
#' JS.perGeneQValueExact
#' Exact computation - see methods part of the paper
#' @param pGene:p value
#' @param theta:cutoff
#' @param geneSplit:split
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
JS.perGeneQValueExact = function(pGene, theta, geneSplit) {

  ## Compute the numerator \sum_{i=1}^M 1-(1-theta)^{n_i}
  ## Below we first identify the summands which are the same
  ## (because they have the same n_i), then do the sum via the
  ## mapply
  numExons     = listLen(geneSplit)
  tab          = tabulate(numExons)
  notZero      = (tab>0)
  numerator    = mapply(function(m, n) m * (1 - (1-theta)^n),
                        m = tab[notZero],
                        n = which(notZero))
  numerator    = rowSums(numerator)

  ## Compute the denominator: for each value of theta, the number
  ## of genes with pGene <= theta[i].
  ## Note that in cut(..., right=TRUE), the intervals are
  ## right-closed (left open) intervals.
  bins   = cut(pGene, breaks=c(-Inf, as.vector(theta)), right = TRUE, include.lowest = TRUE)
  counts = tabulate(bins, nbins = nlevels(bins))
  denom  = cumsum(counts)

aiminy/PathwaySJ documentation built on May 10, 2019, 7:38 a.m.