
Defines functions mem_compare get_mem mem_commit time_compare time_commit list_commits

Documented in get_mem list_commits mem_commit mem_compare time_commit time_compare

## The below function call results in the listed variables being treated 
## as global variables when the 'check' tool is applied. Here, this results
## in reduction of NOTEs being returned when R CMD CHECK is applied to the
## package.
## Sample NOTE: 
## mem_compate: no visible binding for global variable ‘mem_result’

##  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Commits' details.
#' Given a repository path and number of commits (n), returns a data frame containing
#' the date, SHA1 values and commit messages of the last n commits in the repo.
#' @param path File-path to the git repository whose commits are to be summarized.
#' @param num_commits Number of commits to be summarized. The default is 20.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## Example-1
#' # Set the current directory to the git repository concerned.
#' setwd("./Path/to/repository")
#' # Obtained details of the last 10 commits in the repository
#' list_commits(num_commits = 10)
#' ## Example-2
#' # Obtained the details of the last 20 (default value) commits in the repository
#' # specified by path.
#' list_commits(path)
#' }

# The list_commits function, given a repository path and number of commits (n),
# returns a data frame containing the dates, SHA1 values and summary of the last
# n commits in the repo.

list_commits <- function(path = "./", num_commits = 20){
  stopifnot(length(path) == 1)
  stopifnot(length(num_commits) == 1)
  num_commits <- floor(num_commits)
  target <- git2r::repository(path)
  commit_list <- git2r::commits(target, n = num_commits)
  sha_list  <- list()
  msg_list  <- list()
  date_list <- list()
  for (i in 1:num_commits) {
    com <- commit_list[[i]]$sha
    msg <- commit_list[[i]]$summary    
    com_date <- commit_list[[i]]$author$when
    sha_list[i] <- com
    msg_list[i] <- msg
    date_list[i] <- com_date
  as.data.frame(cbind(msg_list, date_list, sha_list), stringsAsFactors = F)

##  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Test file's run-time.
#' Given a test-file's path, measures its run-time against the commit specified by the 
#' commit \code{object} passed as a parameter.
#' @param test_path File-path for the test file whose run-time is to be checked.
#' @param test_commit git2r commit \code{object} corresponding to which the
#'   run-time is to be checked.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## Example-1
#' # Set the current directory to the git repository concerned.
#' setwd("./Path/to/repository")
#' # Obtain the commit object
#' commit_list <- git2r::commits()
#' t_commit <- commit_list[[1]]
#' # Specify the test-file path
#' t_path <- "Path/to/file"
#' # Pass the parameters and obtain the run-time details
#' library(Rperform)
#' time_commit(t_path, t_commit)
#' }
#' @section Value:
#' time_commit returns an object of class "data.frame".
#' The data-frame consists of the following columns:
#' \code{test_name}
#' \code{metric_name}
#' \code{status}
#' \code{metric_val}
#' \code{message}
#' \code{sha}
#' \code{date_time}
#' @section Warning:
#'   Function assumes the current directory to be the root directory of the
#'   package being tested.
#' @seealso \code{\link[git2r]{commits}}

# The time_commit function, given a test-file path, checks its run-time details
# against the specified commit in the current git repository.

