#' Make C compatible names
#' Uses make.names internally, but replaces dots with underscores.
#' @param Labels a character vector with words that need to be turned
#' into names.
#' @export
#' @return a vector with unique names, can be used as variable names
#' in C
make.cnames <- function(Labels){
Names <- gsub("'([^']*)'","lsquo\\1rsquo",trimws(Labels))
Names <- gsub('"([^"]*)"',"ldquo\\1rdquo",Names)
Names <- gsub("&","and",Names,fixed=TRUE)
Names <- gsub("|","or",Names,fixed=TRUE)
Names <- gsub("'","prime",Names)
Unique.Names <- gsub("[.]","_",make.names(Names, unique = TRUE, allow_ = TRUE))
#' Fixed-token-split a scalar string into parts
#' This function splits a string like strsplit, but it removes
#' whitespace from the result (on both ends) and the split token is
#' taken literally
#' @param str a string (character vector of length 1)
#' @param s a split token
#' @param re defaults to FALSE, if TRUE s is treated as a regular
#' expression
#' @return a character vector of the components without leading or
#' trailing whitespace
#' @export
#' @examples ftsplit(" A + 2*B ","+")
#' [1] "A" "2*B"
#' @examples x<-c('a+b','c+d','1 + 2'); lapply(x,ftsplit,'+')
#' [[1]]
#' [1] "a" "b"
#' [[2]]
#' [1] "c" "d"
#' [[3]]
#' [1] "1" "2"
#' @examples this also works, but mixes up the components:
#' x<-c('a+b','c+d+1','1 / 2'); ftsplit(x,'+')
#' [1] "a" "b" "c" "d" "1" "1 / 2"
ftsplit <- function(str,s=" ",re=FALSE){
#' Update a named vector with values from a table
#' This function can be used in the circumstance that you already have
#' a default vector and want to update some of its entries from a
#' data.frame with more specific values. The table describes the
#' circumstamces of these more specific values and has columns named
#' like the vector elements. The function returns a matrix with one
#' column per scenario, updated using the table. This is used while
#' parsing SBtab tables.
#' The returned value M has several copies of vector v
#' with some values changed accoring to a table (Qantity Matrix) If
#' the table has columns that name members of v (also named) they will
#' be used. The M will have as many columns as the table has rows.
#' When the columns in the Table have a prefix, this can be
#' compensated: say, the names(v) are c("a", "b", "c") but in the
#' Table we have names(Table) as c(">a",">b",">abc",">d") then setting
#' prefix to ">" will match a and b correctly and none of the others.
#' Whenever one of the items in v has a name ending in _ConservedConst
#' it is assumed to be the result of conservation law analysis and
#' matching is done disregarding the _ConservedConst suffix.
#' @param v the vector to update
#' @param Table a table with column names partially matching those in
#' v
#' @param prefix in the Table, the columns are named "paste(suffix,names(v))"
#' @return a matrix with various versions of v (columns) one per
#' setting described in data.frame Table. The names can have a ">"
#' prefix in the names (see SBtab rules)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' > v<-c(1,2,3)
#' > names(v)<-c('a','b','c')
#' > data<-data.frame(row.names=c('low','med','high'),
#' b=c(0.5,2.5,5.5),
#' comment=c('b < 1','close to default','b > 2×default'))
#' b comment
#' low 0.5 b < 1
#' med 2.5 close to default
#' high 5.5 b > 2×default
#' > update_from_table(v,data,prefix="")
#' low med high
#' a 1.0 1.0 1.0
#' b 0.5 2.5 5.5
#' c 3.0 3.0 3.0
update_from_table <- function(v,Table, prefix=">", v.strip="_ConservedConst$"){
if (is.null(v) || is.null(Table)) return(NULL)
N <- names(v) %s% v.strip
n <- nrow(Table)
M <- matrix(v,nrow=length(v),ncol=n)
# remove the prefix
l <- startsWith(names(Table),prefix)
T <- Table[l]
l <- N %in% names(T)
if (any(l)){
NT <- N[l]
M[NT,] <- t(T[NT])
#' read vector from sbtab Quantity table
#' This function extracts a vector from an sbtab table, and names the
#' elements according to the row names of the table. The value column can be named any of these:
#' Value, DefaultValue, InitialValue, Mean, Median.
