG]
pasteNames <- GenomicFeatures:::.pasteNames(names(exonsByGene),
orderByGeneName <- order(pasteNames)
exonic_rle <- runLength(Rle(pasteNames[orderByGeneName]))
} else {
## drop exonic parts that overlap > 1 gene
foEG <- findOverlaps(exonicParts, exonsByGene)
idxList <- as.list(foEG)
if (any(keep <- countQueryHits(foEG) == 1)) {
idxList <- idxList[keep]
exonicParts <- exonicParts[keep]
gene_id <- GenomicFeatures:::.listNames(names(exonsByGene),
orderByGeneName <- order(unlist(gene_id, use.names=FALSE))
exonic_rle <- runLength(Rle(unlist(gene_id[orderByGeneName],
values <- DataFrame(gene_id)
if (includeTranscripts) {
exonsByTx <- exonsBy(x, by="tx", filter=filter)
foET <- findOverlaps(exonicParts, exonsByTx)
values$tx_name <- GenomicFeatures:::.listNames(names(exonsByTx),
mcols(exonicParts) <- values
exonicParts <- exonicParts[orderByGeneName]
exonic_part <- unlist(lapply(exonic_rle, seq_len), use.names=FALSE)
exonicParts$exonic_part <- exonic_part
## getGeneRegionTrackForGviz
## Fetch data to add as a GeneTrack.
## filter ... Used to filter the result.
## chromosome, start, end ... Either all or none has to be specified. If
## specified, the function first retrieves all
## transcripts that have an exon in the specified
## range and adds them as a TranscriptidFilter to
## the filters. The query to fetch the "real" data
## is performed afterwards.
## featureIs ... Wheter gene_biotype or tx_biotype should be
## mapped to the column feature.
function(x, filter = AnnotationFilterList(), chromosome = NULL,
start = NULL, end = NULL, featureIs = "gene_biotype")
featureIs <- match.arg(featureIs, c("gene_biotype", "tx_biotype"))
filter <- .processFilterParam(filter, x)
chromosome <- NULL
start <- NULL
end <- NULL
## If only chromosome is specified, create a SeqNameFilter and
## add it to the filter
if(is.null(start) & is.null(end) & !is.null(chromosome)){
filter <- AnnotationFilterList(filter, SeqNameFilter(chromosome))
chromosome <- NULL
if(any(c(!is.null(chromosome), !is.null(start), !is.null(end)))){
## Require however that all are defined!!!
if(all(c(!is.null(chromosome), !is.null(start), !is.null(end)))){
## Fix eventually provided UCSC chromosome names:
chromosome <- ucscToEns(chromosome)
## Define a GRangesFilter to include all features that overlap
## that region.
grg <- GRangesFilter(GRanges(seqnames = chromosome,
ranges = IRanges(start, end)),
feature = "tx", type = "any")
tids <- transcripts(x, filter = grg, columns = "tx_id")$tx_id
filter <- AnnotationFilterList(filter, TxIdFilter(tids))
stop("Either all or none of arguments 'chromosome', 'start' and",
" 'end' have to be specified!")
## Return a data.frame with columns: chromosome, start, end, width,
## strand, feature,
## gene, exon, transcript and symbol.
## 1) Query the data as we usually would.
## 2) Perform an additional query to get cds and utr, remove all entries
## from the first result for the same transcripts and rbind the
## data.frames.
needCols <- c("seq_name", "exon_seq_start", "exon_seq_end", "seq_strand",
featureIs, "gene_id", "exon_id",
"exon_idx", "tx_id", "gene_name")
