
Defines functions serosolver

Documented in serosolver

#' Adaptive Metropolis-within-Gibbs/Metropolis Hastings Random Walk Algorithm.
#' The Adaptive Metropolis-within-Gibbs algorithm. Given a starting point and the necessary MCMC parameters as set out below, performs a random-walk of the posterior space to produce an MCMC chain that can be used to generate MCMC density and iteration plots. The algorithm undergoes an adaptive period, where it changes the step size of the random walk for each parameter to approach the desired acceptance rate, target_acceptance_rate_theta. The algorithm then uses \code{\link{univ_proposal}} or \code{\link{mvr_proposal}} to explore parameter space, recording the value and posterior value at each step. The MCMC chain is saved in blocks as a .csv file at the location given by filename. This version of the algorithm is also designed to explore posterior densities for infection histories. See the package vignettes for examples. 
#' @param par_tab The parameter table controlling information such as bounds, initial values etc. See \code{\link{example_par_tab}}
#' @param antibody_data The data frame of titre data to be fitted. Must have columns: group (index of group); individual (integer ID of individual); samples (numeric time of sample taken); virus (numeric time of when the virus was circulating); titre (integer of titre value against the given virus at that sampling time); run (integer giving the repeated number of this titre); DOB (integer giving date of birth matching time units used in model). See \code{\link{example_antibody_data}}
#' @param antigenic_map (optional) A data frame of antigenic x and y coordinates. Must have column names: x_coord; y_coord; inf_times. See \code{\link{example_antigenic_map}}
#' @param possible_exposure_times (optional) this argument gives the vector of times at which individuals can be infected. Defaults to entries in `antigenic_map`.
#' @param mcmc_pars Named vector named vector with parameters for the MCMC procedure. See details
#' @param mvr_pars Leave NULL to use univariate proposals. Otherwise, a list of parameters if using a multivariate proposal. Must contain an initial covariance matrix, weighting for adapting cov matrix, and an initial scaling parameter (0-1)
#' @param start_inf_hist Infection history matrix to start MCMC at. Can be left NULL. See \code{\link{example_inf_hist}}
#' @param filename The full filepath at which the MCMC chain should be saved. "_chain.csv" will be appended to the end of this, so filename should have no file extensions
#' @param posterior_func Pointer to posterior function used to calculate a likelihood. This will probably be \code{\link{create_posterior_func}}
#' @param prior_func User function of prior for model parameters. Should take parameter values only
#' @param prior_version which infection history assumption prior_version to use? See \code{\link{describe_priors}} for options. Can be 1, 2, 3 or 4
#' @param measurement_indices optional NULL. For measurement bias function. Vector of indices of length equal to number of circulation times. For each year, gives the index of parameters named "rho" that correspond to each time period
#' @param measurement_random_effects optional FALSE. Boolean indicating if measurement bias is a random effects term. If TRUE adds a component to the posterior calculation that calculates the probability of a set of measurement shifts "rho", given a mean and standard deviation
#' @param proposal_ratios optional NULL. Can set the relative sampling weights of the infection state times. Should be an integer vector of length matching nrow(antigenic_map). Otherwise, leave as NULL for uniform sampling.
#' @param random_start_parameters if FALSE, uses whatever parameter values were passed in `par_tab` as the starting positions for the MCMC chain
#' @param temp Temperature term for parallel tempering, raises likelihood to this value. Just used for testing at this point
#' @param solve_likelihood if FALSE, returns only the prior and does not solve the likelihood. Use this if you wish to sample directly from the prior
#' @param n_alive if not NULL, uses this as the number alive for the infection history prior, rather than calculating the number alive based on antibody_data
#' @param OPT_TUNING Constant describing the amount of leeway when adapting the proposals steps to reach a desired acceptance rate (ie. does not change step size if within OPT_TUNING of the specified acceptance rate)
#' @param verbose if TRUE, prints progress updates during the run
#' @param verbose_dev if TRUE, prints additional messages regarding step sizes, acceptance rates etc
#' @param ... Other arguments to pass to posterior_func
#' @return A list with: 1) relative file path at which the MCMC chain is saved as a .csv file; 2) relative file path at which the infection history chain is saved as a .csv file; 3) the last used covariance matrix if mvr_pars != NULL; 4) the last used scale/step size (if multivariate proposals) or vector of step sizes (if univariate proposals)
#' @details
#' The `mcmc_pars` argument has the following options:
#'  * iterations (number of post adaptive period iterations to run)
#'  * adaptive_iterations (for this many iterations, change proposal step size adaptively every `adaptive_frequency` iterations)
#'  * adaptive_frequency (adapt proposal step size every adaptive_frequency iterations)
#'  * thin (save every n iterations from theta samples)
#'  * thin_inf_hist (save every n iterations from infection history samples)
#'  * proposal_inf_hist_indiv_prop (proportion of individuals resampled at each infection history proposal)
#'  * save_block (after this many iterations (post thinning), save to disk)
#'  * target_acceptance_rate_theta (desired acceptance rate for theta parameters)
#'  * target_acceptance_rate_inf_hist (desired acceptance rate for infection histories)
#'  * proposal_ratio (ratio of infection history samples to theta samples ie. proposal_ratio = 2 means sample inf hist twice for every theta sample, proposal_ratio = 0.5 means sample theta twice for every inf hist sample)
#'  * proposal_inf_hist_time_prop (proportion of infection times to resample for each individual at each iteration)
#'  * proposal_inf_hist_distance (number of infection years/months to move when performing infection history swap step)
#'  * proposal_inf_hist_adaptive (if 1, performs adaptive infection history proposals. If 0, retains the starting infection history proposal parameters. This should ONLY be turned on for prior version 2)