#' @param Table the sbtab table imported via sbtab_from_{ods,tsv}
#' (either)
#' @return a vector with names corresponding to !ID and values taken
#' from !DefaultValue, !Value, or !InitialValue
#' @keywords sbtab quantity
#' @export
sbtab_quantity <- function(Table){
colNames <- names(Table)
l <- grepl("^!((Default|Initial)?Value|Mean|Median)$",colNames)
if (any(l)){
C <- Table %1% l
if (all(grepl("^[-+[:digit:].]+[eE]?[-+[:digit:]]*$",C))){
v <- as.double(C)
} else {
v <- rep(NA,NROW(Table))
names(v) <- rownames(Table)
} else {
stop("Table has no Value column.")
#' Read a property from the SBtab header
#' This function retrieves a property from an sbtab header:
#' PropertyName='PropertyValue' (properties are these key=value
#' pairs).
#' @param sbtab.header the first line of an SBtab file
#' @param key the left side of each key=value pair
#' @return value of the key=value pair
sbtab.header.value <- function(sbtab.header,key='Document'){
m <- unlist(sbtab.header %~% sprintf("%s='([^']+)'",key))
if (length(m)>0){
property <- m[2] # so the first experssion in parentheses
} else {
warning(sprintf("property «%s» not set in SBtab header: «%s».",key,sbtab.header))
property <- ""
#' A parser for .ods files with SBtab document structure
#' This uses the readODS package to read the file.
#' SBtab sheets are themselves tables dedicated to a specific type of
#' model property: Reaction, Compound, Parameter, etc.
#' The SBtab content is not interpreted in any way.
#' @param ods.file a string (file's name)
#' @return SBtab a list of tables (data.frames), one per ods sheet
#' SBtab[['TableName']] retrives a data.frame comment(SBtab) is
#' the name of the document
#' @keywords import
#' @examples
#' model.sbtab<-sbtab_from_ods('model.ods')
#' @export
sbtab_from_ods <- function(ods.file,verbose=TRUE){
table.name <- readODS::list_ods_sheets(ods.file)
SBtab <- lapply(seq_along(table.name),readODS::read_ods,skip=1,row_names=TRUE,path=ods.file,as_tibble=FALSE)
names(SBtab) <- table.name
comment(SBtab) <- sub("[.]ods$","",basename(ods.file))
#' A parser for a bunch of .tsv files with SBtab document content
#' This function reads the files (not using any package).
#' SBtab sheets are themselves tables dedicated to a specific type of
#' model property: Reaction, Compound, Parameter, etc.
#' The SBtab content is not interpreted in any way.
#' @param tsv.file a character vector (file names, one per sheet),
#' defaults to all tsv files in the current directory.
#' @param verbose if FALSE, nothing is printed with cat()
#' @return SBtab a list of tables, one per file in tsv.file list
#' SBtab[['Reaction']] retrieves the table of reactions, a
#' data.frame comment(SBtab) retrieves the SBtab document name
#' @keywords import
#' @examples
#' model.sbtab<-sbtab_from_tsv(dir(pattern='.*[.]tsv$'))
#' @export
sbtab_from_tsv <- function(tsv.file=dir(pattern='[.]tsv$'),verbose=TRUE){
SBtab <- list()
header <- readLines(tsv.file[1],n=1)
document.name <- sbtab.header.value(header,"Document")
if (verbose) {
printf("[tsv] file[1] «%s» belongs to Document «%s»\n\tI'll take this as the Model Name.\n",basename(tsv.file[1]),document.name)
for (f in tsv.file){
if (verbose) cat(basename(f)," ")
header <- readLines(f,n=1)
TableName <- sbtab.header.value(header,'TableName')
SBtab[[TableName]] <- read.delim(f,as.is=TRUE,skip=1,check.names=FALSE,comment.char="%",blank.lines.skip=TRUE,row.names=1)
attr(SBtab[[TableName]],"TableName") <- TableName
if (verbose) cat("\n")
comment(SBtab) <- document.name
#' A parser for Excel files with SBtab document structure
#' This function uses the readxl package to read the file. SBtab
#' sheets are themselves tables dedicated to a specific type of model
#' property: Reaction, Compound, Parameter, etc. The first column
#' will be used as the row.names. The second row will be used as
#' column names, the first row is used to determine the document-name
#' and table-name.
