
#' @title Fit hiearchical spatial model to MSI data, with improved mixing
#' @description compareMSI_hc is used to fit a hiearchical Bayesian spatial model to MSI data using a Gibbs Sampler MCMC approach. The model is fit separately for each m/z feature. This version is distinct from compareMSI because it uses hiearchical centering to improve mixing of the MCMC. This function will be called by msiCompare if the MSImageSet is a multi tissue experiment with all tissues coming from the same donor or all from different donors.
#' @param msset an object of class "MSImageSet"
#' @param conditionOfInterest a vector or factor giving the level of the condition of interest for each pixel in msset
#' @param feature the index of the m/z features for which the model should be fit
#' @param nsim number of desired MCMC samples
#' @param burnin number of MCMC samples to discard
#' @param trace logical, should the full list of MCMC samples be returned for each variable?
#' @param piPrior prior probability of differential abundance
#' @param seed random seed
#' @param logbase2 logical, should the intensities be log transformed?
#' @param coord data fram of coordinates of the MSImageSet, with columns 'x' and 'y'
#' @param type.neighbor neighborhood type (see adj.grid)
#' @param radius.neighbor desired neighborhood radius if neighborhood type 'radius' is selected (see adj.grid)
#' @param maxdist.neighbor maximum distance for locations to be considered neighbors if neighborhood type 'max.dist' is selected (see adj.grid)
#' @param spInit optional, provide precomputed spatial information from output of intializeSpatial
#' @param bioRep optional, vector or factor giving the individual/donor to which pixel in the msset belongs
#' @param techRep vector or factor giving the tissue to which each pixel in the msset belongs
#' @param beta0 prior mean of baseline effect
#' @param prec0 prior variance of baseline effect
#' @param precAlpha0 prior mean of condition 2 effect
#' @param a0_eps shape parameter for measurment error precision hyperprior
#' @param a0_bio shape parameter for biological replicate error precision hyperprior
#' @param b0_eps rate parameter for measurment error precision hyperprior
#' @param b0_bio rate parameter for biological replicate error precision hyperprior
#' @param a0_tec shape parameter for sample to sample error precision hyperprior
#' @param b0_tec rate parameter for sample to sample error precision hyperprior
#' @param a0_sp shape parameter for spatial precision hyperprior
#' @param b0_sp rate parameter for spatial precision hyperprior
#' @param rd ratio of spike variance to slab variance for condition 2 effect
#' @return res
#' @import mvtnorm
#' @import lme4
#' @import spam
#' @import coda
#' @export

compareMSI_hc_sub <- function(msset,conditionOfInterest,
                          feature, nsim=5000, burnin = 2500, trace = T,
                          piPrior = .1, seed = 1, logbase2 = F, coord = NULL,
                          type.neighbor = "radius", radius.neighbor = 1, maxdist.neighbor = NULL,
                          spInit = NULL,
                          bioRep = NULL,
                          beta0 = 0, # Prior Mean for beta, only allow intercept
                          prec0 = .01, # Prior Precision Matrix of beta (vague)  (only allow intercept)
                          precAlpha0 = .01, #Prior Precision of slab (value of condition effect if it is not zero)
                          a0_eps=.001, b0_eps=.001,			# Hyperprior for tau (1/eps.var)
                          a0_bio=.001, b0_bio=.001,			# Hyperprior for taubio
                          a0_tec=.001, b0_tec=.001,			# Hyperprior for tautec
                          a0_sp=.001, b0_sp=.001,			# Hyperprior for tau.spatial
                          rd = .00001 # ratio of varSpike/varSlab

  techRep <- factor(techRep) #factor with different levels for each tissue (like "sample" before)
  n_tec <- length(levels(techRep)) #the number of distinct tissues
  nis_tec <- sapply(levels(techRep), function(x) sum(techRep == x)) #number of pixels in each tissue

  set.seed(seed) #random seed

    coord <- coord(msset)

  conditionOfInterest <- factor(conditionOfInterest) # make the condition labels a factor in case it is a character vector
  conditionNames <- levels(conditionOfInterest) #create vector of condition names
  nCond <- length(conditionNames) #how many conditions there are

    bioRep <- factor(bioRep) #factor with different levels for each biological unit
    n_bio <- length(levels(bioRep)) #the number of distinct biological units
    nis_bio <- sapply(levels(bioRep), function(x) sum(bioRep == x)) #number of pixels in each biological unit

  N <- nrow(coord) # how many pixels there are

  conditionVec <- ifelse(conditionOfInterest == conditionNames[1], 0, 1) #vector converts condition names from characters to numeric
  numCond2 <- sum(conditionVec == 1) #number of pixels from condition two
  numCond1 <- sum(conditionVec == 0) #number of pixels from condition 1

