
Defines functions assign_traits

Documented in assign_traits

#' Assign traits to taxa at different taxonomic levels
#' @description
#' A function for assigning traits to taxa at different taxonomic levels.
#' @details
#' This function allows to obtain missing traits for a target taxon by taking traits from lower or to upper taxomic levels.
#' For instance, consider the case where the genus *Acroloxus* is present in the user dataset and the species *Acroloxus lacustris*
#' in the traits dataset. A simple merge would exclude *Acroloxus* from the tha analysis since Acroloxus and *A. lacustris*
#' would not match. The function assign_traits allows to assign *Acroloxus lacustris* traits to *Acroloxus*.
#' This function works also in the opposite direction. Consider the case where there are no traits for the target taxon and
#' the target taxon has not been identified at species level. The function assign_traits will assign the traits of the taxon nearest in the taxonomic tree
#'  (e.g. Tanypodinae traits assign to *Ablabesmyia monilis*). Consider also these examples to understand the behaviour of this
#' function. For instance *Anabolia lombarda* is present in the user taxomic dataset while only *Anabolia nervosa* and *Anabolia* are present
#' in the trait database. In this case `assign_traits()` will assign only the traits of *Anabolia* to *A. lombarda*.
#' Moreover, let's assume that *Coelostoma* is present in the user dataset while only *Berosus* and *Crenitis punctatostriata* are present in the traits dataset.
#' Here `assign_traits()` will assign the scores of *Berosus* and *C. punctatostriata* to *Coelostoma* because they belong to the same family and there are no information at family level. \cr \cr
#' The function `assign_traits()` will calculate the taxonomic distance between the target taxa and the taxa used to assign the trait score. This distance
#' can be positive (e.g. Species to Genus) and negative (e.g. Genus to Species). The distance is measured assigning values as follows:
#' 1 (Species to Genus), 4 (Species to family), -3 (Family to Genus), etc. `assign_traits()` considers only the
#' taxonomic levels from Subspecies to Family (Subspecies, Species, Genus, Tribus, Subfamily, Family).\cr
#' The function `average_traits()` averages traits when traits from multiple taxa are assigned to the same taxon. \cr
#' Th function `sample_traits()` samples traits from one taxon when multiple taxa are assigned to the same taxon.
#' @param x Results of `aggregate_taxa()`.
#' @param trait_db A trait `data.frame` with a column `Taxa` and the other columns
#'   containing the traits.
#'   By default, the dataset used is the one from Tachet et al. (2010) for macroinvertebrates that
#'   can be retrieved from
#'   [freshwaterecology.info](https://www.freshwaterecology.info/) website
#'   (Schmidt-Kloiber & Hering, 2015).
#' @param group Biotic group of interest. Possible values are `mi` for macroinvertebrates, `mf` for macrophytes and `fi` for fish.
#'  The choice will set the right reference database for the specified group.
#'  This option will not be considered if a custom reference database is provided. Default to `mi`.
#' @param tax_lev Taxonomic level at which the calculation has to be performed.
#' Default to `Taxa`, the maximum taxonomic level is `Family`.
#' @param dfref Reference dataset as used in the function `aggregate_taxa()`.
#' @param filter_by_distance Filter the results according to the taxonomic distance. Possible values are `pos`, `neg` or a positive integer.
#' @param col_blocks A vector containing the number of modalities for each trait. IF `NULL`, the default Tachet et al. (2010) `col_blocks` will be assigned.
#' @param type The type of variables specified in `trait_db`. Must be one of `F`, fuzzy, or `C`, continuous.
#' @importFrom dplyr '%>%' mutate select left_join group_by summarise ungroup
#' @importFrom tidyr gather spread
#' @examples
#' data(macro_ex)
#' data_bio <- as_biomonitor(macro_ex)
#' data_agr <- aggregate_taxa(data_bio)
#' data_ts <- assign_traits(data_agr)
#' # select only the nearest traits
#' data_ts_sub <- manage_traits(data_ts, method = "nearest+-")
#' # averaging
#' data_ts_av <- average_traits(data_ts_sub)
#' # traits random sampling
#' data_ts_st <- sample_traits(data_ts)
#' @seealso [aggregate_taxa]
#' @export
#' @export sample_traits
#' @export average_traits

assign_traits <- function(x, trait_db = NULL, group = "mi", tax_lev = "Taxa", dfref = NULL, filter_by_distance = NULL) {
  if (is.null(trait_db)) {
    # check if x is of class biomonitoR and mi

    if (inherits(x, "custom") & is.null(trait_db)) {
      warning("It seems that you used your own reference database. Please check the consistency of the taxonomy used for calculating the index with those of your reference database to have reliable results.")

    trait_db <- traitsTachet
  } else {
    trait_db$Taxa <- trimws(trait_db$Taxa)

  if (is.null(dfref)) {
    if (identical(group, "mi")) {
      dfref <- mi_ref
    if (identical(group, "mf")) {
      dfref <- mf_ref
    if (identical(group, "fi")) {
      dfref <- fi_ref
  } else {
    dfref <- dfref

  # merge the trait database with the reference database in order to scale
  # traits across taxonomic levels
  # [ , - 1] deletes the Taxa columns
  ref <- merge(dfref, trait_db, by = "Taxa", sort = FALSE)[, -1]

  # create a data.frame with the same column as trait_db but with 0 rows
  # it will be important later to iterate rbind to this object
  trait.interm <- data.frame(trait_db[-c(1:nrow(trait_db)), ])

  # ref.na is a 0 length vector to store the taxa names of the selected rows
  # this allow to does not loose the information about the name of the taxa at the orginial
  # taxonomic level

  ref.na <- c()

