
Defines functions leverage.lme rvc.lme rvc.lmerMod rvc.mer covtrace.lme covtrace.lmerMod covtrace.mer covratio.lme covratio.lmerMod covratio.mer mdffits.lme mdffits.lmerMod mdffits.mer print.vcov.dd print.fixef.dd cooks.distance.lme cooks.distance.lmerMod cooks.distance.mer leverage.lmerMod leverage.mer rvc.default rvc mdffits.default mdffits covtrace.default covtrace covratio.default covratio leverage.default leverage

Documented in cooks.distance.lme cooks.distance.lmerMod cooks.distance.mer covratio covratio.default covratio.lme covratio.lmerMod covratio.mer covtrace covtrace.default covtrace.lme covtrace.lmerMod covtrace.mer leverage leverage.default leverage.lme leverage.lmerMod leverage.mer mdffits mdffits.default mdffits.lme mdffits.lmerMod mdffits.mer rvc rvc.default rvc.lme rvc.lmerMod rvc.mer

#' @export
leverage <- function(object, ...){
  UseMethod("leverage", object)

#' @export
#' @rdname leverage.mer
#' @method leverage default
leverage.default <- function(object, ...){
  stop(paste("there is no leverage() method for objects of class",
             paste(class(object), collapse=", ")))

#' @export
covratio <- function(object, ...){
  UseMethod("covratio", object)

#' @export
#' @rdname covratio
#' @method covratio default
covratio.default <- function(object, ...){
  stop(paste("there is no covratio() method for objects of class",
             paste(class(object), collapse=", ")))

#' @export
covtrace <- function(object, ...){
  UseMethod("covtrace", object)

#' @export
#' @rdname covratio
#' @method covtrace default
covtrace.default <- function(object, ...){
  stop(paste("there is no covtrace() method for objects of class",
             paste(class(object), collapse=", ")))

#' @export
mdffits <- function(object, ...){
  UseMethod("mdffits", object)

#' @export
#' @rdname cooks.distance
#' @method mdffits default
mdffits.default <- function(object, ...){
  stop(paste("there is no mdffits() method for objects of class",
             paste(class(object), collapse=", ")))

#' @export
rvc <- function(object, ...){
  UseMethod("rvc", object)

#' @export
#' @rdname rvc.mer
#' @method rvc default
rvc.default <- function(object, ...){
  stop(paste("there is no rvc() method for objects of class",
             paste(class(object), collapse=", ")))

#' Leverage for HLMs
#' This function calculates the leverage of
#' a hierarchical linear model fit by \code{lmer}. 
#' @export
#' @method leverage mer
#' @aliases leverage
#' @param object fitted object of class \code{mer} of \code{lmerMod}
#' @param level the level at which the leverage should be calculated: either
#'   1 for observation level leverage (default) or the name of the grouping factor 
#'   (as defined in \code{flist} of the \code{mer} object) for group level
#'   leverage. \code{leverage} assumes that the grouping factors are unique;
#'   thus, if IDs are repeated within each unit, unique IDs must be generated 
#'   by the user prior to use of \code{leverage}.
#' @param ... do not use
#' @details Demidenko and Stukel (2005) describe leverage for mixed (hierarchical)
#' linear models as being the sum of two components, a leverage associated with the 
#' fixed (\eqn{H_1}) and a leverage associated with the random effects (\eqn{H_2}) where
#' \deqn{H_1 = X (X^\prime V^{-1} X)^{-1} X^\prime V^{-1}}
#' and
#' \deqn{H_2 = ZDZ^{\prime} V^{-1} (I - H_1)}
#' Nobre and Singer (2011) propose using
#' \deqn{H_2^* = ZDZ^{\prime}}
#' as the random effects leverage as it does not rely on the fixed effects.
#' For individual observations \code{leverage} uses the diagonal elements of the 
#' above matrices as the measure of leverage. For higher-level units, 
#' \code{leverage} uses the mean trace of the above matrices associated with each
#' higher-level unit.
#' @return \code{leverage} returns a data frame with the following columns:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{\code{overall}}{The overall leverage, i.e. \eqn{H = H_1 + H_2}.}
#'   \item{\code{fixef}}{The leverage corresponding to the fixed effects.}
#'   \item{\code{ranef}}{The leverage corresponding to the random effects 
#'     proposed by Demidenko and Stukel (2005).}
#'   \item{\code{ranef.uc}}{The (unconfounded) leverage corresponding to the 
#'     random effects proposed by Nobre and Singer (2011).}
#' }
#' @references 
#'   Demidenko, E., & Stukel, T. A. (2005) 
#'   Influence analysis for linear mixed-effects models. 
#'   \emph{Statistics in Medicine}, \bold{24}(6), 893--909.
#'   Nobre, J. S., & Singer, J. M. (2011) 
#'   Leverage analysis for linear mixed  models. 
#'   \emph{Journal of Applied Statistics}, \bold{38}(5), 1063--1072.
#' @author Adam Loy \email{loyad01@@gmail.com}
#' @keywords models regression
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{cooks.distance.mer}}, \code{\link{mdffits.mer}},
#' \code{\link{covratio.mer}}, \code{\link{covtrace.mer}}, \code{\link{rvc.mer}}  
#' @examples
#' data(sleepstudy, package = 'lme4')
#' fm <- lme4::lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (Days | Subject), sleepstudy)
#' # Observation level leverage
#' lev1 <- leverage(fm, level = 1)
#' head(lev1)
#' # Group level leverage
#' lev2 <- leverage(fm, level = "Subject")
#' head(lev2)
leverage.mer <- function(object, level = 1, ...) {
  if(!is(object, "mer")) stop("object must be of class 'mer'")
  if(object@dims[["nest"]] == 0) {
    stop("leverage.mer has not yet been implemented for models with 
         crossed random effects")
  if(!level %in% c( 1, names(lme4::getME(object, "flist")))) {
    stop("level can only be 1 or a grouping factor from the fitted model.")
    stop("leverage is currently not implemented for GLMMs or NLMMs.")
  X <- lme4::getME(object, "X")
  # Z <- BlockZ(object)
  n     <- nrow(X)
  nt    <- object@dims[["nt"]]  # number of random-effects terms in the model
  ngrps <- unname( summary(object)@ngrps )
  vc   <- lme4::VarCorr(object)
  # D  <- kronecker( Diagonal(ngrps), bdiag(vc) )
  ZDZt <- attr(vc, "sc")^2 * crossprod( lme4::getME(object, "A") )
  R    <- Diagonal( n = n, x = attr(vc, "sc")^2 )
  V      <- ZDZt + R
  V.chol <- chol( V )
  Vinv   <- chol2inv( V.chol )
  xvix.inv <- attr(vc, "sc")^2 * chol2inv(lme4::getME(object, "RX"))
  H1 <- X %*% xvix.inv %*% t(X) %*% Vinv
  H2 <- ZDZt %*% Vinv %*% (Diagonal( n = n ) - H1)
  diag.H1 <- diag(H1)
  diag.H2 <- diag(H2)
  diag.H2.uc <- diag(ZDZt) / attr(vc, "sc")^2
  if(level == 1) {
    lev1 <- data.frame(overall = diag.H1 + diag.H2, fixef = diag.H1, 
                       ranef =  diag.H2, ranef.uc = diag.H2.uc)
#     class(lev1) <- "leverage"
  } else {
    flist   <- data.frame( lme4::getME(object, "flist")[, level] )
    grp.lev.fixef <- aggregate(diag.H1, flist, mean)[,2]
    grp.lev.ranef <- aggregate(diag.H2, flist, mean)[,2]
    grp.lev.ranef.uc <- aggregate(diag.H2.uc, flist, mean)[,2]
    grp.lev <- data.frame( overall = grp.lev.fixef + grp.lev.ranef,
                           fixef = grp.lev.fixef, 
                           ranef = grp.lev.ranef,
                           ranef.uc = grp.lev.ranef.uc)
#     class(grp.lev) <- "leverage"
  if(level == 1) return(lev1)
  if(level != 1) return(grp.lev)