#'  * proposal_inf_hist_indiv_swap_ratio (if using gibbs sampling of infection histories, what proportion of proposals should be swap steps, between 0 and 1)
#'  * proposal_inf_hist_group_swap_ratio (proportion of infection history proposal steps to swap proposal_inf_hist_group_swap_prop of two time periods' contents, between 0 and 1)
#'  * proposal_inf_hist_group_swap_prop (when swapping contents of two time points, what proportion of individuals should have their contents swapped, between 0 and 1)
#'  * propose_from_prior (set to 1 to sample directly from the infection history prior, or 0 for independent proposals. Sometimes one version works better than the other, so try switching if you are getting poor infection history convergence)
#' @md
#' @seealso \url{https://github.com/jameshay218/lazymcmc}
#' @family mcmc
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(example_antibody_data)
#' data(example_par_tab)
#' data(example_antigenic_map)
#' res <- serosolver(example_par_tab[example_par_tab$names != "phi",], example_antibody_data, example_antigenic_map, prior_version=2)
#' }
#' @export
serosolver <- function(par_tab,
                     mcmc_pars = c(),
                     mvr_pars = NULL,
                     start_inf_hist = NULL,
                     filename = "test",
                     posterior_func = create_posterior_func,
                     prior_func = NULL,
                     prior_version = 2,
                     measurement_indices = NULL,
                     measurement_random_effects = FALSE,
                     proposal_ratios = NULL,
                     temp = 1,
                     solve_likelihood = TRUE,
                     n_alive = NULL,
                     OPT_TUNING = 0.1,
                     ...) {
  ## Sort out MCMC parameters --------------------------------------
  ## Set up parallel cluster if requests
  if(n_chains > 1){
      `%execute%` <- `%dorng%`
      if(verbose) {
        message(cat("Requested", n_chains, "MCMC chains in parallel, setting up parallel session using doParallel package\n",sep=" "))
        message(cat("Progress messages will be piped to", filename, "_log.txt when `parallel` is set to true\n"))
      } else {
        message(cat("\n",sep=" "))
      cl <- makeCluster(min(n_chains,detectCores()))
    } else {
      `%execute%` <- `%do%`
      if(verbose) message(cat("Requested", n_chains, "MCMC chains\n",sep=" "))
  } else {
    `%execute%` <- `%do%`
  mcmc_pars_used <- c(
    "iterations" = 50000, 
    "adaptive_iterations" = 10000,
    "adaptive_frequency" = 2000, 
    "save_block" = 100, 
    "target_acceptance_rate_theta" = 0.44, 
    "target_acceptance_rate_inf_hist" = 0.44, 
    "thin" = 1,
    "thin_inf_hist" = 10, 
    "proposal_inf_hist_indiv_prop" = 0.5, 
    "proposal_ratio" = 2,
    "proposal_inf_hist_time_prop" = 0.5, 
    "proposal_inf_hist_distance" = 3, 
    "proposal_inf_hist_adaptive" = 1, 
    "proposal_inf_hist_indiv_swap_ratio" = 0.5,
    "proposal_inf_hist_group_swap_ratio" = 0, 
    "proposal_inf_hist_group_swap_prop" = 1, 
  mcmc_pars_used[names(mcmc_pars)] <- mcmc_pars
  if(!("thin_inf_hist" %in% names(mcmc_pars))){
    mcmc_pars_used["thin_inf_hist"] <- floor(mcmc_pars_used["iterations"]/1000)
  if(!("thin" %in% names(mcmc_pars))){
    mcmc_pars_used["thin"] <- floor(mcmc_pars_used["iterations"]/1000)
  ## Extract MCMC parameters
  iterations <- mcmc_pars_used["iterations"] # How many iterations to run after adaptive period
  target_acceptance_rate_theta <- mcmc_pars_used["target_acceptance_rate_theta"] # Desired optimal acceptance rate
  target_acceptance_rate_inf_hist <- mcmc_pars_used["target_acceptance_rate_inf_hist"]
  adaptive_frequency <- mcmc_pars_used["adaptive_frequency"] # How often to adjust step size
  thin <- mcmc_pars_used["thin"] # Save only every nth iterations for theta sampling
  adaptive_iterations <- mcmc_pars_used["adaptive_iterations"] # How many iterations for adaptive period
  save_block <- mcmc_pars_used["save_block"] # How many post-thinning iterations to store before saving to disk
  hist_tab_thin <- mcmc_pars_used["thin_inf_hist"] # Save only every nth iterations for infection history sampling
  proposal_inf_hist_indiv_prop <- mcmc_pars_used["proposal_inf_hist_indiv_prop"] # What proportion of infection histories to sample each step
  proposal_ratio <- mcmc_pars_used["proposal_ratio"] # Resample infection histories every n iterations
  proposal_inf_hist_distance <- mcmc_pars_used["proposal_inf_hist_distance"] # Number of infections to move/remove/add in each proposal step
  proposal_inf_hist_time_prop <- mcmc_pars_used["proposal_inf_hist_time_prop"] # Number of infections to move/remove/add in each proposal step
    n_infs <- floor(length(possible_exposure_times) * proposal_inf_hist_time_prop)
  } else {
    n_infs <- floor(length(antigenic_map$inf_times) * proposal_inf_hist_time_prop)
  proposal_inf_hist_adaptive <- mcmc_pars_used["proposal_inf_hist_adaptive"] # Should infection history proposal step be adaptive?
  proposal_inf_hist_indiv_swap_ratio <- mcmc_pars_used["proposal_inf_hist_indiv_swap_ratio"] # If using gibbs, what proportion of proposals should be swap steps?
  proposal_inf_hist_group_swap_ratio <- mcmc_pars_used["proposal_inf_hist_group_swap_ratio"] # If using gibbs, what proportion of iterations should be swapping contents of two time periods?
  proposal_inf_hist_group_swap_prop <- mcmc_pars_used["proposal_inf_hist_group_swap_prop"] # If gibbs and swapping contents, what proportion of these time periods should be swapped?
  propose_from_prior <- mcmc_pars_used["propose_from_prior"]
  ## Error checks --------------------------------------
  if (!is.null(antigenic_map) & is.null(possible_exposure_times)) {
    possible_exposure_times <- unique(antigenic_map$inf_times) # How many strains are we testing against and what time did they circulate
  } else if(is.null(antigenic_map)) {
    antigenic_map <- data.frame("x_coord"=1,"y_coord"=1,"inf_times"=possible_exposure_times)
    par_tab <- check_par_tab(par_tab, TRUE,possible_exposure_times=possible_exposure_times, version=prior_version,verbose)
      check_inf_hist(antibody_data, possible_exposure_times, start_inf_hist,verbose=verbose)
    ## Check the antibody_data input
    antibody_data <- check_data(antibody_data,verbose=verbose)
  ## Sort out which prior_version to run --------------------------------------

