
Defines functions primary_dendrite_cable.neuronlist unsure_cable.neuronlist arbour_cable.neuronlist dendritic_cable.neuronlist axonic_cable.neuronlist primary_dendrite_cable.neuron unsure_cable.neuron arbour_cable.neuron dendritic_cable.neuron axonic_cable.neuron primary_dendrite_cable unsure_cable arbour_cable dendritic_cable axonic_cable primary_dendrite_endings axonic_endings dendritic_endings axonal_endings primary_dendrite_points.neuronlist mixed_points.neuronlist axonic_points.neuronlist dendritic_points.neuronlist primary_dendrite_points.neuron mixed_points.neuron dendritic_points.neuron axonic_points.neuron primary_dendrite_points mixed_points dendritic_points axonic_points arbours.neuronlist arbours.neuron arbours arbour.clusters.neuronlist arbour.clusters.neuron arbour.clusters neurites.neuronlist neurites.neuron neurites

Documented in arbour_cable arbour_cable.neuron arbour_cable.neuronlist arbour.clusters arbour.clusters.neuron arbour.clusters.neuronlist arbours arbours.neuron arbours.neuronlist axonal_endings axonic_cable axonic_cable.neuron axonic_cable.neuronlist axonic_endings axonic_points axonic_points.neuron axonic_points.neuronlist dendritic_cable dendritic_cable.neuron dendritic_cable.neuronlist dendritic_endings dendritic_points dendritic_points.neuron dendritic_points.neuronlist mixed_points mixed_points.neuron mixed_points.neuronlist neurites neurites.neuron neurites.neuronlist primary_dendrite_cable primary_dendrite_cable.neuron primary_dendrite_cable.neuronlist primary_dendrite_endings primary_dendrite_points primary_dendrite_points.neuron primary_dendrite_points.neuronlist unsure_cable unsure_cable.neuron unsure_cable.neuronlist

#' Segregate neurite compartments from a neuron/neuronlist
#' @description Fragment a skeleton into compartments that have been assigned using flow.centrality(). Note that this will break down a neuron regardless of the segregation score calculated by the flow.centrality algorithm.
#' @param x A neuronlist that has been processed by flow.centrality()
#' @param fragment The type of neurite fragment to retrieve. 'Nulls' refers to areas of zero flow. See Schnieder-Mizell et al. (2016)
#' @param ... additional arguments passed to methods.
#' @return Neurites as a neuronlist object, complete with  synaptic information relevant to that fragment.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{get_connected_skeletons}} \code{\link{skeleton_connectivity_matrix}} \code{\link{flow.centrality}}
neurites <-function(x, fragment = c("axons","dendrites","primary dendrite","primary neurite","nulls"), ...) UseMethod("neurites")

#' @export
#' @rdname neurites
neurites.neuron <- function(x, fragment, ...){
  if (is.null(x$d$flow.cent)) {
    warning("No flow centrality calculated, dropping neuron")
    tree = NULL
    dendrites.v = subset(rownames(x$d), x$d$compartment ==  "dendrite")
    axon.v = subset(rownames(x$d), x$d$compartment == "axon")
    nulls.v = subset(rownames(x$d), x$d$compartment == "null")
    p.d.v = subset(rownames(x$d), x$d$compartment == "primary dendrite")
    p.n.v = subset(rownames(x$d), x$d$compartment == "primary neurite")
    if (fragment == "dendrites"){
      tree = nat::prune_vertices(x, verticestoprune = as.integer(c(axon.v,nulls.v, p.d.v, p.n.v)))
      tree$connectors = x$connectors[x$connectors$treenode_id%in%tree$d$PointNo,]
    else if (fragment == "axons"){
      tree = nat::prune_vertices(x, verticestoprune = as.integer(c(nulls.v, dendrites.v, p.d.v, p.n.v)))
      tree$connectors = x$connectors[x$connectors$treenode_id%in%tree$d$PointNo,]
    else if (fragment == "nulls"){
      tree = nat::prune_vertices(x, verticestoprune = as.integer(c(axon.v, dendrites.v, p.d.v, p.n.v)))
    else if (fragment == "primary dendrite"){
      tree = prune_vertices(x, verticestoprune = as.integer(c(axon.v, dendrites.v, nulls.v, p.n.v)))
      tree$connectors = x$connectors[x$connectors$treenode_id%in%tree$d$PointNo,]
    else if (fragment == "primary neurite"){
      tree = prune_vertices(x, verticestoprune = as.integer(c(axon.v, dendrites.v, nulls.v, p.d.v)))
      tree$connectors = x$connectors[x$connectors$treenode_id%in%tree$d$PointNo,]