#' @param excel.file a string (file's name)
#' @return SBtab a list of tables (data.frames), one per ods sheet
#' SBtab[['TableName']] is a data.frame, comment(SBtab) is
#' the name of the document
#' @keywords import
#' @examples
#' model.sbtab<-sbtab_from_excel('model.xlsx')
#' @export
sbtab_from_excel <- function(excel.file=dir(pattern='[.]xlsx?$')[1]){
Sheets <- readxl::excel_sheets(excel.file)
SBtab <- list()
for (sh in Sheets) {
header <- paste0(as.character(readxl::read_excel(excel.file,sheet=sh,n_max=1,col_names=FALSE)[1,]),collapse=" ")
TableName <- sbtab.header.value(header,'TableName')
SBtab[[TableName]] <- as.data.frame(readxl::read_excel(excel.file,sheet=sh,col_names=TRUE,skip=1))
row.names(SBtab[[TableName]]) <- make.cnames(SBtab[[TableName]][,1])
attr(SBtab[[TableName]],"TableName") <- TableName
document.name <- sbtab.header.value(header,'Document')
comment(SBtab) <- document.name
#' collect all variable names
#' this function collects all varibale names in SBtab, here we use the
#' !ID column (because the !Name column can be something that isn't a
#' programming language kind of variable-name).
#' If the react flag is FALSE then really all names are collected,
#' otherwise only those that can appear in reaction formulae and
#' kinetic laws of reactions.
#' @param tab a list of lists with the table content
#' @param react if TRUE, this function only collects the IDs of
#' Compouds, Parameters and Expressions
#' @return a vector of all names
all.vars <- function(tab,react=TRUE){
allvars <- c(row.names(tab$Parameter),row.names(tab$Compound))
tNames <- names(tab)
if (react){
l <- tNames %in% c("Input","Constant","Expression")
tNames <- tNames[l]
for (T in tNames){
allvars <- c(allvars,row.names(tab[[T]]))
#' Checks that all SBtab references are valid
#' A reference is a column name that starts with ">": >Calcium is a
#' reference to a compound (probably) called Calcium (or a Parameter,
#' etc.)
#' @param tab a list of tables
#' @param allvars a list of all variable IDs
all.refs.valid <- function(tab,allvars=all.vars(tab,reac=FALSE)){
r <- TRUE
for (T in tab){
cNames <- colnames(T)
l <- grepl("^[~>][a-zA-Z]\\w*$",cNames)
refs <- cNames[l] %s% "[~>]"
valid.refs <- refs %in% allvars
if (!all(valid.refs)){
message(sprintf("Table %s contains invalid references:\n",attr(T,"TableName")))
r <- FALSE
warning("Not all refs are valid.")
#' Are the IDs the same as the Names
#' This is not mandatory, but there could be errors if somewhere in
#' the document a Name is used inside of mathematical expressions
#' while the ID was needed. This can help find those mistakes.
#' @param T one table (data.frame)
id.eq.name <- function(T){
if ("!Name" %in% names(T)){
ID <- row.names(T)
Name <- T[["!Name"]]
l <- ID == Name
if (any(!l)){
message("these IDs and Names are different:")
message(sprintf("%30s %s\n","ID","Name"))
message(sprintf("%30s != %s\n",ID[!l],Name[!l]))
} else {
l <- NA
#' validate spelling in SBtab document
#' This function checks the SBtab document for consistency.
#' It finds misspelled varibale names in the reaction kinetics.
#' @param tab a list of data.frames as returned by `sbtab_from_tsv()`
#' @export
sbtab.valid <- function(tab){
stopifnot("Reaction" %in% names(tab))
vars <- ftsplit(gsub("[-()+*/]+"," ",tab$Reaction[["!KineticLaw"]]),"[ ]+",re=TRUE)
av <- all.vars(tab)
l <- vars %in% av
if (any(!l)) {
warning("These variables appear in the reaction table, but are not defined in the rest of the document")
## point out where ID and Name are different, maybe that is a problem
for (T in tab){
l <- id.eq.name(T)
if (!any(is.na(l)) && !all(l)){
warning(sprintf("Not all IDs are equal to the Name attribute in «%s», but maybe this is on purpose.\n",attr(T,"TableName")))
if (all.refs.valid(tab)){
message("All internal references are valid (~REF and >REF)\n")
} else {
#' Create a Time Series Simulation Experiment
#' Given the constituents of a time series simulation experiment,
#' return a list that rgsl will understand as a simulation.
#' The output of a real experiment can be a function of the state
#' variables, not necessarily the state variable trajectories
#' themselves. We assume that parameter estimation of some sort will
#' happen.
