
Defines functions chkPCAfact PCAfact extractce `buialigned` `genfrdce` `prdce` `buice` `fulce` `unqce` `sdvce` `spvce` `resce` `scoce` `metce` `fmpce` `face` `stce` `msce` `msrtce` `sysce` `mktce` `devce` `quace` `pococe` `ldgce` `vfuce` `ldggmace` `vcvce` `addq` fms2a fms2b fms4 fms3

##' Covariance Estimation by modified PCA
##' @param x matrix or dataframe of timeseries returns
##' @param weight weights in estimation
##' @param center flag to center
##' @param frac.var controls auto-selection of number of factord
##' @param iter.max maximum number of iterations
##' @param nfac.miss number of factors to estimate if data is missing
##' @param full.min minimum acceptable number of NA-free columns
##' @param reg.min minimum dates to do regression
##' @param sd.min minimum dates to estimate vol
##' @param quan.sd missing vol assigned this quantile
##' @param tol estimation tolerance
##' @param zero.load flag to use zero loadings for columns with missing
##' @param range.factors range of factors to estimate, as a function of valid data length
##' @param lambda exponent on eigenvalue for shrinkage
##' @param minunique minimum uniqueness
##' @param shrinkb shrinkage for factor 1
##' @param shrinkv shrinkage for vol
##' @param shrinkr shrinkage for regressed loadings
##' @return list(loadings fmp hpl method full uniqueness sdev qua weight call)
##' @section Details: more detail on the underlying algorithm may be found in documentation for BurStFin
##' @author Giles Heywood from Pat Burns original
##' @export fms2
`fms2` <-function (x, weight=seq(1, 3, length=nobs), center=TRUE,
    frac.var=.5, iter.max=1, nfac.miss=1, full.min=20, reg.min=40,
    sd.min=20, quan.sd=.90, tol=1e-3, zero.load=FALSE,
    lambda=0,               #lambda=0 for PB original; lambda=0.15 OK
    minunique=0.02,         #minunique=0 for PB original
    shrinkb=0.3,            #factor 1 shrinkage to mean, shrink=1 for equal factor 1 loadings
    shrinkv=shrinkb,        #vol shrinkage to mean
    shrinkr=0.9,             #regressed loadings shrinkage to mean
    ) {
    fun.copyright <- "Placed in the public domain in 2006 by Burns Statistics"
    fun.version <- "factor.model.stat 006"
    stopifnot(lambda>=0 & lambda<=1)
    stopifnot(shrinkb>=0 && shrinkv>=0 && shrinkr>=0 && shrinkb<=1 && shrinkv<=1 && shrinkr<=1)
    `subfun.ssd` <- function(z, weight, sd.min) {
        nas <- is.na(z)
        if(any(nas)) {
            if(sum(!nas) < sd.min) return(NA)
            sum(weight[!nas] * z[!nas]^2) / sum(weight[!nas])
        } else {
            sum(weight * z^2)
    if(is.data.frame(x)) {
        x <- as.matrix(x)
    } else {
        if(!is.matrix(x)) stop("x needs to be a matrix")
    if(!is.numeric(x)) stop("x needs to be numeric")
    x[!is.finite(x)] <- NA

    xna <- is.na(x)
    allmis <- rowSums(xna) == ncol(x)
    if(any(allmis)) {
        x <- x[!allmis, , drop=FALSE]
        xna <- is.na(x)
    num.mis <- colSums(xna)

    if(any(num.mis > 0)) {
        if(sum(num.mis == 0) < full.min)
            stop("not enough columns without missing values")
        if(!length(dimnames(x)[[2]]) | length(dimnames(x)[[2]])!=unique(length(dimnames(x)[[2]])))
            stop("x needs unique column names when missing values exist")

        max.miss <- max(num.mis)
        lnfm <- length(nfac.miss)
        if(lnfm == 0) stop("nfac.miss must have positive length")
        nfac.miss <- round(nfac.miss)
        if(any(nfac.miss < 0))
            stop("negative values in nfac.miss")
        if(lnfm < max.miss) {
            nfac.miss <- c(nfac.miss, rep(nfac.miss[lnfm],
                max.miss - lnfm))

    nassets <- ncol(x)
    nobs <- nrow(x)
    if(length(weight) != nobs) {
        if(length(weight) == nobs + sum(allmis)) {
            weight <- weight[!allmis]
        } else {
            stop("weight vector is the wrong length")
    if(any(weight < 0)) stop("negative weights not allowed")
    weight <- weight / sum(weight)

    if(is.logical(center)) {
        if(center) {
            center <- colMeans(x, na.rm=TRUE)
        } else {
            center <- rep(0, nassets)
    } else if(length(center) != nassets) stop("center is the wrong length")

    x <- sweep(x=x, MARGIN=2, STATS=center, FUN="-")

    sdev <- sqrt(apply(X=x, MARGIN=2, FUN=subfun.ssd, weight=weight, sd.min=sd.min))