#' @export
#' @rdname leverage.mer
#' @method leverage lmerMod
leverage.lmerMod <- function(object, level = 1, ...) {
  if(!isNestedModel(object)) {
    stop("leverage.mer has not yet been implemented for models with 
         crossed random effects")
  if(!level %in% c( 1, names(lme4::getME(object, "flist")))) {
    stop("level can only be 1 or a grouping factor from the fitted model.")
    stop("leverage is currently not implemented for GLMMs or NLMMs.")
  X <- lme4::getME(object, "X")
  # Z <- BlockZ(object)
  n     <- nrow(X)
#  nt    <- object@dims[["nt"]]  # number of random-effects terms in the model
  ngrps <- unname( summary(object)$ngrps )
  vc   <- lme4::VarCorr(object)
  # D  <- kronecker( Diagonal(ngrps), bdiag(vc) )
  ZDZt <- attr(vc, "sc")^2 * crossprod( lme4::getME(object, "A") )
  R    <- Diagonal( n = n, x = attr(vc, "sc")^2 )
  V      <- ZDZt + R
  V.chol <- chol( V )
  Vinv   <- chol2inv( V.chol )
  xvix.inv <- attr(vc, "sc")^2 * chol2inv(lme4::getME(object, "RX"))
  H1 <- X %*% xvix.inv %*% t(X) %*% Vinv
  H2 <- ZDZt %*% Vinv %*% (Diagonal( n = n ) - H1)
  diag.H1 <- diag(H1)
  diag.H2 <- diag(H2)
  diag.H2.uc <- diag(ZDZt) / attr(vc, "sc")^2
  if(level == 1) {
    lev1 <- data.frame(overall = diag.H1 + diag.H2, fixef = diag.H1, 
                       ranef =  diag.H2, ranef.uc = diag.H2.uc)
    #     class(lev1) <- "leverage"
  } else {
    flist   <- data.frame( lme4::getME(object, "flist")[[level]] )
    grp.lev.fixef <- aggregate(diag.H1, flist, mean)[,2]
    grp.lev.ranef <- aggregate(diag.H2, flist, mean)[,2]
    grp.lev.ranef.uc <- aggregate(diag.H2.uc, flist, mean)[,2]
    grp.lev <- data.frame( overall = grp.lev.fixef + grp.lev.ranef,
                           fixef = grp.lev.fixef, 
                           ranef = grp.lev.ranef,
                           ranef.uc = grp.lev.ranef.uc)
    #     class(grp.lev) <- "leverage"
  if(level == 1) return(lev1)
  if(level != 1) return(grp.lev)

