
fitMechanism <- function(mechanism, fit.points, body.assoc, input.param, 
	coor.optim = rep(TRUE, nrow(joint.coor)), pose.optim = TRUE, fit.wts = NULL, 
	planar = FALSE, coor.vectors = NULL, use.ref.as.prev = FALSE, 
	direct.input = FALSE, print.progress = FALSE, ref.iter = 1, control = NULL, print.level = 0){

	# Start run time
	time1 <- proc.time()

	# Set indent
	indent <- '\t'
	if(print.progress) cat(paste0(paste0(rep(indent, print.level), collapse=''), 'fitMechanism()\n'))
	control_default <- list(
	# Set nlminb controls
	nlminb_control <- list('abs.tol'=1e-20, 'rel.tol'=1e-10, 'x.tol'=1.5e-8, 'xf.tol'=2.2e-14)		# Defaults
	nlminb_control[['abs.tol']] <- 1e-12
	nlminb_control[['rel.tol']] <- 1e-6

	# Overwrite default controls with inputs, if applicable
		control_new <- control_default
		control_new <- control_default
		for(i in 1:length(control))
			if(!is.null(control[[names(control)[i]]])) control_new[[names(control)[i]]] <- control[[names(control)[i]]]
	control <- control_new

	# Set parameters from mechanism
	joint.types <- mechanism$joint.types
	joint.coor <- mechanism$joint.coor
	joint.names <- rownames(mechanism$joint.coor)
	input.body <- mechanism$input.body
	input.joint <- mechanism$input.joint
	input_joint_name <- joint.names[input.joint]
	input.dof <- mechanism$input.dof
	joint.cons <- mechanism$joint.cons
	body.conn <- mechanism$body.conn
	fixed.body <- mechanism$fixed.body
	body_names <- mechanism$body.names
	# If there's an N joint attached to fixed body, check if there are fit points associated with fixed body and add if there are not
	if('N' %in% joint.types){
		if(fixed.body %in% body.conn[joint.types == 'N',]){
			if(!fixed.body %in% body.assoc){
				new_fixed_pts <- paste0(fixed.body, '_fit_pt', 1:3)
				fit_points_new <- array(NA, dim=dim(fit.points)+c(3,0,0), dimnames=list(c(new_fixed_pts, dimnames(fit.points)[[1]]), dimnames(fit.points)[[2]], dimnames(fit.points)[[3]]))
				fit_points_new[new_fixed_pts,,] <- diag(3)
				fit_points_new[dimnames(fit.points)[[1]],,] <- fit.points
				fit.points <- fit_points_new
				body.assoc <- c(rep(fixed.body, 3), body.assoc)
					ref.iter <- rbind(matrix(diag(3), 3, 3, dimnames=list(new_fixed_pts, NULL)), ref.iter)

	# Use motion between two bodies connected by each joint to generate initial joint 
	# constraint estimate

	# Make sure that row names are unique
	if(!is.null(rownames(fit.points))) if(length(unique(rownames(fit.points))) != nrow(fit.points)) stop("Row names in 'fit.points' must be unique.")

	# Get number of iterations
	n_iter <- dim(fit.points)[3]
	# Standardize joint types
	stand_joint_type <- list('Our'='O', 'Ou'='O', 'Ur'='U')
	for(i in 1:length(stand_joint_type)){
		joint.types[joint.types == names(stand_joint_type)[i]] <- stand_joint_type[[i]]
			input_joint_name[input_joint_name == names(stand_joint_type)[i]] <- stand_joint_type[[i]]

	# Get number of joints
	n_joints <- length(joint.types)
	# Set input parameters if single joint and NULL

		if(n_joints > 1) stop("'input.param' can only be NULL for single joint models (i.e. joint.types of length 1).")
		# Set input.param based on model DoFs
		input.param <- matrix(NA, nrow=n_iter, ncol=jointDoF(joint.types))
	# Set NA joint coordinates
	#if(is.null(joint.coor)) joint.coor <- matrix(NA, nrow=n_joints, ncol=3, dimnames=list(joint.names, NULL))
	#if(is.vector(joint.coor)) joint.coor <- matrix(joint.coor, nrow=1, ncol=3, dimnames=list(joint.names, NULL))
	# Set joint names from coordinates if NULL
	#if(is.null(joint.names)) joint.names <- rownames(joint.coor)
	# If single coor.optim value and multiple joints, repeat for same number of joints
	if(length(coor.optim) == 1 && n_joints > 1) coor.optim <- rep(coor.optim, n_joints)
	# Set joint coordinates to optimize
	joints_optim <- which(coor.optim)
	# Set logical whether joint coordinates will be optimized
	if(length(joints_optim) > 0){ optim_joint_coor <- TRUE }else{ optim_joint_coor <- FALSE }

	# Set NA joint constraints if no set values specified
	#	joint.cons <- list()
	#	for(joint_num in 1:n_joints){
	#		if(joint.types[joint_num] %in% c('R', 'L', 'T')) joint.cons[[joint_num]] <- matrix(NA, 1, 3)
	#		if(joint.types[joint_num] %in% c('X', 'U', 'P', 'PR')) joint.cons[[joint_num]] <- matrix(NA, 2, 3)
	#		if(joint.types[joint_num] %in% c('S', 'O')) joint.cons[[joint_num]] <- matrix(NA, 3, 3)
	#		if(joint.types[joint_num] %in% c('N')) joint.cons[[joint_num]] <- matrix(NA, 6, 3)
	#	}
	# Use define linkage just to get body.conn.num and other mechanism properties (skip path finding)
	#mechanism <- defineMechanism(joint.coor=joint.coor, joint.types=joint.types, 
	#	input.body=input.body, input.joint=input.joint, input.dof=input.dof, joint.cons=joint.cons, body.conn=body.conn, 
	#	fixed.body=fixed.body, print.progress=FALSE)

	# Save input formatted joint constraints
	#joint.cons <- mechanism$joint.cons
	joint_cons_input <- mechanism$joint.cons

	# Create numeric body association
	body_assoc_num <- rep(NA, length(body.assoc))
	for(i in 1:length(body_assoc_num)) body_assoc_num[i] <- which(body.assoc[i] == mechanism$body.names)

	# Find most dissimilar shapes for optimization
	if(n_iter > control$optim.frame.max){
		optim_use <- sort(whichMaxShapeDist(fit.points, max.index=min(n_iter, control$optim.frame.max)))
		optim_use <- 1:n_iter

		cols <- rainbow(n=length(dist_index), start=0, end=5/6)
		for(i in 1:length(dist_index)) svg.lines(fit.points[c(1:3,1), , dist_index[i]], col=cols[i])
		for(i in 1:dim(fit.points)[3]) svg.lines(fit.points[c(1:3,1), , i], opacity=0.05)
		svg.frame(fit.points[, , optim_use])

	# Set number of optimization iterations
	n_optim <- length(optim_use)

		cat(paste0(paste0(rep(indent, print.level+1), collapse=''), 'Total time points: ', n_iter, '\n'))
			cat(paste0(paste0(rep(indent, print.level+1), collapse=''), 'Reference iteration: ', ref.iter, '\n'))
			cat(paste0(paste0(rep(indent, print.level+1), collapse=''), 'Reference coordinates:\n'))
			for(i in 1:nrow(ref.iter)){
				cat(paste0(paste0(rep(indent, print.level+2), collapse=''), rownames(ref.iter)[i], ': {', paste0(signif(ref.iter[i,], 3), collapse=','), '}\n'))
		cat(paste0(paste0(rep(indent, print.level+1), collapse=''), 'Number of time points used in optimization: ', n_optim, '\n'))
		cat(paste0(paste0(rep(indent, print.level+2), collapse=''), 'Time points (max. dispersed): ', paste0(optim_use, collapse=','), '\n'))

	## Estimate initial joint constraints
	if(print.progress) cat(paste0(paste0(rep(indent, print.level+1), collapse=''), 'Estimating joint constraints...\n'))
	for(joint_num in 1:n_joints){

		if(joint.types[joint_num] == 'N'){
			joint.coor[joint_num, ] <- c(0,0,0)
			joint.cons[[joint_num]] <- rbind(diag(3), diag(3))

		if(!is.na(joint.coor[joint_num, 1]) && joint.types[joint_num] == 'S'){
			if(is.na(joint.cons[[joint_num]][3, 1])) joint.cons[[joint_num]] <- diag(3)
		# Get two bodies connected by joint
		bodies <- mechanism$body.conn.num[joint_num, ]
		# Get points associated with each body
		body_points <- list(which(body_assoc_num == bodies[1]), which(body_assoc_num == bodies[2]))