    if(any(sdev <= 0, na.rm=TRUE)) {
        stop(paste(sum(sdev <= 0, na.rm=TRUE),
            "asset(s) with constant returns"))
    if(any(is.na(sdev))) {
        sdev[is.na(sdev)] <- quantile(x=sdev, probs=quan.sd, na.rm=TRUE)
    x <- scale(x=x, scale=sdev, center=FALSE)
    xw <- sqrt(weight) * x
    fullxw <- xw[, num.mis == 0, drop=FALSE]
    nrank <- min(nrow(fullxw),ncol(fullxw))
    stopifnot(all.equal(as.numeric(diag(cov.wt(x[, num.mis == 0, drop=FALSE],wt=weight,method="ML",center=FALSE)$cov)),rep(1,ncol(fullxw)))) #x is unit weighted variance
    fx.svd <- svd(x=fullxw, nu=0)
    cumvar <- cumsum(fx.svd$d^2) / sum(fx.svd$d^2)
    nfac <- sum(cumvar < frac.var) + 1
    if(nfac > max(range.factors)) nfac <- max(range.factors)
    if(nfac < min(range.factors)) nfac <- min(range.factors)
    if(nfac > length(cumvar)) nfac <- length(cumvar)
    fseq <- 1:nfac
    loadings <- scale(x=fx.svd$v, scale=1./fx.svd$d, center=FALSE)[, fseq, drop=FALSE]
    method <- matrix("D",nassets,nfac,dimnames=list(dimnames(x)[[2]], NULL))
    method[num.mis == 0, ] <- "S"
    if(iter.max > 0) {
        method[num.mis == 0,] <- "P"
        cormat <- cov.wt(
                        x=x[, num.mis == 0, drop=FALSE],
                        wt = weight,                        #weighted estimation
                        cor = TRUE,
                        center = FALSE,
                        method = "unbiased"
        uniqueness <- 1 - rowSums(loadings^2)
        uniqueness[uniqueness < 0] <- 0
        uniqueness[uniqueness > 1] <- 1
        start <- uniqueness
        converged <- FALSE
            for(i in 1:iter.max) {
                cor.red <- cormat
                diag(cor.red) <- diag(cor.red) - uniqueness
                t.eig <- eigen(x=cor.red)
                t.val <- t.eig$value[fseq]
                t.val[t.val < 0] <- 0                       #could want to know how many of these there are...
                loadings1 <- scale(x=t.eig$vectors[,fseq],scale=1./sqrt(t.val),center=FALSE)
                loadings <- scale(x=loadings1,scale=(t.val[1]/t.val)**lambda,center=FALSE) #shrink factor 2-k loadings
                loadings[,1] <- loadings[,1]*(1-shrinkb)+mean(loadings[,1]*shrinkb,na.rm=TRUE) #shrink factor 1 loadings
                comm <- rowSums(loadings^2)
                if(any(comm > 1-minunique)) {   # adjust loadings where communalities exceed threshold
                    toobig <- comm > 1-minunique
                    loadings[toobig,] <- sweep(x=loadings[toobig,,drop=FALSE],STATS=sqrt(comm[toobig]/(1-minunique)),FUN="/",MARGIN=1)
                    comm[toobig] <- rowSums(loadings[toobig,,drop=FALSE]^2)
                uniqueness <- 1 - rowSums(loadings^2)

                if(all(abs(uniqueness - start) < tol)) {
                        converged <- TRUE
                start <- uniqueness
    dimnames(loadings) <- list(dimnames(fullxw)[[2]], NULL)
    if(sum(uniqueness==0)>0) {stop("Heywood cases")}