#' Influence on fixed effects of HLMs
#' These functions calculate measures of the change in the fixed effects
#' estimates based on the deletion of an observation, or group of 
#' observations, for a hierarchical linear model fit using \code{lmer}.
#' @details
#' Both Cook's distance and MDFFITS measure the change in the 
#' fixed effects estimates based on the deletion of a subset of observations. 
#' The key difference between the two diagnostics is that Cook's distance uses
#' the covariance matrix for the fixed effects from the original
#' model while MDFFITS uses the covariance matrix from the deleted 
#' model. 
#' @note
#' Because MDFFITS requires the calculation of the covariance matrix
#' for the fixed effects for every model, it will be slower.
#' @return Both functions return a numeric vector (or single value if 
#' \code{delete} has been specified) as the default. If \code{include.attr = TRUE}, 
#' then a tibble is returned. The first column consists of the Cook's distance or
#' MDFFITS values, and the later columns capture the difference between the full
#' and deleted parameter estimates. 
#'@rdname cooks.distance
#'@method cooks.distance mer
#'@aliases cooks.distance
#'@param model fitted model of class \code{mer} or \code{lmerMod}
#'@param level variable used to define the group for which cases will be
#'deleted.  If \code{level = 1} (default), then individual cases will be deleted.
#'@param delete index of individual cases to be deleted. To delete specific 
#' observations the row number must be specified. To delete higher level
#'units the group ID and \code{group} parameter must be specified.
#' If \code{delete = NULL} then all cases are iteratively deleted.
#'@param include.attr logical value determining whether the difference between 
#'the full and deleted parameter estimates should be included. If \code{FALSE} 
#'(default), a numeric vector of Cook's distance or MDFFITS is returned. 
#'If \code{TRUE}, a tibble with the Cook's distance or MDFFITS values in the 
#'first column and the parameter differences in the remaining columns is returned. 
#' @param ... do not use
#'@author Adam Loy \email{loyad01@@gmail.com}
#' Christensen, R., Pearson, L., & Johnson, W. (1992) 
#' Case-deletion diagnostics for mixed models. \emph{Technometrics}, \bold{34}, 
#' 38--45.
#' Schabenberger, O. (2004) Mixed Model Influence Diagnostics,
#' in \emph{Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth SAS Users Group International Conference},
#' SAS Users Group International.
#'@keywords models regression
#' @seealso \code{\link{leverage.mer}},
#' \code{\link{covratio.mer}}, \code{\link{covtrace.mer}}, \code{\link{rvc.mer}}
#' @examples 
#' data(sleepstudy, package = 'lme4')
#' ss <- lme4::lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (Days | Subject), sleepstudy)
#' # Cook's distance for individual observations
#' ss.cd.lev1 <- cooks.distance(ss)
#' # Cook's distance for each Subject
#' ss.cd.subject <- cooks.distance(ss, level = "Subject")
#' \dontrun{
#' data(Exam, package = 'mlmRev')
#' fm <- lme4::lmer(normexam ~ standLRT * schavg + (standLRT | school), Exam)
#' # Cook's distance for individual observations
#' cd.lev1 <- cooks.distance(fm)
#' # Cook's distance for each school
#' cd.school <- cooks.distance(fm, level = "school")
#' # Cook's distance when school 1 is deleted
#' cd.school1 <- cooks.distance(fm, level = "school", delete = 1)
#' }
cooks.distance.mer <- function(model, level = 1, delete = NULL, ...) {
  if (hasArg(group)) {
    group <- NULL
    warning("group is not a valid argument for this function. As of version 0.4.0, group has been replaced by level.")
  if(!is(model, "mer")) stop("model must be of class 'mer'")
  if(level != 1) {
    if(!level %in% names(lme4::getME(model, "flist"))) {
      stop(paste(level, "is not a valid grouping factor for this model."))
    stop("cooks.distance is currently not implemented for GLMMs or NLMMs.")
  XVXinv <- X <- Vinv <- Y <- NULL # Make codetools happy
  # Extract key pieces of the model
  mats <- .mer_matrices(model)
  betaHat <- with(mats, XVXinv %*% t(X) %*% Vinv %*% Y)
  # Obtaining the building blocks
  if(level == 1 & is.null(delete)) {
    calc.cooksd <- .Call("cooksdObs", y_ = mats$Y, X_ = as.matrix(mats$X), 
                         Vinv_ = as.matrix(mats$Vinv), 
                         XVXinv_ = as.matrix(mats$XVXinv), 
                         beta_ = as.matrix(betaHat), PACKAGE = "HLMdiag")
    res <- calc.cooksd[[1]]
    attr(res, "beta_cdd") <- calc.cooksd[[2]]
    e <- with(mats, Y - X %*% betaHat)
    if( level != 1){
      grp.names <- unique( mats$flist[, level] )
      if( is.null(delete) ){
        del.index <- lapply(1:mats$ngrps[level], 
                            function(x) {
                              ind <- which(mats$flist[, level] == grp.names[x]) - 1
      } else{
        del.index <- list( which(mats$flist[, level] %in% delete) - 1 )
    } else{
      del.index <- list( delete - 1 )
    calc.cooksd <- .Call("cooksdSubset", index = del.index, 
                         X_ = as.matrix(mats$X), 
                         P_ = as.matrix(mats$P), 
                         Vinv_ = as.matrix(mats$Vinv), 
                         XVXinv_ = as.matrix(mats$XVXinv), 
                         e_ = as.numeric(e), PACKAGE = "HLMdiag")
    res <- calc.cooksd[[1]]
    attr(res, "beta_cdd") <- calc.cooksd[[2]] 
  class(res) <- "fixef.dd"

