examples/BAS archive/BAS/R/coefficients.R

#coefficients = function(object, ...) {UseMethod("coefficients")}
#coefficients.default = base::coefficients

coef.bma = function(object, ...) {
  conditionalmeans = list2matrix.bma(object, "ols")
  conditionalmeans[,-1] = sweep(conditionalmeans[,-1], 1, object$shrinkage,
  postmean = as.vector(object$postprob %*% conditionalmeans)

  conditionalsd  =  list2matrix.bma(object, "ols.se")
  if (!(object$prior == "AIC" || object$prior == "BIC")) {
    conditionalsd[ , -1] = sweep(conditionalsd[ ,-1], 1, sqrt(object$shrinkage), FUN="*") }
  postsd = sqrt(object$postprob %*% conditionalsd^2   +
                object$postprob %*% ((sweep(conditionalmeans, 2, postmean, FUN="-"))^2))
  postsd = as.vector(postsd) 
  out = list(postmean=postmean, postsd=postsd, probne0 = object$probne0,
             namesx=object$namesx, postprobs=object$postprobs,
             n.vars=object$n.vars, n.models=object$n.models, df=object$n)
  class(out) = 'coef.bma'

print.coef.bma = function(x, n.models=5,digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3), ...) {
  out = cbind(x$postmean, x$postsd, x$probne0)
  dimnames(out) = list(x$namesx, c("post mean", "post SD", "post p(B != 0)"))

  cat("\n Marginal Posterior Summaries of Coefficients: \n")
  print.default(format(out, digits = digits), print.gap = 2, 
                quote = FALSE, ...)
# use to be pred.summary.top ???

plot.coef.bma  = function(x, e = 1e-04, subset = 1:x$n.vars, ask=TRUE, ...) {
  plotvar = function(prob0, mixprobs, df, means, sds, name,
                     e = 1e-04, nsteps = 500, ...) {
    if (prob0 == 1) {
      xlower = -0
      xupper = 0
      xmax = 1
    else {
      qmin = min(qnorm(e/2, means, sds))
      qmax = max(qnorm(1 - e/2, means, sds))
      xlower = min(qmin, 0)
      xupper = max(0, qmax)
    xx = seq(xlower, xupper, length.out = nsteps)
    yy = rep(0, times = length(xx))
    maxyy = 1
    if (prob0 < 1) {
      yy = mixprobs %*% apply(matrix(xx, ncol=1), 1,
                              FUN=function(x, d, m, s){dt(x=(x-m)/s, df=d)/s},
                              d=df, m=means, s=sds)
      maxyy = max(yy)
   ymax = max(prob0, 1 - prob0)
   plot(c(xlower, xupper), c(0, ymax), type = "n",
        xlab = "", ylab = "", main = name, ...)
    lines(c(0, 0), c(0, prob0), lty = 1, lwd = 3, ...)
    lines(xx, (1 - prob0) * yy/maxyy, lty = 1, lwd = 1, ...)

 if (ask) {
        op <- par(ask = TRUE)
  df = x$df
 for (i in subset) {
    sel = x$conditionalmeans[,i] != 0
    prob0 = 1 - x$probne0[i]   
    mixprobs = x$postprob[sel]/(1.0 - prob0)
    means =   x$conditionalmeans[sel, i, drop=TRUE]
    sds   =   x$conditionalsd[sel, i, drop=TRUE]
    name  = x$namesx[i]
    plotvar(prob0, mixprobs, df, means, sds, name, e = e, ...)

cv.summary.bma = function(object, pred, ytrue) {
  topmodel = pred$best[1]
  best.model = rep(0, length(object$namesx))
  best.model[object$which[[topmodel]] + 1] = 1                    
  top.sum = rbind(c(best.model,
                 sqrt(sum((pred$Ypred[1,]- ytrue)^2)/length(ytrue)),
                 sqrt(sum((pred$Ybma- ytrue)^2)/length(ytrue))))
  colnames(top.sum) = c(object$namesx, "postprob",  "R2", "dim", "APEbest", "APEMA")
aliaksah/EMJMCMC2016 documentation built on July 27, 2023, 5:48 a.m.