  # 10 to  5  because it is intended to work from subspecises to family

  # cycle to scale the traits among taxonomic levels
  for (i in 10:5) {
    temp <- ref[, -which(c(1:10) != i)]
    names(temp)[1] <- "Taxa"
    temp <- temp[temp[, 1] != "", ]
    ref.name <- ref[rownames(ref) %in% rownames(temp), 5:10]
    ref.name <- apply(ref.name, 1, function(x) (rev(x)[rev(x) != ""][1]))
    ref.na <- c(ref.na, ref.name)
    trait.interm <- rbind(trait.interm, temp)

  trait_db <- trait.interm

  DF <- x[["Tree"]]

  # allow the user to work at a desired taxonomic level

  if (!tax_lev %in% c(
    "Family", "Subfamily", "Tribus", "Genus",
    "Species", "Subspecies", "Taxa"
  )) {
    stop("Maximum taxonomic level is family.")

  if (!identical(tax_lev, "Taxa")) {
    # set values to "" for the taxonomic levels lower than specified
    DF <- DF[, 1:11]
    DF[colnames(DF)[(which(colnames(DF) %in% tax_lev) + 1):11]] <- ""

    # remove duplicated rows
    DF <- DF[!duplicated(DF), ]

    # change Taxa to the taxa of the required taxonomic level
    DF[, 11] <- DF[, tax_lev]

  # DFtaxa stores the taxa present in the user database

  DFtaxa <- as.character(DF[11])
  result.list <- apply(DF, 1, function(x) traitS(x = x, y = DF, z = trait_db, w = ref.na))
  result.data.frame <- do.call(rbind, result.list)
  result.data.frame <- result.data.frame[result.data.frame$Taxa_db != "", ]
  result.data.frame.single <- result.data.frame

  unique.taxa <- unique(result.data.frame.single$Taxa_db)

  # deleting row for the following reason. It happens that traits are present for a species
  # and also for the genus of this species. If the user sample
  # contains a species other than that reported in the trait list we want only to keep the
  # trait at genus level

  for (i in 1:length(unique.taxa)) {
    res <- result.data.frame.single[result.data.frame.single$Taxa_db %in% unique.taxa[i], 1:3]
    res.sum <- (res[, 1] == res[, 2]) + (res[, 1] == res[, 3]) + (res[, 2] == res[, 3])
    if (any(res.sum == 0)) {
      if (sum(res.sum) != 0) {
        to.del <- which(result.data.frame.single$Taxa_db %in% unique.taxa[i])[res.sum == 0]
        result.data.frame.single <- result.data.frame.single[-to.del, ]

  ref_long <- data.frame(Taxonomic_level = character(), Taxa = character(), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

  for (i in 10:1) {
    temp <- as.character(dfref[, i])
    temp <- temp[temp != ""]
    temp.rep <- rep(names(ref[, i, drop = FALSE]), length(temp))
    temp.df <- data.frame(Taxonomic_level = temp.rep, Taxa = temp)
    ref_long <- rbind(ref_long, temp.df)

  ref_long <- ref_long[!duplicated(ref_long), ]

  taxa_db.taxlev <- ref_long[match(ref_long$Taxa, result.data.frame.single$Taxa_db), ]

  result.data.frame.single$Taxa_db <- as.character(result.data.frame.single$Taxa_db)
  result.data.frame.single$Traits_real <- as.character(result.data.frame.single$Traits_real)
  ref_long$Taxa <- as.character(ref_long$Taxa)

  taxa_db.taxlev <- inner_join(result.data.frame.single[, 1, drop = FALSE], ref_long, by = c("Taxa_db" = "Taxa"))
  traits.taxlev <- inner_join(result.data.frame.single[, 2, drop = FALSE], ref_long, by = c("Traits_real" = "Taxa"))
  names(taxa_db.taxlev) <- c("Taxa_taxlev", "Taxa_db")
  names(traits.taxlev) <- c("Traits_taxlev", "Traits_real")

  tax_lev.info <- data.frame(taxa_db.taxlev, traits.taxlev, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

  dist.taxlev <- data.frame(tax_lev = names(dfref)[-11], distance = c(10:1))
  dist.taxlev$tax_lev <- as.character(dist.taxlev$tax_lev)
  tax_lev.info$Taxa_db <- as.character(tax_lev.info$Taxa_db)
  tax_lev.info$Traits_real <- as.character(tax_lev.info$Traits_real)

  a <- inner_join(tax_lev.info[, c(2, 4)], dist.taxlev, by = c("Taxa_db" = "tax_lev"))[, 3]
  b <- inner_join(tax_lev.info[, c(2, 4)], dist.taxlev, by = c("Traits_real" = "tax_lev"))[, 3]

  tax_lev.info$Taxonomic_distance <- a - b

  names(tax_lev.info)[1] <- "Taxa"
  final.traits <- data.frame(tax_lev.info, result.data.frame.single[, -c(1:3)])
  rownames(final.traits) <- NULL
  if (is.null(filter_by_distance)) {
  } else {
    if (is.character(filter_by_distance)) {
      if (filter_by_distance == "pos") {
        final.traits[final.traits$Taxonomic_distance >= 0, ]
      } else {
        if (filter_by_distance == "neg") {
          final.traits[final.traits$Taxonomic_distance <= 0, ]
        } else {
          stop("pos, neg or an integer are needed when filter_by_distance is not NULL")
    } else {
      final.traits[abs(final.traits$Taxonomic_distance) <= abs(filter_by_distance), ]
alexology/biomonitoR documentation built on April 7, 2024, 10:15 a.m.