#' @export
#' @rdname cooks.distance
#' @method cooks.distance lmerMod
cooks.distance.lmerMod <- function(model, level = 1, delete = NULL, include.attr = FALSE, ...) {
  if (hasArg(group)) {
    group <- NULL
    warning("group is not a valid argument for this function. As of version 0.4.0, group has been replaced by level.")
  if(level != 1) {
    if(!level %in% names(lme4::getME(model, "flist"))) {
      stop(paste(level, "is not a valid grouping factor for this model."))
    stop("cooks.distance is currently not implemented for GLMMs or NLMMs.")
  XVXinv <- X <- Vinv <- Y <- NULL # Make codetools happy
  # Extract key pieces of the model
  mats <- .lmerMod_matrices(model)
  betaHat <- with(mats, XVXinv %*% t(X) %*% Vinv %*% Y)
  # Obtaining the building blocks
  if(level == 1 & is.null(delete)) {
    calc.cooksd <- .Call("cooksdObs", y_ = mats$Y, X_ = as.matrix(mats$X), 
                         Vinv_ = as.matrix(mats$Vinv), 
                         XVXinv_ = as.matrix(mats$XVXinv), 
                         beta_ = as.matrix(betaHat), PACKAGE = "HLMdiag")
    cooksd <- calc.cooksd[[1]]
    betas <- calc.cooksd[[2]]
    if(!include.attr) { 
    else {
      beta_matrix <- matrix(unlist(betas), nrow = length(betas), byrow = TRUE) 
      cook.tbl <- tibble::as_tibble(cbind(cooksd, beta_matrix))
      nbetas <- ncol(cook.tbl) - 1 
      for (i in 1:nbetas) {
        names(cook.tbl)[i+1] <- stringr::str_c("beta", i, sep = "_")
    e <- with(mats, Y - X %*% betaHat)
    if( level != 1 ){
      grp.names <- unique( mats$flist[[level]] )
      if( is.null(delete) ){
        del.index <- lapply(1:mats$ngrps[level], 
                            function(x) {
                              ind <- which(mats$flist[[level]] == grp.names[x]) - 1
      } else{
        del.index <- list( which(mats$flist[[level]] %in% delete) - 1 )
    } else{
      del.index <- list( delete - 1 )
    calc.cooksd <- .Call("cooksdSubset", index = del.index, 
                         X_ = as.matrix(mats$X), 
                         P_ = as.matrix(mats$P), 
                         Vinv_ = as.matrix(mats$Vinv), 
                         XVXinv_ = as.matrix(mats$XVXinv), 
                         e_ = as.numeric(e), PACKAGE = "HLMdiag")
    cooksd <- calc.cooksd[[1]]
    betas <- calc.cooksd[[2]]
    if(!include.attr) { 
    else { 
      beta_matrix <- matrix(unlist(betas), nrow = length(betas), byrow = TRUE) 
      cook.tbl <- tibble::as_tibble(cbind(cooksd, beta_matrix))
      nbetas <- ncol(cook.tbl) - 1 
      for (i in 1:nbetas) {
        names(cook.tbl)[i+1] <- stringr::str_c("beta", i, sep = "_")

#' @export
#' @rdname cooks.distance
#' @method cooks.distance lme
cooks.distance.lme <- function(model, level = 1, delete = NULL, include.attr = FALSE, ...) {
  if (hasArg(group)) {
    group <- NULL
    warning("group is not a valid argument for this function. As of version 0.4.0, group has been replaced by level.")
  if(level != 1) {
    if(!level %in% names(model$groups)) {
      stop(paste(level, "is not a valid grouping factor for this model."))
  if (any("nlme" == class(model))) 
    stop("not implemented for \"nlme\" objects")
  XVXinv <- X <- Vinv <- Y <- NULL # Make codetools happy
  # Extract key pieces of the model
  mats <- .lme_matrices(model)
  betaHat <- with(mats, XVXinv %*% t(X) %*% Vinv %*% Y)
  # Obtaining the building blocks
  if(level == 1 & is.null(delete)) {
    calc.cooksd <- .Call("cooksdObs", y_ = mats$Y, X_ = as.matrix(mats$X), 
                         Vinv_ = as.matrix(mats$Vinv), 
                         XVXinv_ = as.matrix(mats$XVXinv), 
                         beta_ = as.matrix(betaHat), PACKAGE = "HLMdiag")
    cooksd <- calc.cooksd[[1]]
    betas <- calc.cooksd[[2]]
    if(!include.attr) { 
    else {
      beta_matrix <- matrix(unlist(betas), nrow = length(betas), byrow = TRUE) 
      cook.tbl <- tibble::as_tibble(cbind(cooksd, beta_matrix))
      nbetas <- ncol(cook.tbl) - 1 
      for (i in 1:nbetas) {
        names(cook.tbl)[i+1] <- stringr::str_c("beta", i, sep = "_")

    e <- with(mats, Y - X %*% betaHat)
    if( level != 1 ){
      grp.names <- unique( mats$flist[[level]] )
      if( is.null(delete) ){
        del.index <- lapply(1:mats$ngrps[level], 
                            function(x) {
                              ind <- which(mats$flist[[level]] == grp.names[x]) - 1
      } else{
        del.index <- list( which(mats$flist[[level]] %in% delete) - 1 )
    } else{
      del.index <- list( delete - 1 )
    calc.cooksd <- .Call("cooksdSubset", index = del.index, 
                         X_ = as.matrix(mats$X), 
                         P_ = as.matrix(mats$P), 
                         Vinv_ = as.matrix(mats$Vinv), 
                         XVXinv_ = as.matrix(mats$XVXinv), 
                         e_ = as.numeric(e), PACKAGE = "HLMdiag")
    cooksd <- calc.cooksd[[1]]
    betas <- calc.cooksd[[2]]
    if(!include.attr) { 
    else { 
      beta_matrix <- matrix(unlist(betas), nrow = length(betas), byrow = TRUE) 
      cook.tbl <- tibble::as_tibble(cbind(cooksd, beta_matrix))
      nbetas <- ncol(cook.tbl) - 1 
      for (i in 1:nbetas) {
        names(cook.tbl)[i+1] <- stringr::str_c("beta", i, sep = "_")

print.fixef.dd <- function(x, ...) {
  attributes(x) <- NULL
  print(x, ...)

