
Defines functions manageQueryDuplicationInEmap manageNameDuplicationInEmap createMultiEmap createBasicEmap validateCreateEnrichMapSubSectionArguments validateCreateEnrichMapMultiComplexArg validateCreateEnrichMapMultiArguments validateCreateEnrichMapArguments

Documented in createBasicEmap createMultiEmap manageNameDuplicationInEmap manageQueryDuplicationInEmap validateCreateEnrichMapArguments validateCreateEnrichMapMultiArguments validateCreateEnrichMapMultiComplexArg validateCreateEnrichMapSubSectionArguments

#' @title Validate arguments passed to createEnrichMap() function
#' @description Validate the arguments passed to createEnrichMap() function.
#' First, the object containing the enrichment results must correspond to a 
#' object created by  \code{gprofiler2} software. Second, the selected 
#' source must at least have one enriched term in the results. Then, if the
#' source is 'TERM_ID', the listed terms must be present in the enrichment
#' results.
#' @param gostObject a \code{list} created by \code{gprofiler2} that contains
#' the results from an enrichment analysis.
#' @param query a \code{character} string representing the name of the query 
#' that is going to be used to generate the graph. The query must exist in the 
#' \code{gostObject} object.
#' @param source a \code{character} string representing the selected source 
#' that will be used to generate the network. To hand-pick the terms to be 
#' used, "TERM_ID" should be used and the list of selected term IDs should
#' be passed through the \code{termIDs} parameter. The possible sources are 
#' "GO:BP" for Gene Ontology Biological Process, "GO:CC" for Gene Ontology  
#' Cellular Component, "GO:MF" for Gene Ontology Molecular Function, 
#' "KEGG" for Kegg, "REAC" for Reactome, "TF" for TRANSFAC, "MIRNA" for 
#' miRTarBase, "CORUM" for CORUM database, "HP" for Human phenotype ontology
#' and "WP" for WikiPathways. 
#' @param termIDs a \code{vector} of \code{character} strings that contains 
#' the term IDs retained for the creation of the network. This parameter is 
#' only used when \code{source} is set to "TERM_ID".
#' @param removeRoot a \code{logical} that specified if the root terms of 
#' the selected source should be removed (when present). 
#' @param showCategory a positive \code{integer} or a \code{vector} of 
#' \code{characters} representing terms.  If a \code{integer}, the first 
#' \code{n} terms will be displayed. If \code{vector} of terms, 
#' the selected terms will be displayed.
#' @param groupCategory a \code{logical} indicating if the categories should 
#' be grouped.
#' @param categoryLabel a positive \code{numeric} representing the amount by 
#' which plotting category nodes label size should be scaled relative 
#' to the default (1).
#' @param categoryNode a positive \code{numeric} representing he amount by 
#' which plotting category nodes should be scaled relative to the default (1).
#' @param line a non-negative \code{numeric} representing the scale of line 
#' width. 
#' @param force a \code{logical} indicating if the repulsion between 
#' overlapping text labels should be forced.
#' @return \code{TRUE} when all arguments are valid
#' @examples
#' ## Load the result of an enrichment analysis done with gprofiler2
#' data(demoGOST)
#' ## Check that all arguments are valid
#' enrichViewNet:::validateCreateEnrichMapArguments(gostObject=demoGOST,
#'     query="query_1", source="GO:BP", termIDs=NULL, removeRoot=FALSE, 
#'     showCategory=20, groupCategory=FALSE, 
#'     categoryLabel=1.1, categoryNode=1, line=1.2, force=TRUE)
#' @author Astrid Deschênes
#' @encoding UTF-8
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @importFrom stringr str_ends
#' @keywords internal
validateCreateEnrichMapArguments <- function(gostObject, query, source, 
        termIDs, removeRoot, showCategory, groupCategory, 
        categoryLabel, categoryNode, line, force) {
    ## Test that gostObject is a gprofiler2 result 
    if (!(inherits(gostObject, "list") && "result" %in% names(gostObject) &&
            "meta" %in% names(gostObject)))   {
        stop("The gostObject object should be a list with meta ", 
                "and result as entries corresponding to gprofiler2 ", 
                "enrichment output.")
    if (!is.character(query) || length(query) > 1) {
        stop("The \'query\'must be a character string.")