		# Skip certain joints
		if(joint.types[joint_num] %in% c('P')) next

		# If fixed link among bodies
		if(1 %in% bodies){

			# Choose other body as mobile
			mobile_body <- which(bodies != 1)
			# Get fit points
			fit_points <- fit.points[body_points[[mobile_body]], , ]
		# If no fixed link

				# Fix body2 points relative to body1 (need to input body1+body2 points)
				fit_points_rel <- immobilize(fit.points[unlist(body_points), , ], fit.points[body_points[[1]], , 1])
				# Save body2 points only
				fit_points <- fit_points_rel[dimnames(fit.points)[[1]][body_points[[2]]], , ]


				# Fix body2 points relative to body1 (need to input body1+body2 points)
				fit_points_rel <- immobilize(fit.points[unlist(body_points), , ], ref.iter[dimnames(fit.points)[[1]][body_points[[1]]], ])

				# Save body2 points only
				fit_points <- fit_points_rel[dimnames(fit.points)[[1]][body_points[[2]]], , ]

		# Set initial fit type
		init_fit_type <- joint.types[joint_num]
		# **** Temp fix for initial guess - seems to work OK
		if(joint.types[joint_num] %in% c('U', 'X', 'O')) init_fit_type <- 'R'
		# Get initial joint constraint estimate
		fit_joint_cons <- fitJointConstraint(coor=fit_points, type=init_fit_type, smooth=TRUE, print.progress=FALSE)

		# Set center of rotation
		if(joint.types[joint_num] %in% c('R', 'S', 'X', 'U', 'O'))
			if(is.na(joint.coor[joint_num, 1])) joint.coor[joint_num, ] <- fit_joint_cons$cons[1:3]

		# Set axes of rotation, filling in where initial joint constraints are not already specified
		if(joint.types[joint_num] == 'R'){
			if(is.na(joint.cons[[joint_num]][1, 1])) joint.cons[[joint_num]] <- matrix(fit_joint_cons$cons[4:6], 1, 3)

		if(joint.types[joint_num] %in% c('X', 'U')){
			if(is.na(joint.cons[[joint_num]][1, 1])) joint.cons[[joint_num]] <- rbind(fit_joint_cons$cons[4:6], rep(NA, 3))
			if(is.na(joint.cons[[joint_num]][2, 1])) joint.cons[[joint_num]][2, ] <- vorthogonal(joint.cons[[joint_num]][1, ])

		if(joint.types[joint_num] %in% c('O')){
			if(is.na(joint.cons[[joint_num]][1, 1])) joint.cons[[joint_num]] <- rbind(fit_joint_cons$cons[4:6], rep(NA, 3), rep(NA, 3))
			if(is.na(joint.cons[[joint_num]][2, 1])) joint.cons[[joint_num]][2, ] <- vorthogonal(joint.cons[[joint_num]][1, ])
			if(is.na(joint.cons[[joint_num]][3, 1])) joint.cons[[joint_num]][3, ] <- vorthogonal(joint.cons[[joint_num]][2, ])

		if(joint.types[joint_num] %in% c('S')){

			if(is.na(joint.cons[[joint_num]][1, 1])){

				# No input joint constraint vectors - use standard
				joint.cons[[joint_num]] <- diag(3)
				joint_cons_input[[joint_num]] <- diag(3)


				if(is.na(joint.cons[[joint_num]][2, 1])){
					joint.cons[[joint_num]][2, ] <- vorthogonal(joint.cons[[joint_num]][1, ])
					joint.cons[[joint_num]][3, ] <- cprod(joint.cons[[joint_num]][1, ], joint.cons[[joint_num]][2, ])

#joint.cons[[1]][1,] <- c(0.1,0.3,1)
#joint.cons[[1]][2,] <- vorthogonal(joint_cons_true[1,])

#joint.cons[[1]][1,] <- joint_cons_true[1,]
#joint.cons[[1]][2,] <- joint_cons_true[2,]
#joint.cons[[1]][2,] <- vorthogonal(joint_cons_true[1,])

	# If planar is TRUE, set joint coordinates into same plane and R-joint axes perpendicular to plane
		if(sum(!coor.optim) <= 1){

			# Find normal vector to plane
			v123 <- cprod(joint.coor[3, ]-joint.coor[1, ], joint.coor[2, ]-joint.coor[1, ])
			v124 <- cprod(joint.coor[4, ]-joint.coor[1, ], joint.coor[3, ]-joint.coor[2, ])

			plane_nvector <- uvector(colMeans(rbind(v123, v124)))

			# ****** Temp fix
			joints_plane <- which(!coor.optim)
			if(length(joints_plane) == 3){
				v123 <- joint.coor[joints_plane[3], ] - joint.coor[joints_plane[1], ]
				v124 <- joint.coor[joints_plane[2], ] - joint.coor[joints_plane[1], ]
				v123 <- joint.coor[joints_plane[4], ] - joint.coor[joints_plane[1], ]
				v124 <- joint.coor[joints_plane[3], ] - joint.coor[joints_plane[1], ]

			plane_nvector <- uvector(cprod(v123, v124))
		# Check if a joint is fixed
		if(sum(!coor.optim) > 0){

			# Set joint center as point in plane
			plane_point <- joint.coor[which(!coor.optim)[1], ]


			# Set joint center as point in plane
			plane_point <- colMeans(joint.coor)

		# Set all R-joint axes to normal vector
		for(joint_num in 1:n_joints){

			# Project joint coordinates into plane
			joint.coor[joint_num, ] <- pointPlaneProj(joint.coor[joint_num, ], plane_point, plane_nvector)

			if(joint.types[joint_num] == 'R') joint.cons[[joint_num]] <- plane_nvector

	# Re-define linkage with initial joint coordinate and constraints
	mechanism <- defineMechanism(joint.coor=joint.coor, joint.types=joint.types, 
		input.body=input.body, input.joint=input.joint, input.dof=input.dof, joint.cons=joint.cons, 
		body.conn=body.conn, fixed.body=fixed.body)

	# If input.joint is NULL and a single joint, set sole joint as input
		if(n_joints > 1) stop("If the mechanism has more than one joint 'input.joint' must be specified.")
		input.joint <- 1

	# If input.joint is non-numeric, convert to numeric equivalent
		if(sum(!input.joint %in% mechanism$joint.names) > 0) stop("'input.joint' names do not match joint names.")
		input_joint_num <- rep(NA, length(input.joint))
		for(i in 1:length(input.joint)) input_joint_num[i] <- which(mechanism$joint.names == input.joint[i])
		input.joint <- input_joint_num

	# Set joint compare to choose toggle positions (not necessary for single joint)
	if(n_joints == 1){

		joint_compare <- NULL


		# Create joint coordinates animated with fit points for toggle comparisons
		joint_compare <- array(NA, dim=c(dim(mechanism$joint.coor), n_iter), 
			dimnames=list(rownames(mechanism$joint.coor), NULL, NULL))

		for(i in 1:dim(joint_compare)[1]){
			# Find associated bodies
			assoc_bodies <- mechanism$body.conn.num[i, ]
			# Find associated fit points
			body_names_a <- mechanism$body.names[assoc_bodies]

			# Get fit point indices associated with each body
			which_body1 <- which(body.assoc == body_names_a[1])
			which_body2 <- which(body.assoc == body_names_a[2])

			# Skip if less than 3 fit points
			if(length(which_body1) < 3 && length(which_body2) < 3) next

			# Choose one body
			which_body <- which_body1
			if(length(which_body1) < 3) which_body <- which_body2
			if(length(which_body2) < 3) which_body <- which_body1
			# Combine fit points and joint
				fit_point_joint <- rbind(fit.points[which_body, , ref.iter], 'joint.coor'=mechanism$joint.coor[i, ])
				fit_point_joint <- rbind(ref.iter[dimnames(fit.points[which_body,,])[[1]],], 'joint.coor'=mechanism$joint.coor[i, ])

			# Fill array
			for(iter in 1:n_iter){
				# Move joint based on fit point motion
				joint_compare[i, , iter] <- bestAlign(fit.points[which_body, , iter], fit_point_joint)$mat['joint.coor', ]
	## Prepare optimization vectors
	if(print.progress) cat(paste0(paste0(rep(indent, print.level+1), collapse=''), 'Preparing optimization parameters...\n'))

	## Prepare fit point pose optimization vectors
	# Get range of joint coordinate positions along each axis
	fit_points_range <- apply(apply(fit.points[, , 1], 2, 'range'), 2, 'diff')
	# If one dimension is 0, set to minimum of other dimensions
	if(sum(abs(fit_points_range) < 1e-3) > 0) fit_points_range[abs(fit_points_range) < 1e-3] <- min(fit_points_range[fit_points_range !=0])

