
Defines functions .update.ll.rasch.pml.logit .ll.rasch.pml.logit .update.ll.rasch.pml.probit .ll.rasch.pml.probit

## File Name: rasch.pml_aux.R
## File Version: 1.21

# calculation of pairwise marginal likelihood
.ll.rasch.pml.probit <- function( b, a, sigma, Q,eps.corr, itempairs, IP, eps=10^(-14) ){
    # multidimensional case
    if ( ! is.null(Q) ){
        t1 <- a^2 * diag( ( Q %*% sigma %*% t(Q) ) )
    # unidimensional case
    if ( is.null(Q) ){
        t1 <- a^2*sigma^2
    xi <-   - b  / sqrt( 1 + t1 )
    xi1 <- xi[ itempairs[,"item1"] ]
    xi2 <- xi[ itempairs[,"item2"] ]
    a1 <- a[ itempairs[,"item1"] ]
    a2 <- a[ itempairs[,"item2"] ]
    if ( ! is.null(Q) ){
        t1 <- a1  * a2 * diag( ( Q[ itempairs[,"item1"], ] %*% sigma %*% t(Q[  itempairs[,"item2"], ]) ) )
    if (is.null(Q) ){  # 1-dimensional case
        t1 <- a1*a2*sigma^2
    cor.Sigma <- ( t1 + eps.corr ) / ( 1 + t1 )
    cor.Sigma[ cor.Sigma > 1 ] <- .99
    a1 <- stats::pnorm( xi )

    itempairs$p1.item1 <- a1[ itempairs$item1 ]
    itempairs$p1.item2 <- a1[ itempairs$item2 ]
    itempairs$p11 <- pbivnorm::pbivnorm( x=xi1, y=xi2, rho=cor.Sigma )
    itempairs$p10 <- itempairs$p1.item1 - itempairs$p11
    itempairs$p01 <- itempairs$p1.item2 - itempairs$p11
    itempairs$p00 <- 1 - itempairs$p11 - itempairs$p01 - itempairs$p10
    ind1 <- which( colnames(itempairs) %in% c( "p11", "p10", "p01", "p00" ) )
#    itempairs[ itempairs[, ind1 ] < eps, ind1 ] <- eps
    for (ii in ind1){
        itempairs[, ii ] <- ifelse( itempairs[,ii] < eps, eps, itempairs[,ii] )
    ind2 <- which( colnames(itempairs) %in% c( "f11", "f10", "f01", "f00" ) )
    ll <-  sum( log( itempairs[,ind1] ) * itempairs[,ind2]  )
    res <-list( "ll"=ll, "itempairs"=itempairs, "b"=b, "sigma"=sigma,
                "ind1"=ind1, "ind2"=ind2 )
#              respml <- .update.ll.rasch.pml( respml, b, sigma, itempairs, IP, eps=10^(-14) )
# update calculation of pairwise marginal likelihood
.update.ll.rasch.pml.probit <- function( respml, b, a, sigma, Q,eps.corr,
                        itempairs, IP, eps=10^(-14) ){
    # multidimensional case
    if ( ! is.null(Q) ){
        t1 <- a^2 * diag( ( Q %*% sigma %*% t(Q) ) )
    # unidimensional case
    if ( is.null(Q) ){
        t1 <- a^2*sigma^2
    xi <-   - b  / sqrt( 1 + t1 )
    itempairs <- respml$itempairs
    xi1 <- xi[ itempairs[,"item1"] ]
    xi2 <- xi[ itempairs[,"item2"] ]
    a1 <- a[ itempairs[,"item1"] ]
    a2 <- a[ itempairs[,"item2"] ]
    if ( ! is.null(Q) ){
        t1 <- a1  * a2 * diag( ( Q[ itempairs[,"item1"], ] %*% sigma %*% t(Q[  itempairs[,"item2"], ]) ) )
    if (is.null(Q) ){  # 1-dimensional case
        t1 <- a1*a2*sigma^2
    cor.Sigma <- ( t1 + eps.corr ) / ( 1 + t1 )
#    cor.Sigma <- ( a1*a2*sigma^2 + eps.corr ) / ( 1 + a1*a2*sigma^2 )
#        Sigma.ii <- matrix( c(1,0,0,1), ncol=2 )
#    Sigma.ii[1,2] <- Sigma.ii[2,1] <- cor.Sigma[1]
    a1 <- stats::pnorm( xi )