    ## Query must be in gost object
    gostResults <- as.data.frame(gostObject$result)
    if (!(query %in% unique(gostResults$query))) {
        stop("The \'query\' is not present in the results of the gost object.")
    if (source != "TERM_ID") {
        if (sum(gostObject$result$source == source) < 1) {
            stop("There is no enriched term for the selected ", 
                    "source \'", source, "\'.")    
    } else {
        if (is.null(termIDs)) {
            stop("A vector of terms should be given through the ",
                    "\'termIDs\' parameter when source is \'TERM_ID\'.")  
        else {
            if(!all(termIDs %in% gostObject$result$term_id)) {
                stop("Not all listed terms are present in the  ",
                        "enrichment results.")
    result <- validateCreateEnrichMapSubSectionArguments(
        showCategory=showCategory, groupCategory=groupCategory, 
        categoryLabel=categoryLabel, categoryNode=categoryNode, line=line, 

#' @title Validate arguments passed to createEnrichMapMultiBasic() function
#' @description Validate the arguments passed to createEnrichMapMultiBasic() 
#' function.
#' First, the object containing the enrichment results must correspond to a 
#' object created by  \code{gprofiler2} software. Second, the selected 
#' source must at least have one enriched term in the results. Then, if the
#' source is 'TERM_ID', the listed terms must be present in the enrichment
#' results.
#' @param gostObjectList a \code{list} of \code{gprofiler2} objects that 
#' contain the results from an enrichment analysis. The list must contain at 
#' least 2 entries. The number of entries must correspond to the number of 
#' entries for the \code{queryList} parameter.
#' @param queryList a \code{list} of \code{character} strings representing the 
#' names of the queries that are going to be used to generate the graph. 
#' The query names must exist in the associated \code{gostObjectList} objects 
#' and follow the same order. The number of entries must correspond to the 
#' number of entries for the \code{gostObjectList} parameter.
#' @param source a \code{character} string representing the selected source 
#' that will be used to generate the network. To hand-pick the terms to be 
#' used, "TERM_ID" should be used and the list of selected term IDs should
#' be passed through the \code{termIDs} parameter. The possible sources are 
#' "GO:BP" for Gene Ontology Biological Process, "GO:CC" for Gene Ontology  
#' Cellular Component, "GO:MF" for Gene Ontology Molecular Function, 
#' "KEGG" for Kegg, "REAC" for Reactome, "TF" for TRANSFAC, "MIRNA" for 
#' miRTarBase, "CORUM" for CORUM database, "HP" for Human phenotype ontology
#' and "WP" for WikiPathways. 
#' @param termIDs a \code{vector} of \code{character} strings that contains 
#' the term IDs retained for the creation of the network. This parameter is 
#' only used when \code{source} is set to "TERM_ID".
#' @param removeRoot a \code{logical} that specified if the root terms of 
#' the selected source should be removed (when present). 
#' @param showCategory a positive \code{integer} or a \code{vector} of 
#' \code{characters} representing terms.  If a \code{integer}, the first 
#' \code{n} terms will be displayed. If \code{vector} of terms, 
#' the selected terms will be displayed.
#' @param groupCategory a \code{logical} indicating if the categories should 
#' be grouped.
#' @param categoryLabel a positive \code{numeric} representing the amount by 
#' which plotting category nodes label size should be scaled relative 
#' to the default (1).
#' @param categoryNode a positive \code{numeric} representing he amount by 
#' which plotting category nodes should be scaled relative to the default (1).
#' @param line a non-negative \code{numeric} representing the scale of line 
#' width. 
#' @param force a \code{logical} indicating if the repulsion between 
#' overlapping text labels should be forced. 
#' @return \code{TRUE} when all arguments are valid
#' @examples
#' ## Load the result of an enrichment analysis done with gprofiler2
#' data(parentalNapaVsDMSOEnrichment)
#' data(rosaNapaVsDMSOEnrichment)
#' ## Check that all arguments are valid
#' enrichViewNet:::validateCreateEnrichMapMultiArguments(
#'     gostObjectList=list(parentalNapaVsDMSOEnrichment, 
#'                             rosaNapaVsDMSOEnrichment),
#'     queryList=list("parental_napa_vs_DMSO", "rosa_napa_vs_DMSO"), 
#'     source="GO:BP", termIDs=NULL, removeRoot=FALSE, 
#'     showCategory=20, groupCategory=FALSE, 
#'     categoryLabel=1.1, categoryNode=1, line=1.2, force=FALSE)
#' @author Astrid Deschênes
#' @encoding UTF-8
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @importFrom stringr str_ends
#' @keywords internal
validateCreateEnrichMapMultiArguments <- function(gostObjectList, queryList, 
    source, termIDs, removeRoot, showCategory, groupCategory, 
    categoryLabel, categoryNode, line, force) {
    ## Test that gostObject is a list with minimum of 2 entries
    if (!inherits(gostObjectList, "list") || !(length(gostObjectList) > 1)) {
        stop("The gostObjectList object should be a list of enrichment", 
                " objects. At least 2 enrichment objects are required.")
