
Defines functions pValueEstimation ji.internal

pValueEstimation <- function(input, nboot = 100, ncores = 1, verbose = FALSE) {

  dataTsv <- 
      url )
  myTextConnection <- 
    textConnection( dataTsv )
  res <- 
      myTextConnection, header = 
        TRUE, sep = 
        "\t", colClasses=c("character"))

  universe <- unique(as.character(res$geneid))

  message(paste0("A total of ", length(universe), 
                 " genes obtained from DisGeNET CURATED database are 
                 being used for the bootstrap process\n")

  input$pval <- NA
  message("Pvalue estimation for each comorbidity")
  for(i in 1:nrow( input )){

      if(verbose == TRUE){
          message(paste0("\n\t->Comorbidity pair ", i, " of ", nrow(input), " total diseases' pairs."))
      bb <- ji.internal(input$geneV1[i], input$geneV2[i], universe, nboot, ncores)
      pval <- (sum(bb > input$jaccard[i]) * 1.0) / (nboot+1)
      input$pval[i] <- round(pval, 5)



ji.internal <- function(len1, len2, universe, nboot, ncores) {
  if (!requireNamespace("parallel", quietly = TRUE)) {
    pfun <- lapply
  } else {
    pfun <- parallel::mclapply

  unlist(pfun(1:nboot, function(ii) {
    g1 <- sample( universe, len1 )
    g2 <- sample( universe, len2 )
    ja.coefr <- length(intersect(g1, g2)) / length(union(g1, g2))
  }, mc.cores = ncores))
aGutierrezSacristan/comorbidity documentation built on April 10, 2020, 5:54 p.m.