
Defines functions .pml3.est.eps.aux .ll.rasch.pml3.probit.est.corr .pml3.est.a.aux .ll.rasch.pml3.probit.est.a .pml3.est.b.aux .ll.rasch.pml3.probit.est.b

## File Name: rasch.pml3_aux.R
## File Version: 5.12

# calculation of pairwise marginal likelihood
.ll.rasch.pml3.probit.est.b <- function( b, a, sigma, Q,eps.corr, itempairs, IP, eps=10^(-14),
        h, desb00, desb01, desb10, desb11, b.items ){
    cor.Sigma <- NULL
    # unidimensional case
    t1 <- a^2*sigma^2
    # define different b parameters
    xib0 <-   - b  / sqrt( 1 + t1 )
    xib1 <-   - (b+h)  / sqrt( 1 + t1 )
    xib2 <-   - (b-h)  / sqrt( 1 + t1 )
# a00 <- Sys.time()
    # 00
    res00 <- .pml3.est.b.aux( xib1=xib0, xib2=xib0, itempairs, a, sigma,
                eps.corr, cor.Sigma, eps )
    ll00 <- res00$ll

    # 10 / 01
    # 10: b + h ; b
    # 01: b ; b + h
    # 11: b+h ; b+h
    ll10 <- .pml3.est.b.aux( xib1=xib1, xib2=xib0, itempairs, a, sigma,
                eps.corr, cor.Sigma, eps )$ll
    ll01 <- .pml3.est.b.aux( xib1=xib0, xib2=xib1, itempairs, a, sigma,
                eps.corr, cor.Sigma, eps )$ll
    ll11 <- .pml3.est.b.aux( xib1=xib1, xib2=xib1, itempairs, a, sigma,
                eps.corr, cor.Sigma, eps )$ll
    # 20 / 02
    # 20: b-h;b
    # 02: b;b-h
    # 22: b-h;b-h
    ll20 <- .pml3.est.b.aux( xib1=xib2, xib2=xib0, itempairs, a, sigma,
                eps.corr, cor.Sigma, eps )$ll
    ll02 <- .pml3.est.b.aux( xib1=xib0, xib2=xib2, itempairs, a, sigma,
                eps.corr, cor.Sigma, eps )$ll
    ll22 <- .pml3.est.b.aux( xib1=xib2, xib2=xib2, itempairs, a, sigma,
                eps.corr, cor.Sigma, eps )$ll
# cat("calc all ll") ; a11 <- Sys.time(); print(a11-a00) ; a00 <- a11
#     ll.temp <- as.matrix( cbind( ll00, ll10, ll01, ll20, ll02 ) )
    ll0 <- t(ll00) %*% desb00
    ll1 <- t(ll01) %*% desb01 +  t(ll10) %*% desb10 + t(ll11) %*% desb11
    ll2 <- t(ll02) %*% desb01 +  t(ll20) %*% desb10 + t(ll22) %*% desb11
    # calculate increment
    incr <- nr.numdiff( ll0=as.vector(ll0), ll1=as.vector(ll1),
            ll2=as.vector(ll2), h=h, eps=10^(-10) )
# cat("calc incr") ; a11 <- Sys.time(); print(a11-a00) ; a00 <- a11
    change <- rep( 0, length(b) )
    change <- incr[ b.items ]
    change[ is.na(change ) ] <- 0
    change <- ifelse( abs(change) > 1, 1*sign(change), change )
    b <- b + change
    ll <- sum( ll00 )
# cat("add and mult") ; a1 <- Sys.time(); print(a1-a0) ; a0 <- a1
    res <-list( "ll"=ll, "itempairs"=res00$itempairs, "b"=b, "sigma"=sigma #,
#                "ind1"=ind1, "ind2"=ind2


