
Defines functions meta_refurl add_ref_url refstr_to_ref bio_txt get_ref_biotic

Documented in get_ref_biotic

#' Extract bibliographic info from www.marlin.ac.uk/biotic.
#' Extract bibliographic information for growth, diets, distribution for invertebrate species.
#' @param taxon Character vector of taxon names to search.
#' @param test Logical set to \code{TRUE} in case you need to run package development tests. Defaults
#' to \code{FALSE}.
#' @return Dataframe
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' taxon <- "Cancer pagurus"
#' taxon <- "Carcinus maenas"
#' taxon <- "xxx yyy"
#' taxon <- "Liocarcinus depurator"
#' taxon <- "Asterias rubens"
#' taxon <- "Henricia oculata"
#' taxon <- "Ensis ensis"
#' taxon <- "Ampelisca spinipes"
#' taxon <- "Tubularia indivisa"
#' taxon <- "Ophelia borealis"
#' df <- get_ref_biotic(taxon)
#' }

get_ref_biotic <- function(taxon, test = FALSE) {
  # Write function for a single taxon.
  single_taxon <- function(taxon, test) {
    # Split taxon to form url
    if (grepl(pattern = " ", taxon)) {
      url <- paste0(stringr::str_split(taxon, pattern = " ")[[1]], collapse = "%20")
    } else {
      url <- taxon
    url <- paste0("http://www.marlin.ac.uk/biotic/browse.php?sp=x&spn=", url)

    # Read in the url as raw html.
    if (!test) {
      ref_raw <- xml2::read_html(curl::curl(url, handle = curl::new_handle("useragent" = "Mozilla/5.0")), timeout = 10000)
    } else {
      # This is a bit messy but does it's job.
      ref_raw <- xml2::read_html(system.file("extdata/biotic-cancer-pagurus.html", package = "atlantistools"))

    # Extract reference by category
    ref_df <- rvest::html_table(ref_raw, fill = TRUE)[[1]]

    # Leave function in case no information is present
    if (all(dim(ref_df) == 1)) {
      res <- tibble::tibble(species = taxon, cat = NA, ref_tag = NA, ref_url = NA)
    } else {
      # Data is replicated in columns >= 3
      ref_df <- ref_df[, 1:2]
      ref_df <- ref_df[grepl(ref_df[, 1], pattern = "References"), ]
      names(ref_df) <- c("cat", "ref")
      ref_df$cat <- stringr::str_replace_all(ref_df$cat, pattern = " References", replacement = "")

      # Get the urls to the reference metadata (author, year, title)
      ref_urls <- rvest::html_nodes(ref_raw, "a") %>%
        rvest::html_attr(., "href")
      ref_urls <- ref_urls[grepl(ref_urls, pattern = "references")]
      ref_urls <- unique(ref_urls)

      # Convert reference string to vector of references.
      ref_df$ref <- purrr::map(ref_df$ref, refstr_to_ref)

      # Extract text of General Biology Additional Information paragraph sorted by heading
      bio <- bio_txt(url = url, test = test)

      # Assign references found within the bio text and update ref_df.
      refs_bio <- ref_df$ref[ref_df$cat == "Biology"][[1]]
      if (!any(is.na(refs_bio))) {
        # Well this is kinda getting ANNOYING! I will simply hardcode this for now...
        refs_bio <- refs_bio[refs_bio != "b), Nichols & Barker, 1984"]
        # Replace commas and double space entries in reference (THIS IS SO STUPID!!!!!!!)
        refs_bio_fix <- stringr::str_replace_all(refs_bio, pattern = ",", replacement = "")
        refs_bio_fix <- stringr::str_replace_all(refs_bio_fix, pattern = "  ", replacement = " ")

        ref_ids1 <- purrr::map(bio$col2, ~stringr::str_detect(., pattern = refs_bio))
        ref_ids2 <- purrr::map(bio$col2, ~stringr::str_detect(., pattern = refs_bio_fix))
        ref_ids <- purrr::map2(ref_ids1, ref_ids2, ~.x | .y)

        ref_bio <- tibble::tibble(cat = bio$headings, ref = purrr::map(ref_ids, ~refs_bio[.]))
      } else {
        ref_bio <- tibble::tibble(cat = bio$headings, ref = rep(NA, times = length(bio$headings)))

