
Defines functions nedelsky.sim

Documented in nedelsky.sim

## File Name: nedelsky.sim.R
## File Version: 0.154

#---- simulate data according to the Nedelsky model
nedelsky.sim <- function( theta, b, a=NULL, tau=NULL )
    Theta <- matrix( theta, ncol=1 )
    N <- length(theta)
    # generate all combinations
    nodes <- c(0,1)
    ndim <- K <- ncol(b)
    I <- nrow(b)
    if ( is.null(a) ){
        a <- rep(1,I)
    combis <- as.matrix( expand.grid( as.data.frame(
                        matrix( rep(nodes, ndim), ncol=ndim))))
    if ( is.null(tau) ){
        tau <- matrix( 1, nrow=I, ncol=K+1 )
    # dataset
    dat <- matrix( NA, nrow=N, ncol=I)
    for (ii in 1L:I){
        b0 <- as.vector(b[ii,])
        a0 <- a[ii]
        thdim <- 1
        tau0 <- as.vector(tau[ii,])
        probs <- nedelsky.irf( Theta, K, b=b0, a=a0, tau=tau0, combis )$probs
        cprobs <- rowCumsums.sirt(matr=probs)
        rn1 <- stats::runif(N)
        dat[,ii] <- rowIntervalIndex.sirt(matr=cprobs,rn=rn1) - 1
    colnames(dat) <- paste0( 'I', 100+1L:I )
alexanderrobitzsch/sirt documentation built on Sept. 8, 2024, 2:45 a.m.