    ## Test that gostObject is a list of gprofiler2 result 
    if (!(all(unlist(lapply(gostObjectList, is.list))) && 
            all(unlist(lapply(gostObjectList, FUN = function(x) {
                "result" %in% names(x) && "meta" %in% names(x)})))))   {
        stop("The gostObjectList should only contain a list of enrichment ", 
                "results. Enrichment results are lists with meta ", 
                "and result as entries corresponding to gprofiler2 ", 
                "enrichment output.")
    ## Test that queryList is a list with 2 entries minimum
    if (!inherits(queryList, "list") || !(length(queryList) > 1) || 
            length(queryList) != length(gostObjectList)) {
        stop("The queryList object should be a list of query names. At least ", 
                "2 query names are required. The number of query names should", 
                " correspond to the number of enrichment objects.")
    ## Test that queryList is a list of character strings
    if (!all(unlist(lapply(queryList, is.character)))) {
        stop("The queryList object should only contain a list of query names", 
                " in character strings.")
    ## Validate that all query names are present in the associated results
    if (!all(unlist(lapply(seq_len(length(queryList)), FUN = function(x, 
        queryL, gostL) {res <- as.data.frame(gostL[[x]]$result); 
        queryL[[x]] %in% unique(res$query)}, queryL=queryList, 
        gostL=gostObjectList)))) {
            stop("Each query name present in the \'queryList'\ parameter ", 
                "must be present in the associated enrichment object.")
    if (source != "TERM_ID") {
        if (!any(unlist(lapply(gostObjectList, FUN = function(x, source) {
            sum(x$result$source == source) > 1}, source=source)))) {
                stop("There is no enriched term for the selected ", 
                                "source \'", source, "\'.")    
    } else {
        if (is.null(termIDs)) {
            stop("A vector of terms should be given through the ",
                    "\'termIDs\' parameter when source is \'TERM_ID\'.")

    result <- validateCreateEnrichMapSubSectionArguments(
        showCategory=showCategory, groupCategory=groupCategory, 
        categoryLabel=categoryLabel, categoryNode=categoryNode, line=line, 

#' @title Validate arguments passed to validateCreateEnrichMapMultiComplex() 
#' function
#' @description Validate the arguments passed to 
#' validateCreateEnrichMapMultiComplex() function.
#' First, the object containing the enrichment results must correspond to a 
#' object created by  \code{gprofiler2} software. Second, the selected 
#' source must at least have one enriched term in the results. Then, if the
#' source is 'TERM_ID', the listed terms must be present in the enrichment
#' results.
#' @param gostObjectList a \code{list} of \code{gprofiler2} objects that 
#' contain the results from an enrichment analysis. The list must contain at 
#' least 2 entries. The number of entries must correspond to the number of 
#' entries for the \code{queryList} parameter.
#' @param queryInfo a \code{data.frame} contains one row per group being 
#' displayed. The number of rows must correspond to the 
#' number of entries for the \code{gostObjectList} parameter. 
#' The mandatory columns are:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{queryName}: a \code{character} string representing the name 
#' of the query retained for this group). The query names must exist in the 
#' associated \code{gostObjectList} objects and follow the same order. }
#' \item{\code{source}: a \code{character} string representing the selected 
#' source that will be used to generate the network. To hand-pick the terms to 
#' be used, "TERM_ID" should be used and the list of selected term IDs should
#' be passed through the \code{termIDs} parameter. The possible sources are 
#' "GO:BP" for Gene Ontology Biological Process, "GO:CC" for Gene Ontology  
#' Cellular Component, "GO:MF" for Gene Ontology Molecular Function, 
#' "KEGG" for Kegg, "REAC" for Reactome, "TF" for TRANSFAC, "MIRNA" for 
#' miRTarBase, "CORUM" for CORUM database, "HP" for Human phenotype ontology
#' and "WP" for WikiPathways.  Default: "TERM_ID". }
#' \item{\code{removeRoot}: a \code{logical} that specified if the root terms 
#' of the selected source should be removed (when present). }
#' \item{\code{termIDs}: a \code{character} strings that contains the
#' term IDS retained for the creation of the network separated by a comma ',' 
#' when the "TERM_ID" source is selected. Otherwise, it should be a empty 
#' string (""). }
#' \item{\code{groupName}: a \code{character} strings that contains the 
#' name of the group to be shown in the legend. Each group has to have a 
#' unique name. }
#' }
#' @param showCategory a positive \code{integer} or a \code{vector} of 
#' \code{characters} representing terms.  If a \code{integer}, the first 
#' \code{n} terms will be displayed. If \code{vector} of terms, 
#' the selected terms will be displayed.