      # Create output tibble
      dummy <- dplyr::bind_rows(ref_df, ref_bio)
      # Fix NULLs in ref
      nulls <- purrr::map_lgl(dummy$ref, is.null)
      dummy$ref[nulls] <- NA

      res <- tibble::as.tibble(cbind(rep(dummy$cat, times = purrr::map_int(dummy$ref, length)),
      res$species <- taxon
      res <- purrr::set_names(res, nm = c("cat", "ref_tag", "species"))

      # Add in function to combine ref_urls and ref
      ref_url_df <- add_ref_url(refs = res$ref_tag, ref_urls = ref_urls)
      res <- merge(res, ref_url_df)
      res <- dplyr::select_(res, .dots = c("species", "cat", "ref_tag", "ref_url"))


  # Apply to all taxons
  result <- purrr::map_df(taxon, single_taxon, test = test)

  # Add in reference metadata! Make sure to remove NAs from urls.
  pass_url <- unique(result$ref_url[!is.na(result$ref_url)])
  if (length(pass_url) == 0) {
    refmeta <- tibble::tibble(ref_id = NA, ref_url = NA, ref = NA, year = NA, author = NA, title = NA)
  } else {
    refmeta <- meta_refurl(refurl = pass_url)
  dplyr::left_join(result, refmeta, by = "ref_url")

# Extract biology text by heading
bio_txt <- function(url, test = FALSE) {
  # Split the text into subsections
  if (!test) {
    biology <- readLines(url)
  } else {
    # very sloppy...
    biology <- readLines(system.file("extdata/biotic-cancer-pagurus.html", package = "atlantistools"))
  biol_start <- grep(pattern = "General Biology Additional Information", biology)
  biol_end   <- grep(pattern = "Biology References", biology)
  biology <- biology[biol_start:(biol_end - 5)]

  # Get the section headings of "General Biology Additional Information"
  get_headings <- function(chr) {
    headings_start <- stringr::str_locate_all(pattern = "<b>", chr)[[1]][, 2] + 1
    headings_end <- stringr::str_locate_all(pattern = "</b>", chr)[[1]][, 1] - 1

    # Select headings from string
    stringr::str_sub(string = chr, start = headings_start, end = headings_end)
  headings <- get_headings(paste(biology, collapse = ""))

  col2 <- vector(mode = "character", length = length(headings))
  for (i in seq_along(headings)) {
    if (i == 1) { # first headings is first entry in biology
      sec_start <- 1
      sec_end   <- grep(pattern = paste0("<b>", headings[i + 1], "</b>"), x = biology) - 1
    if (i < length(headings) & i != 1) {
      sec_start <- grep(pattern = paste0("<b>", headings[i], "</b>"), x = biology)
      sec_end   <- grep(pattern = paste0("<b>", headings[i + 1], "</b>"), x = biology) - 1
    if (i == length(headings)) {
      sec_start <- grep(pattern = paste0("<b>", headings[i], "</b>"), x = biology) + 1
      sec_end   <- length(biology)
    col2[i] <- paste(biology[sec_start:sec_end], collapse = " ")

  # Remove html italic code and paranthesis to make reference tags searchable.
  # Code is pretty ugly and hacky.... Nonetheless, it is much easier to find references
  # this way due to non-consistent citing techniques within the text. E.g. Kuris et al., (2002) suggested
  # vs. (Kuris et al., 2002)
  col2 <- stringr::str_replace_all(col2, pattern = "<i>", replacement = "")
  col2 <- stringr::str_replace_all(col2, pattern = "</i>", replacement = "")
  col2 <- stringr::str_replace_all(col2, pattern = "\\(", replacement = "")
  col2 <- stringr::str_replace_all(col2, pattern = "\\)", replacement = "")
  # non-ASCII character
  # col2 <- stringr::str_replace_all(col2, pattern = "&#243;", replacement = "ó")