    zeros <- rep(0,ncol(loadings))
    Dmat <- diag(uniqueness*sdev[num.mis == 0]**2)
    dvec <- rep(0,nrow(loadings))
    Amat <- loadings
    meq <- ncol(Amat)
    gma <- delta <- loadings*NA
    for(j in 1:ncol(loadings)) {
        bvec <- zeros
        bvec[j] <- 1
        gma[,j] <- solve.QP(Dmat=Dmat, dvec=dvec, Amat=Amat, bvec=bvec, meq=meq, factorized=FALSE)$solution
        if(all(c(1,-1)%in%sign(loadings[,j]))) {
            delta[,j] <-  solve.QP(Dmat=Dmat, dvec=dvec, Amat=cbind(loadings,abs(loadings)[,j]), bvec=c(zeros,1), meq=meq+1, factorized=FALSE)$solution
        } else {
            delta[,j] <-  0
    fmp <- hpl <- matrix(0,nrow=nassets,ncol=nfac,dimnames=list(dimnames(x)[[2]], NULL))
    fmp[rownames(gma),] <- gma     #this relies on x having colnames
    hpl[rownames(delta),] <- delta
    qua <- array(0, c(nassets, 1))       #loading on factor1^2
    dimnames(qua) <- list(dimnames(x)[[2]], NULL)
    unwscores <- x[, num.mis == 0, drop=FALSE]%*%gma
    imissing <- (1:nassets)[num.mis > 0 & nobs - num.mis > reg.min]
    icomplete <- (1:nassets)[num.mis == 0]
    if(any(num.mis>0)) {
        # calculate loadings for columns with NAs, by regression
        floadings <- loadings
        if(zero.load) {
            loadings <- array(0, c(nassets, nfac))
        } else {
            meanload <- colMeans(floadings)
            loadings <- t(array(meanload, c(nfac, nassets)))
        dimnames(loadings) <- list(dimnames(x)[[2]], NULL)
        loadings[dimnames(floadings)[[1]], ] <- floadings
        #scores <- fullxw %*% floadings #this commented out because we use weighted estimation later
        #dsquare <- fx.svd$d[1:nfac]^2
        nfac.miss[nfac.miss > nfac] <- nfac
        priorloadings <- apply(loadings,2,mean,na.rm=TRUE)
        for(i in imissing) {
            t.nfac <- nfac.miss[ num.mis[i] ]
            if(t.nfac == 0) next
            t.okay <- !is.na(xw[, i])
            t.seq <- 1:t.nfac
            #t.load <- lsfit(xw[t.okay, i], scores[t.okay, t.seq],intercept=FALSE)$coef / dsquare[t.seq]
            regs <- lsfit(                   #amended version, identical for complete data, if scores calculated from loadings (not gma)
                        y=x[t.okay, i, drop=FALSE],
                        x=addq(unwscores[t.okay, t.seq, drop=FALSE]), #add regressor for qua
                        wt = weight[t.okay],
                        intercept = FALSE,
                        tolerance = 1e-07,
                        yname = NULL
            loadings[i, t.seq] <- regs$coefficients[t.seq]*(1-shrinkr)+priorloadings[t.seq]*shrinkr
            qua[i,1] <- regs$coefficients[t.nfac+1]
            method[i, t.seq] <- "R"
    scores1 <- addq(unwscores)
    scores1w <-
    xtxixt <- solve(t(scores1w)%*%scores1)[nfac+1,,drop=FALSE]%*%t(scores1w) #WLS
    qua[icomplete,1] <- xtxixt%*%x[,icomplete,drop=FALSE]   #the following is equivalent
    comm <- rowSums(loadings^2)
    if(any(comm > 1-minunique)) {   # adjust loadings where communalities exceed threshold
        toobig <- comm > 1-minunique
        loadings[toobig,] <- sweep(x=loadings[toobig,,drop=FALSE],STATS=sqrt(comm[toobig]/(1-minunique)),FUN="/",MARGIN=1)
        comm[toobig] <- rowSums(loadings[toobig,,drop=FALSE]^2)
    pol <- sign(apply(loadings,2,sum))
    ans <- list(
                loadings=sweep(loadings,2,pol,"*"),     #loadings for correlation
                fmp=sweep(fmp,2,pol,"*"),               #fmp in units of standardised data, full=TRUE columns only
                method=method,                          #method for estimation of each loading
                full=as.matrix(num.mis==0),             #'complete data' (after holiday elimination) flag
                uniqueness=as.matrix(1 - comm),
                qua=qua,                                #the regressed-in coefficent on centered factor1**2
    colnames(ans$loadings) <- psz("loadings",1:ncol(ans$loadings))
    colnames(ans$fmp) <- psz("fmp",1:ncol(ans$fmp))
    colnames(ans$hpl) <- psz("hpl",1:ncol(ans$hpl))
    colnames(ans$method) <- psz("method",1:ncol(ans$method))
    colnames(ans$full) <- "full"
    colnames(ans$uniqueness) <- "uniqueness"
    colnames(ans$sdev) <- "sdev"
    colnames(ans$qua) <- "qua"
    class(ans) <- "ce"

##' @export
fms3 <- function( #minimalist: pure truncation, optimised 'fcp' are returned as extra element in list
  pola=c(1,-1,-1)[1:kbar], #sign(sum(eig.vec)) : defined this way PCL is (-,-)
  x0 <- cov.wt(x,wt=weight,method="ML",center=center,cor=T)
  x1 <- x0$cor
  x2 <- eigen(x=x1)
  eig.val <- x2$value[1:kbar]
  eig.val[eig.val < 0] <- .Machine$double.eps
  evec <- sweep(x2$vectors,STAT=sign(apply(x2$vectors,2,sum)),MAR=2,FUN=`/`)
  evec[,seq_along(pola)] <- sweep(evec[,seq_along(pola),drop=F],STAT=pola,MAR=2,FUN=`/`)
  ldg <- sweep(x2$vectors[,1:kbar,drop=F],STAT=pola*sign(apply(x2$vectors[,1:kbar,drop=F],2,sum))/sqrt(eig.val),MAR=2,FUN=`/`) #sign(sum)
  fmp <- sweep(x2$vectors[,1:kbar,drop=F],STAT=pola*sign(apply(x2$vectors[,1:kbar,drop=F],2,sum))/sqrt(eig.val),MAR=2,FUN=`*`) #sign(sum)
  # ldg <- sweep(evec,STAT=sqrt(eig.val),MAR=2,FUN=`*`) #sign(sum)
  # fmp <- sweep(evec,STAT=sqrt(eig.val),MAR=2,FUN=`/`) #sign(sum)
  delta <- diag(x1-tcrossprod(ldg))

