
Defines functions gen_hsa_clust

Documented in gen_hsa_clust

#' Generate HSAs via Delamater's two step clustering approach
#' @param shp shapefile SpatialPolygonsDataFrame
#' @param from patients home region
#' @param to patients destination
#' @param li_threshold localization index threshold
#' @param min_interventions minimum number of interventions for HSAs to have
#' @param min_clusters minimum number of HSAs in final solution
#' @param max_clusters maximum number of HSAs in final solution
#' @param fill logical; fill in sources without any patients based on neighbours (defaults to TRUE) see details
#' @details Rownames of \code{shp} should be in common with \code{from} and \code{to}. If this is not the case, warnings (if some are missing) or errors will be issued (if no names are in common). Rownames can be set via, e.g., \code{spChFIDs(shp, shp@data$name)}.
#'          If \code{fill} is set to \code{TRUE}, observations from neighbouring regions are added to \code{from} to enable the missing region to be allocated to a HSA. The observations are not used in calculating the LI for the heuristic selection of the appropriate number of HSAs though.
#' @return object of class hsa containing the following elements:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{\code{call}}{call to \code{gen_hsa}}
#'   \item{\code{lookup}}{final lookup table}
#'   \item{\code{original_data}}{list containing from and to originally submitted
#'     \code{from}: \code{from} as submitted to \code{gen_hsa}
#'     \code{to}: \code{to} as submitted to \code{gen_hsa}}
#'   \item{\code{reassigned_data}}{list containing from and to as assigned to HSAs
#'     \code{from}: \code{from} converted to its HSA
#'     \code{to}: \code{to} converted to its HSA}
#'   \item{\code{method}}{method used to assign each region to its HSA}
#'   \item{\code{original_shp}}{shapefile submitted to \code{gen_hsa} (via \code{shp})}
#'   \item{\code{shp}}{shapefile containing HSAs}
#'   \item{\code{iterations}}{number of iterations}
#'   \item{\code{li}}{localization index of the HSAs}
#'   \item{\code{li_threshold}}{\code{li_threshold} option}
#'   \item{\code{min_interventions}}{\code{min_interventions} option}
#'   \item{\code{n}}{number of HSAs created}
#'   \item{\code{n_it}}{number of HSAs in each iteration}
#'   \item{\code{n_interventions}}{number of interventions in each HSA after the final iteration}
#'   \item{\code{names}}{name of each HSA}
#'   \item{\code{flow}}{flow amongst HSAs (as generated by \code{flows})}
#' }
#' @export
#' @examples

gen_hsa_clust <- function(shp, from, to,
                          li_threshold = 0.4,
                          min_interventions = 10,
                          fill = TRUE,
                          min_clusters = 2,
                          max_clusters = NULL,
                          peaks = "dela"){

  # unadulterated from and to variables
  ofrom <- from
  oto <- to

  # warnings - check plausibility of regions ----
  m <- rownames(shp@data) %in% from
  if(FALSE %in% m){
    warning(paste(sum(!m), "regions in 'shp' not in 'from'."), immediate. = TRUE, call. = FALSE)
    if(sum(!m) == length(m)) stop("No regions in 'shp' in 'from'. Set spChFIDs.")

      # get regions without events
      empty <- which(!rownames(shp@data) %in% from)

      touchmat <- gIntersects(shp, byid = TRUE, returnDense = FALSE)
      for(i in 1:length(empty)){
        cat(paste("\nFilling", rownames(shp@data)[empty[i]]))
        neighbours <- touchmat[[empty[i]]]
        neighbours <- rownames(shp@data)[neighbours]
        nfrom <- from[from %in% neighbours]
        nto <- to[from %in% neighbours]

        nfrom <- rep(rownames(shp@data)[empty[i]], length(nfrom))

        from <- c(from, nfrom)
        to <- c(to, nto)
        cat(paste(" with", length(nfrom), "observations"))
        if(length(nfrom) == 0) warning("Region has no neighbours with observations", immediate. = TRUE, call. = FALSE)
        rm(nfrom, nto, neighbours)

  m <- rownames(shp@data) %in% to
  if(FALSE %in% m){
    warning(paste(sum(!m), "regions in 'shp' not in 'to'. \n"), immediate. = TRUE, call. = FALSE)
    if(sum(!m) == length(m)) stop("No regions in 'shp' in 'to'. Set spChFIDs.")
  m <- from %in% rownames(shp@data)
  if(FALSE %in% m){
    warning(paste(sum(!m), "regions in 'from' not in 'shp'. \n"), immediate. = TRUE, call. = FALSE)
    if(sum(!m) == length(m)) stop("No regions in 'from' in 'shp'. Set spChFIDs.")
  m <- to %in% rownames(shp@data)
  if(FALSE %in% m){
    warning(paste(sum(!m), "regions in 'to' not in 'shp'. \n"), immediate. = TRUE, call. = FALSE)
    if(sum(!m) == length(m)) stop("No regions in 'to' in 'shp'. Set spChFIDs.")