  X <- matrix(rep(1, N), ncol = 1) #design matrix for intercept and covariates #currently set to intercept only
  X1 <- matrix(conditionVec, ncol = 1)  #design matrix without condition effect

  k <-ncol(X) #number of covariates, including intercept
  res <- list() #list that will hold results

  ############## Obtain neighborhood matrices for each combination of sample and condition ###########

  numSpatialParams <- 2 #number of spatial parameters to estimate. this will be the number unique of conditions being compared
  nsl <- c(sum(conditionVec == 0), sum(conditionVec == 1)) ##### vector of number of pixels from each condition
  names(nsl) <- conditionNames

    print("Initializing spatial components...")
    sptime <- system.time({
      spInit <- initializeSpatial(conditionNames= conditionNames, conditionOfInterest = conditionOfInterest,
                                  coord = coord, type.neighbor = type.neighbor, radius.neighbor = radius.neighbor,
                                  maxdist.neighbor = maxdist.neighbor, nsl = nsl,
                                  sample = techRep)
    print(paste0("...Initialization done in ", sptime['elapsed'], " seconds."))
    print("Spatial components provided, no need for initialization.")

  for(i in 1:length(spInit)){
    for(j in 1:length(spInit[[i]])){
      assign(names(spInit[[i]][j]), spInit[[i]][[j]])


  ########## Get number of pixels for each sample/condition combination ########
  sampCond <- data.frame(sample = numeric(n_tec*nCond),
                         condition = numeric(n_tec*nCond),
                         numPix = numeric(n_tec*nCond))
  indsc <- 1
  for(smp in levels(techRep)){
    for(cd in unique(conditionVec)){
      sampCond$sample[indsc] <- smp
      sampCond$condition[indsc] <- cd
      sampCond$numPix[indsc] <- sum(techRep == smp & conditionVec == cd)
      indsc <- indsc + 1

  sampCond <- sampCond[sampCond$numPix > 0, ]

  ##### Number of tissues in each condition
  numTissueCond1 <- sum(sampCond$condition == 0)
  numTissueCond2 <- sum(sampCond$condition == 1)

  phiVec_m <- rep(0, N) #initialize trace vector for spatial effects
  feat <- 1 #initialize feature index

  ##################################### Fit model feature by feature #################################
  minNonZero <- min(spectra(msset)[spectra(msset) != 0])/100
  for(f in feature){
    print(paste0("Feature ", f, " of ", length(feature)))
    time <- system.time({ #time the overall model fits
      y <- spectra(msset)[f,]

      if(logbase2){ #do log transformation if necessary
        y[y==0] <- minNonZero  #zeros in the image will cause problems if a log transformation is required. add a small number to the zeroes.
        y <- log2(y)

      ################################### Initialize variables  #####################################

      lm <- lm(y~X+X1) ## fit linear model to get reasonable starting values
      coef <- coef(lm)[-2]
      tau<-1				# technical error precision
      eps_m.var <- 1/tau #technical error variance
      if(!is.null(bioRep)) b_bio <-rep(0,n_bio)			# Random effects bio unit
      tau_tec<- tau_bio<-1				# Random Effects precision
      beta <- coef[1:k] #initial value of intercept and covariates
      alpha <- coef[k+1] #initial value of condition effect
      b_tec <- rep(0, numTissueCond1+numTissueCond2)

      if(!is.null(bioRep)) Z_bio<-as.spam(matrix(0,N,n_bio))	# Random effect design used for updating b_bio
      Z_tec<-as.spam(matrix(0,N,n_tec))	# Random effect design used for updating b_tec
      for(i in 1:n_tec) Z_tec[as.numeric(techRep)==i,i]<-1
      if(!is.null(bioRep)){ for(i in 1:n_bio){Z_bio[as.numeric(bioRep)==i,i]<-1}}

      xb <-  X%*%beta
      x1a <- X1 %*% alpha
      zb_bio <- zb_tec <-  rep(0, N)
      gamma <- 1 # initiate condition effect as nonzero
      tauVar <- rep(1,numSpatialParams) # spatial variances

      # Store Results #

      Betas<-matrix(0,nsim,k)	# Fixed Effects
      taus<- taus_tec<-gammas <- rep(0,nsim)
      if(!is.null(bioRep)) taus_bio <- rep(0,nsim)
      Condition <- Condition0 <- Condition1 <- rep(NA,nsim)	# Error Precision Parms

      # Fixed Posterior Hyperparms 	#
      #    for tau and tautech		#
      d<-a0_eps+N/2 #posterior shape for measurment error precision
      if(!is.null(bioRep)) nu_bio<-a0_bio+n_bio/2 #posterior shape for bio error precision
      nu_tec<-a0_tec+n_tec/2 #posterior shape for sample to sample error precision