#' @param groupCategory a \code{logical} indicating if the categories should 
#' be grouped.
#' @param categoryLabel a positive \code{numeric} representing the amount by 
#' which plotting category nodes label size should be scaled relative 
#' to the default (1).
#' @param categoryNode a positive \code{numeric} representing he amount by 
#' which plotting category nodes should be scaled relative to the default (1).
#' @param line a non-negative \code{numeric} representing the scale of line 
#' width. 
#' @param force a \code{logical} indicating if the repulsion between 
#' overlapping text labels should be forced. 
#' @return \code{TRUE} when all arguments are valid
#' @examples
#' ## Load the result of an enrichment analysis done with gprofiler2
#' data(parentalNapaVsDMSOEnrichment)
#' data(rosaNapaVsDMSOEnrichment)
#' queryDataFrame <- data.frame(queryName=c("parental_napa_vs_DMSO", 
#'     "rosa_napa_vs_DMSO"), source=c("KEGG", "WP"), removeRoot=c(TRUE, TRUE),
#'     termIDs=c("", ""), groupName=c("parental - KEGG", "rosa - WP"), 
#'     stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
#' ## Check that all arguments are valid
#' enrichViewNet:::validateCreateEnrichMapMultiComplexArg(
#'     gostObjectList=list(parentalNapaVsDMSOEnrichment, 
#'                             rosaNapaVsDMSOEnrichment),
#'     queryInfo=queryDataFrame,
#'     showCategory=20, groupCategory=FALSE, 
#'     categoryLabel=1.1, categoryNode=1, line=1.2, force=FALSE)
#' @author Astrid Deschênes
#' @encoding UTF-8
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @importFrom stringr str_ends
#' @keywords internal
validateCreateEnrichMapMultiComplexArg <- function(gostObjectList, queryInfo, 
    showCategory, groupCategory, categoryLabel, categoryNode, line, force) {
    ## Test that gostObject is a list with minimum of 2 entries
    if (!inherits(gostObjectList, "list") || !(length(gostObjectList) > 1)) {
        stop("The gostObjectList object should be a list of enrichment", 
                " objects. At least 2 enrichment objects are required.")
    ## Test that gostObject is a list of gprofiler2 result 
    if (!(all(unlist(lapply(gostObjectList, is.list))) && 
          all(unlist(lapply(gostObjectList, FUN = function(x) {
              "result" %in% names(x) && "meta" %in% names(x)})))))   {
        stop("The gostObjectList should only contain a list of enrichment ", 
                "results. Enrichment results are lists with meta ", 
                "and result as entries corresponding to gprofiler2 ", 
                "enrichment output.")
    ## Test that queryInfo is a data.frame
    if (!inherits(queryInfo, "data.frame") || !(all(c("queryName", "source", 
            "removeRoot", "termIDs") %in% colnames(queryInfo)))) {
        stop("The queryInfo should a data.frame with those columns: ", 
                "queryName, source, removeRoot and termIDs.")
    ## Test that queryInfo has the same number of entries than gostObjectList
    if (nrow(queryInfo) != length(gostObjectList)) {
        stop("The number of rows in queryInfo should ", 
                " correspond to the number of enrichment objects.")
    ## Test that source should be character string
    if (!is.character(queryInfo$source)) {
        stop("The \'source'\ column of the \'queryInfo\' data frame ", 
                "should be in a character string format.")
