
#'  Pathway fingerprint data of human
#' A dataset containing the pathway maps of KEGG
#' PFPRefnet_hsa is a PFPRefnet class with network(a list of length 338), net_info
# (a datafame, 338rows and 5 columns), the main data is about human.
#'@format A PFPRefnet object, more details see \code{\link{PFPRefnet-class}}
#'@seealso  \code{\link{PFPRefnet-class}}
#'@name PFPRefnet_hsa
#'  Pathway fingerprint data of mouse
#' A dataset containing the pathway maps of KEGG
#' PFPRefnet_mmu  a PFPRefnet class with network(a list of length 334), net_info
#' (a datafame, 334rows and 5 columns), the main data is about mouse.
#'@format A PFPRefnet object, more details see \code{\link{PFPRefnet-class}}
#'@seealso  \code{\link{PFPRefnet-class}}
#'@name PFPRefnet_mmu
#'  PFP_test1
#' A dataset of PFP class
#' a PFP class with pathways_score(a list of length 3), refnet_info
#' (a datafame, 338rows and 3 columns), the main data is about human.
#'@format A PFPRefnet object,
#'@seealso  \code{\link{PFP-class}}
#'@name PFP_test1
#'  PFP_test2
#' A dataset of PFP class
#' a PFP class with pathways_score(a list of length 3), refnet_info
#' (a datafame, 338rows and 3 columns), the main data is about human.
#'@format A PFPRefnet object,
#'@seealso  \code{\link{PFP-class}}
#'@name PFP_test2
#' A matrix of counts
#' A dataset of gene expression profile, a large matrix with 21 rows and 2603 
#' columns.
#'@format Gene list obtained by differential gene analysis
#'@name data_std
#' A gene list of human
#' gene_list_hsa is a array of 40 genetic ENTREZID.
#'@format Gene list obtained by differential gene analysis
#'@name gene_list_hsa
#'  pathway_info
#'  pathway_info is dataframe of the information of pathway, 539rows, 4columns.
#'@format a list
#'@name pathway_info
#'  pathway_info
#'  pathway_info is dataframe of the information of pathway, 539rows, 4columns.
#'@format a list
#'  pathway_info_hsa
#'  pathway_info_hsa is dataframe of the information of pathway, 539rows, 
#'  4columns. The main data is about human.
#'@name pathway_info_hsa
aib-group/PFP documentation built on Dec. 27, 2020, 1:13 a.m.