## That's the names to which we map the original columns from the EnsDb.
names(needCols) <- c("chromosome", "start", "end", "strand",
"feature", "gene", "exon", "exon_rank", "transcript",
txs <- transcripts(x, filter = filter,
columns = needCols, return.type="data.frame")
## Rename columns
idx <- match(needCols, colnames(txs))
notThere <- is.na(idx)
idx <- idx[!notThere]
colnames(txs)[idx] <- names(needCols)[!notThere]
## now processing the 5utr
fUtr <- fiveUTRsByTranscript(x, filter = filter, columns=needCols)
if(length(fUtr) > 0){
fUtr <- as(unlist(fUtr, use.names=FALSE), "data.frame")
fUtr <- fUtr[, !(colnames(fUtr) %in% c("width", "seq_name",
"exon_seq_end", "strand"))]
colnames(fUtr)[1] <- "chromosome"
idx <- match(needCols, colnames(fUtr))
notThere <- is.na(idx)
idx <- idx[!notThere]
colnames(fUtr)[idx] <- names(needCols)[!notThere]
## Force being in the correct ordering:
fUtr <- fUtr[, names(needCols)]
fUtr$feature <- "utr5"
## Remove transcripts from the txs data.frame
txs <- txs[!(txs$transcript %in% fUtr$transcript), , drop=FALSE]
tUtr <- threeUTRsByTranscript(x, filter = filter, columns=needCols)
if(length(tUtr) > 0){
tUtr <- as(unlist(tUtr, use.names=FALSE), "data.frame")
tUtr <- tUtr[, !(colnames(tUtr) %in% c("width", "seq_name",
"exon_seq_end", "strand"))]
colnames(tUtr)[1] <- "chromosome"
idx <- match(needCols, colnames(tUtr))
notThere <- is.na(idx)
idx <- idx[!notThere]
colnames(tUtr)[idx] <- names(needCols)[!notThere]
## Force being in the correct ordering:
tUtr <- tUtr[, names(needCols)]
tUtr$feature <- "utr3"
## Remove transcripts from the txs data.frame
if(nrow(txs) > 0){
txs <- txs[!(txs$transcript %in% tUtr$transcript), , drop=FALSE]
cds <- cdsBy(x, filter = filter, columns = needCols)
if(length(cds) > 0){
cds <- as(unlist(cds, use.names=FALSE), "data.frame")
cds <- cds[, !(colnames(cds) %in% c("width", "seq_name",
"exon_seq_end", "strand"))]
colnames(cds)[1] <- "chromosome"
idx <- match(needCols, colnames(cds))
notThere <- is.na(idx)
idx <- idx[!notThere]
colnames(cds)[idx] <- names(needCols)[!notThere]
## Force being in the correct ordering:
cds <- cds[, names(needCols)]
## Remove transcripts from the txs data.frame
if(nrow(txs) > 0){
txs <- txs[!(txs$transcript %in% cds$transcript), , drop=FALSE]
if(length(fUtr) > 0){
txs <- rbind(txs, fUtr)
if(length(tUtr) > 0){
txs <- rbind(txs, tUtr)
if(length(cds) > 0){
txs <- rbind(txs, cds)
## Convert into GRanges.
SI <- seqinfo(x)
SI <- SI[as.character(unique(txs$chromosome))]
GR <- GRanges(seqnames=Rle(txs$chromosome),
ranges=IRanges(start=txs$start, end=txs$end),
txs[, c("feature", "gene", "exon", "exon_rank",
"transcript", "symbol"), drop=FALSE])
## properties
## Get access to the "hidden" .properties slot and return it.
## This ensures that we're not generating an error for objects that
## do not have yet that slot.
setMethod("properties", "EnsDb", function(x, ...){
if(.hasSlot(x, ".properties")){
warning("The present EnsDb instance has no .properties slot! ",
"Please use 'updateEnsDb' to update the object!")
## getProperty
## Return the value for the property with the specified name or
## NA if not present.
setMethod("getProperty", "EnsDb", function(x, name, default = NA){
props <- properties(x)
if(any(names(props) == name)){
## setProperty
## Sets a property in the object. The value has to be a named vector.
setMethod("setProperty", "EnsDb", function(x, ...){
dotL <- list(...)
if(length(dotL) == 0){
stop("No property specified! The property has to be submitted ",
"in the format name=value!")
if(length(dotL) > 1){
warning("'setProperty' does only support setting of a single property!",
" Using the first submitted one.")
dotL <- dotL[1]
if(is.null(names(dotL)) | names(dotL) == "")
stop("A name is required! Use name=value!")
if(.hasSlot(x, ".properties")){
x@.properties[names(dotL)] <- dotL[[1]]
warning("The present EnsDb instance has no .properties slot! ",
"Please use 'updateEnsDb' to update the object!")
#' remove the property with the specified name.
