
Defines functions create_empty_dir temp_dir_by write_session_info component_levels_report unmixing_quality_report write_summary_charts write_summary_report

Documented in component_levels_report unmixing_quality_report write_session_info write_summary_charts write_summary_report

#' Create a summary report for a cell seg data file
#' Creates an HTML report summarizing the slides, fields and phenotypes
#' in a single cell seg data file.
#' @param csd_path Path to cell seg data file, or NULL.
#' @param csd Cell seg table, or NULL.
#' @param output_path Path to write the resulting HTML file.
#' @param dataset_name Descriptive name of the dataset.
#' @export
write_summary_report = function(csd_path=NULL, csd=NULL,
                                dataset_name=NULL, output_path) {
  if (is.null(csd_path) == is.null(csd))
    stop('Provide csd_path or csd but not both.')

  if (is.null(output_path))
    stop('You must provide an output path.')

  # Don't complain about missing \VignetteIndexEntry
  old_opts = options(rmarkdown.html_vignette.check_title = FALSE)

  rmd_path = system.file("rmd", "Cell_seg_summary_report.Rmd",

  # Fail soft so calling scripts can continue.
  # consolidate_and_summarize_cell_seg_data, in particular, has less
  # stringent requirements than the summary report.
  tryCatch(rmarkdown::render(rmd_path, output_file=output_path, quiet=TRUE,
                             params=list(csd_path=csd_path, csd=csd,
           error = function(e) {
             cat('Unable to write summary report\n', e$message, '\n')

#' Create summary charts from the results of an analysis
#' Creates a Microsoft Word document containing summary charts
#' derived from an analysis.
#' @param workbook_path Path to an Excel file containing sheets written
#'   by [write_counts_sheet], etc.
#' @param output_path Path to write the resulting file.
#' @param .by Name of the grouping parameter in the worksheets.
#' @param  max_slides_per_plot Maximum number of slides or samples
#'  to show on each plot.
#' @param max_heatmaps_per_plot Maximum number of heatmaps to show
#' on each plot.
#' @export
write_summary_charts = function(workbook_path, output_path,
                                .by='Slide ID',
                                max_heatmaps_per_plot=8) {

  if (is.null(output_path))
    stop('You must provide an output path.')

  rmd_path = system.file("rmd", "Chart_report.Rmd",

  rmarkdown::render(rmd_path, output_file=output_path, quiet=TRUE,

#' Create an unmixing quality report for simplex samples
#' `export_path` should be the path to
#' an export folder containing component data files for singleplex samples.
#' An unmixing quality report is created for the samples and saved in
#' the source directory.
#' The report generator tries to identify the Opal fluor for each source file
#' by looking at the file name. It recognizes "DAPI", "AF", "Opalnnn"
#' and "Opal_nnn".
#' It also recognizes three leading digits as the number of an Opal fluor.
#' @param export_path Path to a directory containing component_data files.
#' @export
unmixing_quality_report = function(export_path=NULL) {

  rmd_path = system.file("rmd", "Unmixing_quality_report.Rmd",

  output_path = file.path(export_path, 'Unmixing_quality_report.html')

  # Don't complain about missing \VignetteIndexEntry
  old_opts = options(rmarkdown.html_vignette.check_title = FALSE)

  rmarkdown::render(rmd_path, output_file=output_path, quiet=TRUE,
                    params=list(export_path = export_path))

#' Create a component levels report for multiplex samples
#' `export_path` should be the path to
#' an export folder containing component data files for multiplex samples.
#' A component levels report is created for the samples and saved in
#' the source directory.
#' If two or more quantiles are provided, the report will include an
#' signal-to-noise table showing the ratio of the highest quantile
#' to the lowest.
#' @param export_path Path to a directory containing component_data files.
#' @param quantiles Quantiles to show in the histograms and use for
#' signal-to-noise calculations.
#' @param export_data If true, save a data file for each pairs plot with
#' the data for the plot.
#' @export
component_levels_report = function(export_path=NULL, quantiles=0.999,
                                   export_data=FALSE) {

  rmd_path = system.file("rmd", "Component_levels_report.Rmd",

  output_path = file.path(export_path, 'Component_levels_report.html')

  # Don't complain about missing \VignetteIndexEntry
  old_opts = options(rmarkdown.html_vignette.check_title = FALSE)

  rmarkdown::render(rmd_path, output_file=output_path, quiet=TRUE,
                    params=list(export_path = export_path,
                                export_data = export_data))

#' Write session info to a file
#' This will write the output of `sessioninfo::session_info()`
#' if it is available, otherwise `utils::sessionInfo()` is used.
#' @param path Path to the output file
#' @return None
#' @export
write_session_info = function(path) {
  if (requireNamespace('sessioninfo', quietly=TRUE))
    info = sessioninfo::session_info()
    info = utils::sessionInfo()


# Make the name of a temp dir in the same directory as an output file.
temp_dir_by = function(output_path) {
  file.path(dirname(output_path), 'temp')

create_empty_dir = function(path) {
  if (dir.exists(path))
    list.files(path, full.names=TRUE) %>% purrr::walk(file.remove)
    dir.create(path, recursive=TRUE)

# A pleasing palette with lots of entries
phenoptr_colors = c(
  "#26A2ED", "#41C572", "#F05050", "#F4D646", "#B2A1E2", "#F99B15", "#98C7DC",
  "#84D9A3", "#72C3F3", "#F58D8D", "#F8E487", "#CDC2EC", "#FBBE67", "#BCDBE8",
  "#1F5F37", "#124E72", "#732626", "#756722", "#554D6C", "#784A0A", "#49606A",
  "#C6EED5", "#BEE3FA", "#FBCBCB", "#FCF3C8", "#E8E3F6", "#FDE1B9", "#E0EEF5",
  "#319456", "#1D7AB2", "#B43C3C", "#B7A135", "#8679AA", "#BB7410", "#7295A5"
akoyabio/phenoptrReports documentation built on Jan. 17, 2022, 6:22 p.m.