#' Query your data and generates a \code{datafame}
#' Given an object of class \code{cAnalysis} obtained from a comorbidity analysis,
#' the comorbidity direction can be estimated. An object of class \code{dataframe}
#' is obtained.
#' @param input A \code{cAnalysis} object, containing the comorbidity data for
#' a set of patients.
#' @param databasePth Determines the path where the intermediate RData objects
#' have been created. It is the same path where the three required input files
#' (patientData, diagnosisData, admissionData) are located.
#' @param minPairs Determines the minimum number of patients that must suffer the
#' comorbidity. By default the \code{minPairs} value is set to \code{1}. The value
#' of the argument can be changed to any other numeric variable.
#' @param sex Determine what is the sex of interest for
#' performing the comorbidity analysis.
#' @param ageRange Determines what is the age range of interest for
#' performing the comorbidity analysis. By default it is set from 0 to 100
#' years old.
#' @param days Determines the number of days of difference needed for considering
#' two diseases as comorbid.
#' @param dataSep Determines the separator symbol used in the admission date.
#' By default \code{"-"}.
#' @param correctionMethod A binomial test for each pair of diseases is performed to assess
#' the null hypothesis of independence between the two diseases. The Bonferroni correction
#' ("bonferroni") is applied to correct for multiple testing by default.
#' However user can select the best correction method for the analysis. The adjustment methods
#' include the Benjamini-Hochberg false discovery rate method ("fdr"), Holm correction ("holm"),
#' Hochberg correction ("hochberg"), Hommel ("hommel") and Benjamini & Yekutieli ("BY").
#' @param verbose By default \code{FALSE}. Change it to \code{TRUE} to get a
#' on-time log from the function.
#' @param warnings By default \code{TRUE}. Change it to \code{FALSE} to don't see
#' the warnings.
#' @return An object of class \code{dataframe}
#' @examples
#' load(system.file("extdata", "comorMale.RData", package="comoRbidity"))
#' directionEx <- directionality( input = comorMale,
#' databasePth = system.file("extdata", package="comoRbidity"),
#' minPairs = 1,
#' sex = "Male",
#' ageRange = c(0,80),
#' days = "0",
#' dataSep = "-",
#' correctionMethod = "bonferroni"
#' )
#' @export directionality
directionality <- function( input, databasePth, minPairs = 1, sex, ageRange=c(0,100), days, dataSep="-", correctedPval = 1, correctionMethod = "bonferroni", verbose ){
#check if the input object is of class molecularComorbidity
message("Checking the input objects")
checkClass <- class(input)[1]
if(checkClass != "cAnalysis" ){
message("Check the input object. Remember that this
object must be obtained after applying the comorbidityAnalysis
function to your input file. The input object class must
load(paste0(databasePth, "/direction.RData"))
direction <- direccionality@qresult
#direction$data <- direction$admissionStartDate
direction$age <- as.numeric(direction$age)
if( sex != "ALL"){
direction <- direction[direction$patient_sex == sex, ]
#direction$admissionStartDate <- do.call(rbind, strsplit(direction$admissionStartDate, dataSep) )[,1]
#direction$patient_dateBirth <- do.call(rbind, strsplit(direction$patient_dateBirth, dataSep) )[,1]
#direction$age <- as.numeric(direction$admissionStartDate) - as.numeric(direction$patient_dateBirth)
direction <- direction[ direction$age > ageRange[ 1 ] & direction$age < ageRange[ 2 ], ]
input <- input@result
input <- input[as.numeric(input$AB) >=minPairs, ]
if(nrow(input) == 0){
stop("There are not any disease comorbidities with this minimum pairs")
pairs <- input[,c(1:2)]
pairs$AtoB <- 0
pairs$BtoA <- 0
pairs$test <- 0
for(i in 1:nrow(pairs)){
code1 <- pairs[i,1]
code2 <- pairs[i,2]
studyCode1 <- direction[direction$diagnosis_code==code1,]
studyCode1 <- studyCode1[with(studyCode1, order(admissionStartDate, patient_id)), ]
studyCode1 <- studyCode1[!duplicated(studyCode1$patient_id), ]
studyCode2 <- direction[direction$diagnosis_code==code2,]
studyCode2 <- studyCode2[with(studyCode2, order(admissionStartDate, patient_id)), ]
studyCode2 <- studyCode2[!duplicated(studyCode2$patient_id), ]
studyCode1 <- studyCode1[studyCode1$patient_id %in% studyCode2$patient_id,]
studyCode2 <- studyCode2[studyCode2$patient_id %in% studyCode1$patient_id,]
df <- merge(studyCode1, studyCode2, by="patient_id")
dfColnames <- c("patient_id", "data.x", "data.y")
df <- df[,colnames(df)%in% dfColnames]
df$diff <- as.Date(as.character(df$data.x), format=paste0("%Y", dataSep, "%m",dataSep ,"%d"))-
as.Date(as.character(df$data.y), format=paste0("%Y", dataSep, "%m",dataSep ,"%d"))
pairs$AtoB[i] <- nrow(df[df$diff<days,])
pairs$BtoA[i] <- nrow(df[df$diff>days,])
if(pairs$AtoB[i]==0 & pairs$BtoA[i]==0){
pairs$test[i] <- "NA"
Btest <- binom.test( x = pairs$AtoB[i],
n = pairs$AtoB[i]+pairs$BtoA[i],
p = 0.5,
alternative = "two.sided")
pairs$test[i] <- Btest$p.value
pairs <- pairs[pairs$test != "NA",]
pairs$correctedPvalue <- p.adjust( as.numeric( pairs$test ), method = correctionMethod, n = nrow( pairs ) )
pairs$result <- NA
for(i in 1:nrow(pairs)){
pairs$result[i]<- "No directionality"
pairs$result[i] <- "From A to B"
pairs$result[i] <- "From B to A"
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