#' @noRd
dropProperty <- function(x, name) {
if (missing(name))
prps <- x@.properties
if (any(names(prps) == name))
prps <- prps[names(prps) != name]
x@.properties <- prps
## updateEnsDb
## Update any "old" EnsDb instance to the most recent implementation.
setMethod("updateEnsDb", "EnsDb", function(x, ...){
newE <- new("EnsDb", ensdb=x@ensdb, tables=x@tables)
if(.hasSlot(x, ".properties"))
newE@.properties <- x@.properties
## transcriptsByOverlaps
## Just "re-implementing" the transcriptsByOverlaps methods from the
## GenomicFeature package, finetuning and adapting it for EnsDbs
setMethod("transcriptsByOverlaps", "EnsDb",
function(x, ranges, maxgap = 0L, minoverlap = 1L,
type = c("any", "start", "end"),
columns = listColumns(x, "tx"),
filter = AnnotationFilterList()) {
if (missing(ranges))
stop("Parameter 'ranges' is missing!")
filter <- .processFilterParam(filter, x)
SLs <- unique(as.character(seqnames(ranges)))
filter <- AnnotationFilterList(filter, SeqNameFilter(SLs))
columns <- cleanColumns(x, columns)
subsetByOverlaps(transcripts(x, columns = columns, filter = filter),
ranges, maxgap = maxgap, minoverlap = minoverlap,
type = match.arg(type))
## exonsByOverlaps
setMethod("exonsByOverlaps", "EnsDb",
function(x, ranges, maxgap = 0L, minoverlap = 1L,
type = c("any", "start", "end"),
columns = listColumns(x, "exon"),
filter = AnnotationFilterList()) {
stop("Parameter 'ranges' is missing!")
filter <- .processFilterParam(filter, x)
SLs <- unique(as.character(seqnames(ranges)))
filter <- AnnotationFilterList(filter, SeqNameFilter(SLs))
columns <- cleanColumns(x, columns)
subsetByOverlaps(exons(x, columns = columns, filter = filter),
ranges, maxgap = maxgap, minoverlap = minoverlap,
type = match.arg(type))
## returnFilterColumns
## Method to set the option whether or not the filter columns should be
## returned too.
setMethod("returnFilterColumns", "EnsDb", function(x) {
return(getProperty(x, "returnFilterColumns"))
setReplaceMethod("returnFilterColumns", "EnsDb", function(x, value) {
stop("'value' has to be a logical!")
if(length(value) > 1)
stop("'value' has to be a logical of length 1!")
x <- setProperty(x, returnFilterColumns=value)
## orderResultsInR
## Whether the results should be ordered in R instead of in the
## SQL call
setMethod("orderResultsInR", "EnsDb", function(x) {
return(getProperty(x, "orderResultsInR", default = FALSE))
setReplaceMethod("orderResultsInR", "EnsDb", function(x, value) {
stop("'value' has to be a logical!")
if(length(value) > 1)
stop("'value' has to be a logical of length 1!")
x <- setProperty(x, orderResultsInR = value)
## useMySQL
## Switch from RSQlite backend to a MySQL backend.
#' @title Use a MySQL backend
#' @aliases useMySQL
#' @description Change the SQL backend from \emph{SQLite} to \emph{MySQL}.
#' When first called on an \code{\linkS4class{EnsDb}} object, the function
#' tries to create and save all of the data into a MySQL database. All
#' subsequent calls will connect to the already existing MySQL database.
#' @details This functionality requires that the \code{RMySQL} package is
#' installed and that the user has (write) access to a running MySQL server.
#' If the corresponding database does already exist users without write
#' access can use this functionality.
#' @note At present the function does not evaluate whether the versions
#' between the SQLite and MySQL database differ.
#' @param x The \code{\linkS4class{EnsDb}} object.
#' @param host Character vector specifying the host on which the MySQL
#' server runs.
#' @param port The port on which the MySQL server can be accessed.
#' @param user The user name for the MySQL server.
#' @param pass The password for the MySQL server.
#' @return A \code{\linkS4class{EnsDb}} object providing access to the
#' data stored in the MySQL backend.
#' @author Johannes Rainer
#' @examples
#' ## Load the EnsDb database (SQLite backend).
#' library(EnsDb.Hsapiens.v75)
#' edb <- EnsDb.Hsapiens.v75
#' ## Now change the backend to MySQL; my_user and my_pass should
#' ## be the user name and password to access the MySQL server.