print.vcov.dd <- function(x, ...) { print(unclass(x), ...) }

#' @export
#' @rdname cooks.distance
#' @method mdffits mer
#' @aliases mdffits
#' @param object fitted object of class \code{mer} or \code{lmerMod}
#' @examples
#' # MDFFITS  for individual observations
#' ss.m1 <- mdffits(ss)
#' # MDFFITS for each Subject
#' ss.m.subject <- mdffits(ss, level = "Subject")
#' \dontrun{  
#' # MDFFITS  for individual observations
#' m1 <- mdffits(fm)
#' # MDFFITS for each school
#' m.school <- mdffits(fm, level = "school")
#' }
mdffits.mer <- function(object, level = 1, delete = NULL, ...) {
  if (hasArg(group)) {
    group <- NULL
    warning("group is not a valid argument for this function. As of version 0.4.0, group has been replaced by level.")
  if(!is(object, "mer")) stop("object must be of class 'mer'")
  if(level != 1) {
    if(!level %in% names(lme4::getME(object, "flist"))) {
      stop(paste(level, "is not a valid grouping factor for this model."))
    stop("mdffits is currently not implemented for GLMMs or NLMMs.")
  XVXinv <- X <- Vinv <- Y <- NULL # Make codetools happy
  # Extract key pieces of the model
  mats <- .mer_matrices(object)
  betaHat <- with(mats, XVXinv %*% t(X) %*% Vinv %*% Y)
  e <- with(mats, Y - X %*% betaHat)
  if( level != 1 ){
    grp.names <- unique( mats$flist[, level] )
    if( is.null(delete) ){
      del.index <- lapply(1:mats$ngrps[level], 
                          function(x) {
                            ind <- which(mats$flist[, level] == grp.names[x]) - 1
    } else{
      del.index <- list( which(mats$flist[, level] %in% delete) - 1 )
  } else{
    if( is.null(delete) ){
      del.index <- split(0:(mats$n-1), 0:(mats$n-1))
    } else { del.index <- list( delete - 1 ) }
  calc.mdffits <- .Call("mdffitsSubset", index = del.index, X_ = mats$X, 
                        P_ = mats$P, Vinv_ = as.matrix(mats$Vinv), 
                        XVXinv_ = as.matrix(mats$XVXinv), 
                        e_ = as.numeric(e), PACKAGE = "HLMdiag")
  res <- calc.mdffits[[1]]
  attr(res, "beta_cdd") <- calc.mdffits[[2]] 
  class(res) <- "fixef.dd"

#' @export
#' @rdname cooks.distance
#' @method mdffits lmerMod
mdffits.lmerMod <- function(object, level = 1, delete = NULL, include.attr = FALSE, ...) {
  if (hasArg(group)) {
    group <- NULL
    warning("group is not a valid argument for this function. As of version 0.4.0, group has been replaced by level.")
  if(level != 1) {
    if(!level %in% names(lme4::getME(object, "flist"))) {
      stop(paste(level, "is not a valid grouping factor for this model."))
    stop("mdffits is currently not implemented for GLMMs or NLMMs.")
  XVXinv <- X <- Vinv <- Y <- NULL # Make codetools happy
  # Extract key pieces of the model
  mats <- .lmerMod_matrices(object)
  betaHat <- with(mats, XVXinv %*% t(X) %*% Vinv %*% Y)
  e <- with(mats, Y - X %*% betaHat)
  if( level != 1 ){
    grp.names <- unique( mats$flist[[level]] )
    if( is.null(delete) ){
      del.index <- lapply(1:mats$ngrps[level], 
                          function(x) {
                            ind <- which(mats$flist[[level]] == grp.names[x]) - 1
    } else{
      del.index <- list( which(mats$flist[[level]] %in% delete) - 1 )
  } else{
    if( is.null(delete) ){
      del.index <- split(0:(mats$n-1), 0:(mats$n-1))
    } else { del.index <- list( delete - 1 ) }
  calc.mdffits <- .Call("mdffitsSubset", index = del.index, X_ = mats$X, 
                        P_ = mats$P, Vinv_ = as.matrix(mats$Vinv), 
                        XVXinv_ = as.matrix(mats$XVXinv), 
                        e_ = as.numeric(e), PACKAGE = "HLMdiag")
  mdffits.vals <- calc.mdffits[[1]]
  betas <- calc.mdffits[[2]]
  if(!include.attr) { 
  else { 
    beta_matrix <- matrix(unlist(betas), nrow = length(betas), byrow = TRUE) 
    mdffits.tbl <- tibble::as_tibble(cbind(mdffits.vals, beta_matrix))
    names(mdffits.tbl)[1] <- "mdffits"
    nbetas <- ncol(mdffits.tbl) - 1 
    for (i in 1:nbetas) {
      names(mdffits.tbl)[i+1] <- stringr::str_c("beta", i, sep = "_")

#' @export
#' @rdname cooks.distance
#' @method mdffits lme
mdffits.lme <- function(object, level = 1, delete = NULL, include.attr = FALSE, ...) {
  if (hasArg(group)) {
    group <- NULL
    warning("group is not a valid argument for this function. As of version 0.4.0, group has been replaced by level.")
  if(level != 1) {
    if(!level %in% names(object$groups)) {
      stop(paste(level, "is not a valid grouping factor for this model."))
  if (any("nlme" == class(object))) 
    stop("not implemented for \"nlme\" objects")
  XVXinv <- X <- Vinv <- Y <- NULL # Make codetools happy
  # Extract key pieces of the model
  mats <- .lme_matrices(object)
  betaHat <- with(mats, XVXinv %*% t(X) %*% Vinv %*% Y)
  e <- with(mats, Y - X %*% betaHat)
  if( level != 1 ){
    grp.names <- unique( mats$flist[[level]] )
    if( is.null(delete) ){
      del.index <- lapply(1:mats$ngrps[level], 
                          function(x) {
                            ind <- which(mats$flist[[level]] == grp.names[x]) - 1
    } else{
      del.index <- list( which(mats$flist[[level]] %in% delete) - 1 )
  } else{
    if( is.null(delete) ){
      del.index <- split(0:(mats$n-1), 0:(mats$n-1))
    } else { del.index <- list( delete - 1 ) }
  calc.mdffits <- .Call("mdffitsSubset", index = del.index, X_ = mats$X, 
                        P_ = mats$P, Vinv_ = as.matrix(mats$Vinv), 
                        XVXinv_ = as.matrix(mats$XVXinv), 
                        e_ = as.numeric(e), PACKAGE = "HLMdiag")
  mdffits.vals <- calc.mdffits[[1]]
  betas <- calc.mdffits[[2]]
  if(!include.attr) { 
  else { 
    beta_matrix <- matrix(unlist(betas), nrow = length(betas), byrow = TRUE) 
    mdffits.tbl <- tibble::as_tibble(cbind(mdffits.vals, beta_matrix))
    names(mdffits.tbl)[1] <- "mdffits"
    nbetas <- ncol(mdffits.tbl) - 1 
    for (i in 1:nbetas) {
      names(mdffits.tbl)[i+1] <- stringr::str_c("beta", i, sep = "_")