  prior_on_total <- FALSE
  if (prior_version == 1) { ## Lambda prior_version
    prop_print <- "Infection history prior 1: Using phi prior on infection history, with symmetric proposal probabilities.\n"
    hist_proposal <- 1
  } else if (prior_version == 2) { ## Gibbs prior_version
    prop_print <- "Infection history prior 2: Using integrated FOI prior on infection history, with gibbs sampling of infections.\n"
    hist_proposal <- 2
  } else if (prior_version == 3) { ## Beta binomial prior_version
    prop_print <- "Infection history prior 3: Using beta prior on total number of infections for an individual, with proposals from this prior.\n"
    proposal_inf_hist_group_swap_ratio <- 0
    hist_proposal <- 3
  } else if (prior_version == 4) {
    prop_print <- "Infection history prior 4: Using beta prior on total number of infections across all years and all individuals, with gibbs sampling of infections.\n"
    hist_proposal <- 2
    prior_on_total <- TRUE
  } else { ## By default, use phi prior_version
    stop("Invalid version specified - must be 1 (phi), 2 (beta on times), 3 (beta on individual) or 4 (beta on overall).\n")
  if(verbose) message(cat(prop_print, "\n"))

  ## Extract parameter settings
  par_names <- as.character(par_tab$names) # Parameter names

  param_length <- nrow(par_tab)
  unfixed_pars <- which(par_tab$fixed == 0) # Indices of free parameters
  unfixed_par_length <- nrow(par_tab[par_tab$fixed == 0, ]) # How many free parameters?

  ## Parameter constraints
  lower_bounds <- par_tab$lower_bound # Parameters cannot step below this
  upper_bounds <- par_tab$upper_bound # Parameters cannot step above this
  steps <- par_tab$steps # How far to step on unit scale to begin with? "steps" will be added above by check_par_tab

  ## If using phi terms, pull their indices out of the parameter table
  phi_indices <- NULL
  if ("phi" %in% par_names) {
    phi_indices <- which(par_tab$names == "phi")

  infection_model_prior_shape1 <- par_tab[par_tab$names == "infection_model_prior_shape1", "values"]
  infection_model_prior_shape2 <- par_tab[par_tab$names == "infection_model_prior_shape2", "values"]

  ## Extract antibody_data parameters
  n_indiv <- length(unique(antibody_data$individual)) # How many individuals in the antibody_data?
  ## Create age mask
  ## Note that DOBs for all groups must be from same reference point
  if (!is.null(antibody_data$birth)) {
    DOBs <- unique(antibody_data[, c("individual", "birth")])[, 2]
  } else {
    DOBs <- rep(min(possible_exposure_times), n_indiv)
  age_mask <- create_age_mask(DOBs, possible_exposure_times)
  ## Create strain mask
  sample_mask <- create_sample_mask(antibody_data, possible_exposure_times)
  masks <- data.frame(cbind(age_mask, sample_mask))
  group_ids_vec <- unique(antibody_data[, c("individual", "population_group")])[, "population_group"] - 1
  n_groups <- length(unique(group_ids_vec))
  ## Number of people that were born before each year and have had a sample taken since that year happened
  if (is.null(n_alive)) {
    n_alive <- get_n_alive_group(antibody_data, possible_exposure_times)
  ## Create posterior calculating function
  posterior_simp <- protect_posterior(posterior_func(par_tab,
                                           measurement_indices_by_time = measurement_indices,
                                           n_alive = n_alive,
                                           function_type = 1,
  if (!is.null(prior_func)) {
    prior_func <- prior_func(par_tab)
  ## If using gibbs proposal on infection_history, create here
  if (hist_proposal == 2) {
    proposal_gibbs <- protect_posterior(posterior_func(par_tab,
                                             measurement_indices_by_time = measurement_indices,
                                             n_alive = n_alive,
                                             function_type = 2,
  if (measurement_random_effects) {
    prior_shifts <- create_prob_shifts(par_tab)

  ## Create closure to add extra prior probabilities, to avoid re-typing later
  extra_probabilities <- function(prior_pars, prior_infection_history) {
    names(prior_pars) <- par_names
    infection_model_prior_shape1 <- prior_pars["infection_model_prior_shape1"]
    infection_model_prior_shape2 <- prior_pars["infection_model_prior_shape2"]
    prior_probab <- 0
    ## If prior prior_version 2 or 4
    if (hist_proposal == 2) {
      ## Prior prior_version 4
      if (prior_on_total) {
        n_infections <- sum_infections_by_group(prior_infection_history, group_ids_vec, n_groups)
        n_infections_group <- rowSums(n_infections)
        prior_probab <- prior_probab + inf_mat_prior_total_group_cpp(
          n_alive_tot, infection_model_prior_shape1, infection_model_prior_shape2
      } else {
        n_infections <- sum_infections_by_group(prior_infection_history, group_ids_vec, n_groups)
        if (any(n_infections > n_alive)){
          prior_probab <- -Inf
        } else {
          prior_probab <- prior_probab + 
            inf_mat_prior_group_cpp(n_infections, n_alive, infection_model_prior_shape1, infection_model_prior_shape2)
    if (!is.null(prior_func)) prior_probab <- prior_probab + prior_func(prior_pars)
    if (measurement_random_effects) prior_probab <- prior_probab + prior_shifts(prior_pars)