    itempairs$p1.item1 <- a1[ itempairs$item1 ]
    itempairs$p1.item2 <- a1[ itempairs$item2 ]
    ind10 <- which( b !=respml$b )
    ind10 <- c( which( itempairs$item1 %in% ind10  ), which( itempairs$item2 %in% ind10  )  )
    itempairs[ind10,"p11"] <- pbivnorm::pbivnorm( x=xi1[ind10], y=xi2[ind10],
            rho=cor.Sigma[ind10] )
    itempairs$p10 <- itempairs$p1.item1 - itempairs$p11
    itempairs$p01 <- itempairs$p1.item2 - itempairs$p11
    itempairs$p00 <- 1 - itempairs$p11 - itempairs$p01 - itempairs$p10
    ind1 <- which( colnames(itempairs) %in% c( "p11", "p10", "p01", "p00" ) )
    itempairs[ itempairs[, ind1 ] < eps, ind1 ] <- eps
    ind2 <- which( colnames(itempairs) %in% c( "f11", "f10", "f01", "f00" ) )
    ll <-  sum( log( itempairs[,ind1] ) * itempairs[,ind2]  )
    res <- list( "ll"=ll, "itempairs"=itempairs, "b"=b, "sigma"=sigma,
                "ind1"=ind1, "ind2"=ind2 )

# calculation of pairwise marginal likelihood
.ll.rasch.pml.logit <- function( b, sigma, itempairs, IP, eps=10^(-14),
            p.ki, S.ki ){
    K <- length(p.ki)
    xi <- matrix( 0, I, K )
    xi1 <- xi2 <- matrix( 0, IP, K )
    cor.Sigma <- rep(0,K)
    Sigma0 <- matrix( c(1,0,0,1), ncol=2 )
    Sigma.ii <- as.list( rep(1,K))
    for (kk in 1:K){
        xi[,kk] <-   - b * S.ki[kk] / sqrt( 1 + sigma^2 * S.ki[kk]^2 )
        xi1[,kk] <- xi[ itempairs[,"item1"], kk ]
        xi2[,kk] <- xi[ itempairs[,"item2"], kk ]
    a1 <- stats::pnorm( xi )
    PKI <- outer( rep(1,I), p.ki )
    a1 <- rowSums( a1 * PKI )
    itempairs$p1.item1 <- a1[ itempairs$item1 ]
    itempairs$p1.item2 <- a1[ itempairs$item2 ]
    # calculation of matrix of covariances
    phi.matrix <- matrix( 0, IP, 9)
    PKI.matrix <- phi.matrix
    for (ii in 1:IP){
        for (kk1 in 1:3){
            for (kk2 in 1:3){
            #    kk1 <- 2
            #    kk2 <- 3
                index1 <- 3* ( kk1 - 1 ) + kk2
                index2 <- 3*(kk2 - 1) + kk1
                cor.kk <- S.ki[kk1] * S.ki[kk2] * sigma^2 / sqrt( ( 1 + sigma^2 * S.ki[kk1]^2 ) *
                                    ( 1 + sigma^2 * S.ki[kk2]^2 ) )
                phi.matrix[ii,index1] <- sirt_pmvnorm(lower=c(-Inf,-Inf),upper=c(xi1[ii,kk1],xi2[ii,kk2] ),
                        sigma=matrix( c(1,cor.kk,cor.kk,1), 2, 2 )
                PKI.matrix[ii,index1] <- p.ki[kk1] * p.ki[kk2]
#                print( paste( kk1, kk2, index1, index2 ))
    itempairs$p11 <- rowSums( phi.matrix * PKI.matrix )
    itempairs$p10 <- itempairs$p1.item1 - itempairs$p11
    itempairs$p01 <- itempairs$p1.item2 - itempairs$p11
    itempairs$p00 <- 1 - itempairs$p11 - itempairs$p01 - itempairs$p10
    ind1 <- which( colnames(itempairs) %in% c( "p11", "p10", "p01", "p00" ) )
    itempairs[ itempairs[, ind1 ] < eps, ind1 ] <- eps
    ind2 <- which( colnames(itempairs) %in% c( "f11", "f10", "f01", "f00" ) )