	# Set bound for translation
	pose_optim_bounds_add <- fit_points_range*control$fit.points.bounds.factor

	# Set amount to shift from boundary
	bound_shift <- control$joint.coor.bounds*0.01

	# Create vector of input parameters (start with first iteration)
	input_optim_vec <- c()
	input_optim_names <- c()

	# Create matrix of bounds for input parameters
	input_optim_bounds <- matrix(NA, nrow=2, ncol=0, dimnames=list(c('lower', 'upper'), NULL))

	# Convert input.param into list of matrices for consistency
	if(class(input.param) == 'numeric') input.param <- list(matrix(input.param, nrow=n_inputs, ncol=1))
	if(class(input.param) == 'matrix') input.param <- list(input.param)
	if(class(input.param) == 'list'){
		for(i in 1:length(input.param)) if(is.vector(input.param[[i]])) input.param[[i]] <- matrix(input.param[[i]], nrow=length(input.param[[i]]), ncol=1)

	# Create modifiable copy of input parameters
	input_param <- input.param

	# Create vector for number of input parameters per input
	n_input <- rep(NA, length(input_param))
	# Create optimization input parameter
	input_param_optim <- list()

	# Create list to specify which values from input_optim will be placed in which columns of input_param
	input_param_fill <- list()

	# Set joints for which input parameters will be calculated directly (for now only use in single joint case)
	direct.input <- rep(FALSE, length(input.joint))
	if(direct.input && n_joints == 1) direct.input[joint.types == 'U'] <- TRUE

	# Logical for whether there are any fixed inputs
	any_fixed_input <- FALSE

	# Fill vector with initial values
	col_idx_start <- 1
	for(i in 1:length(input.joint)){
		# Create list element
		input_param_fill[[i]] <- list()

		# Create optimization input parameters
		input_param_optim[[i]] <- matrix(input_param[[i]][optim_use, ], nrow=n_optim, ncol=ncol(input_param[[i]]))

		if(sum(!is.na(input_param[[i]][1,])) > 0) any_fixed_input <- TRUE

		# Set column indices to pull from input_optim matrix
		input_param_fill[[i]][['col.idx']] <- col_idx_start:(col_idx_start + sum(is.na(input_param[[i]][1,]))-1)
		col_idx_start <- max(input_param_fill[[i]][['col.idx']]) + 1

		# Set column indices where to add in input_param_fill and input_param lists
		input_param_fill[[i]][['list.idx']] <- (1:ncol(input_param[[i]]))[is.na(input_param[[i]][1,])]
		# Set number of columns
		n_cols <- length(input_param_fill[[i]][['list.idx']])

		# Add names for input_optim column names
			input_optim_names <- c(input_optim_names, paste0(joint.types[input.joint[i]], input.joint[i], 
				'-', which(is.na(input_param[[i]][1,]))))
			input_optim_names <- c(input_optim_names, paste0(joint.names[input.joint[i]], 
				'-', which(is.na(input_param[[i]][1,]))))

		# Fill with default values (for now, same for all joint types)
		input_optim_vec <- c(input_optim_vec, rep(-0.1, n_cols))

		input_bounds_r <- c(-6*pi, 6*pi)
		#input_bounds_r <- c(0*(pi/180), 45*(pi/180))
		input_bounds_t <- c(-max(fit_points_range), max(fit_points_range))
		# Set input value
		if(joint.types[input.joint[i]] %in% c('R', 'S', 'U', 'X', 'O')){
			add_bounds <- rbind(rep(input_bounds_r[1], n_cols), rep(input_bounds_r[2], n_cols))
		}else if(joint.types[input.joint[i]] %in% c('P')){
			add_bounds <- rbind(rep(input_bounds_t[1], n_cols), rep(input_bounds_t[2], n_cols))
		}else if(joint.types[input.joint[i]] %in% c('PR')){
			add_bounds <- rbind(c(rep(input_bounds_t[1], 2), input_bounds_r[1]), c(rep(input_bounds_t[2], 2), input_bounds_r[2]))
		}else if(joint.types[input.joint[i]] %in% c('N')){
			add_bounds <- rbind(c(rep(input_bounds_t[1], 3), rep(input_bounds_r[1], 3)), c(rep(input_bounds_t[2], 3), rep(input_bounds_r[2], 3)))
			stop("Unrecognized joint type for setting initial input parameter values.")
		# Fill vectors and matrices
		input_optim_bounds <- cbind(input_optim_bounds, add_bounds)

	# For now, turn off direct input when any fixed input parameters are input
	if(any_fixed_input) direct.input <- rep(FALSE, length(direct.input))

	# Convert to matrix with row for each iteration
	input_optim <- matrix(NA, nrow=n_iter, ncol=length(input_optim_vec), byrow=TRUE, dimnames=list(NULL, input_optim_names))

	# Set default values for rows that will be used in optimization
	input_optim[optim_use, ] <- input_optim_vec

	# Add column names to bounds matrix
	colnames(input_optim_bounds) <- input_optim_names

	# Set initial value for reference iteration to 0 - this will also be optimized
	if(is.vector(ref.iter)) input_optim[ref.iter, ] <- 0

		cat(paste0(paste0(rep(indent, print.level+2), collapse=''), 'Joint parameter optimization:\n'))
		cat(paste0(paste0(rep(indent, print.level+3), collapse=''), 'Joints for which input parameters will be calculated directly : '))
			cat(paste0(joint.names[direct.input], collapse=','))
		cat(paste0(paste0(rep(indent, print.level+3), collapse=''), 'Input parameter columns that will be optimized: '))
		cat(paste0(colnames(input_optim), collapse=', '))

	## Prepare joint coordinate optimization vectors
	# Create boundary matrix for each joint in joints_optim
	joints_optim_initial <- matrix(NA, nrow=n_joints, ncol=3, dimnames=list(joint.names, NULL))
	joints_optim_initial[joints_optim, ] <- mechanism$joint.coor[joints_optim, ]

	# Set coor vectors input
	coor_vectors_input <- rep(FALSE, n_joints)

		for(i in 1:length(coor.vectors)){

			if(length(coor.vectors[[i]]) == 1) next

			coor_vectors_input[i] <- TRUE
			if(is.vector(coor.vectors[[i]])) coor.vectors[[i]] <- matrix(coor.vectors[[i]], 1, 3)
	# These are values that are *added* to joint.coor
	coor_optim <- c()
	for(i in joints_optim){
		# Use input coor vectors length if available
			coor_optim <- c(coor_optim, rep(0,nrow(coor.vectors[[i]])))
		# Create sequence of values to add to joint coordinates
			if(joint.types[i] == 'R') coor_optim <- c(coor_optim, rep(0,3))
			if(joint.types[i] %in% c('R', 'P')){
				coor_optim <- c(coor_optim, rep(0,2))
				coor_optim <- c(coor_optim, rep(0,3))

	# Print joint coordinate optimization parameters
		cat(paste0(paste0(rep(indent, print.level+2), collapse=''), 'Joint coordinate optimization:\n'))
		for(j in 1:n_joints){
			cat(paste0(paste0(rep(indent, print.level+3), collapse=''), joint.names[j], ': '))
			if(j %in% joints_optim){
				cat(paste0('Adding values to {', paste0(signif(mechanism$joint.coor[j, ], 3), collapse=','), '}'))
					cat(paste0(' along input vectors {', paste0(signif(coor.vectors[[j]], 3), collapse=','), '}'))
				}else if(joint.types[j] == 'R'){
					cat(paste0(' along vectors in plane perpendicular to ', joint.names[j], ' axis'))
				}else if(joint.types[j] == 'P'){
					cat(paste0(' along vector perpendicular to ', joint.names[j], ' axis'))
					cat(paste0(' along x, y, and z-axes'))
				cat(paste0(' with bounds of +/- ', signif(control$joint.coor.bounds, 3), ' (per optim iter)'))
				cat(paste0('Using {', paste0(signif(mechanism$joint.coor[j, ], 3), collapse=','), '}'))

	## Prepare joint constraint optimization vectors
	# Create vector to specify which parameters will be optimized
	cons_fill <- c()
	cons_optim <- matrix(NA, nrow=0, ncol=3)
	for(i in 1:n_joints){
		for(j in 1:dim(joint_cons_input[[i]])[1]){
			if(is.na(joint_cons_input[[i]][j, 1])){

				if(joint.types[i] == 'R'){
					cons_fill <- c(cons_fill, 'v')
					cons_optim <- rbind(cons_optim, joint.cons[[i]][j, ])
				if(joint.types[i] %in% c('X', 'U', 'O') && j == 1){
					cons_fill <- c(cons_fill, 'v')
					cons_optim <- rbind(cons_optim, joint.cons[[i]][j, ])
				if(joint.types[i] %in% c('U', 'X', 'S', 'O') && j == 2){
					cons_fill <- c(cons_fill, 'vo')
					cons_optim <- rbind(cons_optim, c(0, NA, NA))
				if(joint.types[i] %in% c('O') && j == 3){
					cons_fill <- c(cons_fill, 'vo')
					cons_optim <- rbind(cons_optim, c(0, NA, NA))
				if(joint.types[i] %in% c('S') && j == 3){
					cons_fill <- c(cons_fill, 'cprod')
					cons_optim <- rbind(cons_optim, c(NA, NA, NA))

				if(joint.types[i] %in% c('N')){
					cons_fill <- c(cons_fill, 'n')
					cons_optim <- rbind(cons_optim, rep(NA, 3))


				cons_fill <- c(cons_fill, 'n')
				cons_optim <- rbind(cons_optim, rep(NA, 3))

