

par = commandArgs(T)

NREP = 15  # How many replicates to run for each case

#### Initialize the simulation ####

# List all available gene region vcf files,
# the vcf files should be located in two directories called pop1 and pop2

all_vcf_files = list.files(path="pop1",  full.names = T)
selected_vcf_file = sample(all_vcf_files , 1)

# Find corresponding vcf file of second population
selected_vcf_file2 = gsub("pop1","pop2", selected_vcf_file)

cat("Reading the two vcf files: " , selected_vcf_file,selected_vcf_file2 ,"\n")

initSimulation = function() {

    ## Read two VCF file with regions from two different populations
    ## vcf1: variants from european population
    ## vcf2: variants from african populations

    gn = strsplit(selected_vcf_file,"-")
    gn = sapply(gn, function(x) x[4])

    genename <<- gn
    geneid = gn

    vcf1 <<- readVCF(selected_vcf_file ,
                    maxNumberOfVariants = 800,  min_maf =  1e-6, max_maf = 0.02)

    if(class(vcf1) != "environment") stop(1);

    vcf2 <<- readVCF( selected_vcf_file2  ,
                    maxNumberOfVariants = 800,  min_maf = 1e-6, max_maf = 0.02)


    if(class(vcf1) != "environment") stop(1);
    if(class(vcf2) != "environment") stop(1);

    ## We select only the common variants between the 2 VCF files

    common = intersect(vcf1$varid,vcf2$varid)

    if(length(common) < 10) stop("less than 10 common variants, use vcf files with more variants");

    vcf1 <<- subsetVCF(vcf1, var_id = common)
    vcf2 <<- subsetVCF(vcf2, var_id = common)

    cat(geneid, length(common)," \n");

    common_causal_pool <<- 1:length(vcf1$maf)

    cat("start sim\n");

    startSimulation(vcf1, totalNumberOfIndividuals = 10000)

    startSimulation(vcf2, totalNumberOfIndividuals = 10000)



SEED = 1

#### Function to generate one simulation replicate ####

predictor_logistic = function(b, geno) {
    x = b[1]
    for(i in 1:ncol(geno)) { x = x  + b[i+1] * ( geno[,i] > 0) + b[i+1] * ( geno[,i] > 1)   }
    exp(x) / (1+exp(x) )

replicate1 = function(seed=NA,
                     numcausal = 10,
                     effect_size = 10,
                     pop_strat = 0,
                     N_pop1 = 400,
                     N_pop2 = 200


        id = generateUnrelatedIndividuals(N_pop1)

        genotypes = retrieveGenotypes(id)
        rownames(genotypes)= rep(  "CEU" , nrow(genotypes) )

        genotypes2 = NA
        gt = genotypes

        if(N_pop2 > 0) {
            id = generateUnrelatedIndividuals(N_pop2)

            genotypes2 = retrieveGenotypes(id)
            rownames(genotypes2)= rep(  "ASW" , nrow(genotypes2) )

            gt = rbind(genotypes,genotypes2)

        pca = prcomp(gt)

        maf = apply(gt,2,mean,na.rm=T)/2
        apply(gt,2,function(x) sum(
        flip  = which(maf > 0.5) ; gt[,flip] = 2 - gt[,flip]
        maf = apply(gt,2,mean,na.rm=T)/2

        maf_gt0 = which(maf > 0)

        effect_sizes = rep(0, ncol(gt))
        nvar = length(effect_sizes)

        s = sample(common_causal_pool, numcausal)
        effect_sizes[s] = effect_size


        while(1) {
                p = rep(NA, nrow(gt) )

                s = rownames(gt) != "ASW"

                p[s] = predictor_logistic (  c(S,effect_sizes) ,  gt[s,])
                p[!s] = predictor_logistic (  c(S+pop_strat,effect_sizes) ,  gt[!s,])

                phenotype = rbinom( length(p) , 1 , p )

                ncases = sum(phenotype==0)
                ncontrols = sum(phenotype==1)

                # cat(ncases,ncontrols,"\n")
                if( abs(ncases-ncontrols) < 5 ) break();

                if(ncases > ncontrols) S = S + 0.1
                if(ncases < ncontrols) S = S - 0.1

        t=( table(rownames(gt)  , phenotype ) )

        #phenotype = sample(phenotype)

        obj<-SKAT_Null_Model(phenotype ~ 1, out_type="D")

        pv = SKAT((gt),obj)$p.value

        if(sum(rownames(gt) != "CEU") > 0) {

            population = factor(rownames(gt))

            obj<-SKAT_Null_Model(phenotype ~ population, out_type="D")

            # obj<-SKAT_Null_Model(phenotype ~
            #     pca$x[,1] + pca$x[,2] + pca$x[,3] + pca$x[,4] + pca$x[,5] + pca$x[,6], out_type="D")

            pv_cov = SKAT((gt),obj)$p.value

        } else {
            pv_cov = -1

        cat("EFF= ", effect_size,
            " POP_STRAT=" , pop_strat,
            " SKATPV=", pv,
            " SKATPV_COV=", pv_cov,
            " GENE=", genename,
            # " t1= ", table(rownames(gt)  , phenotype  ),


        tbl = table(rownames(gt),phenotype)
        data.frame(ID="EFFZZ", eff=effect_size,strat=pop_strat,pop1=N_pop1, pop2=N_pop2,


#### Generate multiple simulation replicates ####

rand_name = function() {

    x = sprintf("%04d",round(runif(10,1,1000)) )


base_seed = round( runif(1,0,1e9) )


clusterRep = function(x) {

    replicate1(seed=base_seed + 101*x, numcausal = 10, effect_size = EFF,
               N_pop1 = 2000-p2,
               N_pop2 = p2,
               pop_strat = pop_strat

results = list()

pop_strat_list = c(2)
effect_sizes = c(0,log(1.5), log(1.8) , log(3), log(5)  )

for(pop_strat in pop_strat_list)
    for(EFF in effect_sizes)
        for(p2 in c(0,100,200,400))


        cat(pop_strat, EFF, p2,"\n");

        v = lapply(1:NREP, clusterRep)

        results = c( results  ,  v   )

pz = plyr::ldply(results)

pz$pv2 [pz$pv2 < 0] = NA

reshape2::dcast(pz, eff + factor(pop2) ~ 1,value.var="pv1",function(x) mean(x<0.05))
reshape2::dcast(pz, eff + factor(pop2) ~ 1,value.var="pv2",function(x) mean(x<0.05))

save(results,pz,file=sprintf("sim-results-%s.rdata",rand_name()) )

write.table(pz,  row=F,quote=F,sep=" ", col=F, file=sprintf("out-%s.txt", rand_name()) )
adimitromanolakis/sim1000G documentation built on Sept. 29, 2021, 3:44 a.m.