    ## Test that the source values are valid choices in queryInfo data frame
    sources <- c("TERM_ID", "GO:MF", "GO:CC", "GO:BP", "KEGG", "REAC", "TF", 
                   "MIRNA", "HPA", "CORUM", "HP", "WP")
    if (!all(unlist(lapply(seq_len(nrow(queryInfo)), FUN=function(x, queryI, 
            sourcesL){ queryI$source[x] %in% sourcesL}, 
            queryI=queryInfo, sourcesL=sources)))) {
        stop("The values in the \'source\' column of the \'queryInfo\' ", 
                "data frame should be one of those: \"TERM_ID\", \"GO:MF\", ", 
                "\"GO:CC\", \"GO:BP\", \"KEGG\", \"REAC\", \"TF\", ",
                "\"MIRNA\", \"HPA\", \"CORUM\", \"HP\", \"WP\".")
    ## Test that queryName should be character string
    if (!is.character(queryInfo$queryName)) {
        stop("The \'queryName'\ column of the \'queryInfo\' data frame ", 
                "should be in a character string format.")
    ## Test that source should be character string
    if (!is.character(queryInfo$termIDs)) {
        stop("The \'termIDs'\ column of the \'queryInfo\' data frame ", 
                "should be in a character string format.")
    ## Test that removeRoot should be logical
    if (!is.logical(queryInfo$removeRoot)) {
        stop("The \'removeRoot'\ column of the \'queryInfo\' data frame ", 
                "should only contain logical values (TRUE or FALSE).")
    ## Test that the query names are present in the associated enrichment
    if (!all(unlist(lapply(seq_len(nrow(queryInfo)), FUN = function(x, queryI, 
        gostL) {res <- as.data.frame(gostL[[x]]$result); 
        queryI$queryName[x] %in% unique(res$query)}, 
        queryI=queryInfo, gostL=gostObjectList)))) {
        stop("Each query name present in the \'queryName'\ column of the ", 
                "\'queryInfo\' data frame must be present in the ", 
                "associated enrichment object.")
    if (length(which(queryInfo$source == "TERM_ID"))) {
        if(!all(unlist(lapply(which(queryInfo$source == "TERM_ID"), 
                FUN=function(i, queryI) {queryI$termIDs[i] != ""}, 
                queryI=queryInfo)))) {
            stop("A string of terms should be present in the ",
                    "\'termIDs\' column when source is \'TERM_ID\'.")
    if (!is.character(queryInfo$groupName)) {
        stop("The \'groupName'\ column of the \'queryInfo\' data frame ", 
             "should be in a character string format.")
    if (any(table(queryInfo$groupName) > 1)) {
        stop("The \'groupName'\ column of the \'queryInfo\' data frame ", 
             "should only contain unique group names.")
    result <- validateCreateEnrichMapSubSectionArguments(
        showCategory=showCategory, groupCategory=groupCategory, 
        categoryLabel=categoryLabel, categoryNode=categoryNode, line=line, 

#' @title Validate common arguments passed to createEnrichMap() and 
#' createEnrichMapMultiBasic() functions
#' @description Validate the common arguments passed to createEnrichMap() and 
#' createEnrichMapMultiBasic() functions.
#' @param showCategory a positive \code{integer} or a \code{vector} of 
#' \code{characters} representing terms.  If a \code{integer}, the first 
#' \code{n} terms will be displayed. If \code{vector} of terms, 
#' the selected terms will be displayed.
#' @param groupCategory a \code{logical} indicating if the categories should 
#' be grouped.
#' @param categoryLabel a positive \code{numeric} representing the amount by 
#' which plotting category nodes label size should be scaled relative 
#' to the default (1).
#' @param categoryNode a positive \code{numeric} representing he amount by 
#' which plotting category nodes should be scaled relative to the default (1).
#' @param line a non-negative \code{numeric} representing the scale of line 
#' width. 
#' @param force a \code{logical} indicating if the repulsion between 
#' overlapping text labels should be forced. 
#' @return \code{TRUE} when all arguments are valid
#' @examples
#' ## Check that all arguments are valid
#' enrichViewNet:::validateCreateEnrichMapSubSectionArguments(
#'     showCategory=20, groupCategory=FALSE, categoryLabel=1.1, categoryNode=1, 
#'     line=0.5, force=TRUE)
#' @author Astrid Deschênes
#' @encoding UTF-8
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @importFrom stringr str_ends
#' @keywords internal
validateCreateEnrichMapSubSectionArguments <- function(showCategory, 
    groupCategory, categoryLabel, categoryNode, line, force) {
    if (!is.character(showCategory) && 
        !(is.numeric(showCategory) && (showCategory > 0))) {
        stop("The \'showCategory\' parameter must an positive integer or a ", 
            "vector of character strings representing terms.")