	# Create vector of upper and lower bounds
	cons_optim_bounds_low <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(cons_fill), ncol=3)
	cons_optim_bounds_upp <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(cons_fill), ncol=3)
	for(i in 1:length(cons_fill)){
		if(cons_fill[i] == 'v'){
			cons_optim_bounds_low[i, ] <- -1
			cons_optim_bounds_upp[i, ] <- 1
		if(cons_fill[i] == 'vo'){
			cons_optim_bounds_low[i, 1] <- -6*pi
			cons_optim_bounds_upp[i, 1] <- 6*pi
	# Determine whether joint constraints will be optimized
	if(sum(!cons_fill %in% c('n', 'cprod')) > 0){ optim_joint_cons <- TRUE }else { optim_joint_cons <- FALSE }

	# Print joint constraint optimization parameters
		cat(paste0(paste0(rep(indent, print.level+2), collapse=''), 'Joint constraint optimization:\n'))
		n <- 1
		for(i in 1:n_joints){
			for(j in 1:dim(joint_cons_input[[i]])[1]){
				cat(paste0(paste0(rep(indent, print.level+3), collapse=''), joint.names[i], '-', j, ': '))
				if(cons_fill[n] %in% c('n', 'cprod')){
					if(cons_fill[n] == 'n') cat(paste0('Using input vectors {', paste0(signif(joint.cons[[i]][j, ], 3), collapse=','), '}'))
					if(cons_fill[n] == 'cprod') cat(paste0('Will be filled with cross product of ', joint.names[i], '-', j-2, ' and ', joint.names[i], '-', j-1))
					if(cons_fill[n] == 'v') cat('Optimizing 3-unit vector')
					if(cons_fill[n] == 'vo') cat(paste0('Optimizing vector orthogonal to ', joint.names[i], '-', j-1))
					cat(paste0(' with initial value(s) {', paste0(signif(na.omit(cons_optim[n, ]), 3), collapse=','), '}'))
					cat(paste0(', lower bounds {', paste0(signif(na.omit(cons_optim_bounds_low[n, ]), 3), collapse=','), '}'))
					cat(paste0(', and upper bounds {', paste0(signif(na.omit(cons_optim_bounds_upp[n, ]), 3), collapse=','), '}'))
				n <- n + 1

	# Add fit points to mechanism as body points
	for(body_name in mechanism$body.names){
		# Get fit points associated with body
		fit_assoc <- which(body.assoc == body_name)


			if(length(fit_assoc) == 0) next
			if(length(fit_assoc) == 1){

				# Single fit point, set to position at reference
				pose_ref <- matrix(fit.points[fit_assoc, , ref.iter], 1,3, dimnames=list(dimnames(fit.points)[[1]][fit_assoc], NULL))
				points_connect <- list(c(1,1))


				## Align coordinates across all time points using generalized procrustes analysis to 
				# find mean (consensus) shape scaled to mean centroid size
				proc_align <- procrustes(fit.points[fit_assoc, , optim_use], scale=FALSE, rotate=TRUE, scale.to.mean.Csize=FALSE)
				consensus <- proc_align$consensus

				# Set initial reference pose by aligning consensus with reference time point
				pose_ref <- bestAlign(fit.points[fit_assoc, , ref.iter], consensus)$mat

				# Set points connect
				if(length(fit_assoc) == 2){
					points_connect <- list(c(1,2))
				}else if(length(fit_assoc) == 3){
					points_connect <- list(c(1,2), c(2,3), c(1,3))
					points_connect <- list(c(1,2), c(2,3), c(1,3))


			# Use input ref.iter matrix to set reference pose
			pose_ref <- ref.iter[dimnames(fit.points)[[1]][fit_assoc],]
			points_connect <- list(c(1,2), c(2,3), c(1,3))
		# Associate fit points with body
		mechanism <- associatePoints(mechanism, points=pose_ref, body=body_name, 

	# Sort fit point weights to match mechanism$body.points
		names(fit.wts) <- dimnames(fit.points)[[1]]
		fit.wts <- fit.wts[rownames(mechanism$body.points)]
		fit.wts <- setNames(rep(1, nrow(mechanism$body.points)), rownames(mechanism$body.points))

	# Sort fit points to match mechanism$body.points
	fit.points <- fit.points[rownames(mechanism$body.points), , ]

	# Create transformation array for fit points (resulting from pose optimization)
	body_points_tmarr <- array(diag(4), dim=c(4,4,mechanism$num.bodies), dimnames=list(NULL, NULL, mechanism$body.names))

	# Draw animation
	#drawMechanism(mechanism, file=paste0('Fit mechanism.html'), 
	#	window.title='Fit mechanism', animate.reverse=FALSE)

		optimizing_which <- c(TRUE, optim_joint_coor, optim_joint_cons, pose.optim)
		cat(paste0(paste0(rep(indent, print.level+1), collapse=''), 'Optimizing ', 
			paste0(c('input parameters', 'joint coordinates', 'constraint parameters', 'whole joint poses')[optimizing_which], collapse=', '), 

	# Set difference threshold at which optimization will stop, as proportion of mean fit point range
	#opt_to_diff <- control$optim.to.percent*mean(fit_points_range)

	# Initial setting of optimization sequence parameters
	optim_iter <- 0
	#optim_errors <- c(mean(fit_points_range)*1000, mean(fit_points_range)*1000-opt_to_diff*2)
	optim_errors <- c(10000, 1000)
	# Create change types vector
	change_types <- rep(NA, control$optim.iter.max)

	# Cycle optimizing the input parameters, joint constraints and coordinates, and body 
	#	pose until error changes less than difference threshold between consecutive 
	# 	optimization steps
	optim_iter_max <- control$optim.iter.max
	while(optim_iter < optim_iter_max){
		if(print.progress) cat(paste0(paste0(rep(indent, print.level+2), collapse=''), optim_iter+1, ') Errors: '))

		## Optimize input parameters
		# Create vectors for initial and final error
		input_fit_errors_i <- rep(NA, n_optim)
		input_fit_errors_f <- rep(NA, n_optim)

		# Switch back and forth between direct and optimized input (seems to improve fit)
		if(any(direct.input) && optim_iter %in% seq(1,control$optim.iter.max,by=2)){direct_input <- TRUE}else{direct_input <- FALSE}
		#direct_input <- FALSE

		if(direct_input){	#  && optim_iter == 0

			# Get input parameters
			for(i in which(direct_input)){
				input_optim[optim_use, ] <- findJointInputParam(type=mechanism$joint.type[i], 
					coor=mechanism$joint.coor[i,], cons=mechanism$joint.cons[[i]], ref=mechanism$body.points, 
					poses=fit.points[, , optim_use])

			for(i in 1:n_optim){

				# Set iteration
				iter <- optim_use[i]

				# Find initial error
				if(print.progress) input_fit_errors_i[i] <- animate_mechanism_error(input_optim[iter, ], 
					replace='input.param', joint.compare=joint_compare[, , iter], fit.points=fit.points[, , iter], 
					mechanism=mechanism, input.param=input_param_optim, fit.wts=fit.wts, use.ref.as.prev=use.ref.as.prev, 
					input.param.fill=input_param_fill, iter=i)
			input_fit_errors_f <- input_fit_errors_i
			input_error_outliers <- rep(FALSE, length(input_fit_errors_f))

			# Run optimization
			for(i in 1:n_optim){

				# Set iteration
				iter <- optim_use[i]

				# Find initial error
				if(print.progress) input_fit_errors_i[i] <- animate_mechanism_error(input_optim[iter, ], 
					replace='input.param', joint.compare=joint_compare[, , iter], fit.points=fit.points[, , iter], 
					mechanism=mechanism, input.param=input_param_optim, 
					fit.wts=fit.wts, use.ref.as.prev=use.ref.as.prev, input.param.fill=input_param_fill, iter=i)