  # Cleanup headings
  cleanup <- function(chr) {
    while (grepl(pattern = " ", x = stringr::str_sub(chr, start = stringr::str_length(chr), end = stringr::str_length(chr)))) {
      chr <- stringr::str_sub(chr, end = stringr::str_length(chr) - 1)

  headings <- purrr::map_chr(headings, cleanup)
  headings <- stringr::str_replace_all(headings, pattern = ":", replacement = "")

  bio <- tibble::tibble(headings, col2)

# Extract reference information from a reference-string in ref_df$ref.
refstr_to_ref <- function(refstr) {
  # Some species have no reference summaries (E.g. Ensis ensis) or only unpublished ones e.g.
  # no integers present inside the reference string.
  if (refstr == "" | !stringr::str_detect(refstr, pattern = "[0-9]")) {
  } else {
    # Each reference does end with a number indicating the publication year.
    # Therefore we should be able to split the reference at the end of each
    # year entry.
    num_pos <- stringr::str_locate_all(refstr, pattern = "[0-9]")[[1]][, 1]
    lags <- diff(num_pos)
    if (all(lags == 1)) { # Only one reference present!
      res <- refstr
    } else {
      # Iteravtively split the string into substrings
      num_pos <- num_pos[lags != 1]
      res <- vector(mode = "character", length = length(num_pos) + 1)
      for (i in seq_along(res)) {
        if (i == 1)                    res[i] <- stringr::str_sub(refstr, end = num_pos[1])
        if (i < length(res) & i != 1)  res[i] <- stringr::str_sub(refstr, start = num_pos[i - 1] + 3, end = num_pos[i])
        if (i == length(res))          res[i] <- stringr::str_sub(refstr, start = num_pos[i - 1] + 3)
      # Remove numeric only strings (happens when year is given as 1871-1872 entry)
      # Its a bit hacky but does the rick
      num_only <- !is.na(suppressWarnings(as.numeric(res)))
      if (sum(num_only) > 0) res <- res[!num_only]

    # Remove trailing non integer and leading non character entries from string
    clean_string <- function(str) {
      nchr <- stringr::str_length(str)
      #  Remove trailing non integer entries from string
      while (!grepl(pattern = "[0-9]", x = stringr::str_sub(str, start = nchr, end = nchr))) {
        nchr <- nchr - 1
        str <- stringr::str_sub(str, end = nchr)
      # Remove leading non character entries from string
      while (!grepl(pattern = "[a-z|A-Z]", x = stringr::str_sub(str, start = 1, end = 1))) {
        nchr <- nchr - 1
        str <- stringr::str_sub(str, start = 2)
      # Insert comma between author and year if missing!
      if (!grepl(pattern = ",", x = str)) {
        num_pos <- stringr::str_locate_all(str, pattern = "[0-9]")[[1]][1]
        str <- paste(stringr::str_sub(str, end = num_pos - 2), stringr::str_sub(str, start = num_pos), sep = ", ")

    purrr::map_chr(res, clean_string)

# refs <- res$ref
# ref_urls <- ref_urls
add_ref_url <- function(refs, ref_urls) {
  # Clean refs
  refs_clean <- unique(refs)
  refs_clean <- refs_clean[!is.na(refs_clean)]

  if (length(refs_clean) >= 1) {
    # Extract numeric values and combine to year
    years <- stringr::str_extract_all(string = refs_clean, pattern = "[0-9]")
    years <- as.integer(purrr::map_chr(years, paste, collapse = ""))

    # Extract the authors and split them based on "," and "&"
    authors <- stringr::str_split_fixed(string = refs_clean, pattern = as.character(years), n = 2)[, 1]
    authors <- purrr::map(authors, double_split)

    # Handcode some stupid exceptions
    authors[authors == "KleinBreteler"] <- list(c("Klein", "Breteler"))
    authors[authors == "Meerenvander"] <- "Meeren"
    authors[which(purrr::map_int(authors, ~sum(. %in% c("b)", "Nichols", "Barker"))) == 3)] <- list(c("Nichols", "Barker", "b"))
    authors[which(purrr::map_int(authors, ~sum(. %in% c("Jangoux", "vanImpe"))) == 2)] <- list(c("Jangoux", "Impe"))

    find_refurl <- function(author, year, ref_urls) {
      # all authors present?
      author_id <- purrr::map(author, ~grepl(pattern = ., x = ref_urls, ignore.case = FALSE))
      author_id <- do.call(rbind, author_id)
      author_id <- apply(X = author_id, MARGIN = 2, FUN = all)