  if(fcpdo) {
    Dmat <- diag(delta) #objective: minimise specific variance
    dvec <- rep(0,nrow(ldg)) #no linear objective
    Amat <- ldg
    meq <- ncol(Amat)
    fcp <- ldg*NA
    for(j in 1:ncol(ldg)) {
      bvec <- rep(0,ncol(ldg))  #zero exposure to loading<>j
      bvec[j] <- 1 #unit exposure to loading==j
      fcp[,j] <- solve.QP(Dmat=Dmat, dvec=dvec, Amat=Amat, bvec=bvec, meq=meq, factorized=FALSE)$solution
  } else {
    fcp <- fmp

  ans <- list( #~class 'factor model stat' in package BurstFin
    loadings=structure(ldg,dimnames=list(dimnames(x1)[[2]], paste0("loadings",1:ncol(ldg)))),
    fmp=structure(fmp,dimnames=list(dimnames(x1)[[2]], paste0("fmp",1:ncol(ldg)))),
    fcp=structure(fcp,dimnames=list(dimnames(x1)[[2]], paste0("fcp",1:ncol(ldg)))),
    full=structure(matrix(T,nrow(ldg),1),dimnames=list(dimnames(x1)[[2]], "full")),
    #uniqueness=structure(as.matrix(delta/diag(x1)),dimnames=list(dimnames(x1)[[2]], "uniqueness")),
    #sdev=structure(as.matrix(rep(1,ncol(x))),dimnames=list(dimnames(x1)[[2]], "sdev")), #unity because using cov not cor
    sdev=structure(as.matrix(sqrt(diag(x0$cov))),dimnames=list(dimnames(x1)[[2]], "sdev")),
    uniqueness=structure(as.matrix(delta),dimnames=list(dimnames(x1)[[2]], "uniqueness")),
  class(ans) <- "ce"

##' @export
fms4 <- function(
  pola=c(1,-1,-1) #sign(sum(eig.vec)) : defined this way PCL is (-,-)
  x0 <- cov.wt(x,method="ML",center=center,cor=T)
  x1 <- x0$cor
  x2 <- eigen(x=x1)
  eig.val <- pmax(x2$value[1:kbar],.Machine$double.eps)
  eig.vec <- sweep(x2$vectors,STAT=sign(apply(x2$vectors,2,sum)),MAR=2,FUN=`/`) #all +ve
  eig.vec[,seq_along(pola)] <- sweep(eig.vec[,seq_along(pola),drop=F],STAT=pola,MAR=2,FUN=`/`) #adjust
  ldg <- sweep(eig.vec[,1:kbar,drop=F],STAT=sqrt(eig.val[1:kbar]),MAR=2,FUN=`*`)
  fmp <- sweep(eig.vec[,1:kbar,drop=F],STAT=sqrt(eig.val[1:kbar]),MAR=2,FUN=`/`)
  delta <- diag(pmax(x1-tcrossprod(ldg),.Machine$double.eps))
  ans <- list( #~class 'factor model stat' in package BurstFin
    b=structure(ldg,dimnames=list(dimnames(x1)[[2]], paste0("b",1:ncol(ldg)))),
    h=structure(fmp,dimnames=list(dimnames(x1)[[2]], paste0("h",1:ncol(ldg)))),
    sdev=structure(as.matrix(sqrt(diag(x0$cov))),dimnames=list(dimnames(x1)[[2]], "sdev")),
    evec=eig.vec, #sign: conventional * pola
    eval=x2$value, #raw

##' @export
fms2b <- function( #transferred from scripted 2020-08-06, not fully tested but ~ok (simplified)
  weight=seq(1, 3, length=nrow(x)),
  minunique=0.001,       #minunique=0 for PB original
  shrinkb=0.3,           #factor 1 shrinkage to mean, shrink=1 for equal factor 1 loadings
  shrinkv=shrinkb        #vol shrinkage to mean
  sdev <- apply(x^2,2,weighted.mean,w=weight)^.5
  x1 <- sweep(x,MAR=2,STAT=sdev,FUN=`/`) #scaled x

  cor1 <- cov.wt(x1,wt=weight,method="ML",center=center)$cov

  for(i in 1:2) {  #2: legacy limit
    eig <- eigen(x=cor1)
    eig.val <- eig$value[1:nfac]
    eig.val[eig.val < 0] <- .Machine$double.eps
    l1 <- sweep(eig$vectors[,1:nfac],STAT=sign(apply(eig$vectors[,1:nfac],2,sum))/sqrt(eig.val),MAR=2,FUN=`/`)
    if(min(1-rowSums(l1^2))<0) break()
    diag(cor1) <- diag(cor1) - pmax(pmin(1 - rowSums(l1^2),1),0)

  ldg <- l1
  ldg[,1] <- l1[,1]*(1-shrinkb)+mean(l1[,1]*shrinkb,na.rm=TRUE) #shrink

  comm <- rowSums(ldg^2)
  rescale <- comm > 1-minunique
  ldg[rescale,] <- sweep(x=ldg[rescale,,drop=FALSE],STATS=sqrt(comm[rescale]/(1-minunique)),FUN="/",MARGIN=1)

