
Defines functions .ipca

## ---------- internal
.ipca = function(X,
                 ncomp = 2,
                 mode = c("deflation", "parallel"),
                 fun = c("logcosh", "exp", "kur"),
                 scale = FALSE,
                 w.init = NULL,
                 max.iter = 200,
                 tol = 1e-04) {
  arg.call = match.call()
  ## match or set the multi-choice arguments
  mode <- arg.call$mode <- .matchArg(mode)
  fun <- arg.call$fun <- .matchArg(fun)
  #-- X matrix
  if (is.data.frame(X))
    X = as.matrix(X)

  if (!is.matrix(X) || is.character(X))
    stop("'X' must be a numeric matrix.", call. = FALSE)

  if (any(apply(X, 1, is.infinite)))
    stop("infinite values in 'X'.", call. = FALSE)

  if (any(is.na(X)))
    stop("missing values in 'X'.", call. = FALSE)

  nc = ncol(X)
  nr = nrow(X)

  #-- put a names on the rows and columns of X --#
  X.names = colnames(X)
  if (is.null(X.names))
    X.names = paste("V", 1:nc, sep = "")

  ind.names = rownames(X)
  if (is.null(ind.names))
    ind.names = 1:nr

  #-- ncomp
  if (is.null(ncomp) ||
      !is.numeric(ncomp) || ncomp < 1 || !is.finite(ncomp))
    stop("invalid value for 'ncomp'.", call. = FALSE)

  ncomp = round(ncomp)

  if (ncomp > min(nc, nr))
    stop("use smaller 'ncomp'", call. = FALSE)

  #-- scale
  if (!is.logical(scale))
    if (!is.numeric(scale) || (length(scale) != nc))
        "'scale' should be either a logical value or a numeric vector of length equal to the number of columns of 'X'.",
        call. = FALSE

  X = scale(X, center = TRUE, scale = scale)
  sc = attr(X, "scaled:scale")

  if (any(sc == 0))
    stop("cannot rescale a constant/zero column to unit variance.",
         call. = FALSE)

  #-- mode
  choices = c("deflation", "parallel")
  mode = choices[pmatch(mode, choices)]

  if (is.na(mode))
    stop("'mode' should be one of 'deflation' or 'parallel'.", call. = FALSE)

  #-- fun
  choices = c("logcosh", "exp")
  fun = choices[pmatch(fun, choices)]

  if (is.na(fun))
    stop("'fun' should be one of 'logcosh' or 'exp'.", call. = FALSE)

  #-- w.init
  if (is.null(w.init))
    w.init = matrix(1 / sqrt(ncomp), ncomp, ncomp)
  } else {
    if (!is.matrix(w.init) ||
        length(w.init) != (ncomp ^ 2) || !is.numeric(w.init))
      stop("'w.init' is not a numeric matrix or is the wrong size", call. = FALSE)

  if (any(is.infinite(w.init)))
    stop("infinite values in 'w.init'.", call. = FALSE)

  if (sum(w.init == 0, na.rm = TRUE) == length(w.init))
    stop("'w.init' has to be a non-zero matrix", call. = FALSE)

  if (any(is.na(w.init)))
    stop("'w.init' has to be a numeric matrix matrix with non-NA values",
         call. = FALSE)

  #-- max.iter
  if (is.null(max.iter) ||
      !is.numeric(max.iter) || max.iter < 1 || !is.finite(max.iter))
    stop("invalid value for 'max.iter'.", call. = FALSE)

  max.iter = round(max.iter)

  #-- tol
  if (is.null(tol) ||
      !is.numeric(tol) || tol < 0 || !is.finite(tol))
    stop("invalid value for 'tol'.", call. = FALSE)

  #-- end checking --#

  #-- ipca approach ----------------------------------------------------------#

  V = svd(X)$v
  V = scale(V, center = TRUE, scale = TRUE)
  V = t(V)[1:ncomp, , drop = FALSE]

  if (mode == "deflation")
    W = ica.def(
      ncomp = ncomp,
      tol = tol,
      fun = fun,
      alpha = 1,
      max.iter = max.iter,
      verbose = FALSE,
      w.init = w.init
  } else if (mode == "parallel") {
    W = ica.par(
      ncomp = ncomp,
      tol = tol,
      fun = fun,
      alpha = 1,
      max.iter = max.iter,
      verbose = FALSE,
      w.init = w.init

  #-- independent loadings --#
  S = matrix(W %*% V, nrow = ncomp)

  #-- order independent loadings by kurtosis --#
  kurt = apply(S, 1, function(x) {
    n = length(x)
    x = x - mean(x)
    n * sum(x ^ 4) / (sum(x ^ 2) ^ 2) - 3
  ord = order(kurt, decreasing = TRUE)
  kurt = kurt[ord]
  S = S[ord, , drop = FALSE]
  norm = apply(S, 1, function(x) {
  S = t(sweep(S, 1, norm, "/"))

  #-- independent PCs / force orthonormality --#
  ipc = matrix(nrow = nr, ncol = ncomp)
  ipc[, 1] = X %*% S[, 1]
  ipc[, 1] = ipc[, 1] / as.numeric(sqrt(crossprod(ipc[, 1])))

  if (ncomp > 1)
    for (h in 2:ncomp)
      ipc[, h] = lsfit(y = X %*% S[, h], ipc[, 1:(h - 1)], intercept = FALSE)$res
      ipc[, h] = ipc[, h] / as.numeric(sqrt(crossprod(ipc[, h])))