  flow <- flows(from, to)
  flowr <- reshape(flow[, c("from", "to", "N")], direction = "wide", v.names = "N", idvar = "from", timevar = "to")

  p.sum <- flowr

  ## Convert raw patient days to proportions (Commitment Index)

  # Define variable for last zip code column
  n.zip <- ncol(p.sum)

  # Sum patient days for each hospital
  # Assumes HOSP_ID is first column
  hosp.pat <- rowSums(p.sum[,2:n.zip])
  # Divide each column by total patient days
  p.sum[,2:n.zip] <- p.sum[,2:n.zip] / hosp.pat
  # Rename table
  p.CI <- p.sum

  ## Remove hospitals with no patient visits

  # Locate hospitals with zero visits
  zero.pv <- which(hosp.pat == 0)

  # Get names of zero hospitals (will need this later!)
  zero.names <- as.character(p.CI$HOSP_ID[zero.pv])

  #% Note: p.CI.3yr is now an n x z+1 matrix of CI values.
  #% The "+1" includes the identifier column (HOSP_ID).
  # Remove hospitals from CI matrix
  if(length(zero.pv) > 0) p.CI <- p.CI[-c(zero.pv),]

  ## Read travel distance data from shapefile

  co <- coordinates(shp)
  d <- as.data.frame(as.matrix(dist(co, upper = TRUE)))
  d <- d[rownames(d) %in% as.character(p.CI[,1]),]
  dist.mat <- d

  # Convert table to OD matrix

  ## Scale table to match CI data range (01)

  # Get maximum distance between hospitals
  max <- max(dist.mat)
  # Rescale data
  dist.mat <- dist.mat/max

  #% Join distance data matrix to CI data matrix

  #% Note: To create the final n x m data matrix used for
  #% clustering, the n x z and n x n matrix are joined.
  # Add column for table join
  dist.mat$HOSP_ID <- row.names(dist.mat)

  names(p.CI)[1] <- "HOSP_ID"

  # Join tables, add distance matrix to CI data
  p.CI <- merge(p.CI, dist.mat, by="HOSP_ID")

  ## Custom 2step Kmeans + Ward's clustering function

  #% Note: The inputs for the function are the n x m data
  #% matrix (x) and the desired number of clusters (clusters).
  kmeans.ward <- function(x, clusters) {
    # Create distance matrix
    d <- dist(x, "euclidean")

    # Perform Ward's clustering
    hc <- hclust(d, method="ward.D")

    # Get cluster members at "K" clusters
    memb <- cutree(hc, k = clusters)

    # Make empty holder for cluster center locations
    cent <- NULL

    # Get cluster centers
    for (k in 1:clusters) {
      cent <- rbind(cent, colMeans(x[memb == k,]))

    # Use cluster centers from Ward's to seed Kmeans clustering
    k.m <- kmeans(x, cent, iter.max = 10000)

    # Return the Kmeans object
    return(list(k.m = k.m,
                tree = hc))

  ## Create initial cluster solutions for Hospital Groups

  ## Prepare data and create data holders

  #% Note: All possible numbers of clusters are considered
  #% from 2 to n1.
  # Define the range of cluster solutions to evaluate (the set k)
  # if(!is.null(max_clusters)){
  #   ifelse(max_clusters > length(grep("^N", names(p.CI)))-1,
  #          cl.max <- length(grep("^N", names(p.CI)))-1,
  #          cl.max <- max_clusters)
  # } else {
    cl.max <- length(grep("^N", names(p.CI)))-1
  # }
  # cl.max <- nrow(p.CI.3yr)-1
  clusters <- c(1:cl.max)

  # Create an empty holder for cluster statistics
  wss <- bss <- r2 <- incF <- SingHosp <- MaxSize <- lowLI <- nohosp <- rep(0, length(clusters))
  k.data.pat <- cbind(clusters, wss, bss, r2, incF, SingHosp, MaxSize, lowLI, nohosp)

  # Get number of data attributes in table (columns)
  col.max <- ncol(p.CI)

  # Conduct Kmeans + Ward's for all cluster solutions

  for (K in 1:length(clusters)) {
    # Use Kmeans + Wards method to create clusters
    Kclust <- kmeans.ward(p.CI[,2:col.max], clusters[K])$k.m

    # Write cluster statistics to data holder
    # Within sum of squares
    k.data.pat[K,2] <- Kclust$tot.withinss

    # Between sum of squares
    k.data.pat[K,3] <- Kclust$betweenss
    # R^2
    k.data.pat[K,4] <- 1-(Kclust$tot.withinss/Kclust$totss)