  log_file <- paste0(filename,"_log.txt")
    writeLines(c(""), log_file)
  ## Save MCMC settings
  serosolver_settings <- list(par_tab=par_tab,

  result <- foreach(chain = 1:n_chains, .packages =c("serosolver","data.table","dplyr","plyr","tidyr")) %execute% {
    ## Setup MCMC chain file with correct column names
    mcmc_chain_file <- paste0(filename, "_",chain,"_chain.csv")
    infection_history_file <- paste0(filename, "_",chain,"_infection_histories.csv")
    index <- 1
    total_posterior <- -Inf
    while(!is.finite(total_posterior) & index <= 100){
      ## Setup initial conditions
      infection_histories <- start_inf_hist
      if (is.null(start_inf_hist)) {
        infection_histories <- setup_infection_histories_antibody_level(antibody_data, possible_exposure_times, space = 5, antibody_cutoff = 3,sample_prob=0.1)
      if (random_start_parameters){
        par_tab <- generate_start_tab(par_tab)
      current_pars <- par_tab$values # Starting parameters
      ## Initial likelihoods and individual priors
      tmp_posterior <- posterior_simp(current_pars, infection_histories)
      indiv_likelihoods <- tmp_posterior[[1]] / temp
      indiv_priors <- new_indiv_priors <- tmp_posterior[[2]]
      ## Initial total likelihoods
      indiv_posteriors <- indiv_likelihoods + indiv_priors
      ## If needed for some proposal types per individual
      proposal_ratio_indiv <- rep(0, n_indiv)
      n_alive_tot <- rowSums(n_alive)
      ## Initial total prior prob
      total_prior_prob <- sum(indiv_priors) + extra_probabilities(current_pars,infection_histories)
      total_likelihood <- sum(indiv_likelihoods)
      ## Initial posterior prob
      total_posterior <- total_likelihood + total_prior_prob
      index <- index + 1
    if(!is.finite(total_prior_prob)) stop(paste("Error: starting prior probability of chain",chain,"is not finite."))
    if(!is.finite(total_likelihood)) stop(paste("Error: starting likelihood of chain",chain,"is not finite."))
    if(!is.finite(total_posterior)) stop(paste("Error: starting posterior probability of chain", chain, "is not finite."))
    if(verbose) message(cat("Chain ", chain, " starting posterior probability: ", total_posterior, "\n", sep = ""))
    if(verbose) message(cat("Chain ",chain, " starting likelihood: ", total_likelihood, "\n", sep = ""))
    if(verbose) message(cat("Chain ", chain, " starting prior probability: ", total_prior_prob, "\n", sep = ""))
      ## To store acceptance rate of entire time period infection history swaps
    infection_history_swap_n <- infection_history_swap_accept <- 0
    ## Arrays to store acceptance rates
    ## If univariate proposals, store vector of acceptances
    if (is.null(mvr_pars)) {
      tempaccepted <- tempiter <- integer(param_length)
      reset <- integer(param_length)
      reset[] <- 0
    } else {
      ## If multivariate proposals, aggregate to one acceptance rate.
      ## Also extract covariance matrix, scale of proposal steps, and how
      ## much weighting to give to previous covariance matrix upon adaptive update
      tempaccepted <- tempiter <- reset <- 0
      cov_mat <- mvr_pars[[1]][unfixed_pars, unfixed_pars]
      steps <- mvr_pars[[2]]
      w <- mvr_pars[[3]]
      ## Housekeeping for infection history chain
      histiter <- integer(n_indiv)
      histaccepted <- integer(n_indiv)
      histiter_add <- integer(n_indiv)
      histaccepted_add <- integer(n_indiv)
      histiter_move <- integer(n_indiv)
      histaccepted_move <- integer(n_indiv)
      overall_swap_proposals <- matrix(0,nrow=n_indiv,ncol=length(possible_exposure_times))
      overall_add_proposals <- matrix(0,nrow=n_indiv,ncol=length(possible_exposure_times))
      ## Scaling of infection history time proposal sample probs    
          proposal_ratios <- rep(1, length(possible_exposure_times))
      n_infs_vec <- rep(n_infs, n_indiv) # How many infection history moves to make with each proposal
      proposal_inf_hist_distances <- rep(proposal_inf_hist_distance, n_indiv) # How many years to move in smart proposal step
    ## Create empty chain to store every iteration for the adaptive period 
    opt_chain <- matrix(nrow = adaptive_iterations, ncol = unfixed_par_length)
    ## Create empty chain to store "save_block" iterations at a time
    save_chain <- empty_save_chain <- matrix(nrow = save_block, ncol = param_length + 4)
    ## Set up initial csv file
    ## Store posterior (called posterior_prob), likelihood ad prior
    chain_colnames <- c("samp_no", par_names, "posterior_prob", "likelihood", "prior_prob")
    tmp_table <- array(dim = c(1, length(chain_colnames)))
    tmp_table <- as.data.frame(tmp_table)
    tmp_table[1, ] <- c(1, current_pars, total_posterior, total_likelihood, total_prior_prob)
    colnames(tmp_table) <- chain_colnames
    ## Write starting conditions to file
      file = mcmc_chain_file,
      row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE, sep = ",", append = FALSE
    save_infection_history_to_disk(infection_histories, infection_history_file, 1,
      append = FALSE, col_names = TRUE
    ## Initial indexing parameters
    no_recorded <- 1
    samp_no <- 2
    par_i <- 1
    chain_index <- 1
    cov_mat0 <- diag(unfixed_pars)
    log_prob <- 0
    ## If proposal_ratio is 0, only ever sample theta. If Inf, only sample inf_hist
    ## Track whether we should be sampling theta or inf hist
    if (is.finite(proposal_ratio) & proposal_ratio == 0){
        proposal_ratio_flag <- TRUE
    } else if (is.finite(proposal_ratio) & proposal_ratio >= 1) {
      proposal_ratio_flag <- c(rep(TRUE, proposal_ratio), FALSE)
    } else if(is.infinite(proposal_ratio)) {
        proposal_ratio_flag <- FALSE
    } else  {
      proposal_ratio_flag <- c(TRUE, rep(FALSE, floor(1 / proposal_ratio)))