				# Run optimization
				input_fit <- tryCatch(
						nlminb(start=input_optim[iter, ], objective=animate_mechanism_error, 
							lower=input_optim_bounds['lower', ], upper=input_optim_bounds['upper', ], 
							replace='input.param', joint.compare=joint_compare[, , iter], fit.points=fit.points[, , iter], 
							mechanism=mechanism, input.param=input_param_optim,  
							fit.wts=fit.wts, use.ref.as.prev=use.ref.as.prev, input.param.fill=input_param_fill, 
							iter=i, control=nlminb_control)
					error=function(cond) {print(cond);return(NULL)},
					warning=function(cond) {print(cond);return(NULL)}
				# Save error
				input_fit_errors_f[i] <- input_fit$objective

				# Save optimized parameters
				input_optim[optim_use[i], ] <- input_fit$par
				# If first cycle, set next input parameters to current values
				if(optim_iter == 0 && i < n_optim) input_optim[optim_use[i+1], ] <- input_fit$par

			# Get median fit error
			med_fit_error <- median(input_fit_errors_f, na.rm=TRUE)
			#cat(paste0('med{', med_fit_error, '}'))
			# Correct for very small error in noiseless fit (otherwise many outliers are erroneously replaced)
			if(med_fit_error < 1e-5) med_fit_error <- 0.1
			#cat(paste0('med{', med_fit_error, '}'))

			# Check for outlier input parameter fit errors (2x greater than median), likely poor convergence
			#input_error_outliers <- input_fit_errors_f > med_fit_error*20
			input_error_outliers <- rep(FALSE, length(input_fit_errors_f))

			# If any found, replace with closest non-outlier
				for(i in which(input_error_outliers)){
					# Find closest non-outlier
					i_replace <- which(!input_error_outliers)[which.min(abs(which(!input_error_outliers) - i))]

					# Replace input parameters
					input_optim[optim_use[i], ] <- input_optim[optim_use[i_replace], ]

			#print(input_optim[!is.na(input_optim[, 1]), ])
			#print(input_optim_bounds['lower', ])
			#print(input_optim_bounds['upper', ])

			# Set final fit error
			final_fit_error <- mean(input_fit_errors_f, na.rm=TRUE)

		# Print error
			cat(paste0('', signif(mean(input_fit_errors_i, na.rm=TRUE), 3), '->', signif(mean(input_fit_errors_f, na.rm=TRUE), 3)))
			cat(paste0(' {', sum(input_error_outliers), ' out}'))
		# Add input parameters into list
		#n <- 1
		#for(j in 1:length(input_param_optim)){
		#	input_param_optim[[j]] <- matrix(input_optim[optim_use, n:(n + n_input[j] - 1)], nrow=n_optim, ncol=n_input[j])
		#	n <- n + n_input[j]

		# Add optimized input parameters into main optimization input list
		for(i in 1:length(input_param_optim)){
			input_param_optim[[i]][, input_param_fill[[i]][['list.idx']]] <- 
				matrix(input_optim[optim_use, input_param_fill[[i]][['col.idx']]], nrow=n_optim, ncol=length(input_param_fill[[i]][['col.idx']]))

		## Optimize mechanism orientation
		if(planar && FALSE){

			# Find initial error
			if(print.progress) mtfm_fit_error_i <- mechanism_transform_error(rep(0, 1), 
				fit.points=fit.points[, , optim_use], mechanism=mechanism, input.param=input_param_optim, 
				fit.wts=fit.wts, center=mechanism$joint.coor[!coor.optim, ])

			# Run optimization
			mtfm_fit <- tryCatch(
					nlminb(start=rep(0, 1), objective=mechanism_transform_error, 
						lower=c(rep(-2*pi, 1)), 
						upper=c(rep(2*pi, 1)), 
						fit.points=fit.points[, , optim_use], mechanism=mechanism, 
						input.param=input_param_optim, fit.wts=fit.wts, center=mechanism$joint.coor[!coor.optim, ])
				error=function(cond) {print(cond);return(NULL)},
				warning=function(cond) {print(cond);return(NULL)}
			# Print error
			if(print.progress) cat(paste0(', ', signif(mtfm_fit_error_i, 3), '->', signif(mtfm_fit$objective, 3)))
			# Apply optimized parameters
			tmat1 <- tmat2 <- tmat3 <- diag(4)
			tmat1[1:3, 4] <- mechanism$joint.coor[which(!coor.optim)[1], ]
			tmat2[1:3, 1:3] <- tMatrixEP(mechanism$joint.coor[which(!coor.optim)[4], ]-mechanism$joint.coor[which(!coor.optim)[1], ], mtfm_fit$par)
			tmat3[1:3, 4] <- -mechanism$joint.coor[which(!coor.optim)[1], ]
			tmat <- tmat1 %*% tmat2 %*% tmat3
			# Apply transformation to joint constraints
			for(i in 1:mechanism$num.joints){
				if(mechanism$joint.types[i] == 'R'){
					cons_vec <- rbind(mechanism$joint.coor[i,], mechanism$joint.coor[i,]+mechanism$joint.cons[[i]])
					cons_vec_t <- applyTransform(cons_vec, tmat)
					mechanism$joint.cons[[i]] <- cons_vec_t[2, ] - cons_vec_t[1, ]

			# Apply transformation to joint coordinates
			mechanism$joint.coor <- applyTransform(mechanism$joint.coor, tmat)	

		## Optimize joint coordinates

			# Create list for vector components
			bound_hit <- 0
			coor_vectors <- as.list(rep(NA, n_joints))
			coor_optim_bounds_low <- c()
			coor_optim_bounds_upp <- c()
			for(j in joints_optim){

					#vo <- vorthogonal(mechanism$joint.cons[[j]])
					#coor_vectors[[j]] <- rbind(uvector(vo), uvector(cprod(vo, mechanism$joint.cons[[j]])))
						coor_vectors[[j]] <- coor.vectors[[j]]
					}else if(joint.types[j] == 'R'){
						vo <- vorthogonal(mechanism$joint.cons[[j]])
						coor_vectors[[j]] <- rbind(uvector(vo), uvector(cprod(vo, mechanism$joint.cons[[j]])))
					}else if(joint.types[j] == 'P'){
						coor_vectors[[j]] <- mechanism$joint.cons[[j]]
						#coor_vectors[[j]] <- diag(3)[1:2, ]
						coor_vectors[[j]] <- diag(3)

				# Set upper and lower bound for parameter to add to vector
				for(k in 1:nrow(coor_vectors[[j]])){
					# Project initial position onto vector
					pnl <- pointNormalOnLine(joints_optim_initial[j, ], mechanism$joint.coor[j, ], mechanism$joint.coor[j, ]+coor_vectors[[j]][k, ])
					# Find bounds on vector from projection
					int_sl <- rbind(
						pnl - control$joint.coor.bounds*coor_vectors[[j]][k, ],
						pnl + control$joint.coor.bounds*coor_vectors[[j]][k, ]
					# Find distance from current position and bounds
					dpp <- distPointToPoint(mechanism$joint.coor[j, ], int_sl)
					# If point is at boundary
					if(dpp[1] < 1e-4){
						# Record that bound was hit
						bound_hit <- bound_hit + 1
						# Move joint in positive direction away from boundary
						mechanism$joint.coor[j, ] <- mechanism$joint.coor[j, ] + bound_shift*coor_vectors[[j]][k, ]
						# Update bounds
						coor_optim_bounds_low <- c(coor_optim_bounds_low, -bound_shift)
						coor_optim_bounds_upp <- c(coor_optim_bounds_upp, dpp[2]-bound_shift)

					}else if(dpp[2] < 1e-4){

						# Record that bound was hit
						bound_hit <- bound_hit + 1

						# Move joint in negative direction away from boundary
						mechanism$joint.coor[j, ] <- mechanism$joint.coor[j, ] - bound_shift*coor_vectors[[j]][k, ]

						coor_optim_bounds_low <- c(coor_optim_bounds_low, -dpp[1])
						coor_optim_bounds_upp <- c(coor_optim_bounds_upp, 0)
						# Try scaling vector toward one intersection
						int_scale <- mechanism$joint.coor[j, ] + dpp[1]*coor_vectors[[j]][k, ]

						# Set upper and lower bounds in each direction, depending on which direction the positive vector points
						if(distPointToPoint(int_scale, int_sl[1, ]) < 1e-10){
							coor_optim_bounds_low <- c(coor_optim_bounds_low, -dpp[2])
							coor_optim_bounds_upp <- c(coor_optim_bounds_upp, dpp[1])
							coor_optim_bounds_low <- c(coor_optim_bounds_low, -dpp[1])
							coor_optim_bounds_upp <- c(coor_optim_bounds_upp, dpp[2])
			# Get initial error
			if(print.progress) coor_fit_error_i <- animate_mechanism_error(coor_optim, 
				replace='joint.coor', joint.compare=joint_compare[, , optim_use], planar=planar, 
				fit.points=fit.points[, , optim_use], mechanism=mechanism, 
				input.param=input_param_optim, fit.wts=fit.wts, coor.vectors=coor_vectors, 
				joint.optim=joints_optim, use.ref.as.prev=use.ref.as.prev)