  Dmat <- diag((1-rowSums(ldg^2))*sdev**2) #objective: minimise specific variance
  dvec <- rep(0,nrow(ldg)) #no linear objective
  Amat <- ldg
  meq <- ncol(Amat)
  fcp <- ldg*NA
  for(j in 1:ncol(ldg)) {
    bvec <- rep(0,ncol(ldg))  #zero exposure to loading<>j
    bvec[j] <- 1 #unit exposure to loading==j
    fcp[,j] <- solve.QP(Dmat=Dmat, dvec=dvec, Amat=Amat, bvec=bvec, meq=meq, factorized=FALSE)$solution

  ans <- list( #matches the class 'factor model stat' in package BurstFin
    loadings=structure(ldg,dimnames=list(dimnames(x1)[[2]], paste0("loadings",1:ncol(ldg)))),
    fmp=structure(fcp,dimnames=list(dimnames(x1)[[2]], paste0("fmp",1:ncol(ldg)))),
    full=structure(matrix(T,nrow(ldg),1),dimnames=list(dimnames(x1)[[2]], "full")),
    uniqueness=structure(as.matrix(1 - rowSums(ldg^2)),dimnames=list(dimnames(x1)[[2]], "uniqueness")),
    sdev=structure(as.matrix(sdev)*(1-shrinkv)+mean(sdev)*shrinkv,dimnames=list(dimnames(x1)[[2]], "sdev")),
  class(ans) <- "ce"

##' @export
fms2a <- function( #transferred from pxmo 2020-06-22, not fully tested but ~ok (simplified)
  weight=seq(1, 3, length=nrow(x)),
  minunique=0.001,       #minunique=0 for PB original
  shrinkb=0.3,           #factor 1 shrinkage to mean, shrink=1 for equal factor 1 loadings
  shrinkv=shrinkb        #vol shrinkage to mean
  if(is.data.frame(x)) {
    x <- as.matrix(x)
  stopifnot(  shrinkb>=0 &&
                shrinkb<=1 &&
                shrinkv>=0 &&
                !any(is.na(x)) &&
                !any(is.na(weight)) &&
                length(weight)==nrow(x) &&
                all(weight>0) &&
                is.matrix(x) &&
                is.numeric(x) &&
                all(is.finite(x)) &&
  weight <- weight / sum(weight)

  if(center) {x <- sweep(x,STAT=colMeans(x),MAR=2,FUN=`-`)}
  sdev <- sqrt(apply(X=x, MARGIN=2, FUN=function(z, weight){sum(weight*z^2)},weight=weight))
  x <- sweep(x,STAT=sdev,MAR=2,FUN=`/`)
  xw <- sqrt(weight) * x

  fx.svd <- svd(x=xw, nu=0)
  loadings <- sweep(fx.svd$v,STAT=1./fx.svd$d,MAR=2,FUN=`/`)[, 1:nfac, drop=FALSE]
  uniqueness <- pmax(pmin(1 - rowSums(loadings^2),1),0)

  cor.red <- cov.wt(x,wt=weight,method="ML",center=FALSE)$cov
  diag(cor.red) <- diag(cor.red) - uniqueness

  t.eig <- eigen(x=cor.red)
  t.val <- t.eig$value[1:nfac]
  t.val[t.val < 0] <- .Machine$double.eps
  loadings <- sweep(t.eig$vectors[,1:nfac],STAT=sign(apply(t.eig$vectors[,1:nfac],2,sum))/sqrt(t.val),MAR=2,FUN=`/`)

  loadings[,1] <- loadings[,1]*(1-shrinkb)+mean(loadings[,1]*shrinkb,na.rm=TRUE) #shrink factor 1 loadings [why not the rest?]
  comm <- rowSums(loadings^2)
  if(any(comm > 1-minunique)) {   # adjust loadings where communalities exceed threshold
    rescale <- comm > 1-minunique
    loadings[rescale,] <- sweep(x=loadings[rescale,,drop=FALSE],STATS=sqrt(comm[rescale]/(1-minunique)),FUN="/",MARGIN=1)
    comm[rescale] <- rowSums(loadings[rescale,,drop=FALSE]^2)
  uniqueness <- 1 - rowSums(loadings^2)