    proposal_ratio_i <- 1
    proposal_ratio_flag_length <- length(proposal_ratio_flag)
    ## Record time taken for each block
    t_start <- Sys.time()
    for (i in 1:(iterations + adaptive_iterations)) {
      ## Whether to swap entire year contents or not - only applies to gibbs sampling
      inf_swap_prob <- runif(1)
      if (i %% save_block == 0){
        ## Print progress if requested
          ## Time taken for this block:
          t_now <- Sys.time()
          time_elapsed <- t_now - t_start
          proportion_iterations_done <- i / (iterations + adaptive_iterations)
          t_max_est <- time_elapsed / proportion_iterations_done
          t_remaining <- t_max_est - time_elapsed
          units(t_remaining) <- "secs"
          if(t_remaining > 3600){
            t_remaining <- t_remaining/3600
            units <- "hours"
          } else if (t_remaining > 60){
            t_remaining <- t_remaining/60
            units <- "minutes"
          } else {
            t_remaining <- t_remaining
            units <- "seconds"
          message(cat("Chain ", chain, ": ", signif(proportion_iterations_done*100, 2), "% done.  Iteration: ", i, ". Estimated time remaining: ", signif(t_remaining,2), " ", units,  "\n", sep = ""))
      ## PROPOSALS
      ## Keep track of switching between theta and inf hist
      theta_sample <- proposal_ratio_flag[proposal_ratio_i]
      proposal_ratio_i <- proposal_ratio_i + 1
      if (proposal_ratio_i > proposal_ratio_flag_length) proposal_ratio_i <- 1
      ## If updating theta
      if (theta_sample) {
        ## If all pars are fixed
        if (length(unfixed_pars) == 0) {
          proposal <- current_pars ## Set proposal to be current parameters
          tempiter <- tempiter + 1
        } else { ## Else propose parameters
          ## If using univariate proposals
          if (is.null(mvr_pars)) {
            ## For each parameter (Gibbs)
            j <- unfixed_pars[par_i]
            par_i <- par_i + 1
            if (par_i > unfixed_par_length) par_i <- 1
            proposal <- univ_proposal(current_pars, lower_bounds, upper_bounds, steps, j)
            tempiter[j] <- tempiter[j] + 1
            ## If using multivariate proposals
          } else {
            proposal <- mvr_proposal(current_pars, unfixed_pars, steps * cov_mat,
              steps * cov_mat0, FALSE,
              beta = 0.05
            tempiter <- tempiter + 1
        ## Calculate new likelihood for these parameters
        tmp_new_posteriors <- posterior_simp(proposal, infection_histories)
        new_indiv_likelihoods <- tmp_new_posteriors[[1]] / temp # For each individual
        new_indiv_priors <- tmp_new_posteriors[[2]]
        new_indiv_posteriors <- new_indiv_likelihoods + new_indiv_priors
        new_total_likelihood <- sum(new_indiv_likelihoods) # Total
        new_total_prior_prob <- sum(new_indiv_priors) + extra_probabilities(proposal, infection_histories)
        new_total_posterior <- new_total_likelihood + new_total_prior_prob # Posterior
          ## Otherwise, resample infection history
      } else {
          ## Choose a random subset of individuals to update
          indiv_sub_sample <- sample(1:n_indiv, ceiling(proposal_inf_hist_indiv_prop * n_indiv))
          indiv_sub_sample <- indiv_sub_sample[order(indiv_sub_sample)]
          ## Generate random number 0-1 to decide whether to move an infection time, or add/remove one
          rand_ns <- runif(length(indiv_sub_sample))
          ## Need to temporarily store current parameters as new pars, as
          ## might change with phi swap step
          proposal <- current_pars
          names(proposal) <- par_names
          infection_model_prior_shape1 <- proposal["infection_model_prior_shape1"]
          infection_model_prior_shape2 <- proposal["infection_model_prior_shape2"]
          new_likelihoods_calculated <- FALSE ## Flag if we calculate the new likelihoods earlier than anticipated
          ## Which infection history proposal to use?
          ## Explicit phis on infection histories