.pml3.est.b.aux <- function( xib1, xib2, itempairs, a, sigma,
            eps.corr, cor.Sigma, eps ){
# a0 <- Sys.time()
    xi1 <- xib1[ itempairs[,"item1"] ]
    xi2 <- xib2[ itempairs[,"item2"] ]
    a1 <- a[ itempairs[,"item1"] ]
    a2 <- a[ itempairs[,"item2"] ]
    t1 <- a1*a2*sigma^2
    cor.Sigma <- ( t1 + eps.corr ) / ( 1 + t1 )
    cor.Sigma[ cor.Sigma > 1 ] <- .99
# cat("cor sigma") ; a1 <- Sys.time(); print(a1-a0) ; a0 <- a1
    pxi1 <- stats::pnorm( xib1 )
    pxi2 <- stats::pnorm( xib2 )
# cat("pnorm") ; a1 <- Sys.time(); print(a1-a0) ; a0 <- a1
    itempairs$p1.item1 <- pxi1[ itempairs$item1 ]
    itempairs$p1.item2 <- pxi2[ itempairs$item2 ]
    itempairs$p11 <- pbivnorm2( x=xi1, y=xi2, rho=cor.Sigma )
# cat("pbivnorm") ; a1 <- Sys.time(); print(a1-a0) ; a0 <- a1
    itempairs$p10 <- itempairs$p1.item1 - itempairs$p11
    itempairs$p01 <- itempairs$p1.item2 - itempairs$p11
    itempairs$p00 <- 1 - itempairs$p11 - itempairs$p01 - itempairs$p10
    ind1 <- which( colnames(itempairs) %in% c( "p11", "p10", "p01", "p00" ) )
# cat("ip2") ; a1 <- Sys.time(); print(a1-a0) ; a0 <- a1
#    itempairs[ itempairs[, ind1 ] < eps, ind1 ] <- eps
    for (ii in ind1){
        itempairs[, ii ] <- ifelse( itempairs[,ii] < eps, eps, itempairs[,ii] )
# cat("ifelse") ; a1 <- Sys.time(); print(a1-a0) ; a0 <- a1
    ind2 <- which( colnames(itempairs) %in% c( "f11", "f10", "f01", "f00" ) )
#    ll <-  sum( log( itempairs[,ind1] ) * itempairs[,ind2]  )
    ll <-  rowSums( log( itempairs[,ind1] ) * itempairs[,ind2]  )
# cat("ll") ; a1 <- Sys.time(); print(a1-a0) ; a0 <- a1
    res <- list("ll"=ll, "itempairs"=itempairs )
# cat("rest") ; a1 <- Sys.time(); print(a1-a0) ; a0 <- a1
# stop("here")

# calculation of pairwise marginal likelihood
.ll.rasch.pml3.probit.est.a <- function( b, a, sigma, Q,eps.corr, itempairs, IP, eps=10^(-14),
        h, desa00, desa01, desa10, desa11, a.items ){
    cor.Sigma <- NULL
    a0 <- a
    a1 <- a+h
    a2 <- a-h

    # 00
    ll00 <- .pml3.est.a.aux( b, itempairs, a01=a0, a02=a0, sigma,
            eps.corr, cor.Sigma, eps )
    # 10 / 01 / 11
    ll10 <- .pml3.est.a.aux( b, itempairs, a01=a1, a02=a0, sigma,
            eps.corr, cor.Sigma, eps )
    ll01 <- .pml3.est.a.aux( b, itempairs, a01=a0, a02=a1, sigma,
            eps.corr, cor.Sigma, eps )
    ll11 <- .pml3.est.a.aux( b, itempairs, a01=a1, a02=a1, sigma,
            eps.corr, cor.Sigma, eps )
    # 20 / 02 / 22
    ll20 <- .pml3.est.a.aux( b, itempairs, a01=a2, a02=a0, sigma,
            eps.corr, cor.Sigma, eps )
    ll02 <- .pml3.est.a.aux( b, itempairs, a01=a0, a02=a2, sigma,
            eps.corr, cor.Sigma, eps )
    ll22 <- .pml3.est.a.aux( b, itempairs, a01=a2, a02=a2, sigma,
            eps.corr, cor.Sigma, eps )
    ll0 <- t(ll00) %*% desa00
    ll1 <- t(ll01) %*% desa01 +  t(ll10) %*% desa10 + t(ll11) %*% desa11
    ll2 <- t(ll02) %*% desa01 +  t(ll20) %*% desa10 + t(ll22) %*% desa11
    # calculate increment
    incr <- nr.numdiff( ll0=as.vector(ll0), ll1=as.vector(ll1), ll2=as.vector(ll2), h=h, eps=10^(-10) )
    change <- rep( 0, length(a) )
    change <- incr[ a.items ]
    change[ is.na(change ) ] <- 0
    change <- ifelse( abs(change) > .3, .3*sign(change), change )
    a <- a + change
    ll <- sum( ll00 )
    res <-list( "ll"=ll, "itempairs"=itempairs, "a"=a, "sigma"=sigma #,
#                "ind1"=ind1, "ind2"=ind2


.pml3.est.a.aux <- function( b, itempairs, a01, a02, sigma,
            eps.corr, cor.Sigma, eps ){

