
#' Comorbidity Analysis \code{comorbidityAnalysisMolecular}
#' Given an object of type \code{molecularComorbidity}, a comorbidity analysis is perform, 
#' taking into account the number of genes shared between the disorders.
#' It generates a \code{molecularcAnalysis} object.
#' @param input   A \code{molecularComorbidity} object, obtained with the 
#' \code{queryMolecular} function.
#' @param pValue Determines if the p-value is estimated or not. By default it is 
#' set to \code{'FALSE'}. The \code{pValue} argument can be set to \code{'TRUE'} 
#' in order to estimate the P-value associated to each Jaccard Index. 
#' @param nboot Determines the number of random times that the Jaccard Index is 
#' computed using random sets. By default it is set to \code{100}. The value 
#' of the argument can be changed to any other numeric variable. 
#' @param ncores By default \code{1}. To run parallel computations on machines 
#' with multiple cores or CPUs, the \code{ncores} argument can be changed.
#' @param verbose By default \code{FALSE}. Change it to \code{TRUE} to get a
#' on-time log from the function.
#' @param warnings By default \code{TRUE}. Change it to \code{FALSE} to don't see
#' the warnings.
#' @return An object of class \code{molecularcAnalysis}
#' @examples
#' load(system.file("extdata", "mc.RData", package="comoRbidity"))
#' ex1 <- comorbidityAnalysisMolecular( 
#'               input      = mc, 
#'               pValue     = FALSE,
#'               verbose    = FALSE
#'               )
#' @export comorbidityAnalysisMolecular

comorbidityAnalysisMolecular <- function ( input, pValue = FALSE, nboot = 100, ncores = 1, verbose = FALSE, warnings = TRUE ){

    #check if the input object is of class molecularComorbidity
    message("Checking the input object")
    checkClass <- class(input)[1]
    if(checkClass != "molecularComorbidity"){
        message("Check the input object. Remember that this
                    object must be obtained after applying the queryMolecular
                    function to your input file. The input object class must
    message("Estimating the overlap and jaccard")
    comorb <- input@qresult
    codes.f    <- unique(as.character(comorb$diseaseName))
    codes.pair <- as.data.frame(gtools::combinations(n = length(codes.f),
                                           r = 2,
                                           v = codes.f,
                                           repeats.allowed = FALSE))
    codes.pair$V1 <- as.character(codes.pair$V1)
    codes.pair$V2 <- as.character(codes.pair$V2)
    codes.pair$geneV1  <- NA
    codes.pair$geneV2  <- NA
    codes.pair$overlap <- NA
    codes.pair$jaccard <- NA

  for( cc in 1:nrow(codes.pair)){
    selection1 <- unique(comorb[comorb$diseaseName == as.character(codes.pair$V1[cc]), 1])
    selection2 <- unique(comorb[comorb$diseaseName == as.character(codes.pair$V2[cc]), 1])

    overlapV12 <- selection1[ selection1 %in% selection2]
    unionV1V2  <- unique(c(selection1, selection2))

    codes.pair$geneV1[cc]  <- length(selection1)
    codes.pair$geneV2[cc]  <- length(selection2)
    codes.pair$overlap[cc] <- length(overlapV12)
    codes.pair$jaccard[cc] <- round(length(overlapV12)/length(unionV1V2), 3)
  codes.pair <- codes.pair[codes.pair$overlap != 0, ]
  if( pValue == TRUE){
      message("Estimating the p-value")
      codes.pair <- pValueEstimation(codes.pair, nboot=nboot)
      codes.pair$pval <- round( as.numeric( codes.pair$pval ), 3)
      message("p-value will not be estimated. Set the pVal argument to \"TRUE\" for p-value estimation")
  codes.pair$jaccard <- round( as.numeric( codes.pair$jaccard ), 3)
  resultsGC <- new( "molecularcAnalysis", 
                    ovlpMin   = min(codes.pair$overlap), 
                    ovlpMax    = max(codes.pair$overlap), 
                    jaccardMin= min(codes.pair$jaccard), 
                    jaccardMax= max(codes.pair$jaccard),
                    pValue    = pValue, 
                    tdiseases = length(unique(c(codes.pair$V1, codes.pair$V2))),
                    dispairs  = nrow( codes.pair ),
                    result    = codes.pair 
  return( resultsGC )

aGutierrezSacristan/comorbidity documentation built on April 10, 2020, 5:54 p.m.