          if (hist_proposal == 1) {
              ## Either swap entire contents or propose new infection history matrix
              if (inf_swap_prob > proposal_inf_hist_group_swap_ratio) {
                  new_infection_histories <- infection_history_symmetric(
                      age_mask, sample_mask, proposal_inf_hist_distances,
                      n_infs_vec, rand_ns, proposal_inf_hist_indiv_swap_ratio
              } else {
                  tmp_hist_switch <- inf_hist_swap_phi(
                      infection_histories, proposal[phi_indices],
                      age_mask, sample_mask, proposal_inf_hist_group_swap_prop,
                      proposal_inf_hist_distance, n_alive
                  new_infection_histories <- tmp_hist_switch[[1]]
                  proposal[phi_indices] <- tmp_hist_switch[[2]]
                  infection_history_swap_n <- infection_history_swap_n + 1
              ## Gibbs sampler prior_version, integrate out phi
          } else if (hist_proposal == 2) {
               ## Swap entire contents or propose new
              if (inf_swap_prob > proposal_inf_hist_group_swap_ratio) {
                  prop_gibbs <- proposal_gibbs(
                      infection_model_prior_shape1, infection_model_prior_shape2,
                      n_infs_vec, proposal_inf_hist_indiv_swap_ratio, proposal_inf_hist_distance,
                  histiter <- prop_gibbs$proposal_iter
                  histaccepted <- prop_gibbs$accepted_iter
                  new_indiv_likelihoods <- prop_gibbs$likelihoods_pre_proposal_tmp
                  new_infection_histories <- prop_gibbs$new_infection_history     
                  new_likelihoods_calculated <- TRUE
                  overall_swap_proposals <- prop_gibbs$overall_swap_proposals
                  overall_add_proposals <- prop_gibbs$overall_add_proposals
              } else {
                  tmp <- inf_hist_swap(
                      age_mask, sample_mask,
                      proposal_inf_hist_group_swap_prop, proposal_inf_hist_distance
                  new_infection_histories <- tmp[[1]]
                  if (!identical(new_infection_histories, infection_histories)) {
                      infection_history_swap_n <- infection_history_swap_n + 1
                  new_likelihoods_calculated <- FALSE
              ## Beta binomial on per individual total infections
          } else if (hist_proposal == 3) {
              new_infection_histories <- inf_hist_prop_prior_v3(
                  infection_histories, indiv_sub_sample,
                  age_mask, sample_mask,
                  proposal_inf_hist_distances, n_infs_vec,
                  infection_model_prior_shape1, infection_model_prior_shape2, rand_ns, proposal_inf_hist_indiv_swap_ratio
              ## Otherwise, default to symmetric proposals (hopefully this is never called)
          } else {
              new_infection_histories <- infection_history_symmetric(
                  infection_histories, indiv_sub_sample,
                  age_mask, sample_mask, proposal_inf_hist_distances, n_infs_vec,
                  rand_ns, proposal_inf_hist_indiv_swap_ratio
          ## The proposals are either a swap step or an add/remove step. Need to track which type was used for which individual,
          ## as we adapt the `step size` for these two update steps independently
          if (hist_proposal != 2 & inf_swap_prob > proposal_inf_hist_group_swap_ratio) {
              move <- indiv_sub_sample[which(rand_ns < proposal_inf_hist_indiv_swap_ratio)]
              add <- indiv_sub_sample[which(rand_ns > proposal_inf_hist_indiv_swap_ratio)]
              histiter_add[add] <- histiter_add[add] + 1
              histiter_move[move] <- histiter_move[move] + 1
              histiter[indiv_sub_sample] <- histiter[indiv_sub_sample] + 1
          ## Calculate new likelihood with these infection histories
          ## If we didn't calculate the new likelihoods above, then need to do so here
          if (!new_likelihoods_calculated) {
              new_post <- posterior_simp(proposal, new_infection_histories)
              new_indiv_likelihoods <- new_post[[1]] / temp
              new_indiv_priors <- new_post[[2]]
          new_indiv_posteriors <- new_indiv_likelihoods + new_indiv_priors
          new_total_likelihood <- sum(new_indiv_likelihoods)
          new_total_prior_prob <- sum(new_indiv_priors) + extra_probabilities(proposal, new_infection_histories)
          new_total_posterior <- new_total_likelihood + new_total_prior_prob
      ## Check that all proposed parameters are in allowable range
      ## Skip if any parameters are outside of the allowable range

