knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)

How to make a .loom file for SCope from a Seurat object


Download example data

system("unzip 10XCourse\\")
list.files("10XCourse Data/filtered_feature_bc_matrix/")

Create a Seurat object

We use high filtering thresholds to keep the object small

counts <- Read10X("10XCourse Data/filtered_feature_bc_matrix/")

so <- CreateSeuratObject(
        counts = counts,
        min.cells = 100,
        min.features = 1500)

Standard RNA data processing

so <- suppressWarnings(expr = SCTransform(so, verbose = FALSE))
so <- RunPCA(so, npcs = 30)
so <- RunUMAP(so, dims = 1:30,
     = "umap.rna", reduction.key = 'rnaUMAP_')
so <- FindNeighbors(so, dims = 1:30)
so <- FindClusters(so, resolution = 0.5, algorithm = 3)
markers <- FindAllMarkers(so,
                only.pos = TRUE, min.pct = 0.5, logfc.threshold = 0.5)
        file = "10xtest_seurat_markers_res0.5.rds.gz", compress = "gzip")

so <- FindClusters(so, resolution = 0.3, algorithm = 3)
markers <- FindAllMarkers(so, 
                only.pos = TRUE, min.pct = 0.5, logfc.threshold = 0.5)
        file = "10xtest_seurat_markers_res0.3.rds.gz", compress = "gzip")
so[[""]] <- PercentageFeatureSet(so, pattern = "^MT-")
saveRDS(so, file = "10xtest_so.rds.gz", compress = "gzip")

Create a loom file

build_loom( = "10xtest.loom",
        dgem = so@assays$RNA@counts,
        title = "testloom",
        default.embedding = so@reductions$umap.rna@cell.embeddings, = "umap.rna")

Now open the loom file for editing

system("cp 10xtest.loom 10xtest.loom_bk")
#sytem("cp 10xtest.loom_bk 10xtest.loom")
loom <- open_loom("10xtest.loom", mode = "r+")

Add additional embedding(s) and meta data

add_embedding(loom = loom, 
              embedding = so@reductions$pca@cell.embeddings,
              name = "pca")
add_col_attr(loom = loom, key = "percent.mito",
              value =$, as.metric = TRUE)
#make up some batch origin to add as discrete attribute
batch_origin <- rep("batch1", length(Cells(so)))
batch_origin[sample(1:length(Cells(so)), round(length(Cells(so))/2))] <- "batch2"
add_col_attr(loom = loom, key = "batch",
              value = batch_origin, as.annotation = TRUE)

Add Seurat clusters and markers

add_seurat_clustering(loom = loom,
        seurat = so,
        seurat.assay = "RNA",
        seurat.clustering.prefix = "SCT_snn_res.",
        default.clustering.resolution = "res.0.5",
        seurat.markers.file.path.list = 
          list(SCT_snn_res.0.5 = "10xtest_seurat_markers_res0.5.rds.gz",
                SCT_snn_res.0.3 = "10xtest_seurat_markers_res0.3.rds.gz"),
        seurat.marker.metric.accessors = c("avg_logFC", "p_val_adj"),
        seurat.marker.metric.names = c("Avg. log2FC", "adjusted P-value"),
        seurat.marker.metric.description = 
          c("Average log fold change", "Adjusted p-value (BF)")

Note that the Seurat clusterings you want to add need to be present with the indicated prefix (here "SCT_snn_res.") in the metadata of the Seurat object:


Add some custom clustering

#just making something up
kclust <- kmeans(so@reductions$umap.rna@cell.embeddings, 3)$cluster

add_clustering(loom = loom,
               group = "Custom clustering",
               name = "kmeans 3",
               clusters = kclust)

You can add marker genes for this clustering, too

Idents(so) <- kclust
kmeans_markers <- FindAllMarkers(so, 
                only.pos = TRUE, min.pct = 0.5, logfc.threshold = 0.5)

#set '' to the number returned above by add_clustering()
add_clustering_markers(loom = loom, = 2,
        clustering.markers = split(kmeans_markers, kmeans_markers$cluster),
        marker.metric.accessors = c("avg_logFC", "p_val_adj"),
        marker.metric.names = c("Avg. log2FC", "adjusted P-value"),
        marker.metric.description = c("Average log fold change", "Adjusted p-value (BF)"))

Add annotations for a specific clustering

Say you have looked at your data and identified the cell types and now you want to add this annotation to the loom file

annot_df <- data.frame(list(
    cluster_id = c(1, 2, 3), 
    cluster_name = c("happy cells", "weird cells", "anxious cells")))

annot_list <- setNames(annot_df[Idents(so), "cluster_name"], Cells(so))

cl_id <- add_annotated_clustering(loom = loom,
        group = "Custom clustering",
        name = "kmeans 3 annotated",
        clusters = Idents(so),
        annotation = annot_list,
        is.default = T)

note that this creates a new clustering and does not overwrite the existing one so you'd have to add the markers again

add_clustering_markers(loom = loom, = cl_id,
        clustering.markers = split(kmeans_markers, kmeans_markers$cluster),
        marker.metric.accessors = c("avg_logFC", "p_val_adj"),
        marker.metric.names = c("Avg. log2FC", "adjusted P-value"),
        marker.metric.description = c("Average log fold change", "Adjusted p-value (BF)"))

Don't forget to close the .loom file


aertslab/SCopeLoomR documentation built on April 19, 2022, 11:25 a.m.