    ll <-  sum( log( itempairs[,ind1] ) * itempairs[,ind2]  )
    res <- list( "ll"=ll, "itempairs"=itempairs, "b"=b, "sigma"=sigma,
                "ind1"=ind1, "ind2"=ind2, "phi.matrix"=phi.matrix,
                "p.ki"=p.ki, "S.ki"=S.ki)
# update calculation of pairwise marginal likelihood
.update.ll.rasch.pml.logit <- function( respml, b, sigma, itempairs, IP, eps=10^(-14) ){
    # grap objects
#    p.ki <- respml[["p.ki"]]
#    S.ki <- respml[["S.ki"]]
        p.ki <- c( .25220, .58522, .16257 )
        S.ki <- c( .90793, .57778, .36403 )
    phi.matrix <- respml$phi.matrix
    PKI.matrix <- respml$PKI.matrix
    itempairs <- respml$itempairs
    K <- length(p.ki)
    xi <- matrix( 0, I, K )
    xi1 <- xi2 <- matrix( 0, IP, K )
    cor.Sigma <- rep(0,K)
    Sigma0 <- matrix( c(1,0,0,1), ncol=2 )
    Sigma.ii <- as.list( rep(1,K))
    for (kk in 1:K){
        xi[,kk] <-   - b * S.ki[kk] / sqrt( 1 + sigma^2 * S.ki[kk]^2 )
        xi1[,kk] <- xi[ itempairs[,"item1"], kk ]
        xi2[,kk] <- xi[ itempairs[,"item2"], kk ]
    a1 <- stats::pnorm( xi )
    PKI <- outer( rep(1,I), p.ki )
    a1 <- rowSums( a1 * PKI )
    itempairs$p1.item1 <- a1[ itempairs$item1 ]
    itempairs$p1.item2 <- a1[ itempairs$item2 ]
    # calculation of matrix of covariances
    ind10 <- which( b !=respml$b )
    ind10 <- c( which( itempairs$item1 %in% ind10  ), which( itempairs$item2 %in% ind10  )  )
    for (ii in ind10 ){
        for (kk1 in 1:3){
            for (kk2 in 1:3){
            #    kk1 <- 2
            #    kk2 <- 3
                index1 <- 3* ( kk1 - 1 ) + kk2
                index2 <- 3*(kk2 - 1) + kk1
                cor.kk <- S.ki[kk1] * S.ki[kk2] * sigma^2 / sqrt( ( 1 + sigma^2 * S.ki[kk1]^2 ) *
                                    ( 1 + sigma^2 * S.ki[kk2]^2 ) )
                phi.matrix[ii,index1] <- sirt_pmvnorm(lower=c(-Inf,-Inf),upper=c(xi1[ii,kk1],xi2[ii,kk2] ),
                        sigma=matrix( c(1,cor.kk,cor.kk,1), 2, 2 )
                PKI.matrix[ii,index1] <- p.ki[kk1] * p.ki[kk2]
#                print( paste( kk1, kk2, index1, index2 ))
    itempairs$p11 <- rowSums( phi.matrix * PKI.matrix )
    itempairs$p10 <- itempairs$p1.item1 - itempairs$p11
    itempairs$p01 <- itempairs$p1.item2 - itempairs$p11
    itempairs$p00 <- 1 - itempairs$p11 - itempairs$p01 - itempairs$p10
    ind1 <- which( colnames(itempairs) %in% c( "p11", "p10", "p01", "p00" ) )
    itempairs[ itempairs[, ind1 ] < eps, ind1 ] <- eps
    ind2 <- which( colnames(itempairs) %in% c( "f11", "f10", "f01", "f00" ) )
    ll <-  sum( log( itempairs[,ind1] ) * itempairs[,ind2]  )
    res <-list( "ll"=ll, "itempairs"=itempairs, "b"=b, "sigma"=sigma,
                "ind1"=ind1, "ind2"=ind2, "phi.matrix"=phi.matrix,
                "p.ki"=p.ki, "S.ki"=S.ki)
alexanderrobitzsch/sirt documentation built on Sept. 8, 2024, 2:45 a.m.