#' \dontrun{
#' edb_mysql <- useMySQL(edb, host = "localhost", user = my_user, pass = my_pass)
#' }
setMethod("useMySQL", "EnsDb", function(x, host = "localhost",
port = 3306, user, pass) {
if (missing(user))
stop("'user' has to be specified.")
if (missing(pass))
stop("'pass' has to be specified.")
## Check if RMySQL package is available.
if(requireNamespace("RMySQL", quietly = TRUE)) {
## Check if we can connect to MySQL.
driva <- dbDriver("MySQL")
con <- dbConnect(driva, host = host, user = user, pass = pass,
port = port)
## Check if database is available.
dbs <- dbGetQuery(con, "show databases;")
## sqliteName should be in the format EnsDb.Hsapiens.v75!
sqliteName <- .makePackageName(dbconn(x))
## sqliteName <- sub(basename(dbfile(dbconn(x))),
## pattern = ".sqlite", replacement = "",
## fixed = TRUE)
mysqlName <- SQLiteName2MySQL(sqliteName)
if (nrow(dbs) == 0 | !any(dbs$Database == mysqlName)) {
message("Database not available, trying to create it...",
appendLF = FALSE)
dbGetQuery(con, paste0("create database ", mysqlName))
## Connect to the database and check if we've got all tables.
con <- dbConnect(driva, host = host, user = user, pass = pass,
dbname = mysqlName)
## If we've got no tables we try to feed the SQLite database
if (length(dbListTables(con)) == 0)
feedEnsDb2MySQL(x, mysql = con)
## Check if we've got all required tables.
OK <- dbHasRequiredTables(con)
if (is.character(OK))
OK <- dbHasValidTables(con)
if (is.character(OK))
## Check if the versions/creation date differ.
metadata_pkg <- metadata(x)
## Now store the connection into the @ensdb slot
## dbDisconnect(x@ensdb)
## x@ensdb <- NULL
x@ensdb <- con
metadata_db <- metadata(x)
cre_pkg <- metadata_pkg[metadata_pkg$name == "Creation time", "value"]
cre_db <- metadata_db[metadata_db$name == "Creation time", "value"]
if (cre_pkg != cre_db) {
message("Creation date between the package and the information in",
" the database differ:\n o package: ", cre_pkg,
"\n o database: ", cre_db, ".\nYou might consider to delete",
" the database and re-install it calling this function.")
} else {
stop("Package 'RMySQL' not available.")
## proteins
## If return type is GRanges, make a seqlevel and seqinfo for each protein, i.e.
## put each protein on its own sequence.
#' @title Protein related functionality
#' @aliases proteins
#' @description This help page provides information about most of the
#' functionality related to protein annotations in \code{ensembldb}.
#' The \code{proteins} method retrieves protein related annotations from
#' an \code{\linkS4class{EnsDb}} database.
#' @details The \code{proteins} method performs the query starting from the
#' \code{protein} tables and can hence return all annotations from the
#' database that are related to proteins and transcripts encoding these
#' proteins from the database. Since \code{proteins} does thus only query
#' annotations for protein coding transcripts, the \code{\link{genes}} or
#' \code{\link{transcripts}} methods have to be used to retrieve annotations
#' for non-coding transcripts.
#' @param object The \code{\linkS4class{EnsDb}} object.
#' @param columns For \code{proteins}: character vector defining the columns to
#' be extracted from the database. Can be any column(s) listed by the
#' \code{\link{listColumns}} method.
#' @param filter For \code{proteins}: A filter object extending
#' \code{AnnotationFilter} or a list of such objects to select
#' specific entries from the database. See \code{\link{Filter-classes}} for
#' a documentation of available filters and use
#' \code{\link{supportedFilters}} to get the full list of supported filters.
#' @param order.by For \code{proteins}: a character vector specifying the
#' column(s) by which the result should be ordered.
#' @param order.type For \code{proteins}: if the results should be ordered
#' ascending (\code{order.type = "asc"}) or descending
#' (\code{order.type = "desc"})
#' @param return.type For \code{proteins}: character of lenght one specifying
#' the type of the returned object. Can be either \code{"DataFrame"},
#' \code{"data.frame"} or \code{"AAStringSet"}.