time_commit <- function(test_path, test_commit) {
  stopifnot(length(test_path) == 1)
  # Get the meta-information from the commit
  sha_val <- get_sha(test_commit)
  msg_val <- get_msg(test_commit)
  commit_dtime <- get_datetime(test_commit)
  # Create the tempfiles
  t_lines <- readLines(test_path)
  q_lines <- sub("test_that(", "testthatQuantity(", t_lines, fixed=TRUE)
  # These lines of code allow us to load and attach the testthat library
  # (in case the test file uses it) without having to explicitly doing so
  # in our source code. We do so by appending a conditional statement to 
  # the contents of the relevant file. This statement loads the testthat
  # library if installed.
  concat_string <- "if(requireNamespace(\"testthat\", quietly = TRUE)) {
    require(testthat)\n }\n"
  t_lines <- c(concat_string, t_lines)
  q_lines <- c(concat_string, q_lines)
  temp_file_original <- tempfile()
  temp_file_subbed <- tempfile()
  writeLines(t_lines, temp_file_original)
  writeLines(q_lines, temp_file_subbed)
  target <- git2r::repository("./")
  # Reverting to the current branch on exit from the function
  original_state <- git2r::repository_head(target)
  on.exit(expr = git2r::checkout(original_state))
  test_results <- list()
  # Loads the functions from the repository for the package to be tested
  # Code block measuring the run-time for the test file as a whole
  # --------------------------------------------------------------
  # require(testthat)
  file_status = "pass"
  # We have used tryCatch so that execution doesn't stop in case of an error
  # in the test file. Rather we will modify the values in the result data frame
  # (time as NA, status as 'fail') to let the user know of the error.
  seconds_file <- tryCatch(expr = {
      times <- microbenchmark::microbenchmark(test = {
        base::source(temp_file_original, local = T)
      }, times = 3)
    } else {
      replicate(3, {
        time_vec <- system.time( {
          source(temp_file_original, local = T)
        } )
  error = function(e){
    file_status = "fail"
  # ---------------------------------------------------------------
  # Code block measuring the run-time of the testthat code blocks (if present)
  # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  testthatQuantity <- function(test_name, code){
    e <- parent.frame()
    code_subs <- substitute(code)
    run <- function(){
      testthat:::test_code(test_name, code_subs, env=e)
    status = "pass"
    # We have used tryCatch so that execution doesn't stop in case of an error
    # in a testthat block. Rather we modify the values in the result data frame
    # (time as NA, status as 'fail') to let the user know of the error.
    seconds <- tryCatch(expr = {
        times <- microbenchmark::microbenchmark(test = {
        }, times = 3)
      } else {
        replicate(3, {
          time_vec <- system.time( {
          } )
    error = function(e){
      status = "fail"
    time_df <- data.frame(test_name, metric_name = "runtime (in seconds)", status, 
                          metric_val = seconds, message = msg_val, 
                          sha = sha_val, date_time = commit_dtime)                     
    test_results[[test_name]] <<- time_df
  source(temp_file_subbed, local = T)
  # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # Formatting the output
  # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  test_results_df <- do.call(rbind, test_results)
  #   test_results_df["file runtime"] <- seconds_file
  #   test_results_df["file runtime-2"] <- seconds_file2
  test_results_df <- rbind(test_results_df, data.frame(test_name = basename(test_path), 
                                                       metric_name = "runtime (in seconds)", status = file_status,
                                                       metric_val = seconds_file, message = msg_val, 
                                                       sha = sha_val, date_time = commit_dtime))
  rownames(test_results_df) <- NULL

##  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Run-time across versions.
#' Given a test-file path, checks its run-time against the specified number of commits 
#' in the current git repository and returns a data-frame comprised of the test name, 
#' status of test run, time (if successful) and SHA1 value corresponding to the commit
#' the value is for.
#' @param test_path File-path of the test-file which is to be used for run-time
#'   comparisons.
#' @param num_commits Number of commits (versions) against which the file is to
#'   be tested, with default being 10.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## Example-1
#' # Set the current directory to the git repository concerned.
#' setwd("./Path/to/repository")
#' # Specify the test-file path
#' t_path <- "Path/to/file"
#' # Pass the parameters and obtain the run-time details against 10 commits
#' library(Rperform)
#' time_compare(test_path = t_path, num_commits = 10)
#' }
#' @section Value:
#' time_compare returns an object of class "data.frame".
#' The data-frame consists of the following columns:
#' \code{test_name}
#' \code{metric_name}
#' \code{status}
#' \code{metric_val}
#' \code{message}
#' \code{sha}
#' \code{date_time}
#' @section Warning:
#'   Function assumes the current directory to be the root directory of the
#'   package being tested.

# The time_compare function, given a test-file path, checks its run-time against
# the specified number of commits in the current git repository and returns a 
# data-frame comprised of the test name, status of test run, runtime in seconds
# (if successful), datetime and message corresponding to the commit the value is
# for.

time_compare <- function(test_path, num_commits = 10) {
  stopifnot(length(test_path) == 1)
  stopifnot(length(num_commits) == 1)
  num_commits <- floor(num_commits)
  target <- git2r::repository("./")
  commit_list <- git2r::commits(target, n = num_commits)
  result_list <- list()
  for(commit_i in seq_along(commit_list)){
    one_commit <- commit_list[[commit_i]]
    suppressMessages(result_list[[commit_i]] <- time_commit(test_path, one_commit))
  test_results <- do.call(rbind, result_list)