#' @export
#' @rdname neurites
neurites.neuronlist <- function(x, fragment, ... ){
  trees = nat::nlapply(x, neurites, fragment, OmitFailures = T)
  trees[,"name"] = unlist(lapply(trees[,"name"], function(x) paste(x,'#',fragment,sep='')))
  names(trees) = unlist(lapply(names(trees), function(x) paste(x,'#',fragment,sep='')))

#' Segregate neurite compartments from a neuron/neuronlist based on synapse clustering
#' @description Fragment a skeleton into compartments that have been assigned cluster_synapses_within_skeleton() or flow.centrality(). Note that this will break down a neuron regardless of the segregation score calculated across the arbour.
#' @param x a neuronlist that has been processed by \code{\link{flow.centrality}}
#' @param arbourcluster a neuronlist produced from \code{\link{arbour.clusters}}
#' @param neuronlist whether or not to return a neuronlist where each entry is one of the broken up arbours (TRUE)
#' @param ... additional arguments passed to methods.
#' @return Segmented arbours as a neuronlist object, complete with  synaptic information relevant to that fragment. If a neuronlist is given, subsequently plotting the neuronlist will not reveal the fragments. However, plotting individual neurons double indexed in the lists will. arbours() returns a neuronlist, where each entry is an arbour fragment with a unique skid and name.
#' @seealso \code{\link{neurites}} \code{\link{cluster_synapses_within_skeleton}} \code{\link{seebroken3d}} \code{\link{flow.centrality}} \code{\link{seesplit3d}}
#' @export
arbour.clusters <-function(x, ...) UseMethod("arbour.clusters")

#' @export
#' @rdname arbour.clusters
arbour.clusters.neuron <- function(x, ...){
  if (!is.null(x$d$cluster)){
    clusters = unique(x$d$cluster)
    entropies = x$d$cluster.entropy[!duplicated(x$d$cluster)]
  }else if (!is.null(neuron$d$flow.cent)) {
    clusters = unique(x$d$compartment)
    entropies = x$d$cluster.entropy[!duplicated(x$d$flow.cent)]
    clusters = entropies= NULL
    warning("No clustering calculated, dropping neuron")
  arbours = neuronlist()
  for (c in 1:length(clusters)){
    cluster = clusters[[c]]
    cluster.v = subset(rownames(x$d), x$d$cluster == cluster)
    cluster.g = nat::prune_vertices(x, verticestoprune = rownames(x$d)[!rownames(x$d)%in%cluster.v])
    cluster.g$connectors = x$connectors[x$connectors$treenode_id%in%cluster.g$d$PointNo,]
    cluster.g$d$value = entropies[c]
    if (!is.null(cluster.g$cluster.segregation.index)){cluster.g$cluster.segregation.index = x$cluster.segregation.index}
    if (!is.null(cluster.g$AD.segregation.index)){cluster.g$cluster.segregation.index = x$AD.segregation.index}
    arbours = c(arbours, nat::as.neuronlist(cluster.g))
  # Modify name
  names(arbours) = clusters
  attr(arbours,"df") = clusters

#' @export
#' @rdname arbour.clusters
arbour.clusters.neuronlist <- function(x, neuronlist = FALSE,...){
  if (neuronlist){
    arbours = neuronlist()
    for(n in 1:length(x)){
      a = arbour.clusters.neuron(x[n][[1]])
      attr(a,"df") = cbind(attr(x[n],"df"),arbour = names(a))
      names(a) = sapply(names(a),paste0,names(x[n]))
      arbours = c(arbours,a)
  }else{arbours = nat::nlapply(x, arbour.clusters.neuron, OmitFailures = T)
  # work out names
  # For some reason, plotting synapses WithConnectors does not work with these