#' @return The \code{proteins} method returns protein related annotations from
#' an \code{\linkS4class{EnsDb}} object with its \code{return.type} argument
#' allowing to define the type of the returned object. Note that if
#' \code{return.type = "AAStringSet"} additional annotation columns are
#' stored in a \code{DataFrame} that can be accessed with the \code{mcols}
#' method on the returned object.
#' @rdname ProteinFunctionality
#' @author Johannes Rainer
#' @examples
#' library(ensembldb)
#' library(EnsDb.Hsapiens.v75)
#' edb <- EnsDb.Hsapiens.v75
#' ## Get all proteins from tha database for the gene ZBTB16, if protein
#' ## annotations are available
#' if (hasProteinData(edb))
#' proteins(edb, filter = GenenameFilter("ZBTB16"))
setMethod("proteins", "EnsDb", function(object,
columns = listColumns(object, "protein"),
filter = AnnotationFilterList(),
order.by = "",
order.type = "asc",
return.type = "DataFrame") {
if (!hasProteinData(object))
stop("The used EnsDb does not provide protein annotations!",
" Thus, 'proteins' can not be used.")
return.type <- match.arg(return.type, c("DataFrame", "AAStringSet",
columns <- cleanColumns(object, unique(c(columns, "protein_id")))
filter <- .processFilterParam(filter, object)
filter <- setFeatureInGRangesFilter(filter, "tx")
## Eventually add columns for the filters:
columns <- addFilterColumns(columns, filter, object)
## Check that we don't have any exon columns here.
ex_cols <- unique(listColumns(object, c("exon", "tx2exon")))
ex_cols <- ex_cols[ex_cols != "tx_id"]
if (any(columns %in% ex_cols)) {
warning("Exon specific columns are not allowed for proteins. Columns ",
paste0("'", columns[columns %in% ex_cols], "'", collapse = ", "),
" have been removed.")
columns <- columns[!(columns %in% ex_cols)]
retColumns <- columns
## Process order.by:
## If not specified we might want to order them by seq_name or tx_seq_start
## if present in parameter columns
if (all(order.by == "")) {
order.by <- NULL
if (any(columns == "seq_name"))
order.by <- "seq_name"
seq_col_idx <- grep(columns, pattern = "_seq_")
if (length(seq_col_idx) > 0)
order.by <- c(order.by, columns[seq_col_idx[1]])
if (is.null(order.by))
order.by <- ""
## If we're going to return a GRanges we need to know the length of the
## peptide sequence.
if (return.type == "AAStringSet") {
columns <- unique(c(columns, "protein_sequence"))
## protein_id is *always* required
columns <- unique(c(columns), "protein_id")
## Get the data
Res <- getWhat(object, columns = columns, filter = filter,
order.by = order.by, order.type = order.type,
startWith = "protein", join = "suggested")
## issue #48: collapse entrezid column if dbschema 2.0 is used.
if (as.numeric(dbSchemaVersion(object)) > 1 & any(columns == "entrezid"))
Res <- .collapseEntrezidInTable(Res, by = "protein_id")
## Now process the result.
cols_not_found <- !(retColumns %in% colnames(Res))
retColumns <- retColumns[!cols_not_found]
if (any(cols_not_found))
warning("Columns ", paste0("'", retColumns[cols_not_found], "'",
collapse = ", "),
" not found in the database!")
if (return.type == "AAStringSet") {
aass <- AAStringSet(Res$protein_sequence)
names(aass) <- Res$protein_id
## Add the mcols:
retColumns <- retColumns[retColumns != "protein_sequence"]
if (length(retColumns) > 0)
mcols(aass) <- DataFrame(Res[, retColumns, drop = FALSE])
} else {
Res <- Res[, retColumns, drop = FALSE]
if (return.type == "DataFrame")
Res <- DataFrame(Res)
## listUniprotDbs
#' @aliases listUniprotDbs
#' @description The \code{listUniprotDbs} method lists all Uniprot database
#' names in the \code{EnsDb}.