  Dmat <- diag(uniqueness*sdev**2) #objective: minimise specific variance
  dvec <- rep(0,nrow(loadings)) #no linear objective
  Amat <- loadings
  meq <- ncol(Amat)
  fmp <- loadings*NA
  for(j in 1:ncol(loadings)) {
    bvec <- rep(0,ncol(loadings))  #zero exposure to loading<>j
    bvec[j] <- 1 #unit exposure to loading==j
    fmp[,j] <- solve.QP(Dmat=Dmat, dvec=dvec, Amat=Amat, bvec=bvec, meq=meq, factorized=FALSE)$solution

  comm <- rowSums(loadings^2)
  rescale <- comm > 1-minunique
  if(any(rescale)) {   # adjust loadings where communalities exceed threshold
    loadings[rescale,] <- sweep(x=loadings[rescale,,drop=FALSE],STATS=sqrt(comm[rescale]/(1-minunique)),FUN="/",MARGIN=1)

  ans <- list(
    loadings=loadings,     #loadings for correlation
    fmp=fmp,         #fmp in units of standardised data, full=TRUE columns only
    full=matrix(T,nrow(loadings),1), #all columns have no na
    uniqueness=as.matrix(1 - rowSums(loadings^2)),
  dimnames(ans$loadings) <- list(dimnames(xw)[[2]], paste0("loadings",1:ncol(loadings)))
  dimnames(ans$fmp) <- list(dimnames(xw)[[2]], paste0("fmp",1:ncol(loadings)))
  dimnames(ans$sdev) <- list(dimnames(xw)[[2]], "sdev")
  dimnames(ans$uniqueness) <- list(dimnames(xw)[[2]], "uniqueness")
  dimnames(ans$full) <- list(dimnames(xw)[[2]], "full")
  class(ans) <- "ce"