#' Influence on precision of fixed effects in HLMs
#' These functions calculate measures of the change in the covariance
#' matrices for the fixed effects based on the deletion of an
#' observation, or group of observations, for a hierarchical 
#' linear model fit using \code{lmer}.
#' @details
#'  Both the covariance ratio (\code{covratio}) and the covariance trace
#'  (\code{covtrace}) measure the change in the covariance matrix
#'  of the fixed effects based on the deletion of a subset of observations.
#'  The key difference is how the variance covariance matrices are compared:
#'  \code{covratio} compares the ratio of the determinants while \code{covtrace}
#'  compares the trace of the ratio. 
#' @rdname covratio
#'@method covratio mer
#'@aliases covratio
#'@param object fitted object of class \code{mer} or \code{lmerMod}
#'@param level variable used to define the group for which cases will be
#'deleted.  If \code{level = 1} (default), then individual cases will be deleted.
#'@param delete index of individual cases to be deleted. To delete specific 
#' observations the row number must be specified. To delete higher level
#'units the group ID and \code{group} parameter must be specified.
#' If \code{delete = NULL} then all cases are iteratively deleted.
#'@param ... do not use
#' @return If \code{delete = NULL} then a vector corresponding to each deleted
#' observation/group is returned.
#' If \code{delete} is specified then a single value is returned corresponding
#' to the deleted subset specified.
#'@author Adam Loy \email{loyad01@@gmail.com}
#' Christensen, R., Pearson, L., & Johnson, W. (1992) 
#' Case-deletion diagnostics for mixed models. \emph{Technometrics}, \bold{34}(1), 
#' 38--45.
#' Schabenberger, O. (2004) Mixed Model Influence Diagnostics,
#' in \emph{Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth SAS Users Group International Conference},
#' SAS Users Group International.
#'@keywords models regression
#' @seealso \code{\link{leverage.mer}}, \code{\link{cooks.distance.mer}}
#' \code{\link{mdffits.mer}}, \code{\link{rvc.mer}}
#' @examples
#' data(sleepstudy, package = 'lme4')
#' ss <- lme4::lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (Days | Subject), data = sleepstudy)
#' # covratio for individual observations
#' ss.cr1 <- covratio(ss)
#' # covratio for subject-level deletion
#' ss.cr2 <- covratio(ss, level = "Subject")
#' \dontrun{
#' ## A larger example
#' data(Exam, package = 'mlmRev')
#' fm <- lme4::lmer(normexam ~ standLRT * schavg + (standLRT | school), data = Exam)
#' # covratio for individual observations
#' cr1 <- covratio(fm)
#' # covratio for school-level deletion
#' cr2 <- covratio(fm, level = "school")
#' }
covratio.mer <- function(object, level = 1, delete = NULL, ...) {
  if(!is(object, "mer")) stop("object must be of class 'mer'")
  if (hasArg(group)) {
    group <- NULL
    warning("group is not a valid argument for this function. As of version 0.4.0, group has been replaced by level.")
  if(level != 1) {
    if(!level %in% names(lme4::getME(object, "flist"))) {
      stop(paste(level, "is not a valid grouping factor for this model."))
    stop("covratio is currently not implemented for GLMMs or NLMMs.")
  # Extract key pieces of the model
  mats <- .mer_matrices(object)
  if( level != 1 ){
    grp.names <- unique( mats$flist[, level] )
    if( is.null(delete) ){
      del.index <- lapply(1:mats$ngrps[level], 
                          function(x) {
                            ind <- which(mats$flist[, level] == grp.names[x]) - 1
    } else{
      del.index <- list( which(mats$flist[, level] %in% delete) - 1 )
  } else{
    if( is.null(delete) ){
      del.index <- split(0:(mats$n-1), 0:(mats$n-1))
    } else { del.index <- list( delete - 1 ) }
  res <- .Call("covratioCalc", index = del.index, X_ = mats$X, P_ = mats$P, 
               Vinv_ = as.matrix(mats$Vinv), XVXinv_ = as.matrix(mats$XVXinv), 
               PACKAGE = "HLMdiag")