      # Find the year in ref_urls
      year_id <- grepl(pattern = year, x = ref_urls)

      # Extract the ref_urls which matches both, year and author
      final_id <- author_id & year_id
      if (sum(final_id) == 1) {
      } else {

    ref_url <- purrr::map2_chr(authors, years, find_refurl, ref_urls = ref_urls)
    ref_tag <- refs_clean
    res <- tibble::tibble(ref_tag, ref_url)
  } else {
    res <- tibble::tibble(ref_tag = NA, ref_url = NA)

# taxon <- "Cancer pagurus"
# df <- get_ref_biotic(taxon)
# refurl <- result$ref_url[1:10]
# refurl <- ref_urls
meta_refurl <- function(refurl) {
  txt_raw <- purrr::map(refurl, ~xml2::read_html(paste0("http://www.marlin.ac.uk/biotic/", .)))

  # Extract biotic reference id. Read raw text, scan for "BIOTIC References" and extract integers
  # from next 5 character entries (thus only numbers <10000 are allowed.)
  refid <- purrr::map_chr(txt_raw, rvest::html_text)
  refid_pos <- stringr::str_locate(string = refid, pattern = "BIOTIC References")[, 2]
  refid <- stringr::str_replace_all(stringr::str_sub(refid, start = refid_pos + 1, end = refid_pos + 4), pattern = "[a-z|A-Z]", replacement = "")
  refid <- as.integer(refid)

  # Extract reference text
  txt <- purrr::map(txt_raw, ~rvest::html_nodes(., "div")) %>%
    purrr::map(., rvest::html_text)

  # Remove broken reference links
  ids <- purrr::map_int(txt, length) == 6
  txt <- purrr::map_if(txt, ids, 5)
  txt[!ids] <- NA
  txt <- purrr::flatten_chr(txt)

  # Find the position of the year (e.g. 1st 4 integers.)
  year_pos <- stringr::str_locate_all(txt, pattern = "[0-9]") %>%
    purrr::map(., ~.[, 1]) %>%  # start == end, thus we only need the 1st column
    purrr::map(., ~.[1:4]) # year == first 4 numeric entries!

  # Use the year position to get the remaining infos.
  year <- as.integer(purrr::map2(txt, year_pos, ~stringr::str_sub(string = .x, start = .y[1], end = .y[4])))
  author <- purrr::map2(txt, year_pos, ~stringr::str_sub(string = .x, end = .y[1] - 1))
  title <- purrr::map2_chr(txt, year_pos, ~stringr::str_sub(string = .x, start = .y[4] + 4))

  fix_authors <- function(chr) {
    fix <- stringr::str_replace_all(chr, pattern = "\\.", replacement = "") %>%
      purrr::map(., double_split)

    # Remove strings with length <= 2 and editors.
    remove_these <- purrr::map(fix, ~stringr::str_length(.) <= 2 | grepl(pattern = "\\(ed\\)", x = .))
    purrr::map2(fix, remove_these, ~.x[!.y])

  # Create outputtibble
  res <- tibble::tibble(refid, refurl, txt, year, fix_authors(author), title, !ids)
  res <- purrr::set_names(res, nm = c("ref_id", "ref_url", "ref", "year", "author", "title", "broken"))

# wuwu <- meta_refurl(df$ref_url)
double_split <- function(chr) {
  res <- stringr::str_split(string = chr, pattern = ",")[[1]]
  res <- stringr::str_split(string = res, pattern = " & ")
  res <- unlist(res)

  # Cleanup
  result <- stringr::str_replace(res, pattern = "et al.", replacement = "")
  result <- stringr::str_replace_all(result, pattern = " ", replacement = "")
  result <- result[result != ""]
alketh/atlantistools documentation built on Oct. 30, 2021, 5:46 a.m.