##  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Test-file's memory statistics.
#' Given a test-file's path, checks its memory metrics against the commit
#' specified by the commit \code{object} passed as a parameter. Memory 
#' metrics returned are the memory leaked and maximum memory utilized during
#' its execution.
#' @param test_path File-path for the test file which is to be checked.
#' @param test_commit git2r commit \code{object} corresponding to which the
#'   memory stats are to be checked.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## Example-1
#' # Set the current directory to the git repository concerned.
#' setwd("./Path/to/repository")
#' # Obtain the commit object
#' commit_list <- git2r::commits()
#' t_commit <- commit_list[[1]]
#' # Specify the test-file path
#' t_path <- "Path/to/file"
#' # Pass the parameters and obtain the memory stats
#' library(Rperform)
#' mem_commit(t_path, t_commit)
#' }
#' @section Value:
#' mem_commit returns an object of class "data.frame".
#' The data-frame consists of the following columns:
#' \code{test_name}
#' \code{metric_name}
#' \code{status}
#' \code{metric_val}
#' \code{message}
#' \code{sha}
#' \code{date_time}
#' @section Warning:
#'   Function assumes the current directory to be the root directory of the
#'   package being tested.
#' @seealso \code{\link[git2r]{commits}}

# The mem_commit function, given a test-file path, checks its memory details, 
# more specifically the memory leaked and maximum memory utilized during its
# execution. It does so against the specified commit in the current git
# repository.

mem_commit <- function(test_path, test_commit) {
  stopifnot(length(test_path) == 1)
  ## Creating the tempfiles
  target <- git2r::repository("./")
  sha_val <- get_sha(test_commit)
  msg_val <- get_msg(test_commit)
  commit_dtime <- get_datetime(test_commit)
  t_lines <- readLines(test_path)
  q_lines <- sub("test_that(", "testthatQuantity(", t_lines, fixed=TRUE)
  # These lines of code allow us to load and attach the testthat library
  # (in case the test file uses it) without having to explicitly doing so
  # in our source code. We do so by appending a conditional statement to 
  # the contents of the relevant file. This statement loads the testthat
  # library if installed.
  concat_string <- "if(requireNamespace(\"testthat\", quietly = TRUE)) {
    require(testthat)\n }\n"
  t_lines <- c(concat_string, t_lines)
  q_lines <- c(concat_string, q_lines)
  temp_file_original <- tempfile()
  temp_file_subbed   <- tempfile()
  writeLines(t_lines, temp_file_original)
  writeLines(q_lines, temp_file_subbed)
  ## Git operations
  target <- git2r::repository("./")
  original_state <- git2r::repository_head(target)
  on.exit(expr = git2r::checkout(original_state))
  test_results <- list()
  testthat_rss_list <- list()
  rss_list <- list()
  # Loads the functions from the repository for the package to be tested
  ## Function for obtaining the memory metrics for testthat blocks
  # require(testthat)
  testthatQuantity <- function(test_name, code){
    e <- parent.frame()
    code_subs <- substitute(code)
    run <- function(){
      testthat:::test_code(test_name, code_subs, env=e)
    new_name <- gsub(pattern = " ", replacement = "", x = test_name)
    test_status <- "pass"
    # We have used tryCatch so that execution doesn't stop in case of an error
    # in a testthat block. Rather we modify the values in the result data frame
    # (memories as NA, status as 'fail') to let the user know of the error. 
    testthat_rss_list <- 
      tryCatch(expr = {
        .rss.profile.start(paste0(new_name, ".RSS"))
        .rss.profile.stop(paste0(new_name, ".RSS"))
      error = function(e){
        # The below line is required in order to stop the ps process which was started
        # by .rss.profile.start earlier. In case of an error, the .rss.profile.stop
        # function in the above code-block won't be executed resulting in an infinite
        # loop. (Check out /R/mem_operations.R for better understanding.)
        .rss.profile.stop(paste0(new_name, ".RSS"))
        test_status <- "fail"  
        list(max_mem = NA, leak = NA)
    testthat_maxmem_df <- data.frame(test_name, metric_name = "max_mem", status = test_status,
                                     metric_val = testthat_rss_list$max_mem/1000, 
                                     message = msg_val, sha = sha_val, date_time = commit_dtime)
    testthat_leak_df <- data.frame(test_name, metric_name = "leak_mem", status = test_status,
                                   metric_val = testthat_rss_list$leak/1000, 
                                   message = msg_val, sha = sha_val, date_time = commit_dtime)
    test_results[[test_name]] <<- rbind(testthat_maxmem_df, testthat_leak_df)
  #   source(temp_file_subbed, local = TRUE)
  ## Obtaining the memory metrics for the file 
  file_name <- basename(test_path)
  file_status <- "pass"
  rss_list <- 
    tryCatch(expr = {
      .rss.profile.start(paste0(file_name, ".RSS"))
      source(temp_file_subbed, local = TRUE)
      .rss.profile.stop(paste0(file_name, ".RSS"))
    error = function(e) {
      file_status <- "fail"
      list(max_mem = NA, leak = NA)
  # Check /R/mem_operations.R for source code for the functions .rss.profile.*  
  testfile_maxmem_df <- data.frame(test_name = file_name, metric_name = "max_mem",
                                   status = file_status, metric_val = rss_list$max_mem/1000, 
                                   message = msg_val, sha = sha_val, date_time = commit_dtime)
  testfile_leak_df <- data.frame(test_name = file_name, metric_name = "leak_mem",
                                 status = file_status, metric_val = rss_list$leak/1000, 
                                 message = msg_val, sha = sha_val, date_time = commit_dtime)
  #Formatting the result dataframe
  testfile_df <- rbind(testfile_maxmem_df, testfile_leak_df)
  testthat_df <- do.call(rbind, test_results)
  mem_df <- rbind(testthat_df, testfile_df)
  rownames(mem_df) <- NULL