#' @export
#' @rdname arbour.clusters
arbours <-function(arbourcluster, ...) UseMethod("arbours")

#' @export
#' @rdname arbour.clusters
arbours.neuron <- function(arbourcluster, ...){
  skeletons <- neuronlist()
  x = neuronlist()
  for (n in length(arbourcluster)){
    oldname = arbourcluster[,"name"][n]
    skid = name = arbourcluster[,"skid"][n]
    bits =nat::nlapply(arbourcluster[[n]], as.neuron)
    newnames = unlist(lapply(names(bits), function(x) paste(oldname,'#',x,sep='')))
    names(bits) = unlist(lapply(names(bits), function(x) paste(skid,'#',x,sep='')))
    dfn = data.frame(pid = 1, skid = skid, name = newnames)
    rownames(dfn) = names(bits)
    attr(bits,'df') = dfn
    skeletons <- c(skeletons, bits)

#' @export
#' @rdname arbour.clusters
arbours.neuronlist <- function(arbourcluster, ...){
  if (length(arbourcluster)>1){
    skeletons <-nat::nlapply(arbourcluster, arbours.neuron, OmitFailures = T)
  }else{skeletons = arbours.neuron(arbourcluster)}

#' Extract axonic/dendritic points/cable from a neuron/neuronlist
#' @description Extract axonic/dendritic/mixed/primary dendrite points/endpoints/cable from a neuron/neuronlist object
#' @param x a neuron/neuronlist object that has its axons/dendrites labelled in swc format in its neuron$d dataframes
#' @param mixed whether or not to include points assigned as uncertain or mixed polarity cable
#' @param ... additional arguments passed to methods
#' @return a matrix of 3D points
#' @export
#' @rdname extract_cable
axonic_points<-function(x, ...) UseMethod("axonic_points")
#' @export
#' @rdname extract_cable
dendritic_points<-function(x, ...) UseMethod("dendritic_points")
#' @export
#' @rdname extract_cable
mixed_points<-function(x, ...) UseMethod("mixed_points")
#' @export
#' @rdname extract_cable
primary_dendrite_points<-function(x, ...) UseMethod("primary_dendrite_points")
#' @rdname extract_cable
axonic_points.neuron <- function(x){
#' @rdname extract_cable
dendritic_points.neuron <- function(x){
#' @rdname extract_cable
mixed_points.neuron <- function(x){ # Mised also means that I do not know
#' @rdname extract_cable
primary_dendrite_points.neuron <- function(x){ # Mised also means that I do not know
#' @rdname extract_cable
dendritic_points.neuronlist <- function(x, ...){
  do.call(rbind,nlapply(x,dendritic_points.neuron, ...))
#' @rdname extract_cable
axonic_points.neuronlist <- function(x, ...){
  do.call(rbind,nlapply(x,axonic_points.neuron, ...))
#' @rdname extract_cable
mixed_points.neuronlist <- function(x, ...){
  do.call(rbind,nlapply(x, mixed_points.neuron, ...))
#' @rdname extract_cable
primary_dendrite_points.neuronlist <- function(x, ...){
  do.call(rbind,nlapply(x, primary_dendrite_points.neuron, ...))
#' @export
#' @rdname extract_cable
axonal_endings <- function(x){
#' @export
#' @rdname extract_cable
dendritic_endings <- function(x){
#' @export
#' @rdname extract_cable
axonic_endings <- function(x){
#' @export
#' @rdname extract_cable
primary_dendrite_endings <- function(x){
    x = primary_dendrite_cable.neuron(x)
    nat::nlapply(x,function(x) primary_dendrite_cable.neuron(x)$d[nat::endpoints(primary_dendrite_cable.neuron(x)),])
#' @export
#' @rdname extract_cable
axonic_cable<-function(x, ...) UseMethod("axonic_cable")
#' @export
#' @rdname extract_cable
dendritic_cable<-function(x, ...) UseMethod("dendritic_cable")