      log_prob <- new_total_posterior - total_posterior
      if (theta_sample) {

        if (!is.na(log_prob) & !is.nan(log_prob) & is.finite(log_prob)) {
          log_prob <- min(log_prob, 0)
          if (log(runif(1)) < log_prob) {
            if (!any(proposal[unfixed_pars] < lower_bounds[unfixed_pars] |
              proposal[unfixed_pars] > upper_bounds[unfixed_pars])) {
              ## Accept with probability 1 if better, or proportional to
              ## difference if not
              current_pars <- proposal
              ## Store acceptances
              ## If all parameters are fixed, then we 'accept'
              if (length(unfixed_pars) == 0) {
                tempaccepted <- tempaccepted + 1
              } else {
                if (is.null(mvr_pars)) {
                  tempaccepted[j] <- tempaccepted[j] + 1
                } else {
                  tempaccepted <- tempaccepted + 1
              indiv_likelihoods <- new_indiv_likelihoods
              indiv_priors <- new_indiv_priors
              indiv_posteriors <- new_indiv_posteriors
              total_likelihood <- new_total_likelihood
              total_prior_prob <- new_total_prior_prob
              total_posterior <- new_total_posterior
      } else {
       ## If normal proposal
          if (inf_swap_prob > proposal_inf_hist_group_swap_ratio) {
              ## MH step for each individual
              ## For prior prior_version 1 and 3, need to explicitly do acceptances
              if (hist_proposal != 2) {
                  log_probs <- (new_indiv_posteriors[indiv_sub_sample] -
                                indiv_posteriors[indiv_sub_sample]) +
                  log_probs[log_probs > 0] <- 0
                  x <- which(log(runif(length(indiv_sub_sample))) < log_probs)
                  change_i <- indiv_sub_sample[x]
                  infection_histories[change_i, ] <- new_infection_histories[change_i, ]
                  indiv_likelihoods[change_i] <- new_indiv_likelihoods[change_i]
                  indiv_priors[change_i] <- new_indiv_priors[change_i]
                  indiv_posteriors[change_i] <- new_indiv_posteriors[change_i]
                  total_likelihood <- sum(indiv_likelihoods)
                  total_prior_prob <- sum(indiv_priors) +
                      extra_probabilities(current_pars, infection_histories)
                  total_posterior <- total_likelihood + total_prior_prob
                  ## Record acceptances for each add or move step
                  add <- intersect(add, change_i)
                  move <- intersect(move, change_i)
                  histaccepted_add[add] <- histaccepted_add[add] + 1
                  histaccepted_move[move] <- histaccepted_move[move] + 1
                  histaccepted[change_i] <- histaccepted[change_i] + 1
                  proposal_ratio_indiv <- rep(0, n_indiv)
                  ## For prior prior_versions 2 and 4, have already done the acceptance rates
              } else {
                  if (!is.na(log_prob) & !is.nan(log_prob) & is.finite(log_prob)) {
                      infection_histories <- new_infection_histories
                      indiv_likelihoods <- new_indiv_likelihoods
                      indiv_priors <- new_indiv_priors
                      indiv_posteriors <- new_indiv_posteriors
                      current_pars <- proposal
                      total_likelihood <- new_total_likelihood
                      total_posterior <- new_total_posterior
                      total_prior_prob <- new_total_prior_prob
              ## Otherwise, doing the alternative swapping function
        } else {
          if (!identical(new_infection_histories, infection_histories)) {
            log_prob <- new_total_posterior - total_posterior
            if (!is.na(log_prob) & !is.nan(log_prob) & is.finite(log_prob)) {
              log_prob <- min(log_prob, 0)
              if (log(runif(1)) < log_prob) {
                if (!any(proposal[unfixed_pars] < lower_bounds[unfixed_pars] |
                  proposal[unfixed_pars] > upper_bounds[unfixed_pars])) {
                  infection_history_swap_accept <- infection_history_swap_accept + 1
                  infection_histories <- new_infection_histories
                  current_pars <- proposal
                  indiv_likelihoods <- new_indiv_likelihoods
                  indiv_priors <- new_indiv_priors
                  indiv_posteriors <- new_indiv_posteriors
                  total_likelihood <- new_total_likelihood
                  total_prior_prob <- new_total_prior_prob
                  total_posterior <- new_total_posterior
      ## SAVE STEP
      ## If current iteration matches with recording frequency, store in the chain.
      ## If we are at the limit of the save block,
      ## save this block of chain to file and reset chain
         ## Save theta
      if (i %% thin == 0) {
        save_chain[no_recorded, 1] <- samp_no
        save_chain[no_recorded, 2:(ncol(save_chain) - 3)] <- current_pars
        save_chain[no_recorded, ncol(save_chain) - 2] <- total_posterior
        save_chain[no_recorded, ncol(save_chain) - 1] <- total_likelihood
        save_chain[no_recorded, ncol(save_chain)] <- total_prior_prob
        no_recorded <- no_recorded + 1
      ## Save infection histories
      if (i %% hist_tab_thin == 0) {
        save_infection_history_to_disk(infection_histories, infection_history_file, samp_no)
      ## If within adaptive period, need to do some adapting!
      if (i > (adaptive_iterations) & i %% adaptive_frequency == 0) {
        pcur <- tempaccepted / tempiter ## get current acceptance rate
          message(cat("Chain", chain, "theta parameters acceptance rates: ", signif(pcur, 3), "\n", sep = " "))
          message(cat("Chain", chain, "theta parameters proposal step sizes: ", signif(steps, 3), "\n", sep = " "))
          message(cat("Chain", chain, "group infection history swap acceptance rate: ",
            signif(infection_history_swap_accept / infection_history_swap_n, 3),"\n", 
            sep = " "
        infection_history_swap_accept <- infection_history_swap_n <- 0
        tempaccepted <- tempiter <- reset
        ## Have a look at the acceptance rates for infection histories
        ## if(hist_proposal != 2){
        pcur_hist <- histaccepted / histiter ## Overall
        pcur_hist_add <- histaccepted_add / histiter_add ## For adding
        pcur_hist_move <- histaccepted_move / histiter_move ## For adding
          message(cat("Chain", chain, "acceptance rate for add/remove infections: ", head(signif(pcur_hist_add, 3)),"\n",  sep = " "))
          message(cat("Chain", chain, "acceptance rate for moving infections: ", head(signif(pcur_hist_move, 3)), "\n", sep = " "))
        ##histadd_overall <- histadd_overall + histiter_add
        ##histmove_overall <- histmove_overall + histiter_move
        histiter <- integer(n_indiv)
        histaccepted <- integer(n_indiv)
        histiter_add <- integer(n_indiv)
        histaccepted_add <- integer(n_indiv)
        histiter_move <- integer(n_indiv)
        histaccepted_move <- integer(n_indiv)
        ## }
      if (i <= adaptive_iterations) {
          ## Current acceptance rate
        pcur <- tempaccepted / tempiter
        ## Save each step
        opt_chain[chain_index, ] <- current_pars[unfixed_pars]