			# Run optimization
			coor_fit <- tryCatch(
					nlminb(start=coor_optim, objective=animate_mechanism_error, 
						lower=coor_optim_bounds_low, upper=coor_optim_bounds_upp, 
						replace='joint.coor', joint.compare=joint_compare[, , optim_use], planar=planar, 
						fit.points=fit.points[, , optim_use], 
						mechanism=mechanism, input.param=input_param_optim, 
						fit.wts=fit.wts, coor.vectors=coor_vectors, 
						joint.optim=joints_optim, use.ref.as.prev=use.ref.as.prev, control=nlminb_control)
				error=function(cond) {print(cond);return(NULL)},
				warning=function(cond) {print(cond);return(NULL)}

			# Print error
				cat(paste0(', ', signif(coor_fit_error_i, 3), '->', signif(coor_fit$objective, 3)))
				if(bound_hit > 0){
					if(bound_hit == 1){ cat(' {1 bound hit}') }else{ cat(paste0(' {', bound_hit, ' bounds hit}')) }


			# Replace previous with optimized joint coordinates
			j <- 1
			for(i in joints_optim){
				if(length(coor_vectors[[i]]) == 1){
					mechanism$joint.coor[i, ] <- mechanism$joint.coor[i, ] + coor_fit$par[j:(j+2)]
					j <- j + 3
					if(nrow(coor_vectors[[i]]) == 1){
						mechanism$joint.coor[i, ] <- mechanism$joint.coor[i, ] + colSums(coor_fit$par[j]*coor_vectors[[i]])
						j <- j + 1
					}else if(nrow(coor_vectors[[i]]) == 2){
						mechanism$joint.coor[i, ] <- mechanism$joint.coor[i, ] + colSums(coor_fit$par[j:(j+1)]*coor_vectors[[i]])
						j <- j + 2
					}else if(nrow(coor_vectors[[i]]) == 3){
						mechanism$joint.coor[i, ] <- mechanism$joint.coor[i, ] + colSums(coor_fit$par[j:(j+2)]*coor_vectors[[i]])
						j <- j + 3

					mechanism$joint.coor[i, ] <- pointPlaneProj(mechanism$joint.coor[i, ], 
						p=mechanism$joint.coor[1, ], n=mechanism$joint.cons[[i]])

				#print(joints_optim_initial[i, ])
				#print(mechanism$joint.coor[i, ])
				#print(distPointToPoint(joints_optim_initial[i, ], mechanism$joint.coor[i, ]))

			# Set final error (in case last optim block)
			final_fit_error <- coor_fit$objective

			# No need to update coor_optim because joint coordinates are updated and coor_optim restarts at 0
		#cat('\n');print(mechanism$joint.coor[joints_optim, ])

		## Optimize joint constraints
		if(!planar && optim_joint_cons){
			# Convert optimization parameters to vector
			if(optim_iter == 0) cons_optim_v <- na.omit(c(t(cons_optim)))
			cons_optim_bounds_low_v <- na.omit(c(cons_optim_bounds_low))
			cons_optim_bounds_upp_v <- na.omit(c(cons_optim_bounds_upp))
#			if(optim_iter > 0) direct_input <- rep(FALSE, length(direct_input))

			# Get initial error
			if(print.progress) cons_fit_error_i <- animate_mechanism_error(cons_optim_v, 
				replace='joint.cons', direct.input=direct_input, joint.compare=joint_compare[, , optim_use], 
				fit.points=fit.points[, , optim_use], mechanism=mechanism, 
				input.param=input_param_optim, fit.wts=fit.wts, cons.fill=cons_fill, 
				use.ref.as.prev=use.ref.as.prev, print.progress=FALSE)

			# Run optimization
			cons_fit <- tryCatch(
					nlminb(start=cons_optim_v, objective=animate_mechanism_error, 
						lower=cons_optim_bounds_low_v, upper=cons_optim_bounds_upp_v, 
						replace='joint.cons', direct.input=direct_input, joint.compare=joint_compare[, , optim_use], 
						fit.points=fit.points[, , optim_use], mechanism=mechanism, 
						input.param=input_param_optim, fit.wts=fit.wts, cons.fill=cons_fill, 
						use.ref.as.prev=use.ref.as.prev, control=nlminb_control)
				error=function(cond) {print(cond);return(NULL)},
				warning=function(cond) {print(cond);return(NULL)}

			# Print error
				cat(paste0(', ', signif(cons_fit_error_i, 3), '->', signif(cons_fit$objective, 3)))
				if(any(direct_input)) cat(paste0(' {DI}'))
			#if(print.progress) cat(paste0('(', paste0(round(cons_fit$par,3), collapse=','), ')'))
			# Replace previous with optimized joint constraints
			k <- 1
			n <- 1
			for(i in 1:length(mechanism$joint.cons)){
				tform1 <- diag(3)
				tform2 <- diag(3)
				for(j in 1:nrow(mechanism$joint.cons[[i]])){
					if(cons_fill[k] == 'v'){
						tform1 <- tMatrixEP(v=cprod(mechanism$joint.cons[[i]][j, ], cons_fit$par[n:(n+2)]), a=avec(mechanism$joint.cons[[i]][j, ], cons_fit$par[n:(n+2)]))
						mechanism$joint.cons[[i]][j, ] <- uvector(cons_fit$par[n:(n+2)])
						n <- n + 3
					}else if(cons_fill[k] == 'vo'){

						if(j == 2){
							after_tform <- mechanism$joint.cons[[i]][j, ] %*% tform1
							after_tform <- after_tform %*% tMatrixEP(v=mechanism$joint.cons[[i]][j-1, ], a=cons_fit$par[n])
							tform2 <- tMatrixEP(v=cprod(mechanism$joint.cons[[i]][j, ], after_tform), a=avec(mechanism$joint.cons[[i]][j, ], after_tform))
						}else if(j == 3){
							after_tform <- mechanism$joint.cons[[i]][j, ] %*% tform2
							after_tform <- after_tform %*% tMatrixEP(v=mechanism$joint.cons[[i]][j-1, ], a=cons_fit$par[n])
							#tform2 <- tMatrixEP(v=cprod(mechanism$joint.cons[[i]][j, ], after_tform), a=avec(mechanism$joint.cons[[i]][j, ], after_tform))
						mechanism$joint.cons[[i]][j, ] <- after_tform
						# "Reset" rotation because master joint constraint is being modified
						# When these parameters are used next inside animate_mechanism_error 
						# no rotation needs to be applied
						cons_fit$par[n] <- 0

						#mechanism$joint.cons[[i]][j, ] <- uvector(mechanism$joint.cons[[i]][j, ] %*% tform)
						#mechanism$joint.cons[[i]][j, ] <- mechanism$joint.cons[[i]][j, ] %*% tMatrixEP(v=mechanism$joint.cons[[i]][j-1, ], a=cons_fit$par[n])
						n <- n + 1
					}else if(cons_fill[k] == 'cprod'){
						mechanism$joint.cons[[i]][j, ] <- cprod(mechanism$joint.cons[[i]][j-2, ], mechanism$joint.cons[[i]][j-1, ])
					k <- k + 1
			# Check orthogonality
			#cat(paste0('{', avec(mechanism$joint.cons[[i]][1, ], mechanism$joint.cons[[i]][2, ]), ' ', 
			#	avec(mechanism$joint.cons[[i]][1, ], mechanism$joint.cons[[i]][3, ]), ' ', 
			#	avec(mechanism$joint.cons[[i]][2, ], mechanism$joint.cons[[i]][3, ]), '}'))
			cons_optim_v <- cons_fit$par
			# Set final error (in case last optim block)
			final_fit_error <- cons_fit$objective

		# Replace directly calculated input parameters

			# Get input parameters
			for(i in which(direct_input)){

				input_param_optim[[i]] <- findJointInputParam(type=mechanism$joint.type[i], 
					coor=mechanism$joint.coor[i,], cons=mechanism$joint.cons[[i]], 
					ref=mechanism$body.points, poses=fit.points[, , optim_use])
				cols_fill <- grepl(paste0('^',joint.names[direct_input[i]],'-'), colnames(input_optim))
				input_optim[optim_use,cols_fill] <- input_param_optim[[i]]
		## Optimize reference pose of each body