#' @export
#' @rdname extract_cable
arbour_cable<-function(x, ...) UseMethod("arbour_cable")
#' @export
#' @rdname extract_cable
unsure_cable<-function(x, ...) UseMethod("unsure_cable")
#' @export
#' @rdname extract_cable
primary_dendrite_cable<-function(x, ...) UseMethod("primary_dendrite_cable")
#' @rdname extract_cable
axonic_cable.neuron <- function(x, mixed=FALSE, ...){
  if (mixed==TRUE){
    chosen = c(-2,2,8)
    chosen = c(-2,2)
  v = subset(rownames(x$d), x$d$Label %in% chosen)
    neuron = prune_vertices.catmaidneuron(x=x,verticestoprune=v,invert=TRUE)
    neuron = nat::prune_vertices(x,verticestoprune=v,invert=TRUE)
#' @export
#' @rdname extract_cable
axonic_cable.catmaidneuron <- axonic_cable.neuron
#' @export
#' @rdname extract_cable
dendritic_cable.neuron <- function(x, mixed = FALSE, ...){
  if (mixed==T){
    chosen = c(-3,3,8)
  } else{
    chosen = c(-3,3)
  v = subset(rownames(x$d), x$d$Label %in% chosen)
    neuron = prune_vertices.catmaidneuron(x,verticestoprune=v,invert=TRUE)
    neuron = nat::prune_vertices(x,verticestoprune=v,invert=TRUE)
#' @export
#' @rdname extract_cable
dendritic_cable.catmaidneuron <- dendritic_cable.neuron
#' @export
#' @rdname extract_cable
arbour_cable.neuron <- function(x, mixed = FALSE, ...){
  if (mixed==T){
    chosen = c(-3,3,2,-2,8)
    chosen = c(-3,3,2,-2)
  v = subset(rownames(x$d), x$d$Label %in% chosen)
    neuron = prune_vertices.catmaidneuron(x,verticestoprune=v,invert=TRUE)
    class(neuron) = c("catmaidneuron","neuron")
    neuron = nat::prune_vertices(x,verticestoprune=v,invert=TRUE)
#' @export
#' @rdname extract_cable
arbour_cable.catmaidneuron <- arbour_cable.neuron
#' @export
#' @rdname extract_cable
unsure_cable.neuron <- function(x, mixed=FALSE, ...){
  chosen = c(-8,8:100)
  v = subset(rownames(x$d), x$d$Label %in% chosen)
    neuron = prune_vertices.catmaidneuron(x,verticestoprune=v,invert=TRUE)
    class(neuron) = c("catmaidneuron","neuron")
    neuron = nat::prune_vertices(x,verticestoprune=v,invert=TRUE)
#' @export
#' @rdname extract_cable
unsure_cable.catmaidneuron <- unsure_cable.neuron
#' @export
#' @rdname extract_cable
primary_dendrite_cable.neuron <- function(x, ...){
  v = subset(rownames(x$d), x$d$Label %in% 4)
    neuron = prune_vertices.catmaidneuron(x,verticestoprune=v,invert=TRUE)
    neuron = nat::prune_vertices(x,verticestoprune=v,invert=TRUE)
#' @export
#' @rdname extract_cable
primary_dendrite_cable.catmaidneuron <- primary_dendrite_cable.neuron
#' @export
#' @rdname extract_cable
axonic_cable.neuronlist <- function(x,mixed=FALSE, ...){
 nat::nlapply(x,axonic_cable.neuron,mixed=mixed,OmitFailures = T, ...)
#' @export
#' @rdname extract_cable
dendritic_cable.neuronlist <- function(x,mixed=FALSE, ...){
 nat::nlapply(x,dendritic_cable.neuron,mixed=mixed,OmitFailures = T, ...)
#' @export
#' @rdname extract_cable
arbour_cable.neuronlist <- function(x,mixed=FALSE, ...){
 nat::nlapply(x,arbour_cable.neuron,mixed=mixed,OmitFailures = T, ...)
#' @export
#' @rdname extract_cable
unsure_cable.neuronlist <- function(x, ...){
 nat::nlapply(x,unsure_cable.neuron,OmitFailures = T, ...)
#' @export
#' @rdname extract_cable
primary_dendrite_cable.neuronlist <- function(x, ...){
 nat::nlapply(x,primary_dendrite_cable.neuron,OmitFailures = T, ...)
alexanderbates/catnat documentation built on Sept. 5, 2023, 4:51 a.m.