      ######################################## THE GIBBS SAMPLER  ########################################
      for (i in 1:nsim) { #this is an iterative method, nsim is the number of iterations

        ############# First level tissue/sample effect ##########
        sc2 <- 1
        for(sc in 1:nrow(sampCond)){
          ncs <- sampCond$numPix[sc]  #number of pixels in condition i, sample j
          vb_tec <- 1/(ncs/eps_m.var + tau_tec)
          mb_tec <-vb_tec*(((beta+alpha*sampCond$condition[sc])*tau_tec) + (sum((y-zb_bio-phiVec_m)[conditionVec == sampCond$condition[sc] &
                                                                                                      techRep == sampCond$sample[sc]])/eps_m.var))
          b_tec[sc2] <- rnorm(1,mean = mb_tec, sd = sqrt(vb_tec))

          zb_tec[conditionVec == sampCond$condition[sc] & techRep == sampCond$sample[sc]] <- b_tec[sc2]

          names(b_tec)[sc2] <- paste(sampCond$sample[sc], sampCond$condition[sc], sep = "_")
          sc2 <- sc2+1

        ################### First level: subject/bio effect ###################

          # Update the biological Replicate effect
          zb_bio <- rep(0, N)


        ################### Second level: baseline effect ###################
        resbeta <- sum(b_tec[sampCond$condition == 0]) #residuals for pixels in first condition only

        vbeta<- 1/(prec0+numTissueCond1*tau_tec)
        mbeta<-vbeta*(prec0*beta0 + resbeta*tau_tec)
        beta <- rnorm(n=1, mean = mbeta, sd = sqrt(vbeta))
        xb <-  X*beta
        Betas[i,]<- beta

        ################### Second level: condition effect ###################
        resa <- sum((b_tec-beta)[sampCond$condition == 1]) #residuals for pixels in second condition onlt

        # Update Condition effect
        if(gamma == 1){ #this is the estimate if the condition effect is not zero
          valph <- 1/(numTissueCond2*tau_tec + precAlpha0)
          malph <- valph*(0*precAlpha0 + resa*tau_tec)
          Condition1[i] <- alpha <- rnorm(n = 1, mean = malph, sd = sqrt(valph))
        }else{ #this is the estimate if the condition effect is zero (or very close to it)
          valph <- 1/(numTissueCond2*tau_tec + 1/rd * precAlpha0)
          malph <- valph*(0*(1/rd)*precAlpha0 + resa*tau_tec)
          Condition0[i] <- alpha <- rnorm(n = 1, mean = malph, sd = sqrt(valph))
        x1a <- X1*alpha
        Condition[i] <- alpha

        ################### Third level: indicator of differential abundance ###################
        loglik_slab <- dnorm(alpha, mean = 0, sd = sqrt(1/precAlpha0), log = T)
        loglik_spike <- dnorm(alpha, mean = 0 , sd = sqrt(rd*(1/precAlpha0)), log = T)
        pi1Post <-  1/(1 + exp(loglik_spike - loglik_slab)*(1-piPrior)/piPrior )

        gamma <- rbinom(n=1, size = 1, prob = pi1Post)
        gammas[i] <-gamma

        ################### Second level: measurement error precision ###################
        eps_m.var <- 1/tau

        ################### ------  level: biological var error precision ###################



        ################### Third level: sample-to-sample error precision ###################



        offset.phi <- (y-zb_tec-zb_bio) / eps_m.var

        ########### Update the spatial effects ##################

        j <- 1
        for(l in conditionNames){
          ind_cond <- conditionOfInterest == l

          offset <- offset.phi[ind_cond]

          phiUpdate <- updateSpatial_condT2(
            Wtrip=get(paste("Wtrip", l, sep="_")),
            Wbegfin=get(paste("Wbegfin", l, sep="_")),
            m = get(paste("m", l, sep="_")),
            nsl= nsl[j],
            phiVec=phiVec_m[ind_cond], #
            tau2=tauVar[j], #
            eps_m.var =eps_m.var,
            offset.phi =offset,
            tauVar.a = a0_sp,
            tauVar.b = b0_sp,
            sample = techRep[ind_cond],
            islands = NULL

          phiVec_m[ind_cond] <- phiUpdate$phi
          spVar[i,j] <- tauVar[j] <- phiUpdate$tau2
          j <- j+1


        if (i%%1000==0 || i == 1) print(paste0("MCMC Iteration ", i, " of ", nsim))
      } #On to the next mcmc iteration