    # unidimensional case
    t11 <- a01^2*sigma^2
    t12 <- a02^2*sigma^2

    # define different b parameters
    xib1 <-  - b  / sqrt( 1 + t11 )
    xib2 <-  - b  / sqrt( 1 + t12 )

    xi1 <- xib1[ itempairs[,"item1"] ]
    xi2 <- xib2[ itempairs[,"item2"] ]

    a1 <- a01[ itempairs[,"item1"] ]
    a2 <- a02[ itempairs[,"item2"] ]

    t1 <- a1*a2*sigma^2
    cor.Sigma <- ( t1 + eps.corr ) / ( 1 + t1 )
    cor.Sigma[ cor.Sigma > 1 ] <- .99

    pxi1 <- stats::pnorm( xib1 )
    pxi2 <- stats::pnorm( xib2 )

    itempairs$p1.item1 <- pxi1[ itempairs$item1 ]
    itempairs$p1.item2 <- pxi2[ itempairs$item2 ]
    itempairs$p11 <- pbivnorm2( x=xi1, y=xi2, rho=cor.Sigma )
    itempairs$p10 <- itempairs$p1.item1 - itempairs$p11
    itempairs$p01 <- itempairs$p1.item2 - itempairs$p11
    itempairs$p00 <- 1 - itempairs$p11 - itempairs$p01 - itempairs$p10
    ind1 <- which( colnames(itempairs) %in% c( "p11", "p10", "p01", "p00" ) )
    itempairs[ itempairs[, ind1 ] < eps, ind1 ] <- eps
    ind2 <- which( colnames(itempairs) %in% c( "f11", "f10", "f01", "f00" ) )
#    ll <-  sum( log( itempairs[,ind1] ) * itempairs[,ind2]  )
    ll <-  rowSums( log( itempairs[,ind1] ) * itempairs[,ind2]  )

# calculation of pairwise marginal likelihood
.ll.rasch.pml3.probit.est.corr <- function( b, a, sigma, Q,eps.corr, itempairs,
        IP, eps=10^(-14), h, deseps00, eps.items ){
    cor.Sigma <- NULL
    # 00
    ll00 <- .pml3.est.eps.aux( b, itempairs, a, sigma,
            eps.corr, cor.Sigma, eps )
    # 11
    ll11 <- .pml3.est.eps.aux( b, itempairs, a, sigma,
            eps.corr+h, cor.Sigma, eps )
    # 20 / 02 / 22
    ll22 <- .pml3.est.eps.aux( b, itempairs, a, sigma,
            eps.corr-h, cor.Sigma, eps )
    ll0 <- t(ll00) %*% deseps00
    ll1 <- t(ll11) %*% deseps00
    ll2 <- t(ll22) %*% deseps00
    # calculate increment
    incr <- nr.numdiff( ll0=as.vector(ll0), ll1=as.vector(ll1), ll2=as.vector(ll2), h=h, eps=10^(-10) )
    change <- rep( 0, IP )
    change <- incr[ eps.items ]
    change[ is.na(change ) ] <- 0
    change <- ifelse( abs(change) > .3, .3*sign(change), change )
    eps.corr <- eps.corr + change
    ll <- sum( ll00 )
    res <-list( "ll"=ll, "itempairs"=itempairs, "eps.corr"=eps.corr, "sigma"=sigma #,
#                "ind1"=ind1, "ind2"=ind2


.pml3.est.eps.aux <- function( b, itempairs, a, sigma,
            eps.corr, cor.Sigma, eps ){

    # unidimensional case
    t11 <- a^2*sigma^2
    t12 <- a^2*sigma^2

    # define different b parameters
    xib1 <-  - b  / sqrt( 1 + t11 )
    xib2 <-  - b  / sqrt( 1 + t12 )

    xi1 <- xib1[ itempairs[,"item1"] ]
    xi2 <- xib2[ itempairs[,"item2"] ]

    a1 <- a[ itempairs[,"item1"] ]
    a2 <- a[ itempairs[,"item2"] ]

    t1 <- a1*a2*sigma^2
    cor.Sigma <- ( t1 + eps.corr ) / ( 1 + t1 )
    cor.Sigma[ cor.Sigma > 1 ] <- .99

    pxi1 <- stats::pnorm( xib1 )
    pxi2 <- stats::pnorm( xib2 )

    itempairs$p1.item1 <- pxi1[ itempairs$item1 ]
    itempairs$p1.item2 <- pxi2[ itempairs$item2 ]
    itempairs$p11 <- pbivnorm2( x=xi1, y=xi2, rho=cor.Sigma )
    itempairs$p10 <- itempairs$p1.item1 - itempairs$p11
    itempairs$p01 <- itempairs$p1.item2 - itempairs$p11
    itempairs$p00 <- 1 - itempairs$p11 - itempairs$p01 - itempairs$p10
    ind1 <- which( colnames(itempairs) %in% c( "p11", "p10", "p01", "p00" ) )
    itempairs[ itempairs[, ind1 ] < eps, ind1 ] <- eps
    ind2 <- which( colnames(itempairs) %in% c( "f11", "f10", "f01", "f00" ) )
#    ll <-  sum( log( itempairs[,ind1] ) * itempairs[,ind2]  )
    ll <-  rowSums( log( itempairs[,ind1] ) * itempairs[,ind2]  )
alexanderrobitzsch/sirt documentation built on July 18, 2024, 11:16 p.m.