    if (!is.logical(groupCategory)) {
        stop("The \'groupCategory\' parameter must a logical ", 
            "(TRUE or FALSE).")

    if (!is.numeric(categoryLabel) || !(categoryLabel > 0)) {
        stop("The \'categoryLabel\' parameter must be a positive numeric.")

    if (!is.numeric(categoryNode) || !(categoryNode > 0)) {
        stop("The \'categoryNode\' parameter must be a positive numeric.")

    if (!is.numeric(line) || !(line > 0)) {
        stop("The \'line\' parameter must be a positive numeric.")
    if (!is.logical(force)) {
        stop("The \'force\' parameter must a logical (TRUE or FALSE).")

#' @title Create a basic enrichment map
#' @description The function creates a basic enrichment map using functional 
#' enrichment results.
#' @param gostResults a \code{data.frame} containing the enrichment 
#' results to be plot.
#' @param backgroundGenes a \code{vector} of \code{character} string 
#' representing the name of the genes present in the request.
#' @param showCategory a positive \code{integer} or a \code{vector} of 
#' \code{characters} representing terms.  If a \code{integer}, the first 
#' \code{n} terms will be displayed. If \code{vector} of terms, 
#' the selected terms will be displayed.
#' @param groupCategory a \code{logical} indicating if the categories should 
#' be grouped.
#' @param categoryLabel a positive \code{numeric} representing the amount by 
#' which plotting category nodes label size should be scaled relative 
#' to the default (1).
#' @param categoryNode a positive \code{numeric} representing the amount by 
#' which plotting category nodes should be scaled relative to the default (1). 
#' @param significantMethod a \code{character} string representing the name 
#' of the multiple testing correction method used on the results.
#' @param line a non-negative \code{numeric} representing the scale of line 
#' width. 
#' @param force a \code{logical} indicating if the repulsion between 
#' overlapping text labels should be forced. 
#' @return a \code{ggplot} object representing the enrichment map.
#' @examples
#' ## Load the result of an enrichment analysis done with gprofiler2
#' data(parentalNapaVsDMSOEnrichment)
#' ## Only retain the results section
#' gostResults <- as.data.frame(parentalNapaVsDMSOEnrichment$result)
#' ## Limit the results to Wikipathways
#' ## and remove the root term
#' gostResults <- gostResults[which(gostResults$source == "WP"),]
#' gostResults <- gostResults[which(gostResults$term_id != "WIKIPATHWAYS"),]
#' ## Extract meta data information
#' meta <- parentalNapaVsDMSOEnrichment$meta
#' ## Get all background genes
#' backgroundGenes <- meta$query_metadata$queries[["parental_napa_vs_DMSO"]]
#' ## Get significant method
#' significantMethod <- meta$query_metadata$significance_threshold_method
#' ## Create basic enrichment map using Wikipathways terms
#' enrichViewNet:::createBasicEmap(gostResults=gostResults, 
#'     backgroundGenes=backgroundGenes, showCategory=30L, 
#'     groupCategory=FALSE, categoryLabel=1, categoryNode=1,
#'     significantMethod=significantMethod, line=1, force=FALSE)
#' @author Astrid Deschênes
#' @encoding UTF-8
#' @importFrom methods is new
#' @importFrom stringr str_ends str_split str_replace_all
#' @importFrom enrichplot pairwise_termsim emapplot
#' @importClassesFrom DOSE enrichResult
#' @keywords internal
createBasicEmap <- function(gostResults, backgroundGenes, 
        showCategory, groupCategory, categoryLabel, categoryNode, 
        significantMethod, line, force) {
    ## Extract gene list for each term
    geneSets <- lapply(seq_len(nrow(gostResults)), FUN=function(x, gostData) {
        str_split(gostData$intersection[x], pattern=",")[[1]]}, 
    names(geneSets) <- gostResults$term_id
    resultDF <- data.frame(ID=gostResults$term_id, 
        GeneRatio=c(paste0(gostResults$intersection_size, "/", 
        BgRatio=c(paste0(gostResults$intersection_size, "/", 
        geneID=str_replace_all(gostResults$intersection, ",", "/"),
        Count=c(gostResults$intersection_size), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
    resultDF <- resultDF[order(resultDF$pvalues), ]
    ## Problem when identical description 
    if (any(table(resultDF$Description) > 1)) {
        resultDF <- manageNameDuplicationInEmap(clProfDF=resultDF)
    rownames(resultDF) <- resultDF$ID
    res <- new("enrichResult", result=resultDF, pvalueCutoff=1, 
                pAdjustMethod="UNKNOWN", qvalueCutoff=1, 
                organism="UNKNOWN", keytype="UNKNOWN", ontology="UNKNOWN", 
    ## Get similarity matrix
    comp <- pairwise_termsim(res)  
    graphEmap <- emapplot(x=comp, showCategory=showCategory,
        cex.params=list(category_node=categoryNode, line=line, 
            category_label=categoryLabel), force=force)

#' @title Create a basic enrichment map
#' @description The function creates a basic enrichment map using functional 
#' enrichment results.