      # Results #

      mbeta<-apply(Betas[(burnin):nsim,, drop = F],2,mean)

        msigma.b2_bio <- NA

      if(n_tec >1){
        msigma.b2_tec<- NA

      msigma.t2<-apply(spVar[(burnin):nsim,, drop = F],2,mean)
      gam <- mean(gammas[burnin:nsim])
      malpha <- mean(Condition[burnin:nsim])
      malpha1 <- mean(Condition1[burnin:nsim], na.rm = T)
      malpha0 <- mean(Condition0[burnin:nsim], na.rm = T)

      if(!is.null(bioRep)){ #both bio and tech replicates
        ess <- effectiveSize(mcmc(cbind(beta_trace = c(Betas)[burnin:nsim],
                                        cond_trace = Condition[burnin:nsim],
                                        sig2_trace = 1/taus[burnin:nsim],
                                        sig2tec_trace = 1/taus_tec[burnin:nsim],
                                        sig2bio_trace = 1/taus_bio[burnin:nsim],
                                        tau2_trace1 = spVar[burnin:nsim,1],
                                        tau2_trace2 = spVar[burnin:nsim,2],
                                        gamma_trace = gammas[burnin:nsim])))
        if(n_tec > 1){ #only tech replicates
          ess <- effectiveSize(mcmc(cbind(beta_trace = c(Betas)[burnin:nsim],
                                          cond_trace = Condition[burnin:nsim],
                                          sig2_trace = 1/taus[burnin:nsim],
                                          sig2tec_trace = 1/taus_tec[burnin:nsim],
                                          tau2_trace1 = spVar[burnin:nsim,1],
                                          tau2_trace2 = spVar[burnin:nsim,2],
                                          gamma_trace = gammas[burnin:nsim])))
        }else{ #single sample
          ess <- effectiveSize(mcmc(cbind(beta_trace = c(Betas)[burnin:nsim],
                                          cond_trace = Condition[burnin:nsim],
                                          sig2_trace = 1/taus[burnin:nsim],
                                          tau2_trace1 = spVar[burnin:nsim,1],
                                          tau2_trace2 = spVar[burnin:nsim,2],
                                          gamma_trace = gammas[burnin:nsim])))

    }) #time

    if(trace){ #return trace info
        if(n_tec >1){ #there are no bio reps, only technical
          res[[feat]] <-list(
            beta = mbeta,
            cond = malpha,
            cond0 = malpha0,
            cond1 = malpha1,
            sig2 = msigma.e2,
            sig2tec = msigma.b2_tec,
            tau2 = msigma.t2,
            gamma = gam,
            ess = ess,
            trace = mcmc(cbind(beta_trace = c(Betas),
                               cond_trace = Condition,
                               cond1_trace = Condition1,
                               cond0_trace = Condition0,
                               sig2_trace = 1/taus,
                               sig2tec_trace = 1/taus_tec,
                               tau2_trace1 = spVar[,1],
                               tau2_trace2 = spVar[,2],
                               gamma_trace = gammas)),
            time = time
        }else{ #single sample, no reps of any kind
          res[[feat]] <-list(
            beta = mbeta,
            cond = malpha,
            cond0 = malpha0,
            cond1 = malpha1,
            sig2 = msigma.e2,
            tau2 = msigma.t2,
            gamma = gam,
            ess = ess,
            trace = mcmc(cbind(beta_trace = c(Betas),
                               cond_trace = Condition,
                               cond1_trace = Condition1,
                               cond0_trace = Condition0,
                               sig2_trace = 1/taus,
                               tau2_trace1 = spVar[,1],
                               tau2_trace2 = spVar[,2],
                               gamma_trace = gammas)),
            time = time
      }else{ #both bio and technical reps
        res[[feat]] <-list(
          beta = mbeta,
          cond = malpha,
          cond0 = malpha0,
          cond1 = malpha1,
          sig2 = msigma.e2,
          sig2tec = msigma.b2_tec,
          sig2bio = msigma.b2_bio,
          tau2 = msigma.t2,
          gamma = gam,
          ess = ess,
          trace = mcmc(cbind(beta_trace = c(Betas),
                             cond_trace = Condition,
                             cond1_trace = Condition1,
                             cond0_trace = Condition0,
                             sig2_trace = 1/taus,
                             sig2tec_trace = 1/taus_tec,
                             sig2bio_trace = 1/taus_bio,
                             tau2_trace1 = spVar[,1],
                             tau2_trace2 = spVar[,2],
                             gamma_trace = gammas)),
          time = time
    }else{ #dont return trace info
      res[[feat]] <-list(
        beta = mbeta,
        cond = malpha,
        cond0 = malpha0,
        cond1 = malpha1,
        sig2 = msigma.e2,
        sig2tec = msigma.b2_tec, #will return NA
        sig2bio = msigma.b2_bio, #will return NA
        tau2 = msigma.t2,
        gamma = gam,
        ess = ess,
        time = time

    names(res)[feat] <- paste0("Feature",f)
    feat <- feat + 1

  } #feature

ajharry/msiCompare documentation built on May 28, 2019, 4:53 p.m.