#'@rdname covratio
#'@method covratio lmerMod
covratio.lmerMod <- function(object, level = 1, delete = NULL, ...) {
  if (hasArg(group)) {
    group <- NULL
    warning("group is not a valid argument for this function. As of version 0.4.0, group has been replaced by level.")
  if(level != 1) {
    if(!level %in% names(lme4::getME(object, "flist"))) {
      stop(paste(level, "is not a valid grouping factor for this model."))
    stop("covratio is currently not implemented for GLMMs or NLMMs.")
  # Extract key pieces of the model
  mats <- .lmerMod_matrices(object)
  if( level != 1 ){
    grp.names <- unique( mats$flist[[level]] )
    if( is.null(delete) ){
      del.index <- lapply(1:mats$ngrps[level], 
                          function(x) {
                            ind <- which(mats$flist[[level]] == grp.names[x]) - 1
    } else{
      del.index <- list( which(mats$flist[[level]] %in% delete) - 1 )
  } else{
    if( is.null(delete) ){
      del.index <- split(0:(mats$n-1), 0:(mats$n-1))
    } else { del.index <- list( delete - 1 ) }
  res <- .Call("covratioCalc", index = del.index, X_ = mats$X, P_ = mats$P, 
               Vinv_ = as.matrix(mats$Vinv), XVXinv_ = as.matrix(mats$XVXinv), 
               PACKAGE = "HLMdiag")

#'@rdname covratio
#'@method covratio lme
covratio.lme <- function(object, level = 1, delete = NULL, ...) {
  if (hasArg(group)) {
    group <- NULL
    warning("group is not a valid argument for this function. As of version 0.4.0, group has been replaced by level.")
  if(level != 1) {
    if(!level %in% names(object$groups)) {
      stop(paste(level, "is not a valid grouping factor for this model."))
  if (any("nlme" == class(object))) 
    stop("not implemented for \"nlme\" objects")
  # Extract key pieces of the model
  mats <- .lme_matrices(object)
  if( level != 1 ){
    grp.names <- unique( mats$flist[[level]] )
    if( is.null(delete) ){
      del.index <- lapply(1:mats$ngrps[level], 
                          function(x) {
                            ind <- which(mats$flist[[level]] == grp.names[x]) - 1
    } else{
      del.index <- list( which(mats$flist[[level]] %in% delete) - 1 )
  } else{
    if( is.null(delete) ){
      del.index <- split(0:(mats$n-1), 0:(mats$n-1))
    } else { del.index <- list( delete - 1 ) }
  res <- .Call("covratioCalc", index = del.index, X_ = mats$X, P_ = mats$P, 
               Vinv_ = as.matrix(mats$Vinv), XVXinv_ = as.matrix(mats$XVXinv), 
               PACKAGE = "HLMdiag")

#'@rdname covratio
#'@method covtrace mer
#'@aliases covtrace
#' @examples
#' # covtrace for individual observations
#' ss.ct1 <- covtrace(ss)
#' # covtrace for subject-level deletion
#' ss.ct2 <- covtrace(ss, level = "Subject")
#' \dontrun{
#' ## Returning to the larger example
#' # covtrace for individual observations
#' ct1 <- covtrace(fm)
#' # covtrace for school-level deletion
#' ct2 <- covtrace(fm, level = "school")
#' }
covtrace.mer <- function(object, level = 1, delete = NULL, ...) {
  if(!is(object, "mer")) stop("object must be of class 'mer'")
  if (hasArg(group)) {
    group <- NULL
    warning("group is not a valid argument for this function. As of version 0.4.0, group has been replaced by level.")
  if(level != 1) {
    if(!level %in% names(lme4::getME(object, "flist"))) {
      stop(paste(level, "is not a valid grouping factor for this model."))
    stop("covtrace is currently not implemented for GLMMs or NLMMs.")
  # Extract key pieces of the model
  mats <- .mer_matrices(object)
  if( level != 1 ){
    grp.names <- unique( mats$flist[, level] )
    if( is.null(delete) ){
      del.index <- lapply(1:mats$ngrps[level], 
                          function(x) {
                            ind <- which(mats$flist[, level] == grp.names[x]) - 1
    } else{
      del.index <- list( which(mats$flist[, level] %in% delete) - 1 )
  } else{
    if( is.null(delete) ){
      del.index <- split(0:(mats$n-1), 0:(mats$n-1))
    } else { del.index <- list( delete - 1 ) }
  res <- .Call("covtraceCalc", index = del.index, X_ = mats$X, P_ = mats$P, 
               Vinv_ = as.matrix(mats$Vinv), XVXinv_ = as.matrix(mats$XVXinv), 
               PACKAGE = "HLMdiag")

#'@rdname covratio
#'@method covtrace lmerMod
covtrace.lmerMod <- function(object, level = 1, delete = NULL, ...) {
  if (hasArg(group)) {
    group <- NULL
    warning("group is not a valid argument for this function. As of version 0.4.0, group has been replaced by level.")
  if(level != 1) {
    if(!level %in% names(lme4::getME(object, "flist"))) {
      stop(paste(level, "is not a valid grouping factor for this model."))
    stop("covtrace is currently not implemented for GLMMs or NLMMs.")
  # Extract key pieces of the model
  mats <- .lmerMod_matrices(object)
  if( level != 1 ){
    grp.names <- unique( mats$flist[[level]] )
    if( is.null(delete) ){
      del.index <- lapply(1:mats$ngrps[level], 
                          function(x) {
                            ind <- which(mats$flist[[level]] == grp.names[x]) - 1
    } else{
      del.index <- list( which(mats$flist[[level]] %in% delete) - 1 )
  } else{
    if( is.null(delete) ){
      del.index <- split(0:(mats$n-1), 0:(mats$n-1))
    } else { del.index <- list( delete - 1 ) }
  res <- .Call("covtraceCalc", index = del.index, X_ = mats$X, P_ = mats$P, 
               Vinv_ = as.matrix(mats$Vinv), XVXinv_ = as.matrix(mats$XVXinv), 
               PACKAGE = "HLMdiag")