			# This routine doesn't run/animate the model, it just takes the current 
			#	transformation parameters for each set of fit.points and at each iteration,
			# 	applies the corresponding transformation arrays from the mechanism run, and 
			# 	compares the error
			# Run model to get updated transformations
			tmarr <- suppressWarnings(animateMechanism(mechanism, input.param=input_param_optim, 
				joint.compare=joint_compare[, , optim_use], use.ref.as.prev=use.ref.as.prev, print.progress=FALSE, 
				check.inter.joint.dist=FALSE, check.joint.cons=FALSE)$tmat)

			# Create vectors for initial and final error
			pose_fit_errors_i <- setNames(rep(NA, mechanism$num.bodies), mechanism$body.names)
			pose_fit_errors_f <- setNames(rep(NA, mechanism$num.bodies), mechanism$body.names)

			# Run optimization
			for(i in 1:mechanism$num.bodies){
				# If no fit points associated with body, skip
				if(is.na(mechanism$points.assoc[[i]][1])) next
				# Get fit point matrix
				if(length(mechanism$points.assoc[[i]]) == 1){
					fit_point_mat <- t(fit.points[mechanism$points.assoc[[i]], , optim_use])
					fit_point_mat <- fit.points[mechanism$points.assoc[[i]], , optim_use]
				# Find initial error
				if(print.progress) pose_fit_errors_i[i] <- ref_transform_error(rep(0, 6), 
					ref.points=mechanism$body.points[mechanism$points.assoc[[i]], ],
					fit.points=fit_point_mat, transform=tmarr[, , i, ], 
				# Run optimization
				pose_fit <- tryCatch(
						nlminb(start=rep(0, 6), objective=ref_transform_error, 
							lower=c(rep(-2*pi, 3), -rep(pose_optim_bounds_add, 3)), 
							upper=c(rep(2*pi, 3), rep(pose_optim_bounds_add, 3)), 
							ref.points=mechanism$body.points[mechanism$points.assoc[[i]], ],
							fit.points=fit_point_mat, control=nlminb_control, 
							transform=tmarr[, , i, ], fit.wts=fit.wts[mechanism$points.assoc[[i]]])
					error=function(cond) {print(cond);return(NULL)},
					warning=function(cond) {print(cond);return(NULL)}

				# Save error
				pose_fit_errors_f[i] <- pose_fit$objective
				# Apply optimized parameters
				tmat <- diag(4)
				tmat[1:3, 1:3] <- rotationMatrixZYX(pose_fit$par[1:3])
				tmat[1:3, 4] <- pose_fit$par[4:6]
				mechanism$body.points[mechanism$points.assoc[[i]], ] <- applyTransform(mechanism$body.points[mechanism$points.assoc[[i]], ], tmat)
				# Apply transformation to tmat array containing the current transformations applied to the reference points
				body_points_tmarr[, , i] <- body_points_tmarr[, , i] %*% tmat

			# Set final error
			final_fit_error <- mean(pose_fit_errors_f, na.rm=TRUE)

			# Print error
			if(print.progress) cat(paste0(', ', signif(mean(pose_fit_errors_i, na.rm=TRUE), 3), '->', signif(final_fit_error, 3)))

		## Optimize each joint coordinate and associated constraint individually - does it act like pose optimization?
			# Create vectors for initial and final error
			pose_fit_errors_i <- setNames(rep(NA, mechanism$num.joints), mechanism$joint.names)
			pose_fit_errors_f <- setNames(rep(NA, mechanism$num.joints), mechanism$joint.names)

			for(i in 1:mechanism$num.joints){

				# If no fit points associated with body on either side of joint, skip
				if(is.na(mechanism$points.assoc[[mechanism$body.conn.num[i, 1]]][1]) && is.na(mechanism$points.assoc[[mechanism$body.conn.num[i, 2]]][1])) next

				# Find initial error
				if(print.progress) pose_fit_errors_i[i] <- transform_joint_error(rep(0, 6), 
					joint.idx=i, fit.points=fit.points[, , optim_use], mechanism=mechanism, 
					input.param=input_param_optim, fit.wts=fit.wts, joint.compare=joint_compare[, , optim_use], 
				# Run optimization
				pose_fit <- tryCatch(
						nlminb(start=rep(0, 6), objective=transform_joint_error, 
							lower=c(rep(-0.4, 3), -rep(pose_optim_bounds_add, 3)), 
							upper=c(rep(0.4, 3), rep(pose_optim_bounds_add, 3)), 
							joint.idx=i, fit.points=fit.points[, , optim_use], mechanism=mechanism, 
							input.param=input_param_optim, fit.wts=fit.wts, joint.compare=joint_compare[, , optim_use], 
					error=function(cond) {print(cond);return(NULL)},
					warning=function(cond) {print(cond);return(NULL)}

				# Save error
				pose_fit_errors_f[i] <- pose_fit$objective

				# Apply optimized parameters
				tmat <- diag(4)
				tmat[1:3, 1:3] <- rotationMatrixZYX(pose_fit$par[1:3])
				tmat[1:3, 4] <- pose_fit$par[4:6]

				# Apply transform to joint coordinate
				mechanism$joint.coor[i, ] <- applyTransform(mechanism$joint.coor[i, ], tmat)
				# Apply transform to joint constraint
				mechanism$joint.cons[[i]] <- applyTransform(mechanism$joint.cons[[i]], tmat)

			# Set final error
			final_fit_error <- mean(pose_fit_errors_f, na.rm=TRUE)

			# Print error
			if(print.progress) cat(paste0(', ', signif(mean(pose_fit_errors_i, na.rm=TRUE), 3), '->', signif(final_fit_error, 3)))

		# Save error after optimization
		optim_errors <- c(optim_errors, final_fit_error)

		# Get percent change in every other optim iter
		every_other <- ''
		if(any(direct.input) && optim_iter > 5){
			optim_errors_eo3 <- optim_errors[seq(length(optim_errors)-2, length(optim_errors), by=2)]
			percent_error_change <- mean(diff(optim_errors_eo3)) / mean(optim_errors_eo3)
			if(optim_iter == 6) every_other <- ', now using mean of last 2 every other'
			# Get percent change
			percent_error_change <- diff(tail(optim_errors, 2)) / optim_errors[length(optim_errors)-1]

		# Set change type
		if(percent_error_change < 0){ change_types[optim_iter+1] <- 'decrease' }else{ change_types[optim_iter+1] <- 'increase' }
		inc_iter_max <- ''
		if(any(direct.input) && !direct_input && optim_iter == control$optim.iter.max-1){
			optim_iter_max <- control$optim.iter.max + 1
			inc_iter_max <- ', increasing iteration max to end on direct input'

		turning_off <- ''
		if(sum(change_types == 'increase', na.rm=TRUE) > 4 && any(direct.input)){
			#direct.input <- FALSE*direct.input
			#turning_off <- ', turning off direct.input'

		if(print.progress && optim_iter > 0) cat(paste0(' (', signif(abs(percent_error_change)*100, 2), '% ', change_types[optim_iter+1], every_other, ')', turning_off, inc_iter_max))
		if(print.progress) cat('\n')

		# Stop if optim.to.percent threshold is reached - special cases for direct input since percent change bounces around much more
				if(optim_iter > 10){
					optim_to_percent_test <- abs(percent_error_change)*100 < control$optim.to.percent
					optim_to_percent_test <- FALSE
				optim_to_percent_test <- FALSE
			optim_to_percent_test <- abs(percent_error_change)*100 < control$optim.to.percent

		# If near perfect fit stop - for perfect input testing
		if(optim_to_percent_test) break

		# If near perfect fit stop - for perfect input testing
		if(final_fit_error < control$optim.error.stop) break
		# Advance iteration tracker
		optim_iter <- optim_iter + 1

	mechanism_g <<- mechanism
	input_param_g <<- input_param
	input_optim_g <<- input_optim
	input_fit_errors_f_g <<- input_fit_errors_f
	optim_errors_g <<- optim_errors

	input.param <- input_param_g
	mechanism <- mechanism_g
	input_optim <- input_optim_g
	input_fit_errors_f <- input_fit_errors_f_g
	optim_errors <- optim_errors_g

	# Print final optimized joint coordinates
	if(print.progress && optim_joint_coor){
		cat(paste0(paste0(rep(indent, print.level+1), collapse=''), 'Final results of joint coordinate optimization:\n'))
		for(j in 1:n_joints){
			if(!j %in% joints_optim) next
			cat(paste0(paste0(rep(indent, print.level+2), collapse=''), joint.names[j], ': '))
			cat(paste0('Optimized to {', paste0(signif(mechanism$joint.coor[j, ], 3), collapse=','), '} from {', 
				paste0(signif(joints_optim_initial[j, ], 3), collapse=','), '}\n'))

	## Final optimization across all input parameters (will change slightly since coordinates, constraints, and pose fits have improved
	if(print.progress) cat(paste0(paste0(rep(indent, print.level+1), collapse=''), 'Final input parameter optimization...'))
	if(print.progress && n_iter > 20) cat('\n')