        ## If in an adaptive step
        if (chain_index %% adaptive_frequency == 0) {
          ## If using univariate proposals
          if (is.null(mvr_pars)) {
            ## For each non fixed parameter, scale the step size
            for (x in unfixed_pars) steps[x] <- scaletuning(steps[x], target_acceptance_rate_theta, pcur[x])
          } else {
            if (chain_index > OPT_TUNING * adaptive_iterations & chain_index < adaptive_iterations) {
              old_cov_mat <- cov_mat
              ## Creates a new covariance matrix, but weights it with the old one
              cov_mat <- cov(opt_chain[1:chain_index, ])
              cov_mat <- w * cov_mat + (1 - w) * old_cov_mat
            ## Scale tuning for last 80% of the adaptive period
            if (chain_index > (0.2) * adaptive_iterations) {
                steps <- scaletuning(steps, target_acceptance_rate_theta, pcur)
            pcur_hist <- histaccepted / histiter
            ##histadd_overall <- histadd_overall + histiter_add
            ##histmove_overall <- histmove_overall + histiter_move
            pcur_hist_add <- histaccepted_add / histiter_add
            pcur_hist_move <- histaccepted_move / histiter_move
            pcur_hist_swap <- infection_history_swap_accept / infection_history_swap_n
            infection_history_swap_accept <- infection_history_swap_n <- 0
            histiter <- integer(n_indiv)
            histaccepted <- integer(n_indiv)
            histiter_add <- integer(n_indiv)
            histaccepted_add <- integer(n_indiv)
            histiter_move <- integer(n_indiv)
            histaccepted_move <- integer(n_indiv)
            if (proposal_inf_hist_adaptive == 1) {
                ## If adaptive infection history proposal
                ## Increase or decrease the number of infection history locations
                ## being changed to modify acceptance rate. If not accepting enough,
                ## reduce number. If accepting too many, increase number
                n_infs_vec[which(pcur_hist_add < target_acceptance_rate_inf_hist * (1 - OPT_TUNING))] <-
                    n_infs_vec[which(pcur_hist_add < target_acceptance_rate_inf_hist * (1 - OPT_TUNING))] - 1
                n_infs_vec[which(pcur_hist_add >= target_acceptance_rate_inf_hist * (1 + OPT_TUNING))] <-
                    n_infs_vec[which(pcur_hist_add >= target_acceptance_rate_inf_hist * (1 + OPT_TUNING))] + 1
                n_infs_vec[n_infs_vec < 1] <- 1
                proposal_inf_hist_distances[which(pcur_hist_move < target_acceptance_rate_inf_hist * (1 - OPT_TUNING))] <-
                    proposal_inf_hist_distances[which(pcur_hist_move < target_acceptance_rate_inf_hist * (1 - OPT_TUNING))] - 1
                proposal_inf_hist_distances[which(pcur_hist_move >= target_acceptance_rate_inf_hist * (1 + OPT_TUNING))] <-
                    proposal_inf_hist_distances[which(pcur_hist_move >= target_acceptance_rate_inf_hist * (1 + OPT_TUNING))] + 1
                proposal_inf_hist_distances[proposal_inf_hist_distances < 1] <- 1
                for (ii in seq_along(n_infs_vec)) {
                    proposal_inf_hist_distances[ii] <- min(proposal_inf_hist_distances[ii], length(age_mask[ii]:sample_mask[ii]))
                    proposal_inf_hist_distances[ii] <- min(proposal_inf_hist_distances[ii], 10)
                    n_infs_vec[ii] <- min(n_infs_vec[ii], length(age_mask[ii]:sample_mask[ii]))
            ## Look at infection history proposal sizes
              message(cat("Chain", chain, "acceptance rate for add/remove infections: ", head(signif(pcur_hist_add, 3)), "\n", sep = " "))
              message(cat("Chain", chain, "number of infections proposed per iteration: ", head(n_infs_vec), "\n", sep = " "))
              message(cat("Chain", chain, "acceptance rate for moving infections: ", head(signif(pcur_hist_move, 3)), "\n", sep = " "))
              message(cat("Chain", chain, "distance of infection move proposals: ", head(proposal_inf_hist_distances), "\n", sep = " "))
              message(cat("Chain", chain, "theta parameters acceptance rate: ", signif(pcur, 3), "\n", sep = " "))
              message(cat("Chain", chain, "theta parameters step sizes: ", signif(steps, 3), "\n", sep = " "))
              message(cat("Chain", chain, "group infection history swap acceptance rate:  ", signif(pcur_hist_swap, 3), "\n", sep = " "))
              message(cat("Chain", chain, "proportion of infections used in group swap proposal: ", proposal_inf_hist_group_swap_prop, "\n", sep = " "))
            pcur_hist <- histaccepted / histiter ## Overall
            ## If not accepting, send a warning
            if (all(pcur[!is.nan(pcur)] == 0)) {
              if(verbose) message("Warning: acceptance rates are 0. Might be an error with the theta proposal?\n")
            tempaccepted <- tempiter <- reset
          chain_index <- chain_index + 1
        if (no_recorded == save_block) {
            data.table::fwrite(as.data.frame(save_chain[1:(no_recorded - 1), ]),
                               file = mcmc_chain_file,
                               col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, sep = ",", append = TRUE
            save_chain <- empty_save_chain
            no_recorded <- 1
        samp_no <- samp_no + 1
      ## If there are some recorded values left that haven't been saved, then append these to the MCMC chain file. Note
      ## that due to the use of cbind, we have to check to make sure that (no_recorded-1) would not result in a single value
      ## rather than an array
      if (no_recorded > 2) {
          data.table::fwrite(as.data.frame(save_chain[1:(no_recorded - 1), ]),
                             file = mcmc_chain_file, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE,
                             sep = ",", append = TRUE
      if (is.null(mvr_pars)) {
          cov_mat <- NULL
    if(parallel) sink()
    final <- c("chain_file" = mcmc_chain_file, "history_file" = infection_history_file)
  if(verbose){ message(cat("Generating MCMC diagnostics\n"))}
  saved_wd <- paste(strsplit(filename, "/")[[1]][-length(strsplit(filename, "/")[[1]])],sep="/",collapse="/")
  if(saved_wd == ""){
    saved_wd <- getwd()
  saved_wd <- normalizePath(saved_wd)
  all_diagnostics <- suppressMessages(plot_mcmc_diagnostics(saved_wd, par_tab, adaptive_iterations))
  par_est_table <- all_diagnostics$theta_estimates
  diagnostic_warnings <- list()
  if("Rhat upper CI" %in% colnames(par_est_table) && any(par_est_table[par_est_table$names != "total_infections","Rhat upper CI"] > 1.1)){
    diagnostic_warnings <- c(diagnostic_warnings, "Warning - some Rhat values >1.1")
  if(any(par_est_table[par_est_table$names != "total_infections","ess"] < 200)){
    diagnostic_warnings <- c(diagnostic_warnings, "Warning - some effective sample sizes <200\n")

  chain_files <- c(sapply(result,function(x) x[1]))
  infection_history_files <- c(sapply(result,function(x) x[2]))
  if(verbose){ message(cat("Done!\n"))}
  return(list(chain_files=chain_files, infection_history_files=infection_history_files,all_diagnostics=all_diagnostics,
              diagnostic_warnings=diagnostic_warnings, settings=serosolver_settings))
adamkucharski/serosolver documentation built on April 13, 2024, 10:24 a.m.