#' If an estimate of the measurement error is not available, then
#' --strictly speaking-- the data is useless: the noise must be
#' understood as unbounded. But, instead, we assume that the case is
#' very complex and the user knows what to do about it. We
#' automatically set the noise to 5% (relative to each value) and
#' another 5% of the largest value as an estimate of scale, this
#' represents the absolute error:
#' tl;dr default_error = 5% REL + 5% MAXVAL.
#' The user should replace these values with something, or
#' simply not use them, if the application goes beyond testing.
#' @export
#' @param outputValues (data.frame) measured data, to be replicated by the
#' simulation
#' @param outputTimes (vector) time values at which the outputValues were
#' measured
#' @param errorValues (data.frame) an estimate of the measurement noise, if
#' available
#' @param inputParameters (vector) a parameter vector that the model needs to
#' operate (can be some default value to be changed later)
#' @param initialTime t0 for the time series experiment: y(t0) = y0
#' @param initialState (vector) initial values of the state variables, at t0
#' @return list with these quantities as list items
time.series <- function(outputValues,outputTimes=as.double(1:dim(outputValues)[2]),errorValues=0.05*outputValues+0.05*max(outputValues),inputParameters=NULL,initialTime=as.double(min(outputTimes)),initialState,events=NA){
outNames <- names(outputValues)
names(outputValues) <- outNames %s% ">"
experiment <- list(outputValues=outputValues,
if (all(is.finite(initialState))) {
experiment <- c(experiment,list(initialState=initialState))
if (!is.null(inputParameters) && !any(is.na(inputParameters))){
experiment <- c(experiment,list(input=inputParameters))
if (!is.null(events) & !any(is.na(events))){
experiment <- c(experiment,list(events=events))
infer_tf <- function(ename,tab){
if (nzchar(ename) && ename %in% names(tab)){
n.sv <- NROW(tab$Compound)
ni <- NROW(tab$Input)
n.par <- NROW(tab$Parameter) + ni
n.t <- NROW(tab[[ename]])
tf <- list(
rownames(tf$state$b) <- row.names(tab$Compound)
rownames(tf$state$A) <- row.names(tab$Compound)
par.names <- c(row.names(tab$Parameter),row.names(tab$Input))
rownames(tf$param$b) <- par.names
rownames(tf$param$A) <- par.names
colNames <- names(tab[[ename]])
n <- nrow(tab[[ename]])
event.time <- as.double(tab[[ename]][["!Time"]])
for (i in grep("^>[A-Z]{3}:.+$",colNames)){
m <- colNames[i] %~% ">([A-Za-z]{3}):(.+)$"
op <- tolower(m[[1]][2])
quantity <- m[[1]][3]
kind <- ifelse(quantity %in% row.names(tab$Compound),"state","param")
if (op == "add") {
tf[[kind]]$b[quantity,1,] <- as.numeric(tab[[ename]][[i]])
} else if (op == "sub") {
tf[[kind]]$b[quantity,1,] <- (-1.0)*as.numeric(tab[[ename]][[i]])
} else if (op == "mul") {
tf[[kind]]$A[quantity,1,] <- as.numeric(tab[[ename]][[i]])
} else if (op == "div") {
tf[[kind]]$A[quantity,1,] <- 1.0/as.numeric(tab[[ename]][[i]])
} else if (op == "set") {
tf[[kind]]$A[quantity,1,] <- 0.0
tf[[kind]]$b[quantity,1,] <- as.numeric(tab[[ename]][[i]])
} else {
stop(sprintf("unknown operation in event table %s: %s\n",ename,op))
} else {
sbtab.events <- function(ename,tab){
if (all(is.na(ename))) {
ni <- NROW(tab$Input)
event.time <- as.double(tab[[ename]][["!Time"]])
if ("Dose" %in% names(tab[[ename]])){
event.dose <- as.double(tab[[ename]][["!Dose"]])
if ("!Transformation" %in% names(tab[[ename]]) && "Transformation" %in% names(tab)){
tf <- tab$Transformation
tf_sequence <- tab[[ename]][["!Transformation"]]
tf_dose <- as.double(tab[[ename]][["!Dose"]])
tf_index <- match(tf_sequence,rownames(tf))
Events <- list(time=event.time,label=tf_index-1,dose=tf_dose)
comment(Events) <- "scheduled custom transformation function events"
} else {
tf <- infer_tf(ename,tab)
Events <- list(time=event.time,tf=tf)
comment(Events) <- "scheduled linear transformation events"
## replaceConserved <- function(tab,conLaws){
## if (is.null(conLaws) || all(is.na(conLaws))) return(tab)
## oldInput <- subset(tab$Input,TRUE,select="!DefaultValue",drop=FALSE)
## newInput <- subset(conLaws,TRUE,select='Constant',drop=FALSE)
## names(newInput) <- "!DefaultValue"
## tab$Input <- rbind(oldInput,newInput)
## tab$Compound <- tab$Compound[-conLaws$Eliminates,]
## return(tab)
## }
#' Read data from SBtab
#' This function reads all datasets from SBtab Documents that are
#' referenced in the Experiment table and returns them as a list of
#' data.frames
#' The returned list always describes simulation experiments:
#' time series experiments, possibly with scheduled events.