#' @examples
#' ## List the names of all Uniprot databases from which Uniprot IDs are
#' ## available in the EnsDb
#' if (hasProteinData(edb))
#' listUniprotDbs(edb)
#' @rdname ProteinFunctionality
setMethod("listUniprotDbs", "EnsDb", function(object) {
if (!hasProteinData(object))
stop("The provided EnsDb database does not provide protein annotations!")
res <- dbGetQuery(dbconn(object), "select distinct uniprot_db from uniprot")
## listUniprotMappingTypes
#' @aliases listUniprotMappingTypes
#' @description The \code{listUniprotMappingTypes} method lists all methods
#' that were used for the mapping of Uniprot IDs to Ensembl protein IDs.
#' @examples
#' ## List the type of all methods that were used to map Uniprot IDs to Ensembl
#' ## protein IDs
#' if (hasProteinData(edb))
#' listUniprotMappingTypes(edb)
#' @rdname ProteinFunctionality
setMethod("listUniprotMappingTypes", "EnsDb", function(object) {
if (!hasProteinData(object))
stop("The provided EnsDb database does not provide protein annotations!")
res <- dbGetQuery(dbconn(object),
"select distinct uniprot_mapping_type from uniprot")
#' @description \code{supportedFilters} returns a \code{data.frame} with the
#' names of all filters and the corresponding field supported by the
#' \code{EnsDb} object.
#' @param object For \code{supportedFilters}: an \code{EnsDb} object.
#' @param ... For \code{supportedFilters}: currently not used.
#' @return For \code{supportedFilters}: a \code{data.frame} with the names and
#' the corresponding field of the supported filter classes.
#' @rdname Filter-classes
setMethod("supportedFilters", "EnsDb", function(object, ...) {
#' @title Globally add filters to an EnsDb database
#' @aliases addFilter addFilter,EnsDb-method
#' @description These methods allow to set, delete or show globally defined
#' filters on an \code{\linkS4class{EnsDb}} object.
#' \code{addFilter}: adds an annotation filter to the \code{EnsDb} object.
#' @details Adding a filter to an \code{EnsDb} object causes this filter to be
#' permanently active. The filter will be used for all queries to the
#' database and is added to all additional filters passed to the methods
#' such as \code{\link{genes}}.
#' @param x The \code{\linkS4class{EnsDb}} object to which the filter should be
#' added.
#' @param filter The filter as an
#' \code{\link[AnnotationFilter]{AnnotationFilter}},
#' \code{\link[AnnotationFilter]{AnnotationFilterList}} or filter
#' expression. See
#' @return \code{addFilter} and \code{filter} return an \code{EnsDb} object
#' with the specified filter added.
#' \code{activeFilter} returns an
#' \code{\link[AnnotationFilter]{AnnotationFilterList}} object being the
#' active global filter or \code{NA} if no filter was added.
#' \code{dropFilter} returns an \code{EnsDb} object with all eventually
#' present global filters removed.
#' @author Johannes Rainer
#' @rdname global-filters
#' @seealso \code{\link{Filter-classes}} for a list of all supported filters.
#' @examples
#' library(EnsDb.Hsapiens.v75)
#' edb <- EnsDb.Hsapiens.v75
#' ## Add a global SeqNameFilter to the database such that all subsequent
#' ## queries will be applied on the filtered database.
#' edb_y <- addFilter(edb, SeqNameFilter("Y"))
#' ## Note: using the filter function is equivalent to a call to addFilter.
#' ## Each call returns now only features encoded on chromosome Y
#' gns <- genes(edb_y)
#' seqlevels(gns)
#' ## Get all lincRNA gene transcripts on chromosome Y
#' transcripts(edb_y, filter = ~ gene_biotype == "lincRNA")
#' ## Get the currently active global filter:
#' activeFilter(edb_y)
#' ## Delete this filter again.
#' edb_y <- dropFilter(edb_y)
#' activeFilter(edb_y)
setMethod("addFilter", "EnsDb", function(x, filter = AnnotationFilterList()) {
.addFilter(x, filter)
#' @aliases dropFilter dropFilter,EnsDb-method
#' @description \code{dropFilter} deletes all globally set filters from the
#' \code{EnsDb} object.
#' @rdname global-filters
setMethod("dropFilter", "EnsDb", function(x) {
#' @aliases activeFilter activeFilter,EnsDb-method
#' @description \code{activeFilter} returns the globally set filter from an
#' \code{EnsDb} object.
#' @rdname global-filters
setMethod("activeFilter", "EnsDb", function(x) {
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