#' @param gostResultsList a \code{list} of \code{data.frame} containing 
#' the enrichment results to be plot with different group identification.
#' @param queryList a \code{list} of \code{character} string 
#' representing the name of query retained for each enrichment results present 
#' in the \code{gostResultsList} parameter. The query should be present in its 
#' associated enrichment results.
#' @param showCategory a positive \code{integer} or a \code{vector} of 
#' \code{characters} representing terms.  If a \code{integer}, the first 
#' \code{n} terms will be displayed. If \code{vector} of terms, 
#' the selected terms will be displayed.
#' @param groupCategory a \code{logical} indicating if the categories should 
#' be grouped.
#' @param categoryLabel a positive \code{numeric} representing the amount by 
#' which plotting category nodes label size should be scaled relative 
#' to the default (1).
#' @param categoryNode a positive \code{numeric} representing the amount by 
#' which plotting category nodes should be scaled relative to the default (1). 
#' @param line a non-negative \code{numeric} representing the scale of line 
#' width.
#' @param force a \code{logical} indicating if the repulsion between 
#' overlapping text labels should be forced.
#' @return a \code{ggplot} object representing the enrichment map with 
#' different colors for each group of enrichment results.
#' @examples
#' ## Load the result of an enrichment analysis done with gprofiler2
#' data(parentalNapaVsDMSOEnrichment)
#' ## Only retain the results section
#' gostResults <- as.data.frame(parentalNapaVsDMSOEnrichment$result)
#' ## Limit the results subsection of REACTOME and KEGG
#' gostResultsREAC <- gostResults[which(gostResults$source == "REAC"),]
#' gostResultsREAC <- gostResultsREAC[1:13, ]
#' gostResultsKEGG <- gostResults[which(gostResults$source == "KEGG"),]
#' ## Extract meta data information
#' queryList <- list("parental - REACTOME", "parental - KEGG")
#' ## Create basic enrichment map using Wikipathways terms
#' enrichViewNet:::createMultiEmap(gostResultsList=list(gostResultsREAC, 
#'     gostResultsKEGG), queryList=queryList, showCategory=30L, 
#'     groupCategory=FALSE, categoryLabel=1, categoryNode=1, line=1.4, 
#'     force=TRUE)
#' @author Astrid Deschênes
#' @encoding UTF-8
#' @importFrom methods is new
#' @importFrom stringr str_ends str_split str_replace_all
#' @importFrom enrichplot pairwise_termsim emapplot
#' @importClassesFrom DOSE compareClusterResult
#' @keywords internal
createMultiEmap <- function(gostResultsList, queryList, showCategory, 
    groupCategory, categoryLabel, categoryNode, line, force) {
    resF <- list()
    geneClusters <- list()
    ## Rename query names when duplicated names
    queryList <- manageQueryDuplicationInEmap(queryList=queryList)
    for(i in seq_len(length(gostResultsList))) {
        gostResults <- gostResultsList[[i]]
        resultDF <- data.frame(
            Cluster=rep(queryList[[i]], nrow(gostResults)),
            GeneRatio=c(paste0(gostResults$intersection_size, "/", 
            BgRatio=c(paste0(gostResults$intersection_size, "/", 
            p.adjust=gostResults$p_value, qvalue=gostResults$p_value, 
            geneID=str_replace_all(gostResults$intersection, ",", "/"),
            Count=c(gostResults$intersection_size), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
        resF[[i]] <- resultDF
        geneClusters[[queryList[[i]]]] <- 
            unique(unlist(stringr::str_split(gostResults$intersection, ",")))
    clProfDF <- do.call(rbind, resF)
    clProfDF$Cluster  <- factor(clProfDF$Cluster)
    clProfDF$geneID <- stringr::str_replace_all(string = clProfDF$geneID,
                                                pattern = ",", "/") 
    ## Problem when identical description 
    if (any(table(clProfDF$Description) > 1)) {
        clProfDF <- manageNameDuplicationInEmap(clProfDF=clProfDF)
    res <- new("compareClusterResult",
                compareClusterResult = clProfDF,
                geneClusters = geneClusters,
                fun = "createMultiEmap",
                .call = call("createMultiEmap()")
    res@keytype <- "UNKNOWN"
    res@readable <- FALSE
    kegg_compar <- pairwise_termsim(res)  
    graphEmap <- emapplot(kegg_compar, 
        cluster.params = list(cluster = groupCategory),
        cex.params=list(category_node=categoryNode, line=line,

#' @title Change name description in data frame when more than one term as 
#' the same name
#' @description The function adds the ID of the term at the name of the name 
#' description when terms with different ID share the same name. For example, 
#' "MAPK pathway" would become "MAPK pathway (KEGG:04010)". 