`addq` <- function(x)
##' Extractor for covariance matrix
##' @param x object of class ce
##' @param out component to return: M=factor1, S=factors 2:k, R=residual, T=M+S+R
##' @param units variance or correlation
##' @param po row/column identifiers
##' @return named list of the components specified in argument: out
##' @section Details: po is a vector of identifiers, a subset of the original data columnames
##' @author Giles Heywood
##' @family extractors
##' @export vcvce
`vcvce` <- function(x,out=c("M","S","R","T"),units=c("variance","correlation"),po=buice(x)) {
    stopifnot(all(out %in% c("M","S","R","T")))
    stopifnot(all(po %in% buice(x)))
    units <- match.arg(units)
    r <- list(M=NULL,S=NULL,R=NULL,T=NULL)
    if("M" %in% out) r$M <- tcrossprod(x$loadings[po,1,drop=FALSE])
    if("S" %in% out) r$S <- tcrossprod(x$loadings[po,-1,drop=FALSE])
    if("R" %in% out) r$R <- diag(as.numeric(x$uniqueness[po,]))
    if(all(c("M","S","R","T") %in% out)) r$T <- r$M+r$S+r$R
    if(units=="variance") {
        v <- crossprod(t(x$sdev[po,]))
        for(i in out) r[[i]] <- r[[i]]*v
##' Extractor for loadings * fmp, (colnames=T, rownames=T)
##' @param x object of class ce
##' @return named list(M,S,R)
##' @section Details:
##' @author Giles Heywood
##' @family extractors
##' @export ldggmace
`ldggmace` <- function(x) {
    r <- list(M=NULL,S=NULL,R=NULL)
    r$M <- ldgce(x)[,1,drop=FALSE] %*% t(fmpce(x)[,1,drop=FALSE])
    r$S <- ldgce(x)[,-1,drop=FALSE] %*% t(fmpce(x)[,-1,drop=FALSE])
    r$R <- diag(length(x$uniqueness))-r$M-r$S
##' Convenience wrapper on vcvce(x)$T -the total covariance estimate for columns with full history
##' @param x object of class ce
##' @return VCV matrix
##' @section Details:
##' @author Giles Heywood
##' @family extractors
##' @export vfuce
`vfuce` <- function(x){
##' Extractor for loadings
##' @param x object of class ce
##' @return loadings matrix
##' @section Details:
##' @author Giles Heywood
##' @family extractors
##' @export ldgce
`ldgce` <- function(x,type=c("fmp","hpl")){
    type <- match.arg(type)
    if(type=="fmp") {ldg <- x$loadings} else {ldg <- abs(x$loadings)}
`pococe` <- function(x){
##' Extractor for score on quadratic component
##' @param x object of class ce
##' @param ret returns matrix
##' @return matrix
##' @section Details:
##' @author Giles Heywood
##' @family extractors
##' @export quace
`quace` <- function(x,ret){
    mz((scoce(x,ret)[,1,drop=FALSE]**2) %*% t(x$qua)*as.numeric(x$sdev))
##' Extractor for score on: deviation of rem from x-section mean
##' @param x object of class ce
##' @param ret returns matrix
##' @return matrix
##' @section Details:
##' @author Giles Heywood
##' @family extractors
##' @export devce
`devce` <- function(x,ret){
    xx <- mktce(x,ret)
##' Extractor for market component of return (factor 1)
##' @param x object of class ce
##' @param ret returns matrix
##' @return matrix of attributed return
##' @section Details:
##' @author Giles Heywood
##' @family extractors
##' @export mktce
`mktce` <- function(x,ret){
    stopifnot(is(x,"ce") && buialigned(x,ret))
##' Extractor for systematic component of return (factors 2:k)
##' @param x object of class ce
##' @param ret returns matrix
##' @return matrix of attributed return
##' @section Details:
##' @author Giles Heywood
##' @family extractors
##' @export sysce
`sysce` <- function(x,ret){
    stopifnot(is(x,"ce") && buialigned(x,ret))
##' Extractor for components Market, Systematic, Residual, Total
##' @param x object of class ce
##' @param ret returns matrix
##' @return matrix of attributed return
##' @section Details: the output has 4x columns of the input, grouped by component
##' @author Giles Heywood
##' @family extractors
##' @export msrtce
`msrtce` <- function(x,ret) {
    if(any(is.na(ret))) coredata(ret)[which(is.na(ret))] <- coredata(msce(ce,natox(ret,0)))[which(is.na(ret))]
    sco <- scoce(x,ret)
##' Extractor for components Market+Systematic
##' @param x object of class ce
##' @param ret returns matrix
##' @return matrix of attributed return
##' @section Details:
##' @author Giles Heywood
##' @family extractors
##' @export msce
`msce` <- function(x,ret){
    stopifnot(is(x,"ce") && buialigned(x,ret))
##' Market,Systematic,Residual,Total returns, divided by estimated vol
##' @param x object of class ce
##' @param ret returns matrix
##' @return named list of attributed and normalised return
##' @section Details: components / vol estimate, in-sample
##' @author Giles Heywood
##' @family extractors
##' @export stce
`stce` <- function(x,ret){
    if(!vz(ret)) ret <- mz(ret)
    varmsrt <- prdce(x,po=poce(x),security=TRUE)[,c("vam","vas","var","vat")]
    varfix <- sweep(x=varmsrt,MARGIN=2,STATS=apply(varmsrt,2,median)*1.e-3+1.e-7,FUN="+") #stabilise denominator
    M <- sweep(x=mktce(x,ret),MARGIN=2,STATS=sqrt(varfix[,"vam"]),FUN="/")
    S <- sweep(x=sysce(x,ret),MARGIN=2,STATS=sqrt(varfix[,"vas"]),FUN="/")
    R <- sweep(x=ret-msce(x,ret),MARGIN=2,STATS=sqrt(varfix[,"var"]),FUN="/")
    T <- sweep(x=ret,MARGIN=2,STATS=sqrt(varfix[,"vat"]),FUN="/")
##' Returns decomposed by all factors 1:k, + residual, + quadratic
##' @param x object of class ce
##' @param ret returns matrix
##' @return named list of attributed return: 1:k, ret, rer, qua
##' @section Details:
##' @author Giles Heywood
##' @family extractors
##' @export face
`face` <- function(x,ret){
    if(!vz(ret)) ret <- mz(ret)
    sco <- scoce(x,ret)
    ldg <- t(ldgce(x))
    qua <- quace(x,ret)
    n <- nrow(ldg)
    res <- vector("list",n+3)
    res[[n+1]] <- ret
    res[[n+2]] <- ret
    res[[n+3]] <- qua*NA
    for(i in 1:n) {
        res[[i]] <- mz(sco[,i,drop=FALSE]%*%ldg[i,,drop=FALSE])
        res[[n+2]] <- res[[n+2]] - res[[i]]
    names(res) <- c(psz("re",1:n),"ret","rer","qua")
##' Factor mimicking portfolio weights (but still in reduced dimension ie non-NA columns only)
##' @param x object of class ce
##' @param type fmp for factor portfolio weights
##' @return matrix
##' @section Details:
##' @author Giles Heywood
##' @family extractors
##' @export fmpce
`fmpce` <- function(x,type=c("fmp","hpl","fcp")){
    type <- match.arg(type)
    if(type=="fmp") {
    } else if(type=='hpl'){
    } else if(type=='fcp'){
        x$fcp/as.numeric(x$sdev) #for fms3, these are optimised and fmp are not
##' Extractor for method
##' @param x object of class ce
##' @return method
##' @section Details:
##' @author Giles Heywood
##' @family extractors
##' @export metce
#metce - method, (colnames=F, rownames=T)
`metce` <- function(x){
##' Scores
##' @param x object of class ce
##' @param ret returns
##' @param type fmp for scores
##' @return scores
##' @section Details:
##' @author Giles Heywood
##' @family extractors
##' @export scoce
`scoce` <- function(x,ret,type=c("fmp","hpl")){
    type <- match.arg(type)
    stopifnot(is(x,"ce") && buialigned(x,ret))
    fmp <- fmpce(x,type=type)
##' Residual return
##' @param x object of class ce
##' @param ret returns
##' @return residuals
##' @section Details:
##' @author Giles Heywood
##' @family extractors
##' @export resce
`resce` <- function(x,ret){
##' Extractor for pecific vol
##' @param x object of class ce
##' @return specific vol
##' @section Details:
##' @author Giles Heywood
##' @family extractors
##' @export spvce
`spvce` <- function(x){
##' Extractor for standard deviation
##' @param x object of class ce
##' @return standard deviation (vol)
##' @section Details:
##' @author Giles Heywood
##' @family extractors
##' @export sdvce
`sdvce` <- function(x){
##' Extractor for uniqueness
##' @param x object of class ce
##' @section Details:
##' @author Giles Heywood
##' @family extractors
##' @export unqce
`unqce` <- function(x){
##' Extractor for identifiers of columns with no NA (full data)
##' @param x object of class ce
##' @return identifiers
##' @section Details:
##' @author Giles Heywood
##' @family extractors
##' @export fulce
`fulce` <- function(x){
##' Extractor for identifiers (all)
##' @param x object of class ce
##' @return identifiers : colnames from original data
##' @section Details:
##' @author Giles Heywood
##' @family extractors
##' @export buice
`buice` <- function(x){
    rownames(x$full) #sort(rownames(x$full))
##' Portfolio risk decomposition
##' @param x object of class ce
##' @param po column matrix of portfolio weights with rownames=identifiers
##' @param scaletovol flag : scale variance contributions by 1/sqrt(total variance), so 'units of variance are rescaled to add up to portfolio vol'
##' @param security flags use of variance only
##' @return identifiers : matrix, rows are securities, columns are M=Market, S=Systematic, R=Residual, TOT=total, F1=factor1 vol
##' @section Details:
##' @author Giles Heywood
##' @family extractors
##' @export prdce
`prdce` <- function(
                security=FALSE) {#if security=TRUE, only diagonal elements are used, but weights po are still used
    aggregvar <- if(security) diag else rowSums
    n <- length(po)
    stopifnot(all(rownames(po) %in% buice(x)))
    bui <- rownames(po)
    wldgs <- sweep(x=x$loadings[bui,,drop=FALSE], MARGIN=1, STATS=x$sdev[bui,,drop=FALSE]*as.numeric(po), FUN="*")
    M <- aggregvar(tcrossprod(wldgs[,1,drop=FALSE]))
    S <- aggregvar(tcrossprod(wldgs[,-1,drop=FALSE]))
    R <- (x$sdev[bui,,drop=FALSE]**2)*x$uniqueness[bui,,drop=FALSE]*po**2
    TOT <- M+S+R
    if(scaletovol & !security) {
        pvol <- sqrt(sum(TOT))
        M <- M/pvol
        S <- S/pvol
        R <- R/pvol
        TOT <- TOT/pvol
    F1 <- wldgs[,1,drop=FALSE]
##' Factor risk decomposition by security
##' @param x object of class ce
##' @return matrix, rows=security, columns = (total, residual, factors 1:k)
##' @section Details:
##' @author Giles Heywood
##' @family extractors
##' @export genfrdce
`genfrdce` <- function(x=getce()) {
    va <- sweep(x=cbind(1,x$uniqueness,x$loadings**2), MARGIN=1, STATS=x$sdev**2, FUN="*")
    colnames(va) <- c("vat","var",psz("va",1:ncol(x$loadings)))
    rownames(va) <- rownames(x$loadings)
`buialigned` <- function(x,ret) { all(colnames(ret)==rownames(x$loadings)) }