	# Fill in missing guesses for starting parameters with preceding parameter (could use 
	# interpolation if necessary but this seems to work pretty well)
	if(n_optim < n_iter){
		for(i in 1:nrow(input_optim)){

			# Save last non-NA value
			if(!is.na(input_optim[i, 1])) {seq_i <- input_optim[i, ];next}

			# Add last non-NA value
			input_optim[i, ] <- seq_i
	# Save subset input fit errors
	input_fit_errors_sub <- mean(input_fit_errors_f, na.rm=TRUE)*2

	# Create vectors for initial and final error
	input_fit_errors_i <- rep(NA, n_iter)
	input_fit_errors_f <- rep(NA, n_iter)

	if(print.progress && n_iter > 20) cat(paste0(paste0(rep(indent, print.level+2), collapse=''), 'At iteration: 1'))

	# Create vector for iterations that likely did not converge
	no_conv <- rep(FALSE, n_iter)

	for(iter in 1:n_iter){

		# Find initial error
		if(print.progress) input_fit_errors_i[iter] <- animate_mechanism_error(input_optim[iter, ], 
			replace='input.param', joint.compare=joint_compare[, , iter], 
			fit.points=fit.points[, , iter], mechanism=mechanism, input.param=input_param, 
			fit.wts=fit.wts, use.ref.as.prev=use.ref.as.prev, input.param.fill=input_param_fill, iter=iter)
		# Set iteration limit
		it_limit <- 10
		# Create vector to store errors
		obj_vec <- rep(NA, it_limit)
		# Create list to save input parameters
		input_optim_try <- matrix(NA, nrow=it_limit, ncol=length(input_optim_vec))

		# Run optimization with varying start parameters
		n <- 1
		input_fit <- list('objective'=input_fit_errors_sub*3)
		add_to_start <- 0
		converged <- FALSE
		threshold <- input_fit_errors_sub

		#cat(threshold, '\n')

		while(!converged && n < it_limit){
			# Try changing starting parameters if first run exceeds benchmark
			if(n == 2) add_to_start <- -input_optim[iter, ]*1
			if(n == 3) add_to_start <- input_optim[iter, ]*0.25
			if(n == 4) add_to_start <- input_optim[iter, ]*1
			if(n == 5) add_to_start <- -input_optim[iter, ]*0.5
			if(n == 6) add_to_start <- -input_optim[iter, ]*0.1
			if(n == 7) add_to_start <- input_optim[iter, ]*0.5
			if(n == 8) add_to_start <- input_optim[iter, ]*0.05
			if(n == 9) add_to_start <- input_optim[iter, ]*0.75
			if(n == 10) add_to_start <- input_optim[iter, ]*0.1
			# Save starting parameters
			start_param <- input_optim[iter, ]+add_to_start

			# Run optimization
			input_fit <- tryCatch(
					nlminb(start=start_param, objective=animate_mechanism_error, 
						lower=input_optim_bounds['lower', ], upper=input_optim_bounds['upper', ], 
						replace='input.param', joint.compare=joint_compare[, , iter], 
						fit.points=fit.points[, , iter], mechanism=mechanism, input.param=input_param, 
						fit.wts=fit.wts, use.ref.as.prev=use.ref.as.prev, input.param.fill=input_param_fill, 
				error=function(cond) {print(cond);return(NULL)},
				warning=function(cond) {print(cond);return(NULL)}
			# Save objective
			obj_vec[n] <- input_fit$objective
			# Save input parameters
			input_optim_try[n, ] <- input_fit$par
			# Detect non-convergence 
			converged <- TRUE
			if(input_fit$objective > threshold) converged <- FALSE
			if(sum(abs(start_param - input_fit$par)) < 1e-4) converged <- FALSE
			if(n > 3 && sd(obj_vec, na.rm=TRUE) < 1e-10) converged <- TRUE
			#if(iter == 650) cat('\n')
			#if(iter > 650 && iter < 660){
			#	cat(paste0('\t', iter, ' (', n, '): ', round(input_fit$objective, 4), ', ', 
			#		round(threshold, 4), ', ', converged, ', ', paste0(round(obj_vec, 5), collapse=','), '\n'))

			# Change threshold so that error must be lower than initial if no change in parameters
			if(n == 1 && sum(abs(start_param - input_fit$par)) < 1e-4) threshold <- input_fit$objective

			n <- n + 1
		# Find minimum error
		try_min_error <- which.min(obj_vec)
		# Save error
		input_fit_errors_f[iter] <- obj_vec[try_min_error]

		# Save optimized parameters
		input_optim[iter, ] <- input_optim_try[try_min_error, ]

		# Save input for next iteration
		if(iter < n_iter && !((iter+1) %in% optim_use)) input_optim[iter+1, ] <- input_optim[iter, ]
		#if(iter > 15) input_fit_errors_sub <- mean(tail(input_fit_errors_f, 15), na.rm=TRUE)*2
		if(iter > 15) input_fit_errors_sub <- mean(input_fit_errors_f, na.rm=TRUE)*2

		if(print.progress && iter %% 25 == 0) cat(paste0(',', iter))

	if(print.progress) cat('\n')

	# Set amount to try shifting angles by (produces equivalent rotation)
	min_equ_shift <- c(0,-2*pi,2*pi,-4*pi,4*pi,-6*pi,6*pi)

	# Add input parameters into list
	for(i in 1:length(input_param)){

		# Add optimized input parameters into main full input list
		input_param[[i]][, input_param_fill[[i]][['list.idx']]] <- matrix(input_optim[, input_param_fill[[i]][['col.idx']]], 
			nrow=nrow(input_optim), ncol=length(input_param_fill[[i]][['col.idx']]))

		# Set angles to minimum equivalent angle
		if(joint.types[input.joint[i]] %in% c('R', 'U', 'O')){
			for(j in 1:nrow(input_param[[i]])){
				for(k in 1:ncol(input_param[[i]])){
					input_param[[i]][j,k] <- input_param[[i]][j,k] + min_equ_shift[which.min(abs(input_param[[i]][j,k] + min_equ_shift))]

	# Print error
	if(print.progress) cat(paste0(paste0(rep(indent, print.level+2), collapse=''), 'Error: ', signif(mean(input_fit_errors_i, na.rm=TRUE), 3), '->', signif(mean(input_fit_errors_f, na.rm=TRUE), 3), '\n'))

#	mechanism_g <<- mechanism

#mechanism <- mechanism_g

	## Standardize joint coordinates equivalent
	# Slide joint coordinates, when applicable, to closest points between connected bodies
		for(i in 1:n_joints){

			if(!joint.types[i] %in% c('R')) next
			if(!i %in% joints_optim) next
			# Get points of bodies connected by joint
			body1_pts <- mechanism$body.points[mechanism$body.assoc == mechanism$body.conn.num[i, 1], ]
			body2_pts <- mechanism$body.points[mechanism$body.assoc == mechanism$body.conn.num[i, 2], ]

			if(length(body1_pts) > 0 && length(body2_pts) > 0){
				# Find nearest points on connected bodies
				nearest_pts <- nearestPointsOnBodies(body1_pts, body2_pts)

				# Find mean point
				nearest_pt <- colMeans(nearest_pts)
			}else if(length(body1_pts) == 0){
				nearest_pt <- colMeans(body2_pts)
			}else if(length(body2_pts) == 0){
				nearest_pt <- colMeans(body1_pts)

			if(joint.types[i] == 'R'){

				# Find point on R-joint axis closest to nearest point between bodies
				mechanism$joint.coor[i, ] <- pointNormalOnLine(nearest_pt, mechanism$joint.coor[i, ], mechanism$joint.coor[i, ]+mechanism$joint.cons[[i]])
	# Get run time
	time2 <- proc.time()
	proc_time <- (time2 - time1)['user.self']

	# Print run time
		optim_iter_exceeded <- ''
		if(optim_iter >= control$optim.iter.max) optim_iter_exceeded <- ' (maximum number of iterations met)'
		cat(paste0(paste0(rep(indent, print.level+1), collapse=''), 'Total number of optimization iterations: ', optim_iter ,'', optim_iter_exceeded, '\n'))
		cat(paste0(paste0(rep(indent, print.level+1), collapse=''), 'Total run time: ', signif(proc_time, 2), ' sec (', round(floor(proc_time / 60)), 'm ', signif(proc_time %% 60, 2),'s)\n'))

	# Run animate mechanism using final parameters to get fit points and transformations
	anim_mech <- animateMechanism(mechanism, input.param=input_param, use.ref.as.prev=use.ref.as.prev, 

aaronolsen/linkR documentation built on June 13, 2019, 5:39 p.m.