#'@rdname covratio
#'@method covtrace lme
covtrace.lme <- function(object, level = 1, delete = NULL, ...) {
  if (hasArg(group)) {
    group <- NULL
    warning("group is not a valid argument for this function. As of version 0.4.0, group has been replaced by level.")
    if(level != 1) {
      if(!level %in% names(object$groups)) {
        stop(paste(level, "is not a valid grouping factor for this model."))
    if (any("nlme" == class(object))) 
      stop("not implemented for \"nlme\" objects")
  # Extract key pieces of the model
  mats <- .lme_matrices(object)
  if( level != 1 ){
    grp.names <- unique( mats$flist[[level]] )
    if( is.null(delete) ){
      del.index <- lapply(1:mats$ngrps[level], 
                          function(x) {
                            ind <- which(mats$flist[[level]] == grp.names[x]) - 1
    } else{
      del.index <- list( which(mats$flist[[level]] %in% delete) - 1 )
  } else{
    if( is.null(delete) ){
      del.index <- split(0:(mats$n-1), 0:(mats$n-1))
    } else { del.index <- list( delete - 1 ) }
  res <- .Call("covtraceCalc", index = del.index, X_ = mats$X, P_ = mats$P, 
               Vinv_ = as.matrix(mats$Vinv), XVXinv_ = as.matrix(mats$XVXinv), 
               PACKAGE = "HLMdiag")

#' Relative variance change for HLMs
#' This function calculates the relative variance change (RVC) of
#' hierarchical linear models fit via \code{lmer}.
#' @export
#' @method rvc mer
#' @aliases rvc
#'@param object fitted object of class \code{mer} or \code{lmerMod}
#'@param level variable used to define the group for which cases will be
#'deleted.  If \code{level = 1} (default), then individual cases will be deleted.
#'@param delete index of individual cases to be deleted. To delete specific 
#' observations the row number must be specified. To delete higher level
#'units the group ID and \code{group} parameter must be specified.
#' If \code{delete = NULL} then all cases are iteratively deleted.
#'@param ... do not use
#' @return If \code{delete = NULL} a matrix with columns corresponding to the variance 
#' components of the model and rows corresponding to the deleted 
#' observation/group is returned. 
#' If \code{delete} is specified then a named vector is returned.
#' The residual variance is named \code{sigma2} and the other variance 
#' components are named \code{D**} where the trailing digits give the
#' position in the covariance matrix of the random effects.
#'@author Adam Loy \email{loyad01@@gmail.com}
#' Dillane, D. (2005) Deletion Diagnostics for the Linear Mixed Model. 
#' Ph.D. thesis, Trinity College Dublin
#' @keywords models regression
#' @seealso \code{\link{leverage.mer}}, 
#' \code{\link{cooks.distance.mer}}, \code{\link{mdffits.mer}},
#' \code{\link{covratio.mer}}, \code{\link{covtrace.mer}}
rvc.mer <- function(object, level = 1, delete = NULL, ...) {
    delete <- case_delete(object, level = 1, type = "varcomp", delete = delete)
    return( rvc(delete) )

#' @export
#' @rdname rvc.mer
#' @method rvc lmerMod
rvc.lmerMod <- function(object, level = 1, delete = NULL, ...) {
  if (hasArg(group)) {
    group <- NULL
    warning("group is not a valid argument for this function. As of version 0.4.0, group has been replaced by level.")
  delete <- case_delete(object, level = level, type = "varcomp", delete = delete)
  return( rvc(delete) )

#' @export
#' @rdname rvc.mer
#' @method rvc lme
rvc.lme <- function(object, level = 1, delete = NULL, ...) {
  if (hasArg(group)) {
    group <- NULL
    warning("group is not a valid argument for this function. As of version 0.4.0, group has been replaced by level.")
  delete <- case_delete(object, level = level, type = "varcomp", delete = delete)
  return( rvc(delete) )

#' @export
#' @rdname leverage.mer
#' @method leverage lme
leverage.lme <- function(object, level = 1, ...) {
  if(!isNestedModel(object)) {
    stop("leverage.mer has not yet been implemented for models with 
         crossed random effects")
  if(!level %in% c( 1, names(object$groups) )) {
    stop("level can only be 1 or a grouping factor from the fitted model.")
  mats <- .lme_matrices(object)
  X <- mats$X
  # Z <- BlockZ(object)
  n     <- nrow(X)
  #  nt    <- object@dims[["nt"]]  # number of random-effects terms in the model
  ngrps <- unname( summary(object)$ngrps )
  D <- mats$D
  Z <- mats$Z
  ZDZt <- object$sigma^2 * Z %*% D %*% t(Z)
  Vinv   <- mats$Vinv
  xvix.inv <- mats$XVXinv
  H1 <- X %*% xvix.inv %*% t(X) %*% Vinv
  H2 <- ZDZt %*% Vinv %*% (Diagonal( n = n ) - H1)
  diag.H1 <- diag(H1)
  diag.H2 <- diag(H2)
  diag.H2.uc <- diag(ZDZt) / object$sigma^2
  if(level == 1) {
    lev1 <- data.frame(overall = diag.H1 + diag.H2, fixef = diag.H1, 
                       ranef =  diag.H2, ranef.uc = diag.H2.uc)
    #     class(lev1) <- "leverage"
  } else {
    flist   <- data.frame( object$groups[[level]] )
    grp.lev.fixef <- aggregate(diag.H1, flist, mean)[,2]
    grp.lev.ranef <- aggregate(diag.H2, flist, mean)[,2]
    grp.lev.ranef.uc <- aggregate(diag.H2.uc, flist, mean)[,2]
    grp.lev <- data.frame( overall = grp.lev.fixef + grp.lev.ranef,
                           fixef = grp.lev.fixef, 
                           ranef = grp.lev.ranef,
                           ranef.uc = grp.lev.ranef.uc)
    #     class(grp.lev) <- "leverage"
  if(level == 1) return(lev1)
  if(level != 1) return(grp.lev)
aloy/HLMdiag documentation built on May 4, 2021, 10:50 a.m.