##' @export
extractce <- function(ce,buix=buice(ce)) {
  for(i in 1:8) ce[[i]] <- ce[[i]][buix,]
  for(i in 12:13) ce[[i]] <- ce[[i]][buix]

#' @export
PCAfact  <-     function(inputdata,
  #decomposes the covariance matrix into the first n factors (PCs) and a diagonal plus an error
  s           <- cov(inputdata, use = "complete")
  n           <- dim(s)[1]
  eig         <- eigen(s)
  inc         <- c(rep(1, nfactors), rep(0, (n - nfactors)))
  out         <- 1 - inc
  s1          <- eig$vectors %*% diag(inc * eig$values) %*% t(eig$vectors)
  psi         <- diag(s - s1)

  lambda      <-
    t((eig$vectors %*% diag(sqrt(eig$values))[, 1:nfactors]))
  gamma       <-
    (eig$vectors %*% diag(1. / sqrt(eig$values))[, 1:nfactors])

  #flip the sign if needbe
  lsign         <- sign(apply(lambda, 1, sum, na.rm = TRUE))
  lambdaflip   <- sweep(
    x = lambda,
    MARGIN = 1,
    FUN = "*",
    STATS = lsign
  gammaflip    <- sweep(
    x = gamma,
    MARGIN = 2,
    FUN = "*",
    STATS = lsign
  dimnames(gammaflip) <-
    list(1:dim(gammaflip)[1], 1:dim(gammaflip)[2])

  scores      <- inputdata %*% gammaflip

  out <- list     (
    uniqueness              = psi,
    var.loadings            = lambdaflip,
    var.factors             = scores,
    var.beta                = gammaflip,
    input.data              = inputdata
chkPCAfact <- function() {
  x1 <- matrix(rnorm(1000),100,10)
  x2 <- PCAfact(x1,3)
  x3a <- x1%*%x2$var.beta
  x3 <- x3a%*%x2$var.loadings
  x4 <- data.table(y=as.numeric(x1),yhat=as.numeric(x3))
amberalpha/aace0 documentation built on Aug. 15, 2022, 3:47 p.m.