
Defines functions xxirt_proc_ParTable

## File Name: xxirt_proc_ParTable.R
## File Version: 0.465

#-- process parameter table
xxirt_proc_ParTable <- function( itemtype, partable, items )
    #*** extract item types from partable
    itemtype <- unlist( sapply( items, FUN=function(ii){
                        partable$type[ paste(partable$item)==ii ][1]
                        } )  )
    I <- length(items)
    partable$rowindex <- seq( 1, nrow(partable) )
    #*** parameter index
    partable[ ! partable$est, 'parindex' ] <- 0
    # indices <- sort( unique( partable$parindex ) )
    indices <- unique( partable$parindex )
    indices <- c( 0, setdiff( indices, c(0) ) )
    IN <- length(indices)
    partable$parindex <- match( partable$parindex, indices ) - 1
    partable$parindex[ partable$parindex==0 ] <- NA
    #*** set prior distributions of fixed parameters to NA
    partable[ ! partable$est, 'prior' ] <- NA
    #*** list with parameter table indices
    partable$parfree <- 1*partable$est
    partable_index <- as.list( 1L:I )
    for (ii in 1L:I){
        partable_index[[ii]] <- which( partable$itemnr==ii )
    ind <- which( duplicated( partable$parindex ) & ( ! is.na( partable$prior ) ) )
    if ( length(ind) > 0 ){
        partable[ind, c('prior','prior_par1','prior_par2', 'parlabel') ] <- NA
    ind <- which( duplicated( partable$parindex ) )
    if ( length(ind) > 0 ){
        partable[ind,'parfree'] <- 0
    #*** extract ncat and maxK
    p1 <- partable[ ! duplicated( partable$item), ]
    ncat <- p1$ncat
    names(ncat) <- paste(p1$item)
    maxK <- max(ncat)
    #*** extract M-step method
    p1 <- partable[ partable$parfree==1, ]
    m1 <- TRUE
    d1 <- sum( ( c('lower','upper') %in% colnames(partable) ) )
    if ( ( nrow(p1) > 0 ) & (d1>0) ){
        m1 <- ( mean( p1$lower==- Inf ) < 1 ) | ( mean( p1$upper==Inf ) < 1 )
    mstep_method <- if (m1){ 'L-BFGS-B' } else { 'BFGS' }

    #**** item indices per parameter
    NP <- -Inf
    if ( sum(partable$est) > 0 ){
        NP <- max( partable$parindex, na.rm=TRUE )
    if ( NP > -Inf){
        item_index <- as.list( 1L:NP )
        for (pp in 1L:NP){
            p1 <- partable[ paste0( partable$parindex)==pp, ]
            names(item_index)[pp] <- p1[1,'parlabel']
            item_index[[pp]] <- p1$itemnr
    } else {
        item_index <- list()

    #- include lower and upper columns if not available
    if ( ! ( 'lower' %in% colnames(partable) ) ){
        partable$lower <- rep(-Inf, nrow(partable))
    if ( ! ( 'upper' %in% colnames(partable) ) ){
        partable$upper <- rep(Inf, nrow(partable))

    #----- output
    res <- list( itemtype=itemtype, partable=partable,
                    partable_index=partable_index, ncat=ncat,
                    maxK=maxK, mstep_method=mstep_method,
                    item_index=item_index )
alexanderrobitzsch/sirt documentation built on July 18, 2024, 11:16 p.m.