##  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


#' Test-file's memory statistics.
#' Given a test-file's path, checks its memory metrics against the commit 
#' specified by the commit number passed as a parameter. Memory metrics returned
#' are the memory leaked and maximum memory utilized during its execution. A
#' commit number,n, would correspond to the nth commit in the commit log of the
#' current git repository.
#' @param test_path File-path for the test file which is to be checked.
#' @param commit_num commit number in the git log for the current git repository
#'   against which the memory stats are to be checked, with the commit number
#'   for the most recent commit being 1.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## Example-1
#' # Set the current directory to the git repository concerned.
#' setwd("./Path/to/repository")
#' # Specify the test-file path
#' t_path <- "Path/to/file"
#' # Pass the parameters and obtain the memory stats
#' library(Rperform)
#' get_mem(t_path, 3)
#' }
#' @section Value:
#' get_mem returns an object of class "data.frame".
#' The data-frame consists of the following columns:
#' \code{test_name}
#' \code{metric_name}
#' \code{status}
#' \code{metric_val}
#' \code{message}
#' \code{sha}
#' \code{date_time}
#' @section Warning:
#'   Function assumes the current directory to be the root directory of the
#'   package being tested.

# The get_mem function, given a test-file path, checks its memory details, more
# specifically the memory leaked and maximum memory utilized during its 
# execution. It does so against the nth commit in the current git repository, n
# being the commit_num parameter (with default value equal to 1).

get_mem <- function(test_path, commit_num = 1) {
  stopifnot(length(test_path) == 1)
  stopifnot(length(commit_num) == 1)
  commit_num <- floor(commit_num)
  target <- git2r::repository("./")
  target_commit <- git2r::commits(target)[[commit_num]]
  result_list <- list()
  test_results <- mem_commit(test_path, target_commit)

##  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

##  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Test-file's memory statistics for multiple commits.
#' Given a test-file's path, checks its memory metrics against the number of 
#' commits specified by the parameter num_commits with default being 10. Memory
#' metrics returned are the memory leaked and maximum meory utilized during its
#' execution.
#' @param test_path File-path for the test file which is to be checked.
#' @param num_commits number of commits against all of which the memory stats
#'   are to be checked starting from the most recent one.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## Example-1
#' # Set the current directory to the git repository concerned.
#' setwd("./Path/to/repository")
#' # Specify the test-file path
#' t_path <- "Path/to/file"
#' # Pass the parameters and obtain the run-time details
#' library(Rperform)
#' mem_compare(t_path, 10)
#' }
#' @section Value:
#' time_commit returns an object of class "data.frame".
#' The data-frame consists of the following columns:
#' \code{test_name}
#' \code{metric_name}
#' \code{status}
#' \code{metric_val}
#' \code{message}
#' \code{sha}
#' \code{date_time}
#' @section Warning:
#'   Function assumes the current directory to be the root directory of the
#'   package being tested.

# The mem_compare function, given a test-file path, returns its memory details. 
# Specifically it obtains the values for memory leaked and maximum memory
# utilized during the file's execution. It does so against the specified number
# of commits from the git log in the current git repository.

mem_compare <- function(test_path, num_commits = 10) {
  stopifnot(length(test_path) == 1)
  stopifnot(length(num_commits) == 1)
  num_commits <- floor(num_commits)
  script.R <- system.file("exec", "get_mem.R", package="Rperform")
  # Check out the code for above script in /exec/get_mem.R
  Rscript <- file.path(R.home("bin"), "Rscript")
  result_list <- list()
  for (commit_i in 1:num_commits) {
    cmd <- paste(Rscript, script.R, test_path,
    for (test_t in 1:3) {
      result_list[[paste0(commit_i, as.character(test_t))]] <- mem_result 
  system("rm *RSS*")
  system("rm mem_result.RData")
  do.call(what = rbind, args = result_list)

##  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
analyticalmonk/Rperform documentation built on July 3, 2022, 2:36 a.m.