#' @param clProfDF a \code{data.frame} containing the enrichment 
#' terms that are going to be graphed as an enrichment map. The 
#' \code{data.frame} must contain at least one case of duplicated name 
#' descriptions for different term IDs.
#' @return a \code{data.frame} with the name descriptions modified for terms 
#' with duplicated name descriptions but different term IDs.
#' @examples
#' ## Data frame with duplicated name descriptions for different IDs
#' clustData <- data.frame(Cluster=c("group 1" , "group 1", "group 2"), 
#'     ID=c("WP:WP4925", "WP:WP382", "KEGG:04010"),
#'     Description=c("Unfolded protein response", 
#'                     rep("MAPK signaling pathway", 2)),
#'     GeneRatio=c("4/157", "3/157", "3/157"),
#'     BgRatio=c("4/24022", "3/24022", "3/24022"),
#'     pvalues=c(1.55e-4, 8.13e-8, 4.33e-5),
#'     p.adjust=c(1e-3, 1e-3, 1.4e-3), qvalue=c(1e-3, 1e-3, 1.4e-3), 
#'     geneID=c("ENSG000107968/ENSG000120129/ENSG000123358/ENSG000158050",
#'         "ENSG000107968/ENSG000120129/ENSG000158050",
#'         "ENSG000107968/ENSG000120129/ENSG000158050"),
#'     Count=c(4, 3, 3))
#' ## Change the name descriptions for the duplicated terms
#' enrichViewNet:::manageNameDuplicationInEmap(clProfDF=clustData)
#' @author Astrid Deschênes
#' @encoding UTF-8
#' @keywords internal
manageNameDuplicationInEmap <- function(clProfDF) {
    ## Problem when identical description 
    test <- which(table(clProfDF$Description) > 1)
    for (i in names(test)) {
        resTest <- clProfDF[clProfDF$Description == i, ]
        if (length(unique(resTest$ID)) != 1) {
            clProfDF$Description[clProfDF$Description == i] <- 
                paste0(clProfDF$Description[clProfDF$Description == i], 
                        " (", clProfDF$ID[clProfDF$Description == i], ")")   

#' @title Change query name when more than one queries have  
#' the same name
#' @description The function adds an unique ID at the name of the query when 
#' more than one query have the same name.
#' @param queryList a \code{list} containing the query names.
#' @return a \code{list} with the query names modified for queries   
#' with duplicated names.
#' @examples
#' ## List of query names with duplicated names
#' queryList <- list("parental_vs_DMSO", "rosa_vs_DMSO", "parental_vs_DMSO", 
#'     "rosa_vs_DMSO", "parental_vs_Control", "rosa_vs_DMSO")
#' ## Change the query names for the duplicated names
#' enrichViewNet:::manageQueryDuplicationInEmap(queryList=queryList)
#' @author Astrid Deschênes
#' @encoding UTF-8
#' @keywords internal
manageQueryDuplicationInEmap <- function(queryList) {
    ## Problem when identical query names
    test <- which(table(unlist(queryList)) > 1)
    if (length(test) > 0) {
        for (i in names(test)) {
            pos <- which(queryList == i)
            id <- 1
            for (j in pos) {
                queryList[[j]] <- paste0(queryList[[j]], " (", id, ")")
                id <- id + 1
adeschen/gprofiler2cytoscape documentation built on April 26, 2024, 9:33 p.m.