    # Number of single hosp clusters
    table.c <- table(Kclust$cluster)
    k.data.pat[K,6] <- sum(table.c == 1)

    # Maximum size of any single cluster
    k.data.pat[K,7] <- max(table.c)

    # LI and number of interventions
    nfrom <- Kclust$cluster[match(ofrom, p.CI[,1])]
    nto <- Kclust$cluster[match(oto, p.CI[,1])]
    nflow <- flows(nfrom, factor(nto, levels = unique(Kclust$cluster)))
    nflow <- nflow[nflow$from == nflow$to, ]
    s <- sum(nflow$N_to < min_interventions)
    li <- sum(nflow$prop_from < li_threshold)

    k.data.pat[K,8] <- li
    k.data.pat[K,9] <- s


  # Convert data holder to dataframe
  k.data.pat <- as.data.frame(k.data.pat)

  ## Calculate incremental F scores

  n.obs <- nrow(p.CI)
  for (i in 2:length(clusters)) {
    k.data.pat$incF[i] <- ((k.data.pat$r2[i] - k.data.pat$r2[i-1])/(k.data.pat$clusters[i] - k.data.pat$clusters[i-1])) / ((1-k.data.pat$r2[i])/((n.obs)-(k.data.pat$clusters[i]-1)))

  ## Select the number of Hospital Groups using the heuristic
  # Find local maxima in incremental F scores

  # Make variable of the last candidate solution to evaluate for maxima
  i <- cl.max - 1
  # Find the local maxima
  if(peaks == "dela") {
    incF.peaks <- which(k.data.pat$incF[3:i] > k.data.pat$incF[2:(i-1)] & k.data.pat$incF[3:i] > k.data.pat$incF[4:(i+1)])+2
  if(peaks == "diff"){
    incF.peaks <- which(diff(sign(diff(k.data.pat$incF))) == -2) + 1
  # Subset initial candidate solutions
  candidates <- k.data.pat[incF.peaks,]

  # Remove solutions wherein a single cluster has more than 20 hospitals
  # candidates <- candidates[candidates$MaxSize < 20,]

  # Subset solutions to those with the "minimum" number of single hospital Hospital Groups from remaining solutions
  candidates <- candidates[candidates$SingHosp == min(candidates$SingHosp), ]

  # Remove solutions with regions without receiving interventions
  candidates <- candidates[candidates$nohosp == 0,]

  # Remove solutions with regions with lot LI
  candidates <- candidates[candidates$lowLI == 0,]

  # From the remaining solutions select the solution with most clusters, K
  solution <- candidates[candidates$clusters == max(candidates$clusters), ]

  # Get number of clusters
  n.clusters <- solution$clusters

  # Use Kmeans + Wards method to recreate clusters

  #% Note: Only the cluster statistics were kept in the
  #% initial clustering process. The final cluster
  #% solution is recreated to extract Hospital Group
  #% membership and cluster center information.
  #% Because the clustering algorithm provides
  #% deterministic results, this clustering
  #% configuration will be identical to the one
  #% formed in the intial clustering process.

  HG.solution <- kmeans.ward(p.CI[,2:col.max], n.clusters)

  lkup <- data.frame(region = p.CI[,1], hsa = HG.solution$k.m$cluster)

  nfrom <- lkup$hsa[match(ofrom, lkup$region)]
  nto <- lkup$hsa[match(oto, lkup$region)]
  # HSA names
  # T <- table(oto, nto)
  # names <- table(clu1$original_data$to, clu1$reassigned_data$to)
  # names <- rownames(T)[apply(T, 2, function(x) which(x == max(x)))]
  lkup1 <- data.frame(region = p.CI[,1], hsa = HG.solution$k.m$cluster) #, hsa_name = names[HG.solution$k.m$cluster])
  ID <- function(shp)sapply(slot(shp, "polygons"), function(x) slot(x, "ID"))
  lkup <- data.frame(region = ID(shp))
  lkup$hsa <- lkup1$hsa[match(lkup$region, lkup1$region)]
  nfrom <- lkup$hsa[match(ofrom, lkup$region)]
  nto <- lkup$hsa[match(oto, lkup$region)]

  nflowo <- flows(factor(nfrom, levels = unique(lkup$hsa)), factor(nto, levels = unique(lkup$hsa)))
  nflow <- nflowo[nflowo$from == nflowo$to, ]

  nshp <- unionSpatialPolygons(shp, lkup$hsa)
  u <- unique(lkup)
  nshp <- SpatialPolygonsDataFrame(nshp,
                                   data = data.frame(hsa = ID(nshp),
                                                     cluster = u$hsa[match(ID(nshp), u$hsa)],
                                                     row.names = ID(nshp)))
  nshp <- spChFIDs(nshp, nshp@data$hsa)
  out <- list(kw = HG.solution,
              lookup = lkup,
              original_data = list(from = from, to = to),
              reassigned_data = list(from = nfrom, to = nto),
              li = nflow$prop_from,
              li_threshold = li_threshold,
              interventions = nflow$N_to,
              flow = nflowo,
              tree = HG.solution$tree,
              scree = k.data.pat$wss,
              original_shp = shp,
              shp = nshp
  class(out) <- "hsa.clust"
aghaynes/HSAr documentation built on Sept. 20, 2021, 5:29 p.m.