  #-- output -----------------------------------------------------------------#
  dimnames(S) = list(X.names, paste("IPC", 1:ncol(S), sep = ""))
  dimnames(ipc) = list(ind.names, paste("IPC", 1:ncol(ipc), sep = ""))

  cl = match.call()
  cl[[1]] = as.name('ipca')

  result = list(
    call = cl,
    X = X,
    ncomp = ncomp,
    x = ipc,
    loadings = list(X = S),
    rotation = S,
    variates = list(X = ipc),
    kurtosis = kurt,
    unmixing = t(W),
    mixing = t(t(W) %*% solve(W %*% t(W))),
    names = list(var = X.names, sample = ind.names)

  class(result) = c("ipca", "pca")

  #calcul explained variance
  explX = explained_variance(X, result$variates$X, ncomp)
  result$explained_variance = explX


#' @title Independent Principal Component Analysis
#' @description  Performs independent principal component analysis on the given data matrix,
#' a combination of Principal Component Analysis and Independent Component
#' Analysis.
#' In PCA, the loading vectors indicate the importance of the variables in the
#' principal components. In large biological data sets, the loading vectors
#' should only assign large weights to important variables (genes, metabolites
#' ...). That means the distribution of any loading vector should be
#' super-Gaussian: most of the weights are very close to zero while only a few
#' have large (absolute) values.
#' However, due to the existence of noise, the distribution of any loading
#' vector is distorted and tends toward a Gaussian distribtion according to the
#' Central Limit Theroem. By maximizing the non-Gaussianity of the loading
#' vectors using FastICA, we obtain more noiseless loading vectors. We then
#' project the original data matrix on these noiseless loading vectors, to
#' obtain independent principal components, which should be also more noiseless
#' and be able to better cluster the samples according to the biological
#' treatment (note, IPCA is an unsupervised approach).
#' \bold{Algorithm} 1. The original data matrix is centered.
#' 2. PCA is used to reduce dimension and generate the loading vectors.
#' 3. ICA (FastICA) is implemented on the loading vectors to generate
#' independent loading vectors.
#' 4. The centered data matrix is projected on the independent loading vectors
#' to obtain the independent principal components.
## ----------------------------------- Parameters
#' @inheritParams pca
#' @param mode character string. What type of algorithm to use when estimating
#' the unmixing matrix, choose one of \code{"deflation"}, \code{"parallel"}.
#' @param fun the function used in approximation to neg-entropy in the FastICA
#' algorithm. Default set to \code{logcosh}, see details of FastICA.
#' @param w.init initial un-mixing matrix (unlike FastICA, this matrix is fixed
#' here).

## ----------------------------------- Value
#' @return \code{ipca} returns a list with class \code{"ipca"} containing the
#' following components: \item{ncomp}{the number of independent principal
#' components used.} \item{unmixing}{the unmixing matrix of size (ncomp x
#' ncomp)} \item{mixing}{the mixing matrix of size (ncomp x ncomp)}
#' \item{X}{the centered data matrix} \item{x}{the indepenent principal
#' components} \item{loadings}{the independent loading vectors}
#' \item{kurtosis}{the kurtosis measure of the independent loading vectors}

## ----------------------------------- Misc
#' @author Fangzhou Yao and Jeff Coquery.
#' @seealso \code{\link{sipca}}, \code{\link{pca}}, \code{\link{plotIndiv}},
#' \code{\link{plotVar}}, and http://www.mixOmics.org for more details.
#' @references Yao, F., Coquery, J. and LĂȘ Cao, K.-A. (2011) Principal
#' component analysis with independent loadings: a combination of PCA and ICA.
#' (in preparation)
#' A. Hyvarinen and E. Oja (2000) Independent Component Analysis: Algorithms
#' and Applications, \emph{Neural Networks}, \bold{13(4-5)}:411-430
#' J L Marchini, C Heaton and B D Ripley (2010). fastICA: FastICA Algorithms to
#' perform ICA and Projection Pursuit. R package version 1.1-13.
#' @keywords algebra
## ----------------------------------- Examples
#' @example examples/ipca-example.R

## ---------- Generic
#' @param ... aguments passed to the generic.
#' @usage \S4method{ipca}{ANY}X, ncomp = 2,  mode = c("deflation","parallel"),
#' fun = c("logcosh", "exp", "kur"), scale = FALSE, w.init = NULL,
#' max.iter = 200, tol = 1e-04)
#' @export
setGeneric('ipca', function(X, ncomp = 2, ...)

## ---------- Methods

## ----------------------------------- ANY
#' @export
setMethod('ipca', 'ANY', .ipca)

## ----------------------------------- MultiAssayExperiment
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment assay assays
#' @rdname ipca
#' @export
setMethod('ipca', 'MultiAssayExperiment', function(X,
                                                   ncomp = 2,
                                                   assay = NULL) {
  ## refer to pca for code details
  if (!assay %in% tryCatch(
    error = function(e)
  ml <- match.call()
  ml[[1L]] <- quote(ipca)
  mli <- ml
  mli[[1L]] <- quote(.ipca)
  arg.ind <- match(names(formals(.ipca)), names(mli), 0L)
  mli <- mli[c(1L, arg.ind)]
  mli[['X']] <- t(assay(X, assay))
  result <- eval(mli, parent.frame())
  result[["call"]] <- ml
ajabadi/mixOmics2 documentation built on Aug. 9, 2019, 1:08 a.m.