#' @param tab a list of data.frames with SBtab content
#' @export
sbtab.data <- function(tab,conLaws=NULL){
l <- grepl("([tT]able([oO]f)?)?[eE]xperiments?|[mM]easurements?|[sS]imulations?",names(tab))
if (any(l) && sum(l)==1) {
E <- tab %1% l
} else {
warning("There must be exactly one Table of Experiments. Naming unclear.")
out.id <- row.names(tab$Output)
cons <- NULL
initVal <- sbtab_quantity(tab$Compound)
if (!is.null(conLaws) && !any(is.na(conLaws))){
lawMatrix <- attr(conLaws,"lawMatrix")
conservedConst <- t(lawMatrix) %*% update_from_table(initVal,E)
initVal <- update_from_table(initVal[-conLaws$Eliminates],E) # this is the full vector
rownames(conservedConst) <- row.names(conLaws)
#tab <- replaceConserved(tab,conLaws)
} else {
conservedConst <- NULL
initVal <- update_from_table(initVal,E)
if ("Input" %in% names(tab)){
input.id <- row.names(tab$Input)
} else {
input.id <- NULL
n <- dim(E)[1]
experiments <- list()
l <- grepl("!([eE]xperiment)?[tT]ype",names(E))
if (any(l)){
type <- E %1% l
time.series <- grepl("[Tt]ime[_ ][Ss]eries",type,ignore.case=TRUE)
dose.response <- grepl("[Dd]ose[_ ][Rr]esponse",type,ignore.case=TRUE)
dose.sequence <- grepl("[Dd]ose[_ ][Ss]equence",type,ignore.case=TRUE)
} else {
time.series <- rep(TRUE,n) # by default
dose.response <- !time.series
dose.sequence <- !time.series
t0 <- E %1% grepl("^!([tT]0|[Ii]nitialTime)$",names(E))
if ("Input" %in% names(tab)){
v <- sbtab_quantity(tab$Input)
input <- update_from_table(v,E)
} else {
input <- NULL
input <- rbind(input,conservedConst)
id <- row.names(E)
if ("!Event" %in% names(E)){
event.names <- E[["!Event"]]
} else {
event.names <- rep(NA,n)
for (i in seq(n)){
stopifnot(id[i] %in% names(tab))
tNames <- names(tab[[id[i]]])
l <- grepl(">([a-zA-Z][^ ]*)",tNames)
m <- dim(tab[[id[i]]])[1]
v.out <- rep(NA,length(out.id))
names(v.out) <- out.id
if (is.character(event.names[i])){
events <- sbtab.events(event.names[i],tab)
} else {
events <- NA
if (time.series[i]){
oTime <- as.double(tab[[id[i]]][["!Time"]])
initialTime <- ifelse(is.null(t0),min(oTime),t0[i])
OUT <- as.data.frame(t(update_from_table(v.out,tab[[id[i]]],prefix=">")))
ERR <- as.data.frame(t(update_from_table(v.out,tab[[id[i]]],prefix="~")))
experiments[[id[i]]] <- time.series(
} else if (dose.response[i]){
if (!is.null(input)) {
u <- update_from_table(input[,i],tab[[id[i]]])
} else {
u <- repmat(NA,m)
OUT <- as.data.frame(t(update_from_table(v.out,tab[[id[i]]],prefix=">")))
ERR <- as.data.frame(t(update_from_table(v.out,tab[[id[i]]],prefix="~")))
outTime <- E[["!Time"]]
initialTime <- ifelse(is.null(t0),0.0,t0[i])
dose.id <- row.names(tab[[id[i]]])
for (j in 1:m){
experiments[[dose.id[j]]] <- time.series(
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