
#' Process differential BS-Seq and RNA-Seq HAIB Caltech HTS data
#' \code{process_diff_haib_caltech} is a wrapper method ...
#' @param bs_contr_files The name of the control BS-Seq '.bed' formatted files
#'   to read data values from.
#' @param bs_treat_files The name of the treatment BS-Seq '.bed' formatted files
#'   to read data values from.
#' @param rna_contr_files The name of the control RNA-Seq '.bed' formatted files
#'   to read data values from.
#' @param rna_treat_files The name of the treatment RNA-Seq '.bed' formatted
#'   files to read data values from.
#' @param chrom_size_file Optional name of the file containing genome chromosome
#'   sizes
#' @param chr_discarded A vector with chromosome names to be discarded.
#' @param upstream Integer defining the length of bp upstream of TSS.
#' @param downstream Integer defining the length of bp downstream of TSS.
#' @param min_bs_cov The minimum number of reads mapping to each CpG site.
#' @param max_bs_cov The maximum number of reads mapping to each CpG site.
#' @inheritParams create_methyl_region
#' @return A \code{diff_processHTS} object which contains among others the
#'   following information: \itemize{ \item{ \code{methyl_region}: A list
#'   containing the methylation regions, where each each entry in the list
#'   consists of an L X 3 dimensional matrix, where: \enumerate{ \item{ 1st col:
#'   Contains the locations of the CpGs relative to TSS, where the range (min,
#'   max) of possible values is given, by the inputs fmin and fmax. } \item{ 2nd
#'   col: The total reads of the CpG in the corresponding location.} \item{ 3rd
#'   col: The methylated reads of the CpG in the corresponding location.} } }
#'   \item{ \code{prom_region}: A \code{\link[GenomicRanges]{GRanges}} object
#'   containing corresponding annotated promoter regions for each entry of the
#'   \code{methyl_region} list..
#'   } \item{ \code{rna_data}: A \code{\link[GenomicRanges]{GRanges}} object
#'   containing the corresponding RNA-Seq data for each entry of the
#'   \code{methyl_region} list.} }
#' @export
process_diff_haib_caltech <- function(bs_contr_files, bs_treat_files,
                                 rna_contr_files, rna_treat_files,
                                 chrom_size_file = NULL, chr_discarded = NULL,
                                 upstream = -100, downstream = 100,
                                 min_bs_cov = 0, max_bs_cov = 1000,
                                 cpg_density = 1, sd_thresh = 0,
                                 ignore_strand = FALSE, fmin = -1, fmax = 1){

  # Process control dataset
  contr_data <- process_haib_caltech_wrap(bs_files        = bs_contr_files,
                                          rna_files       = rna_contr_files,
                                          chrom_size_file = chrom_size_file,
                                          chr_discarded   = chr_discarded,
                                          upstream        = upstream,
                                          downstream      = downstream,
                                          min_bs_cov      = min_bs_cov,
                                          max_bs_cov      = max_bs_cov,
                                          cpg_density     = cpg_density,
                                          sd_thresh       = sd_thresh,
                                          ignore_strand   = ignore_strand,
                                          fmin            = fmin,
                                          fmax            = fmax)

  # Process treatment dataset
  treat_data <- process_haib_caltech_wrap(bs_files        = bs_treat_files,
                                          rna_files       = rna_treat_files,
                                          chrom_size_file = chrom_size_file,
                                          chr_discarded   = chr_discarded,
                                          upstream        = upstream,
                                          downstream      = downstream,
                                          min_bs_cov      = min_bs_cov,
                                          max_bs_cov      = max_bs_cov,
                                          cpg_density     = cpg_density,
                                          sd_thresh       = sd_thresh,
                                          ignore_strand   = ignore_strand,
                                          fmin            = fmin,
                                          fmax            = fmax)

  # Find overlaps between control and treatment data
  overlaps <- GenomicRanges::findOverlaps(query   = contr_data$rna_data,
                                          subject = treat_data$rna_data,
                                          select  = "first")

  # Get only the subset of overlapping control data
  keep_non_na <- which(!is.na(overlaps))

  # Create final object
  obj <- structure(list(contr       = list(),
                        treat       = list(),
                        upstream    = treat_data$upstream,
                        downstream  = treat_data$downstream,
                        cpg_density = treat_data$cpg_density,
                        sd_thresh   = treat_data$sd_thresh,
                        fmin        = treat_data$fmin,
                        fmax        = treat_data$fmax),
                   class = "diff_processHTS")

  # Keep only methylation regions that overlap on both control and treatment cases
  obj$contr$methyl_region <- contr_data$methyl_region[keep_non_na]
  obj$treat$methyl_region <- treat_data$methyl_region[overlaps[keep_non_na]]

  # Keep only promoter regions that overlap on both control and treatment cases
  obj$contr$prom_region <- contr_data$prom_region[keep_non_na]
  obj$treat$prom_region <- treat_data$prom_region[overlaps[keep_non_na]]

  # Keep only RNA-Seq data that overlap on both control and treatment cases
  obj$contr$rna_data <- contr_data$rna_data[keep_non_na]
  obj$treat$rna_data <- treat_data$rna_data[overlaps[keep_non_na]]

#   # Keep only RNA-Seq data that overlap on both control and treatment cases
#   obj$contr$rna_data <- contr_data$rna_data[S4Vectors::queryHits(overlaps)]
#   obj$treat$rna_data <- treat_data$rna_data[S4Vectors::subjectHits(overlaps)]

andreaskapou/processHTS documentation built on May 12, 2019, 3:33 a.m.